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Cancer and Libra - compatibility, chances for the future, pros and cons of the union. Cancer and Libra: prospects for a love, business and friendly union, main conflicts

The patroness of Cancers is the Moon, cold and amazing. She always keeps a secret reverse side, and her pets do the same: they always have some kind of mystery, which they do not allow anyone to solve.

Libra is the pet of Venus, the planet of the goddess of love. Love always strives for openness, and its wards do the same: they always have their souls wide open, and they expect the same from others. Unfortunately, they are often mistaken in their expectations.

Cancers, like their element - Water, can be stormy and calm. Sometimes they are smooth and thoughtful, like a river, sometimes they are playful, like a stream, and sometimes they are menacing and majestic, like a waterfall.

Water always reaches its goal; it is not without reason that the ancestors said that a drop wears away a stone, and Cancers are also stubborn, striving for what they want.

Water can fall with a roar that can be heard from afar, or it can turn into steam and disappear from the eyes of observers in an imperceptible cloud. Cancers have all the qualities inherent in the water element.

The element of Libra is air, penetrating anywhere, unnoticed and inaudible. Libras behave the same way: they are invisible and inaudible if they want this, but if they want the opposite, they become noticeable just like a hurricane, sweeping away everything in its path.

Libra can be cold and calm, like the morning air, or they can be ruthless and stormy, like a tornado rushing across the steppe.

Cancer water and Libra air are quite friendly towards each other. Moreover, they are based on the same thing - water, and both of these elements can become steam if they want.

Cancers carefully keep their secrets, and therefore do not like communication too much; they prefer chamber loneliness, slightly colored by the half-tones of summer twilight.

Libras are exactly the opposite: don’t feed them bread, but let them socialize, they can wither away alone, they like communication and the bright colors of golden autumn.

But these character traits do not conflict among the representatives of the sign; on the contrary, they complement each other, the gloomy, mysterious Cancers and the open, sociable Libra.

Love of freedom - common feature both signs. And also both Libra and Cancer have creative abilities and a remarkable empathic gift.

The Cancer man is prone to bouts of melancholy, his mood can change as often as the weather in autumn - one minute the sun is shining, and now it’s raining.

Sometimes his excessive impressionability lets him down, but it also adds to his attractiveness.

The gift of empathy allows Cancer to literally penetrate the thoughts of those around him, and as a result, he often thinks that there are no secrets left for him in the whole world.

Such arrogance can be punished, but usually charming Cancers avoid the “fine” for excessive conceit.

The mystery of Cancers makes them extremely attractive to women, and they literally hover around the pretty representatives of the water sign.

But Cancer is not too keen on them, and is in no hurry to enter into a relationship, even the easiest one - the Moon’s pet carefully preserves its tender feelings for a future ideal.

He is a romantic dreamer who is sure that he exists somewhere ideal woman, and it is she who will become his wife. It’s interesting that Cancers manage to find their ideal and become wonderful husbands.

Their only drawback is an exaggerated sense of ownership, but against the backdrop of many positive traits one minus is simply lost.

The Libra woman is a real pet of Venus. Even without having the appearance of a fashion model, she manages to be lovely and charming in the eyes of men.

Passion, sentimentality and tenderness, characteristic of the heavenly patroness of Libra, also add to the beauty’s attractiveness.

As befits a pet of Venus, she was literally born for love, and almost from birth she has been waiting for her handsome prince. True, such anxious anticipation leads to frequent mistakes - she often mistakes a tramp for a prince, singing a serenade in the moonlight.

But here's an amazing thing: Libra can be so charming that even a tramp turns into a prince.

When does the child of Venus finally find its representative? royal family, she instantly turns from a frivolous charmer into a beautiful wife.

She has the only drawback due to the lightness of the air element - the beauty does not like everyday life, household chores seem like hard labor to her, and cleaning the apartment is a universal catastrophe. But for the sake of her beloved, Libra is ready for any feat, even washing windows.

How to meet?

It is not so easy for representatives of these signs to get to know each other: Libra loves noisy companies, travel and entertainment, but Cancer prefers the comfort of home, and if he travels, he does so alone and with a tent at the ready.

For the lovely pet Venus, going with tents to the lake is unthinkable. There are mosquitoes, dirt and unsanitary conditions there! Lack of basic amenities. And, of course, no entertainment.

But there would be a desire to meet, and there will always be a chance. The ethereal beauty is always concerned about self-improvement - she always strives for some ideal, tries to jump above her head, trying to reach, if not the stars, then at least grab the edge of the moonlight.

For Cancer, self-improvement does not exist; he believes that he is ideal as is - and is almost never mistaken. So Venus and Moon agreed to attend the training together. True, the ideal Cancer was the leader, but the charming Libra was all in search of an unattainable ideal.

Of course, the smart and beautiful pet of Venus could not help but charm the melancholy Cancer - he finally saw the ideal that he had been looking for all his life.

Libra will guess after finishing the training to ask a handsome man a question, the answer to which, of course, will require a cup or two of coffee in the nearest cafe.

How to spend a first date?

This is where the real problem arises. For Cancer, the ideal date is in nature, accompanied by the singing of a nightingale, and the moonlight floods the girl’s head with silver, trustingly leaning towards a reliable shoulder.

For Libra, the ideal date is in the middle of the bustle of the city, somewhere at a high-society reception, so that there is an opportunity to dress up in the best haute couture evening dress, and let everyone envy her man, who is lucky enough to walk arm in arm with such a beauty.

But they say that opposites meet. Especially if the stars insist on it.

So for their first date, Cancer and Libra headed to the city park. There were trees, marble gazebos on the embankment, quacking ducks and even a few swans - an environment so beloved by Cancer.

In addition, there were attractions, a dance competition and a cafe - an environment that Libra really likes.

The couple won a dance competition - they were given a huge teddy bear, then ate ice cream together in a cafe, walked along the embankment, sat in a gazebo and fed crumbled bread to the ducks.

