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“Every tooth pulled out brings a person closer to old age. What to do if your upper and lower molars are loose: treatment from a doctor and effective methods at home

Various pathologies malocclusions occur in 80% of people. Only 11% correct these pathologies in early age when parents, caring about the future health of the child, take him to an orthodontist. The remaining 69% believe that the malocclusion does not threaten their health or that it is too late to correct the defect after 30 years. The problems begin when the patient needs to undergo implantation, and malocclusion- one of the contraindications. When a person becomes public, and an ugly smile does not allow you to feel comfortable in society. When, due to an established pathology, health problems begin: headaches, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, back pain, neck pain, etc. And only then do many people think about how long it takes to correct a bite?

For many patients, malocclusion is just uneven teeth. With minor defects, a person does not even think about fixing the problem. But if at a young age the pathology manifested itself only aesthetically, then closer to the age of 30, other pathologies become noticeable. side effects pathologies:

  • problems with diction become more pronounced;
  • there is a clicking and discomfort in the temporomandibular joint, which is especially noticeable at the time of chewing food;
  • frequent gum diseases;
  • the temporomandibular joint wears out, which can only be restored through surgical intervention;
  • more noticeable abrasion of the surface of the teeth;
  • chips and other defects form on the tooth enamel;
  • a person increasingly begins to complain of headaches and neck pain;
  • ineffective chewing of food leads to problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

Even if all of the above does not bother you, you need to think about the future. Formed bite pathology can become a problem when prosthetics are required. Installed implants and crowns have a significantly reduced service life.

Optimal patient age for installation of braces

The most effective period To correct the bite, the patient's age is considered to be from 12 to 25 years. This is the period when the formation of a permanent bite occurs. The jaw arch is actively developing. completely replaced by permanent incisors and molars. The third permanent molars are erupting. The use of a brace system during this period gives the most effective result, which can be achieved in a short time.

Having crossed this age limit, many processes of the formation of the dental system are suspended, but continue. This movement depends on the process of abrasion of the contact surface of the teeth, and therefore continues throughout life. This feature dental system, allows you to correct bite pathologies in older people. Braces can be installed at 30, 40 or 50 years of age, but to achieve positive result it will take more time. This is due to a slow metabolic process and a halt in the growth of bone tissue.

Modern orthodontics successfully installs braces in patients over 30 years of age. Until the age of fifty special problems does not arise. The main thing is that there are no contraindications. There are cases when a person undergoes this procedure even at the age of 60. Then the decisive factors may be: the presence of calcium in the body, the condition of the jaw cavity and how sensitive the person is to anesthetic drugs.

Should I correct my bite at 40? Contraindications.

Patients over 30–40 years of age have more health problems than adolescent patients. Therefore, the list of contraindications to installing a brace system increases significantly. The main reasons for refusal to treat an anomaly:

  1. The patient is missing most of his natural teeth.
  2. Availability oncological diseases. Installation of the structure is possible only after the patient has completely recovered from cancer.
  3. The patient is experiencing mental disorders in the form of: paranoia, dementia, schizophrenia or similar deviations. The reason for refusal in this case is that the patient will not be able to guarantee compliance with all the requirements and recommendations that will need to be followed while wearing the braces system. In addition, during the period of exacerbation similar diseases, a person can harm himself with orthodontic construction.
  4. The patient has abnormalities in skeletal system– osteonecrosis, osteopathy and osteoporosis. These diseases can provoke dysplasia of bone tissue and, accordingly, problems with their healing, therefore they are also included in the list of contraindications.
  5. The presence of periodontal disease or periodontitis. These diseases are accompanied by weak fixation of the tooth in the gum. The braces system is a fairly massive structure for the teeth, so they will not be able to withstand its pressure. After successful treatment of these diseases, installation of the system is permitted.
  6. It is not recommended to install braces for pathologies of the vascular system, which are accompanied by coughing, shortness of breath or uneven heartbeat.
  7. Availability serious illnesses blood, for example, leukemia. Treatment of the underlying disease is accompanied by complex procedures that may serve as a contraindication to the installation of structures.
  8. The installation of braces is also contraindicated in case of formed pathology in the temporomandibular joint, which is accompanied by severe pain, but if the main problem is successfully treated, the contraindications are invalid.
  9. The patient has tuberculosis, since this disease involves infection of the entire body.

And of course, braces are not installed in the presence of severe pathologies immune system, with HIV infections and in the presence of sexually transmitted diseases.

