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How to prepare a medicinal tincture from propolis. Propolis in alcohol - preparation. Preparation of propolis-wax oil mixture

To protect their hive from infections, bees use an antiseptic, which is contained in a sticky substance called propolis. This substance can also serve people - alcohol tinctures should be prepared from it. Next we will list dozens of useful recipes.

It is still not clear to science how bees produce uzu, that is, bee glue or propolis. Use this product in pure form It is possible only for gastritis, and even then if the acidity is low. More often, an aqueous decoction or a product diluted in alcohol is used. An alcohol solution can be purchased at a pharmacy. This drug can be stored for three years, and, as a rule, it is always available for sale. We will look in more detail at what alcohol-based propolis helps with. Indications for use include dozens of diseases.

We prepare the tincture ourselves

The recipe looks rather strange, where it is used for cooking water bath. You need to take 70 percent food grade alcohol and heat it so that the temperature is 50-55 C. Then add the “bee product”, mixing it with the alcohol.

If the propolis has been rolled into balls, it will be easy to prepare: the raw materials are washed and cooled. For grinding, use a grater or mortar. The proportion will be as follows: take 20-25 grams of “shavings” per 100 ml of alcohol.

So, let's look at how to make propolis tincture with alcohol in an hour:

  1. Before diluting propolis in alcohol, the liquid is heated to 50 C;
  2. The chips are added gradually and the mixture is stirred continuously;
  3. Keep the alcohol tincture of propolis in a water bath for one hour;
  4. The finished product must be passed through a filter.

If we were considering how to make a tincture of propolis on water, then the “cooking” time could be 2 hours or 3. But the alcohol evaporates very quickly. And although it dissolves propolis better than water, some of the “raw materials” will remain undissolved as a result.

Now let's look at how to prepare propolis tincture in 2 weeks. “Shavings” in the amount of 20 grams are poured into a glass of vodka, shaken and left for a long time.

1 glass – 200 ml

The minimum period is 2 weeks, during which the dishes are shaken once every 3 days. Before infusing propolis in alcohol, the “liquid base” can be heated. The main thing is not to take vodka with glycerin!

Thickener – glycerin

In theory, the alcoholic tincture of propolis is filtered after cooking.

The mixture should be prepared, that is, infused, in the dark and in a tightly sealed container.

Any “bee product” contains wax, and it is difficult to prepare a propolis tincture with alcohol at home:

  1. The concentration will not always correspond to the required one;
  2. Sometimes, even if we're talking about about alcohol, propolis dissolves slowly.

The second recipe leads to the desired result more often. But it's not that simple.

Pay attention to the last column: 25 C is room temperature.

What and how to treat

How to use propolis tincture:

  1. Let us have an alcohol extract (20%), and the recipe indicates a 10% concentration. This means that the medicine must be diluted with water in a 1 to 1 ratio.
  2. Many recipes call for the use of concentrated tinctures - 20-25%.

Any of the products listed above can be purchased at the pharmacy. The main thing is that now the reader knows what numbers to pay attention to.

Pharmacy products

The combination “70%/10%” is quite rare. However, it is in less demand than others.

External use

Propolis tincture with alcohol can be used in its pure form only for rinsing for caries. And even then, here we are talking about the “40/10” concentration.

Measure out the required number of drops

Other recipes with the same concentration are discussed below:

  • Sore throat, pharyngitis - propolis extract is diluted with water (1 to 2) and lubricated on the tonsils. Or gargle with a mixture of tincture and saline solution, taken in a ratio of 1 to 10.
  • Sinusitis, runny nose - try some drops alcohol infusion without additives (adults). The number of procedures is 1-2 per day.
  • Otitis - turundas are used, which are moistened in tincture.
  • Bronchial diseases - treatment with propolis consists of inhalation. Recipe: 1 drop of extract per 5 ml of saline solution.
  • When treating dental diseases, it is better to dilute the alcohol infusion with water or saline solution. Volume proportions: 1 to 2, 1 to 10.

Be careful with the dosage, as well as the number of procedures. Treatment with propolis tincture in alcohol can last 1-2 weeks.

The above is far from full list recipes The properties of propolis allow it to be used as an antiseptic:

  1. Wounds and any damage to the skin - use gauze bandages, soaked in undiluted extract;
  2. Chickenpox, herpes - remedy applied directly to the elements of the rash.

Two recipes use one drug - alcohol tincture of propolis.

