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What is needed to re-certify a disability for an adult. Re-passing the MSE: what documents are needed for re-examination of VTEC disability

It's no secret that certain categories of people who once received a disability group due to poor health have to periodically confirm their special status. There are also cases where such confirmation is not required. Every person with a group needs to know how disability re-examination is carried out. This is necessary in order to collect the required documentation on time and properly prepare for the procedure (allocate time, take tests, undergo instrumental studies etc.).

Reasons for re-certifying disability and granting a pension

Re-examination of disability in 2019 is a periodic comprehensive examination of a disabled person, which is carried out by authorized members of a special medical commission. The purpose of re-registration of the group is to identify changes in the health status of the applicant, approve decisions regarding the revision of the existing disability group, employment opportunities for a disabled person, etc.

Also, the reason for re-examination of disability may be a person’s disagreement with the appointed group and the initiation of a lawsuit. The verdict of the ITU central bureau can be challenged within one month; the petition is submitted to the social protection authority of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Skipping the procedure for reviewing the relevance of your status is strictly prohibited. By ignoring this prohibition or violating the deadlines for re-examination of the disability group, a person risks losing the right to be considered disabled and to receive social financial assistance.

When passing the next examination, you can get a change in category if doctors recognize that the person is recovering or that the disease has worsened (accordingly, the size of the pension after re-certification of disability will be adjusted - reduced or increased). If you feel well, the group can be canceled altogether.

Where to undergo scheduled and early re-examination of disability

The attending doctor will definitely inform the disabled person where to undergo a scheduled re-examination of disability. As a rule, it is implemented at the place of permanent residence on the basis of the local ITU office. It is extremely rare for an examination to be carried out at home. To do this, you must first consult a doctor, explain the current situation that forces you to ask for permission to conduct MSA at home, and bring the necessary certificates.

The procedure for re-examination of disability is prescribed in the relevant laws and must be strictly observed both by members of the expert commission and by the disabled person himself. The latter is required to comply with the re-registration deadlines, provide only genuine certificates, reliable statements of health, etc.

Early re-examination of disability is allowed, as stated in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 20, 2006 No. 95 “On the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled,” paragraph 40:

“Re-examination of a disabled person can be carried out in advance, but no more than 2 months before the expiration of the established period of disability.”

The early procedure is carried out at the personal request of the disabled person/his official guardian, referral from a medical facility, if significant changes in the patient’s well-being have been registered. Also, the legal basis for starting the process is the Federal Bureau's intention to supervise the commission's verdicts.

Re-examination of disability group 1 is indicated, according to current laws, once every two years. Re-examination of disability group 2 is carried out annually, in full compliance with government regulations. Also, once a year you must undergo mandatory re-examination of disability group 3, the package of documents for it is more voluminous (this will be discussed below).

Re-examination of the disability of a child who received his status due to a congenital or acquired health disorder has its own characteristics. It is assigned once during the period for which the status is assigned. You will need to take it again upon reaching adulthood. Based on the results of the special examination, the commission will decide whether to confirm or cancel the status.

What documents are needed for re-examination of disability groups 1, 2 and 3

The doctor also explains in detail what documents are needed for re-examination of disability - the indicative list is as follows:

  1. Passport or other identification document of a disabled person.
  2. Papers proving the fact that disability was previously assigned.
  3. SNILS.
  4. Medical referral for examination and patient statement.
  5. Scheme of an individual rehabilitation program.
  6. Certificates from your place of work or educational institution.
  7. Outpatient card.
  8. Conclusions of specialized specialists obtained in advance based on the results of the completed therapeutic course.
  9. Certificate of income.

In addition to the originals of these documents, you will also need their certified photocopies. To the above proposed list of documents for re-examination of group 3 disability, a working person must add a copy of his work record book, a certificate from the official place of work, reflecting the nature of the work, job responsibilities, etc. These data must be taken into account when making the final decision of the commission.

Sometimes, when visiting an office, specialists do not accept a person’s documents because the set of papers is not complete. In such a situation, you need to deliver the missing copies as quickly as possible (within 10 days). To avoid such problems, doctors recommend taking care of the preparation of documents in advance, without postponing the matter until the last month.

What is needed for re-examination of disability

If the expiration date of the disability certificate is approaching, the person must definitely clarify on what day the re-examination is scheduled for him. It is advisable to find out this in advance so that you can prepare for the event.

  1. It is necessary to make sure that there is a sufficient number of hospital extracts (epicrisis). If there have been less than 4 visits to the doctor in a year, then it is necessary to correct this omission by registering as a hospital inpatient and undergoing proper therapy. Upon completion of the course, the doctor will prepare an epicrisis.
  2. 5 days before the due date, you should go to the ITU office and submit the collected documents. There they will confirm the date of the re-examination of disability and make an entry in the registration book.

It is necessary to save all test forms and extracts from medical facilities. They must demonstrate not only a real picture of the efforts made by the patient on the path to rehabilitation, but also confirm the stable stage of the pathology, due to which the person cannot work and needs material support and protection from the state.

On the appointed day, the person must appear at the commission (either alone or accompanied by a guardian, if any). Sometimes experts require additional examination in order to obtain expanded information about the applicant’s health status.

Of course, experts will deliberately look for a reason to remove the category of disability from a person - this can be called a “specific aspect” of their job responsibilities. The applicant will need to diligently prove his position:

  • first, listing and, if possible, demonstrating your physical injuries;
  • secondly, describing in detail the difficulties arising in connection with the disease and the limitations of vitality that he has to face on a daily basis;
  • thirdly, based on medical documents and confirming their speech with them.

The disabled person is recommended to adhere to generally accepted standards of behavior. Aggression, swearing, and voicing demands in a rude manner are unacceptable. Any negative manifestations will not affect the successful outcome of the procedure, but will only spoil the general atmosphere and mood of all participants in the process, including the patient himself.

