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How to say good night in a creative way. Beautiful good night wishes to your beloved boyfriend, man, husband in your own words. How to originally, romantically, erotically wish the guy you like good night in prose, poetry, in different languages ​​of the world? How p

I’ll tell you without keeping silent - I always want “this”! I want it on my nightstand and on the couch! Squatting and upside down! And in the cold? and the summer heat, when the rain is pouring overhead, and even if it’s very late, I want to tell you - Good Night! 1249 (6)

I’m waiting for your tender, sweet kiss, I want to hug you passionately. I love you very, very much, hurry up, kitten, go to sleep! 961 (3)

My heart wishes for you Good night. And my lips kiss you before bed. Good night honey... 1562

Everyone closes their eyes because they want to sleep, but I close my eyes because I want to see you in my dreams! Good night! 599 (1)

The most affectionate, kind and handsome guy I wish you the sweetest dreams and good night! 812

May you have a good dream about me, and if not, I’ll come and throw you out of bed;)! 439 (1)

Night comes and silence comes,
You fall asleep peacefully
My soul will come to you
And kiss you tenderly... 685 (3)

Sorry if I woke you up, I can’t sleep - I’m thinking about you... I really want to see you, just feel that you are nearby... I love you! 257 (1)

Look out the window, it’s already dark, it’s high time for everyone to sleep!
Close your eyes, I love you - you know that! 119

I'll run my finger across your cheek,
I'll run my nails along your back,
I will kiss you endlessly...
Well, is it possible to sleep with such thoughts? 335

Sleep peacefully, sweetly, remember me, close your eyes, I love you - you know. 208

With a quiet step, as in a slow motion movie, the night comes to us through a dark window, regally takes its throne... Soon it will give you its very sweet Dreams! 78 (1)

Let Your blanket be warmer than my hands...
Let Your pillow be softer than my lips...
Let Your dreams be brighter than my eyes...
I'm running, I'm running to hit them now! 174

There are stars in the sky, thoughts in my head, tears in my eyes, and in my heart - You... 235

There are many words that I want to say to you, there are many excuses to kiss you, but the most important thing is not nearby... you are not nearby! Sweet dreams, I'm thinking about you! 367

I wish you good night, kiss you tenderly, love you and hug you! 102

Heavenly stars
Glow in the dark
And one is wonderful
It shines only for you!
The eyes are closing,
Night outside the window!
May you dream
The best dream! 154

Good night, my favorite kitten! May you dream of the most beautiful and magical dreams, and even if you and I are together in them! I promise that I will come into your sweet dream, give you the happiest emotions and the hottest kisses, and then when we meet, I will do the same in reality! 563

A strangled bird is sleeping, and a fox is sleeping in a trap, flies are sleeping in the web... Sleep, otherwise I’ll kill you with a pillow! 113

Good night my angel!
I will be with you in spirit! 122

Time for some late night poetry! I wish you good, sweet dreams! And I wish you good night, I love you ❤ Kisses ❤ Hugs! 62


How to say good night? Pleasant SMS in verses

April 3, 2013

How to wish good night in such a way that your wish is not only liked, but also remembered by the recipient for its originality? Just send a thematic message! Good night SMS will be unexpected and pleasant surprise for your friend, buddy or significant other.

Advantage this method is that messages can be thematic and intended for a specific occasion. There are a wide variety of SMS messages: romantic, thoughtful or simply funny.

Wishing good night via SMS may well become a familiar evening ritual, because the variety of ready-made messages that can be found, for example, on the World Wide Web is truly surprising. Here is a selection of SMS on the topic: “How to say good night.”

Look out the window: there is a clear moon in the sky

Lights the way for random travelers.

May this night she

It will only give you pleasant dreams.

I want to wish you good night,

Let nothing disturb the peace.

I will fly to you on the wings of the wind,

And a sweet dream will help us meet.

Stars are walking in the sky,

They give dreams to people.

Close your eyes and that's it

A wonderful dream will come to you.

All dreams will come true in it,

Bold plans will come true.

May it be a peaceful night,

I put an end to this.

Good night, sweet dreams

I want to wish you with all my heart.

