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Marigold flowers - official instructions for use. Purpose and instructions for use of calendula tincture. How to use calendula tincture for hair

Calendula is a natural homeopathic medicine pharmaceuticals. It is widely used in dermatology, proctology, gynecology, gastroenterology, ENT practice and many other areas of medicine.

The medicinal properties of calendula began to be used back in the 12th century. The plant is known as marigold and has inflorescences ranging from light yellow to orange.

The international name of the drug is Calendula officinalis. According to the ATC coding, depending on the form of release of the drug, calendula in the form of an ointment belongs to the group of dermatological products for activating regenerative processes and accelerating the healing of the wound surface.

If calendula is in flowers or in the form of a tincture, then it refers to the means that can influence respiratory system. In this form, the drug is used for throat pathologies, as it “works” as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drug.

Calendula is widely used in most areas of medicine due to the presence of effective medicinal properties drug. Thanks to the regenerative effect, it is observed accelerated healing wound surfaces, with the help of an antiseptic - the infected lesion is sanitized, and the anti-inflammatory effect reduces the severity of the inflammatory reaction.

ATX code

R02AA20 Other drugs

Active ingredients

Calendula officinalis flowers

Pharmacological group

Homeopathic medicines

pharmachologic effect

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Antiseptic drugs

Indications for use of calendula

Due to the fact that the drug has several forms of release, the indications for the use of Calendula are different. So, if we consider the drug in the form of a tincture, then it is worth highlighting the following diseases for which calendula is most effective.

The tincture should be used as an antiseptic when the integrity of the skin, including infected wounds and with the presence of purulent masses. In addition, calendula is used for skin burns, inflammatory processes in oral cavity, stomatitis, gingivitis, pharyngitis and sore throat.

In gastroenterology medicine applied in the form choleretic drug in the presence of dyskinesia of the biliary tract, their inflammation, as well as cholecystitis as an auxiliary drug.

Indications for use also include hemorrhoids and inflammatory processes in the organs of the female reproductive system. In this case, it is advisable to use candles with calendula.

The ointment is widely used for local treatment wounds, skin infections, insect bites, burns and warts. The drug acts as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory drug and activator of regeneration of skin lesions.

Release form

The range of applications is so wide that it became necessary to produce the drug in several forms of release. Each type of drug is used for a specific purpose and is convenient to apply to the affected area.

The ointment form contains 100 mg of active substance per gram, calculated as calendula tincture (1:10). Excipients is soft white paraffin, purified water and T-2 emulsifier. The ointment is characterized by a yellowish color and uniform consistency.

As for the tincture, the medicine is contained in a bottle with a concentration of 1:10 (extractant - 70% ethanol). The volume of the bottle can be different - 40 ml, 50 ml or 100 ml.

The tincture is characterized by a transparent structure of slightly brown color with specific smell. During storage, sediment may form, which is considered absolutely safe.

The release form in the form of candles, the mass of which is 1.4 g, contains 0.057 g in terms of calendula tincture. The candles are stored in contour packaging of 5 pieces each.


Calendula has a huge amount useful properties, thanks to which it is used in almost all areas of medicine. She has antiseptic effect, which has a detrimental effect on infectious agents in the affected area.

In addition, the pharmacodynamics are due to the anti-inflammatory property, which reduces swelling, hyperemia and pain. Studies have proven activity in relation to regenerative processes, causing acceleration of the healing processes of burn surfaces, cuts, irritations and small ulcerative defects.

The pharmacodynamics of Calendula is based on accelerating cell growth and regenerative reactions in the pathological focus. The medicine can be used to wash the wound surface to cleanse it of purulent masses and infection, which will reduce the inflammatory process.

In addition, by stimulating the proliferation and growth of skin cells, new cells appear that cover the wound surface.


Thanks to natural composition medicine, the drug at the cellular level accelerates regeneration processes, stimulating reproduction and growth.

Pharmacokinetics determined biologically active substances, which are found in calendula flowers. They have a powerful antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and moderate choleretic effect.

