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The best pills for alcoholism. Indications for use. Medicines are needed in stages

Update: November 2018

Many people sincerely believe that it is impossible to cure alcoholism. No less broad sections of the population are simply firmly convinced that alcoholism is a social vice and a world evil, and alcoholics are ulcers on the body of society that must either be burned out with a red-hot iron or locked up in closed institutions. Apathy and a state of hopelessness are associated with this, into which those suffering from ethanol addiction and their loved ones fall.

Meanwhile, addiction to alcohol and dependence on it is the same disease as all others, with its own symptoms, stages, exacerbations and remissions. Accordingly, people suffering can and should be treated.

Ethanol addiction is the most common type of drug addiction, which has historically been legalized, disguised in places as everyday and secular drunkenness, but regularly takes millions of lives of both sexes and very different ages under various pretexts every year.

How to fall into the trap

There are a number of theories about how alcoholism develops and why different people get drunk with different speed or don't sleep at all.

  • Firstly, ethyl alcohol is light energy, which is faster and easier for the body to obtain than from carbohydrates, fats or proteins.
  • Secondly, alcohol causes systemic dizziness, facilitates communication, removes the inhibitory effect of the cortex, gives relaxation, euphoria - and this is a kind of high that many try to repeat many times.

The rate of alcoholization is directly related to the characteristics of metabolism and depends on the level of two liver enzymes.

  • First (alcohol dehydrogenase) decomposes ethyl alcohol to acetaldehyde, the accumulation of which causes a hangover and signs of alcohol poisoning. The more often and more a person drinks, the less of this enzyme he has.
  • Second (acetaldehyderogenase) converts poisonous acetaldehyde into harmless acetic acid. Those who have a lot of it are able to drink in large doses ah, and those who have little are easily poisoned due to the accumulation of acetaldehyde in the blood. With age, the level of this enzyme decreases. Representatives of the Mongoloid race have little of this enzyme initially. After drinking, they blush, are quickly poisoned by aldehyde, and due to a hangover syndrome on the background small doses alcohol rarely get drunk.

The most resistant to alcoholism people are South American Indians. They have a fast alcohol dehydrogenase and a fast acetaldehyderogenase and, without having time to really get drunk, sober up without a hangover.

Residents of Western and Eastern Europe, Russia and Africa, for the most part, have slow types of enzymes, get drunk from large doses, suffer less and less hangovers, so they can drink more and more often, getting used to alcohol much more than Asians.

The peoples of the Far North and the Indians of North America have similar types of enzyme systems, and become an inveterate drunkard due to a change in the type of diet, high stress load during life in unusual conditions of cities and social policy being conducted in relation to them. There is no particular predisposition to alcoholism among these nationalities.

Statistics on the number of patients with alcoholism in Russia

Ethanol has a high affinity for adipose tissue, with fatty acids forms in the liver ethyl ether(an anesthetic). Therefore, women, whose adipose tissue is more developed than men, drink more quickly.

In addition, in women, due to the characteristics hormonal background ethyl alcohol is absorbed faster than in men, and reaches more high concentrations in the blood (due to the lower percentage of water in the female body).

Thus, to fall into the trap of alcoholism, it is enough to start drinking and do it as often and in large volumes as possible.

Three steps down

The development of the disease goes through three stages:

The first stage - at the first drunk causes a feeling of intoxication

At the same time, the mood rises, euphoria, motor and speech disinhibition appear due to the inhibition of the cerebral cortex and excitation of subcortical structures. Further excitation is replaced by lethargy and drowsiness.

If the dose of alcohol consumed exceeds the ability of enzymes to break down ethyl alcohol and acetaldehyde, nausea and vomiting occur, indicating alcohol poisoning.

By the end of the stage vomiting reflex oppressed and the body no longer signals the excess of reasonable doses of alcohol. During this stage, there is a persistent psychological dependence from alcohol, which by the end of the stage is reinforced by the resulting physiological addiction to alcohol.

The beginning of the second stage is marked by a morning hangover

Waking up after drinking, a person suffers from headaches, nausea, hand tremors, rapid or arrhythmic heartbeats, pressure surges. All this is reinforced by emotional discomfort, which can persist after a hangover. With repeated alcohol intake, the condition returns to normal. There is a persistent physical dependence and addiction to the daily intake of alcohol. Binges are also characteristic, which can alternate with periods when a person does not drink.

The third stage is a sharp drop in alcohol tolerance.

Even a small dose causes intoxication, which, however, quickly passes. In this stage, there are persistent mental disorders and the gradual destruction of the personality. Violations in mental sphere manifest aggressiveness, auditory and visual hallucinations. Alcoholic epileptic seizures and delirium delirium tremens) are very serious mental disorders.

The condition of the internal organs also worsens from stage to stage. Possible and peptic ulcer stomach and, cardiovascular pathologies, kidney diseases and eye damage.

Drugs for alcoholism

Since alcoholism is a disease, then a doctor should treat it. The specialist makes a diagnosis, he also decides which pills for alcoholism to prescribe, how to dose them and how to control the treatment process. Tablets from alcohol addiction You can’t choose on your own in a pharmacy or on the Internet, because you can swallow so much that alcoholism seems not complicated by a cold.

Drug treatment is appropriate at any stage of the disease. The earlier treatment is started, the less losses the patient can get out of alcoholism.

Pills for alcoholism, causing aversion to ethanol

The treatment of alcoholism with tablets of this group is based on their ability to block the oxidation of ethyl alcohol. At the same time, acetaldehyde accumulates in the blood, causing an uncomfortable state (palpitations, fear of death, hand tremors, nausea and vomiting). This helps to form a conditioned reflex of aversion to alcohol.


In addition to tablets for oral administration, disulfiram is available in tablets for interfascial or intramuscular placement (8-10 tablets are "sewn" into the buttock or shoulder).

  • Injectable analogue of disulfiram - Tetlong-250.
  • Subcutaneous depot ("capsule") - Esperal.

