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Will pensions for disabled people be increased? Pension payments to disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood. How to apply for a pension and EDV




Increase in pensions for disabled children from January 1, 2019

Pension provision for citizens is a responsibility assigned to the state. This is stated in the code of laws of the country - in the Constitution. Among disabled people who need financial support, children are considered a special category. They are the most dependent part of society. Children with disabilities can receive cash benefits. This expense item is included in the budget in advance. Who belongs to this population category? Under what conditions can people receive funds? And what will the pension be for disabled children in 2019? You will learn the answers to these questions from this article.

Children with limited life activities due to congenital defects, mutilations or injuries are recognized as disabled and have the right to receive a social pension. Depending on the severity of the health condition, subsidies are paid for one to two years or until adulthood. The period is determined by a medical and social examination.

Types of help

Plastic bag state support families with children, consists of:

1) pensions (received by parents or guardians caring for the child);

2) cash payment received monthly (its size depends on the absence, presence or partial provision social services; this amount is not indexed);

3) social services:

  • treatment in a sanatorium with the provision of a voucher;
  • provision of prescription medications and along with therapeutic nutrition;
  • free travel to different types ground transport to and from the place of treatment; if for this it is necessary for an accompanying person to be present, then in this case he will be paid for a ticket and round-trip travel.

On what conditions is social assistance paid, and what documentation is needed for this?

Law Russian Federation indicates that a disability pension, as well as monthly financial assistance, is due:

1) children with disabilities living in Russia;

2) able-bodied parents or guardians caring for a child with a disability.

Social payments are made only if a certificate of permanent residence in a certain locality is provided. You can receive a pension from the month when your disability was confirmed. Other benefits - in the month of application for them. To apply for a pension, documents must be submitted to: Pension Fund at place of stay:

  • insurance policies for children and adults are provided;
  • certificate confirming disability;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • identification code and passport of the authorized person;
  • statement.

How are these funds allocated and received?

A citizen has the right to bring documentation in person or send it by mail. The issue of appointment must be resolved within ten days from the time the application was submitted or the date on the envelope. If an incomplete package of documents was submitted, then the submission period is counted from the day when all the necessary papers were collected. When submitting an application, the authorized representative may indicate the method of delivery of funds.

You can use the following options:

1) transfers to a bank account;

2) receiving money at home (the postman brings the payment).

Will pensions for disabled children increase in 2019?

Unfortunately, the cost of goods and services is constantly increasing, and money is only depreciating. Therefore, increasing the size of the pension is very important and necessary. The only way to do this is to provide annual increases. Its size is affected by the level of inflation.

It is planned to increase pensions for disabled children from January 1, 2019. Many are also interested in the size of pension indexation for disabled children in 2019. Indexation will definitely be carried out as planned in April 2019. The coefficient should be from 2.6 to 4%. The pension will be 12730.82 rubles.

What can be said about one-time payments to disabled children in 2019? Indeed, in addition to the above payments, the government will provide additional assistance. We are talking about a one-time payment, which will amount to 5,000 rubles. This is the EDV provided for children in 2019.

Pensions in 2019 will be indexed on time and paid in accordance with the established procedure.


Pension provision for citizens is an obligation assigned to the state. This is written in the code of laws of the country - the Constitution. Among disabled people in need of financial support, special place occupied by children - the most dependent part of society. They have the right to cash benefits - this expense item is included in the budget. About who falls into this category, what are the conditions for receiving funds, and what will be the pension for disabled children in 2018? we'll talk in the article.

A child with limited activity due to birth defects, injuries or mutilations is recognized as disabled and has the right to a social pension. Depending on the severity of the health condition, subsidies are provided for one, two years or until adulthood. The period is determined by a medical and social examination.

