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Lesson summary "visiting the farmer." The Supreme Court allowed not to pay for the barrier in the yard. The owner has put a chain on the house in the yard.

​Riddles about dogs will tell kids and their parents about all the diversity of their species, breeds, and colors. It’s good if you give children the opportunity to talk about the dogs living in their families.

Dogs are amazingly smart animals and are easy to train. There is a huge amount various breeds- from small lap dogs to large fighting dogs and service dogs. Many dogs save their owners when they sense the approach of natural disasters, fires, or attacks from other people and animals.

The living castle grumbled
He lay down across the door.
Two medals on the chest.
Better not go into the house!

Who's walking around the yard?
Climbing into the kennel.
Big Ruffnut

I faithful person Friend.
I have many merits.
Tied to a chain in the yard.
In winter I sleep in a kennel.
I'm hunting wolves with a friend.
I'm grazing cows in a pasture.
I'm running across the centuries-old tundra
in harness, in the snowy winter.
I am the best servant in the world.
Who am I? You guessed -

There is a house in the yard -
The owner is on the chain.

Doesn't speak, doesn't sing,
And who goes to the owner -
She lets you know.

You stroke it, it caresses you,
You tease and he bites.

Sits on a chain
The house is guarded.

Lies in the shade under a tree
He guards our yard and garden.
Not like a real thief -
A passerby will not enter the yard.
And he loves us, recognizes us,
He politely offers his paw.

Wags his tail joyfully,
When the owner comes into the house.
Her destiny is this -
Keep the house away from strangers.

The owner of the yard.
The house is a kennel.
Wags his tail happily
But he won’t let a stranger into the house.

The living castle grumbled
lay across the door.
Two medals on the chest
Better not go into the house!

He is friends with the owner,
The house is guarded
Lives under the porch
And the tail is a ring.

Silent during the day, grumbling at night.

Lives in a booth
He's gnawing on bones.
Barks and bites -
What is the name of?

If he sees it, there is a stranger there,
His fur will stand up and he will become angry.
And the owner is on the porch -
The tail will curl into a ring.

He caresses his own people,
Swears at strangers.
At my little house
Sits on a chain.

Who is this shaggy guy?
Tongue and toothy?
Lop-eared, crocheted tail,
Jumps straight and sideways.
Here he is running towards
And he squeals with joy.
He wants to tell us something.
We hear: “Roar and woof, woof, din”
Always where there is a fight
And my friend's name is...

I sleep in a booth in winter and summer
Very, very, very sensitive.
No thief is a thief
He won't come into my yard.

I, friends, am not evil at all.
A stranger comes to a stranger's house and I bark.
Tricky? Bully?
No! Regular...

Woof and woof, you can’t understand -
What does he want to say?!
Maybe he wants to get rid of it?
Should I go for a run along the path?
Reliably guards the yard -
A stranger or a thief will not pass!
Hides a bone - a stash,
What kind of animal is this?

Protects the house, farm,
And he won’t allow anyone else.
No sloppiness
Be on the lookout - it will always bite.
Can cuddle, play,
After all, she is not a bully.
Don't you dare be surprised
Is he sitting on a chain?

Who's barking very loudly there?
Doesn't he let anyone into the house?
Evil, apparently, however,
After all, her name is -

White tail, black nose
He took our slippers away
In the corner under the bed
And he doesn't want to give it away.

He doesn't let strangers through
Be careful, it will bite!
Or he'll instantly start a fight,
Who, who is it?

I have excellent hearing
Intelligent look and subtle scent.
I immediately get into a fight with the cat,
Because I...

He lay across the porch
Our shaggy-legged castle.
But both at night and during the day
Strangers will not be allowed into the house

We returned at a late hour.
Who greets us at the door?
Who wags his tail with happiness
And on hind legs dancing,
Licking his hands, licking his nose?..
This is our favorite...

Ears on the top of the head
Smart looking eyes.
All the neighbors' cats -
Fast thunderstorm.

I won’t let a stranger into a stranger’s house,
I'm sad without my owner.

Lives in the yard
In a personal kennel house,
And for everyone he doesn't know
She either growls or barks.

