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What medications can be carried on an airplane in hand luggage and luggage. Medicine (tablets) in hand luggage or luggage

Hello everyone, my dears! I know that many travelers have questions about how to provide themselves with all the necessary and usual medications abroad. So come on, today I’ll tell you in detail how to carry medications on an airplane.

In general, the rules are simple and there are not very many of them. Therefore, read them carefully once, and most of the questions will disappear on your own. So...

In this article:

1. Customs restrictions

I never tire of repeating that the most important restriction when flying to another country and when crossing state borders is customs rules. It is customs that controls the import and export of various goods. And medications in this case were no exception.

Some drugs contain potent substances. Most often this is:

  • strong painkillers
  • psychotropic drugs
  • hypnotic.

It is these medications that may raise questions. If your first aid kit is quite standard and you do not need special drugs, then you probably don't have anything to worry about. But remember that each country may introduce its own rules and restrictions on the import of medicines at any time.

For example, such a harmless drug as Nurofen Plus contains codeine (a drug). It is better to exclude such products from your first aid kit.

And if you are flying domestically, then again you should not worry about your first aid kit. However, there are some rules that we'll talk a little lower.

2. Security restrictions

Another control that each of us is subjected to at the airport is security control. It is he who determines how many liquids can be carried on board, and establishes other, even sometimes seemingly ridiculous, rules. So.

1) The number of drugs transported within the country is not limited, but all of them must be in production packaging. Agree, tablets of unknown origin in a box may look suspicious and raise questions among control officers.

2) Liquid medicines obey general rule transportation: each container is no more than 100 ml, the quantity is no more than 10 pieces and all of them must be packed in one transparent plastic bag with a zipper.

3) If during a flight it is necessary to take liquid medications whose volume exceeds 100 ml, a doctor’s prescription and an extract from the medical history are required. And the medicine must be presented at the control.

4) It is prohibited to transport psychotropic and narcotic drugs or medications that contain them. An exception is made only in cases where it is necessary for the passenger. Then you need to present a certified extract from your medical history, a prescription from a doctor, and you may need a receipt confirming the legal purchase.

Additionally, if you are flying abroad, all documents must be translated into English language and certified by a notary.

My first aid kit

I admit that I have never had any problems with carrying medications on an airplane: I do not need to constantly take a specific drug, and my first aid kit always contains the simplest and most necessary medications. Let me list them:

1. Antipyretic: paracetamol - 2 plates.
2. Painkiller: citramon - 1 plate.
3. For stomach problems: Activated carbon- 3 plates, smecta - 3 bags, hastal - 1 plate, imodium - 1 plate.
4. For allergies: cetrin - 1 pack.
5. To quickly combat colds: Rinza powder - 1 package.
6. Bandage, set of plasters, iodine pencil.
7. MANDATORY: Lyoton - 1 small tube.

I took all this with me in my hand luggage.

Medical devices and devices

Besides hand luggage(that is, the main bag) you can take the following things into the aircraft cabin:

cane, crutches and other orthopedic devices;
dry ice for storing medicines or products (no more than 2 kg per person);
electronic thermometer, tonometer (some allow mercury, but it’s better not to risk it);
- barometer or mercury manometer in a case (hermetically packed and sealed);
needles for subcutaneous injections(with proper medical confirmation).

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That’s all for today, thank you again for your attention and bye!

You can transport a regular travel first aid kit without any problems. But if you are forced to regularly take prescription medications, there are certain requirements.

The requirements for carrying medications on an airplane differ depending on whether you will be crossing the border or not.

If you plan to fly across Russia, then there are no restrictions on movement medicines No.

You can carry any amount of medicine in your luggage, but you need to remember about liquids in your hand luggage.

According to aviation safety rules, you can take no more than 1 liter of liquid into the aircraft cabin, in containers with a volume of no more than 100 ml each.

If you need to transfer medicine for yourself and the container volume is more than 100 ml, then take with you a prescription from a doctor or an extract from your medical history signed and stamped.

If you are arriving or departing from Russia:
Be sure to check out the list medicinal substances and drugs that are prohibited for import and export. Please note that the list contains not only the names of drugs, but also the names of prohibited substances. If they are contained in your medicine, then they are prohibited for transportation without the appropriate documents (prescription or doctor’s certificate).

Most often, painkillers containing narcotic substances, such as codeine (Pentalgin, Piralgin, Solpadein, Nurofen Plus), as well as some cough medications, such as Codelac Broncho, are prohibited.

