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How much does it cost to get braces? Installation of braces - how dental structures are attached

Installation procedure

To fully understand how braces are placed on teeth, first of all, you need to understand what this orthodontic device is.

The braces system is a mechanism consisting of rings with locks, braces, ligatures, arches and elastic traction.

Fastening such a structure means that it cannot be removed until the end of treatment, since installation is carried out using a special adhesive mixture. After gluing, all elements are connected with arcs, which, in turn, are tied with ligatures. Fastening of rings and cheek locks is carried out on the 6th and 7th teeth. In addition, some brace systems may have a metal hook designed to secure elastic traction, which is sometimes necessary during the treatment process. Thus, the stages of installing braces include many subtleties.

Which doctor puts

As you know, everything related to the bite is the sphere of activity of the orthodontist, whose vocation is largely aimed at correcting this defect. But sometimes it’s not easy to be sure of the professionalism of the doctor you find.

Rice. 1. Installation of braces

First of all, it should be understood that in orthodontics, as in other fields of activity, vital role experience plays. Having found out how long the doctor who puts braces has been doing this work and how many patients he is currently treating, you can roughly judge the scale of his activities. Additionally, the presence of training certificates, as well as completion of advanced training courses in installation, will help bolster confidence in the specialist.

What time do they set?

The speed of this procedure is influenced by both the professionalism of the doctor and the characteristics of the patient’s dental system. But, basically, the answer regarding how long it takes to install braces will be as follows - not long, about 1.5-2 hours.

Why and in what cases do they put

To understand whether braces are necessary in a particular case, you should first visit a dentist. However, in general, braces are designed to treat various defects jaws and teeth, in particular to correct malocclusions and other similar disorders.

All defects are conditionally divided into two groups:

  • aesthetic - when only a violation is observed appearance patient;
  • defects of a functional nature - when there are physical complications.

At the same time, visual imperfections of teeth can be easily corrected without the installation of braces, while the treatment of functional anomalies requires the presence of this orthodontic device.

The need to install braces on one jaw or both functional impairment caused primarily by the risk of developing various complications. For example, an incorrect bite without appropriate treatment can lead to tooth decay and gum inflammation. Can develop into a more complex disease temporomandibular joint, which is not only difficult to treat, but also causes many problems - the patient experiences terrible pain when opening and closing the mouth, not to mention the fact that the jaw may skew to one side. And instead of installing braces on time, you will have to contact a surgeon and undergo a serious operation.

Thus, deciding whether to get braces or not before complications arise can either help you or harm you, unless, of course, the decision is to refuse to take the necessary measures.

Preparing for installation

As you know, careful and lengthy preparation is required before installing braces. First of all, the orthodontist conducts full diagnostics and treatment of all teeth requiring this procedure. Then a panoramic photograph of the dentition is taken, and the specialist gives his recommendations regarding the treatment process.

Another prerequisite before attaching the device is to examine the patient’s body as a whole - identifying internal problems and hormonal levels.

Depending on the detected defects in the dentition, it may be necessary to remove teeth during installation, which is carried out before the structures are directly attached.

If a system is needed for only one of the jaws, for example, when installing braces on lower jaw, it is likely that additional time will be spent on appropriate dental preparation.

Getting braces doesn't hurt

Is it painful to install braces? This question is often asked in orthodontic offices.

During fastening of the system there is no pain at all.

This is due to the fact that the main elements of braces are glued to the teeth with special glue, and all subsequent parts are attached to them. The only thing that a patient can expect during the installation of the device is slight discomfort when placing the arc into the grooves of the elements already glued to the teeth, caused by the necessary mechanical pressure. In general, the installation procedure is painless.

After installing braces, your teeth will hurt for a couple of days.

