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Manager 10 in 8 profession. Tenth natal house. Managers. Planets

Let's do a little analysis of the astrological significance of the ruler of the 10th house (career, social status) in the 11th house of the horoscope (friends, teams).

If the ruler of the 10th house is in the 11th house of the horoscope

Ruler of the 10th house in the 11th house is negative:

destruction of plans and projects, infidelity of friends, always losing adventurer, inadequacy of the environment.

Ruler of the 10th house in the 11th house is positive:

Thanks to the skillful use of the surprise factor, such a person strengthens his career, turning to his advantage everything that is incomprehensible to others. He comes to power in an unexpected and strange way. An eccentric adventurer who deftly uses patronage and patronage. An informal leader who skillfully uses friendship and collective connections to solve his problems. Plans and projects are long-term, sometimes ahead of time.

Career and social status are oriented towards the group, collective and organization and significantly depend on them. Often the names of such people do not leave newspaper pages in connection with social problems. They create their careers through their affiliation with a particular organization.

They prefer to work in established systems, in particular government institutions, may be included in working together some group of people, for example, in a large concern or syndicate. Friends and acquaintances play a huge role in professional life.

If the ruler of the 10th house is in the 11th house of the horoscope, the person works with one of them or uses their support. These people have a good appearance and open character. They have many friends and acquaintances, on whom they make a strong impression with their energetic performance and focus.

People who have the ruler of the 10th house in the 11th house of the horoscope

Many people whose names are constantly in newspaper columns related to social problems, and who made a career because they belonged to some organization, can serve as examples of the manifestation of this situation.

These are many senators, congressmen, members of parliament and other people working in well-established systems such as parliaments, senates, and various government agencies. You may be involved in the collaboration of some group of people, for example in a syndicate, as was the case with the previously mentioned James Hof with his 10th house in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Capricorn at the 11th.

Friends and acquaintances can play a big role in your professional life. You can work with one of them or have their support.

We have two clients in whose horoscopes the ruler of the 10th house is in the 11th house - one of them has Zenith in Aquarius, and Uranus in Aries in the eleventh house in trine with Saturn in the seventh house and opposition with the Moon in the fifth.

He could always find a woman for love affairs (Moon in the fifth house - proposed love). Then such a woman became his girlfriend (eleventh house - accepted love). Then she asks him to take her as a partner in some joint work.

Then her husband provides their enterprise with money (Saturn in the seventh house), and our client takes care of their common business. As far as we know, he did this to the duck three times, and each time in a different country. It was no worse for the husbands either, since our client never went broke, and also did not take their wives away from them, except for short time until the passion calms down.

Another client of ours has Zenith in Sagittarius, and Jupiter in Capricorn in the eleventh house, sextile with Saturn in the first house, in trine with Neptune in the seventh house and opposition with Pluto in the fifth house. He came to the United States as an emigrant, did all sorts of odd jobs, and at the same time studied English at school.

He has a pleasant appearance and an open character (Sun in Pisces and Aries on the Ascendant). He made many friends and acquaintances, whom he made a strong impression on with his energy, efficiency and focus. As a result, they helped him with money, lending significant sums of money against his work. Today he owns a whole chain of self-service stores.

Last month I promised to write a post about the Eighth House, readers of my astrological blog really love it. I keep what I promise. Today we'll talk about the position of the Ruler of the MC in the Eighth House, about how this horoscopic factor can affect relationships with parents, career, success, and also financial situation native.

Let's start with career indicators; after all, the main interpretation of the Tenth House is precisely work and career elevation. When the Ruler of the MC enters the Eighth House, a situation may occur where the native will be comfortable with death for the sake of career growth a certain person. This, of course, does not mean that the owner of the position himself will have a hand in this, but for example, the death of the boss will be beneficial to the native, since in this case he can become the head of a department, company, division.

The position of the Ruler of the Tenth House in the Eighth is good for promoting and building a career in times of crisis and troubled times. In calm times, it will be very difficult for the native to build a career. In general, in an atmosphere of silence and peace, it will be extremely difficult, almost impossible, to break through to the heights. Such a person will work best when everything around is collapsing, when crises occur on a national and global scale, or more locally - in a specific company.

I have a man I know. In his natal chart, Mercury rules the MC and is in Aries inside the Eighth House. I will mention him again in this article because his life characterizes this situation well. So here it is. When it was 2009 - 2010, and the economic crisis was in full swing around the world, everything was just perfect for a friend in his work and profession. The representative office of the company where he worked as a manager concluded contracts worth multimillion-dollar sums every month and he received his percentage from this, although he did not openly talk about it.

In 2010, his boss’s daughter died, and of course he had no time for work and managing the company, so my friend had a double burden, but it was then that his business began to take off, and by leaps and bounds. So, in a sense, the troubles of his immediate supervisor were repaid to him by luck and improved financial well-being.

Due to the fact that the Eighth House is the house of transformations and changes, I very often observe a phenomenon in which a native with such a position changes the sphere of professional employment or at will, or due to existing external circumstances.

