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A dog with a blue tongue: the chow chow as a mystery of nature. Dogs with purple tongues. Chow Chow: description of the breed, character, reviews Why does the Chow Chow dog have a blue tongue

Often information about what a dog has blue tongue For many it causes slight bewilderment, and then laughter. But such animals exist. And this breed is called Chow Chow. This is one of the oldest dogs, the origin of which, like the color of its tongue, is shrouded in many mysteries.

Some are trying to explain unusual color language from scientific point vision, others trust beautiful legends and tales.


There are some versions and legends that explain this unique phenomenon. One of the Chinese legends says that during the creation of the world, the gods, after creating the Earth and populating it with numerous living creatures, began to “decorate” the sky. When they were distributing the stars across the sky, a piece of it accidentally broke off and fell to the ground. The animals and birds got scared and tried to find shelter, but the chow-chow came up to the piece, sniffed it and carefully licked it. Since then, the brave dog's tongue has acquired a heavenly hue. Thanks to this legend, representatives of the breed are also called “the dog that licked the sky.”

According to Korean legend, the chow chow was a small Korean bear who ate a lot of blackberries, then he mutated into modern dog, but the color of the tongue remained blue. Additional confirmation serves this purpose appearance dogs that look like little fluffy bear cubs, as well as an original gait and independent nature.

Scientific explanations

Scientists have been studying this breed for a long time, but have not found a clear explanation unique color. They naturally do not trust legends and believe that chow chows appeared more than 3,000 years ago in China. This is confirmed by a figurine belonging to the Han Dynasty (206-220 BC) depicting representatives of this breed.

Mongolia is also considered as a possible homeland for these dogs, where they came from Siberia, and even before that from the Arctic. The animals lived in harsh conditions with low oxygen levels. Today, a blue tongue is considered a symptom of an acute lack of oxygen, so this version looks quite plausible.

One version suggests that chow chows descended from polar wolves, which became extinct several centuries ago. It is to them that they owe the inheritance in the form of the color of the tongue.

Like puppies

Puppies are born with characteristic pink tongues, but already a month after birth the color begins to change and becomes richer every year. This is what breeders recommend paying attention to when choosing a puppy. Puppies are usually given to new house after 1.5 months. If by this time the blue color has not appeared, it is better to refuse the purchase. Lack of pigmentation can be a manifestation not only of insufficient purity of the breed, but also of health problems.

During life, the color changes several times: from intense blue to a light lilac-blue hue. Color is affected not only by the health and morale of the animal, but also by weather conditions. For example, in the heat or with strong excitement it becomes lighter.

What does a chow chow look like?

There are standards for dogs that allow you to form an impression of the appearance of the breed:

  • a powerful, harmoniously built medium-sized dog (46-56 cm tall and weighing from 20 to 32 kg) with a strong body and a high-set tail;
  • straight limbs, with the hind limbs being more muscular than the forelimbs, stilted gait;
  • a wide flat skull with an elongated muzzle, dark oval eyes and rounded, vertically raised ears; distinctive feature The breed has a blue tongue, as seen in the photo.

As you know, the Chow Chow is one of the most ancient and mysterious breeds: dog experts are sure that dogs of this variety were found more than three thousand years ago! Evidence is a Chinese figurine dating back to the Han Dynasty, which is 206–220 BC. And all this time, lovers of the breed were wondering: why does the Chow Chow have a blue tongue?

During the life of a Chow Chow, the color of the tongue can change several times: from rich black to light lilac-blue. The color will depend on the dog’s health, his morale, or even the weather! The tongue becomes lighter in the heat or if the dog is experiencing severe anxiety.

According to science...

Despite the fact that the Chow Chow breed has been known for so long, scientists cannot explain why the tongue of these dogs is purple. Of course, there are certain versions and legends. For example, some are sure that distant relatives Chow-chows were rare polar wolves that became extinct several thousand years ago, and these dogs owe their tongue color to their distant ancestors.

The Chow Chow breed is often credited with being related to bears: the appearance of the dogs is to blame for this, they very much resemble small fluffy bear cubs. Many dog ​​experts think that the Chow is a cross between Samoyeds and bears or Elkhounds, Keyhounds or even Pomeranian Spitz. In the Chinese province of Canton, the Chow Chow is simply called “black tongue”, wolf dog or bear dog.