Often a dog is bought for temporary pleasure, without devoting enough time and education to it. And some of them end up on the street. Sometimes they adapt to changed conditions, and sometimes they die from boredom and the inability to survive in new conditions. And here street dogs Over time, they begin to pose a threat to people, attacking them without any reason.

Riddles about dogs teach kids friendship, loyalty, caring attitude and responsibility towards pets.

  1. ← Previous Riddles about an elephant
  2. You read:

The Supreme Court published its first review of 2018 judicial practice. It, in particular, contained an answer to the question: can a general meeting of car owners deprive one of the residents of the opportunity to park in the yard. The story began with the fact that in 2013, the owners of apartments in the plaintiff’s building decided to equip the entrance to their yard and organize parking on the territory. The lady also received a key fob. But a couple of years later, a meeting of car owners decided to deprive her of the opportunity to park a car in the local area for violation. What exactly the girl violated, history is silent.

However, most often in similar cases The stumbling block is the debt to pay for the barrier work. Be that as it may, the lady expelled from the “parking paradise” was not satisfied with this decision, and she decided to turn to Themis. The lower courts sided with the meeting and expressed the view that since access to housing is not limited, then the claims are not justified. In the end, Madame reached the Supreme Court. In its decision, the highest court indicates that the owner of the premises in apartment building has an “unconditional and inalienable” right to use the common property of an apartment building. Accordingly, no meetings of residents can deprive him of this right, no matter what parking rules the citizen violates.

Let us also recall that if we are talking about the fight for free access to the house where you are the owner of the living space, then the installation of a barrier at the entrance can only occur with the approval of the general residents. Otherwise, any barriers at the entrance to the city are considered an illegally installed structure. And for the decision of the meeting to be legitimate, a number of conditions must be met, which in practice rarely can anyone meet. So, in particular, the message about holding a general meeting of owners must be issued strictly in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 5 of Article 45 of the Housing Code.

In addition, residents should be notified about this event no later than ten days before it takes place. At the same time, the presence at the general meeting of homeowners or their representatives, who collectively own more than 50% of the living space of the house, must be documented. Any decision regarding use land plot a residential building can be considered legal only if at least two-thirds of those present vote for it. If any of these criteria are not met, the decision, including the installation of a barrier at the entrance to the yard, is considered invalid.

Lyudmila Plyatsko
Abstract open class V middle group on speech development on the topic: “Visiting the farmer”

Open lesson summary

V middle group for speech development

on topic: "IN visiting the farmer»

Prepared and carried out:

teacher of the first qualification category

Plyatsko Lyudmila Alexandrovna

"IN visiting the farmer»


consolidate the formation of children’s ideas about pets; their appearance, habits, habitat; Understanding the role of humans in caring for pets.


Teach children to delve into the content of the riddle, to isolate from it all the properties and signs of the riddled object indicated there;

Learn to use speeches correct forms names of baby pets (lambs, calves, foals);

. develop dialogical speech using adjectives and verbs, participate in conversation, answer questions,

Continue learning to work using the mnemonic table;

Instill love, caring attitude, desire to take care of pets;

Create an emotionally positive atmosphere between children.


Layout « Farms» , small pet toys, human toy - farmer.

Preliminary work:

1. Observation of a cat and a dog (feeding, movement and habits, appearance).

2. Looking at pictures of pets.

3. Work using mnemonic tables.

4. Reading Russian folk fairy tales: “Winter quarters of animals”, “How a dog was looking for a friend”, etc.

5. Learning poems about pets; Didactic a game: “Who eats what?”, “What benefits do I bring?”, “Whose mother?”, “Who lives where?”

6. Productive activity: drawing pets using stencils.

Progress of the lesson

A model is displayed in front of the children farms(house, paddocks, sheds, etc.)

Educator: How many of you know what it is? farm? (children's answers)

Educator: That's right, pets live there. Who looks after them?

Children: person, owner, farmer.

Educator: Guys, how does the owner take care of the animals?

Children: They are looked after, fed, treated, cleaned, walked.

Educator: Guys, would you like to visit farm? To get to farm you need to follow the magic path. You and I got there farm. Look here there is a dwelling for animals, a pond, the owner’s house. Who's missing here?

Children: Animals.

Educator: As soon as the animals found out that so many guys would come here, they hid.

Educator: Well, guys, let's help the owner return the animals to farm?

Children: Yes!