Cases of incorrect behavior of commission members during the examination, unfortunately, also occur. The victim can apply to protect his rights to the Federal Ministry of Health and the competent social protection authorities. If a person is faced with extortion, he must report it to the prosecutor's office or the police.

A person who is collectively recognized by the members of the commission as disabled is provided with a new certificate confirming the fact of incapacity or limited ability to work, or a document on the cancellation of this status, if there are rational reasons for this.

Permanent disability of groups 1, 2 and 3 without specifying the period for re-examination

Disability without specifying a period for re-examination (or a lifelong group) is very attractive for applicants, because once it is obtained, there will be no need to further spend time, money and effort on a complex but mandatory procedure for periodic confirmation of status. However, such a group is not shown to everyone and not always; there are conditions for its appointment:

  1. A disabled female person has already reached 55 years of age, and a male person has already reached 60 years of age, or the next review of the case falls upon reaching this age.
  2. A person continuously receives confirmation of the 1st group. for 5 years or 2nd gr. over the past 15 years, as well as when the disease worsens and, as a result, an increase in the category of disability is required.
  3. The citizen received an injury resulting in disability during military service, participation in combat operations, and at the time of the next review of his status he will be over 55 (for men) or 50 (for women) years.

Also, there will be no need to undergo re-examination of disability group 3 (assigned indefinitely) to participants in WWII combat operations if the group has been regularly confirmed over the past five years.

The list of pathologies in the presence of which a person can count on lifelong disability includes, for example, malignant tumors, dementia, complete blindness or deafness, radical amputation of arms, legs, etc.

When the disability group is established without specifying the period and re-examination at 18 years of age

The disability group is established without specifying the period for re-examination if:

  1. No more than 2 years have passed since the person was assigned the status of disabled person. It is important to remember that persons who have received the status of “disabled child” will have to undergo re-examination of disability at 18 years of age.
  2. No more than 4 years have passed since the status of disabled person was assigned. This point is relevant when all the measures taken to eliminate or correct existing violations have not led to positive dynamics. Information about the absence of effective consequences of rehabilitation must be registered in writing - in a referral to the medical examination or other medical certificates.
  3. No more than 6 years have passed since the initial confirmation of disability. It's about about those cases when a disabled minor is diagnosed with a cancerous tumor of any location with a complicated course, frequent relapses of the oncological process, and leukemia (acute or chronic form) and the presence of severe concomitant pathologies are confirmed.

Re-examination and removal of permanent disability in 2019

Re-examination of permanent disability in 2019 and its removal is possible due to the detection of forged documents, as well as copies not certified by a notary. A serious violation and a reason for reviewing the case is the presence of gross corrections in records, especially tests, diagnosis and other information that is of key importance in making a final decision on the assignment, timing, factor or group of disability.

In addition, the verification procedure can be started when errors are revealed in the work of the expert commission when analyzing the patient’s health status.

So, re-registration of a disability group is a mandatory, but very painstaking undertaking that requires patience, time and effort. Many patients find this procedure very frustrating due to its complexity. If you are not afraid of difficulties and know well all the stages of the examination, then it is quite possible to pass it without obstacles and legally receive cash benefits, good benefits for travel, treatment and other privileges.

Everyone knows that most citizens who have received a disability need to periodically confirm this status. Every person with limited mobility should know how this procedure goes, since this will help to collect the necessary documents in a timely manner and undergo appropriate training (take tests and conduct various studies).

Reasons for re-examination

Disability recertification is necessary for several reasons. The procedure involves periodic examination of a sick person. For this purpose, a commission is appointed, which includes professional doctors with a narrow specialization. The main purpose of re-examination is to assess the health of a disabled person. Doctors must conduct an examination and indicate whether the patient’s condition has worsened or improved. An assessment is made of the disabled person’s ability to care for themselves and get a job. These conditions do not apply to people who have been granted a permanent disability category.

If a person with limited mobility does not agree with the group assigned to him, he can also undergo re-examination. Every disabled person has the right to challenge the commission’s decision, but the procedure must be carried out within 30 days after receiving the document. To do this, you must submit an application requesting a review of the decision to the social security authority.

Skipping a scheduled procedure is strictly prohibited. If you do not extend your disability on time, it will be cancelled. At the same time, a person with limited mobility will no longer be able to take advantage of the benefits that he is entitled to. If the patient’s health status improves, during the re-examination procedure the issue of changing the disability group or canceling it is decided.

Where does confirmation take place?

All information about the place of passage and what actions are necessary to confirm disability is provided by the attending physician. Usually the procedure is performed at the ITU office, which is located at the citizen’s place of registration. In the event of a serious illness or the inability of a disabled person to come to the institution on their own, the person may be given an exception. In such a situation, the commission comes to the home of a sick citizen. To undergo re-examination at home, you must take a special certificate from a doctor, which will indicate why the patient cannot independently visit the ITU department.

The procedure for establishing a disability group has several stages and consists of meeting all requirements. The main one for a citizen with limited mobility is early preparation (collecting certificates, passing medical procedures).

The main action for doctors who conduct re-examination is to check the documents provided by the patient. Doctors determine the authenticity of all patient health certificates


Re-examination of disability is carried out according to different deadlines. It depends on the category:

  • First group. By law, these citizens undergo re-examination every two years.
  • Second group. Re-examination is carried out every year.
  • Disability group 3. For such citizens, the category is also confirmed once a year. However, these patients need to collect more documents than in the case of assigning other groups.

Confirmation of disability in a child who has acquired, as well as congenital disease, has some peculiarities. It is prescribed only once for the remaining period before reaching adulthood.

