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Quotes about a woman's eyes. Statuses about eyes, guys, girls, statuses about women's, men's eyes

The collection includes phrases and quotes about eyes with meaning from the great representatives of humanity, as well as from unknown authors:
  • People's ears are no more trusting than their eyes. Herodotus
  • In the eyes of beautiful and big eyes there should be a reflection of the soul...
  • What is the eye if not an apparatus with the help of which a small creature living in a person’s head looks out? Samuel Butler
  • It is not the color of the eyes that is important, but their expression.
  • Black eyes have more power of expression and more liveliness, but blue eyes have more meekness and tenderness. Georges-Louis-Leclerc Buffon
  • You know that very special look that a woman gives you when she wants intimacy with you? I do not know either. Steve Martin
  • I haven’t gained weight, not at all... It’s your eyes that have become fat.
  • The eyes are the mirror of the soul, may the cross-eyed forgive us.
  • A kind soul has the most beautiful eyes. Taguhi Semirjyan
  • The eyes are not the mirror of the soul, but its mirror windows: through them she sees the street, but the street sees the soul. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky
  • How much grief and melancholy still fits in two such small spots that can be covered with one finger - in human eyes. Erich Maria Remarque
  • The eyes always see something that is difficult to refuse.

  • Beautiful are those eyes that try to see only the good in people. Audrey Hepburn
  • Eyes are a significant thing. Like a barometer. You can see who has a great dryness in their soul, who can poke the toe of a boot into their ribs for no reason, and who is afraid of everyone. Michael Bulgakov
  • Only a deep neckline can distract from bottomless eyes.
  • The eyes don't see. You need to look with your heart. Michael Jackson
  • She lined her eyes. And her eyes were letting her down))) (interesting joke about eyes)
  • The interlocutor’s eyes are a world of crooked reflections. Angelika Miropoltseva
  • He was alive, but it was difficult to understand it from his silent eyes. Olga Ushkalenko
  • You don't need eyes to see
  • There is no microscope that magnifies as much as the eyes of a person admiring himself. Alexander Pope
  • If you haven't cried, your eyes can't be beautiful. Sophia Loren
  • Learn to give signals in Morse code: short and long glances. Yanina Ipohorskaya
  • If the eyes are opposite, then they don’t mind!
  • The beauty of a woman is not in her clothes, figure or hairstyle. It glows in her eyes. After all, the eyes are the gates of the heart in which love lives. Audrey Hepburn
  • If the eyes have no bottom, they see more. (interesting saying about eyes, something to think about)
  • You can have beautiful eyes, or you can make them.

  • A woman's eyes are not a mirror, but optical sight. Georgy Alexandrov
  • When beautiful women's eyes become clouded with tears, the man stops seeing.
  • Women feel if a man, looking into her eyes, sees another.
  • Everyone dreams that in the look of his girlfriend there is something from the look of a dog. Yanina Ipohorskaya, quotes about eyes...
  • Democracy must be watched with both eyes until only one remains.
  • Of all the human sense organs, the eye has always been recognized as the best gift and the most wonderful product of the creative power of nature. Hermann Helmholtz
  • And only the eyes can tell about what cannot be expressed in words... (very beautiful quotes about the eyes and gaze of a person)
  • I close my eyes - a lot of money, a car, a dacha in Cyprus. I open my eyes - no money, no car, no dacha. Maybe there's something wrong with the eyes?
  • Of all the people I've met over many, many years, she was the first one I really liked. She was the only one I remember who looked me straight in the eyes - as if I meant something. Ray Bradbury
  • The eerie emptiness of her eyes is carefully outlined with mascara.
  • When the eyes say one thing and the tongue says another, an experienced person believes the former more. Ralph Emerson
  • The eyes are afraid, but the hands do...
  • A woman's eyes are not a mirror, but a searchlight of the soul. Valery Afonchenko
  • When you don't take your eyes off a woman, she becomes prettier before your eyes. Arkady Davidovich
  • Women's eyes are always the ocean: sometimes the Pacific, sometimes the Arctic... Mikhail Mamchich
  • Only those who look at you with tenderness have beautiful eyes. Coco Chanel
  • If a man looks into your eyes for a long, long time, you can be sure that he has already examined everything else. Yanina Ipohorskaya
  • A man and a woman could make eye contact more often if it weren't for the boobs!
  • If you have never cried, your eyes cannot be beautiful. Sophia Loren (wonderful aphorism about eyes)

Look yourself in the eyes!!! There are more answers than you have questions!!!