As you know, sensations after installing braces and during the procedure can be very different. And pain after installation is a very common phenomenon, which, first of all, depends on the level pain threshold patient. However, even such a nuisance should be considered as a necessary measure that must be overcome in the quest for a beautiful smile. In addition, if your teeth hurt after installing braces, this does not mean that this will always happen; rather, on the contrary, the pain should subside after a couple of weeks. And only very in rare cases You may need pain medication prescribed by your doctor.

Which ones are the best?

When answering the question of which braces are best to install, first of all, you should decide on their type. There are two types of this orthodontic device - lingual And vestibular. Distinctive feature Lingual is the way they are installed - they are attached not to the outside of the teeth, as is the case with the vestibular type of device, but to the inside. And if, for example, sapphire or ceramic systems only allow to minimize visibility, not to mention metal models that are too noticeable, then lingual brace systems are completely hidden. That is why they are often called invisible.

The main difference between these two systems is the complexity of their installation. While vestibular braces are attached relatively quickly and simply, the lingual system requires considerable effort and skill. In this regard, many doctors without proper work experience simply refuse to install invisible braces, insisting on classic models. However, this does not mean at all that you need to abandon this type of system, because everything can be solved, the main thing is to choose those that suit you. Let's look at the two most popular braces models: Damon Clear and Incognito.

Vestibular Damon Clear

Bracket- Damon system Clear is recognized as one of the most advanced to date. Thanks to a special passive self-ligation technology, it provides a minimum level of friction and promotes tooth movement using ultra-low forces. In addition, such braces are practically invisible on the teeth, since their main elements are completely transparent.

Rice. 2. Who is the cutest in the world? Damon Clear braces

Among the advantages of the Damon Clear system are the following:

  • Aesthetic superiority over classic ones thanks to transparent elements;
  • The use of weak forces and a self-ligation system provides a faster and more effective result (the first results are visible after just a couple of months);
  • The innovative SpinTek mechanism allows for quick replacement of arches without causing any discomfort;
  • Thanks to the rounded contours and preliminary laser etching, the base of the braces makes the treatment go more smoothly;
  • The technical features of the device increase the positioning accuracy during installation, which makes the adjustment as effective as possible.

Lingual Incognito

Like the vestibular model of Damon Clear braces, the Incognito system has gained no less popularity among lingual devices. Its main advantage is complete concealment, provided by installation on the inside of the teeth. And the well-thought-out design of the mechanism allows you to achieve the effect of opening the bite much earlier than in the case of other orthodontic systems.

Rice. 3. Incognito invisible braces

The main advantages of Incognito lingual braces are:

  • 100% invisible to people;
  • absence visible consequences demineralization of tooth enamel after removing the braces;
  • high efficiency when there is a need to expand the dentition (the internal arch is much more effective than the external one);
  • reliable and fast correction of deep bite provided by the design features of the system;
  • a high-tech process for making braces that takes into account all the features of each tooth and the condition of the dentition as a whole.

Damon Clear or Incognito - which system is better?

As can be seen from the descriptions, both bracket systems are the latest developments in the orthodontic field and represent one of the best models in your device group. And although they positive sides are undeniable, only a comparison will help you finally understand which ones to put better:

  • Painful sensations. When wearing Damon Clear, discomfort is minimized, while using the Incognito system involves some pain in the first 2 weeks after installing braces.
  • Ease of care. Lingual braces are quite difficult to care for because they are located behind the teeth. In this case it is much more convenient vestibular view devices that require easier maintenance.
  • Reliability of the mechanism. Damon Clear and Incognito braces are equally reliable and have a low risk of failure.
  • Degree of convenience. External mounting models vary high level comfort for its owner, while the device with internal way installations may cause some discomfort.
  • Aesthetic benefits. Incognito invisible braces fully correspond to their name and are not visible to others. In the case of the transparent Damon Clear system, the elements of the device are not completely hidden.

Based on the comparison, we can draw the following conclusion: if the patient’s main desire is to achieve a beautiful smile without standing out, then preference should be given to Incognito lingual braces; If the primary goal is to ensure the most comfortable correction process, then the Damon Clear system is the best choice.