Trade names of drugs based on disulfiram:

  • Teturam 70-110 rubles
  • Esperal 750-900 rub
  • Lidevin 800 rub
  • Antabuse 470 rub
  • Abstinil, Antetil, Antetan, Antikol, Aversan, Diesel, Contrapot, Crotenal, Nokzal, Espenal, Stoptil, Exoran, Refusal, Radoter, Alkofobin

It inhibits acetaldehyderogenase and causes a clinic of alcohol poisoning. The tablets are well absorbed into gastrointestinal tract. Excreted by the kidneys. In order to avoid side effects before the appointment, the patient must be carefully examined and warned about the effects of the drug. The dose is selected individually and increased gradually. It is not recommended to combine the drug with drugs that reduce blood clotting, due to the risk of bleeding. It is also not recommended to prescribe the drug to patients with peptic ulcer, after strokes, people over 60 years of age or suffering from psychosis.
Contraindications: The drug is contraindicated in arterial hypertension of 2-3 degrees, decompensation of cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis cerebral vessels, thyrotoxicosis, neuritis auditory nerve, pulmonary tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, kidney failure, cancer, liver failure.
Side effects: metallic taste in the mouth, rarely occurs hepatitis, polyneuritis.
When taking 50-100 ml of alcohol, respiratory failure, pressure drop, spasm of the heart vessels, myocardial infarction, convulsions may occur. Long-term use disulfiram may be accompanied by psychosis. The effect of the drug is weakened by taking ascorbic acid.

Colme, Mizo (cyamine)

Kolma 1300-1500 rubles. vials 4 pcs.

Drops for oral administration. The drug is prescribed only after a thorough examination. The patient must be warned about possible consequences and complications of the treatment.
Dosed 12-25 drops per reception twice a day. Each drop contains 3 mg of the active ingredient.
Contraindications: decompensation of cardiovascular diseases, respiratory and kidney failure, pregnancy, breastfeeding.
Adverse reactions(without alcohol) are rare and mild (weakness, drowsiness, tinnitus, leukocytosis). When taking alcohol: nausea, tachycardia, blurred vision, chest pain, difficulty breathing, in severe cases, respiratory depression, drop in blood pressure, vomiting, collaptoid state.
Therefore, during treatment, it should be borne in mind that ethanol may be part of some medicines or products. Function should be monitored during treatment thyroid gland. The risk to the patient's health increases with the simultaneous use of Colme and alcohol in patients with diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, epilepsy, kidney disease and CVD.

Drugs that reduce alcohol cravings

The action is milder than that of drugs from the previous group.

It is a homeopathic preparation in lozenges and drops. It is based on antibodies to a brain-specific protein.

Tablets Propoten 100 help with a hangover.
For this purpose, one tablet is taken every half an hour in the first two hours after waking up. Further, if necessary, they are dosed by a tablet per hour for 10 hours. Then the reception continues for 2-3 days on a tablet after 4-6 hours. Prevention of relapses is carried out within two to three months (1-2 tablets per day).
If alcohol is taken by accident, an additional 1 tablet is taken during the day, and the second at night. The drug is sold without a prescription.
Drops 10 drops are added to Art. spoon, not during a meal. With a hangover for 2 hours, take 10 drops every half an hour, then 10 drops 1 r / hour for the next 10 hours.
Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation
Side effects: double vision - a short-term disturbance of accommodation, reactions of individual hypersensitivity.

hangover pills

These drugs reduce the manifestations of a hangover syndrome, remove tachycardia, nausea, and headaches. However, the acids contained in them, aspirin, soda can irritate the gastric mucosa and cause acute erosion. Therefore, it is impossible to violate the dosing regimen of drugs, and it is better for people with peptic ulcer to refrain from them. In principle, most hangover cures are a solution of soda and acids, that is, soda with lemon.

Alka-seltzer and Zorex Morning

Alka-seltzer 190-230 rubles, Zorex morning 230 rubles.

These are products based on aspirin, bicarbonate and citric acid, soluble effervescent tablets. Aspirin in their composition reduces the level of pain mediators, breaks down microclots in the capillaries, the formation of which provokes alcohol and which causes headache with a hangover. The drug bubbles when dissolved due to bicarbonate, which neutralizes hydrochloric acid in the stomach and eliminates acid imbalances.
Indications: headaches after alcohol abuse, toothache, back pain, muscle pain.
bronchial asthma (caused by NSAIDs, salicylates), gastrointestinal ulcers, hemorrhagic diathesis, with caution in gout, renal and hepatic insufficiency, pregnancy, lactation.
Application: 1 tab. up to 6 r / day, with severe pain, 2 tablets are possible, the maximum daily dose is not more than 9 tablets, the interval between doses is at least 4 hours. Do not take the drug for more than 5 days.
Side effects: (usually in overdose), bronchospasm, skin rash, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, heartburn, erosive and ulcerative lesions Gastrointestinal tract, liver dysfunction.

Alka-prim 2 pcs. 70 rubles, 10 pcs. 150-200 rub. (Alco-buffer, Alco-nar, Alcohol detox, Alco-stop).

Compound : Acetylsalicylic acid And .
Indications and contraindications are similar to Alka-Seltzer
Application: usually 1-2 tablets are required to be dissolved in a glass of water, no more than 2-4 times a day with an interval of at least 4 hours, a single dose of max. 3 pcs, daily allowance no more than 9 tab. Do not take Alka-prim for more than 7 days.
Side effects: bleeding, rash, hives, nausea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain.

Metadoxil 30 pcs. 800-1000 rub.

Contains vitamins of group B, which accelerate the oxidation of ethyl alcohol. Also, the composition of the drug includes medichronal, which neutralizes acetaldehyde poisoning.
Indications: chronic alcoholism, liver diseases (alcoholic etiology), acute alcohol intoxication, alcoholic withdrawal syndrome.
Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity, with caution in Parkinson's disease.
Application: You can’t drink a pill from a hangover; for this purpose, intravenous drip infusions of the drug from ampoules in saline or glucose solution are used. The drug is also suitable for the treatment of acute alcohol poisoning. The tablet form is used to treat chronic alcoholism (1 tablet twice a day for three months).
Side effects: allergic reactions, with bronchial asthma, bronchospasm may develop.

Lemontar 30 pcs. 80-100 rub.

A hangover remedy based on citric and succinic acids, which accelerate the conversion of acetaldehyde into acetic acid and improve cellular respiration and metabolic processes in tissues.
Indications: prevention of intoxication, reduction of toxic effects in case of mild alcohol intoxication, in case of miscarriage and for the prevention of complications in case of fetal hypoxia, in complex therapy drunken states of patients with alcoholism, "trial breakfast" in the study of the stomach.
Contraindications: gastric ulcer (exacerbation), glaucoma, ischemic heart disease, hypersensitivity, arterial hypertension, severe form of late preeclampsia.
Application: tab. crushed, dissolved in water and added soda on the tip of a knife or dissolved in mineral water. To prevent intoxication, 30-60 minutes before drinking alcohol, take 1 tablet. When intoxicated, 1 tab. 2-4 r / day with an interval of 1-2 hours. When drinking - 1 table 3-4 r / day for 5-10 days, it can be used as monotherapy, it can be in complex treatment.
Side effects: pain in the epigastric region (disappear on its own after 5 minutes), with hypertension, an increase in blood pressure is possible.