Bandage on the wound

The concentration will be the same as before, “40% to 10%”.

Now - about contraindications x. We use propolis tincture with alcohol, but children should not only take it as food, but also use it externally. And under the age of 3 years, any preparations with propolis are contraindicated.

About internal use

Propolis tincture with alcohol, the strength of which is close to 100%, will be useful. It will help cope with stomach ulcers. Let's look at how to use this tool correctly:

  1. Melt the butter on the stove, add extract (1 to 10);
  2. The mixture is brought to a boil;
  3. Without cooling, pass through a cotton filter.

The concentration of propolis in the extract will be “10%”.

Is it possible to boil oil

The course of treatment lasts 20 days. Dosage: 20 drops three times a day an hour before meals.

Know that you should take propolis in alcohol, as well as oil, in the form of a solution with water or milk. The volume of liquid will be 50 ml.

Above we discussed how to make propolis tincture at home. If you use pure alcohol rather than vodka for preparation, you will get the product we need. The mixture will need to steep for 5 days.

Preparing the tincture 96%

Most recipes, except the previous one, call for the use of tinctures with “regular” concentrations. It is equal to “40/10”.

Only “advantages” were mentioned. But alcohol tincture of propolis has contraindications for oral use:

  1. Increased acidity;
  2. Allergy to alcohol;
  3. Long-term use (more than 30-45 days) leads to allergic reactions.

Beneficial properties are always accompanied by a large number of prohibitions. And before taking propolis tincture, you should always consult a doctor. Risk groups: children under 16 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

Allergic reactions

Children under 12 years of age are contraindicated from using any alcoholic drugs.

How are acute respiratory infections treated?

Milkshake made from warm milk and alcohol tincture, you should drink before bed. We prepare nasal drops without milk: mix water, extract and sea salt.

Cleaning and drying the productFirst you need to pre-clean the propolis from large debris and freeze it in the refrigerator. As soon as you get a briquette, grind it into powder and add water at room temperature. Whatever precipitates, take it out and let it dry.
Alcohol and concentrationTo obtain a high-quality tincture, you must use 70 proof alcohol or more. To obtain a 10% tincture, the proportion should be 1:9, that is, one part of the substance and 9 parts of alcohol.
First recipePour alcohol into this powder, pour everything into a dark container and seal it tightly. The volume of the bottle should be 1.5-2 times larger than the volume of the future tincture. Shake thoroughly and place in a dark place for two weeks, keep in mind that it needs to be shaken again every 2 days. When finished, strain and use diluted propolis for immunity.
Second recipePour the alcohol into a saucepan and put it on fire, heat it to 60-65 degrees and pour the powder into it. Stir the substance until the propolis dissolves in alcohol as much as possible. Remove the pan from the heat, let the liquid cool and strain - the tincture for immunity for children and adults is completely ready.

Propolis in alcohol for anything, including acute respiratory infections, will only help if there are no contraindications. But they are different in each case. The recipes are suitable only for adults. You can use both a 40-degree tincture and a 70-degree one.

Compress at night

Using the following recipe, even children from 4 years old are treated:

  1. Melt goat or pork in an old bowl visceral fat(50 grams);
  2. Add 1.5 ml of tincture;
  3. Wipe your feet with the product and put on cotton socks;
  4. Two sheets of paper are also coated with fat, placed on the chest and back, insulated with cotton wool and a scarf.

The compress should be left overnight. This way you can cure cough, wheezing in the chest, etc. As you can see, the use of propolis tincture with alcohol is very versatile, although the drug is almost never used in its pure form.

Question answer

How to take propolis in its pure form? A ball weighing 1 gram must be chewed thoroughly. At low acidity This is acceptable, in other cases it is not. How to drink propolis with alcohol to have an effect? Use water or milk, preferably warm, and the volume should not exceed 50 ml. U pharmaceutical drugs instructions for use contain the words: do not take orally in pure form. And it is not the alcohol that is “to blame” here, but rather the second component.

Let's say you need to prepare a propolis tincture in alcohol with a strength of 96%.

GOST 5963-67

Follow the rules:

  • Dark glass only;
  • Tightly sealed stopper;
  • You need to infuse the mixture, shaking it periodically;
  • In theory, the tincture can be made with several components (but you need to know which ones).

The reader probably understood all this without us. By the way, alcohol tincture of any strength is never consumed after a meal - there are simply no such recipes.

Let's list everything we prepared above.