Lie down in a cozy and warm bed,

To quickly begin your journey to the world of dreams.

And tomorrow there will be business and worries again -

Energy to overflow

From everyday everyday work

Rest often in the kingdom of Morpheus.

I want to wish you

Have a nice sleep,

To start a new day tomorrow

From the most global achievements.

After all, for study (work) we need

Energy and strength.

I wish your dreams

They only brought joy.

Let sleep creep up unnoticed

And will plunge you into a world of sweet dreams.

After all, you can’t find a more pleasant moment,

When all dreams are taken seriously.

These moments allow people

Making dreams come true for a short time

And I wish you with all my heart

Have a calm, serene night's sleep.

I wish you good night

May you have a very nice dream:

Rich and groovy,

Not black and white, but color.

Then and tomorrow, without a doubt,

The mood will be great

And the day will be incredibly exciting

And it will bring a sea of ​​positivity!

How to say good night

To make you feel very pleased?

I decided to write an SMS

And wish you sweet dreams.

Close your eyes quickly

And open the doors wide

In Morpheus' kingdom good night,

Where both happiness and love await you.

I wish you in a message

I have great dreams.

Kind, amazing, pleasant,

And a little bit incredible.

Magical and original,

Funny, perky, unique,

To amaze the imagination

And they lifted the mood.

I wish you good night

And I send you to a pleasant dream.

Look at it quickly

To make your heart happier.

I'll be waiting for you there,

Hug tightly with love.

Close your eyes quickly

And immerse yourself in this fairy tale.

Now you know how to wish good night to someone near and dear to your heart.

These messages will certainly bring a smile to the face of their recipient, and will also set you up for a restful and sound sleep.

Source: fb.ru



All personal relationships consist of many nuances. Here you can find romantic moments, daily chores, and your own little cute rituals. Among the latest special place are filled with good night wishes. Many couples give this action great importance, because wishing good night is an intimate moment that connects two lovers with an atmosphere of secluded tenderness. However, the relationship continues for a certain, sometimes considerable period of time. And every day to utter the same banal phrase is to devalue it, to deprive this moment of that special charm that made both lovers smile and go to bed with a feeling of tenderness for each other. But what can be brought new to this ritual? How to choose the words to express your love for to a loved one and demonstrate care for him? Let's try to find answers to these questions.

Everything has its time

The degree of frankness and intimacy, and, accordingly, the list of appropriate phrases, largely depend on what stage your relationship is at. If they are just beginning, you don’t know each other well enough yet, and your mutual attraction is at its peak; gentle, but rather streamlined phrases are needed. If the relationship is long-term, you have become truly family, the phrases may be more frank or, on the contrary, light, affectionate, almost weightless - at this stage you will already know exactly what your loved one expects from you that evening.

If we divide all possible relationships between a guy and a girl by degree of closeness, we can distinguish the following groups:

  • The relationship is friendly or friendly. Perhaps the girl likes the guy, she wants to take the relationship to a different plane, but at this stage You can’t call them personal or close.
  • Mutual interest is just awakening between a guy and a girl. They gradually begin to become bolder and flirt with each other. In a word, this is not a relationship yet, but a light flirtation that precedes it.
  • Relationships are at their most initial stage. A guy and a girl become a couple, but they are not yet very confident in getting used to each other. At this moment, the importance of sweet rituals and signs of attention is especially high.
  • The relationship is active and rapidly developing. A lot of passion, a lot of attention, but the routine has not yet burdened them. Small disagreements, quarrels and reconciliations may already be behind us. In a word, he has some baggage behind him, but not so much as to “bend the impulses of feelings to the ground.”
  • The guy and the girl have been in a relationship for a very long time. They became practically family to each other. There are almost no secrets left, gusts of uncontrollable passion have turned into smooth, confident affection. At the same time, the good night wish turned into a good old tradition.
  • The relationship is already over. For some reason, a guy and a girl can no longer be members of them. However, communication did not stop. Sometimes this state is called “staying friends.” Perhaps the feelings have not completely extinguished between them, sometimes they yearn for them and imagine how they would return everything back, but in reality they already call each other “ex”.