Zorex 2 pcs. 180 rubles, 10 pcs. 400-600 rub.

Ingredients: Sodium dimercaptopropanesulfonate and calcium pantothenate.
Zorex capsules contain unithiol and calcium pantothenate, which facilitate the elimination of acetaldehyde and ethanol. Unithiol, as a nonspecific antidote, binds acetaldehyde and excretes it in the urine.
Indications: poisoning with mercury, chromium, arsenic, etc. compounds, alcohol abuse, chronic alcoholism, alcohol withdrawal syndrome.
Contraindications: severe illness liver and kidneys, hypersensitivity, with caution in low blood pressure.
Dosage: 30 minutes before meals with water, without chewing. With alcohol abuse, 1 caps. 1-2 r / day, 3-7 days until the symptoms of intoxication stop. 1-2 capsules per day can eliminate the neurological and mental manifestations of a hangover. At chronic alcoholism 10 days for 1 piece 1-2 r / day.
Side effects: allergic manifestations, with high doses- dizziness, nausea, pale skin, tachycardia.

Drugs that reduce the effect of ethanol

  • B vitamins. The content of these vitamins in the body is reduced under the influence of alcohol. This leads to the destruction of the outer shell of the nerves, impaired neuromuscular transmission, polyneuropathy (impaired movements in the arms and legs, numbness, crawling sensation). Vitamins of this group enhance the breakdown of ethyl alcohol. They are widely used to remove patients from binges. Thiamine (vitamin B1) in ampoules, neuromultivit (vitamins B1, B6, B12), litonite (lithium salt of nicotinic acid for injections). In case of a hangover, carefully open an ampoule with a vitamin, pour into a glass and drink.
  • Crystalline solutions for infusions (glucose, hemodez) accelerate the excretion of aldehyde and ethanol, increase the volume of circulating blood, and reduce lipid peroxidation.
  • Rekitsen-RD is a dietary supplement enterosorbent, which is effective in alcohol intoxication, hangover. It contains wine yeast, vitamins B, D, E, K, PP.
  • Filtrum STI, white coal and other enterosorbents for any food poisoning, therefore, with ethanol intoxication, they feel better.

How are psychiatric disorders treated for alcoholism?

  • Anticonvulsants: volproic acid, carbomazepine, topiramate, lamotrigine.
  • Barbiturates (sleeping pills) - phenobarbital.
  • Antipsychotics for the treatment of psychopathy and neurotic conditions:
    • phenothiazines (promazine, chloropromazine, triftazine, thioproperazine, etaperazine, thioridazine)
    • butyrofinones (droperidol, haloperidol)
    • xanthenes (flupentixol, chlorprothixene, euclopenthixol)
    • bicyclic (risperidone)
    • tricyclic (quetialin, clozapine, opanzalin)
    • benzamides (sulpiride, thiagrid, amylsulpiride)
  • to eliminate irritability and reduced vitality, .
  • Tranquilizers to relieve fear, nervousness, nervous tension:
    • benzodiazepines (diazepam, bromazepam, nitrazepam, chlordiahepaxide, clonazepam)
    • heterocyclic (zoligdem, buspirone, imovan)
    • triazolbenzodiazepines (midazolam, alprozolam)
    • glycerol derivatives (meprobamate)
    • diphenylmethane derivatives (hydroxyzine, benactizine)
  • Normotimics: lithium salts (lithium oxybutyrate, lithium carbonate) put the mood in order.

Pills for alcoholism without the knowledge of the drinker

Often there are situations when the patient with alcoholism does not want to be treated. Then relatives, ready to fight for the health and socialization of a person, try to take the initiative into their own hands. Today's pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical market is ready to offer a range of drugs that can be used to treat alcoholism.

Unfortunately, keyword in the last phrase “it is possible”, since narcologists unanimously declare the low effectiveness of treatment without the willingness of the patient himself to work with his illness.

  • Pharmaceuticals Barrier, Blocker is biologically active additives, which are added to tea or other non-alcoholic drinks. They contain B vitamins, glycine, trace elements. There are currently no clinically proven results of these drugs.
  • Colme drops cause an aversion to alcohol, but even with prolonged therapy without the knowledge of the patient, they do not give a lasting effect.
  • Disulfiram-based drugs that provoke a gag reflex, palpitations, shortness of breath while taking alcohol. With an underestimation of the initial state of the patient and even a slight overdose, they can bring the patient to a heart attack, stroke or psychosis.

Thus, the treatment of alcoholism is a complex complex event that can bring results only if treated by a competent narcologist and the patient is ready for therapy.

Although alcohol is one of the most common causes of many fatal diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver, it continues to be the drink of choice for many people. With severe alcohol dependence, you can not do without specialized treatment, however, you can prevent the formation of dependence with the help of simple folk remedies. We present to you the most effective remedies for alcoholism both natural and synthetic origin.

Folk remedies are one of the most effective and affordable options for treating alcoholism. Their main disadvantage is that they are effective at the initial stage of the disease (and alcohol abuse is considered precisely as a chronic mental illness, a kind of substance abuse). However, with progressive alcoholism folk remedies - a useful addition to the main drug treatment.

One of the most popular and effective home remedies for dealing with alcohol addiction. Whenever there is a desire to “roll on a small one”, you need to drink a glass of grape juice or eat a few grapes.

  • Since grapes contain the purest form of the alcoholic agent, they serve as an alternative to alcohol for alcoholics.
  • Grapes are rich in potassium, which helps maintain alkaline balance blood, and also stimulates the kidneys.
  • In addition, grapes have an amazing cleansing power, allowing you to remove toxins from the liver.

4. Chinese bitter gourd, she is momordica charantskaya

The juice obtained from bitter gourd leaves is a good Ayurvedic cure for alcohol addiction. In addition, this juice has the ability to repair damaged liver cells, lower blood glucose levels and improve metabolism.

  • Bitter gourd juice can be drunk in small portions (large ones will not work, since the plant got its name for a reason) during the day and taken for a long time.
  • Instead of juice, you can eat the fruits of the plant, but not more than 2 per day, otherwise diarrhea and abdominal pain may occur.
  • To make the taste of bitter gourd juice more pleasant, you can mix it with other juice or low-fat cream (buttermilk).

3. Sour apples and apple juice

One of the most effective folk remedies for alcoholism, and even the most affordable at any time of the year. Apples not only remove toxins accumulated in the body due to alcohol consumption, but also reduce the desire to consume strong alcoholic beverages. It is enough to eat three apples a day. Why sour? Because they have more useful substances(particularly iron) than in sweet fruits.

