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Litsea cubeba (Leuzea) essential oil. Leuzea essential oil: Siberian ginseng

In the alpine meadows grows a herbaceous medicinal plant that resembles miniature asters Pink colour- this is Leuzea. In Siberia it is also called “ maral root" The plant helps restore strength and sexual function, get out of a depressed state and regulate blood pressure.

Preparations made from Leuzea improve brain and peripheral function. nervous system. Essential oil, obtained from this plant, contains psychostimulants or ecdysteroids, tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids and coumarin, gum, salts of organic acids and a large number of various minerals. They have a beneficial effect on the human body.

This product has a fruity candy smell and a yellowish tint. In the perfume industry, combinations of Leuzea oil with frankincense, myrtle and ylang-ylang, thyme and anise oils are widely used. Leuzea gives positive effect during treatment psychosomatic diseases, depression and hypochondria, neurodermatitis and weak blood vessels.

The healing properties of Leuzea oil

  1. Leuzea oil has found wide application in the therapeutic field. It has an analgesic effect and has an antispasmodic effect, helps cope with nausea, colic and flatulence, has a relaxing effect on muscles and restores strength. The use of this remedy promotes rapid recovery after serious illnesses or surgery, helps reduce headaches and heart pain that appear during pregnancy. nervous soil. Leuzea oil relieves spasms of the digestive system, hangover and alcohol syndrome.
  2. Leuzea oil is effective means corrections emotional sphere. It eliminates depression, neurosis and hysteria, normalizes sleep, stimulates brain activity and increases concentration, improves memory and helps to establish contacts between people.
  3. In cosmetology, Leuzea essential oil is used for various skin diseases, such as dermatitis and neurodermatitis, makes the skin more elastic and refreshes it, restores blood circulation in the tissues. This remedy is healing greasy hair and normalizes sebum secretion sebaceous glands. Relieves swelling and irritation from insect bites.

Methods of application

  1. Inhalation: the procedure lasts up to 10 minutes, is carried out using a mixture of chamomile, leuzea and thyme oils (2 drops of each), it will help to tone the body and relieve inflammation.
  2. Removal alcohol intoxication: mix a pinch of salt with one drop of Leuzea oil and dilute in a glass tomato juice or kefir. Drink, repeat if necessary after an hour.
  3. Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and heart: add 5 drops of oil to 50 milliliters of jam or honey. Take half a small spoon in the morning and evening after meals with tea or juice.
  4. Face mask: in any neutral cream or base oil(10 milliliters) for dry skin, add one drop each of Leuzea and orange oils and two drops of sandalwood; for tired skin – one drop each of Leuzea and sandalwood oils and three drops of chamomile; For oily skin– two drops each of Leuzea and grapefruit oil and one drop of almond oil.
  5. Hair mask: 30 milliliters olive oil mix with egg yolk and three drops of Leuzea oil. Apply the mixture to your hair before washing. After the procedure, the roots will be strengthened, the hair will become shiny and smooth. You can mix Leuzea, frankincense and anise oil in equal proportions, anoint the teeth of a comb with the mixture and comb your hair before going to bed.

Somewhere in the vastness of alpine meadows grows a perennial herbaceous plant With medicinal properties- Leuzea safflower from the Asteraceae family. Height reaches 150 cm. Appearance Leuzea flowers resemble miniature asters. The color of the inflorescences is in lilac-pink shades. The leaves of the plant are large and wide.

Essential oil composition

Essential oil obtained from Leuzea safflower inflorescences by water-steam distillation is known for its healing properties since ancient times.

The composition of the oil is rich and full:

  • ecdysteroids;
  • psychostimulants;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • coumarin;
  • gum;
  • organic salts;
  • minerals.

Consistency finished product medium viscosity. The color of the oil is from transparent to light yellow.

Representatives alternative medicine They use Leuzea oil in their practice to this day.

How do people smell scent?

According to statistics, reviews of Leuzea essential oil are quite contradictory. Having heard the aroma, some people speak enthusiastically about it, while others will avoid it from now on. Not everyone likes the smell due to the monotony of candy notes. Description of the aroma of Leuzea essential oil: cool, green, fruity-fresh, interspersed with candy notes. To reveal it from the other side, it is recommended to combine it with complementary oils.

Leuzea oil in perfumery

Leuzea ether is widely used by perfumers in their creations, combining it with other scents. Complementary essential oils that pair perfectly with Leuzea:

  • jasmine;
  • thyme;
  • incense;
  • ginger;
  • fennel;
  • anise;
  • geranium;
  • ylang-ylang;
  • myrtle.