Types of assistance

The package of state support for families with disabled children includes:

  1. The pension as such is paid to parents or guardians caring for the child.
  2. Monthly cash payment. Its size depends on the presence, absence or partial provision of social services. This amount is not subject to indexation.
  3. Social services in kind:
    provision of prescription medications and nutritional therapy;
    treatment in a sanatorium with the provision of a voucher;
    free pass in ground transport to the place of treatment and back; If the presence of an accompanying person is necessary, then he will be paid for the trip and round trip travel.

Conditions for receiving social assistance and required documents

According to the law of the Russian Federation, receive a disability pension and a monthly financial assistance they have a right:

  • a child with disabilities living in Russia;
  • able-bodied parent or guardian caring for him.

Social payments are made only upon provision of a certificate of permanent residence in a particular locality. The pension is paid from the month in which the fact of disability is confirmed, other benefits - from the month of filing an application for them. To complete it, you must submit documents to the Pension Fund at your actual place of residence:

  • statement;
  • passport and identification code of the authorized representative;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • certificate of disability;
  • insurance policies for adults and children.

Procedure for assigning and receiving funds

Documents can be brought in person or sent by mail. The issue of appointment is resolved within 10 days from the date of submission of the application or the date on the envelope. If an incomplete package is provided, the submission deadline is counted from the day when all the necessary papers have been collected. The authorized person, when submitting an application, can indicate the method of delivery of the money. There are two options:

  • receive at home (brought by postal worker);
  • transferred to a bank account.

Increasing pensions for disabled children in 2018

The reality is that the prices of goods and services rise, and money depreciates. Therefore, increasing the size of the pension is vital. The only way to do this is an annual increase. Its value depends on the level of inflation. Indexation will definitely be carried out as planned in April 2018. According to various forecasts, its coefficient will be from 2.6 to 4%. The pension amount will be approximately 13,340 rubles. In addition, the government intends to provide additional help and pay a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles.

The state will continue to take care of its young citizens with poor health in 2018. Pensions will be paid in accordance with the established procedure and indexed in due time.

In 2018, the state will continue to support people with disabilities. The government has decided to index pensions for disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3. The size of the allowances will not be significant.

People with disabilities will be able to continue to receive payments and benefits in accordance with their group in 2018. Government support programs provide several support tools. This includes a disability pension, all kinds of benefits, social services and one-time payments. In addition, it became possible to monetize some benefits by submitting an application.

Changes planned for 2018 in the payment of disability pensions

The methods for calculating disability payments will not change in 2018. It is too early to talk about a significant improvement in the lives of this category of citizens, since the level of payment will not be increased. Only annual indexation will be carried out.

Despite difficult situation with finances in the country, it was nevertheless decided to index payments for disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3. The figure of 5.5% will not make citizens with disabilities very happy. However, this is the rate of inflation for 2018 and the state will compensate for losses from it with a premium. Such a step could cover the rise in prices of food and some other goods.

It is worth recalling that disability groups differ in a person’s ability to work and the ability to take care of themselves throughout life. Thus, people with the first group cannot perform the simplest physical functions on their own, or they have to do it in extreme it's hard and they need help from another person. And the third group includes people who have certain limitations, but at the same time can live on their own, and carry out the simplest work in small quantities and receive little remuneration for it.

Official amounts of labor and social pensions for disabled people for 2018

To correctly calculate the amounts for labor pensions, you need to know the basic coefficient and the level of disability of the citizen. Experience also greatly influences the final figure. In addition to these parameters, which significantly increase payments, there are also minimum fixed rates, below which labor pension it can not be. For disabled people of the first group, this rate is 8,767 rubles, for the second group – 4,383 rubles, and people with the 3rd group are guaranteed to receive 2,191 rubles.

Social benefits for disabled people serve as additional financial support. From April 1, 2018, the first group will receive about 4,000 rubles of a social pension, the second will be able to count on 5,000 rubles, and the first group - 10,000 rubles. These payments are not tied to the official work experience and will go to all categories of the population.

Social assistance for people with disabilities is provided for both people who have reached retirement age and those who received a disability group earlier. Citizens whose employment was not considered official, that is, their employers did not make contributions to the Pension Fund, can also apply for payments.