First stageTake a sheet and apply silicone to it, carefully spread it over the surface. Let's do the same manipulations with a wooden board. Re-apply silicone to the foundation and connect it to the plate. This way, one side of the sheet will remain clean.
Second phaseWithout waiting for the silicone to dry, we apply it to the second plate and the clean side of the foundation. Carefully smear everything, apply a second layer and connect everything together. It should turn out that the Russian foundation will be like a separating layer between two plates.
Third stageWe attach the hinges, and in order not to wait a long time for the silicone to dry, we recommend placing the structure in an oven with a temperature of 75 to 100 degrees.
The final stageWe separate the plates, screw on the handle and side plates. Preparing a container for excess wax and now rebuilding a hive from homemade wax will not be a problem.

Please note that any 96-degree alcohol tinctures are taken internally in the form of mixtures, and they are not suitable for external use. If we talk about using it in its pure form, you need a strength of 40%, no more.

The correct way to take this or that drug is to increase the dosage gradually and look at the body’s reaction. And you should not exceed the recommended dosage, even if there are no negative reactions.

The breakthrough in scientific and technical thought that occurred in last decades, including in medicine, gave people a lot innovative technologies, new vaccines and cures for all diseases. But despite this, we are increasingly turning to people and natural remedies. Agree, it is strange to refuse products created by nature itself, unique in their medicinal properties. The waste products of bees are extremely beneficial for health and immunity, among which propolis is firmly in the leading position; a useful tincture can be made from it.

What is propolis?

We often hear about the benefits of propolis, but we don’t always imagine what it is and what it looks like. Propolis is the so-called bee glue. This resin-like substance is used by bees to protect the hive from bacteria, germs, foreign objects. This use gives propolis antibacterial, disinfectant and antiseptic properties.

Another function is to seal the entrance to the hive. The unique structure of the substance allows it to be dealt with. Initially soft and pasty, it tightly fills any holes. Over time, it hardens and becomes similar to rosin. And again it can only be melted at temperatures close to 100°C.

Properties of propolis

The composition of propolis has not yet been fully studied. It is known that it largely depends on the properties of honey plants pollinated by bees. Therefore, in some collection regions it can include up to 50 substances and components. Among them are a vitamin-mineral complex, flavonoids, antioxidants and organic salts.

Such a rich composition explains wide range application of a beekeeping product. Among the main functions of propolis:

  • antibacterial;
  • anti-cancer;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antitoxic;
  • antibiotic;
  • general strengthening;
  • calming.

Types and forms of application

The list of diseases for which propolis treatment can be used is almost endless. This is indeed the case when it is easier to list the areas of medicine where he is powerless. Therapeutic effect primarily depends on the shape medicine. Creams, ointments, gels, pastes, oils, essences, and extracts are made from bee glue. It is most effective and versatile in the form of an alcohol infusion.

Among the ailments that propolis helps to cure, the top lines are occupied by the following diseases:

  • stomach and digestive system;
  • genitourinary organs and reproductive system;
  • skin;
  • respiratory tract and auditory organs;
  • circulatory and cardiovascular systems;
  • nervous system.

In addition to healing purposes, propolis infusion is used as an antiseptic and quickly helps to get rid of pain, for example, toothache. General strengthening and immunomodulatory properties allow it to be used as a prophylactic agent.

Propolis alcohol tincture recipe

To prepare the tincture at home, you don’t need anything other than propolis itself and an alcohol base. But the proportions depend on what concentration of the solution you want to get. You can make a 10% or 20% solution, but it is most convenient to prepare a 50% solution, and then dilute it before use. Please note that propolis medicine can only be diluted with water or milk. This is exactly the recipe we will give.


  • propolis – 50 grams;
  • medical alcohol – 450 ml.

The most optimal base for tincture is 70% medical alcohol. You can also use food grade ethanol. IN as a last resort Vodka will do high degree clean, without flavors or additives. Moonshine is not suitable in this case: contents fusel oils can reduce to a minimum useful action tinctures.

Cleaning propolis

On preparatory stage propolis must be cleared of foreign particles. We freeze it for several hours and then grind it into fine grater. Pour the resulting shavings cold water. After 5–10 minutes, when clean glue settles to the bottom, the water and floating impurities can be drained. After drying the propolis shavings on fresh air, let's move on to making the tincture.