Quitting alcohol completely within the first two weeks will be a difficult task for most people who suffer from alcoholism or are on the verge of alcoholism. The best approach is to slowly reduce the amount of alcohol consumed. A Apple juice will ease the intense thirst that torments people "in the eyeballs." It must be drunk at least twice a day.

Acupuncture is a form of ancient Chinese medicine- acts on specific points of the body to relieve pain, stress and cravings for alcohol, as well as stimulate recovery of the body. Main disadvantage this method- Difficulties in finding a good specialist in the field of acupuncture.

Acupuncture should not be used for:

  • tuberculosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • schizophrenia;
  • infectious diseases accompanied by fever.

Beautiful home remedy against drunkenness, because celery juice makes an alcoholic sober. The recipe for making a celery drink is simple:

  • you need to mix 1/2 cup of celery juice with the same amount of water;
  • drink 1 time per day for a month.

In addition, eating celery is a good way to get rid of a hangover in the morning.

The best drugs for drinking

Does not exist magic pill or a single remedy that would suit all people who want to stop drinking. But there are several well-established drugs that, when used in combination with psychological and social interventions, can help a significant number of patients with alcohol dependence. Here top 5 best remedies for binge that the pharmaceutical industry has to offer.

5. Antabuse, Esperal (disulfiram)

Antabuse was approved for the treatment of alcoholism over 50 years ago, making it the oldest drug on the anti-alcohol market. Exactly this the best remedy from alcoholism according to the opinions of both the alcoholics themselves and their families.

It works by interfering with the body's ability to metabolize alcohol—specifically, by inhibiting the production of an enzyme that allows the body to absorb an ethyl alcohol metabolite called acetaldehyde.

In the absence of an enzyme involved in the metabolism of acetaldehyde, this substance accumulates in the body after drinking alcohol. As a result, extremely unpleasant side effects which may include:

  • hyperemia;
  • nausea;
  • cardiopalmus.

The disadvantage of Antabuse is that many alcoholics stop taking it, believing that it is the medicine that is to blame for the fact that they feel bad after the feast.

A remedy is most effective when its use is supervised, say, in an alcoholism treatment clinic or at home, by a member of the alcoholic's family.

4. Vivitrol (naltrexone)

This drug helps reduce both the pleasure that alcoholics get from drinking alcohol and the cravings that drive them to look for new drinks. These effects are achieved by blocking opioid receptors in the brain. These same receptors are also responsible for the pleasure of taking drugs such as morphine and heroin.

  • The drug can be taken either in the form of tablets or in injection form.
  • Oral naltrexone has been shown in clinical trials to reduce relapses in alcoholism. A relapse is considered four or more drinks per day for women and five or more for men.
  • Compared with patients who took a placebo (dummy), alcoholics who took naltrexone had 36% fewer episodes of heavy drinking during the three months of the study.

The main side effects of the drug are nausea and (or vomiting), abdominal pain, drowsiness and nasal congestion.

3. Campral (calcium acamprosate)

At oral intake three times a day Kampral acts on neurotransmitters in the brain. This remedy helps reduce the withdrawal symptoms that can occur in alcoholics trying to overcome their bad habit.

These symptoms may include:

  • insomnia;
  • anxiety;
  • anxiety;
  • unpleasant changes in mood.

According to the results of the European clinical trials and according to the combined data of several studies, Kampral increases the number of people who were able to abstain from drinking for several weeks or months.

2. Topamax (Topiramate)

When an alcoholic has epileptic seizures in addition to Kampral, the doctor may prescribe a drug called Topamax. It has a mechanism of action similar to Campral and may similarly help patients avoid or reduce symptoms associated with prolonged abstinence from drinking. In a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in October 2007, US and German researchers reported that Topamax was better than placebo in reducing alcohol withdrawal symptoms over a 14-week period.

When taking the drug, the following side effects may occur:

  • loss of concentration;
  • sensation of itching and burning of the skin;
  • lack of appetite.

1. Selincro (nalmefene)

Another opioid antagonist, it blocks the delta, kappa, and mu receptors. One randomized trial in 100 patients showed similar efficacy to nalmefene as naltrexone. That is, the drug significantly reduces the likelihood of relapse of alcoholism.

All of these drugs work best when combined with psychosocial treatment. Just giving an alcoholic a pill is ineffective. He must himself desire to be cured of his habit.

Remember, any medicine should be taken only as directed by a doctor. All medicines have contraindications, be sure to consult a specialist and do not self-medicate.

Comprehensive fight against alcohol addiction includes psychotherapeutic treatment, social adaptation and drug therapy. Modern drugs to reduce cravings for alcohol are different pharmacological groups. Among them are harmless dietary supplements, and potent drugs that cannot be prescribed to oneself on one's own, moreover, given to a person by force or without his knowledge. For the treatment of addiction, consultation and supervision of a doctor is required.

Drugs that reduce cravings for alcohol work in different ways. Which to use depends on the stage of the disease, physical and psychological state patient, contraindications.

Drug treatment is not the basis of the treatment of alcoholism. Drugs only help to facilitate the withdrawal of alcohol. If a person does not have a conscious desire to stop drinking, they will not help.

All funds can be divided into the following groups:

  • Drugs that form a negative conditioned reflex. This group includes funds, after application, a person physically cannot drink, because if he does, he will feel very bad.
  • Drugs that reduce cravings for alcohol reduce the desire to drink. They stabilize the psychological state, improve overall well-being.
  • Means that help relieve painful withdrawal symptoms, accelerate the metabolism of ethanol and cleanse the body of the products of its processing.

Formation of a negative conditioned reflex

In order to cause aversion to alcohol, most often used special preparations based on disulfiram and cyanamide. These substances inhibit the production of the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. It is this enzyme that is involved in the metabolism of ethanol. If it is not released, the process of splitting alcohol is disrupted.

At the moment when ethanol decomposes to acetaldehyde, the specified enzyme should begin to act. In its absence, acetaldehyde does not decompose further, but accumulates in the body, causing severe intoxication.

Symptoms of acetaldehyde poisoning:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • tachycardia;

  • suffocation;
  • feeling faint, fear of death, panic;
  • flushes of blood to the face;
  • chills followed by fever;
  • drop in blood pressure.

If you drink alcohol against the background of the medication taken, the person will soon feel all the symptoms of intoxication. Sometimes once is enough to form persistent disgust to the taste and smell of ethanol. Subconsciously, drinking becomes associated with the fear of death.