With the help of a large number of carotenoids, organic acids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, ascorbic acid and triterpene glycosides, calendula relieves severe inflammation, reduces vascular permeability at the site of the lesion, which reduces the volume of the liquid part of the blood that leaves the bloodstream.

The pharmacokinetics of Calendula are not yet fully known, but in some cases an immunostimulating effect has been observed. It manifests itself in increased local and general immunity. Thanks to this property, the body begins to fight not only the existing pathology, but also protects the person from infection.

Use of calendula during pregnancy

In order to allow the use of a medicine during pregnancy, it is necessary to carry out a large number of research, including in vivo. However, such tests are not always possible, since 2 human lives, and no one will put them at risk.

It is especially unsafe to take medications in the first trimester, when the initial formation of fetal organs is noted, on which its future health depends.

The use of Calendula during pregnancy is not recommended due to the fact that the tincture contains ethanol, which is unacceptable for penetration into the fetus. In addition, during lactation you should also not use calendula tincture to avoid ethanol getting into breast milk.

As for the ointment, use during pregnancy is less threatening to the fetus than the tincture, but this does not give permission to use it without fear. All prescriptions must be discussed with a doctor to avoid adverse consequences.


First of all, it is necessary to note the fact that children whose age does not exceed 12 years cannot take calendula preparation due to the insufficient number of studies conducted. Purpose of this age group should be carried out only after comparing the benefits and risks to the child’s health. This is done exclusively by a doctor after a thorough examination.

Contraindications to the use of Calendula include the characteristics of the human body, since everyone’s reaction to the drug they take may manifest itself differently. This is especially true for people predisposed to allergic reactions. Also, do not forget about individual intolerance, which is genetically determined.

Contraindications to the use of the drug, especially in the form of tincture, are represented by long-term use of the drug. Due to the fact that the composition contains ethanol, it is recommended to take the drug in a short course.

Use the ointment with caution in case of extensive skin lesions to avoid aggravation. pathological process. In addition, it is not advisable to use the tincture for a long time for kidney and liver diseases that are in the stage of decompensation.

Side effects of calendula

Many medications, including calendula, can cause allergic reactions of varying complexity. Among their most common clinical symptoms is hyperemia of the skin in the area where the ointment was applied, swelling, possible slight itching and a tingling sensation.

Side effects of the medicine in the form of tincture are also presented allergic manifestations, but in addition to skin symptoms, general symptoms may also appear clinical symptoms. One of the serious conditions is considered angioedema and anaphylactic shock.

If any suspicious symptoms appear, stop taking the medicine and call ambulance and monitor the person’s respiratory activity. Due to swelling of the larynx, “overlapping” is possible respiratory tract with the development of shortness of breath up to asphyxia.

After using the tincture to rinse or wash the wound surface, it is also possible that pain syndrome in the abdomen, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth and heartburn.

Directions for use and doses

The ointment is usually used in the form of 2.5% of the drug for application to the damaged area of ​​the skin up to 3 times a day. The frequency, method of administration and dose of the drug depend on the severity of the pathological process and the presence concomitant pathology. It is enough to apply the drug in a thin layer for a week or two.

The ointment should be used regularly to stimulate the regenerative process to speed up the healing process, as well as to reduce the activity of the inflammatory reaction.

The tincture should be diluted with boiled water before use to reduce the concentration. The solution is suitable for compresses on the skin and gargling.

So, to treat a sore throat, it is enough to dilute 5 ml of tincture in a glass of water and rinse several times a day. The same proportion can be used for applications in the presence of violations of the integrity of the skin, including infected wound and with purulent masses.

The method of application and dose of calendula in the form of suppositories is determined by the degree of damage. Usually it is enough to use 1 suppository once a day for 1-2 weeks. In addition, after inserting the suppository, it is recommended to stay in horizontal position for half an hour for better absorption of the drug into the mucous membrane.


If the dosage and duration of use of the drug are observed, in rare cases An overdose may develop. It may manifest itself as an increase in the severity of adverse reactions.

Mostly drug calendula in various forms release is quite well tolerated, however, if any discomfort After the first or several doses, further use of the medication should be discontinued.