What patients who want to correct their bite at 30 need to know

The patient's age cannot be a contraindication to installing braces. Bite pathology can be corrected at any age, but it is worth considering the specifics of treatment. The older the patient, the longer the process of correcting the bite using braces will be. If in adolescence This period can be a year or a year and a half, but for patients over 30 years old, the brace system will have to be worn for two to three years. Reason: slow metabolic processes and stopping the growth of bone tissue.

The patient’s age also affects the second stage of treatment of malocclusion pathology, which is considered mandatory. At this stage, the patient wears orthodontic retainers, which are installed on the inside of the jaw arch. Their task is to fix the teeth in a new position for them. For patients under 30 years of age, this period is equal to the period of wearing braces themselves, but for patients older than this age, the period can increase by 2-3 times. There are also cases when a patient, after correcting his bite, has to use retainers for the rest of his life. To refuse the retention period means to be at risk of relapse of the pathology.

Often, in order to achieve a positive result in treatment, older patients have to undergo. This is especially true in cases where, in order for the tooth to accept correct position, he does not have enough space in the jaw arch. The jaw bone no longer grows and this area is unlikely to form on its own. Then one of the wrong standing teeth removed, freeing up space so that other teeth can take the correct position. An orthodontist’s refusal to install braces after 30 years of age can only serve as a contraindication.

How to choose a brace system if the patient is over 30

Manufacturers of braces offer a wide range of products, but not all of them are suitable for adults. Most often, orthodontists recommend choosing metal types of structures. They are considered more durable and can reduce the time required to correct anomalies. The disadvantage of such systems is their unesthetic appearance. Not every adult is ready for such a change in appearance. The problem can be solved with ceramic braces. But don't stop your choice sapphire systems. For adults this will be a bad option. They are fragile and slow down the process of pathology correction, which will already be lengthy.

Bite defects can be corrected with other orthodontic appliances. For minor manifestations of pathology, it is used in orthodontics. These are removable structures that are made using transparent silicone. The timing of bite correction will increase, but the aligners are less noticeable and can be removed in right moment. It is precisely because they are easily removable that these systems are not recommended for children. Not every child will patiently carry a foreign object in the mouth that can be easily removed. For adults who are willing to be patient enough to keep their aligners in place throughout treatment, this can be an excellent alternative to heavy braces.

Models may be a good option. They differ from conventional structures in the place of their attachment. Installed on the inside of the jaw arch, lingual systems become invisible to others. This allows you to hide the entire process. The only contraindication to installation is insufficient height of the front incisors.

Summarizing all of the above, we can answer the question: “until how many years can a bite be corrected?” For achievement good results, age is not a barrier. The main thing is to make up your mind and have patience.

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Often it may seem to you that there are no problems, because your teeth do not bother you. But, unfortunately, teeth are not wine that gets better year after year. So let's look at the main most common problems oral health after 50 years, so you know what to pay attention to first.

Xerostomia (dry mouth)

Dehydration often causes a feeling of dry mouth, and the most common reason for this is age. One of the most important dental problems is xerostomia. As we age, there is less saliva in the body than in our younger years. Consequently, saliva has less ability to wash away bacteria that is retained on the teeth. These bacteria can subsequently cause either periodontal disorders or caries.

In addition, external influences can also cause xerostomia. The disease is often caused by medications, and with age, the number of pills taken increases at least twice.

Tooth decay

Tooth decay is as much a problem for adults as it is for children who eat candy. In adult life caries is often recurrent, that is, it occurs after inflammation in the oral area in the past.

This means that old fillings and crowns may begin to crumble, and the dental structure itself may deteriorate, causing tooth loss. Fluoride, regular dental visits, and regular flossing and brushing are the best preventive measures.

Periodontal disease

Sometimes, oral diseases develop silently over a period of time and therefore do not attract attention. Because periodontal disease may develop over many years, the patient may not realize the threat is looming until the teeth begin to fall out. In addition, periodontal disease does not cause any pain. For this reason, patients should visit the dentist regularly.

Clenching (bruxism) and grinding of teeth

Bad habits such as clenching your teeth at night or during the day can take a toll on your teeth. Teeth tend to be strong when young, but over time, teeth begin to wear down. As we age, wear and tear can cause teeth to fracture, requiring further treatment- processing root canal tooth and crown.

Prevention is essential to avoid further damage.

Oral cancer

Oral cancer is not a very common disease, but it is very dangerous pathology for older people who smoked and drank in their youth long before the danger arose. The biggest risk factor for developing oral cancer and respiratory tract- smoking. Both smokers and non-smokers who have lost lower teeth, the jaw bones compress over time, which can lead to an increased risk of bone fractures.

But there is still hope. If patients get dental implants - not dentures, but true implants - then the low jawbone will not atrophy over time.

