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How to start an electronic cigarette business. Business plan: how to open a point selling electronic cigarettes. Where is the best place to place the point?

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For those planning to open their own business, e-cigarettes are a business that can bring quite a lot of profit, provided that a clear plan is developed.

Retail sale of goods has always been considered one of the simplest and most profitable types of business. However, in order to make money in this business, you need to find a free niche, of which there are not so many in our time, and draw up a competent business plan. It's all about choosing the right product to sell. In this case, you need to take into account competition, which can be quite high in some areas. For example, products are always a huge number of competitors around, but there are also high level the demand for the product, which makes it attractive to businessmen. If we take another popular trend, namely clothing, then everything is much more complicated. Plus of sale non-food products is that they do not spoil, even if no one buys them for a long time. But the demand for such goods is high from time to time, although much depends on the price category of the product.

In order not to encounter problems of low demand, you need to choose products for sale that have low competition and this moment high popularity. Technological innovations can serve as a striking example of this.

Now that the fight against smoking is being especially active, many people are trying to quit this habit forever. But this doesn’t work out for everyone. With the advent electronic cigarettes life of many heavy smokers has changed significantly. Now you can “enjoy” getting a dose of nicotine anywhere, since electronic cigarettes are allowed to be smoked almost everywhere. They do not poison the lives of others and do not affect negative impact on the body of the smoker himself. In the case of electronic cigarettes, no harmful products combustion, since here water vapor with a small admixture of nicotine and aromatic substances is inhaled and exhaled.

Due to all the advantages of electronic cigarettes, they are in demand and are becoming more in demand every day. Of course, a smoker will not have to buy electronic cigarettes every day, like regular tobacco, but additional liquid and refill cartridges are constantly in demand.

Why is selling electronic cigarettes profitable?

This type of business can be called very relevant in our time. Those who have already opened own stores for the sale of electronic cigarettes, they note that their profits are very good and stable. Moreover, in particularly difficult moments for the country’s economy, when most entrepreneurs are having a hard time favorable times, electronic cigarettes are selling even more actively. The thing is that they are much more economical than regular tobacco, so even the most avid smokers try to use them in times of crisis.

The huge advantage of such a project is the small initial capital, and for many beginning businessmen this is one of the main selection criteria.

If an entrepreneur intends to create own business for the sale of electronic cigarettes, you need to make sure that only high-quality goods are sold, this will allow you to quickly earn a good reputation and receive regular customers.

Experts say that 200 thousand rubles is enough to open a store selling electronic cigarettes. In terms of the complexity of work in this area, experts rate this business 4 out of 10 points.

A huge advantage of this type of business is the high demand for electronic cigarettes. They are popular due to their cost-effectiveness compared to conventional tobacco products, complete absence resins and unpleasant odors while smoking, and also because these devices are absolutely safe for others.

When drawing up a business plan, you should take into account that the main target audience in this case is people from 20 to 40 years old, that is, the most solvent age. Considering what's here we're talking about also about addiction, then buyers spend money, not counting money. Statistics show that in Russia at the moment the number of smokers significantly exceeds the 50 million mark. Moreover, 75% of these people cannot break the bad habit on their own. Many smokers choose electronic cigarettes as a solution to their problem, so this type business is popular and becoming more and more in demand.

Documents for opening a retail outlet

Electronic cigarettes are significantly different from conventional tobacco products. There is no need to obtain special licenses, since ordinary quality certificates are sufficient for such devices. All products that will be sold in stores must be manufactured taking into account the requirements of Russian legislation and in accordance with international standards.

Quality certificates for electronic cigarettes and their components are not all that is needed to open point of sale for the sale of products of this type. The entrepreneur must be registered in tax authority. It is best to choose the legal form of individual entrepreneur for this, as this will avoid hassle with taxes and reports. As for the taxation system, UTII or a simplified system is best suited for a retail store.

Before you start getting seriously involved in the cigarette business, you need to draw up a clear business plan. This will avoid unnecessary expenses and fuss. To organize a business of this type, you need to rent commercial premises, purchase goods and arrange for their further uninterrupted supply, purchase equipment and hire staff.