Note that the drug can be dangerous. With a large dosage of alcohol, the symptoms intensify, up to lethal outcome.

Disulfiram preparations

Names of drugs based on disulfiram, registered in Russia:

  • Esperal;
  • Lidevin;
  • Antabuse (effervescent soluble tablets);
  • Tetlong-250 (ampoules with solution).

All these drugs are used in the treatment and prevention of relapse of alcoholism. In addition to them, the market offers a lot of funds that have not passed state registration. These are solutions for intravenous injections Disulfiram-gel, Aquilong-depot, Algominal, etc.

Because of hard feelings that causes disulfiram, it should not be taken by people with decompensated diseases of cardio-vascular system, mental illness, epilepsy. In addition, he has a lot of other contraindications:

  • diabetes;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • neuritis of the auditory / optic nerve;
  • lung diseases (tuberculosis, asthma, emphysema);
  • insufficiency of the liver and kidneys, etc.

The entire course of treatment, the patient's condition should be monitored by a doctor. As a rule, disulfiram is prescribed if other, sparing methods of treatment have been ineffective.

The disadvantage of disulfiram treatment is that over time negative effect from its reception is forgotten. Many alcoholics have to repeat the course after some time. A person who does not want to be treated may refuse to take pills, for such patients the prognosis of treatment is, in principle, negative.

In addition to tablets and injections, preparations with disulfiram are used for the so-called "filing" or coding with disulfiram (Tetoram, Torpedo). In this case, the substance in the form of ampoules is implanted subcutaneously under the scapula. The procedure is performed by a surgeon. "Filing" partly protects against skipping the medication, although there have been cases when a person, unable to resist the desire to drink, cut out an ampoule from under the skin.

Treatment regimen

The classic scheme of taking the drug includes three steps.

  1. First: appointed maximum dose- 250-500 mg. The drug is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach for a week - ten days. During this time, disulfiram accumulates in adipose tissue, from where it is then gradually released into the blood.
  2. Second phase- gradual reduction in dosage from 250-500 to 200-250 mg over one to three weeks. At the same time, under the supervision of a doctor (or in a hospital), several so-called "disulfiram tests" are carried out: a person is given a small dose of alcohol (10-20 g) to drink so that he feels the effect of the drug. Usually 2-4 samples are enough to discourage the desire to drink. The control of the doctor is very important, because sometimes it is necessary to apply medical measures to remove the intoxication that has arisen.
  3. At the third stage the patient takes a maintenance dosage of 125-150 mg of the drug. In this amount, you can drink it until the moment when the person feels that his dependence has decreased to a controllable level.

Cyanamide preparations

Cyanamide acts like disulfiram, but does not reduce arterial pressure therefore subjectively better tolerated by patients prone to hypotension. It does not cause drowsiness or weakness. In addition, the lower intrinsic toxicity of this agent is also noted.

Indications for the appointment of cyanamide are the same as for disulfiram. The principle of preparation and the treatment regimen do not differ.

In Russia, one drug with cyanamide is registered - Mizo. He replaced his counterpart on the shelves of pharmacies - Kolma, whose state registration was canceled. Mizo - a complete synonym for Colme, is available in the form of drops.

Usually in the treatment regimen, 12-25 drops are prescribed per reception. The medicine is drunk twice a day, since cyanamide is excreted from the body in 12 hours. It is clear that for the regular use of the drug in this form requires the interest of the patient in the treatment.

Preparations with these active ingredients can cause a negative reaction when using kvass, kefir, koumiss and other similar products with a low alcohol content. So from their use at the time of treatment will also have to be abandoned.

Decreased cravings for alcohol

To reduce the craving for drinking, it is important to normalize mental condition and the functioning of the nervous system. Improve sleep, reduce aggression and anxiety. There are a lot of drugs that help with this. It contains both dietary supplements and medicines prescribed by a doctor.

For example, psychotherapists in the treatment of alcoholism can prescribe psychotropic drugs: neuroleptics, antidepressants, tranquilizers, which are sold strictly by prescription and require constant medical supervision. We will not consider these groups of drugs in the article.

Naltrexone (Vivitrol)

Naltrexone is an opioid receptor antagonist. The mechanism of action is as follows: the active substance blocks opioid receptors, and the patient ceases to feel euphoria from taking drugs, alcohol. Such an action makes it possible to use it in the prevention of addiction relapses, since drinking simply loses its meaning.

Treatment with the drug begins after the patient has not consumed alcohol for 5 days, with his consent. Enter intramuscular injection once a month for six months. This is done by the doctor as part of a comprehensive therapy program (for example, "Point of sobriety"). Such treatment is not considered coding, the patient can drink alcohol, but there will be no effect from this.


Aminoacetic acid (the active substance of the drug) is used in the complex therapy of strokes and alcohol dependence (including reduces the manifestations of alcoholic encephalopathy). Glycine itself does not cure anything - it is aid, which improves falling asleep and sleep quality, reduces aggressiveness and irascibility, relieves emotional stress, improves mental activity.

Glycine combines well with other drugs that reduce cravings for alcohol, so it is often prescribed in parallel with them. There are practically no contraindications and side effects.

Many experts note that the standard dosage of aminoacetic acid of 100 mg is too small to give a noticeable effect, so it is better to take three to five tablets instead of one. The drug Glycine Forte (Evalar) contains 300 mg of glycine and B vitamins, the deficiency of which is typical for chronic alcoholics, so you can take it for simultaneous vitamin therapy.

These are also pills that reduce cravings for alcohol. They are used as a component of complex addiction therapy. Contains L-threonine and vitamin B6. effectively reduce nervous tension, improve brain function, and also normalize the content of endogenous acetate aldehyde, an intermediate product of the metabolism of endogenous ethanol. This reduces the desire to drink and reduces the severity of withdrawal symptoms.

Biotredin also does not cure anything itself, but it is able to support a person’s strong-willed mood, remove intrusive thoughts about drinking, reduce the psychological and physical discomfort caused by the rejection of alcohol.

Drink the drug 2-3 tablets three times a day. Simultaneous reception with Glycine is recommended.


Homeopathic remedy. Designed to reduce the severity of hangover symptoms, withdrawal symptoms with a sharp refusal of alcohol and to relieve cravings for alcohol. Available in lozenges and drops.

The principle of action, as with all homeopathic remedies, is unclear. The active ingredient is antibodies to glial proteins S-100 in homeopathic dilution. The concentration of these proteins increases with brain damage (including those due to toxic action ethanol). Antibodies, entering the body, increase the production of s-100, which leads to the launch of compensatory processes.

