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Sleep capsule in the office. The best model options. What is an oxygen capsule

Eleven in the morning. Alexey Vinokurov from the Energy Point company greets me with complaints about lack of sleep, apologizes and goes for a cup of strong tea. Giant painted owls look down from the office walls. It seems that this is a kind of professional deformation: Energy Point sells sleep capsules.

These hybrids of a dental chair and a flying saucer are designed to take a little nap in the middle of a noisy open space and similar places not intended for sleeping.

My partner and I both worked in large state-owned companies and noticed how often in the middle of the working day people need to clear their heads by taking a nap,” says Alexey. - If you look at the natural state of affairs, short nap is characteristic of everyone - both animals and small children, only “highly organized” adults are forced to give it up. Meanwhile, according to American somnologists, “quiet hour” increases labor productivity by about 30%.

The company sells four types of capsules different manufacturers. Two of them, intended for offices, can be touched right there. I plop down into the Energy Pod. Her distinctive feature- a sphere consisting of two wings that covers the upper half of the body and cuts you off from the outside world. There was no attack of claustrophobia: the inside is quite spacious and relatively light - the capsule itself is black, but it has soft lighting. Lying comfortably, despite the fact that the legs are raised to the level of the heart.

This design was made on purpose,” the voice of my interlocutor comes from behind the plastic wall. - This body position ensures optimal pressure distribution.

There is a remote control in the armrest, similar to those found on airplanes. With its help, you can change the lift and angle of the lounger, as well as turn down or turn up the sound. Hypnotic ambient music is delivered through headphones lying nearby. The standard program lasts 20 minutes, so you won’t be able to sleep through the entire working day. After the required time has passed, the capsule will automatically straighten the seat and turn up the music volume. A person should wake up precisely in the phase REM sleep, otherwise he feels exhausted when he wakes up. However, not everyone uses the capsule specifically for sleep. Some people close there to... work. Yes, privacy in an open space is technically difficult.

The second capsule, Napshell, is not as convenient, but more effective. It's essentially just a leather couch encased in a streamlined plastic casing. I lie and look at the ceiling, which glows softly different colors. I wonder if I could really doze off here in a matter of minutes, in the middle of a crowded office? Behind me is an ordinary car radio: you can choose any soundtrack for sleep in Napshell. White color The housings can also be painted according to your choice if desired. The capsule resembles a car for a reason: it was designed by Daimler engineers. Such capsules are bought mainly for presentation purposes: to impress guests coming to the office.

In Moscow, employees of several companies, mainly working in the IT and consulting sectors, can already use sleep capsules. True, employers who are ready to take such care of the comfort of their employees are mainly Western, admits Alexey Vinokurov. Domestic entrepreneurs, hearing the phrase “sleeping on the job,” most of them only raise their eyebrows in bewilderment.

Viktor Khodanov and Alexey Vinokurov are in their early 20s. Three years ago, they, childhood friends, moved to Moscow from Bryansk, where they already had their own small business- help desk for goods and services. When choosing what to do, the partners decided to sell the opportunity to sleep in the middle of the day. Having agreed with the manufacturers of capsules in which you can hide from the world about the first delivery, they began searching for clients and faced the main problem - how to get a meeting with the manager large company, if he does not understand why he needs the product. Alexey Vinokurov told H&F how to solve this problem.

In the photo from left to right: Viktor Khodanov and Alexey Vinokurov


Product selection

When we were choosing what to do in Moscow, we wanted the business to be socially responsible. We thought about recycling waste and creating eco-friendly packaging, but we didn’t have enough resources to do it. own production. Therefore, we decided to start from the basic human needs - food and sleep.

Department of Health and social services At its annual congress a year ago, the United States declared the fight against fatigue in the workplace a priority, saying that the country's economy loses $136 billion annually because people are nodding off at work. We started from this indicator, studied the issue and decided to start selling sleep capsules in Russia, especially since this is already a popular and in-demand product in the world.

Distrust of experience on the part of the manufacturer

We have been working for six months now, and from the very first day we began to struggle with distrust in us. At first, the capsule manufacturers to whom we wrote letters were skeptical. We really don’t have a very impressive portfolio: we are young, we have never been involved in sales, we do not have an investor or equity capital. I decided that with visual contact I would be perceived better, made appointments and went on a tour - in Copenhagen I met with Christopher Lindholst, the developer of the EnergyPod capsule and owner of the MetroNaps company, in Stuttgart - with the creators of the Napshell capsule.

We are an exclusive distributor, not a dealer. We act according to the following scheme: received an order from a client, ordered a capsule from the manufacturer, bought it, resold it to the client.