An overdose can be characterized by the appearance of pain in the abdominal area, burning, hyperemia and swelling of the area of ​​the skin or mucous membranes where calendula was applied.

There is no specific antidote to drugs, so you need to act according to the increase in symptoms. One of the main conditions is to remove any remaining drug from the surface by washing. In the future, you should reconsider the need to use calendula, and if use is still necessary, then you need to start with minimal dosages.

Registration number and date:

Trade name of the drug: Marigold flowers

Dosage form:

Flowers powder


Marigold flowers

Marigold flowers contain carotenoids, flavonoids, triterpene saponins, resins, mucous substances, tannins, essential oil, organic acids, ascorbic acid and other biologically active substances.

A heterogeneous mixture of flower heads with remnants of peduncles, tubular flowers of orange-yellow, yellow or golden-orange, reed flowers of orange, orange-red, orange-yellow or yellow color, occasionally pieces of fruit. The smell is weak. The taste of the aqueous extract is salty and bitter.

Pharmacotherapeutic group
Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent of plant origin.

pharmachologic effect
An infusion of marigold flowers has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and choleretic effects.

Indications for use
Externally, an infusion of marigold flowers is used for rinsing as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic for inflammatory diseases oral cavity (gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis). Sometimes used internally as a choleretic agent.

Hypersensitivity to the drug, acute gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenum during the period of exacerbation. When used internally - childhood up to 12 years old.

Directions for use and doses
2 filter bags (3 g) are placed in a glass or enamel bowl, pour 100 ml (1/2 cup) of boiling water, cover and leave for 30 minutes, periodically pressing on the bags with a spoon, then squeeze them out. The volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted to 100 ml with boiled water.
For rinsing the mouth and throat, use 1/2-1 glass of infusion 3-5 times a day, warm.
Take 1-2 tablespoons orally 2-3 times a day before meals.
It is recommended to shake the infusion before use.

Side effect
Possible allergic reactions. When taken orally, there may be a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, a burning sensation in the epigastric region, and abdominal pain.

Release form
1.5 g of powder in filter bags; 10 or 20 filter bags in a cardboard pack.
The full text of the instructions is printed on the pack.

Storage conditions
In a dry place, protected from light; prepared infusion - in a cool place for no more than 2 days.
Keep out of the reach of children!

Best before date
2 years.
Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies
Over the counter.

Manufacturer/Complaint Receiving Organization

OJSC "Krasnogorskleksredstva"

Russia, 143444, Moscow region, Krasnogorsk, microdistrict. Opalikha, st. Mira, 25

Calendula officinalis is an herbaceous annual plant Aster family with a stem up to half a meter long and a bright yellow or orange flower. Its growth area is extensive: from region Central Asia to the countries of the Mediterranean basin, as well as Central Europe. Slavic peoples call this wonderful flower “marigold” and have been growing it for a long time not only for decorative, but also for medicinal purposes.

The maximum amount of it healing properties concentrated in delicate, double yellow-orange inflorescences, or “baskets”, which are used as a seasoning for vegetable soups and salads, as a valuable cosmetic raw material for maintaining the beauty of skin and hair, as well as for decoration. A calendula tincture is prepared from the dried flowers of “relatives of asters and chrysanthemums.” Instructions for this recognized medical product contains information about its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and even antiviral action. This unique drug has wound healing and moderate choleretic activity. Due to the high content of flavonoids, which protect the cells of the human body from the effects of free radicals, it is able to provide an antioxidant effect.

Calendula: its healing properties

The shade of yellow-orange calendula flowers is determined by the amount of carotenoids (up to 3%). The more of these substances there are in the petals of the “baskets,” the darker their color. Carotene and lycopene, rubixanthin and cigroxanthin, flavochrome and violaxanthin, as well as many other natural tonics brightly color the “marigolds” beloved by many.

