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How to make friends between a cat and a parrot. Funny video about cats and parrots Necklace parrot and cats how they get along

Owners who have experience keeping a bird and a cat in the same house know why this can be a difficult task. However, despite the fact that in wildlife One animal is a predator and the other is prey, keeping them together is quite possible. For those who love both species equally, there are several ways to keep a cat and, for example, a parrot, but you should never forget to take the appropriate precautions.

Is it dangerous to keep cats and birds together?

Most people know why cats are dangerous to birds. Cats are predators, and when they see a bird flying nearby, their instinct simply makes them attack it. Don't assume that a bird is safe just because it can fly - anyone who has played with a cat knows how quickly it can leap and catch a dangling toy. Another source of danger is the Pasteurella bacterium, which is found in the saliva of cats and is safe for them, but for the same parrot it can be deadly.

If you keep a large parrot, then the animals can pose a mutual danger. A cockatoo bite can be serious enough to injure even a human, let alone a much smaller cat. Many birds, including small and medium-sized animals, are also capable of biting through the skin quite easily and leaving serious wounds that require stitches.

Then how can these animals be kept at all?

High quality bird cage

Many cats are able to open and climb into simple bird cages, even if they are closed. Therefore, the first thing you need is to buy a heavy cage with a durable frame. If you already have a cage, secure it properly so that it cannot be knocked over. It is best to place the cage on the wall, this will make it more difficult to tip over and the bird will feel more protected.

Get to know your cat and bird better

Some owners are against introducing a bird and a cat and even keep them in different parts at home, others, on the contrary, give animals complete freedom to interact with each other. An intermediate option is more suitable. Quite often it will be a good idea to allow the animals to get to know each other so that they can recognize each other as family members or even companions rather than food.

Start gradually by carefully introducing your pets to each other from a distance while keeping your bird in a cage. If the bird is curious and relaxed enough, allow the cat to come closer to the cage. However, if your feathered pet is noticeably anxious, make sure the cat maintains a distance of several meters and try again later. If the cat tries to jump on the cage, pushes or scratches it, immediately say “no” firmly and take it away. You can also use any other training methods you usually use. As the animals become more familiar and comfortable in each other's presence, you can extend the introduction session. It is not recommended to let your bird out of its cage unless the cat is showing any signs of being a predator. Be careful and watch, perhaps the cat will crouch, as if preparing to jump.

It is recommended that a closer acquaintance between a feathered animal and a cat be carried out in the presence of another person, so that he can monitor and control the parrot or other bird. Some owners allow their cats and birds to play together, but this can be quite dangerous due to pasteurella bacteria. The cat should not be allowed to bite or scratch the bird.

Control and supervision

If you are leaving home or in any other situation where you cannot control your pets, you should not leave your bird out of its cage. Instinct can take over even the most balanced animals, which can easily lead to injury and other dangerous consequences. Additionally, even mild cat scratches can be fatal to the bird due to possible infection. If you think your bird may have been scratched, take it to the vet immediately. Treatment of scratches and bites is often only possible with antibiotics.

Every cat is an individual and sometimes they can become... best friends with their feathered cohabitants, but this is not always what happens. Some cats just can't be trusted to bird, no matter how long you try to train them. Some birds will always be wary of cats, but sometimes even cats are afraid of birds. Your goal should be for both animals to get along and recognize that they are all members of your family.


Animal friendship always looks touching, especially if the pets belong to different types. And if one of them is a predator, and the second is a potential victim, even more so. Is friendship between a cat and a parrot possible, or at least the peaceful coexistence of such different pets?

Quite! To be convinced of this, just watch these funny videos about parrots and cats. True, experts draw the attention of owners to the fact that, although a cat can restrain its hunting instincts, they never disappear completely.

But with domestic parrots the situation is the opposite - pets that have never met predators are not only not afraid of cats, but sometimes behave completely impudently and even defiantly.

Video: dissatisfied cats and arrogant parrots

Undoubtedly, from the outside it looks funny, although the cat is clearly not happy with the parrot’s persistence. The most amazing thing is that purrs often show truly limitless patience.

In the following video clip, it is clearly visible that it is the cats who are the first to make concessions, while the parrots simply do not see any boundaries in the desire to communicate with them closer.

But you should never leave a cat alone with a bird: an angry predator poses a threat even to a fairly large bird, not to mention small parrots.

