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What do you need to take your cat on the train? Transportation of cats on long-distance trains in Russia (Russian Railways). In which classes of carriages can animals be transported?

Sometimes life situations folded in such a way that on a long trip you have to take your pet, a cat, with you. How can you transport a cat on a train so that this troublesome event does not cause problems for the owner, those around you, and the animal itself? There is no need to worry too much, this is a completely doable task, and provided all the rules are followed, a long trip will not be traumatic for the psyche of all its participants.

Transportation rules

The railway regulates the transportation of small pets. The law allows them to be transported on long-distance trains in wagons different types. But at the ticket office, tickets will not be sold to passengers with a cat in their arms in SV cars and in luxury seats.

Travel rules provide for the transportation of animals in baskets or containers, and they are checked in as hand luggage. The ticket price is the same as for 20 kg of luggage. It can be issued immediately before the train departs, but it is better to do this when you buy a ticket for yourself. Then you won’t have to arrive at the station in advance and carry a heavy container with you, and disturb an already excited animal. In the certificate hand luggage It is better to immediately indicate that the luggage is in your hands, and the cat is located in the container.

And, of course, it should be available certificate in form No. 1. It must be written out the day before departure. This necessary document is valid for only 3 days, and if it is expired, then, according to the rules provided by the railway, transportation of the animal will be denied. It indicates the epidemiological situation in the area, the owner’s full name, the age and gender of the cat, and its color. The doctor will indicate all types of vaccinations given and note that the cat has passed. It is advisable to obtain such a certificate from a state veterinary institution, then no one will have any unnecessary questions.

Which carrier to choose

For transporting animals in stores, the choice of carriers is quite extensive: there are baskets, convenient fabric bags and plastic, more massive containers. What is preferable?

The basket should be immediately excluded: unfamiliar sounds and smells have an exciting effect on the animal, and very soon the cat will get tired of sitting still and will easily get out of it.

A fabric carrier is compact, lightweight, takes up less space, and costs less. But you still have to give it up. Firstly, when closed it is poorly ventilated, and it is simply unbearable to stay in it for a long time. Secondly, if the cat behaves restlessly, it can damage the tissue base with its claws. And a loosely closed zipper is easy to open. Therefore, a container is most preferable for transporting a cat.

The transport company is concerned about the safety of its customers and requires that the container be made of high-quality material, closed on all sides, and have strong, reliable locks on the doors, this ensures that the animal will not accidentally get out of it. Ventilation openings must provide sufficient oxygen supply. But do not allow the cat to stick out its head and paws, let its fur fall out, and feces fall outside.

Choosing temporary housing and thinking about convenience pet on the way, you need to make sure that the cat can sit comfortably in it. A carrying container should not be very cramped, but it is not advisable to buy one that is too spacious. It would also be a good idea to purchase absorbent wipes at a pet store, and if you don’t have time to look there, those purchased at a regular pharmacy will do. This is in case there is an “accident” on the road and the cat does not wait for a scheduled trip to the toilet, it is possible that she may vomit.

Where to place the carrier

Usually the container with animals is placed on a shelf intended for luggage. But if the owner wants to put it on his shelf, then no one will prevent him. If you have the funds, it is permissible to pay for a separate seat and keep the carrier on it.

It is also possible to leave a container with a cat in the baggage car, but given that the owner will meet the pet only at the end of the journey, not everyone will decide to do this. It is better to endure some difficulties together than to sit and imagine the horrors that the unfortunate creature will have to endure alone.

What should you take care of in advance?

It is advisable to start preparing for a voyage with an unusual passenger in advance. It is necessary to obtain the animal's vaccination documents, and if the rabies vaccination was done about 11 months ago, then it is time to vaccinate the cat again. One more nuance is important here: 30 days must pass from the date of the last vaccination, otherwise they will not be allowed on the train with him.

When going on a trip with an animal, you must try to provide for every little detail, otherwise it will turn out that it is precisely this that is missing. right moment, and on the way it is important that everything necessary items were at hand.

On a long journey you need to take it with you bowls for food and drink, stable and small ones are suitable.