How to organize trade in electronic cigarettes?

A significant part of the success of this business depends on where the retail outlet will be located, so at this point you need to pay attention Special attention, drawing up a business plan.

Here it is better to overpay, but rent a room in a public area. According to experts, square meters are ideal shopping centers, both in prestigious and residential areas.

It is best to sell electronic cigarettes in a separate pavilion. Products must be displayed on display as permitted by law. But you need to be careful with advertising, because Russian legislation strictly prohibits popularization tobacco products. Electronic cigarettes can be associated with it like nothing else, so you need to be extremely careful here. You can get creative and somehow veil the advertising slogan on the sign.

As for the size of the room, this issue must be resolved depending on financial capabilities and the amount of initial investment. The main thing is that there is high traffic around the pavilion. For example, if 300 people pass by a store, then 200 of them will look at the display window, 150 may be interested in the product, about 50 will ask to look at the cigarette more closely, but only 5 people will buy it. Thus, a lot depends on cross-country ability.

It is important to establish high-quality work with suppliers. The markup can be made within 50%. A small markup will not be justified. It is better to develop a system of discounts for regular customers, since this marketing ploy always works. You can organize promotions from time to time, which will help attract new customers.

If the place is passable, you don’t have to waste money on unnecessary advertising. Here, conventional outdoor advertising is most effective. It should be bright, eye-catching and unusual.

What to sell in the store?

A trade pavilion for selling electronic cigarettes may be small, since there simply cannot be a large assortment of products here.

On the display case you can display several design options for the device itself, as well as various accessories for cigarettes. Cases, spare batteries, and chargers are quite popular. In addition, you need to provide a sufficient choice of liquid for refilling cigarettes. There can be hundreds of options here, since a lot of flavors have been invented and their range is growing.

It is advisable to offer customers products from different price categories. Cheaper options are usually made in China, so the quality will be appropriate. For demanding customers, you need to keep in stock goods made in Europe and America. Such cigarettes are not only high quality, but also usually look very stylish.

To increase sales, you can include opening an online store in your business plan. A similar range will be presented here, but with some discounts. Orders are sent to buyers by mail, and money is returned either by cash on delivery or by bank transfer, that is, by bank card or to an electronic wallet. An online store is an opportunity not only to increase sales, but also to further advertise your outlet.

Selling electronic cigarettes is a chance to become a businessman with small investments, which will pay off in 2-3 months.

Everyone knows that smoking is harmful. Anyone who has tried to quit smoking knows that it is difficult. Especially for those who are unable to quit, they came up with “harmless” electronic cigarettes. If anyone doesn’t know, this thing is an inhaler that releases nicotine vapor into a person’s throat. We will not delve into medical debates and clarify how harmful this is compared to classic cigarettes. We’d better tell you how to build a business on electronic cigarettes.

The product is relatively new - the first mass prototype was created in 2004 in Hong Kong. Already at the end of the 2000s in Moscow you could find a tent with electronic cigarettes on Gorbushka, for example. But passers-by began to notice large numbers of Russians with a strange thing in their mouths about 3 years ago.

IQ Review brings to your attention the story of a girl who built her business on selling electronic cigarettes without connections or large start-up capital. The heroine wished to remain anonymous. Let's just say that her store operates in one of the Russian cities with a million population. Next - the whole truth about the cigarette business, in her words.

How to build a business selling electronic cigarettes. First person narrative

Young woman. Cigarettes. Business

About starting capital

I started in 2010 with 100 thousand rubles, taken on credit from my father. I purchased electronic cigarettes and sold them through my website and forum. Then there was a small store, then a larger one, now a full-fledged store, still the same theme of electronics.

About the idea

The idea to trade whitefish came after I ordered whitefish from China. If we talk about the need to know everything thoroughly and try it, IMHO this is not so important. I understand whitefish much worse than my employees, I don’t sit on thematic forums, I’m not interested in winding spirals and collecting mods. When purchasing, I focus on customer requests and sellers’ advice, and not on personal taste, this is quite enough.