Beauty, women are not about clothes, figure or hairstyle. It glows in her eyes. After all, the eyes are the gates of the heart in which love lives.

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own soul.

You can fly into the depths of the abyss of your beloved eyes all your life.

Eyeliner is another way to hold back tears...

The most beautiful part of the body is loving eyes.

A look can be no less threatening than a gun loaded and aimed at a person; a look can offend, like spitting or a blow; but he can also radiate with kindness and make the heart dance with joy.

The eyes are the most perfect lie detector.

Well, where are you, my happiness with blue-gray eyes?

I love your eyes... But I love mine more... Because without mine I wouldn’t be able to see yours

Homeless Vasily lived in the subway. Thousands of women passed through his bed every day.

All the power is in the eyes, sometimes they are more useful than their owners.

You were leaving with your girlfriend, but you stayed for a minute. In my eyes there is resentment, anger, pain. but your eyes said “I’m still yours!

Mmm, what eyes. -Which? -Green. -Do you like it? -Not really! They are just a little more beautiful and kinder than others.

Oh, those women's eyes! They are fog, a deep pool, they will lift you into the heavens, and all sorrows will drown in them.

My eyes betray the pain of the past... But despite everything, I will be happy!

The eyes are always more tender than the heart.

Brown and mixed eyes RuleT.

Only by the eyes can one understand the sincerity of a person.

How to sleep? -Well, go to bed, close your eyes and pass out!

Status, already like eyes! It expresses the human soul.

The eyes are a window behind which the human soul is magnificently visible. You just need to be able to look through this window.

The eyes are the window of the soul.

A soul that can speak with its eyes can kiss with its gaze...

Don't you want to love me just for my beautiful eyes? … . Then love me for my raspberry lips, vanilla-scented hair, and strawberry nose.

Your eyes look, but through me...

A woman's eyes are not a mirror, but a searchlight of the soul.

Our eyes will never deceive us! You just need to take a closer look and you will find out everything when you don’t know the person yet!

When a woman's beautiful eyes become clouded with tears, a man stops seeing.

It’s unlikely that there is a person who can read the whole truth in my eyes without saying a word... But I’m looking for him. Still looking...

He: You have a kind soul She: What makes you think that?! ?! ?! Him: Yes, your eyes are very beautiful!!!

Passion is when you love her lips, image, hands, voice, gait and dignity; she is truly beautiful when she laughs. Love is when you love her eyes, soul, character, bad habits and disadvantages; and she is truly beautiful when she is helpless and crying.

To set your heart on fire with love, your eyes are enough!

You have such beautiful eyes, you would drown. - But my eyes are brown. - And what? - Do you even understand what you’re drowning in?

And I believe that the next time you look into my eyes, you will love, you will love with all your heart...

Do you love me! - Who said? - Your eyes!

The eyes are not responsible when the mind does not see.)

I cheated on you! - How? - I looked into the eyes of another - Well, this is not cheating - And I fell in love...

They undress some with their eyes, while they try unsuccessfully to dress others.

Look into the eyes for a few seconds, you know how the soul is visible through...

From now on you can write me down in your phone: “a girl with beautiful and charmingly childish eyes.”

The face is a portrait of your soul, and the Eyes are a sign of your intentions.

Only for your sake, my love, I will believe in reality, only for your sake amazing eyes I'm ready to die and be resurrected.

My mirror is the eyes of my man. I am always irresistible in it!

Say about a person only what you could repeat when looking into his eyes.

When the eyes say one thing and the tongue says another, an experienced person believes the former more.

Looking into a woman's eyes, you can learn a lot. of course, if you know how to look at them.

People in whose eyes there is nowhere to fall lower are called friends.

And only looking into your eyes... I understand why I am still alive...

One day you will look into my laughing eyes and cry.

Put me in your phone like this: “Baby with charming, childishly innocent eyes.”

I don’t have the strength to look into my beloved, but indifferent eyes, in which there is not a drop of feeling left for me.

A chiseled figure... good... One who will not betray or deceive... Her eyes are cheerful, and it is clear that she is brave, and slowly walks through the city... so beautiful.

You don’t need to trust external beauty, it will lie, it will stupefy deceit with poison, your eyes only tell the truth, they are pure, they will tell you everything as if in spirit.

Best status:
I don’t understand why mascara always goes on smoother on one eye.

Men, beware! I am a master of sports in shooting not only at the shooting range. I hit the target with my eyes. Therefore, be careful!

The girl’s eyes sparkle, which means the cockroaches in her cute little head are celebrating something.