In addition to carotenes and antioxidant flavonoids, calendula is rich in paraffin hydrocarbons - hentriacontane and sitosterol, as well as saponins, resins, mucus and bitterness, phytoncides, organic acids (malic, salicylic and pentadecyl), vitamin C, provitamin A and essential oil, which gives excellent aroma. The stems and leaves of the plant, according to chemist reviews, contain beneficial bitterness (up to 10% calenden) and tannins, as well as triterpene saponins, which when cooked medicines capable of converting into glucuronic and oleanolic acids. Those who are forced to often sit while working at a computer will benefit from lutein from marigold flowers, which strengthens vision. Calendula tincture, the instructions for which contain information about the ability of marigold extract to stimulate cell regeneration, is indeed excellent remedy. It maintains the strength and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, lowers blood pressure and slows down the rhythm of heart contractions, increases their amplitude and calms the nervous system.

Due to its rich chemical composition, marigolds have long been one of the most popular and favorite medicinal plants. A water infusion of calendula, the recipe for which was passed down from generation to generation, was brewed and drunk as regular tea for hypertension and other heart ailments, accompanied by shortness of breath, swelling and rapid heartbeat.

used for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, colitis and enterocolitis, ulcerative processes during remission. A diluted alcohol extract of marigolds or a decoction of inflorescences was used to normalize liver function and prevent premature birth, from diseases of the female organs ( uterine bleeding, in the form of douching for erosions and colpitis), for colds and fever. For this purpose, one or two teaspoons of marigold tincture were usually diluted in 200 ml of water.

Externally, a decoction of marigolds was used to wash the skin of children affected by diathesis or eczema. In this case, a bandage soaked in the infusion was applied to the problem areas. And thrush on the mucous surface of the child’s mouth was removed using a bandage moistened with a decoction of calendula. This remedy was also used to heal shallow, fresh or old wounds. Calendula tincture, the instructions for which indicate that the product has virtually no contraindications, can be used to treat burns, frostbite and various fungal skin infections.

Calendula in cosmetology

Calendula flowers have proven themselves well not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. Thanks to their antiseptic, healing, whitening, smoothing and skin regenerating properties, you can quickly and effectively get rid of acne and blackheads (comedones), boils, freckles, age spots, sunburn and other deficiencies, as well as various skin diseases.

Calendula facial tincture, whether prepared from homemade ingredients or purchased from your local pharmacy, must be approved by a dermatologist if it is to be used as a skin treatment. Marigolds have a powerful healing effect, so they are not recommended for deep wounds: A tincture from this plant can promote premature epithelial coverage of injured skin. Calendula, reviews of which note that it stimulates the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the damaged area, helps accelerate the process of tissue regeneration. In addition, by saturating the cells with moisture, a tincture or decoction of marigolds increases the elasticity of the skin, strengthens its immunity, and prevents the occurrence of inflammation and dermatitis.

Precautionary measures

Is calendula tincture recommended for everyone? The instructions warn that people who have allergic reactions to any of the components of the product should not use it. In addition, alcoholic extract of marigold is contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

You should also not apply calendula tincture to open wounds undiluted. It causes burning unbearable pain. When applied to areas of skin affected by dermatitis, acne or inflammation, it is necessary to avoid contact with adjacent healthy areas to prevent them from drying out. To people suffering cholelithiasis, it is best to avoid ingesting calendula preparations, as they may cause stone movement, painful bouts of liver colic, or dangerous blockages. bile ducts. Calendula tincture, reviews of which prove its safety for the gastrointestinal tract, is nevertheless prohibited for oral use during an exacerbation. chronic diseases: gastritis, colitis and ulcerative lesions. The taboo is caused by the irritating effect of bile, which can slow down tissue regeneration processes and increase pain.

Recipes for homemade calendula tinctures

There are two ways to obtain calendula tincture to get rid of cosmetic imperfections problem skin: pimples or blackheads. One of them is to buy a ready-made product at the pharmacy, the other is to prepare it yourself.

can be used both in pure form, for cauterizing acne, and as a component healing masks or tonics.