About profit and turnover

These are the numbers today. In December 2014, the net profit was about 300 thousand, January-February 2015 was in the negative, but not so much because of the crisis, but because of investments in the new store. In March - a little more than a hundred, in April I expect to earn 150-200 thousand, this is approximately the level of the entire last year.

The numbers are not bad, but it took me 5 years to reach 200 thousand a month, so if something in your business doesn’t work out right away, don’t worry. There will be a holiday on your street too. For the first couple of years, if it came out to 50-70 thousand a month, then I was happy. The anti-tobacco law helped a lot, after it the revenue immediately jumped one and a half times. After the collapse of the ruble, there were one and a half times less goods, now one was out of stock, then another. Now, however, the situation is improving, but it is still tense.

My average income is one and a half million rubles a month, now it’s even a little more. In December there were more than two. Sizzles are a fairly popular topic. I’m generally out of touch with the turnover of Muscovites, there are already dozens of lyams a month.

About the opening of the point

I opened my offline store on , half of which I saved for a mortgage until December 2014. And in dollars, as I knew. Anyway, I won’t get any loans in the next year; the interest rates are prohibitive.

Girl in a red dress

If you open your own business selling electronic cigarettes today in small towns where there is no competition, 10 thousand profits per month from the start, I think, is more than realistic. In terms of format, I would recommend using something close to network marketing. That is, actively sell it directly to the target audience - smokers, explain, tell.

Word of mouth works very well in this business. Often people buy entire offices or workshops - where there are problems with smoking rooms. In the sale of electronics, everything depends on regular customers; one person can spend 500-1000 rubles a month on consumables. You seat a couple of dozen people, and that’s fine.

About product selection

For a shopping center it’s definitely better to start with Egosheki ( a cheap model of an electronic cigarette with a non-removable battery and a maintenance-free evaporator - approx. ed.), and then look at demand, listen to buyers. The target audience is growing gradually, people will switch to fashion ( battery packs with removable battery - approx. ed.), then transport them.

In general, the choice of models for starting a business depends on how developed vaping is in your city ( smoking electronic cigarettes - approx. ed.). For example, 800 thousand people is a fairly large city; the low-segment is probably already represented there to some extent. If there are already a lot of steamers ( smokers of electronic cigarettes - approx. ed.) average and high degree advancement, then you can very well start in the top segment.

Immediately bring a batch of furs, drippers, boxes, subtanks, aroma, bases (read the full - approx. ed.) and promote yourself through the forum and some communities. Egoshki are already sold everywhere, but in many cities no one is “pushing” more suitable stuff. Well, if it doesn’t work, then it will be easier to “drain” it at cost through the same ecigtalk or provape.

About competition

If we talk about how many stores there can be in a city in order to start successfully, I don’t think that, for example, 3 stores is a lot of competition. You need to look at their range and prices to see if you can beat them in any way. Moreover, with a reserve, since they may well respond to the appearance of a new store by reducing prices and expanding the range. The location in the center, by the way, is a very strong competitive advantage, but, accordingly, rent is more expensive and so on.

About suppliers

When ordering from China, your head will most likely swell at first; there are a lot of difficulties there, especially with delivery. Although you can collect several parcels from Aliexpress or FastTech.Com, there is again the risk of being caught at customs clearance and long delivery. To begin with, it is better to order 20-30 “mowers” ​​in bulk from Muscovites and try to “sell” them to the locals with double markup.

But now I take 80 percent of the goods from Russian wholesalers. It is inconvenient to work with China in small wholesale - it takes a long time, a large MOQ (to Minimum order quantity - approx. ed.) from most sellers. While one shipment is coming from China, you will have time to bring it from Moscow 2-3 times and sell it. From China I only bring cheap stuff, all sorts of no-name clears and consumables, 99% nicotine.