In general, both thought that they had a great time, and therefore agreed on the next meeting.

After the first date, Libra began to dream about a calm and romantic Cancer, and Cancer in his dream saw a lovely girl dancing in the moonlight, and a thin silk dress fluttering as if carried away by the moon wind.

How does love break out?

It is generally accepted that love between Cancer and Libra is impossible. Many astrologers claim that compatibility in love relationships Cancer Libra is zero. Everything must end at the stage of romantic love.

After all, Cancer is a terrible jealous person, but Libra does not tolerate possessive relationships. And, despite romantic walks with feeding ducks and swans, the Moon’s pet should flare up, like dry gunpowder flares up if it lies near a fire.

And the child of Venus, of course, in such a scandal will also not show the best best features character, right down to the scratched bloody face of my dear, broken dishes and torn dress shirts.

But if the representatives of the signs manage to survive the first terrible scandal, then things will break out between them real love. In the end, there must be a reward for those who did not run away after such a nightmare.

What are the relationships?

When love has already visited the couple, the relationship begins to develop according to the well-worn scenario: Cancer swears that he will no longer be jealous, and Libra begs to forgive the ugly outburst and even promises to buy new dishes to replace the broken ones.

There are ducks, swans, ice cream, a new dance competition and a new teddy bear. This helps improve relationships.

True, Cancer’s jealousy has not gone away; it just doesn’t splash out with noise and thunder as before. Now Cancer is slowly watching his beloved, collecting irrefutable evidence of infidelity.

But Libra stubbornly does not give a reason, stops communicating with former fans, and even tries not to go anywhere with her friends - she constantly feels the silent and disapproving presence of Cancer behind her.

Of course, this cannot go on for long, and Cancer decides on a last resort: making sure that there is no smell of betrayal, he appears to his beloved with a marvelous ring in a velvet-lined box.

A diamond of several carats scatters multi-colored rays and literally seduces the beauty, inclining her to marriage.

Family union

Wedding celebrations are grandiose - of course, Cancer and Libra are traditionally an almost impossible union, so such a wedding is worth especially celebrating.

But now the giant cake has been eaten, and the neighbors have experienced three days of almost continuous fireworks under the windows of the newlyweds’ apartment, and everyday life comes into its own.

Nothing special happens in the pet family of Moon and Venus. Of course, except for the periodic outbursts of Cancer's jealousy. But after the birth of his first child, he calms down somewhat, at least he tries not to spill everything out.

Cancer is convinced that children should grow up in a happy family, so they will never allow a family scandal in which offspring could be present. The birth of his third child finally calms him down.

The Libra housewife turns out to be so-so - she can hardly cook scrambled eggs, and the top of her culinary achievements is fried potatoes.

However, the birth of children prompts her to use a cookbook, and now the lovely child of Venus is already cooking delicious semolina porridge and bakes wonderful pies.

By the time her third child was born, she no longer shied away from a vacuum cleaner as if from a wild animal, she knew how to use a washing machine, and her culinary masterpieces were unanimously approved by the whole family.

As a father, Cancer can be too sensitive - he is always worried about his children, tormented by the fact that he cannot control every minute of their lives.

If he were given free rein, he would gladly assign a personal security guard equipped with a video camera to each child. But over time, he learns to restrain his controlling impulses.

Venus's pet cultivates a sense of beauty in children. Already in the cradle, they fall asleep to Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons,” learn to go potty to Beethoven, and eat exclusively to Mozart—Libra is convinced that this improves digestion. So the family lives in peace and harmony.

Friendly relations

The friendship between Libra and Cancer is what any doctor or psychoanalyst would prescribe for representatives of both signs. Complementary opposites are simply doomed to a long and fruitful friendly alliance.

Children of the Moon and Venus can meet and make friends back in kindergarten. And this is usually what happens - the fact is that when they grow up, it will be very difficult for them to get into one place at one time, their habits and preferences are very different.

Therefore, their friendship begins on a common potty in kindergarten. The capricious Libra baby and the sensible Cancer boy - their friendship will be very strong, it will withstand all tests, including marriage and time.

The marriage ties that will connect Libra and Cancer with other partners will not in the least interfere with their friendship. True, Cancer, like a real owner, will always be a little jealous of his friend, first of his boyfriends, and then of his husband.

Moreover, he is even capable of causing a terrible scene if he suddenly suspects that Libra’s husband is treating her inappropriately.

The friendship between the pets of the Moon and Venus will last until gray hair, they would rather destroy the marriage bond than their friendship. The motto of this couple: husbands and wives come and go, but friends remain forever.


The partnership between Cancer and Libra can be as successful and fruitful as their friendship. It is only necessary that the pet of Venus cede leadership to the hardworking Cancer, leaving the development of ideas to herself. In this case, undoubted success awaits them.

But if Libra decides to manage everything herself, leaving Cancer a subordinate role, then this is fraught with the loss of money, because the charming ward of the planet of love does not know how to understand people at all, she is extremely gullible and is able to believe any scammer, which they are happy to take advantage of.

Art and creativity - this is the area in which the union of Cancer and Libra will be the most fruitful. Unexpected changes in Cancer’s mood and his tendency to melancholy will be leveled out by the efforts of a cheerful Libra woman, who will always insure her partner, even if he decides to sit in a bearish corner for a week or two, not communicating with anyone except howling wolves.

True, Cancer tends to return from such walks full of strength and luxurious plans, which he immediately puts into practice, making up for lost time.

This partnership is doomed to financial success. The only thing that can interfere is Libra's tendency to be gullible and her eternal search for a partner in love - Cancer is too much of an owner to allow the presence of anyone else next to Libra, namely another partner.

Cancer is good-natured and attractive, and men can’t even really explain what they find so charming in this woman.

However, even without explanations, Luna’s pet always has a trail of admirers, to whom she, however, does not pay too much attention. A charming girl is in search of an ideal and is not going to waste her time on trifles.

