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Sweet dreams, my beloved blond girl. Good night darling

Every day around the world, lovers send each other hundreds of millions of SMS messages with confessions and wishes. After all, SMS is another A good reason remind your significant other how precious she is. Do you know how tender and beautiful words you can text your girlfriend when you want to wish her Good night? Here you will find the answer to this question.

This section contains targeted, and sometimes humorous and funny SMS good night to your girlfriend, written mostly in poetry, but some in prose.

“Darling, good night”
Darling, good night,
I wish you to sleep soundly,
In your dreams you will see everything you want,
You can make a wish

Let your dreams come true, dear,
Only the best always
I wish you good night
My love protects you!

“Darling, good night!”
Darling, good night!
I wish you many sweet dreams!
Let you dream everything you want
But the main thing is my love!

I want to be with you every hour,
To be both in a dream and in reality.
Loving you is wonderful
And only by it I live!

"Good night, my sunshine"
Good night, my sunshine,
Close your eyes and go to sleep!
May your happiness be yours,
Don't forget to hold him!

Let sweet Dreams will close your eyes
And everything you wish for yourself,
I'll dream about blue skies,
And the love that I feel for you!

"Good night, sleep well"
Good night! Sleep sweetly
My beloved, today,
You love me even in my dreams,
Walking along the love ladder,

May you dream of light,
What our happiness radiates!
I fell in love for many years
Remember this when you fall asleep.

"Your animal"
May you dream of a gentle one,
White, affectionate animal -
He will stroke your ass
And it will turn you on a little,
Kisses your neck
And then again in the stomach,
Then it will go down a little lower and...!!!
Good night! Your animal!

"Good night and thank you!"
You know, I don’t know how to express what I want... I just want to say that for some reason I’m waiting for you, for some reason I miss you, for some reason I want to do something for you and for some reason in I believe you! Good night and thank you for being there - my dream and hope!

“I’ll whisper good night”
I'll whisper good night...
Hear, my beloved!
And even if you don’t want to sleep,
Lie down, rest, I beg you.

I worked all day, I was tired,
So go to sleep quickly, baby!
The sun has stopped shining -
After all, you sleep peacefully, sweetly.

"Go to sleep, my love"
Go to sleep, my love,
And good night, dear!
May your night be peaceful
Everything in dreams comes true, I know

And I wish you wonderful dreams
About love, about joy, about happiness,
Remember - I’m ready for anything for you,
Go to sleep, forgetting about all your troubles!

“I’m writing now and thinking about you...”
I’m writing now and thinking about you, the most beloved in the world... Darling, I’m crazy about you, I wish you good night, I kiss you sweetly...

“Something strange is happening to me”
Something strange is happening to me. Now I looked at the moon, and instead of it I saw your face. I looked at the stars, and they formed in your name. I'm probably going crazy. And this comes from love for you, the most desirable girl in the world! Good night, my treasure!

"Good night, my sweetheart"
Good night, my gentle one,
You already want to close your eyes.
Imagine, I leaned towards you, lovingly,
And whispered “good night” to you.

Go to sleep. Don't think about business
After all, tomorrow will be a new day for them.
And into the kingdom of dreams with a smile on your lips
Let my dear one depart!

“May you dream of a cat...”
May you dream of a cat -
White, soft wrapper.
He will sleep with you
Your dream will guard
You press yourself closer to him -
Together you will be warmer!
Good night!!!
Your cat.

"Mercedes of Love"
May you dream of an Angel
Let him come down from heaven
Kisses tenderly on the cheek
And he will give you a Mercedes!

And on this Mercedes
I'm ready to take you!
The best girl in the world
I wish you sweet dreams!

“I miss you, my love...”
I am writing to say good night.
I am writing to say that I am very
I miss you, my love...
I dream about you day and night!

“I wish you a pleasant sleep!”
Night has come - there is silence all around!
There is only one in the world that I need!
I want to always be close to you,
I wish you a pleasant sleep!