The Russians are a different problem. It happened that the goods arrived all beaten up. The deadlines were missed many times, 2-3 months instead of a couple of weeks. The actual payment is much higher than stated, etc. There are a lot of companies that offer cheap delivery, but carry them through some dubious smuggling routes. It is better to overpay to a reputable company.

Chinese suppliers are all about the same, mine are no better than others. "Good" suppliers are brands, and they have a MOQ, I almost never work with brands. The rest all look the same, outbids with the same assortment.

You also need to clarify what kind of delivery the non-brand offers, if it’s some standard service like DHL, then you’re guaranteed to get caught up in customs clearance and have a bunch of extra expenses. Some sellers have their own garters with, but there is a lottery, many again carry smuggled goods, with unclear deadlines.

I won’t name the Russian ones for you. The Russians already sell out all the good stuff in a couple of days, why do I need more competitors. And you know them yourself or you can find them without problems, we don’t have many large wholesalers.

About the delivery of cigarettes from China

I do everything through a local logistics office. The Chinese send the cargo to their warehouse in Guangzhou, and from there it takes 10-15 days to reach us by air. Payment for customs clearance is upon receipt. The prices there are not the lowest, but they are more or less fast and reliable, and postpayment is convenient.

How does delivery work? You transfer money to the Chinese, they send it to the logisticians at the warehouse, the goods go from the warehouse to you, and after receiving the cargo you pay for the services of the logisticians.

There is no need to be afraid of being scammed when ordering from China. Over the 5 years of work, there has never been a case where the Chinese “threw”. Although at first I tested many different suppliers, in total I probably worked with 20-30 sellers. A couple of times I came across companies with frankly lousy quality, I simply didn’t buy anything from them the second time. At the same time, everyone offered to replace the defective product, but on condition that the goods were sent back at their own expense or a new order was placed. It was easier to “score.”

About growth strategy and costs

At the start, all income will go only to rent. What should I do? Well, I started with a very ( sooooo) small premises in the courtyards, but still in the center with good transport accessibility. The rent, accordingly, was cheap, and it was convenient for people. And then, as revenue grew, she changed offices several times to larger ones, but always in the city center.

On the other hand, if you sell exclusive products at good prices- then they will even come to you in the suburbs, this tactic also works.

About product certification

Certificates are not needed at all; in Russia, electronic cigarettes are not subject to mandatory certification, and with foreign certificates you can generally wipe yourself clean.

About the range

If you are just starting out, then a wide assortment is important, and you will buy fewer items from a brand, even if they are of better quality. I would buy branded whitefish from resellers; they easily sell 5-10 pieces each, and there is a very wide selection, multi-brand, the price is often the same as that of the official ones, or quite a bit higher. True, there is a risk of running into a fake; brands are quite counterfeit, especially fashion and expensive tanks. But there are large outbid companies with a reputation, for example, TenOne, although their minimum wage is a little higher.

How much money will it require? Well, if it’s absolutely minimal, then for 50 thousand rubles you can buy: a couple of dozen types of iron, 1-2 pieces each, some base and flavors. And yes, a hundred dollars won’t hurt to start.

How I created my online store of electronic cigarettes (video)

An electronic cigarette store as a business is a relevant enterprise that can bring good, stable profits. Setting up a store does not take much time, does not require special knowledge or large investments at the start. The only obstacle may be the high level of competition in this area of ​​entrepreneurship. But a quality product, competent price policy, and a clear business plan for the sale of electronic cigarettes will be the key to creating a successful and profitable enterprise.

Business idea indicators:

Starting investments - from 250,000 rubles.

Market saturation is high.

The difficulty of starting a business is 4/10.

Advantages of a business idea

The number of Russians trying to lead healthy image life increases every year. The state, for its part, is doing everything possible: increasing excise taxes on tobacco and alcohol products, promoting sports. Price increases for tobacco products makes people refuse to buy them. But quitting smoking is very difficult. Electronic cigarettes, which have long gained popularity in European countries and the United States, come to the rescue.

The advantage of electronic cigarettes is:

  • efficiency;
  • no odor or resin;
  • eliminating the effect of passive smoking.

