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Medicines that should be in your medicine cabinet at home. Mandatory set of sanitary products for a home first aid kit

Every home, every family stores some kind of medicine. Someone buys all the advertised new products in order to try the effect of creams recommended by a popular actor on by example. Young mothers stock up on brilliant green, cotton wool and bandages, herbal infusions and antipyretics. Others have expensive pills left over from their grandfather when he was still alive, but had long ago lost his memory. The drugs are serious, potent, and it’s a shame to throw them away...

WITH medical point In terms of perspective, none of the above options have anything to do with a properly stocked first aid kit. So, what is included in a home first aid kit? What medications should you always have on hand, even if the health of your family members does not cause you concern? And most importantly, how and where should you store your home first aid kit?

Let's start with the main thing. There should be a designated area for medicines in the apartment. special place. A drawer in a closet or chest of drawers, where everything will be laid out in perfect order, tubes and blisters have their place.

Attention! If there are children living in the house or four-legged friends, the first aid kit should be kept out of their reach. Boxes and boxes are locked! Your absent-mindedness can end tragically!

Another important point. Each medical product It has certain period suitability, even iodine and brilliant green. Make sure that your home medicine cabinet does not contain any medications containing expired suitability. Don’t skimp on your health, don’t store dried out tablets and ointments that have cracked with time. Yes, this happens quite rarely. Much more often, we simply forget to look at the expiration date (after all, we bought it just recently!) or it becomes a pity to throw away a drug that cost you almost 1000 rubles (well, it’s only expired by a month, but we’ve hardly used it!).

Throw them away in a timely manner (they will no longer be useful) and buy new ones! In addition, carefully read the instructions, the part that describes storage conditions medical supplies. Do not stack them together, keep them cold or warm, away from direct sun rays, from food products. Herbal tablets and packets must be carefully closed and undamaged. Torn packaging, crumpled and open blisters must also be mercilessly thrown into the trash.

Composition of a home first aid kit

Finally, let's make a list home first aid kit: what exactly should be in every apartment? Naturally, the composition will be approximate. If your family members have special chronic diseases, include in the first aid kit those medications that are prescribed specifically for them. For example, if a heart patient lives in the apartment, then the first aid kit must contain medications such as Corvalol, Validol or their analogues. Do you or your family members have asthma? The first aid kit should contain medications prescribed by the doctor. The list can be continued endlessly, but I hope you understand the logic. For patients with a specific diagnosis, there should always be medications in the house.

As for the means and preparations common to all, the first aid kit should contain

  1. Materials for dressing wounds and cuts, stopping bleeding, lubricating bruises and burns: bandages (several types: sterile and non-sterile, different in width), medical cotton wool, elastic rubber tourniquet, regular and bactericidal adhesive plaster, iodine, brilliant green, medical alcohol and hydrogen peroxide;
  2. Remedies for burns, can be produced in the form of an ointment (panthenol or bepanthen) or a spray.
  3. Antipyretics for adults and children(Ideally, a children's first aid kit should be equipped and stored separately): paracetomol, Nurofen, aspirin, etc.;
  4. Drugs recommended for heart attacks: corvalol, validol, nitroglycerin, etc.;
  5. Painkillers: no-shpa, baralgin, tempalgin, etc.. There are also ointments for relieving muscle pain;
  6. From gastro- intestinal disorders : smecta, festal, mezim, etc.;
  7. Medicines needed for poisoning: activated carbon, potassium permanganate.
  8. Herbal infusions: chamomile, sage, peppermint, etc.
  9. Antihistamines: suprastin, fenistil or the like
  10. and colds: paracetamol, Theraflu or other analogues

Things like a tonometer and tweezers would also come in handy in a home first aid kit.

If compiling a home first aid kit seems too troublesome, you can purchase a ready-made standard set of medications at the pharmacy. But at the same time, be sure to supplement it with medications that are prescribed specifically for you or your family members.

If there are children or teenagers eating in the house, explain to them how to use a home first aid kit. Better yet, put a piece of paper there, on which it will be written which medicine is used in which case. Be sure to indicate the dosage for an adult and a child. Thanks to this, your children will be prepared for any health problem and will be able to react to it correctly.

We tell you what products should be in your home first aid kit so that you can always provide first aid to yourself and your loved ones.

Every family should have a home first aid kit. Its composition directly depends on the presence of certain diseases among the residents of the house. But not only sick people should have medicine: everyone needs a minimum set of medicines and dressings to provide first aid to the victim of domestic injuries or acute conditions.