Of course, each of the above situations requires individual approach. The phrases that the girl will use to wish her good night will also be different, the intonation will be different, and, of course, the result will be different. Now a little about the phrases themselves and the meaning they carry.

How to choose words

As for the situation described in the first paragraph, where the guy and the girl are not yet formally in a relationship, then you can use the most concise, non-binding wording, but at the same time hinting at a hidden meaning:

  • “I was very glad to talk to you, but it’s late, you’re probably tired. I wish you good night!"
  • “I would chat with you like this until the morning, but I feel like you’re falling asleep. Good night, have a good night's sleep!"
  • “That’s it, it’s time to run away. I'm going to sleep. Sweet dreams to you too, see you soon!”
  • “Go to bed quickly, you’ll dream about me there.”
  • "Good night handsome! And I’ll go to bed, if I can fall asleep now.”
  • “I wish you such dreams that you would be sorry to wake up. You will tell me later".

The very beginning of a romantic relationship, when you want to spend all your time with your loved one, when you think about him, every now and then you show signs of attention and cannot get enough of it, requires an active expression of feelings. This condition is completely normal for of this period. Therefore, words should at least partially convey the whole storm of emotions that overwhelms each of you. At the same time, it is advisable to refrain from excessive eccentricity, because it is still difficult to imagine what the reaction of your new chosen one will be. Examples of appropriate phrases in this case could be:

  • “Good night, my happiness! How I would like to tell you this in your ear just before going to bed...”
  • "I wish you sweet dreams! As sweet as you are.”
  • “It’s late, time to go to bed. I will fall asleep thinking about you. And imagine me when you go to bed.”
  • "Good night! I am already missing you. I’d rather see you again!”

Calm, mature relationships are usually expressed accordingly. This is quite normal and in no way indicates that the feelings have ended or cooled down. In this case, wishing good night is more likely to convey a manifestation of care and tenderness towards a loved one, rather than a gust of passion, a desire to remind oneself or hint at one’s interest. Phrases such as:

  • “Good night, dear, get a better sleep!”
  • “You are probably tired during the day. Go to bed soon pleasant dreams
  • “Don’t stay up late, you need to rest, my love. Good Night to you!"
  • “I kiss you before bed, sleep, dear. Till tomorrow!"

Even ended relationships sometimes require a show of care or basic politeness. Often people feel towards former partners mixed feelings with a hint of sadness and tenderness. Sometimes they want to remind themselves and each other of past close relationships, to evoke nostalgia for perhaps not quite past love. Wishing good night in this case can be very convenient tool, corresponding to the goal. Here are just a few examples of phrases that, when said in the appropriate tone, can touch some strings in the soul ex-boyfriend:

  • "I wish you good night. Maybe we'll see you again."
  • “Have good dreams, goodbye!”
  • “Good night, Andrey (replace with any other), bye!”

It should be noted that the name of an ex-boyfriend spoken out loud always sets off the spoken phrases. Especially if you pronounced this name in a special way. Your voice, which once pronounced his name, will remain in his memory for a long time. When he hears this combination again, memories of past relationships will involuntarily stir up in his soul, and pleasant memories at that.

What lies behind the spoken phrases

What really matters in this matter is not so much the wording itself, but the intonation with which the words are spoken. The same phrase can have completely different meanings if you say it coldly, joyfully, in a whisper, laughing or with sarcasm. Therefore, it is important to understand exactly what result you want to achieve with a good night wish. For example, let’s take the simplest and short version this phrase. Let's limit ourselves to just these two words - “good night.” What does intonation convey? If you say the phrase like this:

  • In a hurry, as if trying to end the conversation - this indicates ease of communication, lack of personal (intimate) interest.
  • Lowering your voice, with a slight smile - speaks of excitement, attraction that you are holding back because you consider it inappropriate, unrequited, etc.
  • Joyfully, on the rise, while inhaling - a sign of a friendly disposition and sincerity.
  • With tenderness, quietly, it speaks of falling in love, caring, and the desire to hug.
  • With pressure, with aspiration, with a lot of additional words - it indicates passion, attraction, which you do not intend to hide.
  • With sadness, quietly - speaks of tenderness, care, love, which (at least, in your opinion) remained unrequited.

