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Why does a guinea pig squeak when you pet it? What does the guinea pig want to say?

Guinea pigs are beautiful furry creatures that bring a lot of joy to their owners. Unfortunately, they, like other animals, cannot say what they want or what bothers them. They use various sounds to communicate with people and relatives. Let's figure out what sounds guinea pigs make and what they can mean.

Why do guinea pigs squeak?

Publish different types Guinea pigs can squeak for many reasons. They may be hungry, perhaps want companionship and affection, report illness, or feel fear.

They beg and want their favorite treat.

Guinea pigs will go to great lengths to beg for their favorite food. They stand on their hind legs, look intently at the owner and emit something similar to a squeak and squeal.

Important!If a guinea pig squeaks displeasedly and unpleasantly every time it begs for a treat, the animal is too spoiled and you need to stop constantly indulging its desires.

Really hungry

When a guinea pig squeaks persistently, loudly and for a long time, it means that it is really very hungry and asks its owner for food. To prevent your rodent from waking you up at night with his hungry squeaks, do not forget to leave him a sufficient amount of food at night, including his favorite treats.

They want to “communicate” with the opposite sex

Males make rattling, cooing sounds during courtship. If the female is not interested in “communicating” with the male, she growls and grins, scaring away her unwanted friend.

Show their superiority over other relatives

The males of these animals show their superiority over their weaker relatives with the help of a menacing squeak or roar. Hearing such a sound, members of the rodent family immediately obey and calm down.

Because of fear

If an animal is afraid or doesn’t like something, it can hide in a corner or house and begin to squeak pitifully. But usually fears are inherent in cubs, and adults are simply trying to attract the attention of the owner.

Important!If you see that your pet is afraid, try to understand the reason for the fear and eliminate it.

Got sick

The owner will immediately understand from the pet's squeak that he is sick. When a pig is in pain, it squeaks loudly and shrilly. This sound is very frightening, because owners often do not even suspect that such a small creature can make such a strong and loud moan.

We are glad to meet you

When a person walks into a room with a pet, he will always greet him happily. At such moments, he squeaks joyfully and pleasantly in anticipation of affection and treats.

What other sounds does a guinea pig make and what do they mean?

In addition to squeaking, these rodents make many more sounds. different sounds, each of which has its own meaning.


If your pet sniffles, it means that she is in restless anticipation of something or is worried. Such wheezing sounds can be heard if the rodent sees that the owner is about to feed it.

Did you know? To mark territory, these rodents rub their neck or chin against a desired object or place.


If the pig is relaxed, calm and at the same time purring, it means that she is absolutely happy and satisfied, she liked the treat that you fed her. But if the rumbling that is heard from the pig is high-pitched and she is tense, then she is experiencing irritation.
If your pet purrs intermittently and you feel a trembling in the rodent’s body, it means that he is uncomfortable or scared. In this case, it is better to release the animal, return it to its cage and leave the room to allow it to calm down.


Most often only males growl when they attract females. They also growl at the very moment of mating.

Grinding his teeth

If you see your pet grinning and hear teeth grinding, you need to let the animal go and move away. At such a moment, the pig gets angry and can show aggression and even bite.

Hisses or coos

This rodent also only hisses when it gets angry. But cooing indicates the pet’s confidence and lack of fear of the owner or anything else.

Squeals or whines

A long, strained squeal is the first sign of pain and fear. Pets can whine and moan if they don’t like something. For example, new neighbor in a cage.


Not every owner will be lucky enough to hear a chirping sound similar to birdsong. guinea pigs. This happens very rarely, and still no one knows why they chirp.

Language of the body

Did you know?Guinea pigs can live from 4 to 7 years.

If several guinea pigs live in the same cage, friendship may not always arise between them. They may perceive a neighbor as a rival or adversary. Then the rodents begin to show aggression, rising above the enemy and standing to their full height.

At the same time, they hiss, grind their teeth and puff up, raising their fur. In such situations, it is best for the owner to intervene and separate the enemies into different cells.

Rocking from side to side is also a sign of aggression. This behavior can also be an element of mating games. To make it clear who is in charge in the family, these animals try to rise above others.
If your pet is fussing, agitated and restless in your hands, you need to let him go. Perhaps he wants to go to the toilet or eat, or maybe he is tired of playing. Sometimes a pet can throw back its head while lying in the arms of its owner. This is also a signal to stop and let the rodent go.