Required documents

For the procedure, a disabled person must collect the necessary certificates. List of documents in 2019:

  • ID card (passport for adults, certificate for children);
  • certificate confirming the group;
  • referral to ITU with an attached application from the patient;
  • SNILS;
  • conclusions of highly specialized doctors;
  • medical card;
  • scheme of the rehabilitation program with all instructions;
  • work book and income document (if available);
  • certificate from the place of study or work.

If during the period after the assignment of disability the patient was treated in a hospital, other certificates may be required. In addition to the documents described above, all citizens with limited mobility are required to make copies certified by a notary.

There are situations when disabled people do not have a complete package of necessary certificates to confirm their disability. In these cases, they are given time (10 days) to collect the missing copies. In order to avoid such problems, doctors recommend collecting the necessary certificates in advance, without leaving everything for the last weeks, let alone days.

Permanent disability

There are cases when a person is assigned disability without specifying a period. Such citizens do not need to undergo permanent disability extensions to confirm their status.

You can receive permanent disability in the following situations:

  • Disabled children. For this category of citizens, a commission is required after turning 18 years old.
  • Female age from 55, male - from 60 years.
  • Stable persistence of group 2 or group 1 disability for 15 years.
  • Disabled people of the Great Patriotic War both the first and second groups.
  • Disabled people of the Great Patriotic War with the presence of the third group. This applies to citizens whose category has been confirmed within five years.
  • Upon receipt of an injury due to which the group was injured in military service or during combat operations. These citizens can be re-examined for the last time: women - after reaching the age of 50, and men - 55.

With continuous confirmation of the group for 5 years, permanent disability is assigned at the same age as in the previous paragraph for all citizens

Diseases for which permanent disability is established

Pathologies for which permanent disability is established:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • a benign tumor in the brain and spinal cord that cannot be treated;
  • removed larynx;
  • dementia;
  • deafness;
  • blindness;
  • severe pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • neuromuscular diseases;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • neurodegenerative pathologies of the brain;
  • amputation or deformation of limbs;
  • respiratory failure;
  • diseases associated with excessively high blood pressure.

You need to know that permanent disability can be lifted. This happens in the event of incorrect and poor-quality execution of documents provided to the expert service. During the verification of certificates, forgeries, errors and corrections may be discovered. In this case, the citizen is called to confirm his disability. Doctors advise keeping all copies of documents and tests in order to avoid such an unpleasant situation.


It is necessary to use some rules and recommendations that will help a disabled person comply with the procedure for undergoing re-examination without problems:

  • Carefully fill out a card that indicates the presence of a disability.
  • Compliance with the frequency of doctor visits. There must be at least four of them per year.
  • Preliminary passing of the commission at a local clinic. To do this, you should visit your local doctor and provide him with all extracts and certificates. Then a commission is appointed, which will decide the issue of issuing a referral to the ITU.
  • A week before the scheduled date of the examination, the patient must take all collected documents to the ITU department. It is there that the disabled person is assigned a day for re-examination.

In many cases, the commission is based only on its own impressions of the patient. Therefore, prolonging disability often becomes problematic. Before undergoing re-examination, a person must be well prepared.

The doctor also explains in detail what documents are needed for re-examination of disability groups 1, 2 and 3. The doctor also explains in detail what documents are needed for re-examination of disability - the indicative list is as follows:

  1. Passport or other identification document of a disabled person.
  2. Papers proving the fact that disability was previously assigned.
  3. SNILS.
  4. Medical referral for examination and patient statement.
  5. Scheme of an individual rehabilitation program.
  6. Certificates from your place of work or educational institution.
  7. Outpatient card.
  8. Conclusions of specialized specialists obtained in advance based on the results of the completed therapeutic course.
  9. Certificate of income.

In addition to the originals of these documents, you will also need their certified photocopies.

Procedure for registering disability for a pensioner

If you do not agree with the decision of the district bureau, you can submit a written statement to the administration of the main bureau within a month. His address: Liteiny pr., 58. Telephone 644-70-52. The Main Bureau, no later than a month from the date of receipt of the application, must conduct an ITU and make a decision based on the data received.

According to the law, the conditions for recognizing a citizen as disabled are: a) impairment of health with a persistent disorder of body functions caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects; b) limitation of life activity (complete or partial loss of the ability or ability to carry out self-care, move independently, navigate, communicate, control one’s behavior, study or engage in work activities); c) the need for measures social protection, including rehabilitation.

Re-examination of disability. medical and social examination


Also, the legal basis for starting the process is the Federal Bureau's intention to supervise the commission's verdicts. Re-examination of disability group 1 is indicated, according to current laws, once every two years.

Re-examination of disability group 2 is carried out annually, in full compliance with government regulations. Also, once a year you must undergo mandatory re-examination of disability group 3, the package of documents for it is more voluminous (this will be discussed below).
Re-examination of the disability of a child who received his status due to a congenital or acquired health disorder has its own characteristics. It is assigned once during the period for which the status is assigned.
You will need to take it again upon reaching adulthood.

The procedure for re-certifying disability in 2018

ITU specialists warn: all these cases are identified because the Social Insurance Fund, which is responsible for providing disabled people with means of rehabilitation, necessarily makes a corresponding request to ITU. So don't do anything illegal. Age and diagnosis are not yet the basis for obtaining and aggravating disability. Is an old-age pensioner entitled to permanent disability? At what age can men receive permanent disability - at sixty? - Age is not a basis for obtaining disability - neither urgent nor permanent.

The basis for establishing disability is the fact of irreparable serious changes in the state of health. Yes, ITU has the right to establish permanent disability, but without reference to the patient’s age.

My retired husband does not have any disability at all. But he feels very bad. He suffered a heart attack and has kidney problems.