Life after braces - how to maintain the results

Many patients are interested in the question: what is done after removing braces? After all, as you know, after a long period of treatment, teeth tend to take their previous position, which can lead to complete loss result.

To avoid such fatality after orthodontic treatment, a retention period begins.

Special devices called retainers are designed to secure the result of the correction. And here there is a choice about what to install after braces, since there are two options - a mouth guard and a permanent retention device. The first device is a removable mouthguard made of plastic. It is convenient because it can be removed at any time, except at night. In the case of non-removable retainers, the wearing process becomes somewhat more complicated, since the device is attached to inner side dentition, and it cannot be removed until the end of the retention period. And although the convenience of such a device is questionable, non-removable retainers are indispensable in the case of consolidating the result after particularly complex defects.

At what age do they put

When interested in the question of how old and how old braces are, you can often hear many versions, the veracity of which is questionable. For example, some argue that the installation of this orthodontic device for children is justified precisely when their baby teeth have not yet fallen out, and for adults after 40, braces will no longer help. But that's not true.

In fact, the correct answer to the question of when can children get braces is the following statement - only after the baby teeth have been completely replaced with molars, but not before. This is because when changing teeth, the bite can correct itself.

In the case of adults, there are no age restrictions, although the treatment process is more complicated.

If we talk about optimal age When you need to get braces, this is the period from 12 to 18 years, when the body is already more formed, but still continues to grow.


As you know, during orthodontic treatment the need for thorough teeth cleaning doubles. This rule due to the fact that any orthodontic device significantly complicates the procedure for maintaining oral hygiene and requires the use of special toothpaste. This product differs from a regular paste in that it is endowed with the most necessary properties for an effective treatment process - cleansing, antibacterial and anti-caries. And it is thanks to them that special paste for braces is so important. A specific brand of paste, rinse aid and other care products are usually recommended by the doctor himself, depending on the indications.

To correct dental defects in children and adults, permanent orthodontic structures are used. The installation procedure is performed by an experienced dentist and lasts about 1-2 hours.

Pros and cons of braces – are they necessary at all?

Treatment with braces will require material investments and a long time. Before you decide to install a system, you need to discuss with your orthodontist whether braces are needed at all.

Indications for brace system therapy:

  • Defects in the location of individual teeth.
  • Defects of dentition and bite.
  • Supernumerary teeth.
  • Impacted teeth.


  • Enamel defects (chalky spots, cracks).
  • Untreated caries.
  • Multiple fillings, artificial crowns.
  • Low adherence to therapy (compliance) of the patient.
  • Mental and severe somatic illnesses.
  • Allergic reactions to the materials used.

They give the orthodontist many opportunities, but they also have their disadvantages.

Pros of therapy with braces:

  1. High treatment results (move teeth in three planes, eliminate almost any dental anomalies).
  2. Good long-term results (in fact, after a full course of treatment, dental deformations are eliminated forever).
  3. They are securely attached (children and teenagers will not be able to remove them on their own).

Disadvantages of braces:

  1. Visible on teeth (except lingual).
  2. Requires dietary changes.
  3. Complicates oral hygiene.
  4. Diction worsens (primarily lingual).
  5. They cause some discomfort (especially in the first days after installation).
  6. They increase the risk of caries due to insufficient enamel mineralization or defects in care.
  7. Assume long-term treatment(on average 1-2 years).
  8. Requires regular visits to the dentist.
  9. They require large financial investments (from 80 thousand rubles per course of treatment).
  10. Braces should be avoided by those who are not ready to follow the regime after installation, pay due attention to oral hygiene, and visit a doctor frequently. If the desire to have a beautiful smile is high and there are financial possibilities, then after consultation with an orthodontist you can begin treatment.

