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Teeth whitening kit white light. Home teeth whitening with White Light: cheap and effective


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A smile that is blindingly white is a sign of human health. Unfortunately, poor nutrition, smoking abuse, as well as tea and coffee make teeth darker. To make your teeth whiter, you can go to a private dental office, or use the home kit teeth whitening White Light .

Teeth whitening in a clinic is an expensive procedure that not everyone has the time or money for. A more affordable alternative is to use the White Light whitening system at home. How this system works and how effective it is, we described in detail in this review. Check it out further in our detailed review.

Consultation from the manufacturer

Before making a purchase, we recommend collecting full information about the product. While writing a review, some details are omitted or seem less important. To fill such gaps contact the manufacturer for advice by ordering a call back. To do this, fill out the form feedback below, indicating your name and phone number. After which you will need to answer a call from a consultant who will call you back to the provided contact number within 1-2 hours.

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If you are satisfied with the answers, then you can immediately place an order by informing the manager of the delivery details.

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Operating principle

The innovative White Light teeth whitening product is intended for private use at home. Its operating principle is based on interaction two-component gel And light radiation . As a result of using the complex, you can remove existing stains on tooth enamel in a short period of time and whiten your teeth as much as possible. High efficiency achieved due to deep penetration of the active components of the gel into the structure of the teeth.

What is included in the White Light teeth whitening system:

  • Bleaching cream-gel, with natural ingredients;
  • Light emitter ;
  • Special mouth guard .

Teeth whitening using White Light does not harm human health and features high security .

The cream-gel contains ingredients used in dental practice in private clinics.

Carefully! Cases of fraud and the sale of counterfeits under the guise of an original system have become more frequent online. The official right to sell the complex belongs to the manufacturer, who offers to buy the White Light set on its official website. For your safety, we have checked its link and guarantee the reliability of every order made.

Instructions for use

The principle of use is quite simple and does not require any special skills. The instructions contain step by step recommendation on the use of the White Light system. Please read this before starting the whitening process.

Before you begin teeth whitening, you need to clean oral cavity, teeth and interdental space from food debris and soft plaque. To do this, you can resort to regular brushing with a toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss. Only after this you can proceed:

  1. Open the package with gel;
  2. From each tube in turn apply cream gel in a small amount (about 0.5 cm) on the lower and top part special mouthguard;
  3. Attach a mouthguard to the surface of the teeth, touching the enamel as tightly as possible but without affecting the gum area;
  4. Top and bottom Press the surface of the mouthguard tightly , clenching his teeth tightly;
  5. Bring a light source to the oral cavity and direct it onto the mouthguard;
  6. Frame the device will be required tightly wrap your lips around , holding her;
  7. Press the power button light on the device;
  8. Leave expose light to whitening gel within 10 minutes ;
  9. After the time has elapsed, turn off the light , remove the mouthguard and rinse it under running water.

In cases where emergency intensive teeth whitening is required, the time of exposure to light on the applied gel can be increased to 30 minutes. Wherein It is not allowed to use the complex more than once a day , to avoid excessive thinning and damage to the enamel. Whitening is carried out during one course lasting 5-7 days. The procedure can be repeated no earlier than after 15-20 days.

Note! Read real reviews about the White Light teeth whitening system under review, as they will help you decide how effective this method of home enamel whitening is. Leave your opinion if you have experience using the kit.

You will learn how and where you can order the White Light whitening complex from the next section of this review.

Analogues of White Light

There is an analogue of Vile Light on the market, but with a related purpose - the effect of filling teeth. This remedy is even more popular and has earned a lot of positive feedback on the Internet on forums from satisfied customers. It's about about Denta Seal toothpaste, which, during use, clogs microcracks in teeth, thus strengthening tooth enamel. Such products are very difficult to find in pharmacies, but in the review we provided a link to the seller’s official website.

Price and where to buy White Light?

To order the White Light system, you will need visit the official website manufacturer's company, which is the only platform with safety guarantees. Fraudsters have learned to copy websites, so many links that can be found in free access on the Internet may turn out to be fake. If you are interested in buying White Light teeth whitening wholesale in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities, you must also contact the seller and inform them of your intention. By the way, the timer below shows time until the end of the promotion if it hasn't ended yet.

The American White Light teeth whitening technology was developed for use at home, thanks to which it has gained great popularity among patients of dental clinics. The system includes a two-component bleaching agent and an LED lamp mounted with a mouth guard. The device is easy to use, the main thing is to strictly follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.