From now on, my eyes are empty for you, nothing will be reflected in them for you. I do not love you anymore.

Are you crying because he doesn't love you anymore? - asked my little brother, wiping tears from my eyes. - Just wait until you cry, I’ll become big and strong and beat this fool. Calm down and don't cry anymore.

Beautiful eyes don’t lie, they’re just cunning.

Eyes are the initials of the soul.

The seemingly honest eyes turned out to be just empty...

A woman has no age... A woman has eyes... They cut out light... A tear runs out of them... They contain her secret and treasure... Losses and the joy of meetings... How a woman needs to be understood!!! How a woman should be protected!!! There is as much beauty in her, As there are stars in her soul... And the key to her dream is Surprisingly simple... If only there were eyes nearby, In which the count of winters was lost... Then the rest cannot but be given away to others.

Quotes about eyes – Eyes are the most expressive part of a woman’s face

Shh... Your eyes better ask for forgiveness.

In the eyes of the beautiful and big there should be a reflection of happiness, and in her behavior there should be only modesty and obedience.

The eyes are the most perfect lie detector.

The eyes contain a million times more than their most complex structure.

Only for your sake, my love, will I believe in reality, only for the sake of your amazing eyes am I ready to die and be resurrected...

All the power is in the eyes, sometimes they are more useful than their owners.

Only the heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

I'm putting on my eyes...my eyes are letting me down...

You should not walk with your back, but with your eyes! (the student walked along the corridor with his back) – Yukina E.A.

This is how man is made. He can restrain his facial expressions, mentally tie his hands, but his eyes.+ This is what cannot be hidden. They reflect everything that happens inside.

When you don't take your eyes off a woman, she becomes prettier before your eyes.

Democracy must be watched with both eyes until only one remains. (Vladimir Borisov

The eyes always see something that is difficult to refuse.

Website of one-eyed people - Admiral Nelson, Kutuzov, S.B. etc.

There is no microscope that magnifies as much as the eyes of a person admiring himself.

Why don't people believe their eyes? Even those eyes, looking into which they see tears?

Other eyes look like fragments broken mirror souls

To understand how smart a dog’s eyes can be, just take a closer look at the owner’s gaze...

And only the eyes can tell about what cannot be expressed in words...

The eyes have the amazing ability to begin a conversation before the lips move, and can continue to speak when the lips have long been closed...

Women's eyes are not a mirror, but an optical sight.

Envious eyes can even embrace the immensity.

There are men who are more talkative than women, but no man has the eloquence of a woman's eyes. – Max Weber

The main thing in a woman is her eyes, although there is something else to look at.

Take care of the twinkle in your eyes dear people... Once you go out, you will never get the old light back...

Prolonged eye contact immediately produces strong feeling attachments.

You can fly into the depths of the abyss of your beloved eyes all your life.

Appearance is deceptive, a smile is not always sincere... And only the eyes have not yet learned to lie...

They say that grey eyes they might like it... they might fall in love with the blue ones... and only go crazy over the brown ones... I have one question: what should I do with the green ones:?)

Her beautiful legs are in my mirror of the soul.

* You can fly into the depths of the abyss of your beloved eyes all your life. Leonid S. Sukhorukov

I close my eyes - a lot of money, a car, a dacha in Cyprus. I open my eyes - no money, no car, no dacha. Maybe there's something wrong with the eyes?

My mirror is the eyes of my man. I am always irresistible in it!

Eyes are the gates of the soul...

The eyes are a very perfect lie detector that is always with you.

A woman's eyes are not a mirror, but a searchlight of the soul.

Women's eyes often fail.

“The eyes are not only the mirror of the soul, but also the mirror of deception.”

Only a deep neckline can distract from bottomless eyes.

We don't need extra eyes. Extra eyes result in extra mouths.

The eyes are afraid, and the legs are running!

In the mirror of her soul there are only shadows.

How many unspoken desires, thoughts and fears - life is understandable - are expressed in one casual glance, when your eyes timidly and hesitantly meet.

The most a nice place in humans it is the eyes. The most best moments in life, when these eyes look at you.

The teeth are kept on a shelf and the eyes are on a leash.

I believe! These eyes don't lie. After all, how many times have I told you that your main mistake is that you underestimate the value of human eyes. Understand that the tongue can hide the truth, but the eyes can never! You are asked a sudden question, you don’t even flinch, in one second you control yourself and know what needs to be said in order to hide the truth, and you speak very convincingly, and not a single wrinkle on your face moves, but, alas, the truth, alarmed by the question, with the bottom of the soul jumps into your eyes for a moment, and it’s all over. She's spotted and you're caught!