What medications should be included in a home first aid kit and how to assemble it so that it has everything you need? First of all, you need to adhere to the basic requirements for a home first aid kit:

    It should be kept away from children and pets (preferably locked).

    The place where it is stored should be cool, dark, dry, with constant temperature from +15° to +25°.

    It should always contain only medications with a valid expiration date.

    Medicines must be stored in their original packaging and with instructions for use. Drug names must be readable.

    For medications that must be stored in the refrigerator, you must provide space for a tray with a lid.

A table of the medications in it will help you maintain order in your first aid kit, in which you need to indicate the name, range of use, and expiration date of the medications. During the audit, it is convenient to tick the available medications in this list, then only the names of the missing ones will remain in it, which will be the list for going to the pharmacy.

The contents of the first aid kit must be regularly reviewed: medications and dressings, throw away expired medications, medications without labels, instructions in a torn blister. The frequency of such an “audit” recommended by doctors is at least once every 6 months.

It would be a good idea to leave a list of telephone numbers in your first aid kit that you can call in case of urgent situation(ambulance, specialized resuscitation, family doctor, pediatrician, emergency dentistry, 24-hour pharmacy).

List of medications

A home first aid kit should contain those medications that can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription, and dressings that will be useful in Everyday life. The home may also contain medications that the resident sick person takes, including prescription drugs.

If available in the first aid kit potent substances All measures must be taken to prevent access to them by children, animals, mentally ill or unstable people. So, what medications should be in your home medicine cabinet?

Dressing materials

Each first aid kit should have several types of dressing materials:

1. Sterile bandage (it is desirable that the bandages be of different widths).

2. Non-sterile or elastic bandage.

3. Medical cotton wool.

4. Hemostatic tourniquet.

5. Set of bactericidal patches.

6. Medical plaster in a roll (for fixation).

A sterile bandage is necessary to cover an open wound surface. Fixation of a sterile bandage on a wound is carried out with non-sterile or elastic bandage, which can be reused.

In athletes and active people sprains of large joints often occur lower limbs, therefore, their home medicine cabinet should have special bandages-retainers. They are different sizes, are sold in medical equipment stores and are selected individually.

Wound treatment materials

To treat wounds, burns and stop bleeding, the first aid kit should contain:

    Painkillers can be found at home, but there is no need to abuse them. If a person develops severe pain symptoms that occur frequently, last a long time and do not go away on their own, you need to consult a doctor.

    Gastroenterological drugs

    The gastroenterological group can roughly include all medications that in one way or another help solve stomach problems:

    • adsorbents (activated carbon, polysorb) - first aid preparations for poisoning and intestinal infections;
    • anti-diarrhea medications (loperamide, imodium) - reduce peristalsis and prevent dehydration;
    • laxatives (suppositories with glycerin);
    • enzymes (pancreatin, mezim).

    Adsorbents and anti-diarrhea medications can only be taken to reduce severe symptoms of poisoning or intestinal infection. Taking them does not eliminate the need to immediately consult a doctor. Severe vomiting and diarrhea quickly lead to dehydration and even death.

    Other drugs

    Depending on the needs of the residents, the home first aid kit may also include other medications:

    • anti-asthmatic;
    • antihistamines;
    • from angina pectoris;
    • antidiabetic;
    • hormonal;
    • sedatives;
    • vitamins.

    In addition to medicines and dressings, at home you need a thermometer (preferably an alcohol or electronic one), tweezers, scissors, a heating pad, a syringe, 2 and 5 ml syringes, medical alcohol (70% or 96%), sterile gloves.

    A first aid kit with medications for home use can also be purchased at medical equipment stores and pharmacies, but it may not contain the medications your family needs or, conversely, may contain a lot of extra ones. So that everyone is in the house necessary medications and dressing materials, a first aid kit you need to be able to assemble yourself.

Home first aid kit. Instructions for configuration and use.

  1. Thermometer (colloquial thermometer). Mercury or electronic, as you prefer.

    Important! Traditionally, axillary (axillary) temperature is measured, the norm is 36.2° - 36.9°, the norm for oral (in the mouth) temperature is 36.6° - 37.2°, anal 36.8° - 37.6°

  2. Tonometer shoulder electronic. It is convenient, accurate, measures pulse, shows arrhythmia, and keeps in memory the latest tonometry results.

    Important! Wrist or finger blood pressure monitors distort readings blood pressure and are not a medical standard.

