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Procedure for using the vaccine. "Avivak Ibb" strain "BG"


General provisions
Vaccine against Newcastle disease live dry “La Sota” strain

Biological properties
6.7 lg EID 50/cm 3 of ND virus, “La Sota” strain. Immunity in vaccinated chickens is formed within 2–3 weeks and lasts up to 3 months.

Application procedure
Clinically healthy birds of any age are vaccinated orally, intranasally, intraocularly, by coarse spray or aerosol. The exact timing of vaccination is determined based on the results of the hemagglutination inhibition reaction, examining 25 samples of bird blood serum from each poultry house. generally accepted methodology.
Birds are vaccinated if the antihemagglutinin titer is 3 log 2 (1:8) in 20% or more of the blood serum samples. If in 80% or more of the blood serum samples the antibody titer to the NB virus is 1:8 or higher, the birds are examined again every 3–5 days and if the immunity strength is less than 80% (that is, in 20% or more of the blood serum samples the antibody titer will be 3 log 2 (1:8) birds are vaccinated.

Storage conditions

"AVIVAC-NB" strain "Bor-74 VGNKI"

General provisions
Live dry vaccine against Newcastle disease Strain “Boron-74 VGNKI”. The vaccine is a homogeneous dry porous mass of light yellow or light Brown, easily soluble in water or saline without the formation of flakes and sediment.
Each bottle contains 100–5000 doses of the drug.

Biological properties
One commercial dose of the vaccine corresponds to one nasal dose and is
6.0 lg EID 50/cm 3 ND virus strain “Bor-74 VGNKI”. Immunity in vaccinated chickens is formed within 2–3 weeks and lasts up to 3 months.
A vaccine with an infectious activity of at least 8.5 lg EID 50/cm 3 is suitable for use.
The vaccine is harmless, areactogenic, medicinal properties does not possess.

Application procedure
Clinically healthy birds of any age are vaccinated orally, intranasally, intraocularly, by coarse dispersion (spray) or by aerosol. The exact timing of vaccination is determined by the results of the hemagglutination inhibition reaction (HIT), examining 25 samples of bird blood serum from each poultry house (hall) according to the generally accepted method.
The first serological test of chicken blood serum is carried out when they reach 5-10 days of age.
Birds are vaccinated if the antihemagglutinin titer is 3 log 2 (1:8) in 20% or more of the blood serum samples. If in 80% or more of the blood serum samples the titer of antibodies to the ND virus is 3 log 2 (1:8) or higher, the birds are examined again every 3–5 days and if the immunity strength is less than 80% (that is, 20% or more blood serum samples, the antibody titer will be 3 log 2 (1:8) birds are vaccinated.
Subsequent serological studies are carried out at intervals of 14–28 days.
Revaccination is carried out if in more than 20% of blood serum samples obtained from vaccinated birds, the antibody titer in the RTGA is less than 4 log 2 (1:16).

Storage conditions
Shelf life - 12 months from the date of manufacture, provided that it is stored and transported in a dry, dark place at a temperature of +2 to +10° C.

"AVIVAC-NB" strain "B1"

General provisions
Vaccine against Newcastle disease, live, dry, Strain “B1”.
The vaccine is a homogeneous dry porous mass of light yellow or light brown color, easily soluble in water or saline without the formation of flakes and sediment. The vaccine is packaged in 1–5 cm 3 units in hermetically sealed vials.
Each bottle contains 100–5000 doses of the drug.

Biological properties
One commercial dose of the vaccine corresponds to one nasal dose and is
6.7 lg EID 50/cm 3 ND virus strain “B1”. Immunity in vaccinated chickens is formed within 2–3 weeks and lasts up to 3 months.
A vaccine with an infectious activity of at least 8.5 lg EID 50/cm 3 is suitable for use.
The vaccine is harmless, areactogenic, and has no medicinal properties.