Tender friendship

However, subject to certain conditions and appropriate upbringing, friendship between a cat and a parrot is quite possible. By at least, they are able not only to coexist peacefully, but even to show some mutual tenderness, as in this video about a cat and a parrot.

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Many people, when getting an animal, do not even suspect that they will soon want to tame another pet, and perhaps several. And it’s good if these are animals of the same species - cats, dogs, hamsters, and so on. What to do if you want to have a cat and a feathered friend at home? Let's take a closer look at how to make friends between a cat and a parrot.

When we talk about the complexity of such a neighborhood, we mean the nature of the cat. It is her predatory habits that become a problem: remember the cat hunting small sparrows outside the window - he becomes the embodiment of aggression and the hunting instinct. And when a parrot appears in the house, the cat often cannot control itself and tries with all its might to get its prey.

Another reason for the conflict between a cat and a parrot can be the cocky nature of the bird - it can attack the cat, constantly dig its beak into its fur, or even peck at a gaping cat. Although such antics of a robber do not pose any danger, such behavior does not cause delight in domestic cats, and the response may be a blow with a paw, from which your feathered friend may die. What to do to make friends between the eternal hunter and prey?

What to do to make friends between a cat and a parrot?

The most obvious way to make friends between a cat and a parrot is early acquaintance: how younger age animals, the easier it will be for them to find mutual language. That is, while the kitten is small, you can easily teach it not to show aggression towards the parrot, because at a young age, your cat sees the bird only as a companion for games, but not as prey.

Also, problems should not arise if you buy a kitten for a house where a feathered pet has already settled down. In this case, the cat will perceive the parrot as part of the house in which it lives, and will quickly get along with its new friend.

But what if you want to get yourself a parrot while you already have an adult cat? In this case, you will have to work with the cat to explain to the animal that the bird is not food or prey for fun. There are a few important rules, following which you will most likely be able to make friends with such different pets:

  • the first meeting should take place only under your control;
  • At first, do not leave your animals unattended;
  • Be sure to trim your cat's claws!
  • stop the slightest manifestations of anger and aggression on the part of your furry pet.

Let's look at every aspect of these rules to make sure all problems are eliminated.

First meeting

When you bring a parrot into your home, you must show it to your cat, but this meeting must take place under your watchful supervision. If a cat immediately shows its instincts and tries to catch a bird, you need to immediately stop this behavior: take the cat by the withers, and in a menacing, stern voice say “No!”, or another prohibitory word that your cat knows. But don't overdo it! If your cat feels slighted, he will most likely take revenge on both you and the parrot for whom he is being punished.

If everything is done correctly, the cat will quickly understand that you are unhappy with its hunt for a parrot, and will give up on this idea. If the cat tries to catch the parrot in the future, then you can leave the cat in a carrier in the same room where the parrot is flying. Over time, the cat will simply get used to such company and will not try to eat your bird.

Animals alone

Until you are sure that your pets are guaranteed to get along with each other, do not leave them alone under any circumstances. A cat, even showing its location with all its appearance, can suddenly succumb to the hunting urge and seriously injure or even kill the bird. To prevent this from happening, just stay where your animals are for a while: this will allow you to stop the attack attempt in time.

Nail trimming

If you don't already have one useful habit, then now is the time to get one: trim the cat’s claws on its front paws. This can be done using a special nail clipper, which is sold at any pet store. In addition to the fact that your cat will scratch less, this way you will protect your bird from accidental injury. The fact is that the cat's front claws are very sharp, and even without such a purpose, the cat can injure the bird during the game. Therefore, trimming nails is a very important ritual that should not be forgotten.

Suppression of aggression

If you see that the cat is no-no, and even trying to catch a bird, then you need to always be on guard. Once such behavior exists, it will not go away, because it is the very nature of a predator. You need to carefully monitor your cat's behavior and abruptly stop all attempts to hunt with a sharp shout or other action that your cat perceives as an expression of your dissatisfaction.

It is unacceptable to hit a cat! This will only increase his hatred of the parrot, which can lead to disastrous consequences.

All prohibitions and punishments must be carried out exclusively by suggestion - scold the cat, or punish him in the usual way. This way he will understand that you are unhappy with his attempts to offend the parrot, and you can quickly get desired result– make friends between a parrot and a cat.