In May-June we started trying to sell our capsules, and then it turned out that the main problem, which bothers us: no one understands why this is necessary. Managers and business owners are not going to give employees the opportunity to sleep for 20 minutes during the working day. We must focus on fairly large businesses; capsules cost from 800,000 rubles to 1.3 million rubles, so offering them to small or medium-sized businesses would be stupid. We engaged in so-called cold sales.

Not spam

Very quickly, literally within a month, it became clear: our letters with presentations, our brochures and our calls with proposals were sent to spam. We were perceived as people who wanted to sell expensive and unnecessary things. Then we began to act differently: we began to look for approaches.

You can find a lot of information from friends and online. We asked friends for advice: who to talk to in such and such a company, who is close to management and open to everything new, we looked for people on Facebook, LinkedIn, looked at their profiles, found out what they were interested in, and figured out how to approach them . Then they knocked on the door and sent information about us. This is how we work with Yandex (the contract has not yet been concluded), with the architectural bureau KS (capsules have been installed). When we were looking for an approach to a global Internet company with an office in Russia, we sent its representative a large selection of articles about how capsules had been standing in the offices of this company in other countries for a long time. This helped generate interest in us.

Confidence in the product helped me. I made two or three calls a day, but each call was preceded by powerful work - I had to find that person who would not hang up, but would listen and help me get higher.

From the first call the right person It usually takes three weeks before meeting with management. With the conclusion of a contract, everything is more complicated. We are still working on many calls that we made five months ago. The first meeting is often set up to get rid of it and refuse, but when you come with statistics, indicators, armed with a presentation, the attitude changes. They respond favorably to subsequent calls, do not refuse, transfer your case to the commercial service and find out the size of the discount and details of the work.

Change of tactics

Now we have a slightly different tactic. We are putting more effort into creating an information cloud around our project. We try to work with the media, with social networks, talk about the benefits of daytime sleep, and share research. They began to contact us more often after reading articles about sleepy capsules - so we installed two capsules in RIA Novosti and installed one in the Nordstar Tower business center. But, of course, the stage of cold sales, generally unpleasant, was necessary precisely so that they would know about us on the Russian market. If your capsule is several Russian companies, it is easier to convince competitors and partners of these companies of its necessity.

In 1979, the first capsule hotel opened in Japan - a place to rest at night for white-collar workers who were too late at work, who no longer needed to waste time on the long journey home. They spent it in compact capsules, where they read, watched TV or slept. The 21st century has improved the idea of ​​capsule sleep: in 2002, the US Department of Health and Human Services identified the fight against fatigue and stress at work as one of its social policy priorities. In the same year, the Metronaps company, which produces sleep capsules, was founded, and a year later the world's first energy sleep room with capsules from this company was equipped in the Empire State Building.

The difference between Japanese capsule hotels of the 80s and modern sleepy capsules is obvious: the idea of ​​​​working hard at the expense of free time has been replaced by concern for the well-being of employees and increasing their ability to work. In the mid-2000s, the first Metronaps sleep pods appeared at the headquarters of Google, Procter & Gamble and Virgin Atlantic, as well as at London and Vancouver international airports. Today at big cities Specialized “sleep spas” are opening, where people come for healthy portions of sleep lasting from 20 to 40 minutes.

The idea of ​​sleeping capsules itself is very simple. All you need for a healthy rest is a comfortable couch, complete sound insulation, lighting developed by neurophysiologists, headphones with soothing music and a timer. All this, according to experts, is quite enough to take a nap and wake up full of energy. According to University of Wisconsin neurophysiologist Vladislav Vyazovsky, the main thing is not to immerse yourself in deep phase sleep, and get enough sleep during the “rapid blinking of eyelashes” phase, when the brain has time to reboot and is capable of mastering new information.

In Russia, the history of sleepy capsules began thanks to the Energy Point company, which imports German Napshell capsules and American Energy Pods and equips them with the rest areas of the largest metropolitan offices. The owners plan to instill in Russian employees a culture of quick and effective rest while working, not only with the help of sleep capsules, but also thanks to special meditation beds, the idea of ​​which belongs to designer Alberto Frias. Judging by the speed at which the anti-stress trend is spreading, the world has every chance of turning into a real one in the near future. sleepy kingdom. In a good sense of the word, of course.

She breathed this real oxygen and became as good as new - the fatigue and lethargy disappeared as if by hand. Therefore, when a colleague told me that there was oxygen capsule(and there are not many of them in our city, and not all of them are accessible to visit), I really wanted to get into this world of fresh, clean air and breathe deeply.

I'm "in the house"

I imagined the capsule as a pressure chamber with a lid, but it turned out that it was more like a tube with a zipper, a kind of cozy nest, but not for claustrophobes. Inside there is space to read and you can even chat on the phone. As a child, I would have called such a thing a “house.”