Some people who look into our eyes are just looking for their reflection there.

You can't create sparkle in your eyes with makeup. This is exactly how it was when you and I started dating: kisses, gifts, tender words... Time has passed, and now, looking into my eyes, you are unlikely to see any sparkle there. Darling, what has changed between us?...

Beautiful eyes don't lie, they're just cunning.

The eyes are always more tender than the heart.

The eyes of a liar are a crooked mirror of the soul. (Yuri Tatarkin / EYES)

Sincere emotions and feelings are revealed by the eyes... They glow with happiness, they wither in pain... They tear up when the soul suffers and the heart groans mercilessly in the chest... They tear up from the happiness of meeting and love...

green-eyed people are tenderness itself. They always love sincerely, passionately and are distinguished by their loyalty to those they choose...

The eyes are the mirror of the soul, may the cross-eyed forgive us.

No matter how much you eat with your eyes, you won’t be full.

Our eyes will never deceive us! You just need to take a closer look, and you will find out everything when you don’t know the person yet!!!

Some are undressed with their eyes, others are tried to be dressed.

Some people who look into our eyes are just looking for their reflection there.

If a man looks into your eyes for a long, long time, you can be sure that he has already examined everything else.

Why can't you see how hard it is for me to breathe and speak when you're around? I ask one thing: learn to read my eyes. You will understand everything. They never lie...

The eyes are afraid and the legs are running

* Other eyes are like fragments of a broken mirror of the soul. Leonid S. Sukhorukov

Just going to last way, you can close your eyes to everything.

The look of a naked woman will make the strongest man lower his eyes.

Women's eyes speak clearer than words

Women look in the mirror to see themselves through a man's eyes.

Burning eyes do not always emit light.

There should be a reflection of happiness in the eyes of beautiful and big ones.

The eyes are the mirror of the soul... So we have to wear black glasses so that not everyone looks into the soul...

You can drown in blue eyes, like in the ocean... or you can swim out if you know how to swim... it’s not clear what to do with green eyes, it’s like a swamp, if you get stuck, then that’s it

Some are undressed with their eyes, while others are tried unsuccessfully to be dressed.

Eyes are the initials of the soul

The most beautiful eyes in the world are the eyes that look at you with love!!!

Hold your gaze on my eyelashes and you will understand that you simply need these eyes...

The eyes have the amazing ability to start a conversation before the lips move, and can continue to speak when the lips have long been closed...)))

Appearance is deceptive, a smile is not always sincere... And only the eyes have not yet learned to lie...

My eyes didn’t betray me, but my heart beat...

He wanted to drown in her eyes, but shit doesn’t drown.

First one after another, then another - you need an eye and an eye, but you can’t get enough eyes.

“Yes” is a word that women pronounce more easily with their eyes than with their lips.

A man and a woman could make eye contact more often if it weren't for the boobs!

Women’s eyes are always the ocean: sometimes the Pacific, sometimes the Arctic…

Sometimes one look into a girl's eyes is enough to understand that she is the one.

Always make eye contact! Then people will remember you.

I love Brown eyes, just because his eyes are that color...

There is very little you need to see in a person's eyes to give your all...

You can drown in his eyes, his smile will melt any heart, and his gaze will make you smile...

The true age of a girl is always displayed in her eyes.

Don't close your eyes to what you want to change.

Let the crow sometimes strike the crow, Let the crow challenge the crow to fight, Let them bleed more than once, But the crow will not peck out the crow's eye!

Your eyes are like a whirlwind! Can I be your little devil!

Behind the sparkle of my green eyes are hidden unshed tears.

Charming female eyes. The cause of many wars and clashes. The guys lose their brakes. And they are eager to fight without any doubts. The unfortunate ones, having suffered sweet captivity. The city is under siege by a wild crowd. And the eyes will look tenderly from the walls. And that's it, screw it! This is how Troy was burned.

I have never heard a better compliment! My eyes are brown, and then they say your eyes are the color of chocolate, the color of “alpen gold”! So glad! :)

Light brings suffering to sore eyes, happiness brings pain to the wounded heart. Dark - best medicine for both sore eyes and wounded hearts...

Your eyes are the color of my happiness.

A guy who sincerely looks into a girl’s eyes should see her soul in them, and not his reflection...

There are people whose eyes never lie. The rest lies so much that it’s sickening to listen to, but the eyes remain crystal-honest.

It is best to speak the truth in the ear.