That's all that can be said about how to make friends with such different pets. If the described method does not bring the desired result for a long time, then you should think about giving the bird away, or not getting it at all. Your cat may be having quite a bit complex nature, and it is not always possible to convince a predator that he should not hunt prey. But these cases are rare, and often everything goes fine - the question of how to make friends with a cat and a parrot is solved by following all the recommendations, and as a result you will get pets that cannot live without each other.

The love of animals is rarely limited to one bird in the house. If a pet appears, over time it turns out that someone in the family always wanted a dog, another saved a kitten, and you became so attached to it that it is difficult to give your family member to someone else.

Therefore, the problem often arises - how to combine previously incompatible creatures in one living space. No one has repealed the laws of the food chain, and a cat, no matter how domestic it is, remains a predator. For parrots in captivity, the instinct of self-preservation becomes dulled, and curiosity and impudence bloom “magnificently.”

It is safe to say that living together between a cat and a parrot is not right for both parties and is not easy for the owner. Of course, there are examples when a cat and a bird live in perfect harmony, and such friendship is real, although very rare.

Because life situations are different, let's consider options in which a cat and a parrot will have a chance to become not just neighbors, but possibly friends.

Introducing a parrot to a cat and risks

The age of the cat and parrot and the sequence in which new family members move into your apartment play a significant role. You have a better chance of success if the bird appears first, and a little later you bring a small kitten. The baby will grow up with the parrot and will not perceive it as prey. Cats are territorial animals - the one who appeared in the house after them is automatically of lower rank, so it will be very difficult to convince Murka that the bird in the house has the same rights as her.

Sometimes introducing an adult cat to a parrot is more successful. It is believed that kittens have poor control over their instincts, they are more energetic and not yet obedient. That's why adult cat It is easier to explain that the parrot is not prey, but a member of the family.

The first bird to appear in your house feels like the master, and the cat that comes later has to make concessions.

The parrot's cage should be out of reach of the cat; some owners slowly bring the cat to it and show their pets to each other, others let their tame parrot out for a walk. When the kitten already calmly reacts to the bird, and she, in turn, does not feel afraid of him, then you can introduce them closer.

There is no correct dating scheme, since in any case you must understand that there are risks:

1) Injury to a parrot by a cat’s claw (cats have the bacterium Pasteurella multocida in their body microflora), that is, in the bite, in the saliva, and on the claws. Close contact with a cat is deadly for birds.

2) Frightened parrot: a stressed bird may rush around the cage and injure itself, engage in self-plucking, may show signs of exhaustion, or have a heart rupture. It is not easy to live while feeling the watchful gaze of a predator on you.

3) Cat disease without seemingly visible reasons. The predator constantly has prey in front of its eyes, which is forbidden to touch. This in turn entails long-term nervous tension, agitation, stress, loss of appetite, decreased immunity and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The territory of a cat and a parrot should be different. Always lock the room where the cage is located, and keep in mind that Murks successfully open ordinary latches, so this point should be taken into account. The room where the parrot's cage is located should be taboo for the cat.

Relationships between certain species of parrots and cats

It is very important what species your parrot is: small, medium or large.

For a small parrot (budgie or lovebird), proximity to a cat is very dangerous. There have been cases where cats themselves opened cage doors or got the parrot through bars that were too wide. Even if the cat and the budgie have become friends, never leave them alone. Parrots are very curious and know how to be persistent; they allow themselves to run over the cat, grab its whiskers or fur. Murka is not even out of malice, he can simply push the little molester away and hurt him. A budgerigar and a lovebird can hit a kitty in the eye with their beak.

Medium-sized parrots (cockatiels, Senegalese, ring-necked, lorikeets) and a cat often get along well in the same apartment and a friendly bond is established between them. Medium-sized parrots have a stronger beak than small ones, so the balance of forces is slightly balanced. We know the danger for a parrot posed by a cat, but in the case of medium-sized ones, even the cat can get serious injury from the beak of a bird.

Often large parrots and cats live quite successfully side by side; they respect each other and try not to cross the invisible line in their relationship. As a rule, in a mild conflict, the cat is the first to make concessions.

If a cat and a parrot live in the house, then moving them away from each other will not be difficult. When is a cat and a parrot in the same room? small apartment, it is important to think over not only the locks on the doors, but also to teach all family members to control the cat’s movements.