« Good night to you, my baby!
Good night to you, my baby! I am writing you this message in the hope that after reading it, your soul will be warmed by my fiery, sincere love, and all night you will see the sweetest dreams! Let's lie down in our beds together, close our eyes and dream about each other this night!

“The stars whispered to me from the sky”
The stars whispered to me from the sky that you are not sleeping yet. Well, is it possible to do this, my naughty baby? Tomorrow you have to get up early, so hurry up and go to bed! Something from love has already drawn me to the lyrics... In general, good night, my beauty! Sweet dreams to you, I love you very much!

“May your sleep be quiet and sweet”
Good night my darling,
May your sleep be quiet and sweet.
Let him bring you, my love,
The keys to all worldly mysteries.

May it be endlessly sweet
Relaxation for your soul
A string of dreams - a joyful song,
And simply marvelous - awakening!

“Darling, good night!”
It's late evening, time to sleep,
You want to close your eyes quickly,
Sleep until the morning...
Darling, good night!

May you have rainbow dreams,
To wake up joyful in the morning!
So that you can, dear,
Wake up from your sleep with a smile!

“I am writing to you that you are beautiful!”
A dream is spinning over the city,
And the lights in the windows have long been extinguished.
And I'm madly in love!
I have become bold and reckless!

Without waiting until the morning,
I am writing to you that you are beautiful!
Answer now, please!
Until your grave! I kiss you passionately!

"I will come to you in a dream..."
I will come to you in a dream... And when you wake up, my hot kisses will gently cool on your lips...

"May the night bring you peace"
May the night bring you peace
And rest from worries,
You'll dream about you and me,
Love is a cycle.

Goodnight honey,
Go to sleep quickly!
Let your dreams be beautiful
Don't forget me!

"A sweet one has been sent to you magical dream
A sweet magical dream has been sent to you! You can pick up the parcel in your loved one’s bed! Good night!

"A warm bed beckons me"
A warm bed beckons me,
I sleep in it quietly and sweetly snoring,
I think about being with you,
I hug you with my arm and press my cheek.

"To my angel"
Let you dream everything you want!
Angel, good night!

“I am writing to say good night”
I am writing to wish you good night,
Perhaps we will meet again tomorrow?
I can no longer endure separation,
After all, my dear, this is love!

“Good night, little angel!”
Good night, little angel!
I love you, kiss you, I’m waiting for the call!

"Hello! I am a night SMS!”
Hello! I'm a night SMS!
Sent from a man in love to the most wonderful girl in the world! I kiss you goodnight and wish you sweet dreams:)

"Good night, bunny!"
Good night, bunny!
I love you so much!
I want to be with you
Both in the rain and in the heat!

I kiss you deeply!
I wish you wonderful dreams!
You're just super, baby
And you are my love!

“Do you want me to come to you in your dreams?”
Do you want me to come to you in your dreams?
I'll sit on the bed in silence,
I’ll quietly touch you: “Honey, wake up!”
Extend your hand and smile.

Tell me more about yourself,
Show me how you can be sad.
Let your hand lie in mine
We will disperse the clouds of sadness,

I won't let you sleep until morning,
I'll kiss you until dawn,
And when the earth wakes up at dawn,
I will melt quickly in silence...

“Good night to you, honey!”
Good night to you, honey!
This night I want to give you a kiss that will sweep through the blocks of a sleepy city and burst into your window, plunge you into a sweet veil of dreams and fantasies, pass through your body in a burning wave and return to my lips with your sweet taste and delicate aroma.

"Goodnight, my Love!"
Good night, darling (although you are more precious),
Good night, bunny (although you are more gentle),
Good night, pussy (although you are more graceful),
Good night, fox (although you are more cunning),
Goodnight, my Love!

"Angel of Love"
Did you know, my love, that if you have a magical dream, it means that at that time a kind Angel of love is circling above you, sending all the most beautiful things to earth? May you forget about all your earthly problems tonight and plunge into the world fabulous dreams, full of love and happiness! I love you!