The resistance of the brain to hypoxia and intoxication increases, the balance of neurotransmitters normalizes. As a result, mood improves, sleep normalizes, depression and anxiety go away.

Proproten-100 is also prescribed as an auxiliary drug, along with the two described above. There are no contraindications, except for individual sensitivity. To prevent relapse, take 1 tablet or 10 drops of the drug 1-2 times a day for 2-3 months. In the treatment of withdrawal syndrome, another scheme is one dose every 30 minutes until a pronounced improvement in the condition.

Removal of abstinence syndrome

A severe state during withdrawal leads to the fact that a person returns to drinking alcohol, trying to improve his well-being (hangover). As a result, it is difficult to break out of the vicious circle of hard drinking. To break it, it is recommended to take special drugs that help to survive this difficult period. They do not form an aversion to alcohol, do not suppress craving for it, but improve the physical and psychological state.

Detoxifying agent with sodium formate (3.5), glucose (17.5 g) and a loading dose of glycine. How glycine works is already known. Glucose is needed to replenish energy, replenish glycogen stores in the liver. Sodium formate reduces the concentration of acetate in the blood, reducing the symptoms of a hangover.

Accepted 2-4 days per period acute intoxication alcohol as a prophylactic is not used due to sodium formate in the composition.


Contains the substance metadoxine with hepatoprotective, detoxification and non-specific antidepressant action.

The drug protects the liver from damage by toxic ethanol oxidation products. Slows down the development of cirrhosis, inhibiting the synthesis of substances that lead to sclerosis of hepatocytes. Induces liver enzymes that break down alcohol, which reduces its toxic effect.

In addition, metadoxine reduces anxiety, aggressiveness, depression. Thus, both the physical and mental manifestations of withdrawal are reduced.

Available in tablets and solution for injection. Tablets are taken 1-2 times a day. With acute alcohol poisoning use a solution for intravenous administration(in hospital).

Unithiol (Zorex)

Unithiol is a detoxifying drug. It is used for various poisonings, including alcohol. Protects liver cells, promotes the transformation of poisons into inactive compounds and their removal from the body.

Unithiol is available in solution for injection (intramuscular, subcutaneous), so it is usually used in hospitals. For self-administration, Zorex capsules are used. This preparation additionally contains calcium pantothenate (vitamin B5), which activates metabolic processes in the body.

In addition to the listed drugs, sorbents (Polysorb, Filtrum), vitamin B1 preparations (thiamine chloride), aspirin (Alcoseltzer) are used to relieve withdrawal symptoms.

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Now there is a fairly wide range of various methods for the effective fight against alcoholism. Many prefer to be treated on an outpatient basis. In this case, the best solution is alcohol-free pills that help without consequences. It is necessary to find out which pills help to cope with this ailment.

First of all, we note one extremely important point.

Note! It is strictly forbidden to attempt to treat a person from alcohol addiction secretly, without his knowledge! All experts say: you can’t put any pills in food. This can cause unpredictable negative consequences.

The patient must independently be convinced of the need to give up alcohol and consciously begin therapy. Only then can addiction treatment be successful.

Unfortunately, some people continue to independently make attempts to "save" their relatives from alcoholism. They buy drugs from a pharmacy, order them online, and then secretly put them in the patient's food. In some "magic" means, even in the instructions, it is advised to do just that. If such a drug is real, contains certain chemical components, and then react with ethane (when a person drinks alcohol), the result can be the most deplorable. Sometimes this even leads to death.

Also unacceptable self-treatment. Therapy for combating alcohol dependence can only be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Almost all drugs are potent, so you can’t take them on your own. Side effects are likely to be extremely negative.

The main groups of tablets

At each stage of drug therapy, certain drugs of a specific orientation are used. It is customary to divide tablets into three main types:

  • preparations for elimination of a hangover syndrome;
  • medicines to reduce dependence on alcohol;
  • pills that develop an aversion to alcoholic beverages.

Let's look at the groups in a little more detail and give specific examples.

hangover cures

It is important to first complete a complete detoxification of the body before starting treatment for alcohol addiction. This is how you can get a person out of a state of binge, as well as improve his general health, restore normal work internal organs.

The following funds are most in demand, enjoy well-deserved trust.


The product is made on the basis of succinic, citric acid. It improves metabolic processes, speeds up metabolism and ensures good cellular respiration. If alcohol intoxication insignificant, the drug almost completely removes the negative toxic effect. It has a mild sedative effect, restores normal sleep, improves the overall emotional background.

To prevent intoxication, take one tablet an hour before drinking alcohol. When the patient is in a state of binge, it is necessary to drink 4 times one tablet throughout the day. The course of treatment is usually 5-10 days.

It is forbidden to take the drug for ulcers, high blood pressure, late gestosis. As side effects usually there is an increase in pressure, discomfort in the epigastric region.


The most effective drug to combat hangover syndrome. Provides accelerated decay and excretion of ethanol. The directed effect is on the brain, blood circulation is restored, normal functioning. Also positive impact turns out to be on the liver, which suffers especially strongly during drinking bouts. Tablets help reduce the level of alcohol in the body. When the drug is taken regularly, it accumulates in the tissues.

Magnesium sulfate

It is most often used in drug therapy to combat alcoholism, as it provides an improvement in the overall psychological state of the patient. The drug also lowers blood pressure. At the same time, it is important to take it with caution, because in some cases, in patients on a binge, the pressure does not jump, but decreases. In any case, therapy should be carried out only as directed and under the supervision of a physician.

Alcohol craving pills

When intoxication has already been reduced, the time comes for the use of drugs from this category. Typical psychotropic drugs are already presented here. They can only be taken under supervision. an experienced doctor, only according to his recipe! Such tablets have a direct effect on the central nervous system. The main goal is to reduce the desire to drink alcohol.

Antidepressant Tianeptine

Tianeptine tablets relieve stress, relieve depression, a false sense of fear. The patient becomes more calm, balanced, aggressiveness and irritability are suppressed, constant anxiety. Normal sleep is restored, which helps a person gradually return to normal life.

Tranquilizers. Diazepam

Such pills are necessary to relieve tension, anxiety. The drug Diazepam has a mild sedative effect, it suppresses aggression and irritation, relieves convulsions and numbness of the extremities, and restores normal blood circulation. The patient gets rid of the feeling of fear, unmotivated anxiety, really begins to feel better.

Take the drug 4 times a day. The dosage can only be set by a specialist. Often determine daily dose in 60 mg.

Diazepam can cause confusion, impaired memory and attention, tachycardia and allergic reactions, as well as intestinal disorders.