Thus, wishing good night is a universal way of showing attention that can be suitable for all occasions. If this phrase is correctly formatted and pronounced correctly, it can replace many confessions. When you're in a relationship, don't forget to regularly say goodnight to each other. On the one hand, it is not difficult and does not take much time, on the other hand, it allows your partner to experience many shades of warm feelings. Such signs of attention are very much appreciated. And this is very useful for relationships, because they will become much stronger if your boyfriend falls asleep thinking about you or, at least, before going to bed he will hear your voice.

We collected it here for you interesting wishes good night - May the wizard show you beautiful fairy-tale dreams all night long! Kiss!

May you have the most romantic and inspiring dream during this glorious time!

I wish you good night, because in order to gain strength, you need to rest, and night, my friend, by the way, best time to gain energy.

We chatted past midnight, I wish you good night. I know tomorrow you will come to me and we will chat about everything in the world.

Good night. You need to sleep and gain strength, I care about your health.

My kitten, good night, I miss you very, very much...

My great happiness, tonight I will send you a good fairy to guard your sleep the way I do, just don’t play pranks with her, okay?

I kiss you on your cold nose! Good night kitty! Your favorite dog.

I’m sending you an SMS at night, dear pussy, I miss you very much! I would like to play around with you now and smell your sweet smell!

Calm, kind and sweet night! I wish to dive into the world not of simple dreams or desires, but to reveal the sources of real, magical happiness

I wish you a great night's sleep, and in the morning start a new page in your life, filled with our love and tenderness.

You are probably tired, and already under the covers... How I miss you! Good night, dear.

My glorious, dear, beloved man, I wish you good night and the best have a nice sleep.

Evening has already knocked on the window. You're tired, my little one, a little bit. And you close your tired eyes, send you an SMS, and in it - good night!

You are tired of the colors of the day... The night will calm you down, give you rest and relaxation, sweet sensations.

My incredible one, I want to wish you good night. Your day was eventful, interesting and exciting. And I am sure that the new day will be no worse than the previous one. Fluff your pillow, strike your favorite pose, and drift off into a world of sweet dreams. My joy, my precious, good night, may nothing disturb your peace.

The world of the night is full of sweet dreams, there is no sadness or bitter tears in them. A world ruled by grace, I wish you to visit it today.

Dreams quietly fall from heaven to earth. The brightest, kindest and most interesting ones will definitely fall on your pillow today. Sleep well!

There will be a sea of ​​revelations, there will be a day and an hour, pleasant dreams to all - evening, after all, now!

Quietly the night falls. Sleep sweetly, and may you have the sweetest dream and may it last a long time!

Let nothing spoil your mood this evening, let no one be able to disturb your evening idyll.

Good night, sweet dreams, may the stars guard your dreams.

Good night. I wish you the most beautiful and wonderful dreams in which you can find questions and answers!

Good night, very sweet dreams, full of dreams and colorful flowers. To wake up in the morning with a smile and plunge headlong into happiness.

I love you. Sleep soundly and comfortably. Good night!

The enchanted fir trees are already facing the moon, dear friend, lie down quickly! Colorful dreams await you!

Night has come - it's time to go to bed and may you have a wonderful dream, you will fall asleep sweetly, serenely in your bed - gently, tenderly!

May your sleep be filled with the smells of wildflowers, the sounds of birds singing and the light breeze of my love.

May a sweet dream come to you, because the day has been very busy, go to bed, she is waiting to give you more strength! Good night.

Sleep, my unexpected joy. Let the most secret fantasies, the most bizarre images, the most secret desires come to life in your dreams. But even in dreams, do not give in to temptation, breathe evenly, keep peace of mind and moral character.

And a few dots so that you sleep sweetly in your soft bed!

With the thought, darling, you fall asleep in silence about me. Just imagine: the door opened... I’ll dream about you, believe me.

You fall asleep so beautifully, because tomorrow will be a new day. Good night, sleep, dear, but without you I am only a shadow.