The healing properties of Leuzea essential oil

There is an opinion that Leuzea oil will help cope with the following ailments:

  • Unstable and disturbed functioning of the nervous system with depressive states.
  • Effectively restores the sexual function of the body.
  • Helps regulate blood pressure without using medications.
  • Active substances components of flowers medicinal plant, affect areas of the brain, activating its work.
  • Improves visual acuity.
  • The oil's work is aimed at restoring muscle tone.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, relieving nausea and flatulence.
  • Reduces rehabilitation period after the transferred serious illness or operations.
  • Has an analgesic effect. Particularly good at relieving headaches and heart spasms due to previous nervous overstrain.
  • To quickly refresh your head and put yourself in order, Leuzea oil will help people suffering from hangover syndrome.
  • Positive influence has an effect on a person’s aura, correcting emotional background and relieving hysterical states.
  • Regular use normalizes sleep.
  • The concentration of attention in the desired area increases, hyperactivity is neutralized.
  • Improves communication skills person and increases a positive attitude.
  • Leuzea oil has proven itself well in cosmetology. It is used to treat skin diseases such as dermatitis and neurodermatitis.
  • The oil refreshes the skin. Increases elasticity and its natural protective functions, restores blood circulation in soft tissues.
  • For owners of weak, dull and thin hair, Leuzea oil will help restore the structure of damaged curls. At the same time, the oil additionally reduces the oiliness of the hair at the roots.
  • Relieves swelling and inflammation of delicate skin caused by insect bites.


Oil highest quality, purchased for a decent amount, is not forbidden to use internally. To strengthen the heart muscle and normalize disturbed work gastrointestinal tract The following proportions are recommended: for five large tablespoons of honey, the same amount of jam or marmalade, add 10 drops of Leuzea oil. Take half a teaspoon twice a day after meals with juice or tea.

How to get rid of a hangover

Combine one drop of Leuzea essential oil with a pinch of finely ground salt. Pour tomato juice into a standard 200 ml mug or low-fat kefir. Add salt and essential oil to the drink. Drink several times throughout the day at intervals of a couple of hours.

Overcome by stress? Leuzea will help

There are a great many recipes with Leuzea oil to relieve tension and calm. For example, a frequently used relaxation tool is an aroma lamp.

To spread the aroma throughout the room you will need about 2 drops of oil per area of ​​20 square meters. meters. To improve performance and activate thinking processes, you can mix leuzea with lemon and pine oils in equal proportions.

At the end of a hard working day, a massage with Leuzea oil is the ideal solution to relieve stress. Applying undiluted essential oil to the skin is dangerous and can cause burns. Therefore, add 6 drops of Leuzea ether and 4 drops of lavender to 4 drops of neutral oil, for example, jojoba. Rub the resulting aromatic cocktail with gentle movements into the area of ​​the temples, the back of the head and massage the hands well. Similar procedure will free you from fears, fatigue and increase your sense of confidence.

The next recipe is for bath lovers. To combine business with pleasure, 3 drops of Leuzea oil and 3 drops of ylang-ylang are enough. Add the oil concentrate to the emulsifier: bath salts, milk or honey. Pour the mixture into a warm bath and lie in it for no more than 20 minutes before going to bed.

Beauty Recipes

Every woman wants to have beautiful and youthful skin without blemishes. And here faithful assistant Leuzea essential oil appears.

A mask will help improve the condition of tired skin, give it freshness and even out its tone. Recipe: 20 ml of neutral oil (peach, grape seed or any other, suitable for skin) you will need:

  • 2 drops of Leuzea oil;
  • 6 drops of chamomile;
  • 2 drops of sandalwood.

Mask for dry skin types:

  • 2 drops of Leuzea product;
  • 4 drops of sandalwood oil;
  • 2 drops of citrus essential oil.

For those with oily skin, the following oil recipe is suitable:

  • 4 drops - Leuzea;
  • 4 drops - citrus;
  • 2 drops - almond.

Apply the oil mixture prepared in advance to cleansed and dry skin for 10-15 minutes. Wash off your face warm water.

Neurodermatitis can be cured by applying 20-minute compresses to the affected areas of the skin with Leuzea oil. Add 10-14 drops of essential oil to 20 ml of base.

Aroma combing will help you grow luxurious hair. Dip the ends of a wooden hair comb into a mixture of Leuzea and frankincense. Comb your curls from roots to ends before going to bed. This will strengthen the hair structure.

For food hair follicles Some time before washing your hair, apply a special mask to the scalp:

  • 30 ml olive oil;
  • 3 drops of Leuzea oil;
  • 1 chicken yolk.

Let the mixture sit for half an hour. Rinse and dry naturally.

Feelings when applying

Oil mixture with Leuzea ether, when applied to the skin, causes a slight cooling tingling sensation for several minutes. There is no need to be afraid - the reaction is natural.