Alas, the closer we turn fifty, the thicker our sick record becomes. By the age of 40, teeth begin to wear out. It’s just that teeth, like other organs, are reaching the end of their service life. Of course, if you constantly monitor your oral cavity, you can significantly extend the life of the teeth themselves.

But if at the age of forty there are no teeth, what should you do? Can only a denture save you? And what problems most often arise in women closer to forty years old with their teeth?

If they started serious problems with an oral cavity closer to 40 years old, then you need to try at any cost to save what is given by nature. Do not remove a tooth, do not grind it down or cover it with a crown if filling and restoration will save you.

Most common The complaint of middle-aged women is the darkening of the enamel layer. This process is natural and completely natural, and under the influence of various substances such as tea and coffee, the teeth gradually darken. But the darkening of tooth enamel is a process that can be reversed.

IN modern clinics will offer whitening, and high-quality toothpastes will help stop the darkening of the enamel and whiten it a little. Now you can restore the whiteness of your teeth, as in your youth, in a way that is absolutely harmless to the thinnest layer of enamel.

Please note that whitening can be done both at home and in dental office. In the first option, the dentist will prepare a special mouthguard. The mouth guard will completely match your bite. It is worn all night, first filled with a special bleaching agent. Typically, the whitening course lasts up to 15 days.

When whitening in a dental office, teeth change color much faster. In just about an hour you will have a snow-white smile. The risk of damage to the enamel with this whitening method is minimal.

Tooth wear

Unfortunately, by the age of 40, our teeth begin to wear out. This is quite natural process. The fact is that our jaw muscles are very strong. During sleep, these muscles relax, but due to stress or chronic fatigue no relaxation begins.

Many women clench their jaws tightly even when fast asleep. By the age of 40, this can lead to conspicuous tooth wear. One of the methods for treating tooth wear is crowns. The tooth is ground down and a crown is placed on it.

But it is much easier to prevent this with the help of a special dental guard. You can put special splints on your teeth at night that will prevent your teeth from wearing out.

Grinding and periodontitis

The female body at the age of forty undergoes significant changes, and this primarily concerns hormonal levels. Due to hormonal explosions, dental disease such as periodontitis can develop, leading to their loss. Therefore, 40 is the ideal time to prevent the occurrence of periodontitis.

If a forty-year-old woman does not start taking care of her teeth seriously, she may miss out. important point. And then in the near future you can easily face the urgent need for a serious and long-term, and also expensive treatment. It is possible and absolutely necessary to fight periodontitis.

Today, gentle and quite effective methods for treating this disease have been developed. Typically, the dentist will first remove the tartar. To do this, a special tool is used - a tip, which turns the stone into dust. The entire procedure is 100% painless and harmless to the teeth.

The next stage is cleaning the periodontal pockets, which must be done every 6 months. A small set of simple measures, and you will never have problems with your gums.

Advanced periodontitis

In forty-year-old women, periodontitis is very often advanced, which leads to loss of teeth in such at a young age. In severe forms, it is even necessary to remove teeth, since they are very difficult to save. They may recommend splinting. Now this technology is considered gentle. This way you can avoid dentures.

Attractive smile at 40

Today it is possible even in advanced cases restore an attractive, youthful smile. For example, special dental inlays and crowns will help restore pulpless teeth. Typically, the walls of such teeth become thinner and darker, and can quickly crack.

Modern technologies help strengthen the walls of teeth. Ceramic inlays help restore even severely damaged teeth. The result looks beautiful and completely natural, and this design lasts much longer than a simple filling.

Teeth and pregnancy

Often Women after pregnancy and breastfeeding face dental problems. And often these problems become more acute when reaching middle age. And the reason for tooth damage after childbirth is not at all a lack of calcium, because a pregnant woman constantly controls her diet and tries to eat a balanced diet.

The point is that we have pathogenic bacteria live in the oral cavity and destroy enamel. And during pregnancy, a woman’s body weakens, and bacteria begin to actively multiply. Therefore, after pregnancy, many women's teeth become worse, and this problem only gets worse with age.

Heredity and bad teeth

Often, women approaching the age of forty and discovering that their teeth have begun to deteriorate remember the illnesses of their older relatives and the age at which they lost their teeth. In fact, the fact that various dental diseases appear does not depend on genetics, but on a careful attitude to this gift of nature.

Scientists have also proven that the responsibility for the health of the child’s teeth lies with the mother, who should have observed certain rules during pregnancy. If you did not take good care of your teeth before the age of forty, and even your mother did not eat a balanced diet during pregnancy, then your teeth may simply begin to fall out after the age of 40. And then there are two options - either implants or an insert prosthesis.