  3. Scissors direct medical. To cut clothing, cut off a bandage or plaster.

You can supplement this section with other tools. They are required less frequently or are replaced with improvised means: tweezers, syringe, pipette, enema, heating pad, disposable syringes, tourniquet to stop bleeding.

Dressing materials

  1. cotton wool in sterile packaging and plain. Cotton wool is hygroscopic and therefore more suitable than synthetic wool for medical purposes.
  2. Bandages sterile widths: 5 cm, 10 cm, 14 cm
  3. Patch. Bactericidal for minor scratches and roll-on for fixing the bandage. I like the wide plasters from URGO. Waterproof, breathable, antiseptic.


  1. Iodine (colloquial iodine) or brilliant green (cold. zelenka) for treating small scratches on the skin. Iodine is used to treat the skin around the wound.
  2. Chlorhexidine (Miramistin) for treating large scratches and wounds on the skin and mucous membranes.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide 3% is used to treat small wounds and scratches. It is used for deep puncture wounds.
  4. Panthenol for burns.
  5. Potassium permanganate (colloquial potassium permanganate). Very convenient for disinfecting water, to wash a contaminated large wound or stomach in case of poisoning.
  6. Alcohol is used to disinfect instruments or skin during injections.


Painkillers. Antipyretic. Anti-inflammatory.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs) are drugs that have analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects.

They reduce pain, fever and inflammation. In the first aid kit you need Tempalgin (an analogue of analgin), Paracetamol (or Panadol, it's the same thing) and Aspirin. When and which of them to use can be seen from the table:

There is a large group of strong anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Indomethacin, etc.) But it is important to understand that they are used mainly for chronic inflammatory diseases joints - arthritis and osteochondrosis.


  1. Activated carbon or Polysorb for poisoning.
  2. No-shpa (or Drotaverine) for spasmodic pain.
  3. Mezim, Festal. Enzyme preparations.
  4. Additionally: Almagel, Phosphalugel, Regidron, Smecta or Imodium


  1. Nitroglycerin for
  2. Additionally: Atenolol for

For allergic diseases

Antihistamines (Zyrtec, Claritin)

Home first aid kit for newborns and children

Essential items in a first aid kit for newborns:

  • Cotton pads
  • Wet wipes
  • Cotton swabs for ears and nose
  • Powder
  • Baby cream, oil or ointment for treating diaper rash or scratches on the skin
  • Water thermometer
  • Herbal mixtures (chamomile and chamomile) for bathing a child
  • Bathing products
  • Manicure nail scissors

For older children, medications are used with a dosage appropriate for their weight and age. Preference is given dosage forms in syrup.

Home first aid kit for chronic diseases

Medicines for chronic use should be stored separately from the first aid kit. A very convenient pill organizer:

A home first aid kit is an essential item in every home. You cannot do without it in cases where medical care is needed immediately or if it is not possible to go to a medical institution.

A first aid kit for your home should have a permanent place so that in case of emergency you don’t have to waste time looking for it. It would be more correct to allocate a small drawer in the closet or a separate one for it. cardboard box. In any case, you need to keep in mind that medications do not tolerate light or heat well, and some of them must be stored in the refrigerator.

If there are small children in the family, then the home first aid kit should be out of their reach. Be aware of the numerous cases of children being poisoned by medications left in accessible places.

Do not stock up on medications large quantities. Carefully monitor the expiration dates, because an expired medicine will not only not have the desired effect therapeutic effect, but may cause harm. Replace drugs with erased labels on which it is impossible to read the name with new analogues.

So, your home first aid kit should contain the following items:

To reduce temperature. Will fit domestic drugs paracetamol, as well as foreign analogues (drugs “Aspirin-upsa”, “Panadol”, “Efferalgan”).

To relieve headaches and toothaches. The drugs Spazmalgon and Trigan cope well with this. The drug "No-shpa" will remove and

For heartache. Medicines validol, corvalol in drops or tablets, as well as foreign analogue drug valocordin.

For intestinal disorders. Adsorbent preparations activated carbon, “Smecta” will absorb toxins. The product "Enterodes" will restore water-salt balance body.

To improve digestion. The consequences of overeating and eating dry food can be quickly dealt with by the drugs Mezim-Forte and Festal.

For heartburn and stomach pain. You can purchase any antacids that neutralize hydrochloric acid in the stomach (drugs Maalox, Gastal, Phosphalugel).

To relieve symptoms, Zodak, Cetrin, Claritin will relieve itching, swelling, rhinitis and redness caused by allergies. In addition, they do not cause drowsiness.