Another point to keep in mind is the amount of medication. If you are carrying more than 5 packages of one item, even if there are no restrictions on import and export, this is considered a small wholesale.

Flights abroad:
Before flying abroad, you should familiarize yourself with the customs regulations of the country where you are flying. Many countries prohibit the import of drugs and psychotropic substances their list and names differ from the Russian one.

For example, the import of Corvalol and Valocordin is prohibited in many countries. Active substance These drugs are phenobarbital, which in a number of countries is considered a narcotic and is prohibited for import and sale. In particular, Corvalol is prohibited for import into Lithuania and the USA, and Valocordin is prohibited for import into Lithuania, Estonia, the USA and the UAE.

If you are taking any medication on a regular basis and it falls under the liquids restriction in your carry-on baggage (its volume is more than 100 ml), you must:

1. Pack the medications in advance in a separate transparent bag and take it out when going through security.

2. Before your belongings are scanned by the security service, inform that you are carrying liquid medications and their volume is more than 100 ml.

3. Show the security officer a prescription or an extract from your medical history. If the case occurs abroad, the prescription must be translated into English (or the language of the country where you are being screened) by a certified translator.

Please note that the medicine must be in its original packaging. You cannot pour it into your container.

If you are transporting medications that contain illegal narcotic or psychotropic substances, be sure to take a prescription from your doctor. Even if it is available without a prescription in the country where you bought it, for example Corvalol.

The medicine must be in original packaging. This is not always convenient, especially if you need to take a lot of pills, but these are the rules.

It is prohibited to transport such medications in your own container!

These medications must be in a transparent bag; before inspection, take it out and place it separately for scanning.

Show your prescription or medical history from your doctor. If you are abroad, your prescription must be translated into English (or the language of the country where you are being screened) by a certified translator.

In many foreign countries, prescription medications are issued not in branded packaging, but in a standard jar with a sticker. The sticker must contain the name of the drug, as well as the name of the patient. In this case, an extract from the medical history or a prescription is not required.

Australia is the strictest country when it comes to the movement of medicines. Even if you are carrying medications in your checked baggage, you will be asked to provide a prescription.

Some medications require certain storage conditions. For example, many injectable medications need to be refrigerated. In this case, you can take on board the plane a small cooler bag for storing medicines or a special container with ice or cold packs, but the doctor's certificate or the instructions for the medicine must indicate that the medicine must be stored in the refrigerator.

If the instructions are only in Russian, and you are undergoing inspection abroad, then it must also be translated.

What happens if I don't have a doctor's prescription?

Since prohibited medications are classified as narcotic and psychotropic substances, violation of the rules for their movement may result in criminal liability.

Always pay attention to the composition of painkillers, sleeping pills, sedatives, diuretics (diuretics), cough and heart medications. They may contain narcotic and psychotropic substances.

When preparing for a trip, an experienced tourist always takes a first aid kit with him. We'll tell you which medications will raise questions at customs, how to pack medications, and what it's best not to take on a trip.

Remember 3 main rules:

  1. only original factory packaging,
  2. check the list of prohibited drugs in the country of arrival,
  3. a doctor's certificate, an extract from the medical history and instructions for all strong medications.

And yes, it’s better not to bring medicines purchased abroad to Russia, medicinal herbs and weight loss products.

Medicines in luggage

You can fly around Russia with any set of medications in your luggage. If you're flying abroad, pack your first aid kit in your checked baggage. There are no restrictions on the number of drugs, if the list of drugs is standard and the quantity is reasonable, there will be no problems:

  • standard list - you are not carrying painkillers, psychotropic or potent substances,
  • reasonable quantity - you have no more than 5 boxes of one medicine with you.

Medicines in hand luggage

When traveling with a first aid kit on an airplane with hand luggage, follow these simple steps:

  • take it in packaging from the manufacturer with instructions,
  • replace syrups with tablet form,
  • aerosols and pressurized sprays are prohibited,
  • take psychotropic and painkillers only with a certificate,
  • check that the drug is not on the list of prohibited drugs at the point of arrival.

The rules for transporting liquids do not apply to medicines, provided that you need the medicines and are prescribed by a doctor - that is, you have a certificate or a prescription. In other cases, choose liquid medicines, drops and syrups in packages of less than 100 ml and limit them to 1 liter of all liquids per passenger.