It is interesting that Cancer, with all her good nature, rarely gets involved with rude men; her fans are usually people of art, science, all of them with good diplomas educational institutions and prestigious work.

The sweet daughter of the Moon is driven through life by impressionability and vulnerability, so for her environment she tends to choose knights on a white horse and with a white piano behind her back, instead of admiring the bulging muscles of bodybuilders.

True, most of these knights are also not deprived of muscles - a frail man is unlikely to be able to carry heavy armor, and even spend a day in the saddle.

Fans of Cancer should remember that her inaccessibility is only external, but in fact she is an extremely sensual woman, and she can be conquered with a little effort.

The only problem: the conqueror will have to put up with hypertrophied jealousy, characteristic of all Cancers.

The Libra man is distinguished by his generosity, he has a calm character, he is always in search of justice - we can say that he is an ideal knight, a kind of Sir Galahad in search of the Grail.

On the way, galloping to the Grail, he saves girls from dragons, content with just a kiss on the hand, turns hooligans over to the police, saves stray animals, and so on.

The son of Venus has many fans, every woman would be glad to get such a handsome man, and also distinguished by extraordinary sensitivity and attention.

In addition, Libra has excellent manners, and he is able to charm even a cobblestone, turning it into a soft pillow with his charm.

Often, a child of Venus remains a bachelor for the rest of his life, never having found his ideal. It’s simply hard for him to choose among all the women who are in a hurry to win his affectionate gaze.

But if some charming lady manages to drag our knight to the registry office, then success family life secured. The former stubborn bachelor becomes an almost ideal husband.

The only thing his wife should prepare for is to scatter with a mop those who want to take Sir Galahad away from the family bed. However, it is unlikely that anyone will succeed. Knights do not abandon their wives.

How to meet?

This couple has traditional problems with dating - their habits are very different. So, the Libra man prefers noisy companies, where there is always beautiful women, city bustle, trendy restaurants and stuff like that.

The Cancer girl has much more pastoral inclinations: she loves peace and quiet, she even learns to fish - it’s so comfortable for her to sit on the river bank under a wonderful weeping willow.

But it’s impossible to sit at home or hang around in the middle of the forest all the time; sometimes the reclusive Cancer goes out to some party, accompanied by another gallant admirer.

It is unthinkable for Libra to miss such a cutie, and he, finding himself in the same company with her, will certainly begin to court her, not paying any attention to the gloomy gentleman and his own disappointed fans.

In just fifteen minutes, the children of water and air will discover that, despite all the dissimilarities in their characters, they have a lot in common: they are well versed in painting, know all of Shakespeare’s plays by heart, are able to sing any of Bach’s fugues, and as for literature, can surpass any professional literary critic.

In general, their education, as they say, ranges from Bach to Feuerbach. Which undoubtedly leads to thoughts about the next meeting.

How to spend a first date?

Different habits and inclinations of representatives of Water and Air, despite existing common interests to art can lead to the fact that the date will not take place at all. It can be canceled by both the overly sensitive and even timid daughter of the Moon, and the sensible pet of Venus - he simply may not figure out how to treat such a fragile, almost porcelain lady, who, moreover, at first glance, is distinguished not only by fragility, but both the hardness and coldness of porcelain.

However, if they overcome their complexes and fears, they will be able to meet somewhere in a cozy cafe, shaded by blooming chestnut trees. There will definitely be live music there, and gallant Libra will order Cancer’s favorite compositions. Serenades will win the heart of the lunar maiden, and Libra’s infallibility in choosing dishes will finally attract the beauty to an exquisite gentleman.

A pleasant date can end with an equally pleasant walk, and the walk will end in the apartment of either Cancer or Libra, depending on whose house is closer to the chosen cafe.

How does love break out?

The pet of Venus is capable of getting turned on in a half-turn, especially when it comes to such an attractive lady as Cancer. Well, the beautiful Cancer woman is actually much more sensual than she seems at first glance.

So the first date may well end not with a kiss at the entrance, but in bed - representatives of these signs are not too fond of wasting time.

The trouble is that Cancer is possessive and jealous. After the first date, even if it resulted in a light kiss goodbye, she begins to consider the man her property.

It may even begin to spy on a gentleman who has not yet even had time to think not only about a serious relationship, but about relationships in general. This jealousy can push away the freedom-loving Libra man.

However, it may also happen that the pet of Venus will be flattered by such an outburst of feelings from a cold lady, and true love will break out between the representatives of the signs.

How are relationships built?

The love compatibility of Cancer and Libra is very good until the couple gets out of bed. But as soon as you throw the blanket aside, problems begin. The idyll of Libra and Cancer is constantly hampered by jealousy.

After all, not only does the daughter of the Moon have an exaggerated sense of ownership, but the son of Venus is not too inclined to share his girlfriend with anyone. And fans and admirers besiege representatives of both signs from all sides.

As a result, scandals constantly break out in the couple, heavily implicated in jealousy. And it cannot be said that this jealousy is unjustified - it happens that there are very, very good reasons for it.

But if both Libra and Cancer realize that each of them considers the other an ideal, then jealousy will not interfere too much with their happiness.

One fine day, a chivalrous Libra man will bring his enchantress a ring, acquired in a fit of sincere and passionate love, on the way home, and the wedding day will be immediately set.

Marriage bond

The wedding of Libra and Cancer will be simply luxurious, as if the stars will decide to take revenge for all the unpleasant words of astrologers about the impossibility of such a union.

Since such an event is truly rare, it will be furnished in an appropriate manner, right down to fireworks and fireworks worthy of the carnivals of Catherine the Great.

For a successful family life, Libra will build a cottage on the outskirts of the city - within walking distance from the metro and a lovely clean lake where gray herons nest.

He will be engaged in construction himself - after all, it is impossible to entrust someone with control over future happiness. The Cancer Lady will take care of the decorations personal plot and installation of greenhouses - at least three.