I don’t know what I will do when I see your eyes... After all, the heart says: “I love...” And the mind whispers: “I hate”

Words are often not from the heart - from the mind. Trust only the eyes that reflect the soul.

Anger, resentment... but when you look into your beloved eyes, you forgive everything... appreciate it and don’t give me a reason to be offended by you...

Eyes that have never cried cannot be beautiful.

Look into my eyes - and you will see in them all my feelings and all my sadness... All the suffering and a small piece of hope.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Statuses about eyes, guys, girls, statuses about women, men's eyes

Guys, believe me, success is not in the pants, success is in loving and tender eyes!!!

She loved making eyes. And since she wasn’t much of a builder, her eyes turned out to be rather crooked and squinty.

Eyes say a lot, are silent about a lot and cry about a lot...

Closing my eyes, I imagine you. I remember everything from scratch to finish.

The eyes of a dear girl are the bliss of heaven!!!

If you look into the eyes of a person, whether he is a loved one, an acquaintance, or just a stranger, you can see what he is like from the inside. The eyes reflect his true essence, that is, the Mirror of the Soul.

Sneeze with with open eyes impossible!

Don't believe your eyes, trust your intuition! She will tell you when you are being deceived!

I hear your words, but I only trust your look...

If a girl’s eyes don’t sparkle, it’s only because her current boyfriend can’t make them sparkle! There is no other option. But... if the stars don’t light up, then NOBODY needs it?...

Eyes can tell a lot, but they can also deceive!!!

You can exchange a million words and... not say the main thing. Or you can silently look into your eyes and... tell about everything...

Women's eyes speak clearer than words.

Dear girls, to have beautiful eyes, you don’t need to put on makeup like the Indians and get eyelash extensions, you just need to sincerely love and know how to put on makeup a little...

Why are you looking into my eyes? Do you want to see my soul? Then close yours and open your heart... Well, if you are looking for a speck, take the log out of yours...

And the eyes have not yet learned to lie - since tinted glasses are still in fashion, it means that we all still have something to hide...

My eyes don't lie!!! Well, so, the left eye is just a little disingenuous)))))

Sometimes lights in the eyes are a sign of smoldering sawdust in the head!

Beautiful are those eyes that try to see only the good in people.

Sooner or later... Everyone meets that person: with whom it will be just good... Cozy and calm... And then it doesn’t matter: what eye color... height... what matters is something completely different: what place you occupy in this person’s life.

A guy needs a girl to love her. And so that in the reflection of her eyes he sees himself as a god.

True beauty lives in the heart, is reflected in the eyes and manifests itself in actions...)

It’s more natural and pleasant to drown in blue eyes.)

Women’s eyes are always the ocean: sometimes the Pacific, sometimes the Arctic…

The eyes are smiling. Either simply happy, or madly...

No makeup can beautify your face as much as purity in your eyes and sincerity in your smile.

Eyes are more accurate witnesses than ears...

- This is great... your eyes are so wide, it’s just brilliant!

But who dares to say that the Lord has abandoned us? They want to make you doubt angels. My brothers, the angels are here. No, don't raise your eyes. The skies are empty. Angels are here on earth...

Eyes are a significant thing. Like a barometer. You can see everything - who has a great dryness in their soul, who can poke the toe of a boot into their ribs for no reason, and who is afraid of everyone.

When married people look at each other, the thought of bed is not visible in their eyes.

What is not in the thoughts will not be in the eyes. Statuses about eyes, guys, girls, statuses about women's, men's eyes

It turns out that my happiness hurts the eyes of many! Well, I wish only one thing for these people - don’t lose your sight)))

I have pure heart and kind eyes... But that doesn’t mean I can’t punch you in the face!

Statistically, people with dark eyes are more persistent and resilient.

When your eyes are empty, there is a desert around. When the eyes shine, the earth blooms.

Beauty is a sense of self, and it is reflected in your eyes. This is not a physical phenomenon.

Men, do you want to know why we paint our eyes with... open mouth? So, I answer, FROM PLEASURE!!!

Her eyes were tired, anxious, naive, proud, but still still brown and in love...

The rays of calm eyes are stronger than anything in the world.

A woman is always beautiful when she has a beloved man. And this beauty is not just in a well-built figure and a pretty face, this beauty is in her eyes. .. in the energy that a loving soul radiates.

Their shape, size and color don’t matter when so much power is hidden in men’s eyes! In them is the sun of life and love, the dawn... A man's eyes... how beautiful you are...

A person who speaks the truth straight to the face is worthy of respect.