But before you change your profession, you first need to get a job. And here the situation may indicate that the boss, when applying for a job, may hint or openly offer sex in exchange for employment. By the way, the presence of the Ruler of the MC in the Eighth House may also indicate harassment from a boss (or superior person) already in the process of work. Of course, the interpretation is relevant for women.

And to open your own company, create a business, you will need significant financial investments (you will have to either take out a loan from a bank or borrow from your parents).

And in what areas and spheres can a native work? This could be esotericism, occultism (working as an astrologer is also included here, my close friend has this situation), psychiatry and psychology, especially its most “sexy” branch - sexology, surgery, insurance, banking. The owner of the MC Ruler in the Eighth House can work in the prosecutor's office (for a former young man this is exactly what is on the map), the investigative department, the army, the tax inspectorate.

It is possible that the native’s work will also be associated with the provision of ritual services. Work related to sex also fits into this provision. By the way, I had a client in whose natal chart the Ruler of the MC, Mars, is in the Eighth House in Pisces, and during the consultation she admitted that she works in a strip club. But in her natal, in addition to this, Venus is located directly on the MC in conjunction with Lilith in Aries.

It is likely that the work will involve risk, danger, and extreme situations. So rescuers and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, in theory, should have the connection of these houses in their maps. This situation is also very symbolic for crisis managers.

The eighth house is considered one of the negative houses, so if a person’s profession is in no way connected with the symbolism of the house, then the position of the MC Ruler in this house may be lost through disrepute. Of course, this is only possible if the planet is affected or is in the sign of its fall, expulsion (by the way, these factors can speak of impeachment and abdication of power in the president’s horoscope).

If the native is not realized in the profession, then the active Eighth House can play out through psychological crises due to unsatisfied career ambitions, due to the impossibility or difficulties in gaining widespread popularity and fame. Or, fame suddenly falling on the native can provoke a strong crisis and stress in his life.

It is possible that a native with such a position devotes so much time to work, climbing career ladder that this leads to a deterioration in his health (due to the fact that he cannot rest, relax) and may even cause death.

When the Ruler of the MC is in the Eighth House, the native is given the opportunity to use government funds as his own, that is, to use the property (including real estate, if there are connections with the Fourth House or the Moon) of the company where he works.

I have previously mentioned a friend whose chart has Mercury, ruling the MC, in the Eighth House. So, he has the keys to a service apartment in the center of Moscow, which he uses and where he periodically places his friends and acquaintances, he has a car with a driver, which the company provides him. Moreover, he has money for so-called “representation expenses”, and in general, working for the company allowed him to exchange an apartment in the outback for housing in Moscow, plus make repairs in this apartment for free. In a word, the work allowed him to cover part of his costs and expenses through the company’s budget.

However, now, as far as I know, the prosecutor’s office is interested in the acquaintance, because, as accountants say, “debit and credit do not match” in the company, and law enforcement agencies have questions about him and his activities. And given its prognosis for the coming years, a trial is very likely.

There are several publications that annually publish rankings of the most sexy men or women of the planet, of a particular country. I assume that in the natal charts of these people there should be either the Ruler of the Eighth House in the Tenth, or the Ruler of the MC in the Eighth, since they become famous (Tenth House) due to their sexual attractiveness (Eighth House).

Posthumous fame is also possible in this situation if the appropriate planets are involved. For example, the Sun, Jupiter. And if Venus is highlighted (especially in aspect to Pluto) and the Ruler of the First House, it can play out like this: in the case of a harmoniously aspected planet, a person can become popular by changing something in his appearance, that is, plastic surgery will contribute to career growth, fame; in case of planetary tension, the native may become famous and discussed due to his countless plastic surgeries.

Since the Ruler of the Tenth House represents one of the parents (there is no unity among astrologers on this matter: some give the Tenth House to the mother, some to the father), the position of the planet in the Eighth House will also affect the relationship with a relative and/or allows you to find out something - what about the life of the father/mother.

If the affected Ruler of the MC is in the Eighth House, relationships with a parent can provoke stress, a psychological crisis, or even financial difficulties in the native’s life (for example, the parent does not give pocket money at all and the native is in dire need of funds, he has to dodge borrow money to buy something). In some cases, the situation may indicate the early death of the father/mother or a weak connection with a relative. The parent may be alive, but he will not play a significant role in the life of the native (especially if there is a connection with the Twelfth House).

With additional instructions, the position of the Ruler of the Tenth House in the Eighth can characterize the parent as a person with an unstable and unstable psyche, who continually falls into depression and experiences emotional crises and problems. This is especially true for planets such as the Moon, Venus, Saturn, and Neptune.

But if the planet is not affected, or at least has also harmonious connections during squares and oppositions (and especially if the planet is in the earth or fire elements), then the parent may simply be extremely concerned about issues of earnings and income. He can work as an economist, accountant, esotericist, investigator, etc. That is, the specifics of his activities will be painted in eight-house tones.