What medications to take on a plane

  1. medications prescribed by a doctor;
  2. for colds: electronic thermometer, Nurofen, flu powder;
  3. from the abdomen: activated carbon, smecta, enterol;
  4. for pain: citramon, paracetamol, ibuprofen;
  5. for wounds: bactericidal patch, brilliant green in a pencil, baneocin, bandage;
  6. for allergies: fenistil, Zyrtec, Claritin;
  7. for the runny nose: otrivin, aquamaris, nazol.

Before traveling, check the expiration date of all medications; you cannot bring expired medications.

For potent drugs

Take any with you necessary medications, following the rules:

Red corridor: which medicines need to be declared

When crossing the border, indicate in the customs declaration the medications included in lists II and III of the list: potent drugs, narcotic, psychotropic substances, poisonous, radioactive substances must be registered. Show the customs officers a doctor's certificate stating the daily dosage, your name and the seal of the clinic.

What medications are not allowed on a plane?

If you want to avoid problems, cross out these drugs from your travel first aid kit:

  • Valocordin
  • Corvalol
  • Pentalgin
  • Piralgin
  • Solpadeine
  • Nurofen plus
  • Codelac broncho
  • Ketanov
  • Analgin
  • Codeine
  • Diazepam
  • Biseptol
  • Tramal
  • Lorazepam
  • Zolpidem
  • Estazolam

Do not take strong painkillers, sleeping pills, drugs for depression, drugs for weight loss, drugs containing phenobarbital, diuretics, antibiotics, alcohol tinctures unless necessary.

What drugs are prohibited in the country of arrival, check with the consulate or on the website of the local customs office.

Is it possible to carry ampoules?

You can, if they are necessary: ​​bring the ampoules in their original packaging, prepare a doctor’s certificate, a prescription and a receipt from the pharmacy. If the flight is international, have the documents translated.

Can nasal drops be taken on a plane?

Nasal drops will not cause problems: the bottle is small and there will be no unnecessary questions. If there are a lot of bottles, keep the original packaging and have a certificate.

How to transport lens liquid

Buy mini-packs of 60 ml lens solution and 30-50 ml eye drops. Look for a travel kit in the store; it includes a lens case, tweezers and 1-2 small packages of solution. Or wear glasses during the flight, and buy daily lenses for your vacation.

Carrying insulin on an airplane

Get a certificate from the clinic about the prescription of the drug and daily dosage, if you are carrying it in a refrigerator bag, prepare an annotation that states storage conditions up to +8 degrees.

Diabetic tourists often carry insulin without a camp refrigerator, of course, if the flight is not to hot countries.
Need syringes for injections - the airline will ask for a medical justification or allow you to carry needles only in luggage. A diabetic passport will also come in handy.

Devices and medical equipment

Special devices required for medical indications do not depend on the carry-on baggage allowance and are carried additionally and free of charge: wheelchair, walkers, crutches and canes. If necessary, take with you on your flight an electronic thermometer, a blood pressure monitor, a couple of kg of dry ice and 100 ml of peroxide.

It's better not to get sick while traveling. But you shouldn’t take half the pharmacy with you. Determine the minimum required for yourself and take out medical insurance for the duration of your trip. Or you can get insurance, use one of the stores to buy insurance online, for example

Almost all tourists take on the road medical kit with essential drugs. Because of sharp drop pressure, some passengers experience headaches, nausea, and other side effects. Take off unpleasant symptoms medications taken on the road allow.

Medicines are always taken on planes by passengers with small children, pensioners, and people of different ages suffering from chronic diseases.

When packing a first aid kit for the trip, be sure to study the rules for transporting medications on board the ship, and also find out which medications can be transported without a doctor’s prescription, and which medications will require a doctor’s prescription. This precaution will help you avoid any hassles during air travel. You can find the basic rules for carrying baggage on an airplane in this article. With.

Rules for transporting medicines on an airplane

Transportation rules medicines on board airliners are created solely for safety purposes. When planning a trip abroad, passengers should familiarize themselves in advance with the list of medications prohibited for import into the territory of the country where the flight is planned. This information is posted on the websites of the customs services of each state receiving flights from different countries peace.