The procedure for installing braces on video

The procedure for installing braces has several stages:

  • Stage 1. Preliminary.
  • Stage 2. Fixation of orthodontic rings and cheek locks.
  • Stage 3. Fixation of staples (braces) to the surface of the tooth using a direct or indirect method.
  • Stage 4. Fastening the orthodontic arch (ligature or non-ligature method).

The preliminary stage includes consultations with a dentist, examination of the patient and selection of the necessary braces.

The doctor discusses with the patient the cost and duration of treatment, expected results and necessary restrictions.

Preliminary consultations allow you to select an individual device and record the initial data.

The patient undergoes an orthopantomogram, a teleroentgenogram, an x-ray of the skull in different projections, photographs of the teeth, face, and plaster models of the dentition.

Fixation stage of orthodontic rings and cheek locks allows you to fix the entire structure in the oral cavity.

Rings and locks are most often placed on the 6th and 7th teeth of each jaw.

Fixing braces requires good review oral cavity, so the dentist installs a mouth opener. The surface of the teeth should be dry, for which it is treated with a stream of warm air.

Substances (restorative composition) are applied to the enamel for 30 seconds to disinfect the surface, which helps to avoid caries under the structure. Then the dentition is dried again with a stream of air.

Fixation of braces is carried out with special glue (bond), which is similar to filling material. It hardens under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Indirect fixation involves initially installing a fastener (ring) on ​​each tooth. The bracket is subsequently attached to these rings. Direct bonding allows the bracket to be bonded directly to the surface of the tooth.

Fixing braces can take 30-90 minutes or even longer. The procedure is painless. It is recommended to eat a large meal before it (to avoid excess secretion saliva).

Securing the orthodontic arch, which is part of the braces system, is carried out after fixing the brackets. Such an arc has “shape memory,” that is, the ability to restore its original shape after deformation.

The arch is attached to the staples with ligatures when classical method. Modern orthodontic arches can also be self-ligating, that is, they are attached to brackets without ligatures.

Within 6-8 hours after installing braces the patient may feel enough severe discomfort , which is a consequence of tooth displacement under the influence of an orthodontic arch. You can take over-the-counter pain medications during this time.

Within 3-4 days after the procedure, discomfort and pain almost completely cease to bother the patient.

After installing braces, the long stage of teeth straightening begins. For treatment success, the patient must adhere to the rules of care and certain restrictions.

  1. After installing braces and after each visit to the dentist, you may experience pain and discomfort associated with the pressure of the orthodontic archwire. At that time, you can use recommended painkillers, eat semi-liquid foods, and maintain oral hygiene.
  2. If the brace injures the mucous membrane, it can be temporarily covered with medical wax or cotton wool. The mucosal area heals within 24 hours and becomes less sensitive. If the ligature or orthodontic arch rubs, the dentist can correct the situation.
  3. Oral hygiene should be carried out with special orthodontic and single-tuft brushes, dental brushes, and dental floss. An orthodontic brush is shaped like a “V”. She cleans the teeth above and below the arch. The cervical part of the tooth and the bracket are cleaned with a single-tuft brush. A dental brush cleans the orthodontic arch. The lateral surfaces of the teeth are cleaned with dental floss. Ultrasonic and electric toothbrushes can also be used after meals. It is necessary to clean your teeth and braces immediately after each meal (toothbrushes) and before going to bed (toothbrushes, brush, floss).

A patient with braces cannot:

  1. Eating foods that are too cold (ice cream, drinks).
  2. There are hot dishes (including hot tea).
  3. Biting and gnawing hard foods (dries, apples, carrots, nuts).
  4. There are chips, cookies, waffles, as their small parts are difficult to remove from the system after eating.
  5. There are sticky foods (taffy, candy).
  6. Abuse sweet foods (contribute to the development of multiple sugars).
  7. Coffee Tea, coloring products, smoking should be limited so as not to stain the braces.

The success of treatment depends not only on the professionalism of the doctor, but also on the patient’s commitment to therapy.