In addition, in China there are two varieties of Chow Chow: purebred and “bastard” Chow, which is a meat type of dog. “Bastards” are distinguished by a more pointed head shape, and their tongues are spotted - this is the case in purebreds. serious defect breeds

It is also possible that the homeland of the Chow Chow is not China at all: some are sure that the dogs got there on trade caravans from Mongolia. Chows, in turn, came to Mongolia from Siberia, and even before that they lived in the Arctic. This version seems quite plausible: animals living in harsh climates with low oxygen levels can adapt to environment. In modern times, blue tongues indicate an acute lack of oxygen, and therefore similar phenomenon may be explained by mutational features.

How are the puppies?

It is noteworthy that Chow Chow puppies are born with ordinary pink tongues; the color begins to change only a month after birth. Every year the pigmentation becomes more intense. When choosing a puppy, breeders advise paying attention to the tongue.

As a rule, puppies look for a new home after one and a half months, and if by this time they have not acquired a tongue desired color or there are stains on it - it is better to refuse the purchase. Pigmentation problems may indicate not only a breed defect, but also health problems.

If you believe the legends

There are a huge number of legends and tales in China, and a mysterious breed with purple tongue were also not spared. According to one of the “versions”, the color of the chow-chow’s tongue was due to its... Courage!

According to legend, during the creation of the world, God first created the earth and populated it with numerous animals, and then began to “decorate” the sky. While the Creator was distributing the stars across the heavens, one of the pieces of the sky broke off and fell to the ground. All living creatures were frightened and tried to hide, and only the chow-chow dog dared to approach a piece of heaven and lick it. This is how the brave dog’s tongue acquired a heavenly hue.

Of course, the Chow Chow from this legend is very similar to its modern relatives: dogs of this breed are distinguished by their curiosity, persistence and confidence. It can be assumed that a true Chow Chow will not be afraid of something that will cause many other animals to seek shelter.

Chow-chow: the dog that licked the sky...

A charming bear cub with lush shaggy hair, intelligent eyes and a bluish tongue - this is exactly how the dog, whose breed has the unusual name “Chow Chow,” is perceived. What features are characteristic of it? We will be happy to tell you about this in this article.

A mysterious visitor from the arid steppes of northern China...

Chow chow has ancient origins. A bas-relief dating back to 150 BC was painted by the Chinese hunting dog, resembling a chow chow. In the 18th-19th centuries, after Marco Polo brought the first description of the breed to Europe, only secular and highly respected individuals were the owners of such a dog.

Nowadays, anyone can buy a Chow Chow dog. But this pleasure is not cheap. But if you still decide to get yourself such a sweet friend, you need to take into account all his features.

Such a proud and independent chow-chow

After purchasing such a dog, it may seem to you that it is completely uncontrollable, and sometimes even aggressive. This is not surprising, because it is in her nature to be the leader of the pack. But only over time, as trust arises between you, will you truly be able to say that the Chow Chow is a calm dog with a very bright personality.

How to care for a chow chow?

Chows themselves are very neat dogs. But if the weather outside is wet and rainy, dirty paws cannot be avoided. Therefore, dogs of this breed are puppy age it is necessary to accustom him to washing his paws after such walks, because it is almost impossible to do this as an adult.

By the way, about walks. The Chow Chow is not a dog that will need to be walked long distances on a daily basis. A few circles around your house will be enough.

Due to their lush fur, Chow Chow representatives do not tolerate heat well. Therefore, at a time when the air temperature exceeds 25 degrees, it is necessary to choose the coolest possible place for the dog, protected from drafts. But winter is the ideal time of year for the Chow Chow.

Dogs of this breed are patient with children, but not if the chow chow is openly offended and tormented. Therefore, if you have a child, you will need to talk to him in advance about how to behave with this dog.

Thus, we can come to the conclusion that Chows are big, bright individualists who sometimes find it difficult to find mutual language with the others. But if you are firmly convinced that you could become a true friend for such a dog, and are ready to open your soul to it - feel free to choose a chow-chow!..

It is considered one of the most ancient breeds of guards. Appeared in the open spaces ancient China, as evidenced by the pictures. The blood of Spitz and Mastiff flows in their veins.

This breed acquired its name several centuries ago. Before that, it was called both a mastiff and a Tatar dog. Reliable information about the origin of this name No.

Historical information

Scientists have proven that this breed is the most ancient. It originated from wolves in the steppes of ancient China. Had wide application, were hunters and guards. They were divorced only in the monasteries of Tibet and were strictly registered.

Marco Polo, who arrived in Europe, first spoke about the existence of a dog with a blue tongue. This breed first appeared in England in the mid-nineteenth century. Selection work was also carried out there, so the breed lost its originality.

