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Interesting riddles about animals. Riddles about animals for children about a ram, a wolf, a squirrel, a fox. Riddles about sea animals

RIDDLE is a favorite genre of folk art in all countries. Children's riddles broaden children's horizons, introduce them to the world around them and natural phenomena. Also, riddles for children contribute to the development of children's powers of observation, memory, ingenuity, thinking and imagination. For adults, solving riddles is also very useful! So solve riddles with your children. We offer you a selection of children's riddles about animals, we hope that you and your kids will be satisfied!

She walks in the rain
Loves to pluck grass
Quack screams, It's all a joke,
Well of course it is - ( duck).


Long ears, fast legs.
Gray, but not a mouse.
Who is this?.. ( Bunny)


I have a question for you -
Who got their mouth and nose dirty?
Who sits in a puddle all day?
Grunting and swimming with fat,
Tell me friends -
What's her name - ( pig).


Ku-ka-re-ku he screams loudly,
Flapping its wings loudly, loudly,
A faithful shepherd of chickens,
What's his name? ( rooster).


He sits very obediently,
He doesn't want to bark at all
He is overgrown with a lot of fur,
Well of course it is - ( dog).


Every evening, so easy
She gives us milk.
She says two words
What's her name - ( cow).


He's very, very curly
He doesn’t want to become a shashlik at all,
Among the bright trees there is a giant,
What's his name - ( ram).


He doesn't sleep at all at night,
Keeps the house safe from mice,
Drinks milk from a bowl
Well of course it is - ( cat).


He repeats one thing - ha-ha,
Who offended? Where? When?
I'm not afraid of anyone
Well of course it is - ( goose).


Spreads its tail like a peacock,
He walks like an important gentleman,
Feet knock on the ground,
What's his name - ( turkey).


He sits in a cage all day,
And he repeats under his breath,
But when I heard the door creak,
He shouts “Philip-Philip”
Give Kesha a drink quickly,
Who is this - ( parrot).


He sleeps in a den in winter,
Little by little he snores,
And he wakes up, well, roar,
What is his name - ( bear).


I decided to marry Thumbelina,
Only a bird saved the girl,
He stuffs his mouth with grain,
Well of course it is - ( mole).


She buzzes over the flower,
It flies so quickly towards the hive,
I gave my honey to the honeycomb,
What's her name - ( bee).


The rope crawls along the ground,
Here is the tongue, the open mouth,
I'm ready to bite everyone,
Because I am ( snake).


He roams the forest all the time,
He is looking for someone in the bushes.
He snaps his teeth from the bushes,
Who says this - ( wolf).


Loves red carrots
He gnaws cabbage very deftly,
He jumps here and there,
Through forests and fields,
Gray, white and oblique,
Who do you say he is - ( hare).


Like on the sea-ocean,
The fish-fish is swimming,
And to the huge fountain
It won't let us swim!
A wave runs from him,
Well of course it is - ( whale).


He is gray, big,
On four pillars
Look at him
And you just say, ah!
The trunk lifts up,
The fountain waters everyone,
Tell me, who is he?
Well of course it is - ( elephant).


Gray coat, silver fur,
Very beautiful, fluffy tail,
If you're a little lucky,
He will take the nut from your hand.
And it flies from you like an arrow,
Well of course it is - ( squirrel).

Along the path in the forest,
I'm carrying a big apple
I look like needles
Call me of course - ( hedgehog).


A huge cat jumps through the forest,
She doesn't hide earrings in her ears,
If you don’t say a word to her, scatter,
Because it is - ( lynx).

The king of beasts roars loudly,
He is in a hurry to collect all the animals,
Sitting gracefully on a stone,
Tell me who it is - ( lion).

In the zoo, above the cage,
Someone's head is sticking out
Bananas are picked from a high branch,
He is silent about his long neck.
His nickname is “Bang Bang”
And his name is - ( giraffe).

Every evening I go to bed,
I'm not afraid in a room alone.
I fall asleep sweetly
Under the singing of birds - ( nightingale).


She sits on a branch in the forest,
She repeats one “cuckoo”
She counts the years for all of us,
She loses her chicks.
“Peek-a-boo” here and there,
What is this bird's name? - ( cuckoo).


Nest under the roof - deftly builds,
He constantly breeds his chicks,
Before the rain it flies very low,
Every child knows this bird
We love to watch her,
This bird ( swallow) call.