Quick cooking method

  1. The alcohol base must be heated to 50°C using a water bath.
  2. Add purified crushed propolis. Keep on fire until the mixture becomes homogeneous. At the same time, stir constantly and do not allow it to boil.
  3. Remove from heat, strain through multi-layer gauze or cotton pad.
  4. Cool to room temperature. Pour into dark glass bottles and store in a cool place.

Long cooking method

This method requires more time, but less manipulation.

  1. In a dark bottle, mix purified crushed propolis and alcohol base.
  2. Leave for 10–15 days in the dark cool room, shaking the container every day.
  3. After 2 weeks, filter the healing tincture from solid sediment and pour into bottles with a tight lid.

Homemade propolis tincture can be stored in a cool, dark place for up to 3 years. But it’s better to make a new one every year in small quantities. If for some reason none of the methods suits you, you can buy an infusion of alcohol at the pharmacy.

Taking propolis tincture

It is correct to take the alcohol infusion both internally and externally. In the first case, it has an immunostimulating, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effect. Depending on each specific disease the dosage varies from 10 to 60 drops per glass. You should take the medicine in the morning after meals. The course of treatment without a doctor's prescription should not exceed 1 month.

When applied externally, the analgesic, disinfecting, and regenerating effect is clearly manifested. In this case, the tincture is used for compresses, wet dressings, rinsing, rubbing, and irrigation.

When it comes to treating children, the dosage is recalculated as follows. For each child's year, 5% of the adult portion is added. For example, a ten-year-old child is prescribed half the adult dose. But in the case of children it should be used water solution and be sure to follow your doctor's recommendations.


Despite great benefit propolis, people prone to allergies need to be very careful. Honey and other bee products are among the top most popular allergens. Therefore, when various reactions: redness and itching of the skin, any discomfort - it is recommended to stop using the tincture. Other contraindications should be discussed with your doctor. Propolis is difficult to harm if used for general strengthening body. But serious, especially chronic, diseases are not safe to treat on your own.

Attention, TODAY only!

When a bee processes the collected sticky substances, a special formation occurs in its body. useful substance- propolis.

Visually, it is similar to a resinous structure or crumbs with a heterogeneous structure. The color of propolis can be light yellow or dark brown, with different shades.

When the temperature changes, the consistency of propolis also changes. If it is low, propolis becomes hard and brittle, it is very easy to crumble. When the temperature rises, this substance becomes soft and plastic. The consistency of fresh propolis is sticky and sticky, later it turns into harder and more fragile.

It is worth noting

Its main feature is that it retains all its beneficial properties even after boiling for an hour.

Propolis consists of:

  • flavonoids, characterized by wound healing and antimicrobial effects;
  • tannins, having an anti-inflammatory effect, which is especially important for the restoration of damaged tissue;
  • terpene compounds, good at fighting fungi;
  • resins, waxes and essential oils, having antiviral properties;
  • organic acids, which not only stop the growth of many bacteria, but also have an analgesic effect.

It is difficult to name a property that propolis does not possess. With its help, infectious pathogens, bacteria and viruses are destroyed; toxins are destroyed; poisons released during cell decay are neutralized; tissues regenerate and heal faster.

It is worth noting

Beekeeping has been providing necessary products that a person can use to improve their well-being. The most important thing is that home conditions are the most appropriate place for preparing propolis tincture.

You can do this yourself without special problems, little will be required. Vodka, alcohol or water can be used for this. The product should be stored in a bottle whose glass color is dark.

There are many recipes on how to prepare propolis tincture. For example, pain comes on suddenly when the pharmacy is closed, and you need to quickly make a solution that will be helpful and helpful. In order to prepare a product that can be used immediately, 90 ml of seventy percent medical alcohol is heated. Medical alcohol Can be replaced with vodka. The alcohol is heated in a water bath to a temperature of 50 degrees, propolis is added to it, 10 grams.

Before preparing propolis tincture, it must first be crushed. The ratio of propolis and liquid may be different, it all depends on what concentration is required. The mixture is stirred until everything is completely dissolved. Don't let it boil. Then medicinal infusion strained and poured into a clean bottle for storage.

A cool, dark place is suitable for storage; a refrigerator can be used. The container needs to be shaken periodically. This tincture can be stored for a year or more, up to three to four years.

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This homemade alcohol infusion is used to treat many diseases. Its use can be different: apply internally, gargle, make compresses. This product does not need to be infused; it can be cooled and used. The most important condition is the absence of allergies.

Typically treatment can last from one to four weeks. In some cases, the medicine is used once a day, then you will need from twenty to sixty drops of infusion per glass of milk or water.