Naturally, food, water, definitely boiled. And if the journey is short, less than 20 hours, then you don’t have to feed the cat, nothing bad will happen, let it go hungry a little. But you definitely need to give her something to drink, at least little by little, especially when the air temperature is elevated. Wet wipes will also come in handy.

A tray with filler is an indispensable attribute of a long trip, because the cat must relieve itself naturally. You also need to take paper towels or a cloth with you. They definitely need to cover the tray when it becomes necessary to get rid of its contents.

Rubber gloves won't hurt either, so as not to get your hands dirty, you never know what might happen on the road.

You should also put it on your pet at home, and be sure to take it with a reliable carabiner. It is not recommended to pick up an animal without it, it is scared and strives for freedom by any means, it can even scratch the owner, break free and run away. At long stops, the leash will give you the opportunity to stretch a little, walk on the grass, and relieve your natural needs.

How to prepare an animal

The heart-rending screams of a cat trying to escape from captivity are unlikely to be pleasant to fellow travelers, and can throw anyone off balance. Therefore, it would be a good idea to consult with a veterinarian about a sedative for your pet. This is especially necessary for nervous and easily excitable animals.

When is a cat susceptible to various diseases, and stress and the road can harm his already weak health, then the doctor may recommend an immunostimulating injection.

It’s great if the container is purchased in advance. This will allow the animal to get used to the new thing. Cats are curious and love to explore unfamiliar objects. The future traveler will sniff it from all sides and will probably climb inside. She may want to sleep in it, then she will be able to bear the journey easier, because her scent will remain there, and this will calm her down.

It is not advisable to feed and water your pet abundantly the day before, and 6 hours before the trip you will have to completely eliminate food intake.

Possible difficulties

Sometimes the guide begins to be indignant that the cats will cause dirt and smell. It is necessary to assure him that caring for the cat is the responsibility of its owner, and he will try to minimize possible troubles.

If you are unlucky, and the seats nearby are occupied by conflicting people, and the presence of a pet annoys them, you need to calmly explain to them that the cat has every right to be in this place, the law provides for the transportation of live luggage. You will have to show certificates and vaccinations, assure them that the animal is healthy and its travel has been paid for. And of course, we must try to ensure that the cat disturbs others as little as possible.

Well, if you're lucky, your fellow travelers turn out to be nice and... good people If you love the animal world, then such a trip can even bring pleasure.

There are situations when you need to take your pet with you on the road. Moving to another city, a long business trip or a long-awaited vacation - all this can be a reason not to part with your beloved furry. To avoid annoying misunderstandings on the road, you should prepare for the trip in advance, especially if you are traveling by train.

Before the trip, the cat must pass full examination.

If you have made a firm decision to take your furry pet with you on a long-distance train trip, then it is important to prepare in advance for the upcoming event.

You need to know that in best case scenario It will take at least a month to process everything Required documents. During this period of time the animal will need get vaccinated , as well as undergo a full examination. Only after following these procedures will it be possible to obtain permission from the veterinary service to transport the cat.


Animal vaccination is important part preparation for the trip.

It would be a good idea to consult with your veterinarian about what other vaccinations, albeit optional, your pet may need.

Double vaccination

It is not uncommon for an animal to not be vaccinated for more than one year. In this case, double vaccination will be required at an interval of twenty days.

Naturally, preparation for the upcoming trip increases in time.

But if the animal owner carefully monitored the timely completion of all mandatory vaccinations, then it will take a little more than one month to prepare the cat for the trip, otherwise this period will extend to two months.

Veterinary passport

A veterinary passport is a required document for travel.

This is a mandatory document, without which no transport company will allow the animal to travel.

After the pet has been examined and vaccinated, the appropriate note is made in the veterinary passport: the number and series of the vaccine, as well as the date of its administration. A veterinarian's signature and a veterinary clinic seal are required..

If for some reason the animal does not have a veterinary passport, then for the trip you can use a certificate of examination and vaccination of the cat, which is issued by the veterinary service. In this case, information about the owner is entered into a special accounting book.

Veterinary certificate

The certificate must be issued three days before the intended trip.

No earlier than 3 days before the intended trip, the cat owner should visit a state veterinary hospital with his pet.