Application procedure
Clinically healthy birds of any age are vaccinated orally, intranasally, or by coarse spray. The exact timing of vaccination is determined based on the results of the hemagglutination inhibition reaction, examining 25 samples of bird blood serum from each poultry house according to the generally accepted method.
The first serological test of chicken blood serum is carried out when they reach 5-10 days of age.
Birds are vaccinated if the antihemagglutinin titer is 3 log 2 (1:8) in 20% or more of the blood serum samples. If in 80% or more of the blood serum samples the titer of antibodies to the ND virus is 3 log 2 (1:8) or higher, the birds are examined again every 3–5 days and if the immunity strength is less than 80% (that is, in 20% or more of the samples blood serum antibody titer will be 3 log 2 (1:8) birds are vaccinated.
Subsequent serological studies are carried out at intervals of 14–28 days.
Revaccination is carried out if in more than 20% of blood serum samples obtained from vaccinated birds, the antibody titer in the RTGA is less than 4 log 2 (1:16).

Storage conditions
Shelf life - 12 months from the date of manufacture, provided that it is stored and transported in a dry, dark place at a temperature of +2 to +10° C.


General provisions
Live dry vaccine against Newcastle disease for immunization of broiler chickens “La Sota” strain.
By appearance the vaccine is a dry, homogeneous, porous mass of light yellow or light brown color, easily soluble in water without the formation of flakes and sediment. The vaccine is packaged in 2.0 cm 3 glass bottles with a volume of 3.0 cm 3, or 3.0 cm 3 in glass bottles with a volume of 5.0 cm 3, containing from 100 to 5000 vaccination doses.

Biological properties
One vaccination dose of the AVIVAC-NB-BROILER vaccine contains at least
7.2 lg EID 50/cm 3 of the “La Sota” strain of the ND virus.
The vaccine is harmless, areactogenic, and has no medicinal properties.

Application procedure

Optimal timing vaccination against ND is determined by the results of the hemagglutination inhibition test (HIT), examining 25 samples of blood serum from birds located in the poultry house (hall), according to the generally accepted method. If in 20% or more of blood serum samples the antihemagglutinin titer is below 3 log 2 (1:8), then broiler chickens are vaccinated at the rate of 1 vaccination dose per head.
Before vaccination, birds are kept without water for 1 hour. Feeding and watering of birds is allowed 2 hours after immunization.
To stabilize the virus, it is advisable to add 1% (by weight) skimmed milk powder or 10% (by volume) skim milk to the water.
The intensity of post-vaccination immunity is determined in the RTGA 14 days after vaccination. When examined in the RTGA, the titer of post-vaccination antibodies to the ND virus should be 4 log 2 (1:16) and higher in at least 80% of vaccinated chickens.

Storage conditions
Shelf life - 12 months from the date of manufacture, provided that it is stored and transported in a dry, dark place at a temperature of +2 to +10° C.


General provisions
Live dry vaccine against Newcastle disease Strain “Boron-74 VGNKI”.
The vaccine is a dry, homogeneous, porous mass of light yellow or light brown color, easily soluble in water without the formation of flakes and sediment. The vaccine is packaged in 2.0 cm 3 glass bottles with a volume of 3.0 cm 3 or 3.0 cm 3 in glass bottles with a volume of 5.0 cm 3, containing from 100 to 5000 vaccination doses.

Biological properties
The vaccine causes the formation of an immune response to Newcastle disease in broiler chickens within 14 days after double use, which lasts for at least 2 months.
One vaccination dose contains at least 6.6 lg EID 50/cm 3 of the Bor-74 VGNKI strain.
The vaccine is harmless, areactogenic, and has no medicinal properties.

Application procedure
The vaccine is intended for immunization of broiler chickens against ND in poultry farms.
It is prohibited to vaccinate clinically sick and/or weakened birds.
The optimal timing of vaccination against ND is determined by the results of the hemagglutination inhibition reaction, examining 25 samples of blood serum from birds in the poultry house according to the generally accepted method.
Broiler chickens are vaccinated if in 20% or more of blood serum samples the antihemagglutinin titer is below 3 log 2 (1:8).
The vaccine is used by drinking with drinking water.
Before vaccination, birds are kept without water for 1 hour. Feeding and watering of birds is allowed 2 hours after immunization.
The intensity of post-vaccination immunity is determined in the RTGA 14 days after vaccination. When examined in the RTGA, the titer of post-vaccination antibodies to the ND virus should be 4.0 log 2 (1:16) and higher in at least 80% of vaccinated chickens.