Stages of destruction

By the age of forty, teeth begin to slowly decay. Tissue rotting is a pathology that can be prevent with simple oral hygiene. But if, nevertheless, the tissues begin to deteriorate, then it is worth finding out what stages tooth decay consists of.

  • At first a slightly pleasant smell appears. This is how caries develops quickly. The tooth begins to rot from the inside, and the smell of rot only becomes stronger over time. If the tissues begin to rot under the crowns, then a terrible smell will also be present.
  • The enamel begins to quickly darken and eventually turns black.
  • Cavities and holes begin to form inside the tooth. Eating may be accompanied by severe pain, then the pain begins to be permanent. The patient begins to take painkillers.
  • Then the pulp begins to rot, nerve endings are affected by rot, the pain increases sharply. If a fang rots, the pain can be unbearable.
  • After this, the nerve begins to die. From now on sharp pain begins to subside.
  • Complete tooth destruction begins, leaving only a stump.

Causes of destruction

Teeth can begin to decay under the influence of nicotine or strong alcoholic drinks or drugs. Also, the tap water we drink is very low in fluoride, which has a detrimental effect on the condition of our teeth.

If a woman eats a lot of sweets, her teeth will definitely start to deteriorate. If the body lacks vitamins and minerals, then the teeth will certainly suffer first. Periodontal disease can also cause decay.

If there are diseases internal organs that are already worn chronic nature, then this can also affect the condition of the teeth.

In the periodontal tissues, which are soft, pus accumulates, which contains millions pathogenic bacteria, poisoning the entire body. This is why so many dentists believe that rotting can trigger the onset of many serious illnesses, including heart disease.

Teeth rot and fall out at age 40. What to do?

So, you have discovered darkening of the enamel, and you have a persistent foul odor from your mouth. Take immediate steps to avoid losing your tooth. Home therapy will not help you here - you need to seek help from a specialist.

The doctor will determine the source of the inflammation. If inflammation is not visually visible, the doctor will do X-ray. Treatment of tooth decay is divided into only two directions.

Conservative treatment

If the rotting is at the initial stage, the doctor will drill a tunnel, remove the diseased nerve and expand the canals. Then the pus is pumped out of the cavity. Sometimes the doctor is forced to perform gum resection if the pus lies very deep.

When the cavities are cleared of pus, they must be treated with antiseptics. The patient will also be prescribed antibiotics.

After eliminating the source of rot, a temporary filling is installed. A permanent filling is placed only when you are sure that the infection is no longer spreading.


If it turns out that the root has begun to rot, then you will need surgery. The doctor will remove the top of the root and remove the pus from the tissue. But they try to resort to this method of treatment only when absolutely necessary.

What can be done if there are no teeth at all at 40 years old?

Often women at the age of 40 fall into despair because they have lost all their teeth. They have a question - what to do if there are no teeth? Is there really only one way out - a removable denture? If you have no teeth at the age of forty, what should you do? At the same time, memories immediately emerge of grandfathers who removed their jaws at night.

Today, in addition to removable dentures, which are placed in a cup on a shelf in the bathroom, there are other methods and options for prosthetics. For example, implants. How does this happen?

First, the doctor must decide whether this type of prosthetics is possible for the patient. It is determined whether the jaw mass is sufficient, what the thickness of the bone is, and the condition of the tissues. The doctor will definitely find out why the woman lost absolutely all her teeth.

For each patient, the implant surgeon makes an individual template. Only after such preparation do doctors proceed directly to implantation. The patient is sent for a tomography to examine in great detail the entire structure of the patient’s jaw bones. This is how doctors make “markings”.

Stage 1

At the first stage, the surgeon installs up to eight implants on each jaw. This often causes disputes between specialists and questions among patients. But orthopedics is an area where all the processes occurring are purely physical, and for correct load exactly eight implants are needed.

Stage 2

Only after three months can you move on to the next stage of prosthetics. But before this, a control image is taken to assess how well the implants have taken root. If everything went well, the surgeon installs eight gum formers at once, which the patient must wear for two weeks.

Stage 3

At the first appointment, the patient will make impressions, and laboratory assistants will begin making a pair of new jaws. The task before the technicians is quite difficult, because they need to use eight special supports to secure them on an arch, which consists of 14 teeth.

The doctor must record all dental structure so that the patient does not even think about taking it off.

The patient also faces a difficult task, because she must get used to the new teeth. The feeling that the mouth is now full of teeth again is unusual for many. The installation period usually takes up to four months. When you get new teeth, you will be able to shine with a dazzling smile again!

How to make your teeth strong?

