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The cat won't let you cut his claws. How to trim a cat's claws at home if she resists? Is there an alternative: “soft paws” and “anti-scratch pads”

Many owners of furry cats are interested in how to trim their cat’s claws.

After all a pet- this is not only the joy of communicating with him, it is the responsibility for his health.

Every owner is obliged to properly care for his pet, in particular, it is worth knowing how to choose the right one for your pet and equip it.

However, one of essential elements care is taking care of an animal's claws at home.

Every cat needs its nails trimmed

Why do you need to trim your cat's claws?

In the process of washing. cats chew and bite their nails.

This natural process, they are trying to shorten them.

Cats are also used for these purposes.

But the pet itself is not able to complete the grinding procedure to the end.

Owners often don’t understand why they need to trim their cat’s claws?

When animals grind their claws on a scratching post, it is not always the case that animals damage furniture or behave in an unusual way.

Therefore, the owners believe that no help is needed, that the pet can handle everything on its own.

However, if the length of the claws does not prevent the cat from living normal life, if the animal does not cling with its claws, then this issue does not concern most owners.

Village cats wear down their claws while walking

When does a cat need help and is it possible to trim each pet’s claws?

The owner should understand that it is not only possible to trim claws, but also needs to do this procedure regularly.

In this case, you should know exactly how to trim a cat’s claws correctly.

This is especially true for pets who live in apartments and do not lead such an active lifestyle as their village relatives.

Claws grow very quickly, but they do not have time to shorten naturally (or with a scratching post).

Such fast growth leads to the fact that the animal begins to cling to different surfaces with its paws.

The pets scratch the floor and begin to scratch their owners.

Then the owners start thinking - how to trim the cat’s claws in order to protect themselves, the house, and the animal?

If we're talking about about the regularity of the procedure, then haircuts at home should be carried out based on the characteristics of the breed and the pet itself.

Typically, haircuts are carried out twice a month.

In some cases, you may need to cut your nails less often.

You should monitor your pet's behavior to determine whether the claws need to be trimmed.

And so that you don’t have to wonder where to cut your hair, you should take into account simple recommendations.

Important! Cats have a fifth claw on the back of their front paws. He does not take part in scratching. But if you don’t cut it, it can grow into the pads, causing pain to the fluffy.

You should be accustomed to trimming nails at home from childhood.

For those who are wondering whether it is possible to trim kittens' nails, veterinarians recommend doing this for the first time on the fifth day of the kitten's life.

The haircut is reminiscent of cutting a child's nails.

How to trim a cat's claws correctly?

There is nothing complicated about this procedure; you can handle it yourself.

If the procedure is carried out correctly, your pet will not have any unpleasant impressions, and he will not get nervous and break out at the sight of scissors or if the procedure needs to be repeated.

Before you trim your cat's claws, you need to prepare tools, a hemostatic agent, and cotton pads.

First you need to determine where the blood vessel ends on the claw.

The claws are transparent, so if you hold them up to the light, this place will be clearly visible.

If a blood vessel is touched, bleeding will occur, and then inflammation may develop.

Claw diagram

If the location of the blood vessel is very close to the end of the claw, then you can shorten it a little.

If necessary, you should show your pet to the veterinarian; a convenient one will help make this visit comfortable for your pet.

The cutting process itself looks like this:

  1. The cat should be placed on your lap. If you can’t handle it yourself, you can invite an assistant to hold your pet. You need to talk to the animal tenderly and pet it in order to distract you from the procedure itself.
  2. You need to press the pad of the paw thumb for the claw to appear. It is better to make a transverse cut, so the animal will not feel discomfort.
  3. Trimmed areas need to be polished. An ordinary nail file is suitable for this. Before you trim your cat's claws, you need to prepare this nail file.

With infrequent trimming, the claws begin to interfere with the pet

Important! If a vessel was accidentally touched and bleeding began, it must be disinfected with an antiseptic. If the bleeding does not stop, you should immediately take your pet to the veterinarian.

What to do if your cat behaves aggressively?

Not all cats like various manipulations, and therefore the question of whether it is possible to trim the claws of an aggressive animal often worries owners.

If you need to trim your nails aggressive cat, then the general rules should be followed.

You need to find a moment when the aggressive cat is in a calm, relaxed state.

For the safety of the owner and the pet itself, it should be swaddled

This is one of the most convenient solutions to trim the claws of a cat that has an aggressive character.

You also need to gently press on the pads and cut off the claws.

You should praise and pet your pet.

It is also worth giving an aggressive cat her favorite treat, so that when following procedure she behaved more calmly.

How often should the procedure be performed?

Many owners are concerned about the question of how often can they trim their nails at home to keep their pet healthy and active?

There is no definite answer to this question, it all depends on individual characteristics animal.

  • The growth of nails directly depends on the characteristics of the cat’s body;
  • Dark claws grow much slower than light plates;
  • For active pets who regularly use a scratching post and have the opportunity to frolic, the procedure should be performed less frequently than for slow and lazy cats.

If there are small children in the house, then buying special ones is an excellent solution.

Then the animal’s paws will not pose a danger to the baby.