Still, whether it is possible to introduce a parrot to your cat or to offer a parrot friendship with a cat is up to you to decide. Cohabitation these individuals can only be controlled under constant and vigilant control. Cats have enormous patience, they need it to survive in the wild, they are able to suppress their instincts, but relaxation for the owner for a few minutes can cost the bird’s life. Do not forget that parrots, like cats, live more than 15 years, if you prepare to create all the conditions for such a neighborhood and if you are able to remain vigilant over the years, then anything is possible.

When you see that a parrot or cat is “going out”, you need to take action. It is absolutely impossible for such creatures to live together. You cannot change the character of either a cat or a parrot, and if you get an emotionally unstable pet, you will have to make a difficult decision about which of them should find another home. For the sake of the well-being and health of our pets, sometimes we need to go against our feelings for them.

Spend equal amounts of time with the parrot and the cat; jealousy of the owner can provoke hostility that is not initially apparent. They need to see that despite the new tenant, you have not stopped loving your pet.

Very popular on the Internet. They give hope that in your case there is also a high probability of this happening. Try to study as much as possible more information about the behavior, habits and education of cats and parrots. The website www.usatiki.ru contains a lot useful information about cats, which will help you make the right decision.

Mistress of the revolutionary instigator Gavroche and the timid “bull in a china shop” Marshal.

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Comments (15)

  • _VG

    Wonderfully interesting article!
    But I would never keep a cat and a bird at the same time.
    But, in my opinion, it is necessary to have a companion for the butt!
    Previously, when there was only one priest, I didn’t even realize how interesting it was to observe birds for their behavior and communication. When I got several birds, I got great pleasure watching them communicate. Very interesting! They are so individual that there are simply no words...Each has its own character!
    What do other forum members think about this?

  • inuit

    Regarding the fact that one bird will never be able to fully express itself, its character, it is absolutely true. Only when living together with the same feathered friend or girlfriend does a parrot appear before us in all its glory. When communicating with people, they develop completely different skills, so their behavior becomes very unusual for us when we see a bird that is not alone. Having a cat in the neighborhood is a very controversial and individual issue. If possible, it is better for these links in the food chain to live separately.

  • Alcesta

    For sixteen years, cats and parrots lived together with me. First the first cat and the first parrot, then the second cat and the second parrot. They didn't touch each other.

  • Anastasia

    Tell me, can an old parrot (he’s been living with us for 4 years) live with a small cat (a boy) that we just bought? They should bring him soon, but I’m a little afraid, after all, the parrot is already a member of the family

  • Tatiana

    Hello. My daughter and her family come to visit me. Their cat is also a member of the family. And our Coral parrots are already 15 years old. How to deal with such a difficult situation. I really miss the kids and would like them to live with me with their cat. But my pets are also dear to us in communication.

This question has been asked with trepidation more than once by pet lovers on various forums, exchanging opinions, experiences, funny and sad stories from life, but a definite answer to it was never found. Our pets are just like people - they are different tempers, habits and inclinations, that each case is unique in its essence. However, several general points and recommendations can still be deduced from this, and then it is up to you to choose what to do in a given situation. Source:

There are many factors on which the results of both the first meeting of a feathered and a mustachioed animal and their further relationship depend: the character of both pets, their breed, age, time of appearance in your home, and even, to some extent, your upbringing and communication style with each of them.

Perhaps it’s worth starting this conversation with a cat (or a cat - this is not fundamentally important). This is by no means discrimination based on species - we admit to ourselves that a cat can extremely rarely act as a victim here, and in most cases their hunting instincts take over. No one knows your furry pet better than you - what is he like? Lazy, affectionate and loves to sleep - or was he still frolicking as a kitten, letting out his claws and teeth? How does he like to play? Soft foot catching your attention - or spending hours tracking an annoying fly? If both times you leaned toward the first option, then you have every chance of peacefully making friends between your Barsik or Pusya and the new inhabitant of the apartment; the home hunter, most likely, will have his eye on the bird, not in the best sense of the word.

First of all, you need to understand that no matter how small or large a parrot is, it will feel like a master if it appears in the house before your other pets. These birds are very friendly and curious, and if the cat does not show aggression, a peaceful relationship in this couple is guaranteed. Otherwise, the bird can become easy prey.