When organizing a business on electronic cigarettes, you first need to determine the target audience. Potential clients are people aged 25 to 40 years with stable psychological dependence from nicotine. According to statistics, of the 70 million Russians who smoke, 65% of smokers are men and 35% are women. Of these, 75% cannot quit smoking on their own.

The above statistics indicate that wholesale trade Electronic cigarettes are a completely feasible and cost-effective enterprise.

What is an electronic cigarette: description of the device

An electronic cigarette is a device that generates vapor and replaces a regular cigarette. The shape of the device can be different: cigarette, cigar, pipe. The basis of the device is a heat generator, equipped with a nichrome-plated spiral inside. When heated, steam is converted into thick mass, completely simulating tobacco smoke.

Those who want to open a store selling electronic cigarettes from scratch should know that in Russia the production of electronic cigarettes is certified. The products are manufactured in full compliance with international standards.

Stages of opening an electronic cigarette store

An entrepreneur organizing a business on electronic cigarettes must:

  • register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • choose a taxation regime: UTII or simplified tax system;
  • draw up a business plan with calculations.

After this you can start organizational issues: renting retail space, recruiting personnel, purchasing equipment, purchasing goods, etc.

Organization of a retail outlet

The success of a business selling electronic cigarettes directly depends on the location of the outlet. The place for selling electronic cigarettes and related products should be chosen very carefully. The most suitable places for a store selling such products are shopping and entertainment centers located in prestigious areas.

Electronic cigarettes are sold in the pavilion. The product is placed on the display window. You should be careful when installing a billboard above a store. Russian legislation There are certain restrictions on advertising of tobacco and alcohol products.

Significant profits can be made by selling e-liquids, consumables and other related products.

Business development plan

When drawing up a business plan for an electronic cigarette store, it is necessary to calculate the possible profit received under certain conditions. To do this, you need to calculate the approximate number of people passing by the pavilion every day. For example, if during a certain time (for example, 1-2 hours) about 300 people pass by a store, then 200 of them will pay attention to the display window, 150 will be interested in the product, only 50 people will ask to see a cigarette, and only 5 of them will buy device.

Trade overlap on e-cigarettes averages 45-50%. To attract customers, you should not reduce the markup. You can develop a discount system, introduce different shapes payments and periodically arrange promotions.

Ways to make money on electronic cigarettes

Before opening an electronic cigarette store, it is advisable to choose a way to make a profit. There are several types of earnings from selling such devices.

Sales of electronic cigarettes

You can purchase goods in European countries, America, China and from wholesalers in the Russian Federation. The price of an electronic cigarette ranges from 350 rubles. and higher. Having purchased the cheapest option for testing, clients often return and purchase more expensive devices. The cost of products is influenced by the following factors:

  • manufacturer;
  • product quality;
  • design;
  • electronic “stuffing”.

Trade in components

Fans of electronic cigarettes are similar to users of modern gadgets who are constantly upgrading their devices. Therefore, the sale of spare parts or additional parts will bring a certain profit. In addition, some elements periodically fail. Selling well the following types goods: automizer, battery pack, mouthpiece, battery, etc. The larger the assortment, the greater the interest of customers in the store.

Sales of liquid for cigarettes

Selling e-liquid will bring good profit, because this is the composition that is smoked when using the device. You can purchase refills wholesale in the online store, at retail trade it will cost 35-50% more. If you want to mix it yourself, the rules for kneading can be found on the Internet. By the way, many device users do the refilling themselves. Therefore, along with the finished liquid, you can sell the components of the composition.

Opening an online store

Profitable way of implementation finished products- an online store of electronic cigarettes that allows you to save on renting premises, staff salaries, and advertising.

An algorithm for organizing an enterprise for those who do not know how to open an online e-cigarette store:

  • First of all, the domain is purchased;
  • then the website is created;
  • contracts are concluded with suppliers;
  • The store is promoted through advertising on the Internet.