Good night, you have replaced all my friends... You know all my secrets, and you don’t blame me for anything...

Close your beautiful eyes, place your cheek on your tender palm and go to the fairy-tale world of wondrous dreams, may your night be quiet and good.

My dear, I wish you to always fall asleep and wake up only with a smile!

Good night, the star is already twinkling under the moon. And the clouds quietly float across the sky and invite you into the world of dreams.

You will receive my SMS, wishing you good night. And today I definitely admit that you left, and there were no miracles.

It's getting dark outside the windows. The night takes over. I know that you are getting ready for bed now. So I wish you only clear, sweet, bright dreams, so as not to see grief, hatred and enemies in them.

Well, my friend, good night! And away with the burden of daily worries! And may the fairy-tale fairies of the night protect our peace.

The moon is shining in the night sky - it gives you a tender, affectionate kiss from me. Good night, my dear little man!

I wish I could be close to you, I wish I could snuggle up to you, I wouldn’t let you fall asleep, I would come up with something

Good night my pussy, it's a pity that I'm not close now. Read the text message, smile and go to sleep. I miss you very much and wish you good night, may you good dream if you have a dream, may you sleep sweetly today.

My angel, I wish you sweet dreams! And may their dreams come true.

May you have an amazing dream on this serene night - uniquely sweet, like your kisses, incredibly tender, like your hugs

Let a hundred thousand kisses come to you in your dreams. After all, you yourself know perfectly well who sends them to you...

I dream of falling asleep on your shoulder... Love makes me melt like candle wax...

I kiss you deeply! I wish you wonderful dreams! You are just super, baby, and you are my love!

Good night, sweet dreams, fall asleep without hind legs!

It became quiet and dark, the moonlight fell on the blanket, good night, my sunshine, I love you, kiss you, hug you!

Night comes, the city goes to sleep, know that in this world, you are very dear to me!

Close your eyes, baby. It's so late and you're still awake. I send a message and wish you good night.

I wish you sweet dreams, my dear, beloved, rest for the body, peace for the soul, pleasure for the heart.

The sun set and the night came into its own. Are you going to sleep. I don’t know if you’re thinking about me at this moment, but I’m thinking about you. Because you are in my heart forever, you are my hero and my idol. Good night my sweetie, I love you.

Magical dream in the light bright stars he descended again onto the old roofs, bringing us peace and rest with him, you can hear his tune in the silence of the night.

My nightly whim - I want to pick the ripe cherries of your kisses and swim in the jacuzzi of your caresses.

Tomorrow will be a day no worse, sleep now, my dear! I really, really need you - I can’t wait to go home!

Good evening, have wonderful plans, bright and interesting future days... Well, for now, let's rest so that tomorrow we can start a new day.

Bright stars and pleasant dreams! Free yourself from unnecessary shackles, breathe in bliss with your whole chest, rest from the bustle and worries.

May the evening be filled with warmth, atmospheric goodness and comfort, may your home be filled with light, and may every minute bring joy!

Good night sunshine, go to bed and get some sleep. After all, you are tired. I will spend the whole night with the moon, and until the morning I will wait for you with it. To be warm again tomorrow. Your warm and gentle rays!

Interesting good night wishes - Good night, and tomorrow we will meet you again!

It’s strange, but nowadays many people forget not only the polite “Thank you,” but also the traditional “Good night.” It is worth correcting this mistake and renewing the traditions that were invented a long time ago by cultured and benevolent people. So, how to wish good night to a loved one so that when he gets into gentle hands Morpheus, did you see wonderful bright dreams? Well, first of all, such wishes must come from the heart - with good and clear intentions. If there is no sincerity in the wishes of good night, then the recipient of these parting words will have a bad night’s sleep. Secondly, good night wishes should be pronounced in a calm voice, soft timbre and after them, preferably, no further conversations should be conducted. After all, the wishes have already been made, which means that only a calm atmosphere and sound sleep lie ahead.

Beautiful good night wishes to your beloved boyfriend, man, husband in prose, in your own words

Such wishes are an intimate part of the relationship between a man and a woman. When lovers are far from each other or fall asleep not nearby, they always try to leave best wishes at night so that their “other half” can remain satisfied and fall asleep peacefully. In addition, such wishes show you with the best side, presenting him as a caring guy or girl who wants to take care of his loved one even in his sleep.


