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Shani cat name meaning. Nicknames for cats: beautiful, unusual, from cartoons and others. What not to call cats

So a joyful day has come - a pet has appeared in the house, which has already become the favorite of all family members.

If the family is large, then everyone needs to choose a name for the kitten together, and everyone can contribute.

Some animals literally demonstrate their names by their appearance.

Especially if the name is too noble, for example, Count, Lord, Sheikh, Sherkhan, Baron or Marquis.

The raised head and deliberately careless appearance of the cat make it clear that even in abbreviation it is impossible to call the animal by its name, but on Vaska he just won't respond.

As practice shows, cats most often adapt themselves to their name.

Long debates about a kitten's name should end with coming up with one a suitable nickname, which will characterize the pet’s behavioral traits in the future.

Initially, all cats had almost the same name.

Male individuals received a name Vasya, Murzik, Fluff, Stepka, Smoke, Kuzya or Boris.

Cats were given nicknames Kisa, Busya, Muska, Masha, Sima or Murka.

So, what to name a kitten if...

...you believe in subtle worlds

Many astrologers say that it is now fashionable to choose not only compatible names and patronymics for people, but also euphonious nicknames for animals, even combining the name of the animal with the name of the owner.

For example, Boris-Bars, Valentin-Valik, Arseny-Sery, Maxim – Max, Tatyana-Tasha, Maria-Manya.

Consonant names suggest a close relationship between the cat and the owner in the future, but this statement is not justified in any way.

When a cat appears in the house, it brings with it a lot of positive emotions, and offending it with an inappropriate or offensive nickname is, at the very least, wrong.

It is worth approaching the choice of a name for your pet with all responsibility, and the animal will repay you with love and loyalty for many years.

A question that is asked by a huge number of cat owners. But it’s better to pose the question this way: how to choose the right nickname for an animal, so that it is smart, correct, and most importantly, so that the animal responds to it.

It’s quite difficult to come up with such a unique nickname, and to come up with it, you need to remember that cats only hear the first three sounds of their name. The rest of the letters are of little importance to them, therefore, cats respond perfectly to kitty-kitty.

Well, there are different cat names. There are many of them and they start with different letters, they contain a different number of letters, the number of hissing letters, as well as many more distinctive features. But the main thing that guides owners when choosing cat names is the behavior of kittens in childhood.
Below .

Each kitten has its own distinctive features, which shows all the inclinations of the kitten. You can also focus on the kitten’s color, eye color, behavior, and only after this long process will it be possible to determine the kitten’s nickname; delaying the choice of nickname is also not recommended. After all, the kitten may not get used to the nickname, which was given too late.

There are also the most common nicknames that have been used for many years. These nicknames, as you may have guessed, are Barsik, Musya, Murzik, Vaska, Boris and many other “boring” nicknames, and also, the nickname depends on the breed of the cat. Some people give their pets nicknames that suit their appearance! For example, if the kitten is fluffy, smoky in color, and also has a kind, sympathetic character, then it would be logical to name him Barsik or Vaska.

Nicknames for cats should be bright, most often they contain diminutive suffixes, but, of course, they should suit the character and appearance cat For example, Arabian cats are typically named Aben, Abrek, etc. So, the names of cats are given precisely according to this principle! Nicknames for cats are chosen in the same way as for cats! I hope that you will no longer have any difficulties or questions about what to name your cat!

When it appears in the house little kitten, all family members have an interesting task - to come up with a name for the pet. As you know, animals are our little brothers, which means that a new little younger brother (or sister) cannot do without a name. A nickname is as important for cats as a name is for a person; the fate of an animal can depend on the proper selection of a name.

At the owners' place purebred cats the possibilities in choosing a name are partially limited, because when buying an animal his passport is issued, which indicates his nickname, reflecting the name of the club or nursery, the names of the parents or other factors. Call an animal like this at home long name problematic, so it is reduced to shorter derived forms. The pet itself will not remember the original form of the name, and the owner will very quickly get tired of calling the animal in this way.

When choosing a nickname for a pet or pet, it is necessary to select a word consisting of two or three syllables, so that it is easier for the cat to remember it, and containing hissing sounds, in particular - sounds "s" and "k". Cats react very sensitively to them; it is no coincidence that all of them, regardless of nicknames, respond to “kitty-kitty.” In general, felines respond best to a name consisting of two or three syllables. Experts say that cats generally perceive only the first three sounds; they do not distinguish the rest and practically do not understand them. If these sounds include hissing consonants, the animal will quickly remember its name and learn to respond to it.