Registration of disability after a stroke for pensioners

You need to start registering for disability by visiting a clinic. Can I get a certificate? Is it possible to prepare all the required documents for referral to the ITU while a person is in the hospital, so as not to have to run around to clinics later? - As practice shows, hospitals rarely issue referrals for medical examination. Usually they refer if the patient is in serious condition, a bedridden patient. But the clinic, when making a referral for medical examination, can use the results of an examination of the patient in a hospital (if such an examination took place relatively recently).
This is especially true for complex types of examinations, which are difficult to carry out in an outpatient setting. We recommend that after discharge from the hospital, you immediately go to the clinic and discuss with your doctor the possibility of registering for disability.

I am a participant in the war, I am already close to 90 years old. I have very bad eyesight, problems with my joints, and I can’t leave the house.

Registration of disability

Readers' questions answered chief expert on ITU (medical and social examination) in St. Petersburg Alexander Abrosimov and head of the department for working with citizens' appeals of the main bureau of ITU Nina Martysheva Hotline confirmed again: citizens do not always know about their rights in terms of receiving disability. And sometimes the attending physicians at the clinics, seeing that they have a seriously ill person in front of them who can claim the status of a disabled person, do not always offer to issue a referral for medical examination (that is, form 088).

And the main thing that readers were dissatisfied with was the need to undergo ITU if you need to fit something into the IRP (individual rehabilitation program). By the way, as practice shows, sometimes the patients themselves write something into the IPR.

Like this. Having received the document and deciding that they need something else, they write what is required into the document.

The procedure for re-certifying disability in 2017


This requires an application on behalf of the disabled person or a referral from the medical institution (if the patient’s condition changes and there is necessary indications). Re-examination may take place at the initiative of the bureau itself.

In some cases, the period for re-examination is not regulated, including for disabled children. The reason for this is the lack of positive trends in medical procedures and rehabilitation measures.

This occurs when there are irreversible changes in the functioning of the body. The list of diseases for which disability is granted without a fixed period is specified in Government Decree No. 95 of February 20, 2006.

If the period of disability is not limited, then a re-examination is possible at the initiative of the disabled person, the medical institution or the bureau itself.

In principle, there can be no disability due to old age.


This is the second time you have filed a claim with the regional bureau. If you do not agree with the commission’s decision a second time, you have the right to file a lawsuit to establish disability. But please note that if the decision is negative, it will no longer be possible to appeal.

Re-examination As already indicated, in addition to the disability group, its period is also established. Thus, for disabled people of group 1, the certificate is issued for 2 years, and for disabled people of groups 2 and 3 - only for a year.

After this period, the citizen is required to appear for re-examination to confirm his group. In some cases, the group may be changed up or down, or even removed altogether.

The procedure is the same as the first time - receiving a referral from the attending physician, taking tests, registering with the ITU and passing the commission.
The list of documents is the same as for the initial statement, but for examination you must additionally provide:

  • a certificate from the ITU received earlier;

It is worth noting that citizens who:

  • received disability due to irreversible morphological diseases;
  • have serious defects;
  • have disturbances in the functioning of the body and organs.

Registration after a stroke or heart attack It is worth noting that the process of obtaining disability after a stroke is no different from the standard procedure, but it is still worth highlighting some features:

  • You can apply for disability after four months from the date of opening your sick leave;
  • The procedure for collecting documents and submitting them to ITU is standard.

Re-examination of disability for pensioners

A serious violation and a reason for reviewing the case is the presence of gross corrections in records, especially tests, diagnosis and other information that is of key importance in making a final decision on the assignment, timing, factor or group of disability. In addition, the verification procedure can be started when errors were revealed in the work of the expert commission when analyzing the patient’s health status. So, re-registration of a disability group is a mandatory, but very painstaking undertaking that requires patience, time and effort. Many patients find this procedure very frustrating due to its complexity. If you are not afraid of difficulties and know well all the stages of the examination, then it is quite possible to pass it without obstacles and legally receive cash benefits, good benefits for travel, treatment and other privileges.

They must demonstrate not only a real picture of the efforts made by the patient on the path to rehabilitation, but also confirm the stable stage of the pathology, due to which the person cannot work and needs material support and protection from the state. On the appointed day, the person must appear at the commission (either alone or accompanied by a guardian, if any).

Sometimes experts require additional examination in order to obtain expanded information about the applicant’s health status. Of course, experts will deliberately look for a reason to remove the category of disability from a person - this can be called a “specific aspect” of their job responsibilities.
Information about the absence of effective consequences of rehabilitation must be registered in writing - in a referral to the medical examination or other medical certificates.

  • No more than 6 years have passed since the initial confirmation of disability. We are talking about those cases when a disabled minor is diagnosed with a cancerous tumor of any location with a complicated course, frequent relapses of the oncological process, and leukemia (acute or chronic form) and the presence of severe concomitant pathologies are confirmed.
  • Re-examination and removal of permanent disability in 2018 Re-examination of permanent disability in 2018 and its removal is possible due to the detection of forged documents, as well as copies not certified by a notary.

In fact, the letter is a description of the character of the signatory. The official begins to have a judgment about the applicant who typed his arguments by reading the application and his thoughts. This becomes very important in places where the result is formed from internal conviction. Ordering a proper form from a lawyer is very expensive. Because the absence of errors is a very serious service.

The procedure for establishing disability is regulated by Russian legislation on the basis of criteria defining the main types of impairment of body functions that were received as a result of injuries, past diseases and birth defects. Based on the classifier, the degree of severity of dysfunctions and limitations of categories of life activity is established, as well as the conditions for establishing a disability group, which are fully described in Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 1013n dated December 23, 2009 “On approval of classifications and criteria used in the implementation of medical and social examination of citizens by federal state institutions of medical and social examination.”