To organize an online store you will need a little perseverance and a relatively small amount of money (from 50,000 rubles)

Finding responsible suppliers is very important. A large number of electronic cigarettes sold on the Russian market are manufactured in China. The quality of products from the Middle Kingdom can vary, so the choice of manufacturer must be approached with special attention.

Enterprise financial plan

Daily revenue will be about 15,000 rubles. Per month - 450,000 rubles. Trade Overlay - 45%

Approximate consumption:

  • tax - about 2,000 rubles;
  • contributions - 1,300 rubles;
  • rent (2-4 m2) - 10,000 rubles;
  • advertising - about 2,000 rubles;
  • additional expenses - 3,000 rubles.

Amount of costs - 18,300 rubles.

The wholesale cost of products purchased for a month is 240,000 rubles. Monthly expense is 258,300 rubles.

With revenue of 450,000 rubles. profit will be 191,700 rubles. per month.

The profitability of the outlet is 40%.

When choosing ways to make money on electronic cigarettes, you should remember that the greater the range of products presented in the store, the greater the revenue, and therefore the profitability of the outlet. You can significantly increase the profit of a store selling electronic cigarettes by adding related products, which in this case include: components for devices, refills, liquid components for electronic cigarettes, and much more.

Another effective way increase profits - making liquid with your own hands. It is important to observe the ratio of the components of the composition and use only high-quality ingredients.

Organizing a store selling electronic cigarettes is not difficult, the main thing is to determine the target audience, choose the right location and draw up a competent business plan for the enterprise, clearly showing all the positive and negative points ideas.

In small cafes and fashionable clubs, in a passing car and even at a bus stop, we see original electronic cigarettes. Seemingly a curiosity in the early 2000s, today they have captivated many consumers. Safety and enjoyment of thick vapor, quality and style of the product are advantages that every vaper appreciates. But not every one of them knows that today it has become easier to buy an electronic cigarette inexpensively.

The unique device generates voluminous, thick and tasty steam. What can I say, Chinese inventors surprised everyone with such a novelty. She was undoubtedly doomed to success. After all, representatives different countries susceptible nicotine addiction. Many of them appreciated the safety of vaping. And many perceived it as a way to get rid of bad habit. Each of them wanted to order an electronic cigarette. And making a smart purchase requires some knowledge.

So, let's look at the main design details of electronic cigarettes:

  • Battery part – provides power to the device. Email The cigarettes you can buy from us are equipped with batteries of different capacities.
  • Atomizer – essential element a device whose task is to generate steam. With each puff, the heating element evaporates a specialized composition. Thick and aromatic steam is formed.
  • A special liquid is filled into the atomizer flask or located in the cartomizer of disposable devices. Contains distilled water, glycerin, propylene glycol, flavoring, which can be 100% natural, and optional nicotine. Our delivery of electronic cigarettes also includes the delivery of liquids with any flavor or aroma. It can be cherries, chocolate, strawberries, mulled wine, pina colada and many others.

If you want to buy an electronic cigarette in Moscow, you will be faced with a wide and varied offer. Today in stores there are products from many manufacturers, of different configurations, quality and prices. How to make the right choice?

Which electronic cigarette to choose

  • Disposable or reusable - high-quality electronic cigarettes can be designed for constant daily vaping or one-time pleasure. For the first tests and experiments with taste, choose one-time devices. And experienced vapers should pay attention to the original reusable models.
  • Battery capacity - you can order an electronic cigarette with a battery of different capacities. The duration of its operation without recharging depends on this, but not the quality of vaping. A battery with a large capacity is enough for continuous vaping for 1-2 days. But it will cost more.
  • Whether it's a classic or the latest innovation, new original electronic cigarettes are appearing more and more often. You can always choose an interesting new product or a time-tested, high-quality and trouble-free model.
  • Charger– portable charging or directly from a USB cable.

High-quality electronic cigarettes from the best manufacturers!

If you want to buy an inexpensive electronic cigarette for one-time or regular use, contact the SmokerShop online store. We offer high-quality products from reputable global brands at the most affordable prices. You will find modern and reliable el. cigarettes, buying which will be the right decision.

