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A beautiful name for a boy turtle. Emphasize individuality and choose a suitable name for your turtle. God, what a name

Pet, you should proceed to the next step - choosing a name. Let's pay a little attention to this topic today and decide what to name the turtle so that both the pet and all household members like the name.

Based on ancestors

If you want to choose unusual name, then you can name a turtle in honor of its ancestors. For example, you can name a turtle girl Samira. This turtle lived for more than 270 years, which is considered an absolute record, and only slightly did not survive to this day. The date of Samira’s death is considered to be 2006.

The second longest living turtle was called Advaita; she lived for 250 years and died in the last century.

Rounding out the trio of long-livers is a turtle named Tui Malila. Legends say that this reptile was given by James Cook himself in 1773 to none other than the Aboriginal leader on the island of Tonga. Tui lived for 193 years, and this reptile belonged to the species of Madagascar radiant tortoise.

The most famous name for the boy's turtle - Timothy. Although it is worth noting that Timothy was a boy for only half of his life. In 1926, after the reptile was retired, it turned out that Timothy was a female, but they did not change the name of the turtle. Timothy became famous for being the mascot of the British Warship for almost a hundred years. Timothy lived to be 193 years old.

In second place is a boy named Kiki. This male lived for 146 years and died in the Paris Zoo in 2009.

We give the third place of famous males to the Lonesome George turtle. This male was a representative of elephant turtles, and with his death, the entire subspecies of these reptiles ceased to exist. The world's most famous turtle bachelor lived for about 100 years without leaving any offspring.

So, if you want your pet to have a long life, take a closer look at these famous names.

Choosing a name for a boy

If you want to choose a more ordinary name for a turtle boy, we dare to give you some advice in this matter. Let us immediately note that any certain rules there is simply no such thing as choosing a name for a turtle; here you need to be guided by your preferences or physiological characteristics Your pet.

If you come across a nimble male, call him by the appropriate name:

  • Speedy
  • Sprinter,
  • Hurricane.

If the pet’s impressive gait resembles a dance, you can give the turtle an appropriate name:

  • Waltz,
  • Twist,
  • Rumba,
  • Samba,
  • Foxtrot.

For a waterfowl turtle, a name related to navigation is suitable:

  • Commander,
  • Cabin boy,
  • Boatswain,
  • Columbus.

You can name the boy's turtle in honor of the famous comic book heroes - the mutant turtles: Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo and Donatello. Among the humorous names for a turtle boy, the following are suitable: Tail, Cupcake, Scrooge, Slick, Buttercup, Dandelion. You can use people's names: Sashka, Pashka, Vanyusha, Vasily Ivanovich and others.

The choice of name is connected only with your imagination; you can name the boy’s turtle in different ways, the main thing is that you, your household, and also your pet like the name.

Choosing a name for a girl

You can name a turtle girl after famous rulers ancient egypt, for example, beautiful-sounding and proud names:

  • Nefertiti,
  • Cleopatra,
  • Nitocris.

You can give the reptile the name of the Russian queen: Catherine. Among the comic names you can name a turtle girl:

  • Button,
  • Bun,
  • Martin,
  • Martinka,
  • Tequila,
  • Chixa,
  • Gorgeous,
  • Sonya,
  • Pistachio.

Just female name Your pet will also like it, name the turtle: Masha, Ksyusha, Yulka or any other female name.

Suitable names for a girl's waterfowl turtle:

  • Mermaid,
  • Pirate,
  • Ariel,
  • Tortilla,
  • Taranka.

Just like with a name for a male, you can name a female turtle after observing her behavior for some time and, based on the character of your pet, give him a name, for example: Sonya, Glutton, Fatty, Slick, Cheat.

The main thing in choosing a name is its consonance, as well as the fact that your pet’s name does not evoke negative emotions in your family and in the families of your loved ones.

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Before bringing a new pet into the home, a person thinks through the conditions for keeping it. But no thoughts usually arise regarding the nickname. It often happens that we come up with a nickname, and then, looking at the animal, we realize that it does not suit him at all.

When a turtle appears in the house, the owners are faced with the problem of how to christen it. Each family member offers their own option, which must be taken into account, since absolutely everyone should like the nickname. It is clear that the turtle is unlikely to respond to its name, but care will become more fun. Almost everyone reacts to affection. In any case, they will definitely respond to intonation.

Character traits

To find the optimal nickname for an animal, you can observe its behavior. If it is active and shows curiosity, names such as Jumper or Nimble may suit it. A calm turtle can be called Khavrosha or Tisha. You can choose a nickname taking into account your gastronomic preferences. For example, if an animal loves dandelions, it may well become Sunshine.