Photos before and after installing braces

Most often, many parents postpone visiting the orthodontist with their child until he is 7-9 years old. However, this is not an entirely correct solution, because if there are problems associated with malocclusion, they are easier to solve before 5 years. If time has passed, what needs to be done and how to begin correcting malocclusions? At what age can you get braces and until what age do you have braces?

Parents who carefully monitor their children will, of course, immediately notice that their child’s bite is developing. Treatment will also be indicated for those babies who:

  • parents had a history of malocclusion;
  • violated nasal breathing as a result of a cold, adenoid disease;
  • there are problems with the spine and poor posture;
  • observed bad habits, namely: thumb sucking, other objects and pacifiers for more than 6 hours a day;
  • there is a disposition towards diabetes mellitus and diseases of the central nervous system.

Doctors have different opinions regarding bite correction in children. Some believe that it is most successful if it is done in early age, others are convinced that older children should have their teeth straightened.

At what age are braces placed?

Correction of malocclusion is carried out depending on the age category different methods. To treat children, removable devices are used that actively influence the restructuring of muscles and form proper development bones. At this age, the child’s jaws are actively developing, which means they are easily amenable to such correction.

Attention! At this age, the use of braces can cause damage to the enamel, so this type of treatment should only be carried out based on compelling medical indications.

In this case, it is customary to take into account the main criteria that determine readiness child's body to carry out corrective measures:

  • the baby has upper permanent incisors;
  • The length of the baby’s teeth allows the system to be attached to them.

Orthodontic correction of malocclusion in young children has a positive effect on the development and growth of the jaws, creates conditions for the formation of correct bite, and facilitates correction of the bite in the future.

To correct malocclusion in children aged 11-13 years, fixed structures are used. This time is favorable for a reason active growth and development of jaw bones. To select the most favorable time to begin correction, the doctor pays attention to the following criteria:

When is the best time to get braces?

If a child has already been diagnosed with an incorrect bite, then the first steps to correct it can be taken immediately. Up to 13 years of age, treatment is carried out with the help of, since at an early age the bite is not yet fully formed. The jaws reach their permanent position at approximately 14 years of age – it is during this period that it is advisable to get braces for a child. Treatment using them will be the most effective.

In adolescents, molars are already fully formed, so they can already withstand a load that is not entirely natural for them. At this time, the question is no longer raised when it is possible to put braces on a child. But when installing braces before 12-13 years of age, there is a high risk of resorption of incompletely formed roots. After such a procedure, a small patient may lose teeth, so at any age, before carrying out correction using braces, a complete diagnostic examination condition.

Installing braces for children

Before starting orthodontic correction of malocclusion in a child, parents need to consider some features:

  1. It is not recommended to install braces until the second molars have erupted. It is necessary to wait so that each tooth takes its place, since there is a risk of them erupting in another place, outside the dentition. Consequently, the treatment period and the likelihood of relapse will increase.
  2. Before installing braces, it is necessary to check the condition of the oral and internal muscles. This procedure is carried out in order to exclude dental anomalies and disproportionate development of bone and muscle tissue.
  3. It is necessary to clarify how the load on the teeth occurs, which is important in preventing relapses. If some teeth close before others, the risk of recurrence of crookedness increases significantly. This information is essential in constructing a consistent correction plan and determining the exact timing of treatment.

How to install braces

Braces are fixed on the outer and inner surfaces of the teeth using a special material. Modern brace systems are divided into,. The cheapest of them are metal ones, the most expensive are lingual ones, since they are attached to the inner tooth platform and are practically invisible. Ceramic devices have no equal in popularity.

Before installing braces, they undergo an examination, followed by preparation. oral cavity. At this stage, impressions are made from plaster, and a complete sanitation of the oral cavity is carried out. The process of correcting the bite begins at the moment when a special arch is installed in the grooves of the braces, putting pressure on the teeth and causing them to move.