Basic recipe: options for preparing calendula tincture

In order to prepare an alcoholic extract of calendula at home, you will need alcohol or vodka and “baskets” - marigold flowers. They can be either fresh or dried. The ratio of the amount of plant material and ethyl alcohol (or vodka) varies depending on the purpose of using the tincture. One of the options suggests taking 30 g of “baskets” (fresh or dry), grinding them as much as possible, placing them in a dark glass container and pouring 50 or 100 ml ethyl alcohol(which can be replaced with vodka). Shake the mixture thoroughly and leave for 8-15 days. The resulting liquid, which has a brown tint and a calendula aroma, should be filtered and stored in the refrigerator. This tincture in its pure form can burn acne, and when diluted, it can be added to masks or used as tonics.

Another option for a less concentrated marigold tincture includes 10-15 g of flowers (1 tablespoon) and 100 ml of alcohol (70%). It is enough to leave it for several hours (for example, by preparing it overnight). And then dilute 15 ml of the finished product in 200 ml of hot boiled water. This solution can be used to rinse purulent wounds, cuts or wipe inflammation on the skin.

Diluted calendula tincture for acne, or lotion

Pharmacy alcohol extract of marigolds or prepared with your own hands (30 g of “baskets” per 50 ml of vodka), mix with 1 table. l. water and 3 tbsp. l. your favorite cologne (it can be replaced with alcohol with 2-3 drops of aroma oil, for example tea tree). The tincture should be kept in a tightly closed dark glass container for about a week. After the expiration date, add 5 grams of boric acid (5% alcohol solution) and 3 drops of glycerin (3 ml). Use a cotton pad soaked in the prepared tonic to wipe the skin twice a day. And soon you can forget about pimples and acne.

Effective anti-acne remedies with calendula

The components of the lotion with calendula and chloramphenicol can be easily purchased at the nearest pharmacy: Aspirin (4 tablets crushed into powder), medical sulfur (5 g = 0.5 tsp) diluted in a multicomponent mixture of calendula tincture and salicylic alcohol (according to 50 ml), and also boric alcohol(30 ml). Using a cotton swab, carefully apply a homogeneous product to the pimples, without affecting healthy areas of the skin. This needs to be done twice a day. Or add two drops of tea tree essential oil to 100 ml of water mixed with 15 ml of calendula tincture. Wipe the inflamed areas 2-3 times a day.

Mask with calendula tincture for problem skin

Prepare dough from 100 g wheat flour and 200 ml warm water. Add 25 ml of marigold tincture and bring to a smooth consistency. Apply this mixture to problem areas of the facial skin, excluding the area around the eyes. After 30-40 minutes, the remnants of the mask can be washed off with warm, comfortable water.

Marigold tincture for beautiful hair

If, when rinsing your hair after washing, you add calendula tincture (at the rate of 50-75 ml of alcohol extract per 1 liter of water), then in a month your hair will be pleased with its elasticity, strength and healthy shine.

In conclusion

Everyone benefits from calendula tincture! Reviews, however, warn that with medicinal herbs, which have a sedative (calming) effect, it does not combine. Valerian and Lemon Balm, Stinging Nettle and Siberian ginseng may give an undesirable reaction. The same effect can occur when calendula is taken internally or externally in a “duet” with barbiturates and other sedatives.

In the article we discuss calendula tincture - instructions for using the drug. You will learn chemical composition remedies and what calendula tincture is used for. We will tell you how to use it to treat sore throat, ear pain, ARVI, heart disease, eye diseases, oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract. By following our tips, you will learn how to prepare calendula tincture at home, as well as masks for skin and hair based on it.

Composition of calendula tincture:

  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • triterpenoids;
  • carotenoids;
  • flavonoids;
  • coumarins;
  • organic acids;
  • alcohol 70%.

Useful properties and indications for use

Tincture of calendula - antiseptic, which is used to disinfect wounds and mucous membranes. Let's look at what calendula tincture can be used for. Calendula tincture is good for health. The product has an anti-inflammatory effect, prevents the spread of staphylococci and streptococci in damaged layers of the epidermis and promotes tissue regeneration. The tincture is used to treat wounds, burns and frostbite. It disinfects and eliminates allergic, viral or infectious rashes.

Calendula tincture has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect for tonsillitis, laryngitis, and pharyngitis. The product is used to gargle.