"Good night! Sweet dreams!"
Sleep, kitten, sweet, sweet!
I want to come to your bed!
You're lying in that crib!
I want to come to you, baby!
Good night! Sweet dreams!
Gently kiss! I love!

"Be the mistress own sleep»
Be the master of your own sleep. Let me come to you quietly in a dream and hug you tightly and tenderly. You will allow me to kiss and wish you good night, and maybe something more, I really hope so and dream of the day when we fall asleep together.

“Sleep, kitten, good night!”
Gently guarding your sleep,
The night is coming your way,
The stars mutter tenderly:
Sleep, kitten, good night!

“I’ll repeat it in a quiet whisper”
I repeat in a quiet whisper,
What you know first hand:
I adore your voice
I love the taste of your lips.

This night is not bright from the stars -
It’s just brighter for her and us.
I want you to sleep
Under the cover of my love.

"Good night, darling!"
Lie down, relax, don’t think about anything... Do you feel someone gently kissing your lips? Don't be scared - this is me tenderly kissing you before going to bed... Good night, dear!

"I can't sleep now"
I can't sleep now
I want to look into your eyes,
I want to touch your lips
And wake up with you in the morning.

“I love you very, very much!”
My beloved, good night!
Didn't I wake you up?
I love you very, very much
And I never loved anyone so much...

“I give you a thousand sweet kisses”
I give you a thousand sweet kisses,
I gently caress you and turn you on.
The body glows in the power of love,
Passion is eating me up from the inside!
I want to drown in passionate embraces,
The thought of you doesn't let me sleep.

"My favorite number"
I dial my favorite number -
Wish you a happy night
From whom my soul is in languor,
Who forever disturbed my peace.

SMS, please don't be late!
Wish your beloved sweet dreams,
So that in a dream she sees,
How I miss her without sleep!

"Good night, good dreams"
My beloved, desired,
Good night, good dreams.
Let with beauty, charm
Love itself will come to you.

He will sing beautiful tunes,
And in the predawn silence,
And joyful and happy,
Perhaps you will remember me.

"Good night, Miss Charm!"
Good night, Miss Charm!
Let your dream lie close to you,
And every cherished desire
It could be yours in the morning.

Good night, my dearest!
Fly towards a sunny day.
I am for you, my irresistible,
I will keep my warmth and tenderness.

“My dear, good night!”
My dear, good night.
I write to you with tenderness.
Miracles, whatever you want,
I'll ask Morpheus.

Let the night come with the most tender caress,
Will bestow bliss and warmth,
And dreams like a good fairy tale
They will fill your bright home!

"Look at the night sky"
Look at the night sky
And there you will see three stars.
Three stars are burning at the top,
They say good night to you!

"Cast away the worries of the day"
You, my beloved,
Throw away the worries of the day.
The day has passed, and I need to sleep,
So get to bed quickly.

In the morning a new day will begin,
A day illuminated with luck!
I predict success for you!
Until then, good night!

“Sorry for disturbing your sleep!”
Sorry for disturbing your sleep!
I just miss you so much!

“Let them have magical dreams”
Good night. Way to go
Only magical dreams will occur,
And about love and fate,
So that you don't have to worry,

After all, prophetic dreams today
They will come to you, I promise
You will see the fire of love,
What burns you and me!

"You are the most beautiful in the world!"
You are the most beautiful in the world! I imagine your lips and want to kiss them. I dream about this so much, and I can’t sleep peacefully at night. You are the main character of my dreams, if only you knew what was happening in them... Good night, minx!

"There is one country in the world..."
There is one country in the world
It is only visible from the Moon.
A cheerful gnome lives there.
The gnome plays the pipe,

Dreams fly like butterflies,
Remember your sweetest dream
And he will return to you.

“You are my sunshine, don’t be sad!”
You are my sunshine, don’t be sad!
Everything is ahead of us.
Drive your thoughts away!
Sweet dreams to you this night!