Red-fiery lump,
With a tail like a parachute,
Jumps quickly through the trees,
He was there...
Now it's here.
He's as fast as an arrow.
So this is... ( Squirrel)

Red-haired cheat
Hid under the tree.
The cunning one is waiting for the hare.
What's her name?.. ( Fox)

Gray, scary and toothy
Caused a commotion.
All the animals ran away.
Scared those animals... ( Wolf)

Brown, clubfooted
Walking through the forest.
He likes to “borrow”
Forest bees have honey.( Bear)

He is prickly, but not a Christmas tree,
In needles, but not pine.
It can curl up into a ball.
Of course it's... ( Hedgehog)

Branches crunching in the forest
Here and there.
Looking for acorns... ( Boar)

- Shur-shur-shur – there are needles in the grass!
- Yes?! On a pine tree or a Christmas tree?!
- There are leaves on those needles!
- On an aspen or oak tree?!
- Bee-bee-bee - the little nose sneezed!
- Maybe this is a train?!
- Here are the marks from the paws and legs!
- Well, of course, this is... ( hedgehog)

Strange guest - riddle poem
One evening at the dacha
A funny guest came to me,
Brave, therefore, in addition,
And a little naughty.
I walked along the fence,
He lingered near the stump...
I became one of my own very soon.
But he noticed me here!
He squeezed as hard as he could,
Turning into a bun.
It looked like a needle case.
Did you guess it? This … ( Hedgehog)


A bug is crawling on the grass,
A red frock coat to the point,
Little head.
Guess what this is? ( Ladybug!)

In the garden along the path
The house rides on its back
(at his owner's).
The house is crawling towards the gate.
Who's taking it? (Snail!)

In the meadow over the hummocks
The leaves are jumping!
Bulging eyes
And crooked paws.
But where are the ears?!
What is this? ( frogs).

Published on our website, riddles about animals deservedly occupy a separate page. This is understandable and predictable. After all, our smaller brothers are called brothers because we love them very much. And that’s why we come up with riddles about animals, which we ourselves successfully solve. 🙂 Well, our kids, of course, also solve the puzzle. And we then collect these riddles about animals with answers and post them on the website. So that you can figure it out.

So let's actually do this now - let's solve riddles about animals. Let's go!

I doze and sing my song for you.

But when I'm hunting, I'm a hard worker. (Cat).

Lives in front of the porch, has a ringed tail.

He is friends with the owner and serves him faithfully. (Dog).

This little crumb is happy with the little crumbs.

All day long, right up until dark, she hides in a hole. (Mouse).

White on white wrote where he was running.

The redhead will read, understand and find. (Hare and fox).

In rich clothes, but he himself is somewhat blind.

Lives without a window. He doesn't know the sun. (Mole).

How cleverly he arranged himself - he carries the storage room on himself.

And the pantry is behind the cheek. He's so cunning! (Mole).

This angry touchy-feely has been living in the depths of the forest for a long time.

He has a lot of needles, but not a single thread. (Hedgehog).

There was a lump of needles lying between the trees.

He lay there and lay there and suddenly ran. (Hedgehog).

He is as tall as whole house. This means there is a lot of power in him.

He grew his long nose with all his might for a hundred years, groaning. (Elephant).

He walks with his head up, showing his temper.

This very important graph is called...(giraffe).

At the threshold she cries, hides her claws.

He will quietly enter the room - purr and sing. (Cat).

Thick grasses lay on the curly sides.

He himself is all so curly, even his twisted horns. (Ram).

Not seeing the ocean wave, not knowing the sea surf,

A sea vest walks in the hot African steppe. (Zebra).

The island with the palm tree measured its water force with the wave.

He got angry and sniffled: “I’m not an island, I’m... (a whale).”

This dairy is chewing and chewing day and night.

He turned all the grass into milk so easily. (Cow).

His tail is crocheted and his nose is round.

The snout is full of holes, and the hook is fidgety. (Piglet).

No mustache, but bearded and butts everyone.

Terrible, like Napoleon. Guess who he is? (Goat).

With a beard, but not an old man. And with horns, but not a bull.

Milked, but not a cow. The bast pulls, but does not weave itself. (Goat).

...(monkey) deftly jumps from banana to banana.

A fish tail, but it is not a fish. The mouth has fangs, but is not a beast. (Crocodile).

White - he is at the pole. Brown is the one in the forest.

This one climbs on eucalyptus, eats leaves and sleeps a lot. (Koala).

It's so easy to recognize him. And it’s easy to guess.

He is enormous in stature and can see far. (Giraffe).

My brother lives in the north and eats sea fish.

And I prefer honey and wild berries. (Brown bear).

We use needles for sewing, but he wears them for living. (Hedgehog).