They are very difficult to train and follow commands.


They are pets. Attached to the owner, protector of the home. He behaves warily with strangers, showing aggressiveness only in in rare cases. They treat other pets poorly, not taking them seriously.

A very apathetic person who prefers to spend all his time in a secluded place, watching what is happening from the side. To keep him happy, you need to take long walks every day. They are very stubborn and use special techniques for training. It is better to invite a specialist for these needs.

Chow chow standard

The standard for this breed was approved in 1999. Is guard dog, companion. Must be compact, strong, well balanced, similar in appearance to a lion. The tail must be pressed against the back. It has a unique gait, as well as the color of its tongue. There should be no inclusions or discoloration. All these signs indicate a bad pedigree, purebred.

Some legends and facts

There are a number of legends why a dog has a purple tongue.

  • When the world was created, God created the sky, the animal was very interested and it tasted it with its tongue, after which it turned blue;
  • Previously, they had only gray and black colors and were guards of monasteries;
  • Clean animal;
  • Puppies up to one month old have a tongue of normal color, later it acquires its permanent color, there is no explanation for this phenomenon;
  • They really don’t like the dew and prefer not to walk on water;
  • They have very fast growth backbone;
  • A lot of famous personalities were Chow Chow owners.

A fairy tale for children and adults.
Why is my tongue this color? Some say that we ate too much blueberries, others say that we drank ink, confusing it with blueberry jam. But the history of our family is not comic, but heroic.
Chao-Chao raised his head from his paws. The sun has already sunk into the sea. Only the reflections on the water reminded him of him.
It was on such a night that this story happened. The dog began his story.
The new moon has arrived. The cheeky moon hung in the sky. Everyone in the small village was already asleep. And in the mountains, high above the village, an old witch brewed a secret potion that could cure various ailments and heal any wounds. It should have been enough for whole month, until next time big moon. The recipe was known only to the old woman. It was passed down from mother to daughter on her deathbed.
That night the witch was very worried. She felt that her strength was leaving her. In a month, my daughter will be cooking over a large cauldron. A witch cannot make mistakes. Each grass sank in its own time. Only when they were all immersed in the water could they begin to stir them with a long bamboo stick.
The old witch took this stick in her hands and lowered it into the cauldron. She had difficulty completing the first lap of the water. And when she started the second, the stick pulled out of her hands and the old woman lost her balance. As she fell, she touched the cauldron with her hand. The witch didn't even get burned. Everything that belonged to the old woman could not harm her.
The potion spilled from the cauldron into a mountain lake. The water darkened and began to boil. And after a few moments it began to rapidly arrive. The old woman woke up her daughter, and together they began to beat a huge frying pan hanging at the entrance to the cave.
The small village below woke up, alarmed voices and barking dogs were heard.
The old witch took the horn in her hands and shouted into it:
- I spilled the medicine into a mountain lake! It will boil until the morning, and the water will remain until the morning! We need to scoop it out, otherwise it will flood our village and wash away all life in the area!
The women below began to shout. The children started roaring. The men began to gather for the mountains.
- Wait! - a lonely old man told them. - There are too few of you. You won't have time to bail out the water from the lake.
- What to do?
- Take my dogs with you. You've never seen anything like this. This is a gift from my friend. They will help you. And he brought out twelve red puppies in a basket.
- How can puppies help us? They are too weak to carry water.
“They shouldn’t carry it,” the old man answered calmly. - They will lap it up. If your wives and children are dear to you, if you want to stay alive, take them with you. And the men took the old man’s basket with them. They didn't really believe him, but fear for their families made them obey. And the water kept rising. When the villagers reached the lake, it was already splashing at the very edge of the coastal mountains. There was no point in scooping it out with buckets anymore. Then they took the puppies out of the basket and laid them on the ledge of one of the rocks. Imagine the surprise of the men when the red lumps began to lap up the dark water like milk. It was still seething, but it began to subside. And the puppies kept lapping and lapping. The lower the water level became, the larger they became. By morning, near a quiet mountain lake with clear drinking water sat twelve huge red dogs with blueberry tongues.
The villagers were saved. And the old man gave each house a dog.
Many centuries have passed since then, but our family is revered in those places.
- Aren’t you sled dogs? - I asked in surprise.
“Anything has happened,” the dog answered proudly. - We always come to the rescue.
Chao-Chao stood up and walked along the seashore to his home. As always, without looking back.