"Think about me"
Morpheus's embrace
Cooks for you
So go to sleep quickly

Good night. Sleep sweetly
And think about me.
About our fairytale love
May you have dreams!

"If you're still awake"
If you're still awake,
Then open your window,
There you will see moonlight.
We'll see you tomorrow!

Good night, my dear,
I wish you sweet dreams!
Go to sleep quickly and forget about everything!
Cover yourself with a blanket!

I am your beloved
I wish you good night!
I will say that I miss you very much!
That I love you very much!
I won't live a day without you,
And I always want to fall asleep with you!

My dear, good night,
May you have dreams about summer,
Those where we are alone in this world,
My dear, good night...

And I also wish you at dawn
I'll let you see a miracle fairy tale,
Remember: we are alone in this world,
I'll even take off my mask for you.

Good night, my sweet!
With you my life is in wonderful colors!
So may all the angels protect your dream,
They will wrap you like a blanket with affection!

There are lilacs in my soul again,
And bright colors
Passes every day -
My love - years!

It's already evening outside the window,
The moon is already full
Today is the night -
Yours and only yours!

Beloved, relatives, to you -
Sweet dreams,
Good night kitty,
Accept with sleep - love!

Sleep, my dear! So tender!
Smart, beautiful! My favorite!
Sleep, baby, sleep!
Close your eyes tightly!

I will wish you
Have a good night's sleep and sleep.
I will guard your sleep,
Dreaming about you all night!

The night will pass peacefully!
It will be as sweet as honey!
Like a butterfly flutters!
Your sleep protects eternity!

Sweet, gentle, kind girl.
You hear the night ringing like dawn.
Sleep my fragile one, sleep my darling.
Your gentle darling tells you.

This languid night, with a clear dawn.
It will cover you with a wonderful feeling.
Sleep, my love, sleep, my tender one.
He will protect your sleep until the morning.

Darling, good night!
May you have sweet dreams!
I hope you love me too!
And in a dream, as in reality, we will be there together.

Inspired by love, fly to the kingdom of Morpheus,
Hearing from him how beautiful you are,
Go make your dreams come true!
And you and I, in the midst of the cloudy kingdom!

My dear darling, my mistress,
You work hard, the day is tireless, at least once you can lie down.
You'll be wrapped up in worries, and the sun will go down.
Fatigue will creep up on you, my dear.

But you quietly kick her in the door,
And you will sing a lullaby to your son.
You’ll come up with the motive yourself, you’ll write the poems yourself,
You will sing with a tired, soft voice in the darkness.

The baby will fall asleep curled up, and you will hug him,
So that even at night your boy will be protected from fears.
Good night, honey, and you, son, sleep,
Just don’t wake your mother up any longer in the morning.

The night was invented for us,
Let's dance a waltz with you.
Let our meeting in this dream
It will stir up everyone's feelings for me.

Let that love become stronger
It's like we fell in love again!
And know, my beloved,
I live only for you!

Good night, my dear!
Nothing disturbs your sleep,
Let him take you to the edges,
Where the spring flowers chime,
Where they kiss tenderly, lovingly,
Clouds and grass at dawn
Where are we together, just me and you,
And we are alone in the whole wide world.

Warm wind my beloved
I'll ruffle your blonde braids
I'll bring it to you along with the month
Treasured dreams on a plate.

Snow-white silk flooring
I will scatter the tender petals.
Sleep, my beloved beauty,
Elegant in her nakedness.

I will admire from afar
Behind the threshold at the white pier.
I won’t let it into the crack even for a month.
Look at your little head!

Sleep, beloved beauty,
This night is a joyful one for me.
Tomorrow will be your wedding
The breakups are over!

I sneaked into my beloved's bedroom secretly,
Slipped under the alcove like an invisible shadow,
Curled up in a ball on the corner of the blanket,
I purr and purr, no end, no beginning.