The belly and back are stones, and the head is snakes. (Turtle).

This beast, I tell you, brothers, can get into itself. (Mink).

Round nose - snout. Instead of a tail there is a hook.

Instead of shoes - hooves. What's his name, tell me? (Piglet).

In winter he sleeps, and in summer he stirs up the hives. (Bear).

It is prickly, but not a Christmas tree. Loves mice, but not cats. (Hedgehog).

He walks calmly, in no hurry, and carries his shield.

Underneath it she knows no fear, this old lady... (turtle).

The fur coat is striped, the muzzle is mustachioed.

Although he doesn’t know how to use water, he washes his face often. (Cat).

There is a haystack in the middle of the yard.

In front is a fork, in the back is a broom. (Cow).

He is born with a beard

But no one is surprised by this. (Goat).

In front there is a snout, in the back there is a hook.

Between them there is a back, and on it there is a bristle. (Pig).

First I made a hole, then I dug a hole there.

The sun is shining, he doesn't know it. (Mole).

He looks like a dog. Each tooth is like a sharp knife.

He runs around with his mouth bared and is ready to attack everyone. (Wolf).

He sleeps in a den in winter under a huge pine tree.

And when spring comes, he will wake up from his sleep. (Bear).

Everyone around him is moving forward, only he is doing the opposite.

He can move backwards for two hours straight. (Cancer).

When the little animal opens its mouth, it’s not a mouth, but a trap.

And both the mosquito and the fly will fall into the trap. (Frog).

The house is on the back, and the eyes are on the horns. (Snail).

A rope winds along the ground, at its end there is a head. (Snake).

He walks along the meadow, shakes his beard, chews grass, and gives him milk. (Goat).

A fur coat and a caftan walks across the mountains and valleys. (Sheep).

A cloud on legs walks along the paths. (Sheep, ram).

Gray, but not a wolf. Eared, but not a hare.

It has hooves, but not a horse. (Donkey).

At night he doesn’t sleep at all – he watches over the gray mice. (Cat).

I combed my hair without a comb and washed my face without water.

She climbed into a soft chair and sang in every key. (Cat).

In her bag there is no bread or rolls.

In her bag there is a baby on a walk. (Kangaroo).

Two horns on the nose, hooves on the legs, protection from enemies.

He is not at all bloodthirsty, because he is a herbivore. (Rhinoceros).

This red-haired cheat is very cunning and dexterous.

If it gets into the chicken coop, it will carry away all the corydalis. (Fox).

This beast lives in anxiety. Legs save you from trouble. (Hare).

They drove the antlers out into the meadows to eat.

And late in the evening the horns arrived with milk. (Cow).

Doesn't weave, doesn't spin, doesn't sew, doesn't embroider,

And he dresses everyone. (Sheep).

Our little jumper - a little coward - wears a short tail.

Timid eyes squint, ears lie along the back.

Fur coats are different, in two colors:

White is in winter, and gray is in summer. (Hare).

It curls up into a ball and cannot be grasped (Hedgehog).

Believe it or not, believe it or not: a beast ran through the forest.

It was not without reason that he carried two spreading bushes on his forehead. (Deer).

Small, nimble, grey. The tail is like an awl. (Mouse).

All four petals of the flower were moving.

I wanted to pick it, it fluttered up and flew away. (Butterfly).

Small stature long tail, gray coat, sharp teeth. (Mouse).

Needles and pins come out from under the bench.

They look at me and want milk. (Hedgehog).

Under the pines, under the fir trees, there is a bag of needles. (Hedgehog).

Believe it or not, a miracle animal lives in the zoo.

He has a hand on his forehead, it looks like a pipe. (Elephant).

He shakes his beard and pulls his bast, but does not weave bast shoes. (Goat).

In winter, under the howling of a blizzard, he sleeps in a snowy hut.

And our forest master will wake up only in the spring. (Bear).

It gets bored without its owner. Doesn't allow strangers into the house. (Dog).

It looks like a cat is sitting on the window.

And a nose like a cat, and a tail like a cat.

And everything is like a cat, but it is not a cat. Who? (Cat).

This dog's brother is gray, and the robber is the very first. (Wolf).

Hundreds of enemies surround him.

The wolf and the bear attack him.

But there are two sharp fangs for protection

And his temper is fierce, like that of a bull

A quick red-haired little ball with a tail like a parachute.

Jumps briskly through the trees, has been there and there. (Squirrel).

What animal do they ride and walk on? (Along the zebra).

This child had a mustache and meowed like a kitten.

He roared, having matured, because it was ... (lion).