Disability is a condition of a person in which the implementation of mental, mental or physical activities is impossible. Disability gives the right to receive benefits and pensions even in cases where a citizen who has received a certain disability group is only partially unable to work.

Disability can be defined by the following types of disease groups:

For circulatory diseases;

For diseases of motor functions;

For diseases of the respiratory and digestive systems;

For metabolic disorders;

For mental disorders;

For dysfunction of the sense organs, in particular vision, hearing, smell and touch;

In addition, there is a certain list of diseases that give the right to receive disability, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 1996.

Depending on the form of the disease and functional disorders, the degree of disability can be set as follows: certain period with further re-examination and extension of disability, and indefinitely.

The list of diseases for permanent disability includes:

Benign brain tumors;

Malignant tumors of various shapes and locations;

Incurable mental illness;

Diseases of the nervous system that affect dysfunction of motor skills and sensory organs, as well as severe forms of nervous diseases;

Severe diseases of internal organs with a progressive course;

Degenerative processes of the brain;

Complete absence of vision and hearing;

Defects of the lower and upper extremities, in particular amputation.

How to get group 3 disability: list of diseases, pension amount?

A number of citizens who have serious illnesses, can apply for group 3 disability. The list of diseases included in the list of factors contributing to the classification of citizens as disabled people of this group is determined by acts of state bodies.

Who is a disabled person?

Federal Law No. 181-FZ dated November 24, 1995 contains definitions of the concept “disabled person”. According to this normative act, a disabled person means an individual who has a number of health impairments associated with a persistent disorder of any bodily function.

Typically, disability results from injury or disease. Recognition as a disabled person can occur both in adulthood and before reaching adulthood.

A prerequisite for a citizen to be recognized as disabled is the presence of a complete or partial limitation of life activity, that is, the inability to perform self-care, move, communicate, control one’s behavior and work. The disability group depends on the degree of dysfunction of the human body.

Group 3 disability criteria

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 2009 N 1013n establishes a number of criteria according to which a person can be classified as a group 3 disabled person. Among them is the presence of moderately severe health disorders.

These disorders must entail a limitation in the ability to labor activity or other categories of life activity. These disorders should also cause the need to ensure social protection of the citizen.

The main types of disorders include minor disorders:

  • Language and speech functions.
  • Statodynamic functions.
  • Mental functions.
  • Sensory functions.
  • Circulatory functions.
  • Physical deformities.

    How to get group 3 disability?

    Federal Law No. 181-FZ of November 24, 1995 states that recognition as a disabled person occurs only in accordance with the decision of a medical and social examination. The functions of this type of examination of citizens include:

  • Determination of disability.
  • Diagnosis of the causes of disability.
  • Fixation of terms of disability.
  • Determination of the time of onset of disability.
  • Establishing the degree of need of a disabled person for social protection.

    In order to initiate an MSA, a citizen must attend an appointment with his or her attending physician. During the visit, you should inform the doctor of your intention to obtain a disability.

    A medical specialist who constantly monitors the patient must give him a referral to experts. Based on this referral, a medical and social examination will be carried out in the hospital hospital.

    Documents for examination

    When going to a medical institution to undergo an expert examination, a citizen who wishes to obtain the status of a group 3 disabled person must have the following package of documents with him:

  • Referral to ITU.
  • Passport in the original copy, as well as its copy.
  • A certified copy of the work book.
  • Certificate of income from your place of work.
  • Outpatient card.
  • Extracts from hospitals and their copies.
  • Characteristics from the place of work.
  • Characteristics from the place of study.
  • Application for examination.
  • Who work injury or about an occupational disease.

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 20, 2006 N 95 states that citizens undergo a medical examination to obtain the status of a disabled person at the appropriate bureau at their place of residence or place of stay. A person who has left the country can undergo an examination at the location of his pension file.

    It is also possible to carry out medical examination at home. Specialists can go to the citizen’s address, provided that he has medical report about the inability to independently appear at the office due to a serious health condition.

    During the examination medical specialists carry out:

  • Comprehensive assessment of the body's condition.
  • Clinical and functional analyzes are carried out.
  • They study social, everyday and professional information about the candidate for recognition as a disabled person.
  • Get acquainted with the psychological data of the person being examined.

    Based on the results of the examination, a corresponding act is drawn up on the recognition or non-recognition of the applicant as a disabled person. Within 3 days, the specialists of the bureau unit who conducted the examination send it to the Federal Bureau. A copy of the act is also sent to the pension authority.

    When a person is recognized as disabled, he is given the following papers:

    1. Certificate of disability.

    Refusal to recognize disability

    If, after the examination, doctors made a decision to refuse recognition of disability, the citizen can submit a written complaint to the ITU bureau that conducted the examination. Based on the complaint, the authorities are required to make a decision to conduct a re-inspection within 3 days.

    A re-examination can be scheduled no later than 1 month from the date of filing the complaint. A citizen can make a request regarding the composition of doctors and specialists who will carry out the medical examination.

    The bureau's decision can also be appealed in court.

    Re-examination of disabled people

    All disabled people undergo regular re-examination. Examination of disabled people of group 3 cannot be carried out more than once a year. The frequency of checking the condition of disabled children is carried out depending on their diseases.

    For a number of persons who are disabled and have reached retirement age, permanent disability may be issued. In this case, re-examination is not required.

    To undergo a re-examination, a disabled person must have with him:

  • Individual rehabilitation program.
  • Certificate of disability.

    3 disability group. Pension amount

    Social pension is paid to disabled people of all groups. The pension for disabled people of group 3 is 3,675.20 rubles. This amount is paid to citizens monthly.