As you approach 40 years of age, teeth become more sensitive. The gums begin to be exposed a little, and the roots of the teeth, which have no enamel, come to the surface. Under the influence of temperature changes (when we drink or eat something very hot or cold), pain occurs. To save sensitive teeth, you must use a special toothpaste. If the symptoms do not disappear, the pain becomes more and more intense, and the roots are deeply exposed, then you should urgently go to the doctor.

If teeth are severely damaged, they can still be strengthened. Crowns are used for this. If you need to replace several teeth that have been pulled out due to indications or have fallen out, the dentist will install a bridge.

If your teeth are too bad, then you can try to somehow stop the destruction with the help of proper nutrition, which will help take care of your teeth from inside the body.

If the diet is correct, then not only your teeth, but your entire body will be healthy. The diet of a woman over 40 years old should contain all the necessary nutrients, helping to stop aging and tooth decay. Moreover, the food rich in vitamins and minerals helps create in the mouth the microflora necessary for healthy teeth and gums, which destroys pathogenic bacteria.

You need to eat more solid foods, which contain a lot of cellulose. These are vegetables and fruits. Such food promotes additional cleansing of teeth and oral tissues.

If a woman with naturally bad teeth eats a lot of sticky and soft food, such as baked goods, flour, then its remains will accumulate on the chewing surfaces. This will cause the onset of caries and then tooth loss. It is because of an incorrect diet, abuse of coffee and strong tea that first plaque appears on the teeth, then tartar and caries begins to develop.

If you eat too much and often food that contains a lot of sugars and starch, then the bacteria that live in tartar and plaque will actively multiply and produce acids that are harmful to teeth. By at least Within 20 minutes after eating such food in the mouth, the acid eats away tooth enamel.

Also, to prevent the destruction of thin enamel, you should limit yourself to snacks and drinks between main meals.

How to properly care for your teeth?

We all know that in order for teeth to be strong and stay in place for as long as possible, they must be properly cared for. It is necessary to thoroughly brush your teeth and tongue twice a day - morning and evening. It is advisable to use a medium-hard and hard brush. But, if you have sensitive teeth, then the brush must be soft.

You need to brush your teeth for several minutes, thoroughly cleaning the chewing surfaces and sides. Toothpaste must be of high quality and contain fluoride. Doctors do not recommend using whitening pastes too often. Consult your dentist, who will recommend a toothpaste that suits your teeth well.

It is advisable after each meal to rinse your mouth with special balms to cleanse your teeth of food debris or use chewing gum sugar-free to clean chewing surfaces. After each meal, the mouth should remain clean. Use only high-quality oral hygiene products, and your teeth will remain with you until old age.

If you take care of your teeth, brush them thoroughly and visit the dentist, then you will not be afraid of the early loss of this gift of nature. Although today there are several ways to restore a full row of teeth and return snow-white smile, it’s better to stay with the strong and healthy teeth, data from nature. To avoid dental problems, it is better to visit the dentist regularly - do professional cleaning once every six months, put fillings on time. Oral care is daily work, but the result is worth it - a snow-white, youthful smile for many years of life!

How nice it is to please others with your snow-white and healthy smile throughout your life. But, unfortunately, over time teeth can change color, hurt and even fall out! In order not to lose your smile completely, you must follow the rules for dental care and disease prevention.

Normal at 30 years old
Number of teeth - 28–32. The natural color of the teeth remains preserved, abrasion is minimal if the bite is normal.

Problem #1
Gingivitis is a fairly common disease of periodontal tissue; initial inflammation gums, occurring without compromising the integrity of the dentogingival junction. It can be both acute and chronic.
The periodontium is a complex of tissues surrounding and supporting the tooth, which includes: the gum adjacent to the tooth, the muscle ligaments that hold the tooth inside the jaw bone, and the jaw bone tissue itself surrounding the tooth root.
- poor oral hygiene: presence of plaque, tartar plaques
- quantitative and qualitative changes in saliva (for example, as a result of smoking)
- errors in therapeutic treatment teeth (poor canal filling, excess filling material, overhanging edges of fillings)
- general bacterial and viral infections
- diseases gastrointestinal tract
- pregnancy
- hypovitaminosis
Visit a dental hygienist, preferably a periodontist.
Regular and proper hygiene oral cavity, smoking cessation.

Problem #2
Caries is a lesion of the hard tissues of the tooth, expressed in its sequential destruction (enamel, dentin, cement) with the formation of a cavity, or, more simply, a hole. “Digesting” carbohydrates, bacteria release organic acids, which lead to the appearance acidic environment in the mouth. All this contributes to the destruction of apatite crystals, which are part of the enamel. After this, microbes easily penetrate into the underlying layers and begin to destroy them.
- insufficient oral hygiene
- visit the dentist less than 2 times a year to clean tartar and plaque
- eating disorders - change salt balance, lack of vitamins, especially D and C, group B and proteins, low levels of calcium, fluorine and phosphorus in drinking water
- decreased immunity
- pregnancy and childbirth - immune stress and, as a result, impaired blood supply in the oral cavity
To treat caries in the spot stage, it is enough to carry out remineralization using a special solution. So the sooner you contact a specialist, the better.