This useful infusion It will help calm the stomach, gargle, and heal wounds. You can use not only an alcohol or aqueous solution, but also propolis to which oil has been added. With this easy way you can cope with various diseases, in addition - this good way strengthen the immune system.

You should know that when the product is prepared independently, the dosage for a child is considered to be five percent of adult dose for every year.

Basic recipes for preparing propolis with alcohol

Alcohol propolis tincture at home can be prepared in another way. Propolis, 100 grams, cool slightly in the freezer until hard, and then chop. Pour small pieces into a clean, opaque bottle, and then fill them with half a liter of seventy percent alcohol.

The mixture is thoroughly mixed, then tightly closed with a stopper. It is stored in a dark place for the first three days The bottle is shaken for thorough mixing.

When twelve days have passed, the product is filtered, its color can range from dark yellow to red-brown. A refrigerator or other cool place is intended for storing the resulting alcohol tincture. If you store it correctly, you can take the resulting product for a long time - three to four years. The recipe for propolis with alcohol is quite simple, but in return it is very effective.

If inflamed digestive tract, you need to take a five percent extract, then the concentration increases to twenty or thirty percent. You will need to prepare propolis in alcohol and then dissolve the product. To do this, forty drops of tincture need to be poured with a quarter glass of water or milk. The treatment time will be one to two months.

There is also folk recipe at diabetes mellitus, the basis of which is propolis. Thirty days you need to take the drug one tablespoon at a time.

This remedy has different effects. For example, you can prepare a rinse for problems in the oral cavity. To do this, propolis tincture, a teaspoon, is diluted with half a glass of water. Initially, the procedure is performed at intervals of two hours, and then next days- every eight. The inside of the mouth can be wiped with a diluted tincture.

It is worth noting

It is known that propolis, which bees collect, can improve immunity.

If you have a sore throat, you also need to prepare propolis in alcohol. Then the substance, a tablespoon, is diluted with a glass of water, and the resulting solution is used for rinsing. In addition, the tincture can be mixed with sage, chamomile and calendula.

If the skin is problematic, with wounds, psoriasis, ulcers, propolis tincture can be used as an ointment for the affected areas. The procedure is performed three times a day.

Can be cooked water tincture . The first step is to grind the propolis, which is usually soft. It needs to be cooled and crumbled. After this, they begin to add purified liquid to the propolis, and then heat everything in a water bath. It is important that the mixture is thoroughly mixed. It takes no longer than an hour to prepare.

Afterwards, the composition must be filtered through gauze folded in three. You can take this tincture immediately after cooling. This recipe is prepared much faster than the propolis recipe with alcohol.

And you can benefit from propolis oil. To prepare it, mix unsalted butter (100 g), crushed propolis (15 g) and boiled water(5 ml). All this is boiled for a quarter of an hour in a water bath, then filtered through cheesecloth.

Until the composition cools down, you need to stir it, and then close the container with a lid. A refrigerator is used to store propolis oil. Take it a tablespoon three times a day to treat the stomach, ears, throat, nose, dermatitis, inflammation and burns.

Often, in order to increase immunity, a mixture of propolis and honey is prepared. The proportion is three to one hundred. To do this, you need to melt the honey in a water bath and add crushed propolis to it. Ready product stored in the refrigerator. For prevention, take one tablespoon per day.

If there are burns and wounds, you need to take a little more propolis. This composition is applied to the wound three times a day for an hour. The same mixture also treats internal organs: stomach and intestines. Take it several times a day.

It is worth noting

A mixture containing propolis and milk helps improve many stomach diseases. Its price is less than that of medicines, but its action is more effective, because this product is completely natural. Tincture, 25 drops, mixed with half a glass of milk and taken twice a day.

Propolis copes with almost all diseases; the most important thing is to know how to drink propolis tincture correctly. It is able to eliminate fungus, viruses and bacteria, making nails and hair more healthy looking, the immune system became stronger, and many diseases simply disappeared.

Propolis can cope with male diseases, and with women's problems he behaves no worse than honey. It can be considered indispensable if there is skin diseases, tuberculosis, various infectious diseases.

It is worth noting

During treatment chronic diseases The propolis content should be increased, so it is used in fresh, unprocessed form.

Even just chewing propolis is useful. In this case, care must be taken to ensure that no irritation appears on the mucous membrane. If such a procedure is performed for the first time, it should not last longer than ten minutes.