    In addition to the pension, disabled people receive monthly cash payments. EDV are intended for the following categories of persons:

  • Veterans of WWII or military operations.
  • Disabled people of all groups and ages.
  • Former minor prisoners of concentration camps.
  • Citizens affected by radiation.

    EDV is paid to disabled people of group 3 in the amount of 1,236 rubles. To receive payments, disabled people must submit a number of documents to the Pension Fund at their place of actual residence, namely:

  • Passport.
  • Pension insurance certificate.
  • Documents proving your right to benefits, such as a disability certificate.

    Disabled people who have received the appropriate certificate have the right to receive a number of social services. Such services involve outside assistance provided by social workers to implement normal life disabled person

    TO social services can be attributed:

  • Security medicines.
  • Providing a trip to Spa treatment.
  • Preparation of documents guaranteeing free commuter travel railway transport and on intercity transport to the place of treatment.

    In addition, disabled people can receive monthly financial support, which is paid in the amount of 1,000 rubles. In order to receive these funds, it is necessary to submit an appropriate application for assignment of payment to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

    Federal social supplement is paid to non-working disabled people receiving a pension. In order to apply for benefits, you must present a passport and work book.

    Thus, persons who wish to apply for disability must contact their attending physician for the necessary referral for a medical examination.

    After passing the examination, the specialists who carried out medical examination candidate for disability, draw up an act, which will become the basis for awarding a person a certain disability group and issuing the corresponding certificate.

    List of diseases for group 3 disability

    Disability group III is established for the following diseases:

    1. Missing one eye

    2. Stable complete ptosis in one eye after all types of restorative treatment

    3. Blindness in one eye (visual acuity with transfer correction of 0.05 or lower or concentric narrowing of the visual field to 10 degrees from the point of fixation)

    4. Bilateral deafness

    5. Tracheostomy stand

    6. Laryngeal stenosis of II-III degrees due to traumatic or infectious damage to the neuromuscular apparatus of the larynx with one- or two-sided paresis and persistent dysphonia

    7. Stance aphonia of organic origin

    8. Jaw defect or hard palate if the denture does not provide chewing

    9. Scars and defects that distort the face and cannot be corrected surgically and cosmetically.

    10. Pituitary dwarfism. Osteochondropathy, osteochondrodystrophy with height less than 150 cm

    11. Moderate sensory aphasia

    12. Paralysis of the hand

    13. Paralysis or severe paresis of the upper or lower limb, which is accompanied by significant limitation of volume active movements in all joints and muscle wasting: shoulder - more than 4 cm, forearm - more than 3 cm, hips - more than 8 cm, lower leg - more than 6 cm, as well as wasting of the muscles of the hand or foot

    14. Foreign body in the brain (due to injury), if the injury was accompanied by a brain abscess or meningoencephalitis

    Introduction foreign bodies in the substance of the brain for the purpose of treatment is not a defect, and the disability group is established depending on disorders of the nervous system and psyche

    15. Significant defect of the skull bones (3 cm or more, except in cases of its replacement with autologous bone) or in smaller sizes if there is pulsation of the brain, or in the absence of pulsation in cases where the injury was accompanied by a complication (an infectious-purulent process)

    16. Absence of a hand at amputation levels of the upper limb

    17. False joint of the shoulder or both bones of the forearm

    18. Absence of all phalanges of four fingers, with the exception of the first

    19. Absence of three fingers, including the first; ankylosis or severe contracture of the same fingers in a functionally disadvantageous position

    20. Absence of the first and second fingers with corresponding metacarpal bones

    21. Absence of the first fingers of both hands

    22. Absence of three fingers of the hand with corresponding metacarpal bones

    23. Stump of the thigh or leg

    24. Foot stump at the level of the Lisfranc joint or at the highest level

    25. Bilateral foot stump with resection of the metatarsal heads according to Sharp

    26. Severe contracture or ankylosis of two ankle joints; pronounced contracture or ankylosis of the ankle joint with the foot in a functionally disadvantageous position

    27. Severe contracture or ankylosis of the hip or knee joint

    28. Congenital or acquired dislocation of one hip joint with significant impairment of function

    29. Deformation of the chest due to resection of four or more ribs in the presence of respiratory failure of degree II or more

    30. Pseudarthrosis of the femur or both bones of the tibia or tibia with ineffective rehabilitation measures after five years of observation

    31. Unstable knee or hip joint with severe impairment of limb function

    32. Shortening of the lower limb by 7 cm or more

    33. Endoprosthesis of the knee or hip joint or diaphysis of large tubular bones

    34. Scoliosis III degree, kyphoscoliosis III degree with the presence of respiratory failure or scoliosis or kyphoscoliosis IV degree

    35. Ankylosis or severe contracture elbow joint at a functional disadvantage

    36. Contracture of the forearm in a position of full pronation

    37. Ischemic contracture of the Volkmann forearm with severe functional impairment of the hand

    38. Gastric extirpation, total coloproctectomy, pancreatectomy with the presence of diabetes mellitus

    39. Total thyroidectomy with subcompensated or uncompensated hypothyroidism with adequate treatment

    40. Foreign body in the heart muscle or in the pericardium as a result of trauma (wound), artificial heart valve, functioning pacemaker.

    The introduction of foreign bodies into the vessels of the heart, myocardium, pericardium for the purpose of treatment or diagnosis is not a defect, and the disability group is established depending on the dysfunction of cardio-vascular system and restrictions on the patient’s life activity

    41. Missing one kidney

    42. Missing one lung

    43. Unilateral mastectomy due to malignancy.

    lists of diseases for obtaining a disability group

    Article 23 of the Law of the Russian Federation on pensions.