Maria Matveeva, project administrator " Beauty and health", explains that since oxygen is not released during the procedure pure form, and mixed with air, it is absolutely safe to be inside. (Oxygen 100 is explosive and you cannot go into an old-style pressure chamber with a telephone or other equipment).

During the procedure, 24 kilograms of oxygen are delivered to the body - this is 27 times more than during normal breathing. And one session in a capsule is equivalent to 24 hours fresh air In the woods.

During normal breathing, oxygen in the lungs combines with hemoglobin and is carried into the cells. Oxygen delivery – 900 grams per day. If hemoglobin is reduced, less oxygen is delivered.

During the capsule procedure, the amount of hemoglobin in the body does not affect oxygen delivery.

In the photo on the left is the capsule in a “deflated” form, on the right - in a straightened form, during the session. TV presenter Sergei Maksimov (Ekaterinburg) helped me during the filming.


Before entering the capsule, I was warned that at the beginning, when under pressure it is filled with a mixture of air and oxygen, my ears may become blocked, much like in an airplane during takeoff, and the same thing at the end of the session, when the pressure in the capsule decreases. And, just like during a flight, you can take candy to prevent your ears from getting stuffy.

The first feeling when they close you up with a zipper and expect your ears to start stuffing up is not very pleasant, but it goes away very soon. Because nothing bad happens to the ears; on an airplane it’s much more serious, of course.

And in general, 5-10 minutes after the start of the session I fell asleep, but I did not fall asleep, but was in such a relaxed half-asleep.

I must say that I came to the procedure not in the most better condition– with low blood pressure and weakness. Maria said that everyone has an individual reaction to the procedure; for example, two hours after the capsule, she experienced incredible vigor and a thirst for physical activity. And this state remained for two days.

This prospect really inspired me while I was in the capsule. By the way, the procedure lasts from 30 minutes to an hour. Although Michael Jackson actually slept in a pressure chamber, that’s a different story.

Michael Jackson in a pressure chamber

To completely detoxify the body, it is recommended to take a course consisting of 4 sessions, visiting the capsule every day or every other day.

The oxygen that enters the chamber produces an oxygen concentrator. Because of high blood pressure Inside the capsule, oxygen dissolves in the blood plasma and is delivered to all cells of the body.

Maria Matveeva, project administrator:

Oxygen capsules were used by Russian athletes at the Sochi Olympics last year. They regained their strength after the competition or, conversely, before it. Another important effect for them was the breakdown of lactic acid in the body. The capsule is widely used in cosmetology (lymphatic drainage is enhanced, as well as the effect of weight loss programs, the condition of the skin, hair, and nails improves).

The procedures help for recovery after injuries, operations, stress, alcohol and smoking intoxication, relieve weather dependence and headaches, and the syndrome chronic fatigue. Sessions are a prevention of vascular diseases.

Contraindications : ORZ, acute rhinitis, claustrophobia

Summary: I expected some kind of powerful air flow inside the capsule, but it flows quite evenly and it is not cold, at room temperature. It's quite comfortable to be inside; there's not much space above your head. My condition after the capsule was clearly better than before it. Strength appeared, I won’t say wild vivacity. But still, it was a half-hour session, and not a series of procedures.

Sergey, 28 years old

I completed a course of four procedures, with the second session taking place after my birthday celebration, and I immediately noticed how easy it became for me - hangover syndrome was filmed during that half hour in the capsule. The main effect that I noticed was vigor and freshness. And the feeling of fatigue that was present even in the morning was gone.

Photo: Yuri Kapustin, Elena Yurieva

Where do you prefer to get oxygen from?

Manufacturers of various gadgets never cease to amaze us with the appearance of new examples of miracle technology and useful devices. Not so long ago, sleep capsules from various manufacturers appeared on the Russian market. The new product is not yet available everywhere. But some companies in major cities can already boast of its acquisition. Those who are concerned about the high productivity of their staff install capsules in their offices.

Why is this necessary?

Economists and physiologists have been conducting research on the best organization of the work process for a long time. Millions of dollars have already been spent on development various techniques in this area. As a result, it was established that to organize work time It is better so that in the middle of the day the tired brains of employees have the opportunity to recover.

In the early 2000s in the States, this problem reached the state level. The US Department of Health has identified as its priority policy the fight against overwork and stress arising at work. It was then that they began seriously to develop and improve equipment such as a sleep capsule.

How did it all begin?

What kind of device is this and why was it invented? The first to come up with his invention were Asian scientists. The history, culture and way of life of the East are inextricably linked with relaxation techniques. Meditation and short naps during the day are an important part of the life of every resident of Southeast Asia.