Neuroleptic Fluanxol

Among antipsychotics, Fluanxol is in the greatest demand. It has an antipsychotic effect. Reduced aggression, hostility, irritability. hypnotic effect pills are not given.


New drug. Restores normal balance chemical elements in the structure of the brain. Ultimately, the craving for alcohol decreases.

Remember! Drugs should never be taken in combination with alcoholic drinks. This may cause severe consequences up to and including death.

Pills for the development of aversion to alcohol

Almost all tablets of this group are produced on the basis of disulfiram. They act on the body by blocking enzymes. A person gradually causes signs of intoxication:

  • starts to chill;
  • suffering from nausea and vomiting spasms;
  • blood pressure drops;
  • the hands are shaky;
  • it seems to be on fire.

Among the pills that provoke an aversion to alcohol, Esperal, Teturam and Antabuse are most often prescribed.


The drug can be taken orally in the form of tablets. calls negative attitude to the alcohol physiological level.

Esperal prolongs, strengthens everything unpleasant symptoms caused by hangovers. Even the intake of alcohol in minimal doses will provoke a strong rejection reaction in the patient. It is implied that the person will eventually develop an aversion to liquor. Esperal in combination with alcohol gives the strongest reaction: the patient experiences severe nausea, he begins to vomit, coordination is disturbed. There may be failures in memory, hearing, attention is scattered, it becomes more difficult to concentrate.

Unfortunately, the drug also had side effects: optic neuritis, mental disorders.

It is necessary to take Esperal in the morning, daily, directly during meals. The dose is gradually reduced, and the entire course of treatment lasts a week. Then the drug is continued to be taken, but already in the form of a maintenance dose. Treatment is allowed only on prescription, under the supervision of a physician.


This drug is an analogue of Esperali, but it has its own advantages. It is released in the form effervescent tablets, which dissolve instantly, are quickly absorbed. As a result, the desired concentration in the blood is achieved much faster.

The principle of action and administration of the drug is the same as that of Esperali. You can find out how effective the drug is by conducting a disulfiram-alcohol test.

Unfortunately, there are contraindications. The medicine is forbidden to take with diabetes, as well as with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Do not combine Antabuse with medicines containing alcohol.


Alcohol addiction - dangerous disease, which starts with minor symptoms, but develops into a serious disease.

Alcoholism is the cause of development various lesions. In addition, it leads to the degradation of the individual. The person himself often does not recognize the presence of the disease. He reacts aggressively to the help of loved ones.

Comprehensive treatment allows you to quickly cope with the disease. Thanks to the development of pharmaceuticals, there are special drugs that help a person get rid of a dangerous addiction.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • We kindly ask you DO NOT self-medicate, but book an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

They support the patient at a physiological level, while psychological methods are used to create the patient's confidence in the need for treatment.

Stages of therapy

The problem of alcoholism cannot be cured by a single method. It involves the use of a set of tools. This is the only way to quickly get rid of the disease.

Experts distinguish the following stages of alcoholism treatment:

  • At the same time, various studies are being carried out.
  • Their goal is to determine the degree of neglect of the disease, to identify existing lesions of the organs and nervous system of the patient.
Gradual withdrawal of the patient from the state of binge
  • This step is very important and dangerous. It should be strictly under the supervision of a doctor.
  • In medical practice, there are many cases of death at this stage.
  • The doctor will help the patient survive given period and minimizes the risk of adverse effects on his body with the help of special preparations.
Rehabilitation stage
  • At this stage, the patient is undergoing treatment for alcoholism. He is prescribed pills and injections.
  • The main goal of treatment is to get rid of addiction.
  • Psychotherapy is of great importance.
Working with the family of a sick person
  • In some cases, close people themselves insist on treatment, and sometimes they do not realize the danger of this disease.
  • The task of the psychotherapist is to convince the patient's family that he needs help.
  • Teach them to properly respond to the behavior of the patient, provide him with support, etc.

Drug groups

Different drugs for alcohol dependence work differently. The following three groups of funds can be distinguished:

  1. Medications that cause alcohol intolerance. These funds provoke the emergence of a patient's feeling of disgust for alcoholic beverages.
  2. Drugs that reduce the patient's desire to drink alcohol.
  3. Medications that ease the course of the withdrawal syndrome.

Experts say that the latter group can only conditionally be called anti-alcohol. In fact, drugs such as Alkaseltzer only alleviate a person's condition.

They quickly eliminate a hangover and vice versa provoke a person to further alcohol consumption. In fact, they do not play a special role in the fight against this disease.

The most effective are the funds from the 2nd group. They have been successfully used to treat alcoholism in the US and Europe. In these countries, a large number of such drugs are officially registered.

There are almost no such drugs on the territory of the CIS. The advertised remedy - Proproten-100 is usually used to get out of a state of binge and alleviate a hangover.

In Russia, for the treatment of alcoholism, drugs from the 1st group are used, that is, tablets that cause a complete disgust for alcohol.

List of pills for alcoholism

In any pharmacy there is a wide range of drugs to combat this addiction. Mostly sold homeopathic remedies for alcoholism. More effective means are prescribed exclusively by a doctor and are not released for free sale.