    Disability and its groups

    Disability is considered to be a health disorder of a person with a persistent disorder of body functions, leading to complete or significant loss of professional ability to work or significant difficulties in life. Depending on their degree, three disability groups are distinguished. Citizens who have completely lost the ability to engage in regular professional work V normal conditions, disability of group I is established if they need constant outside care (assistance, supervision), and group II if they do not need such care. Citizens who have partially lost the ability to perform regular professional work are III group disability.

    How to write an application for divorce

    Re-examination of disability. Medical and social examination

    Many people with disabilities do not understand the need for a re-examination procedure, especially in the case of a disability assigned in childhood or associated with severe irreversible changes in the body. Repeated examination is necessary not only to confirm a previously established disability, but also to adjust the rehabilitation program and monitor the dynamics of changes in health status. Re-examination of a child’s disability is especially important for organizing optimal living conditions and rehabilitation. The developed rehabilitation system allows for maximum integration into the life of society.

    In addition, a group 3 disabled person receives monthly benefits, benefits and other payments, which greatly facilitates the solution of many problems that a sick person faces. For other disability groups, the importance of state support is even greater. Therefore, the re-examination procedure is important point in the life of a person with disabilities.

    Procedure and terms for re-examination of disability

    Re-examination takes place in accordance with the procedure established by federal law with a frequency determined depending on the disability group. The following rules for this procedure are currently in effect:

    A disabled person of group 3 is required to undergo re-examination once during the year.

    A disabled person of group 2 must come for re-examination 1 time during the year.

    Disabled people of group 1 must undergo re-examination 2 times during the year.

    Disabled children undergo the procedure once before the end of the period for which the disability is determined.

    In case of permanent disability, re-examination can be done by writing an application personally or on behalf of a legal representative. In addition, the institution providing medical and preventive care may also refer for a disability re-certification procedure if there is a change in the patient’s health status.

    You can go through the procedure in advance, but to conduct a re-examination earlier than two months before the end of the disability period, you must have a personal statement or a referral from a medical organization that monitors the progress of the citizen’s illness.

    The re-examination procedure is also carried out at home. To do this, it is necessary for the attending physician to make special marks in the direction.

    Main and Federal Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise

    Re-examination of the disability group is carried out on the basis of a medical and social examination, which is carried out free of charge in the bureau of medical and social examination at the place of residence, the main bureau and the Federal Bureau.

    The federal government institution “Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise” (FKU GB MSE) is a regional service for conducting examinations, as well as providing a range of services for rehabilitation and health restoration.

    FKU GB MTU performs the following functions:

    Organizes a re-examination in case of filing an application to appeal the conclusion of the expert commission to the bureau at the place of residence.

    Conducts MSE in situations where a special medical examination is necessary.

    Performs statistical analysis of data on the number and demographic composition of citizens with disabilities who contact the bureau.

    Develops measures to prevent disability.

    Controls the activities of each bureau.

    Federal Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise (FB ITU) is federal Service conducting an examination, as well as providing a range of services for rehabilitation and health restoration. In addition, the tasks of the FB ITU include ensuring high-quality prosthetics.

    The Federal Bureau organizes control over the activities of other bureaus, can appoint and carry out repeated examinations, change or cancel decisions made by employees of other bureaus.

    Citizens who do not agree with the conclusions of the commissions of the main bureaus can file a complaint with the Federal Bureau, where a new examination will be ordered. Here, ITU and consultations are carried out on the direction of the main bureaus in situations where it is necessary to obtain its expert opinion or it is necessary to conduct a complex type of medical examination.

    Medical and social examination procedure

    The examination procedure is organized by employees of the bureau's expert group. The person who applied for the examination is examined, his social, everyday, psychological and labor characteristics are examined. Medical documentation of the disease is studied. Based on an assessment of all the data received, a decision is made to establish disability, extend it, or change the disability group.

    If, as a result of the commission, an improvement in the health, ability to work and social adaptability of a citizen was revealed, then the disability group can be changed. A disabled person of group 2, in case of improvement in health indicators and living conditions, may receive group 3 disability during re-examination.

    The commission’s conclusion is announced to the citizen in the presence of all members of the expert panel and is included in the report on the examination performed. The document also contains a number of information and certificates on the basis of which the conclusion was made.

    If necessary, additional examinations are prescribed, carried out at a medical organization or the Federal Bureau. In a situation where a citizen refuses a program of additional examinations this information is noted in the act, and a decision is made based on the available information.

    The examination procedure can be carried out at home if, due to health conditions, a person cannot come to the office. This requires a decision from the relevant bureau or a referral from the medical institution where the citizen is being observed, or from the hospital where treatment is provided.

    The ITU conclusion is the result of the work of the expert commission. The composition of the commission’s specialists depends on the bureau and its profile. The examination of the main bureau is carried out by four doctors of different profiles, an expert in rehabilitation work, Social worker and psychologist. The staff of the bureau at the place of residence includes the same specialists as the main bureau, but the number of doctors of various specialties is smaller (three medical workers). The commission staff makes decisions based on a majority vote.

    The composition of the expert commission depends on the head of the bureau, who decides on the participation of a particular specialist in the ITU procedure. Also, a citizen sent for examination to the bureau has the right to attract additional experts, but subject to payment for their work. The decision of these panel members will influence the final conclusion of the ITU.

    ITU specialists draw up a conclusion based on the provided medical documentation, after examining the citizen, and discussing all the information received collectively. After announcing the decision, the commission’s experts provide explanations on the conclusion made to the citizen who contacted the bureau.

    In a situation where the decision of the bureau's expert commission during the re-examination of disability seems unfounded, you can file an appeal with the bureau at the place of residence where the examination took place. Within three days, the application will be sent to the main bureau, where a conclusion will be issued based on the results of the new examination. In a situation of disagreement with the conclusion of the main bureau, an appeal is sent to the Federal Bureau. In connection with the appeal, a re-examination will be carried out and a final decision will be made.