I believe that your lips are in love,
I believe what you see good dreams,
And whatever you wish will come true.

In my eyes the stars shine like opal.

I good wizard, who forgot about
What a kitten looks like with a fluffy tail.

In the land of beautiful dreams,
I wish you to always be there.
So that there are no “ghosts” there
But only sweet hearts.

Talk to me my soul
You don't know how much I love you
You yourself don’t understand how good you are,
In my thoughts, without barriers, I adore you.

So fall asleep to the sound of rain
I'm not a vampire, I'm a kind animal.
I'll close your door when I leave
I will protect you, believe me.

Love – this is a bright, pure feeling that inspires amazing discoveries. She is full of tenderness, care and affection.

Everything from a loved one seems priceless and significant: his every word, the messages he sends to his soul mate before bed, the slightest sign of attention. A girl will never forget the moments when, before going to bed, a guy sends her touching messages, filled with sincerity and gratitude, awe and admiration, and best wishes.

My touching girl, my world. One more day of yours is left behind, and I hope that it left you with only good impressions and pleasant memories. Before you go to bed, I want to tell you about my wishes, bright and kind dreams, so that the night will gently embrace you and bring you healing peace and long-awaited rest.

The meaning of my life and the joy of my heart, let me wish you a good night and fabulous dreams. May you wake up in the morning good mood, and with special pleasure you will remember the dreams you have seen, and may I become your best and favorite dream. The time we spend together during the day is not enough for me, so let us be inseparable at night too. Sleep well, get enough sleep, my princess.

To the one who does not leave my thoughts day and night, to the one who is the joy and happiness of my soul, I want to wish the most calm, kind and good night. Your dreams will take you to a world full of joy, light and warmth, may the most beautiful angels protect your peace this night. I will think about you even when you sleep, when I myself go into the arms of Morpheus.

How to wish good night to your beloved?

The night that lovers meet, being in different parts of the city, country, world, brings with it not only a heightened feeling of loneliness, but also longing, a desire to say as many tender words as possible to the other half. This helps to maintain love in separation and does not allow the sparks of hope for a quick meeting to fade away.

How to convey all your tenderness to your beloved girl and wish her good night? What words can be used to encode love longing? Read about this in the article.

Beautiful good night wishes to your beloved girl, woman, wife in prose, in your own words

  • When evening comes, everyday problems fade into the background. All thoughts are only about her - your beloved girl. She is also alone now and thinks about you. What is the best way to touch her invisibly?
  • How to stay close to her when you are far from each other? After all, if you had the opportunity not to be separated even for a short time, now wouldn’t you have to rack your brains about how to prolong the intimate moments of your relationship under the cover of darkness?

Using your phone you can gently wish your beloved good night

Not all lovers have the opportunity to fall asleep in the close embrace of their other half. In this case, simple but effective ways maintaining connection. Among them are well-known, accessible and modern: telephone, Skype, IQ, social network, and if your beloved is located on the floor above, then you can use Morse code.

  • Using your phone, you can gently wish your beloved good night. Yes, and they resort to this the usual way conveying the necessary words for the coming sleep to many couples.
  • But if you prefer to keep the romance in the relationship throughout the future life together, then you can wish good night to your beloved in such a way that she will not only be surprised, but also feel your love.

Invent daily beautiful wishes good night no need. After all, what happens regularly ceases to please and bring sincere positive emotions. But if from time to time you add to the collection of unforgettable moments between you and your beloved girl, then your relationship will only benefit from this.

What means are most appropriate for this? Quotes with words of tenderness and love, short and long poems, SMS and beautiful pictures with best wishes - use your entire arsenal available funds. Let your love story be special.

How to say goodnight to your beloved?

Method one is fun:

If you use humor in everyday communication, and your significant other responds adequately to your jokes, then don’t hesitate and come up with comic wish good night for your girlfriend. Here's a list of ideas:

  • You can call on behalf of a famous artist or favorite singer of your sweetheart and wish him good night. In this case, you don’t even need to come up with special words: the most common official phrases will do.
  • If you don’t have a single wish in your head that is suitable for this case, then you can use ready-made ones. There are many sites on the Internet that provide a similar service. But you have to pay for a professionally executed wish from a star.