Sleep sweetly, my fluffy, sweet kitten! May this night give you hundreds of fabulous and interesting dreams. Let your crib be biga ship that will take you to a fairyland where dreams come true.

Dear, I wish you a night as sweet and affectionate as my kisses. I wish you good dreams that will take you to the fabulous world of dreams and allow you to dissolve in your dreams.

I send you not only my kisses, but also wishes that will make your sleep sound and serene. I want your holiday to be sweet and calm, so that nothing disturbs or worries you.

May my words of good night wishes give you sweet peace and tranquility. I want your sleep to carry you away on clouds across a clear starry sky, and for your soul to be happy and joyful.

Only for Him - wishes in your own words

Remember that men like exclusivity - both in relationships and in small things. They are able to immediately detect falsehood, so if your poems do not come to mind, then it is better to write a wish without rhyme, but from the heart, and put a special meaning into it. Even if you are overwhelmed with feelings for your loved one, it is not always easy to figure out how to wish good night to a guy in your own words. Whatever you write, it will please your loved one. Even a short “I love you!” can replace a thousand beautiful words. You can send it via SMS. In the message, you can hint to the guy about some intimate moments that are known only to you two. This will once again convince him that the message is intended only for him. The text of the letter could be something like this: “I will never forget what happened between us today! I miss you already! Can't wait for tomorrow! Good night, my beloved!” The main rule is not to write a letter of several pages. A couple of lines are enough. Most likely, your loved one will fall asleep without reading the long message to the end. What can you do, men have their own characteristics!

Poetic wishes for good night

It will be much more interesting if you wish good night in poetry or in a song. Moreover, the content of such a wish depends on the personality of the person to whom you are addressing it.

So, if a girl you know or a single woman came to visit you and stayed overnight, then you can wish her before going to bed: “In a new place / Dream about the bridegroom.” In Rus' it was believed that if you say so, you will dream prophetic dream, in which the betrothed of the sleeping girl will appear.

When putting your child to bed, you can sometimes do without the phrase “good night”, replacing it with something familiar to small Russian TV viewers lullabies“Sleep, my joy, go to sleep...” or “Tired toys are sleeping, books are sleeping...”. In children's literature and oral folklore, you will find many other lullabies that contain wishes for good night.

You can give it to your girlfriend before bed beautiful postcard with a poetic wish. An example is the following quatrain: “I wish you sweet dreams! / And I secretly hope / That I will meet you in this land / Of blessed and heavenly flowers!” You can also quote individual lines on relevant topics from the poetic works of great poets.

How to wish good night to a girl?

A guy can send to his beloved short SMS with words of confession of feelings or parting words about a serene peaceful sleep. And, following your wish, you can also send a funny picture - the moon, stars or a cute sleepy face. Believe me, such a little night “creation” can be remembered by a girl for the rest of her life. If a guy has a highly developed imagination, then he can compose a whole fairy tale for a girl. This, by the way, will also be a kind of good night wish. After all, fairy tales have a happy ending and are told, according to tradition, at bedtime. Winter wishes It's winter now, there's a lot of snow outside. Here's a hint, by the way! You can put a short wish out of snowballs in front of the girl’s windows: “Good night, dear.” And it’s unusual, and the neighbors will be happy for the young romantics. How to say good night beautifully so that it can sound like a melody in the night? Serenades, of course, are a sentimental thing, but it is better to sing them in the morning or afternoon. A guy can compose some tender song, record it on a disc and invite his girlfriend to listen to this composition every time before going to bed.

Regarding romantic actions

You can wish good night in a very original way. For example, lay out snowballs: “Good night, my love!” under the windows of his beloved. Girls can leave a note “Good night, my happiness!”, say, in a guy’s jacket pocket. He will be very pleased to find such a sign of attention.

Sometimes even a banal “good night” sinks into the soul and sounds better than a thousand words and confessions. Be attentive to your loved ones. After all, they really appreciate and are waiting for your attention.