What's that noise at the watering hole? What happened there?

Everyone around here was awakened by the bloodthirsty ... (crocodile).

Hidden among the branches, all nature and animals

Like a scene from the stalls, the black...(panther) sees.

A carcass emerges from the water. It's hard on dry land.

The belly hangs to the ground. This is a fat...(hippopotamus).

Carrion is her prey. Smells great.

She doesn't need hygiene. Eats anything... (hyena).

He is similar to a hippopotamus - both are very thick-skinned.

Has a horn on its nose. And that fat guy...(rhino).

If the nose were an ordinary nose, it would not suffer from the question

If the nose is a huge horn, then who is it? (Rhinoceros).

A huge, clubfooted man wanders through the forest.

He loves raspberries and fragrant honey. (Bear).

These are the riddles about animals we have collected for you.

Did you like it? I'm sure so! Because the riddles are actually good. And the pictures chosen for them are beautiful.

And if you liked it, be sure to check it out on our website. After all, we have a lot of such articles: almost 50 pieces!!! For example, they teach children to think unconventionally. And they will be for you a great assistant in organizing the holiday.

However, what am I telling you? See for yourself and see for yourself!

Riddle is one of the most ancient genres of Russian folklore. The riddle is usually laconic and has the form of a question or a small quatrain. Riddles in the form of a question are most often more difficult to guess, since the child needs to understand what the question is about. we're talking about, and find the answer. Riddles for children with answers in the form of quatrains are easier to guess, since the answer most often rhymes with some line and literally lies on the surface.

Why are riddles needed?

Riddles help introduce children to the world around them: animals, plants, objects, phenomena of the surrounding world. Riddles develop a child's thinking, because they usually contain a set of characteristic features inherent in a particular item or object. Thus, the child comprehends the basics of analytical thinking, since it is necessary to analyze the material of the riddle, and among the many objects, objects and phenomena, find exactly the one that has all these characteristics.

The process of guessing itself is not only educational, but also interesting. IN game form a child can learn more because he doesn’t have to sit with boring books. The psyche of children from 2 to 9 years old is such that they cannot concentrate on for a long time, and parents find such rapid changes in their child’s mood a burden. The good thing about children's riddles with answers is that you can solve them on the way to kindergarten, on a walk, and at home.

Every day the child gets acquainted with the world around him and learns not only new words, but also perceives images. Often children’s images and verbal perception of words are at odds, so riddles can be an excellent solution for reinforcing new material. In this case, the most suitable for children will be rhyming children's riddles, which will prompt the answer. There are riddles for different ages:

  • for the little ones (from 2 to 4 years);
  • for older preschoolers (from 5 to 7 years old);
  • for students up to 2nd grade (usually children under 9 years old);
  • riddles for older children (10 years and older).

For each age, the riddles vary in complexity.


It’s easy for us to recognize him,
It's easy to recognize:
He's tall
And he sees far.

Red-haired, with a fluffy tail,
hivet in the forest under a bush.

She doesn’t speak, doesn’t sing, but she lets her know who goes to the owner.

I'm gray, I live in the forest,

I know red fox.

I sing a sad song,

Howling loudly at the moon.

Look what he is like!

Walks among the sands

Saves water in the humps -

It will come in handy in the Karakum Desert.


Dad is very strong and tall,

And the horns are branchy.

The son, not yet an adult, -

Red and spotted.

He is born without horns

In a motley fur coat with polka dots.

(Deer and fawn)

You get to know me -

I fly, but I'm not a bird.

And in the village my relatives

Corky eats under the floorboard.


Here's a good idea -

Hang your bag on your tummy!

You can carry children in it,

And ride among the steppes.


Came from hot countries,

There she lived among the vines

And, hanging on them by the tail,

I ate a banana.


Look, kids, -

A mountain is stomping in a cage.

This is the gray stranger

He is Indian or African.

The beast trumpets loudly from the cage,

He grabs a bun with his trunk.

He is slow, fanged,

His paws are like flippers,

And in the zoo pool

It's hot for the northern beast.

A shell is not a shirt,

This is a house, it's not scary.

And the hostess looks proudly -

I feel calm in a solid house!


The nose is round,

And the perky tail is crocheted.

Mom is a pig, dad is a pig.

He is their favorite son.


I'll tell you: “Me-me-me!

Get ready for winter!

Cut my fur quickly

And knit your own socks!”

At least my hooves are strong

And my horns are sharp,

I'm kind and not angry

She is not at all strict in her morals.

In the field I moo: “Moo-moo!