Dream girl... pink lips... Envy silently... because she is a forget-me-not... Small cheeks... green eyes... She is the best... she is just a fairy tale.

Don't try to hear the unsaid. Just look into your eyes...

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. They won't be able to lie. Soulless people have glass.

Eye to eye, leave it, don’t torment me... I’ll only keep what’s cute... You were probably the best... You were... And I loved you... You laugh, it doesn’t hurt me anymore... I killed that love in myself... And let a tear falls from my cheek involuntarily... You know, I haven’t forgotten you...

Eye color doesn't matter! If you look into these eyes with love and tenderness... then they are already SPECIAL!!!

Your main mistake is that you underestimate the value of human eyes. Understand that the tongue can hide the truth, but the eyes can never!

Scientific fact.
When a person cries and the first tear drips from the right eye, it is from happiness. And if from the left - then from pain or grief.

When I look into your eyes, the world around me freezes...

My principle is the triumph of truth! And my motto is crazy tenderness! Love is insanely vast, And green eyes are witchcraft!

If you want to see your true reflection, look into the eyes of a dragon.

Sometimes some ridiculous trifle is enough to understand something to which your eyes have been closed for years!

The most beautiful eyes. Not blue and not brown. The most beautiful eyes. Not big and not small. The most beautiful eyes. Not wide and not narrow. The most beautiful eyes are the ones you love. It is in your beloved eyes that you can see the reflection of your love.

The eyes don't see. You need to look with your heart.

IN Blue eyes they fall in love, go crazy over the brown ones... And mine are green!

I’m afraid of people who smile with only their lips, and hatred is clearly visible in their eyes...

There should be a reflection of happiness in the eyes of beautiful and big ones. Statuses about eyes, guys, girls, statuses about women's, men's eyes

The eyes don’t lie... They will tell you everything... And who loved and who played... Over time, fate will show who has lost more in life...

Eyes are a significant thing. Like a barometer. You can see who has a great dryness in their soul, who can poke the toe of a boot into their ribs for no reason, and who is afraid of everyone.

I know why your eyes are brown. Why? You just eat a lot of chocolate) Why then are your eyes green?)))

Eyes are the mirror of the soul: therefore, in whose eyes you don’t look, you will only see the reflection of your soul.

They say the eyes are the mirror of the soul... awesome... I have an unreal bruise under this soul)

How to explain to your loved one a stupid woman's heart? I looked into his tender, tired eyes - and was happy just because he was nearby...

“Is it possible to explain to this girl that happiness is an illusory thing, that you can feel happy for some time, and even then only when you are ready for disappointment, you are waiting for it, but it does not come... But this cannot be explained, especially when There's such a sparkle in the girl's eyes."

The soul is what shines in the eyes. And what glows under my eye is the result of sincere conversations.

The most beautiful eyes in the world are the eyes of a loved one)))))

My brown eyes stopped you!

He wanted to drown in her eyes... but shit doesn't drown!

Attention, I charge you with positivity to look into your eyes!

When a loved one looks into your eyes, it seems that he is looking into your soul... And when it is mutual, this is happiness...

I want you to be so close that I can see the sky in your eyes...

It’s hard to look into the eyes, into the eyes of your ex, your loved ones.

I love when the sparkle in my eyes is reflected in yours!!!

Eyes are an amazing weapon of seduction. They contain the essence and all the depth, thoughts are alive in them, feelings are visible in them, they are capable of turning the world upside down.

... The reflection of the soul in the eyes...
Do you want to know what the soul is filled with?... Look carefully into the eyes!...

Remembering the good, you can see the future with your own eyes...

If I am a queen in your eyes, then I don’t need more.

And sometimes it’s hard to PRESS THE BRAKES... and sometimes it’s hard to slow down... BEING THE BEST doesn’t mean CAUGHT YOUR EYE... The most important thing is to EMBRACE YOUR MEMORY!!!

WOMAN'S EYES are weapons of mass destruction!
... And in order to maintain the power of its action and the accuracy of the sight, it must be periodically sighted!

When a woman's beautiful eyes become clouded with tears, a man stops seeing.

A beautiful smile, a sparkle in her eyes, a million envious eyes, and at night, tiredly, slowly, she walks completely, completely alone, and there is no longer that spark in her eyes, although no... her eyes shine... from a shed tear

“Happiness is always somewhere nearby, just open your eyes”...)))))

-You have such beautiful eyes, their sparkle drives me crazy!
- Never mind. It's just that the cockroaches in my head are setting off fireworks.