A funny way to say goodnight to your beloved

Method two is cheap

There is more romance and sensuality, despite the simplicity of execution, in this method. You need to speak your wish into the recorder and send it to your loved one via SMS. A song on a relevant topic would also be appropriate if you are confident in your vocal abilities.

Method three - romantic

For this method, you need to choose a song or musical composition in advance that will reflect your emotional state. When choosing music, focus on the tastes of your loved one and your emotions. A well-chosen melody is the best way to wish your beloved good night.

Method four - poetic

Send your loved one an SMS. With the help of a few short phrases, you can relieve your loved one from the feeling of loneliness and leave best wishes until morning. Your sweetheart will definitely be pleased with such a sign of attention from you, because in her eyes you will look like a man who takes care of her even in a dream.

A poetic way to say goodnight to your beloved

How to originally wish a girl you like good night in prose?

  • The day passes, the night takes control. Numerous stars whisper to the month about love. And how can he, poor fellow, choose the one with whom he will be together until the last minute? All are equally beautiful: bright, mysterious. And I have already found my only one. I recognized her among many beautiful and smart women. I wish my brightest star good night. Sleep, my love, because amazing dreams await you today. Nothing will disturb your sleep when a kind wizard whispers an amazing fairy tale in your ear, very similar to your life. Sleep, my little good man! Good night!

How to originally wish a girl you like good night in prose
  • Every day we wait for the coming magical night. She flies like a firebird all over the earth and where her wing touches, there will be silence and everything will turn a deep blue-black color. On this beautiful dark background the stars will sparkle and decorate the firmament with their twinkling until dawn and entertain the month with their round dances. When the day comes, I think about you, when everything is getting ready for bed, my thoughts are about you again! Good night, my star! I am sure that you will see amazing dreams and you will have something to tell me about in the morning. Go to sleep, my joy! Good night and pleasant dreams!
  • Darling, go to sleep quickly! I so want to immerse myself with you in the world of your dreams, desires and hopes. Let the month gently lull you to sleep, and let the stars whisper with hundreds of tender voices about our love and how much I miss you! When you and I are close again, I will shower your sweet face with tender kisses, but for now let the moonlight do it for me. Let this night be fabulous, and the new day give us a long-awaited meeting!

  • My beloved, I dream of getting into your sweet dreams and at least for a moment hearing your voice next to me, touching your velvet skin. Go to sleep quickly, and may this night give us a meeting in your happy dream! Good night to you, my gentle little man!
  • Hurry up, go to bed, get comfortable, close your eyes with your long fluffy eyelashes and don’t even think about resisting the enchanting night’s sleep. You need it for the beauty of your body, for your pretty face. But besides this, you will plunge into unknown wonderful adventures. You will spend the whole night in a fairy tale, the finale of which in the morning will be our meeting with you! Good night and sweet dreams!
  • Good night to you, my happiness! I am sure that today your dreams will be brighter than usual and more interesting. After all, I am sending you all my tenderness and care now. The stars will kiss you as tenderly as I do, and the month will softly hum a lullaby to you!

Romantic wishes for a girl you like, good night in prose

Lovers who feel a strong attraction to each other, left alone, dream of only one thing: to quickly touch their loved one, to feel the taste of another kiss. In a word, erotic wishes for good night are not designed to immerse you in the world of fairy-tale dreams and dreams.

There will be dreams, but only sexual ones, filled with passionate fantasies and love scenes. With the help of a sexual wish, you will remind your soulmate who has long been in love and waiting for a meeting. You will give your affection and tenderness in such an unusual and original way.