So, each of them will get what they want: the pastoral nature of the countryside and the bright lights of the metropolis.

Jealousy will torment both until children begin to be born. This couple should have their first child in the first year of marriage, this will reduce the jealous intensity and make their life a real idyll.

But a complete idyll will come after the birth of the third child. The Cancer lady with children in her arms will completely forget what other men look like, but her Libra husband is a wonderful father, and even Cleopatra herself will not be able to distract him from his adored family.

Friendship Ties

The friendship of Libra and Cancer is based on the nobility of Libra - he, like a true gentleman and knight, strives to protect the weak, and the Cancer baby looks so fragile and vulnerable that she attracts all the heroes around, and Libra is a perfect example among them.

Of course, the sweet Cancer girl cannot ignore such care, and a real lasting friendship arises between the representatives of the signs.

Friendship ties bind the children of the Moon and Venus from the cradle to the grave. They are family friends, the children of Cancer are convinced that Libra is their uncle, and the children of Libra share a similar opinion, considering Cancer their favorite aunt.

“Uncle” Libra teaches the few lightweight offspring of Cancer hard work and perseverance, and “Auntie” Cancer teaches the too thorough Libra children a love of art, dragging them to all museums and theaters.

The friendly ties of these signs are practically indissoluble, and the only thing that can interfere with them is if one of them decides to make another spiritual friend. But most often, the “third wheel” will be quickly abandoned, since both Libra and Cancer value each other very much.


Creativity is the area where the partnership between Cancer and Libra will bear the sweetest fruits. But in this union, the Cancer lady should be the main one, since the Libra man is too trusting and even somewhat naive in business relations, he is too careless, so much so that he does not even fully believe that someone can be a fraudster.

However, if Libra cedes leadership to Cancer, then such a partnership will not be easy to succeed, but downright invincible.

Competitors will be left far behind as food for business sharks, and the ship, helmed by the charming Cancer lady and fully serviced by the hardworking Libra knight, will rush to certain success.

It will take literally several years for this couple to raise almost any business from scratch.

Moreover, it’s not easy for them to earn enough to buy a piece of butter on a bun or a nice house in the village, but they can literally build a palace overlooking the ocean, with palm trees, camels and other exotic things.

At the same time, Lady Cancer will personally weed the palace flower beds - she simply likes this kind of work.

It's always fascinating to watch people full of charisma and inspiration. This union of Libra and Cancer is exactly that. The stars predict good chances for them to live a life together, despite all the existing negative traits character of both signs.

The wards of the Moon are Cancers, strange and mysterious, their element is water, which constantly strives for its goal, ready to change as necessary, Libra is under the protection of the planet Venus, the element is air, they are restrained and balanced, the main trump card is the power of persuasion. Libra and Cancer: compatibility in love and close relationships between men and women of these two zodiac signs would seem to be possible, but let's take a closer look. Both signs value freedom, will not tolerate pressure from outside, and will always be supporters of justice.

These are creative people who, to some extent, have the gift of clairvoyance.

It has changeable mood, he constantly dreams. Starting from a young age, Cancer magically attracts the attention of the fair sex. He saves his true feelings only for one and only one. Cancer is a decent spouse who dreams of an impeccable relationship.

Hot and passionate nature. She strives for perfection in everything, starting from a young age. The airy lady is a very creative person who loves music, painting and dreams of a handsome Prince. But he constantly makes mistakes when choosing a life partner. It is not typical for Libra to run a household, but for the sake of her husband she is ready to become a good housewife.


Cancers are known as homebodies, but it happens that sometimes they can afford to go on a short trip. Libra ladies, on the contrary, need some kind of movement to happen around them. They love to travel and prefer comfortable conditions in everything.

Most likely, the place where they will meet will be some courses, for example, in English, since the Libra woman constantly tries to improve herself. But the Cancer man visits such places just for fun, in the hope of meeting interesting people.

Seeing a beautiful stranger, Cancer will do everything possible to get all the information about her. Having invited a Libra girl on a date, the gallant Cancer will charm his companion with impeccable manners. Libra will definitely disarm Cancer with his keen intellect and natural beauty.


A date on the seashore, against the backdrop of a delicious order, will make an indelible impression. Cancer will be the epitome of a true knight. Venus' mentor's outfit will look laconic. But beautifully decorated hair will turn Cancer’s head. Having intimate conversations and drinking a couple of glasses of champagne, Cancer and Libra will take their relationship to a new level.

Faced with the inaccessibility of Libra, the embarrassed Cancer, who has a huge number of broken women's hearts behind him, falling head over heels in love, will charm the Libra girl with the most romantic poems and, perhaps, compose his own lunar sonata.

The Libra woman feels comfortable on an erected pedestal. She will do her best to stay on it. Feeling like a queen, she may be seriously disappointed when faced with Cancer's jealousy. She cannot be locked up all the time, and one day she will show herself in all her glory. Having received even the most insignificant reason, Cancers will harass their chosen one with interrogations.

Libra is very impressionable by nature; she will not allow pressure or unfounded claims. In a matter of minutes, she can release her claws and demonstrate to Cancer that she is not a timid person.


Having realized that it is impossible to behave this way with Libra, Cancer will make every possible effort to get rid of this scourge. To restore balance in romantic relationships, the wards of the Moon and Venus need to head to the sea. In a relaxed atmosphere, Cancer will again become sensual and sincere, and Lady Libra will be able to consider her companion’s jealousy from a different perspective.


All relatives will be in shock.

When concluding a marriage agreement, Cancer and Libra will not want to organize an ordinary event. Perhaps an informal theme will be used.

You must be prepared that even after several years of being married together, no changes will follow. Cancer will not learn to control his outbursts of jealousy.

After the birth of children, Cancer's entire vigilance will switch to their upbringing. Libra's mother will try to reveal all the talents in her children and, perhaps, one of them will become a famous artist or poet.