The principle of operation is based on the ability of active oxygen to lighten dental tissue. It is released from the whitening composition under the influence of LED rays and destroys the molecules that form dark spots and loose dental plaque.

Stages of the White Light whitening procedure

The total duration of the whitening procedure is 5 days, while daily norm exposure to the gel should not exceed half an hour.

The procedure is as follows:

  • A bleaching agent is applied to a special tray;
  • the mouthguard is installed on the teeth;
  • for 10 minutes the mouthguard is exposed to LED radiation from a lamp (the device is included in the kit), which turns off automatically.

For getting maximum effect During the day, the procedure is repeated without exceeding the permissible time.


  • Discomfort when installing mouthguards - they are made according to standard impressions, therefore, in case of individual deviations in the structure of the dentition, they do not fit tightly or do not cover the entire surface of the enamel;
  • the declared effectiveness in practice turns out to be unattainable or difficult to achieve - this is facilitated by the low concentration (12% instead of 35%) active component(urea peroxide).

The positive thing is that the above disadvantages can be eliminated. Using the White Light system, you can lighten your teeth by 3-4 tones, and by replacing the whitening composition with a concentrated one, you can achieve an even brighter effect.

The cost of a whitening kit is about 3,000 rubles, which means there is no need to spend fabulous money to get an aesthetic effect.

Precautionary measures

Despite the fact that White Light whitening technology has all the necessary quality certificates, when using it you must take precautions:

  • undergo a preliminary examination by a dentist to identify contraindications;
  • use the drug only for natural teeth;
  • do not use the product uncontrollably (during sleep);
  • do not allow the drug to come into contact with the gums;
  • store the product out of the reach of children.

Instructions for use White Light

Instructions for using the system are included with the kit:

  • before using the composition you need to brush your teeth;
  • the gel is applied to the top and bottom of the tray narrow stripes;
  • After applying the product, the mouth guard must be immediately put on and secured with your lips;
  • turn on the LED and wait for it to turn off;
  • Remove the device and clean it of any remaining product.

The repeated procedure is carried out similarly, but no more than twice a day.

When to use

Before purchasing the product, you should consult with a specialist, since White Light teeth whitening has contraindications:

  • the patient's age is under 16 years;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • orthodontic treatment;
  • diseases of the gums and teeth.


The average price of a White Light home whitening kit is about 400 rubles, but if you wish, you can find a cheaper option (up to 370 rubles). If you order several pieces at once, you can receive them depending on the number of units. In this case average cost will be even lower - about 250 rubles. Anyway retail price one set - no more than 500 rubles.


How long does the procedure take?

It is carried out once a day and takes no more than half an hour. For noticeable result 2 weeks of daily use is enough. If you do not notice changes in the color of the enamel within several days, increase the duration of the procedure by 10 minutes. A gel from another company, which is activated under the influence of a lamp, is also suitable for whitening.

Can a filling or crown be whitened with White Light?

The White Light system brightens only natural tissues, so veneers, crowns, dentures and dental bridges and fillings cannot be bleached. It is also not suitable for eliminating tetracycline stains that appear due to prolonged use of tetracycline antibiotics.

Do I need to adhere to a certain diet during whitening?

For several days before the start of the whitening course, during the course itself and several days after it, it is not recommended to consume food and drinks with coloring ingredients - berries, coffee, strong tea, etc. Failure to comply with this simple rule may lead to staining of the enamel.

How quickly does the whitening gel wear off?

When buying White light, it is advisable to immediately purchase an additional set of gels, since those included in the set are only enough for half the whitening course, that is, for a week.

To obtain snow-white teeth at home you just need to use the unique White Light product. This is absolutely safe product, which can whiten teeth by 3-4 shades.

Some do it even better. Your teeth look like a movie star! What is the effect of the whitening system? white teeth light? You can find out about all this in this review. So, let's begin!

Cost and delivery

1290 rub.

499 UAH

69 rub.

9990 tenge.

2400 som.

399 lei.

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What does White Light contain?

The set consists of two halves of mouthguards that are placed on the teeth. In addition, there are two gels, transparent and green in color. And also there is special device with an LED that connects the mouth guards in the mouth and acts on the enamel through the gel.

We carry out clarification

Quite a simple way to use it:

  1. We brush our teeth as usual;
  2. Apply the gel to the lower and upper aligners alternately, first transparent, then green, or vice versa;
  3. We connect them together with the device and, putting them on the upper and lower teeth, turn on the light emitter. It is necessary for uniform lightening of the dentition, so it plays an important role in the device;
  4. The device runs on two batteries, don’t forget to put them inside;
  5. You need to sit with the trays in your mouth for about 10-15 minutes, up to 30;
  6. After which the device is removed, the trays are washed with running water until the next use;
  7. A device with a light emitter cannot be soaked in water, nor should it be opened.