  • I dream of being in the same bed with you! Covered with a blanket, I would caress you, kiss you, gently stroke your beautiful body! I want you so much, my bright girl!
  • If you were nearby, I would kiss you tirelessly until the morning. I would not let you close your eyes from my love, tenderness and affection. And in the morning we would drink coffee with you and again continue the unearthly caresses. I kiss you tenderly now and wish you good night! Let the stars give us a meeting and we will extinguish the fire of our passion!
  • Close your eyes, my angel, and may your dreams contain many of my caresses and kisses. Let our bodies press against each other passionately and tenderly until the morning, and let the month and stars help us stay together as long as possible.

Erotic wishes to my beloved girl, woman, wife, good night in prose

The night lights glow with bright light.
The stars are scattered in the heavenly expanse.
Beauty, I wish you a good night,
I have spread out my sea of ​​love for you!

I will emerge in your dream as a huge shark
And I will kiss you predatorily all night!
I want you to fall asleep quickly.
Oh, how erotic my prey is!

Sweet dreams to you, my baby,
Good night, rest from the day!
But in dreams with a joyful flash
I wish you to meet me too!

Sweet dreams, my dear!
In them, be a princess among miracles!
And don’t dare crush the pea
My favorite bodies!
I give you a thousand sweet kisses,
I gently caress you and turn you on.
The body glows in the power of love,
Passion is eating me up from the inside!
I want to drown in passionate embraces,
The thought of you doesn't let me sleep.
Beloved, let me give you colorful dreams,
The stars will lull you to sleep.
But if I find out, it wasn’t me who dreamed,
Let's talk seriously.

Cool wishes good night girl

Hello my Sunshine,
Young dawn,
A feather flies
Not in vain from me...
I'm in a hurry to see my friend
With a wind rose,
Wish in your ear
Sweetest dreams...

My beauty is chocolate
Get into bed quickly!
Close your eyes quickly
I kiss you with tenderness and affection!

You're not here, I miss you,
The quiet night closes my eyes;
Sleep sweetly and dream in my dreams;
I will also fall asleep and dream about you.

SMS from short wishes good night to girl, woman, wife at a distance

Good night wishes in verses

From this section you can get ideas for good night wishes to your beloved in verse.

I think of you.
I miss you.
Would like to have a drink in the chaos
I'll have tea with you.
To bury yourself comfortably in your chest,
Closing my eyes sleepily.
I can't sleep without you.
You'll have to be sad while dreaming.

Good night, bunny!
I love you so much!
I want to be with you
Both in the rain and in the heat!
I kiss you deeply!
I wish you wonderful dreams!
You're just super, baby
Don't betray love!

Heavenly stars
Glow in the dark
And one wonderful shines
Only for you!
The eyes are closing,
Night outside the window!
May you dream
The sweetest dream.

I will tell you without keeping silent -
I always want “this”!
I want it on my nightstand and on the couch!
Squatting and upside down!
And in the cold and summer heat,
When the rain pours overhead!
And even if it’s very late,
I want...to say “Good night!”

At night today, overtaking the winds,
My soul strives like a clockwork,
Strives to hug you tighter,
Look into the eyes, kiss,
"Good night, sweetheart"
Whisper in my ear,
To fall asleep under the same blanket with you.

The night has come, it’s dark outside the window,
But somehow I can’t sleep at all.
Just for a moment, even just for a little bit
To find myself next to you.
I wish I could squeeze my favorite ears,
Pinch your butt at least once,
Passionately kissing a hot body
Bite the nipple at least once.
I wish I could cover myself with a blanket,
Give free rein to your desires.
No more urine.
It's a pity you and I
far from each other
I'll just say

Sleep, beloved, dear,
I wish you sweet dreams,
Sleep well, rest,
Don't forget about me.
Sleep, affectionate kitten,
I'll paint the dream.
Sleep quietly, I'll go
I'll tell you paints and fairy tales!
The light of a heavenly star,
The heat of a close embrace,
Kisses, lips, eyes,
And a little bit of a fairy tale!