Basic rules for transporting medications on an airplane:

  1. In the first aid kit you can take the most necessary drugs in limited quantities. Maximum quantity – 5 packages. If the passenger plans long stay on the territory of a foreign state and takes on the road vital drugs for the entire course for daily use, he must present them to the authorized employees of the aviation company official appointment from the doctor.
  2. Drugs and psychotropic effect may be transported on an airplane only with a prescription and prescription from the attending physician.
  3. It is mandatory to declare medications in quantities of more than 5 packages of the same type.
  4. Medicines with expired suitability.
  5. Tablets, capsules and liquid preparations must be kept exclusively in their original packaging.

Medicines can be carried on an airplane in general baggage or in hand luggage. Before packing your travel bags, find out which medications can be taken on board the aircraft, and which ones are best sent straight to the luggage compartment.

Transporting medicines in hand luggage

You are allowed to take a small amount of medicine needed for the duration of the flight in your hand luggage. It is better to immediately pack all other medications taken with reserve into your main baggage for transportation in the cargo hold of the plane. You can familiarize yourself with the rules for the permissible weight of baggage on the plane and hand luggage.

Rules for transporting medicines in hand luggage:

  • You are allowed to take on board only the most necessary medications in minimal quantities.
  • All medications must be in their original packaging.
  • The volume of liquid medications in one container should not exceed 100 ml.
  • Drugs transported in hand luggage are not subject to weighing and are transported as excess baggage free of charge.
  • Cannot be transported in the cabin mercury thermometers and syringes with needles. To people suffering diabetes mellitus and other diseases that require regular injections, you are allowed to take packed syringes with needles in your hand luggage if you have a doctor’s certificate.
  • Carrying on an airplane is not permitted medical alcohol(too high strength, exceeding the maximum limit - 70 degrees).

Other useful articles:

Carrying medicines in the luggage compartment

You can take the necessary medications for the duration of your trip in a suitcase or travel bag. The total volume must not exceed the standards established by the carrier. If medications are transported in excess quantities, the passenger must present an official document with a personal signature of a doctor and a wet stamp confirming this fact.

Medicines must be in their original packaging. The total volume of liquid medicines should not exceed 1 liter per passenger. This category includes syrups, mixtures, medicinal gels, sprays, ointments and creams.

Each carrier may make certain adjustments to the rules for transporting medicines on an airplane. When planning to take a first aid kit with medications on the road, read in advance the rules for transporting medications on the website of the airline you have chosen for your tourist air travel. You will find a list of permitted and prohibited items in airplane luggage.

What medications can and cannot be carried on an airplane?

Each country has certain restrictions on the import of medicines. Many drugs that are freely sold and transported in the Russian Federation are prohibited from being transported abroad.

So as not to find unpleasant problems with customs services, carefully study the list of permitted and prohibited drugs for import into the country where you are planning to fly.

On domestic flights

Special restrictions on the transportation of medicines on flights internal direction not available, with the exception of transportation of psychotropic and narcotic drugs. These medications can only be transported with a prescription from a doctor and a receipt for purchasing the medication at a pharmacy.

You can take essential supplies to the salon:

  • headache tablets;
  • analgesics and antispasmodics;
  • drugs that normalize blood pressure;
  • drops for the nose, eyes, ears;
  • throat sprays;
  • febrifuge;
  • a mild sleeping pill that does not contain any prohibited components.

Medicines should be transported in their original packaging in a transparent zip-lock bag. Liquid products transported in closed containers up to 100 ml. For safe transportation of medicines, the instructions of which indicate a low storage temperature, you can take dry ice on the road to cool the transported items.

What medications cannot be transported abroad?

The customs regulations of different countries of the world contain a list of medications that are not permitted for import into the country. This information is published on the official websites of customs services.

A country Prohibited medications
USA Analgin, Pentalgin, Tetralgin, Valocordin, Corvalol, Andipal, Baralgin, as well as drugs of the narcotic and psychotropic group.
Canada Melatonin-based drugs, Methadone, Alfamethadol.
EU countries Spazgan, Spazmalin, Analgin, Tetralgin, Baralgin and other drugs in this group, as well as melatonin-based drugs, narcotic and psychotropic drugs.
Lithuania Corvalol and other phenobarbitals, psychotropic and narcotic drugs.
Germany Nimesulide, drugs of the narcotic and psychotropic group.
United Arab Emirates Codeine-based drugs, narcotic and psychotropic medications.
Estonia Corvalol, Valocordin and other phenobarbital-based drugs, psychotropic and narcotic drugs.

Adjustments are often made to the lists of permitted and prohibited drugs, so do not be lazy to study the list of prohibited medications in advance on the official customs website of the country you have chosen for travel.