Who should I pour some milk for?”

Champion in fast running,

Sometimes I drive carts.

Uncle groom brought me

Water, hay and oats.

Look, guys -

This is a relative of the horse!

He, sister, brother, mother,

Grandfather and father are all stubborn!

I'm an ordinary hen

The duck is my neighbor.

It's a pity that it's not easy for me to take off,

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Proud of his position

And the alarm clock bird screams

Early in the morning, at six in the morning:

“Hey, shepherd, it's time to get up!

Bring it out, ku-ka-re-ku,

The herd to the lush meadow!

I have known you for a long time,

I say: “Be-be-be!”

I have cool horns

There are legs in hoof shoes.


To a person true friend,

I can hear every sound very clearly.

I have an excellent sense of smell

Keen eye and keen hearing.

I'm crawling along the fence

I'm going out hunting.

The mice hid in holes,

I've been watching them for a long time.

Who from the tall dark pines

Did you throw a cone at the kids?

And into the bushes through a stump

Flashed like a light?

Not a mustache, but a beard,

And he's angry with the guys

But he is not a grandfather after all.

Guess, kids, who?

Angry touchy-feely

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles

And not just one thread.

Behind the trees and bushes

The flame flashed quickly.

It flashed, ran,

There is no smoke, no fire.

There are lumberjacks on the rivers

In silver-brown fur coats.

From trees, branches, clay

They build strong dams.

He loves to pamper his carcass in water, about three tons.

There are ignoramuses living in Africa, there are only one, two, three of them?


I declare to everyone - Get away from the chickens!

Although I have the appearance of a bird, I have the character of a lioness!

He wanders importantly through the meadow,

Comes out of the water dry,

Wears red shoes

Gives soft featherbeds.

In this living creature, oddly enough,

Hammering a nail is very easy.

But she's not made of wood

And he prances: “I-go-go!”


How to work?

Riddles about animals are the simplest for children. Animals surround the child everywhere: on walks the baby constantly meets dogs, pets cats, feeds birds and watches for insects. Therefore, recognizing them is not difficult.

You need to start getting acquainted with animals with riddles about pets: cat, dog, mouse. Then move on to riddles about other domestic animals that can be found in the village: horses, cows, pigs and chickens. When the child learns all the domestic animals, you can offer him riddles with answers about wild animals, such as a hedgehog, turtle, lynx, crocodile, monkey, lion, bear. The list goes on and on. It is best to introduce children to those animals that he has seen live or in pictures. For example, after going to the circus or zoo, you can start asking your child more and more riddles - verbal puzzles about a tiger, lion, wild boar or polar bear, supported by impressions, will be easier to solve and will challenge the child. positive emotions.

Some children's riddles can not only develop thinking, but also serve as excellent diction training. For example, riddles about a crocodile or a lynx. Riddles about lynx train the pronunciation of the letter r. The riddles explain how the lynx differs from other animals. Usually, riddles about the lynx are based on its differences from the tiger and cats. Sometimes children are happy to guess riddles about a lynx, but they don’t know what it looks like, so it’s better to support all the answers with pictures.

Among children's riddles about pets, riddles about horses, cats (or even a cat) are especially popular. There may also be riddles about a turtle, since some are the happy owners of these leisurely and wise pets. Riddles about a horse most often describe the main features - the mane, hooves. But the horse is not only a beautiful animal, but also fast; a horse is needed in order to ride it. Onomatopoeic elements are also well shown in riddles about a horse - the clatter of hooves and neighing.

Riddles for children about cats are more common than others, because there is a cat in almost every house. Riddles about cats, as a rule, describe the plasticity and flexibility of these animals. Children really love riddles about cats and try to show with their movements how cats behave.

Riddles about a bear and a hedgehog may be needed to teach your child about forest animals. Moreover, the bear is considered the king of the Russian forest. The king of all animals is the lion, so there are enough mysteries about the lion. In riddles about a lion, children are happy to discover the habits of cats and the cool disposition of the animal.

Funny riddles about a monkey they make children “become monkeys”. Many riddles with answers are ironic, and children often recognize themselves in monkey riddles.

Below you can find children's riddles about animals with their answers.

Video materials

Riddles about animals are very loved by children. This is due to the general natural children's interest in living nature.

Oral folklore of all peoples of the world has accumulated a lot of mysteries about animals. Modern writers continue the glorious tradition, enriching it with a special genre - add-on riddles. In them, the answer is suggested by rhyme. This feature develops the child’s attention, hearing and linguistic sense.