Storage conditions
Shelf life - 12 months from the date of manufacture, provided that it is stored and transported in a dry, dark place at a temperature of +2 to +10° C.


General provisions
Vaccine against infectious bronchitis live dry chickens Strain “H-120”, serotype Massachusetts.
The vaccine is a homogeneous dry porous mass of light yellow or light brown color, easily soluble in water or saline without the formation of flakes and sediment. The vaccine is packaged in 1–5 cm 3 units in hermetically sealed vials.
Each bottle contains 100–5000 doses of the drug.

Biological properties
One commercial dose of the vaccine corresponds to one nasal dose and is
3.5 lg EID 50/cm 3 . Immunity in vaccinated chickens is formed within 2–3 weeks after the second vaccination and lasts for at least 3 months. A vaccine with an infectious activity of at least 6.0 lg EID/TCD 50/cm 3 is suitable for use.
The vaccine is harmless, areactogenic, and has no medicinal properties.

Application procedure

Storage conditions
Shelf life - 12 months from the date of manufacture, provided that it is stored and transported in a dry, dark place at a temperature of +2 to +10° C.


General provisions
Live dry vaccine against infectious bronchitis of chickens Variant strain “A/91”, serotype 793/B.
The vaccine is a homogeneous dry porous mass of light yellow or light brown color, easily soluble in water or saline without the formation of flakes and sediment. The vaccine is packaged in 1–5 cm 3 containers in hermetically sealed vials. Each bottle contains 100–5000 doses of the drug.
Biological properties
One commercial dose of the vaccine is 3.5 lg EID 50/cm 3 . Immunity in vaccinated chickens is formed within 2–3 weeks after the second vaccination and lasts for at least 3 months. A vaccine with an infectious activity of at least
6.0 lg EID 50/cm 3 .
The vaccine is harmless, areactogenic, and has no medicinal properties.

Procedure for using the vaccine
Clinically healthy birds of any age are vaccinated, taking into account the epizootic situation on the farm for IBV. Vaccination is carried out twice with an interval of 10–14 days orally, intranasally, intraocularly or by coarse atomization (spray).

Storage conditions
Shelf life - 12 months from the date of manufacture, provided that it is stored and transported in a dry, dark place at a temperature of +2 to +10° C.


General provisions
Vaccine against infectious bronchitis of chickens and Newcastle disease, live, dry, Strains “N-120” and “La Sota”.
The vaccine is made from the extraembryonic fluid of SPF embryos of chickens infected with attenuated IBV serotype Massachusetts, strain “H-120”, and NB, strain “La Sota”. In appearance, it is a dry, homogeneous, porous mass of light yellow or light brown color, easily soluble in water without the formation of flakes and sediment.
The vaccine is packaged in 1-5 cm 3 in hermetically sealed vials.
Each bottle contains 100–5000 doses of the drug.

Biological properties
One immunizing dose contains 3.5 lg EID 50/cm 3 of IBV virus and 6.5 lg EID 50/cm 3 of NB virus. Immunity in vaccinated chickens is formed within 2–3 weeks after the second immunization and lasts for at least 3 months. A vaccine with an infectious activity of at least 6.0 lg EID 50/cm 3 for the IBV component and 8.5 lg EID 50/cm 3 for the NB component is suitable for use.
The vaccine is harmless, areactogenic, and has no medicinal properties.

Application procedure
The vaccine is used to prevent infectious bronchitis of chickens and Newcastle disease. Clinically healthy birds of any age are vaccinated, taking into account the epizootic situation on the farm for IBV and NB. Vaccination is carried out twice with an interval of 10–14 days, intranasally, intraocularly or by coarse spraying. The strength of post-vaccination immunity is determined 2–3 weeks after the second immunization in the RTGA or in ELISA using diagnostic kits registered in the territory Russian Federation. Vaccination is considered successful if in at least 80% of vaccinated chickens the average titer of antibodies to IBV and ND viruses in the blood serum has an ELISA value that is two or more times higher than the minimum positive indicator provided for in the instructions for the use of a specific diagnostic. The titer of antibodies to the NB virus in the RTGA should be at least 4 log 2 (1:16). The presence of antibodies in the blood serum of birds below this level serves as a basis for revaccination.