You can apply for a disability pension in several stages. First you need to prepare Required documents, then transfer them to the representative of the regional Pension Fund and receive a response. After this, payments will begin to accrue.

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As a rule, disability group 3 is assigned to those persons who have moderate health limitations. Usually this concept in society is rather vague, however, experts argue that in this case it means a deterioration in a person’s health to the point where he cannot fully perform labor functions. In this case, he is a citizen in need of social protection. These people include those who suffer from physical ailments and deformities, as well as mental disorders, impaired coordination and speech functions.

What changes will be made in the coming year?

Regardless of the group, several social payments have been assigned for people with disabilities in the coming year. These include:

  • social pension and EDV;
  • labor pension and self-employment pension.

Only persons who reside on the territory of the Russian Federation on a permanent basis have the right to receive such material assistance from the state. This resolution of the country's legislation also applies to minor citizens of Russia. The size in 2018 for non-workers was fixed at the same legislative act. The Russian government established an amount that is not so high, since compared to disability groups 1 and 2, citizens of group 3 receive almost half as much in payments.

Thus, the size of the disability pension for group 3 in 2018 will be 4,200 rubles. This amount relates to social payment, so even minor citizens can receive it.

The Russian government says that, despite the rather low amount of accruals, citizens classified in this category retain the right to conduct labor activity. That is, they have an advantage over other disability groups, since they can provide themselves with additional income, while representatives of groups 1 and 2 are more limited in this regard.

Disability 3 groups

In the coming year, the amount of disability-related pension accruals for working disabled people will be determined using a special formula. Accordingly, if a person with disability group 3 is in the care of one or more dependents, then the amount of payment can be modified as follows:

  • if a disabled person of group 3 has 1 person in his care – 4004 rubles;
  • if a disabled person of group 3 has 2 people under his care – 5605 rubles;
  • if a disabled person of group 3 has 3 people under his care – 7207 rubles.

Such an increase, of course, somewhat improves the financial situation of a citizen with disability group 3, but not by much.

Structure of disability in the Russian Federation

Should people with disabilities of group 3 expect an increase in payments?

The size of the disability pension of the 3rd group in 2018 for non-workers will practically not change and will remain at the same level, since today the state of the country’s budget is not experiencing the best better times. For this reason, you should not hope for any increase in disability accruals. An increase can only be expected if pension payments are multiplied by the inflation rate.

According to experts, inflation in the coming year will be at the level of 5%. For this reason, experts argue that if there is an increase in the amounts paid to citizens for disability, it will not exceed 700 rubles. The Russian government has stated that the state budget currently does not include additional funds, in order to somehow improve the situation of citizens with a certain degree of disability.

Amount of payments to disabled people in 2018

Therefore, Russians in this category should not count on unplanned increases in their pension amounts in the near future.

It is also necessary to keep in mind that in the coming year the amount of pension accruals for citizens with disability group 3 will be equal to the amounts that are paid in other regions of the Russian Federation. This situation This is explained by the fact that this type of payment will be fixed. Nevertheless final amount for disabled people will be determined individually and will depend on length of service.

Citizens in need of social support It is always important for states to know whether the amount of this support will increase, what to expect in the future, what to count on. it is disabled pensioners who need normal life and creating around you material goods, but not all of them can earn a living, so the responsibility for provision lies on the shoulders of the state.

Will there be an increase in pensions for disabled people on January 1, 2018?

The relevance of the question of whether there will be an increase in pensions in 2018 does not disappear. Time and time again, people type a query into a search engine and want to see not empty promises, but reliable information.

Let’s not hide that in Russia a lot depends on the sanctions imposed and the general political situation on the market. Our country is too dependent on the price of oil and if it continues to fall further, the state will lose its main source of income, and accordingly the budget will not be able to support social security. In order to survive the difficult economic situation, the government had to take tough measures and reduce salaries public sector employees, planned measures to increase salaries were postponed for an indefinite period of time. Pensioners also suffered because they did not see their pensions indexed, but received a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles.