The selection of riddles about animals on this page includes both traditional, logical forms and rhyming additions. These funny rhymes can become the basis for an interesting educational game.

Shaggy, mustachioed,
He drinks milk and sings songs.

* * *
He sits very obediently,
He doesn't want to bark at all
He is overgrown with a lot of fur,
Well, of course it is (dog).

* * *
She walks in the rain
Loves to pluck grass
Quack screams
It's all a joke
Well, of course it's a (duck).

* * *
I have a question for you -
Who got their mouth and nose dirty?
Who sits in a puddle all day?
Grunting and swimming with fat,
Tell me friends -
What is her name - (pig).

* * *
Every evening, so easy
She gives us milk.
She says two words
What is her name - (cow).

* * *
He doesn't sleep at all at night,
Keeps the house safe from mice,
Drinks milk from a bowl
Well, of course it's... (cat).

* * *
He repeats one thing - ha-ha,
Who offended? Where? When?
I'm not afraid of anyone
Well, of course it's... (goose).

* * *
He sleeps in a den in winter,
Little by little he snores,
And he wakes up, well, roar,
What is his name... (bear).

* * *
The rope crawls along the ground,
Here is the tongue, the open mouth,
I'm ready to bite everyone,
Because I... (snake).

* * *
He roams the forest all the time,
He is looking for someone in the bushes.
He snaps his teeth from the bushes
Who says this... (wolf).

* * *
Loves red carrots
He gnaws cabbage very deftly,
He jumps here and there,
Through forests and fields,
Gray, white and oblique,
Who say he is... (hare).

* * *
Who's the one with the big tail?
Hiding behind that bush?
Stocking up on mushrooms
Winter is just around the corner.
He gnaws the nuts finely,
Who guys is this?

* * *
He is gray, big,
On four pillars
Look at him
And you just say, ah!
The trunk lifts up,
The fountain waters everyone,
Tell me, who is he?
Well, of course it is... (elephant).

* * *
Along the path in the forest,
I'm carrying a big apple
I look like needles
Of course my name is... (hedgehog).
* * *

The king of beasts roars loudly,
He is in a hurry to collect all the animals,
Sitting gracefully on a stone,
Tell me, who is this?

* * *
Oranges and bananas are very fond of... (monkeys).

* * *
My sock disappeared, it was dragged away by... (puppy).

* * *
I’m not afraid of the word “scatter” - I’m a forest cat... (lynx).

* * *
He gets up at dawn, sings in the yard, has a comb on his head. Who is this?

* * *
He asks loudly: “Me-me-me!”
Give me some weed quickly!

* * *
He is born with a beard.
Nobody is surprised.

* * *
The tail is crocheted,
The nose is a snout.

* * *
Gray-gray, but not a wolf.
Long-eared, but not a hare.
Hooves click and click.
Take me for a ride, buddy!

* * *
Not a blacksmith, not a carpenter,
But he is the first worker in the village.

* * *
Warm fur coat in rings
Worn by a kind...(lamb).

* * *
She herself is a baby.
Afraid of cats.
Lives under the floor.
Everything goes there.

* * *
Look what she is like!
Everything burns like gold.
In a red fur coat dear,
The tail is fluffy and large.

* * *
He walks calmly, not in a hurry.
Just in case, she is wearing a shield.
Under him, without knowing fear,
Walking... (turtle).

* * *
There are no bags of bread in my mother’s bag.
In my mother's bag - I'm on a walk.
(Little kangaroo)

* * *
When he is in a cage, he is pleasant.
There are many black spots on the skin.
He is a beast of prey, although a little
Looks like an affectionate cat.

* * *
What a big cat!
I'd like to play with her a little.
But I had no time for games,
How did you know that it was... (tiger).

* * *
They don’t swim in the sea.
There are no bristles on the body.
And yet they are called
They...(guinea pigs).

* * *
Among the animals he is considered a king.
His name is fearless...(lion).

* * *
Near the oak tree with a strong snout
He was busily digging the ground.

* * *
This slender forest dweller
I gained half a ton of weight.
Both graceful and strong -
He is not afraid of the wolf.
The handsome man has the enemy
There are branched horns.

It is known that what younger child, the easier it is to assimilate new information. That is why the efforts of parents are aimed at early development baby. Special educational toys, books, pedagogical methods - these are far from full list what moms and dads use to achieve results. Children's riddles play an important role in the development of imagination, memory, and ingenuity. In this article we have collected the best riddles about animals for different ages.

Here are the needles and pins
They crawl out from under the bench
They're looking at me
They want milk.

We are green like grass
Our song: “Kva-kva”.