Calendula tincture is used in dentistry. It eliminates inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and heals gums with periodontitis, stomatitis and gingivitis.

The product is used to treat vaginitis and diseases genitourinary system. Douching is done using a solution of calendula tincture.

Calendula tincture has choleretic and antispasmodic effects. It normalizes the functioning of the bile ducts, gallbladder and liver. It is taken for cholecystitis, cholangitis, gastritis and stomach ulcers.

What does calendula tincture help with?

Calendula tincture is used for cauterization, rubbing, lotions, rinsing, douching and placing tampons. The product in its pure form is suitable for external use, for example, treating wounds. In all other cases, the drug is diluted with water. Let's take a closer look at what calendula tincture with alcohol helps with.

Calendula tincture for sore throat

Calendula tincture effectively eliminates the source of infection in sore throat. The product is used to gargle. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of calendula alcohol tincture in a glass of water. Gargle with the resulting solution 5-6 times a day.

For treatment purulent sore throat The tincture is not diluted. They soak it in cotton swab and process sore tonsils up to 5 times a day. After the procedure, you should refrain from eating and drinking for 20-30 minutes.

Calendula tincture for ear pain

Calendula tincture is used to treat otitis media. The product eliminates infectious agents and reduces the area of ​​inflammation. Before use alcohol tincture diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

For otitis media of the middle ear, the resulting solution is instilled into the nose, 1-2 drops in each nostril. For treatment external shape For otitis media, turundas and compresses with diluted calendula tincture are used. Turundas are soaked in the product, inserted into ear canal and leave overnight. Warm compresses are applied 2-3 times a day.

Calendula tincture for colds, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections

Calendula tincture is used to treat acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. At the first signs of a cold, prepare a solution - 3 drops of the product per 50 ml of water and use it to gargle. If you have a runny nose, drop 1 drop of the solution into your nose.

Treat chickenpox rash

Calendula tincture is used to cauterize blisters for chickenpox. The procedure is carried out twice a day - morning and evening. This reduces itching and burning and prevents pathogenic bacteria from entering and spreading the infection to other people.

Calendula for eye diseases

Calendula tincture is used to treat eye diseases: conjunctivitis, blepharitis. One teaspoon of the product is dissolved in 500 ml of water. The resulting solution is used for eye rinsing and lotions. Procedures are carried out every 2-3 hours. Calendula tincture provides necessary nutrition eye tissue and significantly improves vision.

Disinfection of the oral cavity

Calendula tincture is used in dentistry. With its help it is eliminated bad smell from the mouth, inflammation of the gums and periodontal tissues. For rinsing, prepare a solution of alcohol tincture and water in a 1:1 ratio. Daily rinsing of the mouth with this product prevents the formation of caries. To cauterize ulcers for stomatitis, use undiluted product.

Calendula tincture for heart disease

Calendula tincture is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of cardio-vascular system. She normalizes heartbeat, strengthens the heart muscle and cleanses blood vessels. Take 30 drops of the product 3 times a day for a month. Disappears with regular use headache, performance increases.

Calendula tincture for the stomach

Calendula tincture is used orally to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The product treats gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, colitis, enteritis. The tincture has an astringent, antiseptic and healing effect. Before use, the product is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Calendula tincture in cosmetology

Calendula tincture is used in cosmetology. Calendula with alcohol is used in cosmetology for skin and hair care. The product is used as a component for masks, lotions and compresses. Let's take a closer look at why calendula tincture is needed in cosmetology.

Calendula tincture in face masks

Alcohol tincture of calendula is suitable for problematic and oily skin. The product tightens pores and reduces sebum production. It is used for spot cauterization of acne and wiping the skin. Consider the recipe for a face mask.


  1. Calendula tincture - 10 ml.
  2. Aloe juice - 10 ml.
  3. Flour - 2 tablespoons.
  4. Water - 100 ml.

How to cook: Mix all ingredients to a paste consistency.

How to use: Distribute the mask over damp facial skin with massage movements. After 10 minutes, rinse off the product with warm water.