The eyes have the amazing ability to start a conversation before the lips move, and can continue to speak when the lips have long been closed...)))

The best moments in life are when your eyes look at me.

You were told that for some reason your eyes became larger and rounder...
The reason is banal: now there are two people in your eyes: you and the reflection of his eyes!

Your eyes have the colors I love love love...

Only the heart is vigilant. The most important thing cannot be seen with the eyes.

How different people look when you really look into their eyes!

Beloved eyes do not know how to lie... Just look deeper into them... The most... they are unique... With sparkles of fiery love...

Are you looking everything in the eyes? Why don't you like my boobs? =) Statuses about eyes, guys, girls, statuses about women's, men's eyes

There is one world in which my soul feels at home... this is the world of your beautiful eyes.

For women, a thunderstorm rages on the tongue, but for a true woman it rages in the depths of her eyes.

What is remembered is not size three breasts, a firm butt or slender legs. I remember the eyes of a person, eyes full of happiness or pain, but reflecting his soul

He is rude, strong, harsh, stubborn, independent, proud, indifferent... But his hands are the warmest, his lips are the most tender, his eyes are the kindest...

The most beautiful part of the body is loving eyes!

Looking into my eyes, the cobra swallowed the poison.

Any beautiful eyes after sleepless night the prefix “pre” usually disappears somewhere...

It’s just that his eyes are dear and beloved... It’s just that his lips whisper tender words... He’s just mine... I’m just lucky.

If you haven’t seen with your eyes, look with your heart... If your heart turns out to be blind - the only hope for the Soul...

He just has beautiful eyes, and then everything just happened...

- Why does she have such a rainbow in her eyes? ... - Her eyes just survived the rain.

There is nothing more mysterious in the world than our eyes... They contain all our thoughts, but few can read and understand their meaning

If you don’t want to face the truth, you will look at fate in the back...

I wish everyone to meet such eyes, looking into which you will see happiness!

Yes...I'm harmful! I'm rude... Sometimes I swear... But... but my eyes are beautiful.

Once again the wife is hiding her little eyes... I know what this means. No, she didn’t change... she bought herself something.

Look into the eyes without listening to words... words are often not from the heart - from the mind... trust only the eyes, which reflect the soul...

The most important thing is what you cannot see with your eyes...

How to teach your eyes to deceive? So that after my words “Everything is fine,” they wouldn’t say to me, “But my eyes say that you’re lying.”

What about the world? Neither good nor bad - everything is from human eyes: in the deep ones the era is reflected, and in the small ones - a rabble of insignificant trifles...

Only a blind man would not see a woman in love...

How much grief and melancholy still fits in two such small spots that can be covered with one finger - in human eyes.

Everything that does not please the human eye in me, I have for protection from the evil eye!)))

The eyes of a liar are a crooked mirror of the soul.

The eyes didn’t give away, but the heart beat… … …

Give them a kick in the gut with your properly painted eyes!

I came to the conclusion that in our country everything is done through the “EYE” and through the “ASS”.

Find me, even if I ask you not to look. Find it, look into the eyes, without listening to the words.

My eyes get high... when yours are jealous...

The most beautiful thing is to look into the eyes of a person who is smiling. Everyone's eyes “smile” in their own way. But it is smiling eyes that are the most beautiful.

A man and a woman could make eye contact more often if it weren't for the boobs!

Green-eyed people are tenderness itself. They always love sincerely, passionately and are distinguished by their loyalty to those they choose...

Statuses about eyes, guys, girls, statuses about women's, men's eyes

Most people often use aphorisms in their conversations without knowing it. Aphorism translated from Greek language stands for "definition". It conveys a laconic form of human thought from different eras of existence. So people different generations at any life situation able to express their thoughts using the established wisdom of centuries. Many aphorisms can be found about eyes. We often say: “the eyes are the mirror of the soul.” And all because they are able to tell much more than words. The eyes will not hide the resentment, anger and sadness. It is easy to recognize sparkle and sincerity in the eyes. That is why this selection of aphorisms about the eyes will be familiar and close to many.

The eyes are always more tender than the heart. Etienne Rey

Rather, because everyone’s eyes are in plain sight...

When the eyes say one thing and the tongue says another, an experienced person believes the former more. Ralph Emerson

And it is right! You can say anything...

There is no microscope that magnifies as much as the eyes of a person admiring himself. Alexander Pope

This is especially true for girls))

People's ears are more mistrustful than their eyes. Herodotus

Because you can hang noodles on your ears!