Installation of braces is painless, but later they may appear. discomfort. Getting used to braces takes about 3-5 days. Depending on the severity of the disease, the braces system is worn from one to three years under constant medical supervision. To consolidate the result, the patient will need to use retainers—special removable plates—for some time.

Until what age do you have to put braces on your teeth?

Despite the fact that the use of braces presents some difficulties for teenagers, it is at this age that bite correction is most effective. Any changes take place within a year and a half, while for a mature person this is only a minimum period of time. It will take about 2-3 years to establish the bite of an adult, and the retention period will be at least 5 years. A large number of Doctors are convinced that to prevent relapse in adulthood, it is necessary to install permanent retainers or use mouth guards every night.

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How do they put braces on?

If you are interested in how braces are placed, read this article. Perhaps you or someone close to you will soon have this procedure. We will try to dispel all fears and doubts. We will try to explain in detail and, we hope, clearly and even show how braces are installed.

What needs to be done before fixing the bracket system?

First things first. After the doctor has made a diagnosis and decided on a treatment plan, he recommends some preparatory procedures before installing braces.

  • First you need to carry out professional cleaning teeth. If there is plaque or tartar on your teeth, you must remove them.
  • Sanitize the oral cavity, that is, cure caries (if any) and replace failed (i.e. bad and old) fillings. After all, doing this after you have already had braces installed will be much more difficult.

A detailed description of how to place parentheses

And now the “X” day has come - the day of installing braces. Be prepared to spend quite a long period of time in the dentist's chair. Typically, braces are placed on one jaw at one visit, and on the opposite jaw at the next visit. Installing a braces system on one jaw takes about an hour, sometimes less or more than an hour.

It is advisable to come to your appointment not hungry, but to eat well. Firstly, you will be full and satisfied. And secondly, salivation will be less, which is important for the doctor’s quality work. Of course, don't forget to brush your teeth well before coming.

Video about step-by-step installation of brackets

Various fixing materials are used to install the bracket system. With their help, the bracket is glued to the tooth. We will look at the most commonly used option of gluing braces onto a light-curing material designed specifically for fixing braces. His characteristic feature consists in the fact that it instantly hardens under the influence of ultraviolet rays of a special lamp.

Before you start installing braces, your teeth are treated with a special liquid, which is then washed off with water. After this, the teeth are dried and treated with the following liquid, which is illuminated with a special lamp (sometimes this step is not required, it all depends on the type of components used, you must follow the attached instructions). The purpose of this two-step treatment is to prepare the surface for better adhesion between the lock and the tooth.

Now directly installing braces

Each bracket is carefully attached to a tooth.

Using reverse tweezers, the doctor holds the lock. A fixing substance is applied to its base. (Usually this is done by a doctor’s assistant, but there are braces with material already applied at the factory).

The doctor glues the bracket to the tooth. The bracket on the tooth must occupy a strictly defined position. To determine this position there is a special tool - a positioner. With its help, the lock is accurately installed. Some doctors, having extensive experience, do not use a positioner when placing braces, but are guided by the basic rules for correct installation braces systems. When the orthodontist is sure that the bracket on the tooth is located accurately, the material is illuminated with a lamp, due to which it completely hardens. And the bracket turns out to be securely glued to the tooth.

Read and find out what to do in such an unforeseen situation.
— we tell and show the video.

The doctor does this with each tooth on which it is planned to place braces.

After all the braces are installed, the doctor proceeds to the next stage. An arch is installed in the grooves of the brackets. If the braces are ligature, the arch is tied with special rubber bands, if self-ligating, rubber bands are not used, the arch is snapped into the fixing mechanism of the bracket.

Behind the last tooth on which the bracket is glued, the doctor trims off the excess arch (so that it does not injure the cheek mucosa); sometimes the tip of the arch is bent.

From this video it is clear that there is nothing scary in this procedure.