If a cat was the first to settle in the apartment, and you decide to get a young parrot, then the risk increases: an unintelligent chick, with increased attention to its person from a predator, may experience chronic stress, remaining wild, and it will be more difficult for the cat to explain how to behave with a new one. resident. It is better, of course, if the parrot appears in the house first or at the same time as the kitten, but in any case, do not make your pets jealous of each other - try to give both the same amount of attention. Source:

How two unique individuals will get along with each other can be understood even at the first meeting - most often it is a template by which animals communicate in the future. Let's look at the main options:

"Don't Spill the Water"

The ideal option is when animals with early age are together. In this case, they usually get along well with each other: the kitten does not consider the chick as prey, and the chick quickly wins the cat’s gratitude with its spontaneity. And it doesn’t matter anymore whether it’s a cockatoo or a wavy baby.

To introduce little future friends, you should let the pets communicate directly: sniff, look closely, and the parrot will certainly want to fiddle with cat hair beak (this is how they experience the world). But at the same time, you should hold the kitten so that if something happens, you can intercept a careless paw swing or lunge. If this happens, you need to scold the mustachioed one - he must understand from your intonations that you are unhappy with this behavior.

So, everything went well, peace was established. Such sweet couples are able to play together, eat from the same bowl, sleep - and they are not at all concerned about external differences, the animals communicate as equals.

True, as the kitten grows up, it may not calculate its strength and accidentally strangle the parrot in the game, so at first it is worth keeping an eye on them when the bird flies around the room, and, if necessary, carry out educational work. After observing for some time, you can say with confidence: either you are calm about your pets, or the spirit of the hunter plays in the kitten from time to time - in this case, you need to strengthen precautions, and perhaps find one of them new house. Source:

Although with a reasonable approach this probability is negligible. Who ever said that cats are not capable of exercising their natural instincts to take care of their neighbors? In Germany, for example, Charlie the cat saved the budgerigar Ganzi when it accidentally flew out of the window of a neighbor's house: he lay in wait for the bird and carefully brought it unharmed to his owner in his teeth. She, in turn, returned the bird to its happy owner. This means that friendship between a cat and a parrot in the same apartment is quite possible.

"Parrot Hunt"

Cat on the hunt

The opposite option: the cat watches the bird in the cage for a long time, tries to reach it with its paw, and freezes when it sees the parrot outside the cage. Believe me, the parrot will not live long, especially if we are talking about pets small breeds. And his life will definitely be bad. There are cases when, due to the presence of unfriendly cats, birds refused to eat and died from stress. This is absolutely monstrous considering that parrots are some of the most intelligent, capable, emotional and loving creatures on this planet. There are no stupid parrots, and if, God forbid, you come to visit and see a wild and downtrodden lump of feathers, know: this is the result of a crime! It's like meeting a ten-year-old child who can't speak, read, count or use a spoon. In captivity, parrots are in dire need of attention and communication. And being potential food for a predator for years is already too much. Source:

Yes, many people keep their pets in different rooms, closing the doors, hanging the cage and weighing it down so that a cunning paw does not overturn the bird’s house. It happens that it is simply impossible to part with someone, or there is nowhere to give one of the pets. All this is understandable, but you yourself would be pleased own home be a hostage to the food chain? Hardly. Each of us, be it a person, a cat or a parrot, has the right to safety. The owner's task is to provide it. Therefore, if you have a cat living in your house and you dream of a feathered friend, try first bringing a cage with a neighbor’s parrot to visit. Then the picture will become a little clearer. In any case, it is not worth risking the life of a bird, and it is very disappointing to read messages on forums that “my beloved Kote has already eaten three parrots, and now we are only getting guinea pigs..." This, of course, is a personal opinion, but how can you look at the imperturbable culprit of the incident every day after this?! How can one even consider small parrots as some kind of small living creatures, the loss of which is sad, but not critical?

You must admit that your pets may not get along together, and you will have to choose: either a parrot or a cat. But if there is still no opportunity, or you need some time to find owners, use simple rules:

  • If you notice manifestations of aggression and culinary attention on the part of a cat, catch it, grab it by the withers, shake it and command “No!” You can stamp your foot - in one word express extreme degree discontent. This does not mean that the cat will lose all interest in prey - but your opinion is far from the last factor in her life, and this opinion, of course, must be taken into account.
  • File your cat's claws carefully, because if she manages to scratch the bird, it may die from blood poisoning.
  • Close the door to the room where the cage is located, and place something heavy (a flower pot with a flower) on top of the bird house so that it is as secure as a rock.