If you take illegal drugs on an air flight, you can get into a lot of problems with customs officers during pre-flight inspection. If prohibited medications are detected, the passenger may be removed from the flight, fined, or confiscated the transported medications.

Criminal penalties are provided for the illegal transportation of narcotic and psychotropic drugs. Remember this and do not take prohibited medications on the road without having a medical certificate from a doctor confirming the need for their transportation.

Any traveler, packing his bags for a trip, thinks about how to take with him everything he needs and comply with all transportation rules. One of the first things you need on the road is medicine and first aid supplies. Chronic diseases or diseases that do not cause harm to others are not a reason to refuse travel. Some people need potent drugs, some are afraid of not getting an injection on time, and others just need to take a pill at a specific time.

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Therefore, questions arise about whether it is possible to transport medicines on an airplane, how to avoid problems with customs, what is allowed or prohibited by transportation rules, etc.

Rules for transporting medicines on an airplane

Airlines have certain requirements for carrying medications on board. U different organizations they may change, but these changes are minor.

Features of transporting medicines on board the aircraft:

  1. Drugs cannot be transported on board, regardless of the form of release.
  2. If the drug is potent, then a prescription from your doctor is required. A signature and seal are required. IN special cases on this category medicines, a customs declaration is completed.
  3. If an airline client has chronic illness which requires constant use of medications, this must be confirmed by a certificate from medical institution. The certificate must contain: the name of the drug, its dosage form.
  4. Liquid medications, ointments, creams, drops and the like can be transported in the cabin if their volume is not more than 100 ml.
  5. It is better to keep all products exclusively in the packaging in which they were purchased. It is unacceptable to pour or pour them into containers, jars, bags and various self-prepared containers. The name of the medicine and its labeling must be visible on the factory packaging.
  6. The volume of medications must correspond to the amount of travel time.

Typically, all necessary items are packed in transparent bags and provided to the employees who carry out the pre-flight inspection.

Attention! More detailed information For the transportation of medicines and the individual requirements of the employees of each company, it is best to clarify in advance before traveling by calling.

Compliance with these rules will help you avoid unnecessary waste nerves and will make the trip more enjoyable.

What medications can be carried in hand luggage?

Among travelers there are many who have enough serious problems with health, and who need to constantly take any medications. There are situations when the medicine needs to be taken immediately. The question of what medications can be taken on a plane in hand luggage is very relevant.

Medicines have their own division: for transportation in hand luggage and for other drugs that are checked into the luggage compartment of the aircraft.

Most tablets can be carried on the plane and carried in their bag, which the passenger takes with them into the cabin. Only their number is taken into account. Minor difficulties arise with the use of aerosols, injection cans, tubes of ointments or containers with any liquid solutions. These types dosage forms carried in hand luggage only in as a last resort and have their own transportation rules, which were discussed above.

Situations are different, and each requires its own individual approach and the attention of airline employees. Most often, the treatment prescribed by the doctor must be followed, regardless of the conditions and situation. People with bronchial asthma it is necessary to relieve the attack using inhalation. Diabetics cannot do without insulin injections and syringes. Passengers with visual impairments sometimes need to be treated contact lenses liquid medicines. An epileptic may not survive the flight without constant medication.

Some airlines allow passengers to carry one mercury or electronic thermometer. You can also have a blood pressure monitor with you. You can find out what you are allowed to take into the cabin and under what conditions on the website of a specific air carrier.

What medications can be carried in luggage?

If the drug is allowed to be exported, it is better to check it in your luggage. Most often, such medications are various liquids, antiseptics and gels. Also, medications with a volume exceeding 100 ml are checked into the luggage compartment.

Every plane has its own first aid kit for both passengers and crew. There is always an opportunity to notify flight attendants about an emergency situation. Airline employees are well trained in emergency first aid.

Features of transporting medicines abroad

The Russian Customs Service has compiled lists of medications that can be taken on the plane. The government of our country has approved a list of psychotropic, potent and narcotic substances that are under control. Drugs that are not included in these three categories, as well as if the quantity of any medicine is no more than 5 packages, will easily pass through customs inspection.

Important! If there is a need for a medicine from the prohibited list, then you need to fill out a special declaration. With such items you will have to go through special control, called the red corridor, where you will need to fulfill all the requirements of the customs officer and present him with a declaration and medical report doctor If the passenger also takes with him the receipts for which the medicine and prescription were purchased, then this will only be a plus.