Problem #3
Color change.
- consumption coloring products nutrition (coffee, red wine, chocolate) and some medications
- smoking
- increased content fluoride in water
Use home or clinical whitening. Home method: mouth guards are made in the clinic, which should be worn at home, filled with whitening gel. Clinical teeth whitening takes place in the clinic and lasts 1.5–2 hours. The doctor isolates the oral mucosa, applies whitening gel to the teeth for 15–20 minutes, rinses it off, and so on 3–4 times.
■ diseases thyroid gland
■ unsanitized teeth with carious cavities

Normal at 40 years old
Number of teeth - 28–32. Due to age and exposure to aggressive factors, it increases tooth wear, their natural color changes.

Problem #1
Problem #2
Missing tooth(s).
- tooth destruction by caries, trauma
- decreased immunity
- incorrectly positioned teeth
- sinusitis
- removal as a result of inflammation of canals, cysts and granulomas on the roots
If teeth are not restored with implants, the bone tissue will begin to atrophy without load. Accordingly, the more missing teeth, the greater the atrophy bone tissue, which inevitably leads to disruption of the oval of the face.
Dentures (both removable and bridge-like) do not place any load on bone tissue!

Problem #3
Periodontitis in initial stage
This is a disease in which inflammation from the gums spreads to other periodontal tissues. Periodontitis is characterized by the progressive destruction of periodontal tissue and bone tissue. Can be acute or chronic.
■ presence of gingival or periodontal pockets
■ swelling and inflammation of the gums
■ mobility, looseness of teeth, their displacement
■ decrease in the level of bone tissue, slight exposure of the necks of the teeth
■ dull diffuse pain
■ a significant amount of dental plaque
■ pronounced unpleasant odor
With inadequate oral hygiene, microbes infect the periodontal tissues, causing the development of an inflammatory process in them, which leads to loosening of the tooth and then to its loss.
An urgent visit to a dentist, hygienist and periodontist is a must.
Includes both surgical and conservative methods. On initial stages Tartar is removed, teeth are polished and treated with a special protective varnish.
Local antiseptics and antibiotics are prescribed according to indications. Surgical intervention involves exposing the roots of the teeth, thoroughly cleaning them, followed by restoration of the gums.

Normal at 50 years old
Number of teeth - 28–32. Due to age and exposure to aggressive factors, tooth wear increases,
their natural color changes.

Problem #1
Lack of teeth.
Problem #2
Chronic periodontitis at stages 2–3.
Problem #3
Significant exposure of the necks and roots of the teeth.
- physiological processes of aging
- inflammation in periodontal tissues
- incorrect movements with a toothbrush, injuring the edge of the gums
- bad habits (holding a pen or pencil in your mouth, tongue sucking, etc.)
Exposing the neck of a tooth is not only serious cosmetic defect. The exposed surface is more susceptible to chemical and thermal irritants.
Treat. Gum recession is corrected through surgery.

Problem #4
Severe tooth wear.
Physiological processes of aging
To restore teeth - light-curing composites (also known as photocomposites) used today are resistant to abrasion, are not subject to shrinkage, and with high-quality polishing do not absorb coloring pigments.

Ekaterina Alexandrova, head. dental department of the network of clinics "NIARMEDIC"
❶ Before brushing your teeth, be sure to wash your brush.
➋ Apply no more than 1 cm of toothpaste to the brush.
➌ Position the head of the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to the gum line. Make short circular movements in the direction from the gum to the cutting edge.
Inner surface The tooth is cleaned by moving from gum to tooth. The brush is placed perpendicular to the cutting edges.
➎ Use the same movements to clean external surfaces teeth.
➏ Using a back-and-forth or circular motion, clean the chewing surfaces of the upper and lower molars.
➐ Finish the brushing by massaging the gums - with your mouth closed, use the brush in a circular motion to grab the teeth and gums.
➑ Clean your tongue (with a special scraper or toothbrush).
➒ Rinse your mouth thoroughly. The entire procedure should take about 4–5 minutes (approximately 500 movements

How to prolong the life of teeth, what needs to be done after removal and whether to panic if you are left without teeth, was told in our “Closed Reception” section by the famous professor Semyon NAUMOVICH

Photo: Ekaterina MARTINOVICH

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Naumovich Semyon Antonovich, doctor medical sciences, Professor. 1990-1994 – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry. In October 1991, he was elected to the position of associate professor, from 1993 to the present time he is the head of the department orthopedic dentistry BSMU. Author of more than 500 scientific works, including 9 co-authored monographs, 12 patents.