For sore throat. You can choose drugs in the form of tablets: Faringosept, Neo-angin, Strepsils. Among the anti-inflammatory aerosols, the most effective are Ingalipt, Kameton, Hexoral, and Bioparox.

From a runny nose. The drug "Pinosol" from herbal extract does not irritate and does not dry out the nasal mucosa due to its oil base. The popular drug "Galazolin" is produced in different forms- in the form of drops, spray and gel.

From burns. Aerosol preparations “Panthenol”, “Olazol” will instantly relieve pain and swelling.

For treating wounds. Hydrogen peroxide will stop the bleeding. Solutions of iodine and brilliant green will disinfect the wound.

Sterile, non-sterile, different widths. Cotton wool, plasters, cotton buds.

Thermometer, heating pad, tweezers, pipette, tonometer - a device for measuring pressure.

A drug that you take regularly for a reason chronic illness. Do not forget to purchase it at the pharmacy on time and in sufficient quantity.

In addition, you should have a separate first aid kit for your child in your home. We especially recommend it to families with children preschool age. It is compiled taking into account medicines for children in whom the concentration medicinal substance less than in adult preparations. This will avoid unwanted confusion between adult and pediatric medications.

You must remember that a competent home first aid kit can save lives in some cases. But he does not exclude further contact with a medical institution.

Regardless of the age of the people in the family and how big it is, it is always necessary to have first aid kit. It is needed in case emergency, bruise, burn, cut or acute illness, but many people know little about what a home first aid kit should be.

What should be in a simple first aid kit, besides a bandage and an aspirin tablet?

The entire medical area should be divided into four parts or sections:

  • - preparations for internal use,
  • - products for external use,
  • - dressing materials,
  • - other aids.

Remember that the set of products for children and adults will be different, but to correctly select all the components, you do not need special medical education or skills.

First, decide on a permanent place for your home first aid kit, and then start considering supplies and medications. Then conduct an audit of all available medications and only then go to the pharmacy to purchase everything you need.

This needs to be done in advance, and not when someone is already injured or sick. Consider all possible situations, ages and needs of family members. And if there is one in the family, then God himself ordered you to have many means of helping the restless.

Home first aid kit: list of necessary items

Traditional first aid kit medical care or a car is much smaller than a home first aid kit. The composition of the home medical corner assumes the presence various means essential items and those that may be required in emergency situations.

So, let's begin…

Among the means for external use should be: bactericidal agents(greenback, iodine, salicylic alcohol, calendula), three percent hydrogen peroxide solution, panthenol for burns or Rescuer cream, various ointments based on ketoprofen, diclofenac and other anti-inflammatory substances that help relieve inflammation and pain from bruises and other injuries.

Next, proceed to design the row dressings and other items that will be useful for different situations. This includes: sterile and regular bandages, elastic bandages, cotton wool and cotton pads, cotton swabs, adhesive tape, thermometer, scissors, tweezers, heating pad, gauze bandages, syringes of various sizes, rubber gloves.

If someone experiences surges in blood pressure, it is necessary to have a blood pressure monitor at home.

What medications must be in your home medicine cabinet?

Now let's look at medications and drugs that may be useful to you. You can make a list yourself, knowing the predispositions and chronic diseases of your loved ones, especially children.

In any case, pay attention to the following drugs:

  • painkillers and anti-cold medications. This includes Paracetamol, Aspirin, Tempalgin... If there is a child in the family under 5 years old, then the home medicine cabinet must have fever-reducing medications rectal suppositories(Nurofen, Tsefekon, Efferalgan).
  • sedatives for anxiety may consist of pills or liquid drops of valerian, motherwort, Valoserdin, Corvalol, Validol.
  • drugs that help cope with problems gastrointestinal tract: Activated carbon, Levomycetin, Imodium, Polysorb, Eeterosgel. They help normalize stool and relieve inflammation.
  • antispasmodics for abdominal cramps, headaches (No-shpa, Drotaverine).
  • antihistamines (Erius, Kestin tablets or other 3-4 generation allergy medications with minimal side effects).

Other personal auxiliary medications are baby cream, mustard plasters, pipettes, and a rubber tourniquet.

At least once every six months, go through your pills and other medications to see if they are up-to-date with their expiration dates; expired medications can only cause harm, and you may end up without the minimum necessary medical care. emergency situation not very good.

Think about the products you and your family use. You can safely include them in your first aid kit so that they are always at hand. IN right moment you should easily find the drug and a home first aid kit will help you with this. You now know what should be in it.