Propolis must be chewed until it is completely dissolved. No more than three grams of propolis are consumed daily. In this way you can cope with periodontal disease, increase immunity, get rid of diseases gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the throat, lungs, improve blood circulation and lymph formation.

However, propolis should be used with caution, as it contains a strong allergen - bee venom, as well as essential oils acids

Making propolis preparations at home

Preparations based on propolis - ointments, tinctures, extracts, propolis water and extracts - can be prepared at home. They are no less effective than their industrial counterparts.

Propolis tincture

Select pieces of soft propolis without signs of spoilage, cool them in the refrigerator, grate them to particles 2–4 mm in size and sift through a sieve. Then place the prepared propolis in a dark glass container, pour in 70% wine alcohol, tightly seal with a stopper and keep in a dark place at room temperature for 8–10 days. In this case, the bottle must be shaken periodically. Keep the resulting tincture in the refrigerator for 10–12 hours and filter.

Ready-made propolis tincture is clear liquid yellow or dark- Brown with a very pleasant peculiar smell. Its taste is bitter; when tested on the tongue, the tincture has an anesthetic effect.

Pharmacological properties, indications, methods of application and doses are given in the description of the 10% alcoholic extract of propolis.

The drug should be stored in a tightly sealed dark glass container, in a cool place protected from light. This will save medicinal properties tinctures for 3–5 years.

Some clarifications need to be given. It is preferable to use 70% wine alcohol as an extractant, since in this case the wax, which is a ballast substance in the alcohol tincture, will not dissolve.

Alcohol tinctures prepared in a propolis to extractant ratio of 1:10 usually contain 4–5% active ingredients, and stronger extracts - 9–10% and 15–17% of dry matter, respectively. To more accurately determine how much propolis has passed into the solution, you need to filter the tincture, pour it into a measuring cylinder, and weigh the dry residue.

If you want to prepare a propolis tincture of a weaker concentration, you need to add enough pure alcohol to the filtrate to get the required ratio.

If there is a need to speed up the extraction of active substances, you can infuse propolis in alcohol for 1 day, and then moderately warm it up, cool it, keep it in the refrigerator for 10–12 hours and filter it. If the content of industrial preparations is precisely determined active substances, then in propolis tincture prepared at home, it fluctuates significantly.

According to the proposed recipe, you can prepare propolis tinctures of 10%, 20%, 30% and 50% concentrations in advance. They will be the basic preparations for the manufacture of mixtures and various medicines with propolis.

Liquid propolis extract

Take 100 g of propolis, crushed and purified from mechanical impurities, place in a dark glass bottle, pour in 500 ml of wine alcohol, close with a stopper and leave in a dark place at room temperature for 3-7 days, shaking occasionally. Then filter, pour into a dark glass container and close with a stopper.

To determine the amount of extracted propolis substances, measure 3–5 ml alcohol solution, maintain at a temperature of 50–70 ° C until the alcohol completely evaporates and calculate the dry matter content in 1 cm3 of extract. This is necessary to prepare a drug with the exact content of extractive substances.

The drug should be stored in a cool, dark place. It can be used to prepare emulsion ointments and other propolis preparations.

The extract has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antitumor, anti-radiation, deodorizing and anti-aging effects. Can be used externally and internally. Oral dose: 10–15 drops 3 times a day. The course of treatment* is 3-4 weeks, after a 15-30 day break it can be repeated.

Propolis water

Take the propolis left after cooking alcohol tinctures, add distilled water in a ratio of 1: 2, heat in a water bath for 10–20 minutes at a temperature not exceeding 80° C with constant stirring and filter. Ready propolis water has a yellow-brown color and a pleasant aroma. It should be stored in a cool, dark place for no more than 2–3 months.

Propolis water has numerous beneficial properties: antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-radiation, analgesic, hemostatic, tonic, rejuvenating, etc. It is used internally with for preventive purposes as a strengthening and rejuvenating agent, in the treatment of diseases of the lungs, digestive organs, excretory system etc., as well as externally - for burns, wounds, ulcers.

Dosage of propolis water for internal use– 1–2 tbsp. spoons per dose 3-5 times a day 30-50 minutes before meals.

The course of treatment is 3–4 weeks, and can be repeated if necessary.

Water-alcohol emulsion propolis

Take 1 liter of boiled or distilled water, add 10 ml of propolis tincture and mix thoroughly. The result should be a milky liquid with small flakes, which is a water-alcohol emulsion of propolis. It should be prepared immediately before use.