Eyes are more accurate witnesses than ears. Heraclitus of Ephesus

Well, it’s not for nothing that they say: it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times

A good, benevolent and sincere person can be recognized by his eyes. Marcus Aurelius

I think if you know how to read eyes... it happens that a person has such eyes that seem to be honest, but in reality he is a liar(((

Eyes are a significant thing. Like a barometer. You can see who has a great dryness in their soul, who can poke the toe of a boot into their ribs for no reason, and who is afraid of everyone. Michael Bulgakov

Bulgakov is a wise man!

The interlocutor’s eyes are a world of crooked reflections. Angelika Miropoltseva

Damn good expression!

Of all the people I've met over many, many years, she was the first one I really liked. She was the only one I remember who looked me straight in the eyes - as if I meant something. Ray Bradbury

Ah, this wonderful Bradbury, each of his words is worth its weight in gold))

Infinity is the eyes in which you always want to drown. Angelika Miropoltseva

These are dangerous eyes...

Of all the human sense organs, the eye has always been recognized as the best gift and the most wonderful product of the creative power of nature. Hermann Helmholtz

But there is a phenomenon of blind artists, deaf composers... What to do?!

Children's eyes are always open wide to the world. Old age often just squints at him. Leonid Sukhorukov

Children are simply always open to new things...

This is how man is made. He can restrain his facial expressions, mentally tie his hands, but his eyes. This is what cannot be hidden. They reflect everything that happens inside. Olga Anina

Yes, excitement and fear are immediately visible in people's eyes

Who owns the aphorism “Empty eyes are an empty soul.”

“Empty eyes are an empty soul” - the expression belongs to K. S. Stanislavsky. More accurate quotation: “To disguise the inner emptiness, there are tricks of the trade, but they only intensify the bulging of empty eyes. Need I say that such looking is not necessary... The eyes are the mirror of the soul. Empty eyes are a mirror empty soul. Don’t forget about this!”

Aphorisms about a woman's eyes

The beauty of a woman is not in her clothes, figure or hairstyle. It glows in her eyes. After all, the eyes are the gates of the heart in which love lives. Audrey Hepburn

I've always liked Audrey. Good words!

Women's eyes are not a mirror, but an optical sight. Georgy Alexandrov

Past charming eyes It’s always difficult to pass by... but they’ve already noticed us for a long time and are keeping them at gunpoint!

A woman's eyes are not a mirror, but a searchlight of the soul. Valery Afonchenko

Yeah, we girls can’t hide anything (((

Women's eyes are always the ocean: sometimes the Pacific, sometimes the Arctic... Mikhail Mamchich

Well, it depends on who...

The eyes are not the mirror of the soul, but its mirror windows: through them she sees the street, but the street sees the soul. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

If only you don’t look away for a minute to the left...

Oh, Armenian eyes, you are always beautiful! Silva Kaputikyan

The eyes of an Armenian girl are an ocean of emotions

Aphorisms about beautiful eyes

Beautiful are those eyes that try to see only the good in people. Audrey Hepburn


There should be a reflection of happiness in the eyes of beautiful and big ones. Georgy Alexandrov

It should be... but it doesn't always happen(((

A kind soul has the most beautiful eyes. Taguhi Semirjyan

I don’t really believe this...

You can have beautiful eyes, or you can make them. Neyah

Relevant especially in the 21st century

If you haven't cried, your eyes can't be beautiful. Sophia Loren

What happens, Sophie has been crying all her life?!

Only those who look at you with tenderness have beautiful eyes. Coco Chanel

I love eyes like these. They are so cute…

Aphorisms about sad eyes

The gloomy, calm look in his eyes reflected the full extent of his loneliness. Ray Bradbury

I often see this look from my neighbor...it’s obvious that he’s really lonely(((

He was alive, but it was difficult to understand it from his silent eyes. Olga Ushkalenko

I can’t look into those eyes((it seems like you don’t know what to expect from this person...

How much grief and melancholy still fits in two such small spots that can be covered with one finger - in human eyes. Erich Maria Remarque

Especially in a woman’s eyes there is always more grief than in a man’s eyes(((

The eyes don't see. You need to look with your heart. Michael Jackson

It happens…

Our holiest tears never appear before our eyes.

Why? I often cry with happiness))

When beautiful women's eyes become clouded with tears, a man stops seeing.

It's hard to understand something when her eyes are in tears...

Aphorisms about eye color: blue, black and others
Although the eyes are the mirror of the soul, their color does not always correspond to the color of this very soul...

My eyes are dark brown, almost black! And the soul is probably pink (naive))