If the planet is connected with the Fourth or Second houses, this position may indicate the receipt of an inheritance from the parent, his significant financial support (the parent does not give money for pocket needs, but can buy the native a car, an apartment, a house, or simply can give at a time the amount that turns out to be higher wages native).

A person’s goal is not realized in this incarnation. A very distant goal, and if it is realized, it is realized suddenly. Uranian, through extreme conditions and extravagant conditions. “Set Rome on fire” - and that’s all...

Ruler of the house in houses

Negative: destruction of plans and projects, infidelity of friends, always losing adventurer, inadequacy of the environment.
Positive: thanks to the skillful use of the surprise factor, such a person strengthens his career, turning to his benefit everything that is incomprehensible to others. He comes to power in an unexpected and strange way. An eccentric adventurer who deftly uses patronage and patronage. An informal leader who skillfully uses friendship and collective connections to solve his problems. Plans and projects are long-term, sometimes ahead of time.
Career and social status are oriented towards the group, collective and organization and significantly depend on them. Often the names of such people do not leave newspaper pages in connection with social problems. They create their careers through their affiliation with a particular organization. They prefer to work in established systems, in particular, government agencies, and can be included in the joint work of a group of people, for example, in a large concern or syndicate. Friends and acquaintances play a huge role in professional life. Such a person works with one of them or uses their support. These people have a pleasant appearance and an open character. They have many friends and acquaintances, on whom they make a strong impression with their energetic performance and focus.

Indubala. Ruler of the house in houses. (Indian tradition)

Wealth and influence in society are expected. This person will be able to make public speeches and fulfill the wishes of many people. Will appear full capabilities to delight one's senses, as well as the possession of significant property.

This situation is typical for a yogi, ascetic, or hermit. Realization of the goal without contact with social environment. It's also good for a spy and very good for a lonely creative person. Such a standing indicates a huge number of enemies a person has. And he realizes his goal in solitude and secret.

Ruler of the house in houses

Negative: secret obstacles to achieving the goal, intrigues of secret enemies, constant struggle with real and imaginary opponents. You constantly have to fight with a lot of little things, something always gets in the way and hinders you, as if sapping your strength.
Positive: a secret informal leader who successfully exercises hidden power. Secretly known in narrow circles and able to control many from behind the scenes. A leader marked by the influence of magic, mysticism and the occult. A significant part professional activities takes place behind the scenes and remains outside the attention of many people (directors, producers, show business owners). Possible occupations in medicine, pedagogy, security work in a prison or mental hospital are not excluded. This aspect is typical for writers, since most of them work in solitude, behind closed doors.
Such a person never acts directly, but influences from behind the back of someone who has external power. He gives advice and formulates decisions, but is rarely seen on the front stage. These people lead a modest and secluded lifestyle, perhaps even a secret one if they are secret service agents. At correct use energy, such a person sooner or later manages to explore the true needs of his own ego.

Indubala. Ruler of the house in houses. (Indian tradition)

This person will suffer due to lack of work, bad reputation, and his own criminal tendencies. But he can find success in spiritual service.

Let's do a little analysis of the astrological significance of the ruler of the 10th house (career, social status) in the 4th house of the horoscope (home, family, origin).

If the ruler of the 10th house is in the 4th house of the horoscope

Ruler of the 10th house in the 4th house is negative:

obstacles to development in one’s homeland, enemies in the immediate environment, the inability to get out of a narrow circle of acquaintances into a wide open space. Obstacles to esoteric practice.

Ruler of the 10th house in the 4th house is positive:

Often the careers of such people are connected with real estate and land management, agriculture or geology. Often such people work with their parents, or continue the work they started. If the ruler of the 10th house is in the 4th house of the horoscope, love or duty towards the homeland must be manifested in one’s career.

People who have the ruler of the 10th house in the 4th house of the horoscope

One of our clients runs a typing office from home. People send her manuscripts, various documents and the like. Because of infantile paralysis she found herself in a wheelchair, so the way she organized her work was ideal.

In her horoscope, Cancer is on the cusp of the 10th house, and the Moon in Capricorn is in the 4th house. In many cases, the careers of such people are related to land and land management, which may include, for example, agriculture, geology, archeology, etc.

They may also be involved in the sale of land and real estate. Another possibility is that such people may work with one or both parents, and perhaps do the work for them or continue what they started.

Your career may be connected with a field of activity that will show love or duty towards your homeland.

German General Erwin Rommel, nicknamed the “Desert Fox” due to his military operations, chose a career of service to his country. In his horoscope, the ruler of the 10th house is in the 4th house of the horoscope: Scorpio is on the cusp of the tenth house, and Pluto in Gemini in the fourth house is in exact conjunction with Neptune, and they are both in exact square with Jupiter and opposition with Venus.

The mutable T-square formed by these planets had a significant influence on his entire career. Other examples of the situation in question include Soviet leader Joseph Stalin and Richard Nixon. They both had Gemini associated with the tenth house, and Mercury with the fourth in conjunction with Mars, quincunx with Saturn in the 9th house and opposition with Pluto in the 10th house.