Storage conditions
Shelf life - 12 months from the date of manufacture, provided that it is stored and transported in a dry, dark place at a temperature of +2 to +10° C.


General provisions
Live dry vaccine against infectious bursal disease Strain “Winterfield 2512”. The vaccine is made from a virus-containing substrate (extraembryonic fluid, homogenate of carcasses and chorioallantoic membranes of SPF chicken embryos) infected with the “Winterfield 2512” strain of Gumboro disease virus of a “high” degree of attenuation.
The vaccine is a dry, homogeneous, porous mass of brown color, easily soluble in water without the formation of flakes and sediment.
Each bottle contains 100–5000 doses of the drug.

Biological properties
One immunizing dose of the vaccine is 3.0 lg EID 50/cm 3 . Vaccinated birds develop immunity to infectious bursal disease within 14–21 days after vaccine administration, which persists throughout the entire period susceptible to IBD.
The vaccine is harmless, areactogenic, and has no medicinal properties.

Application procedure
Only clinically healthy birds are subject to immunization. Chickens are vaccinated at the age of 7–21 days by drinking water. The specific period of immunization depends on the level of maternal antibodies in the blood serum of vaccinated chickens. The strength of post-vaccination immunity to IBD is determined 14–21 days after vaccination using conventional serological reactions (RN, RDP) or using ELISA kits registered in the Russian Federation.
Vaccination is considered successful if in at least 80% of vaccinated chickens, the average titer of antibodies in the blood serum when tested in ELISA is two or more times higher than the minimum positive indicator specified in the instructions for the use of a particular diagnosticum. The presence of antibody titers in the blood serum of birds below this level serves as a basis for revaccination.

Storage conditions
Shelf life - 12 months from the date of manufacture, provided that it is stored and transported in a dry, dark place at a temperature of +2 to +10° C.

Biological properties
One immunizing dose of the vaccine is 3.0 lg EID 50/cm 3 . In vaccinated birds, the vaccine causes the formation specific antibodies to the infectious virus strain "AN" of the infectious bursal disease virus. Immunity is formed 2–3 weeks after double vaccination with an interval of 10–14 days and lasts for 6 months.
The vaccine is harmless, areactogenic, and has no medicinal properties.

Application procedure
Only clinically healthy birds are subject to immunization. The vaccine is used by feeding chickens 7–21 days of age twice with an interval of 10–14 days. The date of the first vaccination is determined by the level of passive (maternal) antibodies in the blood serum of chickens to be vaccinated in serological reactions (ELISA, RN, RDP, etc.).
The strength of post-vaccination immunity to IBD is determined 14–21 days after vaccination using conventional serological reactions (RN, RDP) or using ELISA kits registered in the Russian Federation. Vaccination is considered successful if in at least 80% of vaccinated chickens the average titer of antibodies in the blood serum when tested in ELISA is two or more times higher than the minimum positive indicator specified in the instructions for the use of a particular diagnosticum. The presence of antibody titers in the blood serum of birds below this level serves as a basis for revaccination.
The vaccine is a dry, homogeneous, porous mass of pink-brown color, easily soluble in water without the formation of flakes and sediment.
Biological properties
One immunizing dose of the vaccine is 3.0 lg EID 50/cm 3 . Vaccinated birds develop immunity to infectious bursal disease within 14–21 days after vaccine administration, which persists throughout the entire period susceptible to IBD.
The vaccine is harmless, areactogenic, and has no medicinal properties.
Application procedure
Only clinically healthy birds are subject to immunization. Chickens are vaccinated at the age of 7–21 days by drinking water. The specific period of immunization depends on the level of maternal antibodies in the blood serum of vaccinated chickens.
A day before using the vaccine, determine the volume of water drunk by a batch of chickens to be immunized in 1–1.5 hours, per 1 head.
Storage conditions
Shelf life - 12 months from the date of manufacture, provided that it is stored and transported in a dry, dark place at a temperature of +2 to +10° C.