Result: The mask cleanses and tightens pores, eliminates inflammation and disinfects the skin. Those with dry skin types should refrain from using the mask to avoid causing peeling.

For healthy hair and dandruff

Calendula tincture stimulates hair growth, eliminates oily shine and treats dandruff on the scalp. The product is rubbed into the scalp in pure form or added to hair masks.


  1. Calendula tincture - 10 ml.
  2. Burdock oil - 50 ml.
  3. Egg yolk - 1 pc.

How to cook: Heat in a water bath Burr oil to a temperature of 37 degrees, remove from heat, stir in egg yolk. Add calendula tincture and stir until smooth.

How to use: Apply the mask to the scalp and distribute through the hair. Wrap your head in a towel. After 30 minutes, rinse off the product with regular shampoo. Repeat the procedure every other day for 1 month. If necessary repeat course take a break for 4 weeks.

Result: The mask reduces the oiliness of the scalp and eliminates dandruff.

For more information about the use of calendula tincture in cosmetology, watch the video:

Is it possible to drink calendula tincture?

Calendula tincture is taken orally to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The product is used only for the treatment of adults.

At peptic ulcer Prescribe 20-30 drops of tincture 2 times a day. To stimulate the bile ducts - 15 drops 3 times a day. Before use, the product is diluted in 100 ml of water.

Calendula tincture for women

Calendula tincture is used to treat gynecological diseases. It is used for douching and lotions in diluted form. The product relieves itching and burning, relieves inflammation and destroys pathogenic bacteria in the area of ​​the female genital organs.

The instructions for using calendula tincture indicate that to prepare the solution you need to dilute 5 drops of the product in 1 liter of water. The resulting product is used for douching.

Before starting treatment with calendula tincture, consult a specialist. Douching with a tincture solution is contraindicated after childbirth, abortion and during pregnancy.

Calendula tincture does not eliminate the cause of the disease, but only alleviates the course of the disease and reduces the manifestation of symptoms. For effective treatment it is necessary to use the product in combination with other medicines prescribed by a doctor.

How to make calendula tincture at home

Calendula tincture can be prepared at home. Calendula tincture can be purchased at any pharmacy or prepared at home. Calendula flowers are infused with vodka or diluted alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. Consider a recipe based on vodka.


  1. Calendula flowers - 4 tablespoons.
  2. Vodka - 250 ml.

How to cook: Grind the calendula flowers, pour them into glass jar, pour in vodka and close the lid tightly. Leave the product at room temperature for 1 week. Ready product strain and store in the refrigerator.

How to use: Dilute 20-30 drops of tincture in 100 ml of boiled water and take the solution twice a day.

Result: Alcohol solution Calendula is effective for colitis, inflammatory diseases of the stomach and duodenum. Has a choleretic effect.

Other forms of calendula tincture

At the pharmacy you can buy not only alcohol tincture of calendula, but also other dosage forms, for example, calendula solution and its extract. These products have a similar spectrum useful actions and scope.

Calendula solution

Alcohol tincture of calendula in its pure form is suitable only for external use. For oral administration, it is diluted with water and a calendula solution is obtained. The product is used for douching, lotions, gargling and mouth rinsing.

Calendula extract

Calendula extract is an orange powder with a bitter herbaceous taste. Before use, it is dissolved in water. The product is used as an antimicrobial and wound-healing drug.

Calendula extract is widely used in cosmetology. It is added to creams, lotions, balms, gels and herbal baths are made with it, dissolving 10 grams. powder in a filled bath. This procedure softens and moisturizes the skin, giving it elasticity.


Calendula tincture - contraindications:

  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • reduced arterial pressure;
  • acute phase of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • individual intolerance.

You should not use calendula tincture in combination with sedatives, it significantly enhances their effect. The tincture reduces blood pressure and heart rate, which in combination with sedatives may have a negative impact on your well-being.

What to remember

  1. Calendula tincture is an antiseptic that is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, organs of vision and skin.
  2. The product has anti-inflammatory, soothing, disinfectant and wound-healing effects.
  3. Calendula tincture should not be used in combination with sedatives, as it significantly enhances their effect.