Important! If you hear squealing, check what is bothering your rodent as soon as possible and contact your veterinarian.

A sign of your pig's special love is by affectionately licking your hands.

To better understand your pet, spend more time with it - communicate, play and care for it. Study the rodent's behavior to understand what it wants and help it right moment. The pet will feel that they are cared for, and then they will live happily ever after.

Guinea pig sounds are a way of communication. They help them not only contact each other, but also communicate their needs to the owner. Emotional animals convey each mood in their own way, so they are able to reproduce many different sounds. When purchasing a rodent, a breeder must be prepared for the fact that guinea pigs talk, scream, sing, hiss, wheeze, whistle, squeak, growl, chirp, chatter their teeth and make other sounds.


Why does a guinea pig squeak? There are several reasons why she does this.

In their natural environment, frightened pigs squeak. A newborn animal tells its mother about its concern by squeaking. Males use this method of communication during courtship. The animal also squeaks when it is in pain.

Tamed animals use this sound to evoke pity from the owner and to attract attention. It could be a protest. For example, if an animal sat calmly on the owner’s lap and enjoyed stroking, and then it was abruptly put in a cage and deprived of pleasant communication.

Begging may also be accompanied by squeaking. Breeders who have a cage with a pet in their kitchen eventually notice that every time they open the refrigerator, the guinea pig screams.

Om-Nom-nom! Yummy!

A squeak when the owner appears can express joy from a long-awaited meeting and anticipation of a traditional tasty treat.

A hungry pet squeaks to inform the breeder of its desire for food.

It is important to learn to understand your ward and not attribute all his calls to whims. The animal may really need help, even medical help.


The guinea pig rumbles and purrs, showing sympathy towards its owners or other animals.

The rumbling signifies and negative emotions. To determine the mood of an animal, you need to evaluate its behavior in this moment. A calm, relaxed and happy rodent will simply purr sweetly. But sudden movements, tense behavior and rumbling sounds similar to a roar are irritation. A well-fed and calm pig purrs and vibrates when petted. If the rumbling is intermittent, then the pet is not happy with something or is scared.

Purr purr! Open “On the Meadows” soon! I want to read new articles about myself

A growl is a rumbling sound at a lower pitch. During the mating season and mating, both males and females growl.

Grinding/chattering of teeth

Why does a guinea pig chatter its teeth? Most often this bad sign. A pet can express its dissatisfaction and even anger in this way. If an animal makes hissing sounds by clicking its teeth or shows its teeth, then you can be sure that the animal is aggressive.

Grinding or chattering of teeth can be a warning sign of a fight. If pigs are kept together, they can arrange a division of territory or a showdown. It is better to accustom the animal to the neighborhood gradually. First, give the animals the opportunity to only hear each other. After a couple of weeks, the pigs can be placed in the same room. After some time, the rodents will be ready to live together.

When the pet has no conflicts with its relatives, and obvious reasons For his anger, too, no, then it’s worth checking the state of his health.

Rodents often chatter their teeth when they have an upset stomach.

A conflict is brewing - maybe growl at him?

Grinding can occur due to overgrowth of teeth, insufficient grinding of them on solid food and toys. A dental defect can cause infection or deterioration. Therefore, you should visit a veterinarian without delay.

Squeals and whines/moans

The friendly animal does not tolerate loneliness well. A pet that has been alone for a long time may squeal loudly when its owner appears. In this way, the guinea pig talks and communicates. Therefore, it is recommended to keep pigs in pairs.

A guinea pig can easily make friends with a rabbit and even with an ordinary soft toy.

Let's be friends! Well, why don't you answer?

At severe pain or when danger approaches, the animal may scream shrilly and heart-rendingly. This pet behavior cannot be ignored. You definitely need to check his health or find out what the rodent was afraid of.

Pig experiencing strong painful sensations, capable of moaning and whining. The breeder may notice that the pet yells when a family member or relative appears, as well as when performing some actions. The source of the animal's irritation must be eliminated.

IN in rare cases squeals mean that the pet is happy.