- Semyon Antonovich, it’s true that they are bad yellow teeth Belarusians because of chlorine tap water?

Teeth are primarily heredity, genes, even how the fetus developed in the womb is important. But after birth, nutrition and lifestyle come to the fore. Health depends primarily on yourself, and only 11-12% on medicine. Environment, nutrition, lifestyle - these are the three pillars on which health rests.

In addition, dental health can be improved. The republican prevention program contains the main idea - the use of fluoride preparations, it strengthens the enamel. To strengthen teeth, fluoridated table salt is produced in Mozyr.

From 2003 to 2008 I was the chief dentist of Belarus, the main thing is that we did not destroy what had been accumulated during the Soviet era: even now in kindergartens and schools children are examined by dentists and given preventive actions, teach oral hygiene, and treatment if necessary. If this had not happened, our dental health indicators - the KPU index: caries-filling-extracted tooth - would have been much worse. Today on post-Soviet space we are in the lead.

There are WHO requirements for each age regarding the number of remaining teeth. Let's take the indicative age category of 65-74 years: the latest European requirements for this age are 20 teeth. But our indicator is quite high: in 2013-2014, Belarusians of this age had up to 15 teeth.

- Is it true that Americans have good white teeth because they eat and drink everything with ice?

No, rather because a small filling there costs about $100. The patient is motivated to get a filling, because the next stage is a crown for $600. And if you engage in prevention from a young age, you may not have to pay.

A lot depends on the person himself: how he takes care of his oral cavity, whether he brushes his teeth correctly, chooses a brush and paste. Universal advice - which is better? - no: each has its own characteristics, it all depends on the condition of the mucous membrane and enamel.

“It happens that young people remove 15-20 teeth”

- I heard that every tooth pulled out brings a person closer to old age: they say, the brain receives a signal and rearranges its work...

The absence of even one tooth has great importance, especially if it is front. But the absence of the so-called “six” is also a problem. If the defect is not closed, the neighboring teeth begin to move, and this is due, as you say, to signals from above. Teeth can move vertically, transversely, or in any other direction - along the line of least resistance. They can also shift at an angle of 5-7 degrees. As a preventative measure, we recommend making a temporary prosthesis – popularly called “butterflies” – to close the defect so that the teeth do not move. And then decide: to make an implant or bridge supported by nearby teeth.

- But the absence of one tooth is not an indication for intervention, or would you still not advise leaving even one hole?

I wouldn't recommend it, especially the sixth teeth. As a rule, they are the first to permanent teeth are born and are the first to wear out, the load on them is colossal. When they are removed, people sometimes do not pay attention and live without a tooth. And after 10 years they come to us with complaints: “Doctor, the muscles on my face hurt.” If a person has lost key teeth, deformation of the dentition begins, and the temporomandibular joints become sensitive. The absence of even one tooth will manifest itself unpleasant symptoms within 4-7 years.

- Some people are afraid to insert implants - it’s an operation! – especially now, when the number of cancer diseases is growing. And it’s scary to put on “crowns” - they say the teeth under them rot and collapse...

If the supporting crowns are made with high quality, there will be no damage for 8-10 years. Yes, if the crowns are made poorly - we call them “pans” - a “greenhouse effect” develops under them: food and saliva get in, which leads to tooth decay.

Implants can be installed if the patient has sufficient bone tissue, the bone structure allows for manipulation and there are no contraindications. These include diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases, and cancer.

Another contraindication - severe forms Periodontal disease, formerly called periodontal disease. This is the exposure of the gingival margin, loss of bone tissue, loose teeth, which we most often remove. With such a disease, the implantologist will also refuse you: your own tooth does not take root, how will someone else’s tooth take root? Periodontal disease - when the bone is lost, but the tooth is intact, but must be removed - this is scary. First of all, it is important professional hygiene: removal of dental plaque and anti-inflammatory therapy of the gingival margin. Removing visible tartar is easy, but there are also stones under the gum. Sometimes it’s so far away that you can’t take a picture right away. Then they perform a patchwork operation: they peel off the gingival margin and this is the only way to remove the stone. Otherwise, it will mechanically destroy first the gum and then the bone.

The first signs of such a problem are bleeding gums, both while brushing your teeth and without. Plus visible changes: swollen gingival margin with a bluish tint. To recognize the problem on early stage Every self-respecting person should go to the dentist twice a year.

- But they say that exposing the roots of teeth is age feature, No?