Libras grow up to be capricious children. A sensitive and attentive little Cancer will definitely come to the rescue. He will try to calm down the Libra girl, and in the future they can become good and true friends. Cancers are very sensitive and even being at a great distance, they can feel that something has happened to their girlfriend.

But for the sociable Libra, one friend is not enough. She will be looking for large companies to communicate with. However, after the expiration of the term, the Libra girl will understand that it is better to have one, but true friend.


Cancers are very hardworking, and if directed in the right direction, they can move mountains. The Libra woman is creative in her work. Every minute she comes up with new ideas, but when faced with money, she gets lost, and unscrupulous competitors often take advantage of this.

Cancers have changeable moods, so it is better for Libra to take over the leadership responsibilities. And it’s better for Cancers to take care of the technical side of the issue. Moon Man in no time he will make inquiries about his competitors. The airy maiden Libra is able to think through everything down to the smallest detail, so her competitors need to concentrate as much as possible.

The business compatibility of a Cancer man and a Libra woman has a great future if they manage to surround themselves with decent people. It is better for these signs to connect plans with art.

Compatibility of Libra man and Cancer woman

Very kind and emotional. Hardly anyone can resist the charm of such a girl. She is impressionable and very vulnerable. Feeling this, male representatives try in every possible way to protect her from everything bad. Cancer may seem unapproachable from the outside, but you couldn't find a more sensitive person. She will become a wonderful housewife and a reliable life partner.

Generous, sensitive and balanced. While still in kindergarten, they will be like little knights saving all the girls. Women dote on such a gallant defender. He is very open, charming, any lady can lose her head. However, Libra loves freedom, and for a long time prefer to introduce a bachelor lifestyle. Having become a husband, he can easily cope with the role of a family man.


The young Libra man is far from a miss. He is attracted to beautiful women and feels great in their company. The Cancer girl is content with a calm atmosphere; she would rather prefer a cozy cafe with calm music. She loves to travel and would love to take a boat ride.

Most likely, the acquaintance of these two signs will take place on such a tram. Libra will not be able to pass by the fatal beauty and will quickly organize a table for two. The Cancer girl may be a little confused, but she will quickly melt from the beautiful speeches of Venus’s sponsor. Talking like old acquaintances, before they know it, their water journey will be over.


The Cancer girl is selective in choosing her outfit. When preparing for a date, one day is clearly not enough for her. Libra does not lack female attention, but when communicating with Cancer, he will feel a certain coldness. And this will not give him peace. He may even decide not to go on the upcoming date, but the emerging interest will convince him otherwise.


They will feel the compatibility of a Cancer man and a Libra woman in love on the day of their first date. The Cancer girl will definitely lose her head, as soon as Libra embraces her. The beauty of the water sign is herself a fatal temptress.

Libra cannot stand groundless scenes of jealousy and it is easier for him to leave rather than listen to complaints. But you can’t just hide from Cancer. She will get her lover out of the ground.

Astrologers advise air and water sign couples not to play with their feelings. It would be better to take a short time out. If after some time they are compatible with Libra and Cancer in love, then everyone will have to overcome their shortcomings and move to a new level of relationship. It would be a good option to go on a joint vacation.


While enjoying the picturesque views of the resort, our water-air couple doesn’t even suspect that their relatives have taken care of buying a home. The Cancer woman loves nature and can spend a lot of time fiddling with flowers.

Long solitude is not suitable for the ward of Venus. He needs communication with friends. When going to a meeting, you should not do things that could provoke violent manifestations of jealousy in Cancer.


The compatibility of Libra and Cancer in a love relationship will soon lead to a marriage proposal. Cancer will meticulously plan its special event. Most likely, they will want to hold their wedding on the very tram on which they met. The wedding itself will be held in an individual style.

The signs Cancer and Libra discover new qualities in each other. The compatibility of such partners is quite aggressive. A man born under this sign is able to excite emotions, both his own and those of others. In addition, he is used to taking care of others without asking for anything in return. The Libra woman knows how to perfectly smooth out rough edges, avoid quarrels, and prevent conflicts. She sees in her chosen one best sides, which allows lovers to build strong relationships.

1. Astrological horoscope.

2. What pros and cons does he talk about? love horoscope?

3. Sex, intimate relationships between partners.

Astrological horoscope. Cancer man, Libra woman - how suitable are they for each other?

Representatives of these signs make a good creative or business couple. In some cases, the basis of their relationship is mutually beneficial settlement. However, they rarely succeed in achieving harmony in family life. The delicacy of the chosen one attracts a man, he likes her complaisance and craving for beauty. However, Libra’s coquetry, her mannerisms, and desire to live beautifully repels the gentleman. The woman opens up to Cancer, now from one side, now from the other, and each time a certain mystery remains in her. Because of this, a man considers passion cold and unnatural.

A Cancer man and a Libra woman can create a strong union if they fall in love with each other at first sight. The innate romanticism of the gentleman in such a case surpasses reason. If feelings do not flare up immediately, then the development of the relationship will drag on for a long time. There is a chance that they will never create a couple. Cancer is used to paying attention to his own person, and the chosen one will not understand his stuffy organization. The gentleman will conquer the woman with basic courtship. Sometimes determination will slip into his behavior, since this lady does not cause Cancer to feel dangerous or embarrassed. She will like his banal jokes because they lack vulgarity and vulgarity.

Cancer man and Libra woman begin to get closer to each other through easy communication. It will even replace flirting and intimacy. In addition, the girl will get a person to whom she can complain and cry. She doesn't behave this way with other men. But Cancer is not used to opening his soul completely; he prefers to hide his failures and weaknesses. Such a difference in character will eventually begin to irritate a man, since his lady always needs clarity in everything. If Cancer constantly hides something, does not say anything, this will bring discomfort to the relationship and arouse suspicion in the partner.

What are the pros and cons of the love horoscope “Libra woman - Cancer man”?