The AVIVAC-IBB-BG vaccine is made from virus-containing substrates (extraembryonic liquid, homogenate of carcasses and chorioallantoic membranes of SPF chicken embryos) infected with the “BG” strain of the infectious bursal disease virus.

The vaccine is a dry, homogeneous, porous mass of pink-brown color, easily soluble in water without the formation of flakes and sediment.

The vaccine is produced in vials of 100-5000 doses. One immunizing dose of the vaccine is 3.0 lg EID 50.

Biological properties

In vaccinated birds, the vaccine causes the formation of specific antibodies to the infectious bursal disease virus. Immunity is formed 2-3 weeks after double vaccination with an interval of 10-14 days and lasts for 6 months.

The vaccine does not cause significant adverse reactions and in the recommended dose it is harmless and areactogenic.

Procedure for using the vaccine

Immunization is only possible clinically healthy bird. The vaccine is used by feeding chickens 7-21 days of age twice with an interval of 10-14 days. The date of the first vaccination is determined by the level of passive (maternal) antibodies in the blood serum of chickens to be vaccinated in serological reactions (ELISA, RN, RDP, etc.).


A day before using the vaccine, determine the volume of water drunk by a batch of chickens to be immunized in 1-1.5 hours, per 1 head. When carrying out vaccination, the required number of doses of the vaccine, corresponding to the number of chickens in the vaccinated batch, is diluted in a specified volume of water (at the rate of 1 immunizing dose per amount of water drunk by one chicken) and poured into drinking bowls that have been previously washed without the use of disinfectants. For desoldering use clean, boiled water, cooled to room temperature. To stabilize the virus in water, it is advisable to add 5% (by weight) skim milk powder to the diluted vaccine. Before vaccination, the bird is kept without water for 2-3 hours. Giving water and food after drinking the vaccine is allowed after 2 hours.

The strength of post-vaccination immunity to IBD is determined 21 days after vaccination using conventional serological reactions (RN, RDP) or using ELISA kits registered in the Russian Federation. Vaccination is considered successful if in at least 80% of vaccinated chickens the average titer of antibodies in the blood serum when tested in ELISA is two or more times higher than the minimum positive indicator specified in the instructions for the use of a particular diagnosticum. The presence of antibody titers in the blood serum of birds below this level serves as a basis for revaccination.

Storage conditions

The shelf life of the vaccine is 12 months from the date of manufacture. It is prohibited to use the vaccine after the expiration date. The vaccine is stored in a dry, dark place at a temperature of +2 to +10° C.

General provisions

Inactivated vaccine against infectious bursal disease (IBD) and reovirus infection (avian tenosynovitis) (REO). Dosage form- emulsion for injection. The vaccine is made from extraembryonic fluid, carcass homogenate and fibroblast cell culture of SPF chicken embryos infected with infectious bursal disease viruses (strain “BG”) and avian reovirus (strains “1733”, “2408”), inactivated by formaldehyde, with the addition of oil adjuvant Montanide ISA 70 VG, in a ratio of 30/70.

In appearance, the vaccine is a homogeneous white (light pink or light brown) emulsion. During storage, slight separation of the emulsion without separation of the aqueous phase is allowed, as well as the formation of a light brown precipitate. The homogeneity of the emulsion is restored by thorough shaking.

The vaccine is packaged in 100, 250, 450 and 500 cm 3 (200-2500 vaccination doses) in glass or plastic bottles of appropriate capacity, hermetically sealed with rubber stoppers reinforced with aluminum caps. The vaccine is supplied with instructions for use.

Vials of the vaccine are packaged in cardboard or polystyrene foam boxes, with nests or partitions to ensure their immobility and integrity. Instructions for use are included in each box of vaccine.

Biological properties

The vaccine causes the formation of an immune response in birds to IBD and PEO pathogens 28 days after a single use, which persists for 12 months.

The vaccine is harmless and has no medicinal properties.

Storage conditions

The vaccine is transported by all modes of transport in accordance with the Rules for the transportation of perishable goods and baggage in force for this type of transport.

Store the vaccine in a dry, dark room, in original packaging or in transport containers at a temperature of +4...+8 ° C within the expiration date. The shelf life of the vaccine is 18 months.

Manufacturer: Russia, Avivak