A guinea pig chirping is a rare occurrence. Not all rodents make such sounds. It really is very reminiscent of birds chirping.

Chirping pets are different strange behavior similar to a trance state. Typically, a guinea pig sings for no more than 20 minutes, after which it returns to its business.

Decoding behavior

Scientists who observed animals came to the conclusion that the guinea pig chirps:

  • in a state of strong excitement;
  • under stress;
  • after a quarrel with relatives or being socially overloaded.


A satisfied pet often sniffles, and a well-fed pet whistles. While waiting for a treat, the animal may begin to sniffle and gradually switch to whistling. This situation can occur when opening the refrigerator.

Ah-ah-ah! They didn’t give me a treat!!!

If the owner does not get a treat, the pet can also whistle to attract attention to his person and get something tasty.

A prolonged whistle or a whistle repeated after a few seconds by animals can serve as a greeting or signal that they are hungry.

If your guinea pig wheezes when he breathes, he needs to be seen by a veterinarian.

You need to learn to distinguish what does your guinea pig want?. The animal's life will be much more comfortable if you Without difficulty, learn to determine what your furry needs right now. Whistling, squealing and squeaking, grumbling, grunting and other sounds made by these cute animals have their own meaning. In this way, pigs express satisfaction, fear, aggression in their own language, warn their companions about danger, etc. By spending time with your students often, paying attention to these “statements,” over time you can begin to understand them.

The sounds a guinea pig makes correspond to her mood at a given moment in time. Quiet whistle, and as the highest manifestation - a gentle “squeal”, means satisfaction. The most common sound is a sharp whistle, repeated at intervals of approximately one second. The pig most often gives this signal as a sign of greeting to a person she knows when it is time to feed.

The most shrill sound is moan, which is an expression of pain. This is a very high-pitched and loud squeak, interrupted only during inhalation. Such loud sound It's really hard to expect from a small animal. The last sound from the guinea pig's repertoire that we discuss here is the chattering grunt, sounding almost like the echo of a drumbeat. It is usually used as a greeting to encountered individuals; it also serves the male to attract a female. Rattling grunt is also an integral element of sexual ritual. In this case, it is accompanied by characteristic shoving movements of the animal’s body. .

If you want to understand a guinea pig, try not only to listen, but also to look closely at it; often your animal expresses its desires not only with characteristic sounds, but also with certain body movements.

  • An insistent squeak means a clear need for food.
  • A plaintive squeak means fear or loneliness in babies. Animals kept alone use this sound to express their desire to communicate.
  • Clucking and cooing sounds indicate that your guinea pig is happy and comfortable.
  • Guinea pigs make grunting sounds when they greet and sniff each other in a friendly manner.
  • Roaring sounds are made by a weaker opponent in front of a strong opponent, which can be a person. If the growling from fear turns into energetic chattering of the teeth, you should leave the animal alone, otherwise it will come to bites.
  • The male makes cooing sounds when approaching the female during courtship.
    How does a guinea pig behave? What does this mean
    Animals touch noses Sniffing each other
    Grunting, grunting Comfort, good mood (communication through sounds)
    Guinea pig stretched out on the floor The animal is comfortable and calm
    Jumping up Good mood, playfulness
    Squeak Warning, sounds of a baby straying from its relatives, fear, pain, demand for food (in relation to a person)
    cooing Pacification
    Guinea pig stands on hind legs Trying to get to the food
    The guinea pig stands on its hind legs and stretches its front legs forward Eager to impress
    The animal throws its head up Show of force
    Guinea pig lowers his head and purrs A proposal to make peace, a manifestation of fear
    Grinding, hissing sounds, chattering of teeth Aggression, desire to impress, warning the enemy
    Grumbling, grunting, crackling sounds Sounds made by a male during courtship
    Guinea pig stretches its head forward Being vigilant
    With his mouth wide open, the guinea pig shows his teeth The female drives away an overly annoying male
    Guinea pig tucks its paws, presses against the wall Helplessness, need for protection
    Guinea pig freezes in place Pretends to be dead to divert enemy attention

All pig sounds have meaning and are a way of communication. With the help of its voice, a guinea pig shows its dissatisfaction, asks for food, and communicates with humans and other animals. Each rodent has its own ways of expressing emotions and desires, but there are sounds whose meaning is the same for all members of the species. So, every pig in certain situations squeaks, whistles, chatters its teeth, purrs, hisses, chirps. Experts distinguish more than 10 sounds made by these funny animals.