To find the optimal nickname for an animal, you can observe its behavior

It often happens that a frightened turtle hides in a corner and does not react to anything. In such a situation, you need to give her time to calm down and get used to the new environment. A nickname can be given over time, when the pet is completely comfortable.

Turtle size

The length of animals can reach thirty centimeters or more. Even if the reptile moved into the house as a baby, you need to clearly know what size it can grow to. Representatives dwarf breeds you can call her Baby, Fluff, Ball, etc. For larger individuals, Big, Giant, Napoleon, etc. are more suitable. The main thing is to use your imagination and special problems will not be.

Shell shade

Given the variety of turtle, their shell may have different colour– light, dark, wood shade, etc. All these nuances can be taken into account when choosing a nickname for little pet. You can also see the pattern of the shell. And taking this into account, christen the animal Blackie, Chess Player, Cube. Such names will appeal not only to family members, but also to all visiting guests.

You can name a turtle based on the type of pattern on its shell

Many owners prefer to give their turtles aquatic names, although not all reptiles live in water. If you get a charming girl, you can use nicknames used in films. For example, Tortilla, who is the main heroine of Pinocchio's adventures. This nickname will suit absolutely any turtle, regardless of its size.

Small pets go by nicknames such as Lola, Masya or Button. For larger ones, Hera, Darcy, etc. would be appropriate. Some owners want the tortoise to have an aristocratic name, but not stand out too much. For such cases, the names Lizzie or Katie are ideal - short for Elizabeth and Catherine, respectively. Reptiles are often given human names - Lena, Tanya, Violetta. This approach is typical for single people who do not have close relatives.

For male turtles, the most common names are the nicknames of famous ninja turtles - Raphael, Leonardo, Donatello. By the way, they received them in honor of famous artists. Also known are such cartoon characters as the turtles Sami, Vern, Crush. Each of these names will suit your reptile quite well.

To make your pet look more formidable, you can call him Hercules, Zeus or Poseidon - these are the gods of the Roman and Greek mythology. But in order for the turtle to be tame and obedient, it is better to name him Rolly, Kwansi or Millie.

Turtles of this species are very mobile, they can move both in water and on land, they hear perfectly and sometimes even react to a nickname. It should be understood that reptiles do not perceive certain combinations of letters - hissing consonants or growling ones, so choosing a nickname is very easy. It is enough to study the habits of the reptile.

Red-eared turtles have a peculiar disposition and are natural hunters. Taking this into account, you can call the animal Pirate, Jack Sparrow, Barmaley and other similar nicknames. Or maybe the name will reproduce the most striking feature of the pet: Pig, Merman, Lazy, Strong, etc.

Red-eared turtles are very mobile and can move both in water and on land.

Names for red eared turtles can be both simple and fancy. It is not at all necessary to painfully choose a name and analyze the habits of a reptile. You can christen a turtle with any nickname just by looking at it and listening to your own feelings.

What not to call a turtle

The pet is unlikely to get used to such a nickname, and the owner may have difficulties. Also, do not overestimate the mental abilities of a reptile. Of course, some of them are capable of exhibiting persistent conditioned reflexes aimed at obtaining food or attention, but the reaction to a nickname is more of an exception to the rule.

His character largely depends on how you behave. But for a turtle to give love, it’s not enough to choose beautiful name, she needs to be loved and constantly taken care of.

Remember the children's cartoon about the adventures of Captain Vrungel? Or more precisely, one of the captain’s unforgettable phrases in the first episodes. Whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail for you. For some reason, these are the words that come to mind after purchasing a new one. pet- a funny red-eared turtle. But in fact, people very often associate a name directly with character, so why not give your turtle the “correct” name, which will accurately reflect its character and behavior in our aquarium.

But in order to get to know your new waterfowl friend (the sex of the animal is also important when choosing a name), you need to watch him or her for some time. Turtles, they are people too, and like every person they have their own habits and their own character, sometimes very cool. In general, red-eared turtles are very notorious robbers and robbers. If they don’t like something, with their paws with small but very sharp claws they can tear into rags everything that comes to hand.

Therefore, if you are wondering what to name a red-eared turtle with such gangster behavior, come up with an appropriate name for it. For example, Mishka (by association with the famous Odessa bandit Mishka Yaponchik). You can also call it Barmaley or Barmaleyka. It will be more convenient for your small children.