Partners leave all their problems at home; they are not used to “washing dirty laundry in public.” Therefore, to those around them, the union seems harmonious and happy. In difficult situations, lovers will act together. They are ready to defend the interests of their family, even if they had a big fight the day before. The Cancer man will be a reliable support and protection for his wife in any situation. The same applies to a woman who will never allow her husband to be insulted or offended. From the outside, such a gentleman seems inattentive and indifferent. However, in reality this is a rather strong personality. He will not tolerate it if he sees that someone close to him is being offended.

The love compatibility of Cancer and Libra in a relationship has the following disadvantages:

1. The Cancer man is a very touchy nature, and this the main problem love relationships.

2. The Libra girl is too frivolous about what is happening.

3. Cancer's vindictiveness does not allow him to forget grievances. The chosen one may accidentally tell him something unpleasant, and it will remain in his soul for a long time.

4. Libra is a very emotional sign. Such a woman will not be able to throw in her lot with a bore, as Cancer often is.

A lot of disagreements arise between representatives of these signs regarding household chores. They both believe that they are right, and everyone else does and says wrong. This is what leads to numerous quarrels at home.

Are Cancer man and Libra woman suitable lovers? Sex, intimate relationships between partners

The intimate side of life for these lovers has great importance. It is in sex that partners open up and mutual understanding is born between them. They resolve many quarrels in bed. Cancer and Libra are tuned to the same wavelength, and therefore they sex life calm and measured. A man expects tenderness and sensuality from intimacy. A feminine partner gives him these sensations.

A woman loves stability and reliability to reign in bed. If she learns to catch her partner’s mood, she will give herself to her completely. It is the mood that determines a man's behavior. When he is depressed, he is ready to submit to his chosen one and follow her. In this case, Libra should give him tenderness and affection. When does Cancer good mood, he will want to take the initiative. This approach helps to achieve harmony in sexual relationships.

Can a Cancer man and Libra woman not lose compatibility in love over the years?

If both partners can pacify their character, then their union may well be happy and strong. They will support and respect each other. A woman likes it when her beloved considers her generous, and a man likes to show care and kindness towards his chosen one. Both like to give love and receive love in return.

The main difficulty in compatibility between Cancer and Libra woman is that representatives of both signs strive to fulfill some kind of personal mission. They are confident in what they have done in life right choice, and therefore they try to convince their other half that they are right. At the same time, none of them is ready to admit that they are guided exclusively by their own interests, as in the pair of Cancer and Virgo.

Libra is an air sign, and therefore such a woman cannot stand routine. She tries to make her relationship with her beloved bright, sometimes acting unceremoniously. The Cancer man is constantly worried about his safety; he persistently tries to tie friends and acquaintances to himself. Cancer man and Libra woman will demonstrate good compatibility if they really want it. It goes without saying that any couple can become happy, but representatives of these signs do not have the best initial conditions.

In order for harmony to reign in their family, a man needs to stop being offended by his chosen one. Nature has endowed Libra with diplomacy, which sometimes helps her overcome emotional sensitivity partner. She just needs to take control of her own behavior and try not to offend the touchy gentleman. In order for Cancer and Libra to maintain compatibility in love for many years, a woman must remember all the advantages of her other half and try not to pay attention to shortcomings, including tediousness. A faithful friend with whom you can discuss anything can help with this. It is possible that over time the man will also become friends with her.

In addition, Cancer and Libra will not lose sign compatibility if they try to avoid scandals. A woman needs to try not to make a man hysterical. When furious, Cancer puts himself in a pretty bad light. If the partner sees the chosen one in this form, she can break off the relationship with her own hands. Only through common efforts will lovers preserve their union.

How good it is to find yours mutual love, partner for life. By looking at our less fortunate comrades, we celebrate our own happiness. Everyone has their own horoscope of love, different compatibility, sometimes, prevents lovers from being together. If you have found your happiness, then thank the Stars. Not everyone gets this chance. But finding love is not that difficult. A man and a woman are looking for each other, trying with all their might to attract attention. Now, the main thing is not to lose your feelings. This is where the advice of an astrologer will help you.

There are little tricks for different zodiac signs that will help them become closer to each other. In relationships, sometimes you have to resort to such tricks, and a good astrologer will not only draw up a couple’s horoscope, but will also tell you how to live without quarrels. In marriage and love, understanding is very important - who is your partner, how does he live, where does he strive? If your goals are very different, then you can hardly call the couple happy. Do you want to know the secret of a successful relationship for a Cancer and Libra couple? Then carefully study their horoscopes - there is a hidden clue in them.

Signs of 4 elements

The four elements are Water, Earth, Air and Fire. Each of them takes patronage over 3 zodiac signs:

  • Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
  • Earth: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
  • Air: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini
  • Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Each element has endowed its signs with special qualities. The characteristics of the sign are hidden in the elements. Although, Cancer has a very “fiery” temperament. The fact is that there is a lot of Water in it. The abundance of this energy and the influence of the Moon make the sign “strong”. In love, all signs are completely different. Some are ready to make unprecedented sacrifices, while others want to be sacrificed for them. Some people know how to listen, while others will never ask for advice. This can be called a pair of opposites, Libra and Cancer. Air and Water. There is only a thin line where they touch. It lies on their relationship and the possible happiness of these zodiac signs.

Character Cancer

An interesting zodiac sign, this Cancer. He really wants to improve, but he gets in the way of himself. It's not easy with him, but it's worth it. You won’t be lost with Cancer, because the star horoscope promises him wealth.


Who said it would be easy for you when you fell in love with a Cancer? This sign values ​​its freedom. And yet, Cancer values ​​himself as a whole. He knows that he is capable of much, he can achieve success. To do this, you need someone who will support, help, and sometimes guide Cancer. The Cancer man does not often think about the fate of this selfless person. The woman will be happy just living next to him. Many will not like this, because they want beautiful courtship, conversations by candlelight and going to the cinema. If you find yourself in a successful period of Cancer's life, all this will happen. If not, then immediately get used to the Spartan atmosphere. Cancer is working. These are successful doctors, engineers, mathematicians, inventors. They are completely focused on their work. Cancer is highly compatible with weak female signs.