We exclude staining of enamel

As you can see, whitening your teeth yourself is not at all difficult. A noticeable effect is visible after about the 5th procedure, if everything is done correctly and the consumption of tea, coffee and cigarettes is reduced. In addition, it is not recommended to drink pomegranate juice, There is tomato paste or ketchup, beets, products that stain enamel. Or abstain from them for at least a few days.

Since the gels contain hydrogen peroxide, the product is not recommended for use:

  • Pregnant and lactating;
  • Children;
  • People with sensitive enamel teeth;
  • For inflammation of the gums and oral cavity;
  • For pulpitis, periodontitis, defective fillings;
  • During the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Whitening teeth at home

This at-home teeth whitening is very similar to what is done in a clinic, but is much cheaper. In addition, this is a chance to try whether bleaching will work at all. In some cases, the yellowness of the enamel is congenital, and in this case it is practically impossible to correct. It is also difficult to whiten teeth if a person has taken tetracycline antibiotics.

How many times can you whiten?

One course of teeth whitening is designed for a week, after which the manufacturer recommends letting the enamel rest for at least 2 weeks and you can repeat the procedure. You can whiten your teeth either 2 times a day for 10 minutes or every day for no more than half an hour. If there unpleasant consequences: tingling gums, redness. Swelling, irritation, then the procedure should be stopped and consult a specialist. Since the gel cannot be purchased separately, you will have to buy a whitening kit again. However, in any case, if the product helps, then it is worth it.

When does it make sense to whiten your teeth?

  • For severely yellowed enamel from nicotine, tea, coffee;
  • If regular toothpaste fails to whiten;
  • For a celebration, photo shoot, holiday.

To make the effect last longer, you can follow the so-called “ white diet“Do not eat products containing even natural dyes, not to mention artificial ones. On average, with high-quality bleaching, enamel can remain white for up to 18 months.

Precautionary measures

This teeth whitener contains peroxide, so it must be handled with care.

  • If the gel gets into your eyes, rinse them immediately with running water;
  • Do not go to bed with the gel not washed off;
  • If enamel sensitivity appears, then this period use toothpaste for sensitive teeth;
  • The system does not work on veneers and crowns;
  • If you are being treated by an orthodontist, the device should not be used either;
  • Maybe profuse salivation, be patient while you sit with the mouthguard;
  • Do not allow the product to get on your clothes; stains may remain;
  • After use, wash your hands with soap;
  • Store the gel in a cool, dark place out of the reach of children.

It really works

On average, a course of teeth whitening is designed for 14 times, so try to distribute the gel so that there is enough of it. Although the client can choose the amount and time of whitening as convenient for him, the main thing is not to exceed the specified period of exposure of the device in the mouth. On the Internet you can find reviews on the use of white light on various sites, so this confirms that this is not a publicity stunt. It really helps lighten the enamel, and significantly.

Why doesn't it always work?

Although there are positive and negative reviews of the device, in any case it works. Not everyone’s enamel can be quickly lightened; some people break their diet and smoke or use dyes. Some want it quickly and immediately. It doesn’t happen like that, you just need a sequence of actions.

Inexpensive and effective

You can usually buy teeth whitener on the website for quite a price. affordable price. A unique product It’s already on sale, you just need to buy it and try it before prices go up. Simple and affordable way Whitening is already known to everyone. You can whiten your teeth anytime, anywhere, this is the beauty of the product. Now you don’t have to make an appointment with a dentist and pay much more for a procedure that you can do at home yourself. Just choose convenient time and try everything as above. The pleasant result will amaze you.

Why White Light

There are many methods for lightening teeth, and all of them, in one way or another, affect the enamel. Even toothpastes contain either abrasives or soda, which can also increase tooth sensitivity and affect gums. But none of the types of whitening gives such results in a short time as white light. Order and see for yourself how easy and fast it works. The dentists admitted that the system is similar to the one they use in the clinic, so all that remains is to buy it and try it. Best whitening in a few days and a radiant smile for a long time.

Who doesn't dream of a snow-white Hollywood smile? Dazzling white teeth today speak of the well-being and high social status of their owner. The use of folk homemade recipes for teeth whitening is often labor-intensive, sometimes dangerous for tooth enamel, and does not always provide noticeable and desired result. Brushing your teeth professional dentists It has high cost and long enough.