They asked to wait and people waited. And this year the promised indexation was carried out, which was fully consistent with inflation and amounted to 4-5%. Such an increase cannot be called significant, maximum amount the increase will be only up to 300 rubles, for which you can’t buy anything significant in modern stores. But there is no need to be sad, because it is indexation that allows us to talk about a further increase in pensions for disabled people. Each of us should know and understand that even a small increase is always better than nothing at all.
For each group of disabled people, the amount of the increase will be calculated individually. The most severe disability group is the first; the amount of payment depends on many factors, including how it was received. If the disability occurs due to work in difficult or harmful conditions the benefit will be issued by Social Insurance. For those who have been disabled since childhood, but work, the amount will be only 30% of the salary received. As for disabled people of the second group, not everything is completely clear yet; the government claims that there are no funds in the budget for this event, so there is no need to count on anything. It is only rumors that they say that they will add 1000 rubles to the payment amount, but there are no confirmed facts. Most likely, these citizens will receive a benefit in the amount of 5,000 rubles.

How have pensions changed over the last 5 years?

In 2015, the pension for disabled people of the third group was 1,794 rubles, the second group received 2,141 rubles, and the first 3,138 rubles. If it was a child diagnosed with a disability, then the charges increased to 2,241 rubles. Everyone who received a disability and had the status of a veteran of Afghanistan and Chechnya received an allowance of 2,241 rubles; veterans of the Great Patriotic War were paid 4,481 rubles. For disability during the liquidation of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant they paid 2,250 rubles.

Every year before the onset of the crisis, the disability pension, like any other, was indexed, then this provision was temporarily abolished. At the same time, today people with the first disability, but who do not have anyone to care for, can receive 7,820 rubles, with a dependent 9,124 rubles, if these are two non-working family members, the payment increases to 10,427 rubles, if there are more than 11,731 rubles of dependents.

The amount can be increased if a person has a disability of the first group and a long work experience, especially if it was obtained in the Far North region. On average, with 20 years of experience, he receives from 10 to 15 thousand rubles, depending on the number of dependents. There are regions in the country. In which such pensions are much lower than the subsistence level, this is one of the reasons why the state has provided compensation in the amount of 2974 rubles since 2014.

Disabled people of the second group receive significantly less; the state allocates 3,910 rubles for their maintenance, if without dependents. With dependents from 5 to 7 thousand rubles.

What was the last increase in pensions for disabled people?

The last change in pensions was in 2017, when indexation was carried out by 11.9%. In 2016, this revision was 17.1%. It was planned to recalculate taking into account inflation in the amount of 2016 to 6.5%. It doesn’t matter at what age a person becomes disabled, the state provides for the same increase in size for everyone social security. Disabled people of the first group received 2974 rubles, the second 2123, and the third 1700 rubles.

As for the insurance pension, for the period of 2017 it amounted to 11,903 rubles for disabled people of the first group, 9,919 rubles for the second group, 4,215 rubles for the third group. If a person has a second group disability and has reached the age of 65, he is entitled to a monthly benefit in the amount of 4959 rubles.

How much will pensions for disabled people be indexed in 2018?

Of course, everyone wants it in the current economic situation, when prices are rising catastrophically and there is not enough money. So that the size of disability pensions is increased. If this happens, it will be no more than 700 rubles. IN percentage this figure will be 5-6%. There are heated debates in the government regarding the size of the increase; it is quite possible that the standard pension will reach the level of 13,700 rubles, veterans will begin to receive 36 thousand rubles, disabled children 13,000 rubles.

Considering the modern standard of living, this increase will not be enough, especially when compared with the percentage by which prices for the most commonly used goods on the market have increased. On the other hand, in the CIS countries it is planned to freeze or reduce the level of pensions, so this state policy in this matter is not the worst. The population will have to come to terms with this state of affairs. In the context of a global crisis, there is no need to count on anything else; you need to try to accept the situation and strive to support yourself on your own.