  • Metronidazole is a popular drug that has a pronounced anti-alcohol effect. These pills for alcoholism at home have been used for many years. They are used as part of aversive therapy.
  • They are prescribed to patients suffering from chronic alcoholism. The main action is associated with a decrease in ADH. The use of Metronidazole with alcohol causes a sharp deterioration in the patient's condition (nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, dizziness), which, in turn, provokes disgust for him.
  • Of the main disadvantages of the drug - low efficiency. This drug does not work for all patients. The advantage of Metronidazole is low toxicity and harmlessness to the body of a sick person. The medicine is taken 2-3 times a day.
  • Initially at a dosage of 500-750 mg. Then it can be increased to 1.5g. for up to 10 days. After that, the patient is adjusted dose, again returning to the minimum. The general course is 25-30 days. The patient is regularly tested for alcohol.
  • Algominal is one of the most effective means for getting rid of alcoholism. Experts recognize it as the strongest drug which blocks the craving for alcohol. Its key advantage is the ability to rid the patient of the disease, regardless of the severity of the disease.
  • You cannot buy it in a pharmacy. It is used exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. Self-medication with Algominal can lead to serious consequences.
  • According to experts, this drug will block alcohol cravings for up to 3-5 years. Algominal is administered intravenously. Before using it, the doctor conducts a diagnosis, establishing the degree of neglect of the disease. The patient is told about the consequences of drinking alcohol after the administration of the drug.
  • Following the procedure, a demonstration of its operation is carried out. The patient is allowed to sniff a cotton swab moistened with alcohol or a little alcohol. At the same time, he experiences strong discomfort.
  • Veritrol is used if other means have not given the expected effect. It is prescribed for a long period (up to 1 month). But initially two procedures are carried out.
  • Veritol acts on brain receptors and blocks the euphoria from drinking alcohol. The drug is administered intramuscularly. Before this, the patient should refrain from drinking alcohol for a week. Veritol can only be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Of the advantages of this drug, the minimum number of side effects and contraindications for use should be noted. The drug is well tolerated by patients, it does not provoke addiction and allergies.
  • It can be prescribed as part of complex therapy along with other means.
  • SIT and MST are also recognized by experts as effective drugs that cause a persistent aversion to alcohol. They are actively used by narcologists in Russia. However, these drugs are very dangerous when taken with alcohol, as they cause respiratory arrest and convulsions.
  • After the introduction of the medicine, the doctor conducts a provocation so that the patient is personally convinced of the consequences of drinking alcohol. The patient is given a couple of drops of diluted alcohol. At the same time, he has a strong reaction - headache, suffocation and vasospasm. stress demonstration causes intense fear at the patient.
  • These drugs have many contraindications for use.
  • Naltrexone is a little-studied drug that has only recently come into use for the treatment of alcoholism.
  • It was developed by American specialists. The main action of Naltrexone is associated with the blocking of euphoria after drinking alcohol due to the "shutdown" of certain parts of the brain.
  • Kolme is another foreign drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence. It was developed by Spanish scientists. The use of Colme contributes to the emergence of intolerance to alcoholic beverages.
  • This drug is non-toxic. It can be used for a long time (up to six months).
  • Of the advantages - the absence of color, smell and taste. Thus, the treatment of the patient can be carried out without his knowledge. Thanks to this, close people are able to help a patient who refuses to voluntarily undergo therapy.
  • Teturam - good famous drug, which has established itself as an effective tool in the fight against alcoholism. It promotes the conversion of alcohol to acetaldehyde.
  • The toxic compound causes side effects in patients - nausea and vomiting, headache and tachycardia. Thus, the patient simply cannot take alcohol.
  • Of the shortcomings this drug it should be noted its short-lived effect. If you do not take pills regularly, then soon the person will return to usual way life. The tool is quite toxic, so its uncontrolled use is unacceptable.
  • Esperal is used to prevent the recurrence of alcoholism. When drinking alcohol, the patient experiences unpleasant sensations, including headache, vomiting, increased pressure, tachycardia, redness of the face, etc.
  • Disgust is not only the taste of alcohol, but even its smell. Tablets inhibit the enzymes that process alcohol.
  • Esperal can be used only after abstinence from alcohol for a day. It is not prescribed to patients with kidney and heart diseases, as well as to persons suffering from diabetes.
  • Corrida-K was created by domestic scientists. This drug helps to eliminate toxins from the body, increase immunity. Corrida-K is prescribed to reduce cravings for alcohol.
  • The composition of the drug includes bioflavonoids, which have anti-alcohol effects. Conducted studies prove high efficiency of this drug - only a third of the subjects had relapses.
Biotredin and Proproten
  • Data medications are additional means to fight alcoholism.
  • They are assigned along with strong medicines to prevent cravings for alcohol.
  • The drugs allow the patient to return to normal life for a long time, while maintaining the effect of the treatment.
  • These pills for alcoholism without consequences, they have no side effects.
  • Selincro is one of the new remedies.
  • It was developed by European scientists in 2013.
  • It has the same effect of eliminating euphoria after taking alcoholic beverages.
  • Corda can be used both for the treatment of alcoholism and in preventive purposes. For example, if you want to drink alcohol.
  • Its action is similar to the effect of the drug Corrida-K. The course of treatment can be one-time or long-term (for a month).
  • The effectiveness of Alcofinal is currently not officially confirmed. However, it has long been used by narcologists.
  • Usually the drug is prescribed for chronic alcoholism. Although it is not forbidden to use it at any stage of the course of the disease.
  • Unlike drugs that block the processing of ethyl alcohol, the Barrier accelerates it.
  • Through the use of this drug, an aversion to alcohol arises.
  • Torpedo is a popular and widely used coding preparation. It has not only a physiological, but also a psychological effect on a sick person.
  • Even a small amount of alcohol causes a strong reaction. The advantage of this method is its durability. Every time a person takes even a small dose of alcohol, he starts a reaction that is similar to severe poisoning.
  • The long-term effect is maintained due to the fact that Torpedo maintains the required concentration of the active substance in the blood.

Side effects

Like all medicines, anti-alcohol drugs can cause side effects. For example, liver damage. In patients with alcoholism, this organ is already damaged by the harmful effects of alcohol. Drugs can cause an even greater negative effect.

Liver damage may occur due to exposure to the drug itself or its metabolites. Most dangerous diseases are cirrhosis and hepatitis.

Also, taking medications can adversely affect the nervous system. In particular, anti-alcohol therapy can cause damage to the autonomic, peripheral, central nervous systems or lead to the development of toxic encephalopathy.

Often, patients complain about gastrointestinal disorders including nausea, vomiting, constipation.

It is possible to minimize the risk of side effects during treatment under the supervision of a doctor, without exceeding the dosage prescribed by him.

What does the effect depend on?

Effective treatment is carried out under the supervision of a physician. Only he, after diagnosing the patient, will be able to choose a remedy that will help in each case.

To date, many pills for alcoholism have been developed. Some of them are available for free sale. However, self-medication can lead to adverse consequences, including the development of side effects.

It is also not recommended to treat the patient without his knowledge. Some well-intentioned loved ones mix anti-alcohol drugs into food or drinks. However, such secret treatment can lead to serious consequences. The patient is not aware of the harm that alcohol can cause him.

The greatest effect of treatment will be achieved with complex therapy (psychological impact, medications and support for loved ones).

Drugs for mental disorders

Treatment for alcoholism is often accompanied by medication for mental disorders. They help relieve stress and prevent the development of depression.

As a rule, patients are prescribed analeptics and antidepressants, for example, Phenazepam, Relanium, Cipramide, Relium. These drugs are prescribed by the doctor, he also determines the dosage. You can not use drugs for mental disorders along with alcohol. This will cause the development of severe adverse reactions.

Alcoholism - serious illness, which negatively affects the physical and mental health patient. For its treatment, psychotherapy and pills are used. A narcologist will provide qualified assistance to the patient. It is the doctor who will select the most effective drugs, will monitor the treatment process and make adjustments to therapy as needed.