For a situation where there is not enough free money and time, the revolutionary “White Light” teeth whitening system was created. It allows you to perform almost professional manipulations at home at a convenient time.

Home teeth whitening

Lightening tooth enamel at home can be done using various methods:

The original "White Light" system is an innovative and maximum effective tool for comfortable and quick enamel lightening at home. The peculiarity of teeth whitening using the system is: latest technology using light of a special frequency in combination with a special gel.

System components

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The complete White Light teeth whitening kit includes the following components:

The mouth guard is made of special plastic that cannot be deformed. It can be divided into two halves and used separately for the upper or lower jaw.

The only drawback is the average and therefore imperfect shape of the mouth guard, made using standard cast templates. In view of individual structure jaws and the specifics of the bite, it is possible that the mouthguard does not fit tightly to the teeth and, as a result, a small amount of gel is washed out with saliva.

What is included in the whitening product?

One of the tubes contains a whitening gel, and the other contains an activating substance. The main component in the gels is carbamide peroxide, which is a chemically modified hydrogen peroxide.

As a result of exposure to light of a certain frequency, a chemical reaction is triggered, free oxygen is released, which destroys dark plaque on tooth enamel, both externally and internally. inside. The duration of the synthetic process is from ten to thirty minutes, which determines the time of the home whitening procedure, and the total period chemical exposure per day should not exceed 30 minutes.

White Light Technology has a whole range undeniable advantages. Firstly, brightening gels contain enough to achieve professional result amount of active active substance, as a result, teeth become five to eight shades whiter. Secondly, the gels do not contain aggressive acids or alkalis, which means they are absolutely safe for use. Thirdly, the whitening effect lasts up to one and a half years, even if dietary recommendations and hygienic care oral health care is not fully observed.

How to use the system?

Strict compliance with the requirements of the instructions for use in Russian will allow you to achieve maximum results. Before using whiteners, you must thoroughly brush your teeth on all sides.

Then you need to carefully open both tubes of gels, apply each composition alternately to both mouthguards with a narrow flat one (about half a centimeter wide). In this case, each hollow on the mouth guard must be filled with gel. After this, aligners should be placed on the teeth.

Now you need to bring the lamp with the light emitter, press it to the mouth guard and secure it by wrapping your lips around the outer rim. After this, you can turn on the device by pressing the appropriate button.

Muted blue light will turn off automatically after 10 minutes allotted for the standard procedure. Now you need to remove the device from your mouth, rinse your mouth well with water, and wash the mouth guards themselves from any remaining gel.

It should be noted that the first time using the system should not exceed ten minutes. If necessary, you can repeat the whitening session one or two more times in the future, but no more than 30 minutes a day. The course of lightening tooth enamel is designed for five days of daily use. If necessary, you can extend it to fourteen days.

After the manipulation, for some time you should not eat foods that can stain the enamel (coffee, strong tea, beets, carrots, etc.). You should refrain from smoking.

You need to know that the whitening effect of the system is aimed at cleaning only natural teeth; the use of the device to lighten prostheses (veneers, crowns) and fillings is not recommended. It is also impossible to remove stains on enamel caused by taking medicines(for example tetracyclines) or fluorosis.

Contraindications for use

Anyone can use the tooth enamel whitening system with virtually no restrictions. The exception is people with hypersensitivity teeth to temperature changes, sour and sweet, as well as allergies to gel components. There are also temporary contraindications for use:

Rules for caring for the device

The White Light device does not require special or complex care. The mouthguard can be disassembled into two halves before cleaning.

Suitable for cleaning lamps regular soap and tap water. Do not completely immerse the device in water or use a dishwasher or open it. Once cleaning is complete, all elements must be wiped dry.

Almost everyone has the opportunity to give their smile a snowy whiteness. The relatively low cost of the White Light system set and the best price-quality ratio make it accessible to almost all social strata of the population.

Everyone wants to have snow-white teeth, but few have the opportunity to visit the dentist. The solution was the White Light home teeth whitening system. This special remedy With good effect, which is easy to use at home. Latest system for brushing teeth is produced by Natural White, which has a product quality certificate.

Features of the White Light home whitening system

Main active substance system is a gel, which contains high-quality components used for professional dental procedures. They keep teeth healthy and do not cause any harm to the enamel.

Composition of the White Light system:

  • gel with active ingredients;
  • mouth guards for upper teeth;
  • mouthguards for lower teeth;
  • whitening agent;
  • light device;
  • batteries.