The doctor's certificate must contain:

  • name of the medicine;
  • dosage and frequency of administration;
  • date when treatment began;
  • the date on which it ended or is expected to end.

When transporting medicines within the country, obstacles are not specified in the legislation. To be on the safe side, you can take an extract from your medical history, but usually it is not required. International customs has stricter requirements for such items, and when transporting them across the border, it is necessary to have confirmation that the drugs were purchased legally.

Important! The export ban applies not only to the list of drugs listed above, but also to all other drugs containing substances from the list of the Federal Customs Service.

When making purchases in foreign countries, carefully study the composition of goods and products. There may be potent substances inside that the traveler may not be aware of. In European Union countries, a guest with a common cough medicine that includes codeine will not be understood. In Germany, we will have to answer for our popular antipyretic and painkillers that contain nimesulide. And Russian Corvalol and Valocordin are included in the lists of prohibited substances in almost all territories of the countries. Metamizole sodium, contained in analgin, will also entail appropriate punishment.

It's good if similar cases will only end in a fine or administrative liability. Each country has its own rules. What can be sold in Russia without a prescription may be prohibited for free use in other countries. Australia is the most cautious country in terms of medicines and it is worth knowing that if you are going there, you must have a doctor's prescription for any drug, even if it is ascorbic acid or activated carbon.

The lists of prohibited substances are constantly updated, so it is difficult to keep abreast of all the innovations. Therefore, it is better to prepare for the trip in advance.

If the medicine is vital for a person going abroad, you should have all the recipes, receipts and recommendations of the medical institution with signatures, seals and English translation. It would not be amiss to assure Required documents at the notary. For example, if a traveler has medical status diabetic, he has the opportunity to obtain a special passport for a person who constantly needs insulin.

What is better to take on a trip?

Essential medicines, on which not only the health but also the life of the passenger depends, must be in the first aid kit - capsules, pills or syringes. Yes, you will have to run around a lot and collect a lot of supporting evidence, but you will have peace of mind. Also worth considering emergencies and have first aid supplies with you. When you fly to a foreign country, you can buy a lot of things on the spot, which means you shouldn’t stock up on such things for future use.

It will be useful to have with you on flights:

  1. A remedy for ear congestion during a flight – Nazivin. A few minutes before the flight you just need to drop it into your nose.
  2. Medicines that prevent motion sickness - Avia-sea or Dramamine.
  3. Iodine for children in case of abrasions and wounds.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide, cotton wool and bandages.
  5. Sterile patch.
  6. Wet wipes.
  7. Diarrhea remedy and activated charcoal - in case the local cuisine is not suitable.
  8. Painkiller Pentalgin.
  9. As allergic remedy– Cetrin or Laratadine.
  10. When visiting a hot country, it is better not to forget sunscreen.
  11. For exotic countries, it is good to take insect bite repellent.

Often prices for such things are unreasonably inflated, especially in resort areas. That is why you need to take care of the planned transportation of medications at home.

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to carry medications on board an airplane is positive, but it is better to study all the rules and requirements at the stage of planning the trip. It is advisable to get advice from the airline office and from a doctor to avoid unnecessary problems and waste of your personal time and effort.

Question answer

Question: Is it possible to carry syringes in hand luggage on an airplane?

Answer: Syringes are prohibited on most airlines. Some organizations allow syringes to be transported in original packaging and with needle caps. Patients with diabetes can take syringes to the salon with documentation indicating the doses, dates, and hourly schedule for administering the drug.

Question: Can I take tweezers in hand luggage on a plane?

Answer: This item does not appear in the air transportation rules. But since eyebrow tweezers have sharp edges, employees have the right to act at their own discretion for safety reasons. Tweezers can be checked in as luggage or purchased at the place of arrival.

Question: Can I take an inhaler on a plane?

Answer: in case of special severe forms asthma, flights are most often prohibited, as they can cause complications of the condition. In other cases, having a doctor’s certificate and an extract from your card, it’s easy to bring an inhaler into the salon. A supply of medicine for the inhaler can be checked into the luggage compartment. It must be remembered that medications for asthmatics are not sold abroad without a prescription.

Question: is it possible to carry potassium permanganate on an airplane?

Answer: It is strictly prohibited to carry manganese in luggage or hand luggage. This substance is explosive in contact with flammable substances. In addition, it is used for the manufacture of certain narcotic drugs.