Educator: We just can’t find them. You need to solve riddles. Do you agree?

Children: We agree!

Educator: Listen carefully to the first riddle.

There is a house in the yard,

The owner is on the chain.

Children: Dog!

Educator: What can this animal do?

Children: Barks, bites, runs, walks, chews a bone.

Educator: Guys, who wants to tell about this animal from the picture? Who do you see in the picture? What kind of dog? How many puppies does she have? The puppies are small and their mother is a dog? What are they doing? What's in a dog's paws? Who built the kennel for them? Who brought the food? Why don't sparrows fly away from a bowl of food?

Educator: Tell me, where will we place the dog?

Children: To the kennel.

The teacher gives the animal toy to the child, who settles it in farm.

Educator: Guys, now listen to the next riddle.

I combed my hair without a comb and washed my face without water,

He climbed into a soft chair and sang in every key.

Children: Cat!

Educator: What can a cat do?

Children: Meow, purr, run, jump.

Educator: What benefits does it bring to a person?

Children: Catches mice.

Educator: Look at the picture. Who do you see? What color is the mother cat's fur? If you pet a cat, what does the fur feel like? What kind of tail does she have? What is he doing gray kitten? What is the ginger kitten doing? The cat is very calm. How can you figure out why? Where does the cat live?

Children: In the house.

Children inhabit a toy animal.

Educator: The hungry one moos, the well-fed one chews,

Gives milk to all the kids

Children: Cow.

Educator: Guys, describe this animal according to the diagram. Guys, what products are made from milk?

Educator: Where will we place the cow?

Children: To the barn.

Educator: In front - a snout,

At the back there is a hook,

In the middle is the back,

And it has bristles on it.

Children: Pig

Educator: What can a pig do? How does she voice? Where will you place the pig?

Children: To the pigsty.

Educator: Four legs,

Fifth tail

Sixth mane.

Children: Horse

Educator: Guys, describe what benefits this animal brings to humans?

Educator: Where will you board the horse?

Children: To the stable.

Educator: Who is neither in the heat nor in the cold

Doesn't take off his fur coat?

Children: Ram

Educator: What can a sheep or ram do? How does he voice?

Children: Bleats.

Educator: Guys, do you want to play the game "Lamb"? Hold hands, and we turn Vanya into a lamb and put on a hat.

“You are a little gray lamb,

With a little white tail!

We gave you something to drink

We fed you

Don't butt us!

Play with us!

Hurry up and catch up!”

Educator: Guys, hurry up and run to the bench, what a clever little lamb! What benefits does a sheep bring?

Children: Gives wool.

Educator: What is made from wool? Where will we place the ram?

Children: To the barn.

Educator: Well done! Farm filled with pets. Look, all the animals are behind the fence. Why do you think? You should not be very close to animals, they can get scared and harm a person.

Educator: Guys, do you know pure sayings about pets?

Children: For-for-for - there is a goat in the meadow.

Zu-zu-zu - we saw a goat.

We gave ze-ze-ze grass to the goat.

Zoy-zoy-zoy - the kid runs after the goat.

Tsa-tsa-tsa - here comes the sheep.

Tsu-tsu-tsu - I'm not afraid of the sheep.

Ta-ta-ta-I'm taking the cat

You-you-you-the cats ate all the sour cream.

Educator: Guys, now we will play a game "Name the Cubs". Stand in a circle, I will throw you a ball and name the animal, and you will name its cub.

Who's with the horse?

Children: Foal.

Educator: Well done boys. You know a lot about pets.

Educator: Guys, now I want to test your attentiveness. Ready? Listen!

We mumbled early in the morning

There are... sheep in our yard?

"I-go-go" I'm used to screaming

And clattering hoofs... bull?

Barks loudly at the gate

A shaggy... cat for people?

I brought a mouse home yesterday,

Our fluffy red... dog?

Digging the soil near the porch

With his little piglet... a sheep?

Educator: Well done guys, you were attentive. You know a lot about pets. Now the time has come for us to return to kindergarten. And we will return along the magic path. Ready?


Educator: Guys, where have we been today?

Children: On farm.

Educator: What animals live on farm? Who's the boss farms?

Children: Homemade. Master farm - farmer.

Educator: Where does the horse live? cow? Did you like it in visiting a farmer(class?