With the help of the gel, impurities are dissolved on the enamel, and the whitening composition gives the teeth whiteness.

To achieve desired effect, you should strictly adhere to the information supplied with the system instructions for use:

Teeth whitening course may last no more than two weeks. The procedure must be carried out daily.

After the procedure, you should not smoke or eat dyes (tea, coffee, beets, etc.) for some time.

How does bleach work?

The gel contains carbamide peroxide, which begins to activate under the influence of LED lamp. The active oxygen produced penetrates dentin and tooth enamel, pushing pigment spots out of them. Hard fabrics however, they are not destroyed. Therefore, the White Light system is absolutely safe.

Its advantages include:

  • effective teeth whitening;
  • ease of use;
  • safety for gums and tooth enamel;
  • quite low cost compared to whitening in dental clinics;
  • achieving results in just 10 minutes.

Contraindications for use

Despite its safety, the home teeth whitening system cannot be used for the following diseases and conditions:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children and adolescents under 16 years of age;
  • at chronic diseases gums;
  • during orthodontic treatment.

The White Light system is designed to whiten only the natural hard tissues of teeth, therefore it is not recommended to clean dentures, crowns and fillings with its help.


Having seen an advertisement about the White Light home whitening system, I urgently purchased it. Bought for 790 rubles. I read the instructions, but I still don’t understand what the two gels are for. Therefore, I had to turn to the Internet and reviews. Having done everything correctly and inserted the aligners, I felt as if I had mint paste in my mouth.

There is no feeling or taste of chlorine like other bleaches. We wait 10 minutes, during which salivation begins. But this reaction is normal. Then we take everything out and rinse. To test the enamel for sensitivity, I immediately drank a glass cold water. Everything is fine. I did the procedure for five days. There was no trace left of coffee and nicotine. The product is excellent. Therefore, if anyone needs to whiten their teeth in short time- I recommend.


Galina, Kemerovo

I have long dreamed of trying to whiten my tooth enamel to get a snow-white smile and look great with bright lipstick on my lips. I bought a home whitening kit on sale for only 290 rubles. It turned out very cheap. The set includes tubes of gel, dental trays, LED device, batteries and instructions for use. The instructions were not in Russian, but I found how to use the system on the Internet. Moreover, there are a lot of reviews about it. In one tube the gel is transparent, and in the other it is green. In addition, they contain a lot of air, so the gel is enough for only 8 procedures.

Already after the first use there was a noticeable effect. Lasts one procedure from 10 to 30 minutes. This home whitening system is very easy to use and is also safe. The gels do not contain any aggressive compounds. Before the procedure, you must brush your teeth. One inconvenience is that the jaws get tired of holding the aligners. In order for the effect of home whitening to last for a long time, you should carefully care for your oral cavity and refrain as much as possible from smoking and drinking strongly colored drinks and foods. Now I have white teeth, the sensitivity of which has not increased after the procedures. I am very pleased with the result, so I will buy more!

Tatyana, Russia

After watching enough advertisements on the Internet and reading rave reviews, I decided to purchase a White Light home whitening system. It includes gels, a battery-powered light, and mouth guards. Having done everything according to the instructions, we apply the light device to the aligners. After 30 minutes it will turn off on its own. During the procedure there are no sensations, the more painful. The only problem is that a lot of saliva accumulates. I don’t know where to put it. I couldn't swallow it. I had to abort the procedure ahead of time.

I did whitening for two weeks. Some days twice. As a result, the enamel brightened by only a couple of tones. This result did not surprise me. As I understand it, you can only get snow-white teeth at a dental clinic by paying a tidy sum for whitening.

Tomara, Russia

I looked in the mirror and didn't see any effect. The color of the tooth enamel remains the same. And a day later I started having problems with my gums. The skin began to peel off and everything stung. My teeth became sensitive. I even couldn't eat or drink. I had to do all this with difficulty. I have never encountered such horror before! So, I advise everyone not to fall for advertising and not to spoil your teeth with an incomprehensible thing.

Svetlana, Penza

I drink a lot of coffee, so my tooth enamel yellow. IN dental clinic I didn’t want to go, so I decided to try to deal with the problem with the advertised homemade White Light bleach. I later regretted purchasing this product a thousand times. After the first procedure there was no whitening effect, but the teeth became sensitive to all foods. In addition, when using gels, an unpleasant tingling sensation is felt in the mouth. Toothpaste even has a better effect. I am writing my review to warn you - you'll just waste your money. You will not get any whitening, and the product is also dangerous to your health.

Maria, Kirovograd