Why does the pig squeak?

Usually, owners quickly begin to understand what the pet wants to say with one sound or another. Most often, the animal begins to squeak when you pet it. In this way the animal expresses its satisfaction. If the guinea pig is happy with its living conditions and is in good mood, then she can quietly squeak and grunt all day long. Therefore, in a situation where a pet constantly squeaks, there is nothing strange or alarming.

Why does a rodent sniffle?

Pigs snore quite often. Such funny sounds mean that the animal is excitedly and impatiently waiting for something. You can often hear a pig snoring and whistling noisily, waiting for the owner to bring and place his favorite treat in the feeder. Sometimes the animal tries to attract attention by wheezing.

What does a mumps purr mean?

The meaning of rumbling depends on the pitch of the sound. A happy and satisfied pig lets out a dull rumbling sound while behaving calmly and at ease. But if the pet purrs in high tones, moves sharply and tensely, then this means that he is irritated and dissatisfied with something. If you look closely at an irritated animal, you will notice that it trembles when it purrs. A frightened or uncomfortable rodent purrs abruptly.

Why does my pet whistle?

Often, when returning home, owners notice that their pet has risen on its hind legs and is whistling loudly. This is how the animal shows that it missed its owner and is glad to see him. Rodents also whistle when it's time for a snack. A hungry pig whistles when it sees a treat in its owner's hand or when it notices that the feeder is already empty. Owners who are annoyed by the constant whistling of a rodent are advised to put more food in the feeder so that the pet remains full longer and does not require supplements.

Why does the pig growl?

Growling is almost no different from rumbling, only slightly lower in tone. Mostly males growl when courting females. It is rare to hear such a sound from females during the courtship period. By the growling of the pets, the owner can understand that it is time to mate.

Why does a rodent hiss and chatter its teeth?

Hissing and grinding of teeth means that the pig is angry and in a bad mood. A rodent can only hiss, only chatter its teeth, or produce both sounds at the same time. Sometimes the animal also grins. The guinea pig's grin resembles a yawn. By making such sounds, the animal shows aggression and is preparing to attack. Most often, males hiss and chatter their teeth before a fight.

Why does the female coo?

Cooing is usually made by females caring for their offspring. This sound means that everything is fine with the pig and her piglets.

Why does the pig scream, squeal and whine?

With these unpleasant sounds, the animal is trying to say that it feels bad, hurt and scared. An owner who hears a scream or piercing squeal from a guinea pig should definitely check the condition of the pet. Perhaps the baby fell, injured a limb, was scratched, or was injured in a fight. But if a pig moans and whines, then with such strange sounds it shows hostility towards one of its relatives or people.

What does a pig's chirp mean?

Guinea pigs rarely use their chatter in conversation. If the owner looks at the chirping pet, he will notice that he is in a state similar to numbness. Experts still cannot say what this chirping, similar to bird singing, means.

What do the movements of guinea pigs mean?

Guinea pigs are not only sociable animals, but also active ones. The well-being and mood of the animals can be determined by their movements.

  1. If a rodent stands on its hind legs and stretches out its front limbs, then in this way it shows itself and tries to please a person.
  2. A male sharply throwing back his head demonstrates his superiority over other males. This is how an alpha male behaves.
  3. And the male, who lowers his head, shows his submission to the alpha male.
  4. An animal with its body stretched forward shows alertness and studies the situation.
  5. A rodent opening its mouth wide and showing its teeth is showing aggression and is preparing to bite.
  6. The jumping pet is in a good mood and wants to play with its owner.
  7. If the pig is trembling, pressing into the corner of the cage, hiding its paws, then it is very frightened, feels unprotected and helpless.
  8. If the animal freezes and enters a state of stupor, then it pretends to be dead. This is usually how pigs behave when they sense danger.

It is also important to consider how the rodent behaves in human hands. If your pig is restless and twitching, it means she wants to defecate or is tired from playing. In this situation, the owner should return the animal to the cage.

Many pampered rodents throw back their heads when in human hands. This is how they show their irritation and want their owner to leave them alone.