After a thorough examination of the cat and checking the authenticity of its veterinary passport, a veterinary certificate is issued in Form No. 1. It is this certificate, coupled with the cat’s veterinary passport, that is sufficient grounds to obtain permission to transport it on trains.

This official document contains the following information:

  1. Kind of animal.
  2. Number of animals, since one certificate can be issued for the simultaneous transportation of several cats.
  3. Pet's age.
  4. Data on vaccinations performed, as well as the necessary quarantine marks.

Important point: veterinary certificate in form No. 1 is valid only for three days ! Therefore, it is very important to plan your visit to the relevant institution in advance, taking into account all acceptable deadlines.

Changes in the transportation of cats on trains in Russia from January 2017

You can only travel with a cat in hard compartment carriages.

However, such difficulties with registering a pet were valid until January 2017.

According to the updated rules for transporting pets on Russian Railways, conductors no longer have the right to demand a veterinary certificate from the cat owner.

But, as practice shows, it is best to insure yourself against possible misunderstandings and waste of nerves associated with bureaucracy, and provide your pet with a full set of veterinary documents.

Purchasing a separate place

All documents must be shown to the conductor when boarding the carriage.

It should be taken into account that if you take your beloved cat with you on the road, you will need to purchase a separate ticket for it, intended for carrying hand luggage.

That is a pet in this case it will be considered as baggage , whose weight does not exceed twenty kilograms. The cost of such a ticket will depend, first of all, on the distance and current tariffs. When purchasing a ticket at the box office, the animal owner will be required to provide a veterinary certificate with an issue date no more than three days before the departure date. It will also need to be provided to the conductor when boarding the carriage.

An important point: you can travel with your pet only in hard compartment carriages. That is, even with all the desire and opportunity, taking a cat with you in a compartment of a SV carriage (double compartment) or a luxury carriage will not work.

How to transport a cat and a cat on a train?

The animal should be transported in a special container.

According to the established rules, you can take a cat with you in a compartment only on the condition that the entire time the train travels it will be in a special cage or container with a secure lock.

The best option would be a plastic container with a lattice door.

But just keep in mind that cats can be transported on trains container measuring no more than 180 cm when adding three dimensions. This means that when adding the height, width and length of the cage, the result should be a value not exceeding 180 cm. For example, a suitable option would be a carrier with a length of 70 cm, a width of 70 cm and a height of 40 cm (70+70+40=180).

Before buying a ticket

Before purchasing a ticket for your pet, you should take accurate measurements of its container and, just in case, weigh it along with the animal. As stated above, the weight of the “luggage” should not exceed 20 kg.

But it’s best to play it safe and call hotline RJ, inquire about the nuances of transporting a pet.

What else do you need to transport a cat on a train?

Among other things, you should take with you on the road a harness, special absorbent sanitary napkins, bottled water, food in small bags, as well as a first aid kit, which must contain cotton pads, antiseptic, herbal soothing drops, etc.

When traveling on the road, many pet owners do not want to leave their pet in their care. strangers, preferring to take it with you on a trip. In this case, you need to pay attention to the fact that transporting animals on trains requires compliance with certain regulations. If a citizen ignores the instructions, then the conductor has every right to deny him the opportunity to board the carriage.

General procedure for transporting animals

Until recently, the regulations regarding travel with pets, both on long-distance and short-distance trains, were strict and had a considerable number of restrictions. In January of this year, amendments came into force allowing animals to be transported without a pre-issued veterinary certificate.

A pet’s health certificate is still required if its owner has changed or if the transportation is related to any type of business. In other cases, paperwork for the animal is not required.

The transportation rules, which apply to all animals without exception, are as follows:

  1. Transportation is permitted only in designated areas. If you try to enter a carriage that is not intended for transportation, the conductor has the right not to let the intruder through.
  2. Small animals - cats, birds, fish, rodents, lizards, small dogs - should be placed in containers or carriers, boxes, baskets, cages. The total size of the portable container should not be more than 180 cm. The container should be placed strictly in places for hand luggage.
  3. Transport containers should not accommodate more than two small pets. The rule applies to train cars of all categories.
  4. Payment, if necessary, is made immediately before the train departs, at the station.
  5. The owners are responsible for feeding the animals and maintaining cleanliness by carrying out timely cleaning of the carrier.