The first prototype of modern capsules appeared in Japan back in the last century. Having already crossed the line of the 2000s, scientists decided to develop this direction, and now we have a state-of-the-art device that allows us to isolate ourselves from the hustle and bustle of the day and plunge into a calm, short-term sleep.

What is a capsule?

The sleep capsule itself is a kind of pencil case with a physiologically shaped couch inside, relaxing sound, color lighting options and a timer. The walls of the cabin do not allow extraneous sounds to pass through, and the one inside gets a feeling of complete detachment from the world.

There are two types of cabins: those that completely hide a person, and those in which only the upper half of the body is covered. The second option is more convenient for offices. It looks less bulky and takes up little space. The place where the legs are located is raised, this makes it possible to relieve fatigue and swelling from them.

Now also in Russia

For the first time, German and American manufacturers provided Russians with the opportunity to purchase these original devices; Energy Point was the first to import their sleep capsules. Later, the market was saturated with similar equipment from Japan, China, and Korea. The production of capsules was also opened in Russia. The devices have not yet taken root; large, advanced concerns, headed by businessmen from the West, equip their offices with them. There has long been a practice of short day rest employees to improve the performance of their abilities.

Such a dream, of course, should not be long. The developers claim that you need to wake up in fast phase dreams, otherwise the refreshing effect will not occur. Therefore, it is recommended to set the timer for 20 minutes - this is quite enough to cheer up.

Additional functions

Each manufacturer wants to give the capsule model it has developed its own “trick”. It can be an unusual external form, and the presence in which you immerse yourself with special pleasure. The more additional functions, the more expensive the sleep capsule is. The price of the “sophisticated” model is about 12 thousand dollars. But there is hope that when the sales market becomes saturated, the price of the miracle technology will decrease.

There are already more economical models, but the comfort when using them will be less. Let’s say, you won’t relax much in a vertical capsule, and this body position doesn’t help you fall asleep.

One day, the developers came up with the idea of ​​combining a sleep capsule and an oxygen pressure chamber. Doctors have long known the beneficial effects of oxygen on all cells of the body; finding a way to saturate them means taking an important step towards recovery. This process is called “oxygenation”.

Oxygen capsule - two in one

A sleep capsule with oxygen differs from the usual pressure chambers in that the oxygen does not enter it in its pure form. It is mixed with air, but it is absolutely safe, unlike using pure O2. Staying in such an environment improves skin breathing and promotes its regeneration. If such procedures are carried out regularly, an improvement in appearance and rejuvenation is guaranteed.

For sleep, it is often equipped with aromatherapy and massage functions. Built-in sprayers saturate the air with natural particles essential oils, and the vibration effect promotes better opening of pores, which increases the efficiency of the entire procedure.

A capsule for sleeping with oxygen, the price of which starts from 180 thousand for a Chinese product and reaches figures exceeding one and a half million ( Japanese capsules for sleep) - one way or another, is in demand. Those who cannot afford a functional, expensive model can always have a session at the spa.

Indications for staying in an oxygen capsule

For both men and women, an oxygen sleep capsule will help get rid of:

  • headaches and muscle pain;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • high blood pressure;
  • psoriasis and other skin diseases;
  • overweight;
  • neurological problems.

To those ladies who take care of their own appearance, the procedures will help you avoid:

  • loss of breast shape;
  • decreased skin elasticity;
  • postpartum problems;
  • cellulite.

Prospects for “sleeping” capsules

Abroad, booths with such equipment have become ubiquitous at airports and major train stations. Passengers are happy. They are pleased with the pleasant opportunity to take a nap for an hour while waiting for the flight. Particularly impressionable citizens, however, are afraid of oversleeping and missing their plane or train.

Today, “sleepy spas” are opening in major cities around the world, where city residents can get good rest. No one is surprised anymore when they call a friend at noon and the answer is: “Call later. I'm sleeping."

Asian countries picked up the idea and went even further. There you can now rent a room in which it is actually a capsule 2 meters long and one and a half meters high. You won't be able to stand inside such a room; you can only sit and lie there. This is cheaper than full-fledged hotel apartments. And such a hotel takes up absolutely no space, which is important for overpopulated Asian countries.

Would you like to sleep at work?

According to certain media reports, the survey showed that the heads of Russian enterprises are not yet ready to introduce such an exotic innovation in their office premises. Still, the mentality dictates, rather, to intensify the fight for labor discipline, and not organize sleep in the middle of the working day. So for now, sleep capsules will continue to please office workers exclusively in big cities, remaining exclusive there too.

For those who want to try out a new product at any cost, the solution is to visit a salon, where you can combine sleeping in a capsule with other pleasant procedures. Of course, during non-working hours.