Contraindications to the use of Leuzea essential oil are:

  • Allergic reaction on essential oil components.
  • With increasing dosage, it can cause skin irritation.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Childhood up to 6 years: negatively affects mental condition child.
  • Use with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

Since the oil is phototoxic, to avoid skin burns, it is not recommended to apply the mixture with Leuzea oil less than an hour before exposure to direct sunlight.

Leuzea (Lizea cubeba). Family Asteraceae.

The essential oil is light, fluid, slightly yellowish or colorless.

The main aroma is fresh, candy-lemon, cool, ringing. Shades of tonality: top - green; medium - fruity; the lower one is lily-sandy.

Class: aromatic adaptogen.

The most striking and unsurpassed quality of Leuzea:

  • Cosmetic - eliminates neurotic skin problems
  • Healing - sobering when drinking alcohol

Emotional rivers of Leuzea essential oil.

A classic psycho-emotional adaptogen, which, eliminating asthenic and depressive states, prevents overexcitation and overwork. Restores natural psychological rhythms and balance between sleep and wakefulness. Increases relaxation productivity, allowing you to get 6 hours of sleep and feel fresh and rested throughout the day.

Increases memory capacity, concentrates attention and sensitivity to information, both intellectual and emotional. Increases mental and physical performance, activates creativity and logical thinking. Helps develop communication skills and comprehend the secrets of the art of communication.

Bioenergy shores.

Removes stone from the soul and turns it into sand, mobilizing progressive internal forces. Reveals the secrets of natural and quick recovery strength during illness, severe physical and emotional trials. “Sews together” the torn energetic “dress” woven from the perception of the harmony of Oneself in the World, helping to communicate with the highest Idea. Does not allow vampiristic movements of consciousness, destructive thoughts, actions and feelings. Gives symmetry and brightness to the aura, developing the power of Overcoming in it.

Cosmetic cities of Leuzea essential oil.

Eliminates neurotic dermatitis: rashes, spots, restoring a homogeneous skin color. An ideal accompaniment for neurotic skin rashes, as well as for emotional depression caused by cosmetic effects.

Drinking 1-2 drops of leopard oil internally (do not apply to the skin!) with juice promotes a more effective and faster tanning, prevents burning and the formation of spots.

Healing countries of Leuzea essential oil.

Has an anti-sclerotic effect. Excellent analgesic and antispasmodic effect for neurotic headaches, heart neuroses, spasms of the digestive system (for example, before an exam).

Increases visual acuity during eye fatigue (working on a computer, evening reading, watching TV for a long time).

Reduces symptoms of alcohol intoxication, eliminates hangover.

Houses, streets, fields, forests and steppes.

Protects the skin and home from blood-sucking insects. An excellent remedy for mosquito bites, horse flies, wasps, and bees.

How to get to the Kingdom of Leuzea:

1. Aromatherapy: 4-5 drops per 15 m2.

2. Cold inhalations: duration 5-7 minutes.

3. Baths: 4-7 drops.

4. Massage: 5-7 drops per 15 g of transport oil.

5. Reflex massage to improve memory: on the crown, occipital fossa, temples, “third eye” area carotid arteries, apply Leuzea with transport oil (macadamia, avocado, jojoba) in the ratio 3:4 to the interclavicular fossa.

6. If you feel intoxicated beyond the intended level, you should soak a piece of black bread (3-4 cm) with 3 drops of Leuzea mixed with 1/2 teaspoon of kefir, and try to chew as long as possible. Wash it down with juice, tea (not coffee!).

7. To relieve a hangover: take aromatic bath t = 32-36° C. Chew a piece of leuzey bread (see point 6). Apply essential oil to temples, occipital protuberances, on the neck in the area of ​​the carotid arteries, palms, inner surface thighs and soles. Also for 5-7 minutes - cold inhalations.

8. Aroma medallions: 2-3 drops.

9. Enrichment of dry tea: 7-8 drops.


You should not flavor wines with Leuzea, so as not to later regret the loss of 30% of the drink's intoxicating properties. Photosensitization of the skin is possible; do not apply to the skin less than 60 minutes before sunbathing. Check the scent for individual tolerance.


When applied to the skin - a slight tingling sensation and cooling sensation for 1-3 minutes. The reaction is natural.

Perception of aroma.

If you conduct a survey of the opinions of people who use fragrances, then exactly half of them are not fans of the smell of Leuzea, while for the other half this aroma evokes enthusiastic feelings. We can say that some disadvantage of Leuzea in the eyes of people who prefer tart smells is the length and candy-like quality of the two upper tones. The addition of a complementary ylang aroma transforms the naive candy “babble” of the aroma into gourmand and seductive eloquence.