Good night wishes in verses

If your girlfriend speaks English or you are both learning this language, then an English good night wish will come in handy. After reading a phrase filled with gentle notes in a familiar foreign language or by reading an SMS, you will show yourself as an educated and attentive person.

Sometimes you can say good night in another language. For example, in German. A phrase that will help you express your feelings is simple and not difficult to say or write.

How to say goodnight to a girl in German?

To a girl who loves everything French, you can wish good night at French. So you will give her wonderful moment contact with a dream.

How to say goodnight to a girl in French?

How to wish good night to a girl in Tatar?

For a change, you can wish your beloved good night in Tatar. How to say goodnight to a guy in Spanish

How to say goodnight to a girl in Italian?

Use the “language of love and passion” to wish your beloved good night. To do this, say tender words to your beloved in Italian.

How to say goodnight to a girl in Japanese?

You will definitely amaze your sweetheart with originality if you say good night to her in Japanese.

How to wish good night to a girl in Armenian?

Good night wishes in Armenian sound beautiful. Be sure to say these words to your beloved.

How to wish good night to a girl in Ukrainian?

You can wish “good dreams” to your beloved in one of the most sonorous and melodic languages ​​in the world. Ukrainian is considered such a language.

Video: Bunny says good night

My beloved, good night...
Darling, quietly close your eyes.
Imagine that I'm next to you now
And my sweet kiss on my lips...

I am with you with my heart and soul,
With you in deep sleep and in reality.
Darling, I’m only rooting for you.
Darling, you are the only one I live for.

The evening has long come,
But you don't want to go to bed
After all, I haven’t wished for it yet
I'll tell you good night.

Honey, it's time to go to bed.
Go to bed, it's already late.
With best wishes,
I'm with you on a starry night.

Tomorrow will be the day again
Everything will be as you want
Now it's time to go to bed.
Go to sleep. Good night!

Good night, my only, desired, unique and most beautiful. I wish you to sleep sweetly and sweetly and see the most wonderful and kindest dreams, so that in the morning you wake up inspired, inspired, dreamy and again in love with me, and with your life, and with this world.

Good night, my bunny.
Lie down, dear, rest.
You give me so much happiness
With you, life is like heaven!

Good night, my sun,
And let the clouds dream.
You are the only one for me,
My soul is always with you!

Good night my Love,
The most mischievous, the sweetest.
Dream about good things
Close your eyes tightly.

May you have dreams
Where are you and I together?
Happy, we live, we laugh,
We will achieve anything in life!

My beloved, good night!
Close your beautiful eyes,
Let yourself dream about everything you want.
Come on, my baby, go to sleep.

May your sleep be gentle and calm,
Let nothing disturb your peace.
I love you, my dear, I love you very much
You are my dearest little man.

Good night, darling,
Close your eyes quickly!
I wish you sweet dreams
My angel, go to sleep!

I'll be next to you in your dreams,
I'll hug you so tightly and tenderly,
And early in the morning with a clear look
I will disperse the darkness of the night!

Good night, darling,
May you have sweet dreams:
Such a big rainbow
The sound of the sea wave on the beach.

The stars silently look out the window,
The moon touches the branches
You are more important to me than air,
You are the sweetest and most beautiful of all.

Sleep, my love, my dear,
Until the sun gives light.
You're the only one I have -
Happy life is my ticket.

Good night, my dear.
It's time to finally rest.
Close your beloved tired eyes,
Let go of all worries and fall asleep.

Let the night protect sensitive sleep
And the barely audible breath of one
The only one I'm in love with.
Good night, I'm always with you.

Good night my angel!
Sleep well my dear,
It's bad that you're not with me today,
I miss you without you, my love.

Sweet dreams my dear,
Only bright and good dreams!
Sun, I love you very much!
I'm sending you a couple of sweet lines.

Darling, good night,
I miss you very, very much
I'm flying to you in my mind
And I want to press it to my chest.

Let the night embrace you
Like your own daughter,
And good dreams
They will only bring you pleasure!