If you don't see yourself as a woman behind a great man, this novel is not for you. Not every girl from a young age is ready to abandon her ambitions and live only by the ideas of her lover. Perhaps at a more mature age such a union will be possible. Sometimes, the eastern horoscope adds the Dragon sign here. This is a difficult combination of Cancer and Dragon at the same time. This is a huge plus for his career and creativity, but a big minus for his personal life. The Dragon only exacerbates Cancer's selfish tendencies.


The Cancer woman loves family and children. She knows that it is possible to combine this with work and career success. Of course, it will take twice as much energy, but she can handle it. Her whole mistake is that she wants to cope on her own. She doesn’t think at all that there is a man who can support and sometimes support her. No, she will not miss the chance to prove that she can handle anything on her own. Very often it works, but it doesn’t bring the desired euphoria. Now she’s over 40, her children are adults, and she’s the best at work. But, there is no loved one nearby. Progressive Cancers still try to fall in love. Love will change her, and change her greatly.

The Cancer woman's compatibility horoscope is quite extensive. But the Capricorn sign will not work. There is a lot in common with him, there may even be common goals and interests. Don't rush into an affair. Capricorn will not get along with Cancer, their friendship will end. It is better to leave such relationships as friendly ones. Main characteristics the ideal lover here: understanding and ease. A person should not take everything personally: his wife’s silence, her anger for failures. It’s better to laugh and leave than to get involved in a showdown when Cancer is annoyed.

Libra character

If you fall in love with a person under the sign of Libra, then your adventures are just beginning. Convincing him that your feelings are sincere is difficult. The love horoscope for Libra is always extraordinary, because love comes and goes to them very suddenly.


The zodiac sign Libra does not always know how to be among people. He is used to hovering over them, condemning or encouraging. It all depends on his own value system. The Libra man loves to look down on how his peers are having fun. He will not keep them company, but will only shake his head. In his understanding, he is only an outside observer, whom life does not concern. There comes a time, after 25-30 years, when suddenly he is left alone. At such moments, the Libra man is very vulnerable.

There is no one to call, no one to ask for help. This is where his violent hunt for women begins. Almost literally. He looks for it, then studies it. The study can take a week - up to a month. If she is worthy, then he will make every effort, put all his intelligence into conquering a woman. Ultimately, when the couple has formed, he can calm down. Having a relationship suits him. Now there will be a person to whom you can turn. Don’t rush to rejoice; upon closer examination, he may change his mind about an affair with you. If the pair is the Dragon zodiac, then everything is a little better. This will help Libra to be closer to people, with a “warmer” character.


The Libra woman is often very cold. She does not share her thoughts or emotions with people she doesn't know well. He also likes to observe and evaluate from the side, without touching. She can be very cruel to her fans, playing a game of "closer - further" with them. Few people seem worthy of her. It's all about compatibility. She is very short. This sign is full of Air, which means it is changeable. No, this is not lightness, but changeability. The Libra woman changes her mind more often than you can react. You haven’t had time to do anything yet, and she’s already offended by you. Impermanence is its main characteristic. It often happens like this: you created a couple, a few weeks passed and it disappeared. I just changed my mind.

Learn to talk to your partner, discussing everything that happens between you

An interesting combination would be Libra and Dragon. He will not let her change her mind so easily, he will make her a more holistic person. For Air signs, the Dragon is generally a balancing force. Helps you get ready and look soberly at the world around you. Capricorn and Taurus will be good business or work partners. They don't really pay attention to all of Libra's mood swings. Capricorn will help you achieve success in your chosen field, be it science or art. A romance is hardly possible between these signs, but the work is going well. Capricorn will be an excellent “compass” to get you straight to fame.

Couple in a relationship

A couple of a Libra man and a Cancer woman can be called quite acceptable. No one is saying that they have maximum compatibility, or a simple love story. Their horoscope is full of the unpredictable, just like the Libra man himself. Still, they have many chances to improve their lives. Everyone will have their own space, worries, and things to do. Here it is important to divide responsibilities so that there is as much room as possible for both to be creative. In other words, they simply need boundaries. If it works out, then these zodiac signs have every chance of understanding.

You will rarely meet a couple of Libra woman and Cancer man. If they succeed, then they will not be happy. Their love horoscope is short - disappointment comes quickly. The Cancer man will demand attention, care, and complete respect. The Libra woman will laugh at him and turn away. For her, this is unthinkable, because Libra loves only themselves. She will carefully weigh the pros and cons, and then leave without saying goodbye. She has nothing to do where she is not the center of the Universe.

You are ready to do anything, as long as it takes you away from problems. Sometimes a quarrel will help defuse the atmosphere, but silence kills even the strongest love. The star compatibility of the Libra and Cancer couple is not as great as it could be, given the potential of both. Decide for yourself - do you want to be together or not? It can be even worse with others, so if you have a relationship, stick to it. The zodiac sign Libra hides its emotions, pretending that it has absolutely nothing to do with it. This ability of his is disconcerting to many. If you speak, many problems will go away. If you remain silent together, it will not preserve love in a marriage, and it will only destroy the marriage itself.

The horoscope compatibility of Cancer and Libra is ambiguous. In marriage and love relationships, they cannot do without problems, which, nevertheless, are quite possible to overcome. The water and air elements to which these zodiac signs belong give them different characters, temperaments and worldviews.

At first glance, Libra and Cancer are absolutely incompatible, but upon closer examination, there are many points of contact between them. Let's look at the compatibility of the signs of Libra and Cancer in love and family relationships.