For those new to vaping, starter kits are available that are easy to assemble and use immediately. For connoisseurs, there are removable elements and components. Decide which e-cigarette to choose, and we will provide a good deal and fast delivery.

Minimum wholesale order for vape business and how to make it?

Sale of electronic cigarettes,as a business is regulated by the rules of the VAPE supplier and can be divided into minimum order amounts for each specific wholesale price list, which is indicated in the order forms themselves.

The minimum order amount cannot be divided among several price lists. You indicate the desired number of electronic cigarettes for a business order directly in them and send the generated wholesale order to your manager wholesale sales of electronic cigarettes and liquids.

Those who have chosen electronic cigarettes as a business have long known that in the wholesale warehouse of electronic cigarettes there is a constant movement of inventory balances, and who vape business I recently got busy when ordering, pay attention to the column " Remainder". We recommend ordering (downloading) current price lists on the day of ordering.

Current price lists are published at 20:00 Moscow time. We accept orders on weekdays from 10:00 to 19:00. The sooner you send your order, the faster our manager will process it, and the electronic cigarette wholesale warehouse will collect it.Confirmed and prepaid orders are not subject to adjustment. Be careful when creating an order.

To the question “Is it possible to get something that is not in your price list?” We answer - “Yes, you can” - this is the norm in the vape business. To do this, send a list of products you are interested in to your manager. This may take longer and the minimum order amount will be higher.

Replacement evaporators are not shipped individually (only in packs of 5 pieces).

Payment for a wholesale order of liquids or electronic cigarettes

Payment for the order is carried out according to the issued invoice, or in cash at the company's cash desk. It is important to remember that within the framework of one contract for the supply of electronic cigarettes or liquids in bulk, the order amount cannot exceed 100,000 rubles when paying through the cash register, based on paragraph No. 6 of the instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated October 7, 2013 N 3073-U on cash payments.

In order to confirm the seriousness of your vape business intentions, for your first order you must make a 50% prepayment of the wholesale order amount. For subsequent orders, no advance payment will be required. Final payment based on actual availability and readiness for shipment.

Within 24 hours we will confirm the assembly of your order; prices will be fixed on the day the advance payment is received. Confirmed orders must be paid for within 24 hours, otherwise we cannot guarantee that fixed wholesale prices will be maintained.

Shipment and delivery of wholesale liquids and electronic cigarettes in Russia and Belarus

After full payment of the order, we ship your order at the "warehouse-to-warehouse" or "warehouse-to-door" tariff by the transport company SDEK (www.edostavka.ru). We work with other companies on a “door-to-warehouse” or “door-to-door” tariff.

Delivery of wholesale orders in Moscow by courier on the day of payment, shipment daily from 10.00 to 20.00. at courier service rates.

Pickup of bulk orders is possible at our office address Kolodezny Lane, 2a tel. 8-800-775-73-84 according to the office work schedule on weekdays from 10.00 to 20.00, on weekends from 11.00 to 16.00 payment under the supply agreement in cash at the cash desk.

Due to the increasing number of cases of partial or total loss All shipments are insured for the full value. The boxes are covered with branded tape. If another tape is stuck on top of it, then the box has probably been opened. We cover areas where boxes may be opened with our branded tape. Nothing else should be glued on top of it. If there is transparent tape on top, then open the parcel at the SDEK office right upon receipt. Draw up a Shortage Report there and then.

If you accept our terms of cooperation, we will need some of your data:

- Full name, contact phone number;
- where to send the order and who the recipient is;

Your cargo will be insured for its full value. The price of insurance will be purely symbolic, but you will also file claims against the transport company yourself.

If you want to save 200-300 rubles on insurance, please write a statement about this and send a stamped copy to your manager.


In the meantime, you are waiting for the wholesale price list at email I recommend studying the materials below ↓

→ How to buy liquid and electronic cigarettes in small wholesale without large investments?
→ How to open your own online store selling electronic cigarettes and liquids?