Next, the orthodontist gives you recommendations and teaches you proper care for the oral cavity, warns about possible pain at first, gives or recommends buying protective wax and explains how and why to use it, and schedules the next appointment.

It is worth noting that here we talked about how vestibular (external) braces are placed. The installation of lingual (internal) braces differs from that described above. But more on that another time.

Update date: 12/05/2018

Date of publication: 10/28/2014

Installing braces is a real salvation for people with malocclusion. If you used to be embarrassed to wear them, now it has even become fashionable. The choice is huge, for every budget. Orthodontic treatment takes a lot of time, is accompanied by minor difficulties, but beautiful smile worth it.

Procedure for installing braces

How braces are installed, whether it hurts or not, how long the procedure takes - most often these are the questions that concern those who decide to fix their smile. Orthodontists remind dental-phobic patients that beauty sometimes requires sacrifice, so you will have to be patient a little.

Also, be patient. Installing a brace system on the upper and lower jaw is not a quick task, with open mouth You will need to sit for 1.5 - 2 hours. This is precisely what worries patients the most, and not the fact that it will hurt. An orthodontist’s work is responsible and he doesn’t like to rush. Got distracted - and new smile may be at risk. An error of even 1 mm is critical! One by one, the doctor glues brackets to the teeth, which are then connected with a metal arch. This is a guide for crooked teeth, it shows the place to which they should move. Do not believe those who say that installing braces is very painful. The stage is responsible, but painless.

Contraindications for installing braces

  • If there are problems with the gums, installation of a braces system is possible only in the absence of an inflammatory process.
  • Caries is also considered a temporary limitation for the fixation of orthodontic appliances.
  • Poor oral hygiene is a serious barrier to starting treatment. If a person doesn’t brush his teeth well, then braces will only make the situation worse.
  • Increased susceptibility to caries in combination with poor quality hygiene is a contraindication to fixing the bracket system.

Stages of installing braces on teeth

There are two ways to place braces: direct and indirect. The first is considered a classic and widespread. The indirect method of fixing the bracket system is more progressive, but is still considered new. Bye this method Not all clinics use it.

Direct method

If braces are installed using the direct method, the orthodontist glues one clasp to each tooth, that is, installs them individually. It is impossible to make a mistake, so the doctor checks his actions with panoramic photos. This work can be compared to jewelry; accuracy of up to 1 mm is important here. Today this is the most common method of installing braces.

The process of installing braces using the direct method

  1. An expander is installed in the mouth, with which the orthodontist can clearly see all the teeth.
  2. The tooth surface is polished and dried with a stream of air.
  3. First, braces are installed on upper jaw. Locks are glued to the teeth, and dental cement is first applied to them. Then the cement residues are removed, and the solution hardens under ultraviolet light. Installation of braces on the lower jaw can be carried out immediately or after 1 – 8 months, depending on the indications.
  4. The mouth is freed from the expander, and arches are installed in the braces.

Indirect method

In this case, an accurate plaster model of the teeth is made where the clasps are placed. All this is transferred to a mouthguard, which is placed on the dentition. In this way the entire system is fixed at the same time. Very convenient: the installation time for braces is reduced to an average of 30 minutes, and the design details are installed more accurately. It is clear that the future lies with this technique.

Stages of installing braces using the indirect method

  1. A plaster cast of the jaw is first taken.
  2. A plaster model of the dentition is created.
  3. Locks are installed on the plaster model and connected with an arc.
  4. The finished structure is fixed on the teeth.

Installation of lingual braces on inner surface teeth requires high qualifications from the orthodontist..

Photos before and after installation

Orthodontist, therapist, surgeon, pediatric dentist/ Moscow

Features of installing braces in adults, adolescents and children

Installing braces for a teenager is not much different from installing braces for an adult. Correcting the bite in children simply happens faster. The need for treatment with braces and suitable age determined by the orthodontist. For a teenager, the cost of braces in Moscow depends on the clinic and the chosen design.