In fact, a name can be chosen completely intuitively and literally at first glance at a young turtle (adult turtles are usually already named and respond to the name given to them by their previous owners). Sometimes the baby’s appearance begs for a word, which will most likely become the name for your future tenant.

If he is a zamazura or a coward and constantly hides his head under his shell, then call him: Zamazurkin or Zamazurka (if it is a female), or, respectively, Trusikh or Coward. Children will also like such names and very soon they will get used to such funny names.

In general, the names for red-eared turtles have nothing to do with the possibility of their training (unlike dog names, which require the presence of a certain set growling consonant sounds). Therefore, you can choose absolutely any word as a name, remembering, however, the reminder of Captain Vrungel said at the very beginning of this short review.

If you want to see your turtle as a champion of turtle races (and such competitions are often organized by some owners of these animals), then accordingly you can come up with a name purely like a racehorse. For example, Zorka, or anything similar that comes to mind.

Today, it is not at all uncommon to have a home that contains one or even several pets. Some traditionally get cats or dogs. Others prefer more exotic animals, such as turtles. But even one living at home should have its own name. And if with the choice of a name for cats and dogs, especially purebred ones, everything is quite simple and orderly, even subject to specific rules, then when choosing a name for turtles, many owners may experience some difficulties. So, let's look at a specific case and figure out the question of what to name a boy's turtle.

Names for turtle boys

It should be immediately noted that there are no specific rules in choosing a name for turtles, in particular for boy turtles - rely on your preferences. Although, there are still some recommendations. First of all, after bringing the turtle into the house, watch it (in this case, him) for a while. It is possible that some of your pet's characteristic habits will tell you what to name him. For example, a fairly fast-moving boy can be called Sprinter, Champion, or somewhat playfully Wind; For a gracefully moving boy, the name Dancer, Twist or Waltz is quite suitable. Since both waterfowl and waterfowl are kept at home, the name can be chosen based on this point: Admiral, Sailor, Boatswain, Nelson, Nemo, Barguzin, Karakum.

What else can you call a boy's turtle? Names in honor of favorite literary and film characters, poets and composers, actors and directors, cartoon characters, fairy tales, and Greek mythology are common. Here are some examples of names for boy turtles: Jack (from Jack Sparrow), Tom (from Tom Sawyer), Brahms, Beethoven, Darwin, Orpheus, you can’t do without, of course (especially if there are children in the house) the names of many beloved cartoon ninja turtles - Michelangelo, Donatello , Raphael or Leonardo.

But these are all names of foreign origin. How to call a boy’s turtle in Russian, is it possible to choose some original name? Yes, as much as you like! – Buttercup, Ponytail, Cupcake, Captain, Pirate. Some give their armored pets human names - Pashka, Vanyusha, Tolya, Misha, Nil, Kuzya.

Remember, no matter what name you choose for your pet, it should evoke only positive associations.

Before getting a pet, a person thinks about the conditions for keeping it, and very rarely do we know in advance what we will call it. Sometimes it happens that one nickname is spinning in your head, and when you look at the animal, you understand that it will be called not some kind of Murzik, but Goliath, Bartholomew or Lord.

How to name a girl turtle

As for turtles, for some reason many owners try to come up with some kind of aquatic name for them, despite the fact that not all reptiles of this order live in water spaces.

So, what is the best name for a girl turtle? In this case, you can use famous nicknames from modern and foreign films. For example, everyone remembers the huge turtle Tortilla from the adventures of Pinocchio. This nickname is perfect for any turtle, regardless of the size of its shell.

Small reptiles can be called Dory, Lola, Masya or Button. Big turtles The following names are suitable: Hera, Kara, Darcy etc.

If the owner wants his pet to have some noble name, but at the same time not stand out from the crowd, then it would be appropriate to call her Lizzie, short for Elizabeth, or Katie- from Ekaterina.

Quite often, turtles are called by human names. For example, reptiles are known Lena, Tanya, Virginia, Violetta. It is believed that such nicknames are given to their pets by lonely people who have no other friends besides the animal.

How to name a boy turtle

As for boy turtles, the most popular nicknames are naturally the names of the famous ninja turtles from the cartoon of the same name - these are Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello and Leonardo. True, they also got their names in honor of great artists.

Turtles are also characters in famous cartoons. Sami, Ray, Vern and Crush. Any of these names would be perfect for a turtle boy.

To make the pet seem more scary and menacing, it should be named Hercules, Grcules, Zeus or Poseidon, in honor of the gods of Roman and Greek mythology.

If, on the contrary, you want the creature to have a gentle disposition and be tame and flexible, then you should give him a name Rollie, Quansie or Millie.