Meaning cat's name will depend entirely on the owner’s imagination.

How names are chosen for cats

Most often names for cats and cats are selected as follows:

There are frequent cases when owners call cats or cats in honor politicians , sports, movie, pop or other stars famous people. For example, cats can be called Chernomyrdin, Obama, Barack, Messi. Cats are called Madonna, J.Lo, Monroe, Mata Hari and other similar names.

They often come up with very unusual names for cats and cats, in such cases the meaning of the nickname is clear only to the owners of the animal - Sorcha, Musha, Shusha, Mumunya, Nola, etc.

There are often cases when names for female cats are derived from the names of male cats. This happens when the owners believe that they have a male kitten and give it an appropriate nickname, but after a while it turns out that it is a female kitten. These include the options Pushok - Pushka, Simak - Simka, Bely - Belka and the like.

Cats and cats can call by human names: Vaska, Vanka, Marusya, Lizka, Alexandra, Valeria, Yana, Yulia, Alina, etc. Names can be both domestic and foreign: Angelica, Vanessa, Leila, Veronica, Arabella, Angelina, Vanessa, Virginia, Justina, Juliet, Ginger, Jessica, Isabella, Maryana, Mirabelle, etc.

Meet beautiful names for cats and cats, formed from purring cat sounds: Purr, Murzik, Murchena, Murka, Murzilka, Murlyasha, Murcheta, Muranya, Murkisya, Purrsya, Mura, Murashka, Meowka, Murlin Murlo, Mur-Murochka, Murmyshka, Myavochka, etc. d.

Human imagination is limitless, as a result of which representatives of the cat family can be awarded funny and funny nicknames. Such options are known as Belyash, Servelat, Dog, Zaliposha, Barbatsutsa, Bormotukha, Mitten, Pendosa, Clothespin, Star Dust, Washer, Saucepan, Meat Grinder, Chekushka, Coconut, Bazooka, Pipette, Accident, Sandal, Chunga-Changa and the like.

It happens that animals get nicknames in honor of gods or heroes from ancient Greek, ancient Egyptian and other mythologies. These are Hector, Hercules, Athena, Zeus, Hera, Gilgamesh, Valkyrie, Nefertiti, Nymph, Shulamith, Aphrodite.

When choosing a name for your pet or pet you can focus on the breed.

If you want to give your cat a nickname with meaning, then for this purpose Japanese words work well. So, if an animal was born in the spring, you can name it Haruko, which means “spring child” or Haru - “spring”. A cat born in autumn can be called Akiko - “autumn child”. cat white color can be called Yuki ("snow"), and the black color is Miyako (" night child"). You can also name the animal Takara (“treasure”), Aiko (“beloved”), Shinju (“pearl”), Masuru (“victory”), or choose another nice-sounding Japanese word with a good meaning.

Thus, the choice of a name for a cat depends entirely on the desire and imagination of the owner. You can trust other owners and take an existing beautiful or funny name, or you can independently come up with a unique name that only your animal will have.

If this is a purebred animal, with a pedigree, acquired through a specialized club, then the nickname, as a rule, is selected respectable. In addition, the requirements of many clubs are such that the cat must be named by pedigree, and their nickname must begin with a certain letter and contain , in addition to the main nickname, there are also additional nicknames of their ancestors.

If the cat is simple, a gift from friends, or picked up on the street, then the nickname can be very varied, at the request of the owners. Much depends on the breed and place of residence of the animal. For example, if a cat lives permanently in a village, then the simplest nicknames will suit him - Semka, Vaska, Petka, etc.

Some owners name the cat after their wife or long-time lover, the names they like, the names of their old school friends. Well, this option is also possible. At the end of the day, it's your animal - and it's your right to name it what you want. You can, for example, give a nickname to the cat that the guys called you in the yard as a child - such nostalgia will awaken good memories.

So, the names of cats, for example, are: cat Archibald von Krause Vending, etc. – for some cats this is the norm. It often happens that a cat has already received a certain nickname in the cat club - long, presentable - then you can give him an additional one. own nickname- short and convenient for you to call your cat at home, and leave the long one for official exhibitions.