Characteristics of signs

Compatibility in love relationships, friendships and marriage is based primarily on the basic characteristics of the zodiac signs. However, for a more detailed analysis, it is advisable to consider not only the solar sign, but also the lunar sign, as well as the influence of strong and weak planets in the personal horoscope of each partner. In addition, the year of birth of a person influences the characteristics of the sign and compatibility in love.

Thus, Cancers born in the year of the Dragon are more sociable and freedom-loving, which brings them closer to the character of Libra. In turn, Libras born in the year of the Rat become more practical, which allows them to better interact with thrifty Cancers.

CANCER + LIBRA - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Compatibility of Cancer man and Libra woman

Cancer and Libra. Compatibility Horoscope Love and Sexual Horoscope

Compatibility of Libra man and Cancer woman

Compatibility Horoscope - Cancer

Compatibility of the sign of Cancer with the signs Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio

Representatives of Libra, like other signs of the Air element, are distinguished by a versatile mind, deep analytical abilities and curiosity, as well as a desire for creativity and harmony, responsiveness and diplomacy. They know how to love and love to be loved, or more precisely, without love and warmth they simply waste away. Libras are surprisingly efficient and have a strategic approach to any task. However, in addition to all the advantages, the horoscope also endowed them with disadvantages - internal inconsistency and frequent doubts, and sometimes indecision and stubbornness.

Men and women of the Cancer zodiac sign amazingly combine practicality and romanticism. On the one hand, they are sensitive and emotional, prone to fantasies and dreams, on the other hand, they like to calculate events and situations, put money aside, and slowly but surely strive towards the goal. Like Libra, they need an atmosphere of love and warmth, which they achieve by limiting their social circle to selected friends. Cancers willingly follow traditions and are distrustful of innovations (in a variety of areas of life - in work, in communication, in sex...). Sometimes they are suspicious and too cautious, and their persistence sometimes turns into stubbornness and inflexibility.

Compatibility of Libra woman and Cancer man

A Libra woman and a Cancer man can create a completely harmonious union if they study each other thoroughly and try not to hurt their partner’s “sore spots.” A girl of the Libra sign will immediately appreciate the sensitivity and romanticism of Cancer, his thoroughness and reliability. As for herself, endowed with “Venusian” beauty, ideal taste and charm, any guy will like her, including Cancer.

On initial stage relationship, the compatibility of a Cancer man and a Libra woman is quite high, and their sex life is harmonious.

However, over time, the Libra girl’s excessive sociability and frivolity can cause annoyance and irritation in Cancer. It turns out that she does not know how to save money, and her expenses are too high. In addition, she is rarely at home, and her circle of friends, which includes men, will make the owner of Cancer offended and jealous. In turn, he will seem boring to the Libra girl, too slow and conservative. Her unflattering reviews will hurt Cancer’s pride - being very worried, he will harbor a grudge, begin to feel unloved and unnecessary.

The most dangerous thing that can happen to this couple is cooling. Living without love is painful for both, so the couple either separates or supports outside relationships without real intimacy. However, a much better scenario for the development of relations is possible for Cancer and Libra. Based on the principle of mutual complementarity, Cancer can become a support for the ever-doubting Libra and teach practicality and determination. In turn, Libra will expand Cancer’s circle of acquaintances and teach him to perceive new trends, helping him to successfully realize himself and reach his goals.

Compatibility of Libra man and Cancer woman

A Libra man and a Cancer woman have approximately the same percentages of compatibility as the previous couple. Having met a Cancer girl, a Libra man reaches a calm haven - in her company he feels stability, and his eternal contradictions subside a little. In addition, she is very feminine - modest, calm, sensitive and romantic. Libra will conquer her with charm and beautiful signs attention, and upon closer acquaintance - with a deep mind, a sense of justice and high ideals. They are perfectly compatible in the first stages of love - their relationships and sex life are full of romance and harmony.

However, problems may overtake them in future relationships and family life.

The sociable nature of Libra and his frequent stay outside the home will make a Cancer woman jealous and doubt herself.

Today he is attentive and gentle, and tomorrow he is all about work, and you won’t get any signs of attention from him. This is the character of Libra, but the Cancer woman understands this as a cooling towards her. She withdraws into herself and becomes cold, turning Libra's life into real hard labor. Of course, now he leaves home even more often.

IN the best option development of relationships, the Cancer woman will create a strong rear for him and a cozy atmosphere in the house. She is an excellent housewife, and she is also very practical, which allows the family to live not only with high ideals. In a calm atmosphere, a Libra man will quickly understand himself and reconcile his contradictions. He will achieve a lot in life and provide for his family properly, since he is endowed with many talents and enviable hard work. And the Cancer woman will help him with this, teaching him patience and determination, giving him stability, warmth and sincere love.

  1. When sorting out relationships, Libra should more often use their characteristic diplomacy, and remember that the most important thing is not to offend the sensitive Cancer.
  2. Cancer must understand that his loved one needs some freedom and communication with other people. It will be useful for him to sometimes give up being a homebody and go out in public with his significant other.
  3. Cancer should not accumulate dissatisfaction, since this is a bad tactic in relations with Libra. Anything you don’t like must be expressed, not forgetting your sense of tact.
  4. The ever-doubting Libra needs to be given time to think - you shouldn’t expect them to make a lightning-fast decision or tell them how to make this decision correctly.
  5. Libra should not be offended by their significant other if she (or he) prefers relaxing at home to noisy companies. Nothing bad will happen if Libra also stays at home one evening - this will allow them to calm down, diversify their leisure time and will greatly please Cancer.
  6. In any case, marriage benefits from spending time together, so partners need to look for common interests. They both love romance, everything beautiful and a little mysterious. A joint trip to the cinema, theater or exhibition will bring Libra and Cancer very close - it is useful to conduct such events more often.
  7. But the most important thing for these two is to feel loved, needed and desired. The atmosphere of love, care and attention is important for them, perhaps more than for any other zodiac sign.