Aqueous extract of propolis

Grind the propolis, place in a tightly sealed glass container, add distilled or boiled water in a ratio of 1:5 and leave for 3-5 days. In this case, the drug should be heated daily in a water bath at a temperature of 40–50 ° C for 1–2 hours. At the end of the last procedure, profile the propolis suspension.

The finished aqueous extract of propolis is a cloudy brown liquid with a pleasant balsamic odor. It has a pronounced sterilizing effect and is well stored without adding any preservatives. Optimal time storage - 2-3 months; with longer storage, the bactericidal effect of the hood gradually decreases.

The drug can also be prepared using an accelerated method: heat crushed propolis and add water in a water bath to 70–80 °C, maintain at this temperature for 2–3 hours and filter while hot. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 2-3 times a day for 4-6 weeks.

Soft in propolis extract

Prepare a 50% alcohol extract of propolis. To do this, pour 50 g of crushed propolis into 100 ml of 90% alcohol, keep in a dark place for 7–10 days, shaking occasionally, and filter. Then evaporate the solvent in a water bath. The result is a soft extract of the active substances of propolis, which is a viscous mass of reddish-brown color with a pleasant odor.

The soft extract should be stored in a tightly closed dark glass container. High-quality ointments and suppositories can be prepared using propolis extract.

Propolis ointment

You can prepare 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 40% preparation. To do this, take 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 or 40 g of crushed propolis, respectively, put in an enamel cup and melt in a boiling water bath until a viscous consistency. Then add, respectively, 95, 90, 85, 80, 70 or 60 g of petroleum jelly, petroleum jelly with lanolin, unsalted butter or other similar fat base and keep in a water bath at a temperature not exceeding 80 ° C for 10–30 minutes with constant stirring. Strain the resulting mass while hot through gauze folded in 2 layers, leave until completely cooled and package.

The ointment prepared in the described way belongs to the type of extraction ointments. In this case, wax, about 1% of phenolic compounds and partially essential oils are completely extracted from propolis, but a number of active substances remain in propolis, so the effectiveness of such an ointment will be lower than, say, prepared from a soft propolis extract.

The finished product has a yellowish color with a greenish tint, specific smell and bitter taste. It should be stored in a tightly closed glass container in a dry, dark and cool place.

The product has an antimicrobial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, it can be taken orally, while the body’s defenses increase and speedy recovery at the most various diseases. Propolis ointment is of particular value in the treatment of chemical and thermal burns, difficult-to-heal ulcers and wounds, pulmonary and intestinal tuberculosis.

Propolisnaya vegetable oil ointment

Take 15 g of propolis and 85 g. vegetable oil. Pour the oil into an enamel bowl, bring to a boil, add crushed propolis, mix thoroughly and bring to a boil again. Remove floating impurities and hot mixture filter through double-folded gauze.

The ointment can be used to apply bandages, which should be changed after 1–2 days. Such dressings are effective for burns, long-term non-healing wounds and ulcers. The ointment has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, promotes accelerated healing wounds without scars or with barely noticeable scars.

Propolis-wax ointment on vegetable oil

Take 1 liter of boiled linseed, sunflower or other vegetable oil, add 60–70 g of melted wax, 100 g of propolis and heat with stirring for 30 minutes. Cool the finished ointment and place it in dark glass jars with tight-fitting lids. Propolis-wax ointment has excellent wound healing properties.

Olive propolis oil

Take 20 g of crushed propolis, pour 100 ml olive oil and heat in a water bath for 60 minutes, then filter through several layers of gauze. The resulting preparation, of semi-liquid consistency and yellow-green color, can be classified as a type of extraction ointment, although it is called oil.

The drug is effective for diseases of the oral mucosa, skin diseases, cervical erosion, rectal fissures, it accelerates healing trophic ulcers, wounds, burns and frostbite, used for rubbing for arthritis and arthrosis. Olive propolis oil can be taken internally for diseases of the bronchi and lungs, stomach and intestines, as well as for influenza, reduced immunity, etc. The recommended dose for oral administration is 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 30–40 minutes before meals.

There are a great many recipes for making propolis-based tinctures! Find exactly what you need with us!

Not every person realizes the full potential of the medicinal properties of this beekeeping product. But in its natural state it has a very weak solubility coefficient, which is why it is ineffective in internal use. To solve this dilemma with propolis, it was invented to make from it various kinds extracts, tinctures.