It is believed that by licking the owner's hands, the pig shows his love. Maybe it is so. But, most likely, the animal simply liked the smells that permeated the skin of its owner’s hands.

Generally, guinea pigs love it when their owner picks them up from their cage. At first, the cubs behave timidly in human hands, but quickly get used to communicating with humans. Adults often cuddle and cuddle with their beloved owner.

Unfortunately, they are speechless, but this does not mean that they cannot communicate. They have a whole arsenal of sounds and body movements at their disposal. And although even scientists cannot yet boast that they fully understand everything that the animals want to communicate, there are means of communication that convey the “messages” of pigs quite clearly.

Guinea pigs can make a wide variety of sounds. If your pig is happy, you will periodically hear squeaks, snorts and low grunts throughout the day: these are all common means of communication for these rodents. But sometimes owners hear other sounds.

Squeak: A common and distinct sound similar to that of children's squeakers. Sometimes it is also compared to a long whistle. Most often, this sound means excitement and anticipation of something pleasant (usually food). Sometimes it's just an animal trying to get your attention. Many guinea pigs make similar sounds when they see their owner opening the refrigerator or cabinet in which their food is stored.

Rumbling: this sound may have different meanings, depending on its frequency and accompanying movements. If the pig is happy and comfortable, it lies in a calm and relaxed position, purring at a low note. However, if the rumbling is more high-pitched, it may be a sign of irritation. In this case, the pig will most likely sit in a tense position and seem to vibrate. The short rumbling sound (similar to "drr") that your pig makes while sitting still can be a sign of fear and uncertainty.

Growl: A lower, deeper sound than a rumble. It is usually produced by a male courting a female, or by a female during the mating season. Often the growling is accompanied by a “mating dance”. Sometimes owners compare this sound to a boat engine.
Clicking teeth: This is a sure sign that your pig is irritated. She often shows her teeth at the same time. This sound means: “don’t come close to me.”

Hiss: Like clicking teeth, hissing means your pig is upset or angry.

cooing: These sounds are usually used by a mother pig to calm her offspring.

Screech: A high-pitched, loud squeal is an unmistakable sign that your pig is scared, anxious, or in pain. If you hear this kind of squealing, be sure to immediately check to make sure your pet is okay and not injured.

Whining: whining sounds usually mean irritation or dissatisfaction with some actions of the pig's cagemate or owner.

Chirping: This sound is somewhat reminiscent of bird chirping and is the least studied of the entire “vocabulary” of guinea pigs. When a rodent chirps, it sometimes seems as if it is in some kind of trance. No one knows exactly what this “singing” means.

Guinea pig body language
Guinea pigs can also convey “messages” through body language and posture. Therefore, you should always know what movements are normal for your pet in order to notice changes in time and understand what is happening.

Jumping: the pig jumps high (usually many times). This is most often done by young pigs when they are happy or excited, or when they just want to play. Adult pigs also sometimes jump, but not as high as young pigs.

Numbness: If a pig is frightened by something, it may freeze for a while, as if numb.

Pig moves his nose: in this way, the animals try to find out what is happening around them, and also get to know their relatives (guinea pigs love to sniff the faces and ears of their relatives).

Pigs rub their noses: friendly greeting between animals.

Signs of aggression: the pig raises its head, raises its croup, shows its teeth, its fur stands up, the animal sways from side to side on motionless paws. All these actions may be accompanied by hissing and/or clicking of teeth. If your pig does any of the above, be careful: he may get into a fight with his neighbors.

Pig rubs against objects: Rodents often rub their chins, cheeks and rumps against objects that they wish to mark as their property. They may also urinate on various items or other pigs to show their superiority.

The pig fidgets while sitting in the owner’s arms: this could be a sign that the animal needs to pee, or that she is simply tired and wants to get back into her cage.

The pig raises its head: This is usually a sign that she is tired of stroking and caressing.

The pig licks the owner: most owners regard this as a sign of affection (although it is also possible that the pig likes the taste of salt on human skin).

The pig runs away and cannot be picked up: Pigs are timid animals, especially at first. Therefore, if your pet runs away, it is not a sign of antipathy, but simply a natural protective instinct. Be patient: after some time, almost all pigs get used to interacting and playing with their owners.