Guide dogs are allowed on trains and carriages of all categories absolutely free of charge. The animal must be in close proximity to the citizen it is accompanying. The presence of a leash and muzzle is required.

Types of carriages for transporting pets

The transportation regulations state that transportation cannot be carried out in all carriages - the selection of space depends on the size of the animal. The carriages of most Russian trains belong to JSC FPC, the seats of which are divided by class. IN high speed trains The following conditions of carriage apply:

  1. "Allegro" - transportation on a paid basis in the places provided for this.
  2. "Sapsan" - transportation on a paid basis in economy, business and first class carriages in designated seats. At the same time, only one animal or bird can be issued for one ticket. Placing more than two pets in one place is also prohibited. In a negotiation compartment, you are allowed to carry no more than one pet per seat and no more than four animals per compartment.
  3. "Strizh" - transportation is paid in a "2B" type carriage.
  4. "Lastochka" - toll fare on special places. No more than one pet per ticket and no more than two per seat.

Not all carriages of JSC FPC allow pets, so before purchasing a ticket, you should make sure that such a service is provided in the carriage. If the train belongs to another carrier, you should clarify in advance exactly how the process is carried out.

If, in the opinion of Russian Railways employees, a large animal poses a potential threat and may be dangerous for passengers, their owners may be denied transportation.

Conditions for transporting animals

Placing livestock on long-distance trains can be either paid or free. It all depends on the category of the carriage and the size of the pet itself.

Small animals, for example, cats, birds, tame dogs, can be transported in carriages:

  • 1A, 1M, 1I, 1E, 1B (luxury and SV) - free of charge;
  • 2B, 2E, as well as 1U, 1E (SV) - free of charge if the condition of a full purchase of the compartment is met;
  • 2U, 2K, 2L – involves payment, but without purchasing all compartment seats;
  • 1B - does not require payment;
  • 3U, 3D (reserved seat) and 3O (general carriage) are provided for payment, without purchasing all other seats;
  • 3G, 2B – for an additional amount without purchasing all seats.

Containers with transported animals must be located in places intended for hand luggage in such a way that the possibility of causing any harm to passengers or train employees is completely excluded.

Larger animals - service animals, hunting animals and just big dogs, may be placed in the following types of cars:

  • 1B – no more than one pet free of charge;
  • 2B, 2E – only one pet free of charge with the purchase of a compartment;
  • 1L, 1U, 1B (SV) - does not require a fee, but no more than one large pet is allowed, taking into account the purchase of the entire compartment;
  • 2U, 2K, 2L – transportation of several dogs does not require payment when purchasing the entire space of the compartment.

Transporting large pets is only permissible if they are wearing a muzzle and a leash. The presence of an accompanying person is required. In this case, the number of people and animals in a compartment should not exceed the sum of the seats in it.

Transportation cost

Payment for transporting pets depends on the distance the train must cover.

On average, the cost of travel for dogs, cats and other pets will vary from 150 to 750 rubles.

Transportation of pets in electric trains

Carriage on short-haul trains is not prohibited. small dogs without specialized containers, but with a leash and muzzle. But in this case, cats can simply be held in your arms.

As for larger dogs, they should be transported in a vestibule, kept on a leash and muzzled. In this case, the presence of more than two large dogs in one carriage. You will also need to pay additional transportation fees.

Video about transporting animals

The travel of pets on trains with their owners is subject to strict rules. It is not possible to carry out transportation in all types of wagons. Before buying a ticket, you should check with the cashier whether transporting animals is allowed and how much it will cost.

People planning to travel with their pet by rail should definitely learn how to transport a cat on a train. Exist certain rules that must be adhered to. This will avoid unnecessary troubles and make the trip comfortable for yourself, the animal and other passengers.


You need to prepare in advance for traveling in the company of a cat on a train. This won't cause much trouble now. New rules for transporting cats by rail, adopted in 2017, do not require an animal passport with information on vaccinations, veterinary certificate No. 1 and other certificates. You won’t have to run around to authorities and hospitals.