Crochet tail, snout nose.

It’s easy for everyone to recognize him
And it's easy to guess:
He's tall
And he sees far.

He walks, walks, walks, shaking his beard,
Requests food:
“Me-me-me, give me some grass.”

Red-haired cheat, cunning and dexterous,
I ended up in my grandmother's barn,
And I counted all the chickens.


Lying between the fir trees
Pillow with needles.
She lay quietly
Then suddenly she ran away.


The hedgehog has grown tenfold
It turned out...

I wear a fluffy fur coat and live in a dense forest.
In a hollow on an old oak tree I gnaw nuts.

From branch to branch,
Fast as a ball
Jumping through the forest
Red-haired circus performer.
Here he is on the fly
I picked the cone,
Jumped on the trunk
And he ran into the hollow. (Squirrel)

A ball of fluff, a long ear,
Jumps deftly and loves carrots.

Who carries his own house?
(Turtle or snail)

- Who, children, walks around in a stone shirt?
- They walk around in stone shirts...

Walks calmly, not in a hurry at all,
Carry a shield just in case.
Lives without fear

And they don’t swim in the sea,
And there are no bristles on them,
And yet they are called
They are sea...

What kind of horses are they all wearing vests?

These super-masters build a house without an axe.

A log floats down the river.
Oh, how furious it is!
To those who fell into the river,
The nose will be bitten off...

Gray, but not a wolf,

Long-eared, but not a hare,
There are hooves, but not a horse.

Who is this?

The living castle grumbled
He lay down across the door.
Two medals on the chest.
Better not go into the house!

If you stroke it, it caresses you,
When you tease, it bites.

The muzzle is mustachioed, the fur coat is striped,
He washes his face often, but doesn’t know how to use water.

He cries at the threshold, hides his claws,
He will quietly enter the room,
He will purr and sing.

Soft paws,
And in the paws there are scratches.

Hiding under the floor, afraid of cats.

Lives in a mink, chews crusts.
Short legs; afraid of cats.

A rope winds, with a head at the end.

Angry touchy-feely
Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
There are a lot of needles
And not just one thread.

He has a huge mouth, it's called...

For younger students

Schoolchildren also like riddles about animals. It’s just that for them the level of difficulty should be higher. As is the case with children under 5 years old, children use logic and imagination, because while listening to tasks they need to create in their heads visual image, find what you are looking for and establish a connection between the found answer and the task. That is why sometimes the answers to riddles about animals for older children can be completely unexpected. Don’t rush to argue with your child and immediately give the “correct” answer. Ask him to explain why he thinks this way. This is how children learn not only to analyze, but also to defend their point of view and argue for it.

These animal riddles are great fun for kids ages 8 and up:

And here is a tiny baby -
There are straws on the shoulders.
You can't see him with glasses
And he is stronger than the elephant!

Thick grasses entwined,
The meadows are curled up,
And I myself am all curly,
Even a curl of a horn.

Behind the trees, bushes,
Like a flame flashed by
It flashed, ran...
There is no smoke, no fire.

Flutters in a colored cape
To the delight of any ballerina.

Dives into the water
If he drinks, he won’t get drunk.
Even though it doesn't fly,
It's called a bird.
(Crane at the well)

At the Zoo we saw
Exotic distances:
Parrots and monkeys,
Crocodiles, polar bears,
And in the water, with his mouth open,
Surprised everyone...

This fidgety bird
Same color as birch.

A ball of fur was meandering in the forest,
What made the animals laugh.
And you take it and guess
Who made everyone laugh? Certainly, … .

A flock of birds is circling in the sky,
The flock is not at all simple!
Don't hit this flock:
A flock of gray...

Everyone thinks I'm blind
In the morning, in the afternoon. But at night I
I see everyone in the darkness of the forest:
Even a tiny ant.

I love to bother everyone
I wiggle my mustache.
I crawl under the bed
And I live with you.

I really want to fly
But heavy it hurts.
I run like a horse,
The steppe is comfortable.

If I want to eat -
I'm not going anywhere
And I’ll crawl into a hole,
In mom's bag -….

There is a huge beast in the forest,
You, baby, believe me!
Eating raspberries, looking for honey.
Who will call him for me?

Like a fisherman he weaves a net,
But he doesn’t go fishing.

Who is this?

I can't swim in the sea
And in the ocean in the open air!
I love swimming in the sand!
And I will be proud of this.
I am a domesticated bird.

For older children

To solve these complex riddles about animals, a child will need the help of adults and knowledge of zoology.