Yes, but it often overlaps general pathology, for example, diabetes, blood diseases, thyroid gland. Young people with such diagnoses come to us at both 25 and 27 years old. I write the conclusion: “Remove 15-20 teeth.” And even more! There are teeth, but there is no bone tissue where they would be fixed. The teeth move even from a “gust of wind.” As a rule, we provide prosthetics for such patients only with removable dentures.

“If a dentist comes into the profession with a counter in his eyes, good specialist it won't work out"

But even in such situations, when all the teeth have been removed, there is no need to panic. Yes, you need to get used to removable dentures, but life goes on. Let me give you the example of my grandmother: she had full dentures made in 1933, she was only 35 years old. As a result, she lived happily for 97 and a half years, 60 of them with complete dentures. When I suggested making her new ones, she just waved her hand: “They don’t make them like that now...” But I still reconstructed them several times, since such prostheses must be remade every 5-6 years. And as a specialist, I understand well that she would never have lived this long without them...

- I have a friend who, before leaving for America about 10 years ago, made himself new teeth: he pulled out his own and inserted beautiful, white implants. Two years later, the first thing that caught my eye was how his face had changed, how it was swollen or something. He complained: his joints hurt and it was difficult to eat. Is this poor-quality work or is it rather the body’s fault that it rejects something foreign?

More likely, both. Unfortunately, this happens. The first attempts to make implants began in Minsk at the 13th dental clinic back in 1989. I then worked as deputy dean of our dental faculty, I was appointed chairman of the commission for evaluating those first experiments. The techniques were rather weak, but our specialists were trained in Vilnius. The first steps were with problems, today I understand that those implants were not installed very well...

But 26 years have passed, and today there are practically no such problems, we are among the world statistics: implants serve the patient for 9-12 years or more. Yes, it happens that patients come to us - they were promised a lot, implants were installed, then crowns were made on them, people paid a lot of money - and after a year we remove and remove everything. It happens that prosthetics are carried out with numerous errors: upper jaw, for example, the implant is removed into the maxillary sinus, in the lower sinus - into the mandibular canal, inflammatory processes begin. But, thank God, such cases are rare.

The best school graduates come to our dental faculty, over the last 10-15 years - with a score from 370 to 400. Previously, the medical faculty was the best, now we have practically no competitors. We train dentists general practice who, after graduating from university, not only have good theoretical knowledge, but also have excellent practical skills in all areas of dentistry.

- It’s logical, I heard that dentistry is the most easy way to earn good money in medicine, the main thing is to open your own private office.

Unfortunately, I also hear about this often. But this bread is not so easy; it is also associated with occupational hazards, and with great psychological and physical activity. If a person enters a profession with a calculator in his eyes, he will not make a good specialist...

“We once reduced the size of the lower jaw.”

- I would never have thought that beautiful smile can be done with the help of braces: a person hasn’t smiled for half his life because of ugly, uneven teeth, and then one day he starts to shine!

I have been dealing with this problem for almost 40 years. When I started working in the late 70s, there was only one orthodontist in the entire Minsk region. In the regional dental clinic he received 80 patients in 6 hours of work: 40 patients had impressions taken, 40 had ready-made impressions applied orthodontic plates. There were no braces yet, only removable devices.

Nowadays, with the help of braces, you can manipulate your teeth and dentition quite widely: move, reduce, expand. But braces can be used when the bite is formed: no earlier than 11-13 years.

IN difficult cases needed A complex approach to the treatment of such patients. First, they undergo preparatory surgical operations. So, for a student from Syria - his chin protruded forward by four centimeters - my teacher, Professor Chudakov and I reduced the size of the lower jaw. And only then they installed orthodontic devices, straightened the remaining teeth and completed the treatment with dentures.

- Which incident impressed you the most?

One day, a LAZ driver came to me; there were buses like this that were produced in Lvov. The rotating iron handle of the starter crushed half of his face, knocking out almost all his teeth, along with the alveolar processes (the part of the jaw where teeth grow from). My teacher, Professor Velichko, and I restored his jaws and made gorgeous ceramic removable dentures. Later, years later, he came and thanked them for helping him improve his life: he got married and looked great.

I also remember when I was just starting to work, a young man approached me and asked me to do his wife’s teeth. They looked and gasped: she had 28 rotten roots and not a single tooth. And she is only 25 years old! We had to remove all the remains, it was impossible to restore them, and make removable ceramic dentures. In those days, no one did implants in our country. It turned out that my husband didn’t even know what was in her mouth, and we didn’t tell him either. She was a nice girl, I remember, I also advised her: “You know, don’t take them off at night - just for hygiene - don’t let her know anymore...”