Today there are many different recipes for such mixtures. But the most popular and widespread is water or alcohol based. A remarkable asset of such substances is the ability to prepare them in the most ordinary home conditions. It is noteworthy that the speed of production of these mixtures varies noticeably, as does their shelf life.

On the water

The least amount of time spent on the process of preparing the drug is spent when using a water base at home. In addition, this mixture is available for consumption even by children, as it is absolutely harmless. However, it is worth noting that the time frame for possible further use of the finished liquid is only a couple of weeks.

To create the drug you will need the following components of the recipe.


  • high-quality propolis powder – 20 grams;
  • clean water – 200 milliliters;
  • thermos;
  • a little patience.

The whole procedure is completely simple and consists of the following steps.


  1. Water, regardless of the quality of filtration, should be boiled.
  2. Pour it into a thermos, but do not close it.
  3. Wait until the liquid has cooled by half and pour propolis crumbs into it;
  4. Close the lid of the thermos and shake the contents thoroughly and let it brew for at least eight hours;
  5. Filter heavy bee glue residues from the existing mixture with gauze.

The mixture is ready for direct use. It can only be kept in a cool place and it is advisable to choose glassware for this. Organic glass and plastic cannot cope with such tasks at all.

Sometimes it is recommended to change the recipe slightly and heat the propolis together with water in a water bath for about half an hour. And keep these impurities in the same thermos. Overall effect from such tinctures are absolutely the same, while the first recipe is noticeably easier to execute, which is why it is used more often.

On alcohol

In cases where you want a healing tincture with propolis to always be at hand, its preparation is based on alcohol. Such a hood can be used even six months after manufacture. However, at home, its preparation takes about two weeks. It is quite possible to make such a suspension at home if you have the following products.


  • finely ground, down to powder, propolis – 50 grams;
  • medical alcohol (the strength is not particularly important, since the tincture is always stirred before use) – 200 grams;
  • storage container (preferably made of dark glass);
  • a lot of patience.

This can only be prepared using a water bath. If bee glue is purchased in natural form, then it must be crushed. When it is warm, the product is very similar to plasticine, so it is advisable to cool it a little. However, you should not fill your freezer with propolis. best idea, since at sub-zero temperatures it loses many of its healing properties. Therefore, you can use the refrigerator compartment if the mode in it does not fall below the zero mark of the thermometer.

So, bee glue at low temperatures itself crumbles greatly, which makes the grinding process much easier. For this, a grater is most often used.


  1. Add alcohol and propolis crumbs to the prepared container.
  2. Leave this liquid in a dark place for at least a week and a half.

However, the recipe requires periodic human intervention. To do this, you will have to go up and shake the tincture every day, five or six times. This action is associated with propolis itself - it dissolves very reluctantly even in volatile ethers. Even after specified period, a certain sediment will remain at the bottom, unsuitable for consumption. Therefore, it will be necessary to filter through 3-4 layers of gauze, and in the absence of the latter - a bandage. Can be used immediately after removing sediment.

It is advisable to store the liquid in the refrigerator, in a dark bottle made of natural glass. If everything is done carefully and carefully, the product will retain its healing properties for three years.

Video recipe

On vodka

In the absence of alcohol, you can turn to its closest substitute - vodka. This bold decision is nothing other than the heritage of Slavic experimenters. The use of this liquid in a recipe provides certain possibilities for preserving it itself, however, they are still slightly inferior to the alcohol base.

This vodka extract is prepared in the same way as alcoholic propolis essence. However, you should not trust vodka mixed with amazing aromas of apple or something else. The product must be clean, suitable for consumption and without additives. Storage and use are no different from other types of extracts, since the saturation of the mixture with propolis is the same.

Application and benefits

Whatever wonderful recipe healing tincture, it must be used carefully. For children, it is generally advisable not to give mixtures with alcohol, even if they are diluted very well in water.


The most acceptable method of administering such a liquid is orally. This allows you to quickly use all the healing properties of the bee product. In this case, drink it with a glass of milk or water. The dosage is determined drop by drop - their quantity must correspond to the actual age of the person. This use of tincture can cure many diseases. internal organs. Particularly effective against gastritis and ulcers, diseases of the adrenal glands and circulatory system.


But such propolis can also treat external damage to the body. The same dislocations and fractures can be covered with bandages soaked in tinctures bee products. In this case, the site of injury is disinfected and tissue regeneration at the site of application is noticeably accelerated.