We are little midges
We are little black babies.
We are flying above the ground
And we bite all living creatures.
In one short word
Are you ready to call us?

Does not allow you to sleep peacefully -
So he climbs into our bed.
I hit him with my palm - clap!
And, spoiled the air...

Red droplet to black dot
A leaf crawls along to visit the sun.

From changes in lighting,
Cooling, warming
Or if the background has changed
It can change color.

He plays hide and seek with us,
Hiding in the damp earth.
And I eat my supplies
He keeps it in a big hole.

You try to take me:
I prick myself like a hedgehog.
I grew up round, friends,
And no legs at all.
I live at the bottom of the sea
Where it is very quiet.
The stars move at a crawl
But the fish are awesome.
(Sea urchin)

This bird loves the cold
But he can't stand hunger.
Dives into the ocean for fish,
After eating, he swims out onto the ice floe.

He lays eggs like a bird, and he is not afraid of water.
And in winter he always sleeps very sweetly.
Like a duck’s nose, it’s all overgrown with hair.
Who is this?

We glide easily on the water
And we measure our path.
And we won’t linger anywhere,
We work, we play.
Back and forth, here and there,
Then back again.
Measure the area near the pond
It's easy and pleasant for us.
(Water striders)

Today in the meadow we observed
How helicopter dwarfs flew.
Who is this?


Capercaillie's wedding
Are you ready to name?
She's tied tightly
With an electric word.

I'm hanging with my head down,
And now I will ask you:
- Who is not afraid of cats?
And at night he strives upward with all his might?

There is a gudgeon, crucian carp, bleak,
Eel, roach and roach.
But can you name us
In one word, all words.

This "cat" in the forests
The biggest one.
There is Amur. Lives -
Decorating your edge.

Who rubbed her sides like that?
Why did she become flat?
And swims alone along the bottom,
Directing his eyes to the heights.

Detail musical instruments, a designation of information secrecy, a piece of sports equipment and a bird. What is this? (Vulture)

The bird that appears on the US coat of arms (Orlan)

It is both a wingless bird and a tropical fruit. They are called the same. What is this? (Kiwi)

They can not only breathe, but also grab, take a shower, and water something. What is this? (Trunk)

There is a nickel, but you can’t buy anything with it.

In English

Help your child expand his vocabulary, interest him and encourage him to study foreign language You can use riddles about animals in English. Especially if they rhyme. This makes it much easier to unravel the encrypted animal and remember the entire riddle.

The animal that has a long trunk is ...
(An elephant) – Elephant

Green and long
With many teeth.
Beautiful smile -
It's... (A crocodile) – Crocodile

As red as fire,
With a fuzzy tale.
He likes long walls
It's a... (Fox) – Fox

A very long nose.
It grows and grows
He is huge and likes fun.
It's... (An elephant) – Elephant

A lot of spots,
A long, long neck
A funny scarf.
It's a... (Giraffe) – Giraffe

It's grey, but it's not a wolf,
Long-eared, but not a horse,
With hools, but not a horse.
What is it?
(A donkey) – Donkey

A little fellow
Dresses in gray,
Hops here and there
And never goes away.
(A sparrow) – Sparrow

It sleeps in the day-time,
It flies at night
And frightens passers-by.
(An owl) – Owl

Children will also enjoy non-rhyming riddles. You can divide the children into teams and arrange a competition “Who can guess the most.”

The animal that has a red bushy tail is … (A fox) – Fox

He is not a tailor,
But carries needles with him.
(A hedgehog) – Hedgehog

Not a horseman, but wears spurs.
Not a watchman, but wakes people up.
What is it?
(A cockerel) – Rooster

There hangs a sieve,
Made by no man's hands.
(A web) - Web

The riddles presented below are suitable for older children:

  • The animal who can go without food and water for a long time is … (A camel) — Camel
  • What has a cat which no other animal has? (A kittens) - Kittens
  • What animal sleeps all the winter with its head hanging down? (A bat) - Bat
  • The animal that is very timid and is afraid of everything is … (A hare) - Hare
  • The animal that sleep all winter in a day is … (A bear) - Bear
  • The animal that has a beautiful year skin with black stripes is … (A tiger) - Tiger
  • The animal that has a pouch in which she xarris her babies is ... (A kangaroo) - Kangaroo
  • The animal that has long hair around its neck is … (A lion) - Leo
  • The animal that has a horn on its nose is … (A rhinoceros) - Hippopotamus
  • The animal that has a beautiful white skin with black stripes is … (A zebra) - Zebra
  • The animal that can hang by its long tail is ... (A monkey) - Monkey