However, this only applies to cases where the animal is transported within Russia. If you travel abroad, you will have to prepare documents. It should be taken into account that in different countries Requirements for transporting cats by train may vary. You need to familiarize yourself with them so as not to “get into a puddle.”

Although Russian legislation does not oblige owners of cats and dogs to vaccinate their pets before traveling by train; it is still advisable to vaccinate them. Especially if you plan to transport your pet over long distances. You never know what kind of infection an animal can pick up on the road or while living in another city. Before transporting a cat, it is recommended to do:

  • all standard vaccinations;
  • rabies vaccination.

The first should be done no later than a few days before traveling by train, since it is unknown how the cat’s body will react to the vaccine. It is better to survive the illness at home, in comfortable conditions than in transport. Rabies vaccination should be carried out a month before you plan to transport your pet.

When preparing for a train trip, you should definitely take care of the “container” in which the cat will sit. You can transport a kitten to another city in a travel bag or basket. Especially if we're talking about about traveling short distances. In principle, and adult cat It will cost you a bag if the train journey only takes a couple of hours.

However, when you are planning a long journey, it is better to use a special portable container for cats with a grille on the front door: spacious enough to comfortably stretch out their paws, with normal access to air and light. Such devices are very popular today and can often be seen on trains; They are sold in pet stores.

To avoid cat hysterics during transportation, experts advise putting the bag or container on public display in the house in advance. The animal will definitely become interested in the new thing, sniff it, and climb inside. As a result, when the moment of transportation comes, the cage will no longer frighten the cat. His scent will remain on her.

If you plan to use a portable container, then you need to remember that the total of all three of its sides should not exceed 1.8 m. This is the rule for transporting luggage in a train carriage, stipulated by Russian Railways.

Another piece of advice from veterinarians. You should not feed your cat the night before your trip. The last meal should be no later than 6 hours before boarding the train. Otherwise, the risk of unpleasant situations is too high. Animals get sick on trains just as often as people. In addition, in transport they experience severe stress, which does not contribute to digestion.

Buying tickets

Cats are not hares, and you can’t carry them on the train for free. You will have to buy a document, namely a baggage receipt, on which the appropriate mark will be placed. For example, “cat in a container”, “in a bag” or something similar.

It should be remembered that if the portable “house” together with the animal weighs more than two dozen kilograms, it is no longer considered hand luggage. This is additional baggage. A receipt for it can only be issued at the railway ticket office. All agencies and other institutions involved in organizing train travel do not have the right to issue them.

According to the rules, one passenger can carry only one cat on the train. If there are more animals, you will have to take one of your family or friends with you. Otherwise, they will drop you off along with the entire “menagerie”.

Additional nuances:

  • a receipt for transporting a cat on a train should be issued no later than an hour before the departure of the last one;
  • According to the rules, travel of animals in carriages or VIP class compartments is prohibited.

Most likely, railway workers take care of railway property in this way, which could be damaged by a cat or dog.

Rules of conduct on the road

You must transport a cat on a train in accordance with the rules defined by law. The most important:

  • When boarding, show the conductor-controller the purchased document for transporting the animal.
  • Place the container or bag with the cat in special places intended for hand luggage. They must under no circumstances disturb other passengers.
  • If the animal is transported in a bag, its head must remain open.
  • It is strongly not recommended to let the cat out of the “house” for a walk around the train carriage. It can damage other people’s property, scratch someone, “make” a puddle or make a pile. It's even worse if one of the passengers catches it and throws it out the window. People are different. The most likely thing that can happen is that a stunned cat will hide out of fear in some secluded corner, from where it will be difficult to get it out. If the trip is very long, the maximum that is allowed is to walk your pet around the carriage on a leash.
  • When transporting a cat on a train, you need to first line the bottom of the bag or container with disposable absorbent diapers. You should take a supply of them with you; after a while there will be a need to replace them.
  • If the trip is not very long, it is better not to feed the cat on the train.

Animals tolerate travel much more worse than people. Therefore, when planning to transport a cat over very long distances, when the journey takes several days by train, it would be better to refuse railway services and buy a plane ticket. This is often more expensive, but much more convenient for both people and animals.