Braces are not used on baby teeth. If they are placed too early, the child may be left without teeth. To install braces, you will have to wait at least 10 to 12 years until your teeth change. The age after 14 years is optimal for using braces. Treatment occurs faster than in adults and is easier to tolerate.

Parents often doubt whether teenagers should get braces. Crooked teeth can lead to health problems over time. Incorrect positioning of teeth provokes the development of caries, periodontitis, and digestive problems.

What should you do before installing braces?

    Pictures before installing braces. At the initial appointment, before installing braces, the doctor will conduct an examination and draw up a preliminary treatment plan. To clarify, you will need to take x-rays and casts.

    Impressions before installing braces. They are done only if it is planned to fix the system using an indirect method.

    Sanitation of the oral cavity. The main rule is that braces are installed only on healthy teeth. All problems must be resolved before the responsible moment. Maintaining oral hygiene with braces will become more difficult; unattended caries will definitely take advantage of this. Individual braces will have to be removed; treatment will be difficult and expensive. Of course, caries can appear after installing braces on your teeth. In this case, treatment cannot be postponed until later.

    Cleaning before installing braces. Teeth should not only be healthy, but also clean. At least one day, or better yet several days before, teeth are cleaned before installing braces.

Adaptation after installation of braces

The first days after installing braces are the most difficult. May have problems.

  • Teeth hurt after installing braces.
  • The mucous membrane is irritated.
  • Diction has worsened.
  • Difficulty chewing food.
  • Braces interfere with the tongue.

All of the above - natural reaction body on foreign objects. Teeth begin to move in the right direction immediately after treatment begins. It's painful, you'll have to be patient for a while. After installing braces, how much do your teeth hurt? frequently asked question orthodontist. If he calculated everything correctly, after a few days the discomfort will decrease. If you can't stand it, take a painkiller. Continuous unbearable pain is a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor.

Pain after installing braces can be caused by irritation of the mucous membrane, in this case orthodontic wax will help. At strong pressure staples on soft fabrics rinse your mouth with 1 teaspoon solution regular salt per glass warm water. It is better to treat wounds in the oral cavity with disinfectants.

Gradually the teeth will change their incorrect position, and the orthodontist - a metal arch. After this, pain may appear again for a few days, but not as severe as on the first day after installing braces.

Caring for braces after installation

Caring for braces after installation is more difficult than caring for teeth without them. There are more hard-to-reach places in the mouth to clean, and plaque forms faster. It is necessary to responsibly follow all the doctor’s recommendations so that later, after straightening, you do not have to put fillings on all your teeth. You will need an orthodontic brush, brush, dental floss and an irrigator.

How to care for braces after installation?

  • Teeth with braces must be brushed 3–4 times a day, slowly and thoroughly, ideally for 10–15 minutes. It is recommended to use a special orthodontic brush: you can recognize it by the inscription Orthodontic or Ortho. You will also need a brush to help clean your teeth around the braces. Dental floss can handle even the smallest food debris. An irrigator - a device that can clean the most inaccessible places - completes the care.

  • Sticky food is a no-no; it can get stuck under your braces. It is better to postpone sweets, especially toffees, until after treatment, as well as foods and drinks high in sugar and acids.

  • Sapphire, ceramic and plastic braces require list expansion limited products. Drinks with a high content of dyes - tea, coffee, soda, some juices - can affect the color of the orthodontic system.

  • In the first days after installing braces, it is not recommended to eat solid food. As for small children, everything should be pureed and liquid. This even applies to fruits. Anything that needs to be chewed is excluded. You can use meat, but be careful not to get stuck in the fibers. It is better to choose tender varieties and cut into small pieces.

If it is not possible to brush your teeth after eating, you should at least rinse your mouth. Even if you care for your braces according to all the rules, periodically undergo professional cleaning and rinse your mouth with a fluoride solution.