    The conclusion of the federal bureau can only be appealed in court.

    To appeal the bureau's conclusion, you must write a statement indicating:

    Names of the specific bureau for consideration of which the application is sent.

    Personal data (last name, first name, patronymic, residential address, contact information) of the applicant.

    Personal data of the representative.

    The subject of the complaint about the examination performed.

    Requests for a re-examination procedure.

    Application submission dates.

    Based on the results of the re-examination, the disability is extended or removed, the disability group is changed, which entails a change in the IPR, the amount of benefits and allowances.

    To successfully pass the examination, it is important not only to collect all the necessary documents and test results, but also to prepare psychologically for the procedure. The decision is made by members of the expert panel based on an assessment of disability, and the impression that the citizen makes on the commission members plays an important role. Therefore, you should not behave aggressively or be offended by incorrect questions. You should answer calmly and accurately. In this case, the reaction of embarrassment to the question will be much better than impatience and anger. Some of the most frequently asked questions that you need to be prepared for include:

    Questions about the course of the disease.

    Questions about ability to work (availability of work, comfortable working conditions, etc.).

    Questions about the treatment being carried out (undergoing IPR procedures, reasons for refusing recommended types of diagnostics, etc.).

    Questions related to the functioning of the body.

    Questions about the financial condition of family members, in order to identify the possibility of the patient’s participation in expensive rehabilitation programs that are not subject to government subsidies.

    Re-examination of disability, documents required for ITU

    To undergo re-examination of disability, you must have with you a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a work book, a referral from the clinic at your place of residence for the examination procedure, an outpatient card, an IPR with instructions for implementation. You must also write and take with you an application to the head of the bureau for re-examination. If during the year before the re-examination procedure consultations with specialists were carried out or treatment was carried out in a hospital, then the relevant documentation must be provided by an expert specialist. It is better to make copies of some documents to provide if necessary.

    Disabled children undergo the re-examination procedure in almost the same order as the initial examination. The list of required documents is the same, but a certificate of disability and IPR is added. When re-certifying a child’s disability, the following must be present:

    Child's birth certificate or passport (if the child reaches 14 years of age).

    Certificates of education received or certificates from the educational institution where you are studying.

    Conclusions of specialized specialists, extracts from hospitals.

    A document confirming disability;

    Before extending your disability, you must contact medical institution at the place of residence. It is necessary to have a passport, a medical insurance policy, an ITU certificate of disability, an outpatient card, an extract from the hospital (if treatment took place there), and an IPR. The medical professional will issue a referral for examination, as well as for necessary procedures and taking tests. You need to visit the office and make an appointment for the closest date to the end of your disability period for re-examination. After this, you need to contact your doctor for the underlying disease, who will give an opinion for the expert commission. You are also required to undergo examination by two specialized specialists, to whom your local physician will refer you. After receiving the test results and undergoing consultation with all doctors, you should again come to see a therapist, who will enter the data into the certificate and issue a referral for a military medical commission (military medical commission). Then, with all the certificates and copies of the main documents, you can submit to the ITU procedure.

    In case of refusal to extend disability, a certificate is issued indicating the result of the examination and the grounds for refusal. The bureau's decision can be appealed to the Federal Bureau or in court.

    Re-examination of childhood disability

    Re-examination of a child’s disability takes place in a slightly different manner than for adults. One parent must be present. The list of required documents differs. In addition, a disability group cannot be established, since in childhood the general category “disabled child” is assigned.

    To undergo the procedure, a referral from a medical institution is required. The re-examination takes place no earlier than two months before the expiration of the disability, but no later than the specified date of the medical and social examination. Inpatient observation is not necessary to prolong a child’s disability. The individual rehabilitation program is also of a recommendatory nature; the implementation of all the activities specified in it is not a prerequisite for re-examination of disability.

    Very often, upon reaching 18 years of age, re-examination recognition of ability to work occurs. This is due to the fact that when establishing adult disability, the main attention is paid not to violations of body functions, but to assessing the ability to move independently, self-care, work, etc.

    Disability without re-examination

    There is a list of diseases for which disability is established without specifying the period for re-examination.

    Such diseases include:

    Diseases of internal organs.

    In this case, disability without re-examination is established no later than two years after the initial recognition of disability for diseases on this list.

    Disability can also be established without re-examination if the expert commission has identified the impossibility of improving the health status, rehabilitating a person and reducing the limitations of his life activities. In this case, no more than four years must pass after the initial disability examination.

    In order to establish disability without a period for re-examination, there must also be no positive dynamics in rehabilitation carried out before the appointment of MSA. The relevant data is indicated in the referral for examination.

    In addition, the re-examination procedure is not prescribed for women after 55 years of age and men after 60, and permanent disability is established.

    According to social protection specialists, it is better to undergo re-examination even in the case of permanent disability, in order to promptly identify deteriorating health conditions or the need to replace a prosthesis.

    If the federal bureau checks the decisions of the main bureau, then in case of disability without a period for re-examination, an ITU may still be assigned.

    Failure to appear for re-examination of disability

    In case of failure to appear for the medical and social examination procedure, the payment of the pension will be suspended for three months. If within specified period disability will be confirmed by medical and social examination services, pension payments will resume from the date of re-recognition of disability.

    In a situation where re-examination was missed for a good reason, payment of pensions will be assigned from the day of re-examination of disability, including payments for the missed period. The length of the period during which pension payments were not made does not matter. Moreover, if the expert commission establishes a different degree of disability, then payments for the missed period will be made according to the previous calculation system.

    Resumption of payments is made automatically after the Pension Fund receives the relevant documentation, which is sent by a specialized medical and social examination service and confirms the re-examination procedure.