Popular anti-scratch pads

Harmless and high-quality models of linings will not contribute to familiar image fluffy discomfort, and with them the pet will have an attractive and colorful “manicure”.

How to trim a cat's claws and do it correctly? Important Tips on frequency and technique of nail care.

Once you have a cat in your home, it brings with it the attendant dilemmas regarding nail care. The most significant problem for cat owners is torn wallpaper, sofas, beds, all kinds of carpets and cabinets, and endless scratches when trying to play with their pet.

This article details how to accurately trim an animal's nails at home without causing harm to yourself or your furry friend. At what age can you trim a kitten’s nails and how to choose the right clipping tool.

Why do you need to trim your nails?

Under natural conditions, claws are constantly ground down on hard soil, tree bark, during hunting and games. But living in comfort and safety, pets show less activity, and because available funds There are scratching posts for shortening manicures. Some pets simply ignore scratching posts and unknowingly doom themselves to constant discomfort.

There is another category of cats that definitely need to trim their sharp claws - these are overly aggressive pets, especially towards children, who love to scratch their legs and arms. Although in this case it is better to use silicone ones, because the sharp and uneven edges of a recently trimmed claw can cause unpleasant scratches.

When is the best time to trim nails?

For such important procedure, you need to use the right moment - when the cat is in sleepy state or just calm. If your pet clearly expresses its dissatisfaction - it bites, breaks out, scratches, then you need to calm it down by stroking it. Be sure to praise the cat, even the naughty one.

There are harmful cats and cats who do not get used to the process of cutting their claws, no matter how hard you try. In this case, you can wrap the pest in a blanket and pull out each paw one by one.

The main thing is for the pet to understand that there is nothing scary in the procedure, and at the end he can receive some pleasant bonus in the form of a treat. If you start cutting nails without reassuring your pet, you risk seriously damaging his trust in you.

To develop loyalty to the procedure, we advise you to start trimming kittens’ claws from 3-4 years of age. one month old when the baby becomes more active and playful. Developing a healthy habit at an early age eliminates most difficulties in this matter.

Here's what not to do:

  • Scold and scream- this will cause even more fear in the pet, and trimming its claws in the future will be extremely difficult.
  • Trying to catch the cat around the house while playing– the cat will respond to this with aggression, misunderstanding and indignation.
  • “Break” a cat by force - Don't hurt her by trying to get your way.

How often should you trim your nails?

The number of procedures for cutting claws varies, and this is not surprising - the characteristics of each cat’s body are individual. For one cat, it is enough to trim its claws once a month; for another, the treatment will need to be repeated three or even four times. Be guided as the claws grow. If the cat is accustomed to a scratching post, then she will naturally partially grind off her claws, which will prolong the effect of trimming. And if you develop such good habit haven't succeeded yet, you can read our effective

As a rule, the more often you trim your nails, the better, even if you trim just a little at a time. Trimming nails too infrequently, provided slow growth, the cat has time to wean itself from the necessary procedure, and you will have to re-accustom it.

Claw care is especially important for cats attending exhibitions. For them, trimming nails is not only hygiene procedure, but also cosmetic, since all exhibition animals must not only be healthy, but also look impeccable.

What you need to trim nails

To cut cat claws, you need to choose the tool that is most convenient for you, so that it removes excess quickly and painlessly for your pet. You can buy several types of tools to understand exactly which one you intend to use in the future. Since the cat has as many as 18 toes, you can try each type in action.

There are several variations of devices:

  • Nail scissors– The scissors you use to trim your nails should only be used on your teenage kitten’s delicate claws. For an adult cat, it is better to have a separate tool, designed taking into account the anatomy of the claw structure.
  • Manicure tongs– convenient for removing the tips of the claws.
  • Blister, claw clipper(specialized scissors designed for cats) - an affordable tool that is easy to use.
  • Guillon trimmer– this tool can cope with thick claws of the hind paws, the disadvantage of using it is that it is difficult to see which part of the claw will be cut off.

You can choose what is more convenient for you to work with, however, it is preferable to use a blister or guillotine trimmer, because these tools are specially selected for a thick cat's claw.

Additionally, for comfortable nail trimming you may need:

  • a piece of cotton wool or a cotton pad;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • hard manicure file;
  • a machine for cutting hair (if the cat is too fluffy, this will help remove the hair between the fingers).

Nail trimming technique step by step

If you ignore this topic, the cat’s owner risks being scratched, and the cat itself risks being injured. Having prepared everything necessary tools and after comforting the cat, begin the process of trimming the claws. First of all, we must not forget about personal hygiene and protect ourselves and the cat from infection in case something does not go according to plan.

Carefully study the technology of cutting claws and processing tools:

  • Be sure to wash your hands with soap and disinfect your nail clipper.
  • To carry out the procedure, it is advisable to choose a place with good lighting or prepare a lamp in order to clearly see the living part of the claw - this nerve endings and capillaries that are visible through the light cannot be touched. You need to be more careful here.
  • Take the cat in your arms and sit him comfortably for the procedure, but at the same time so that the cat does not experience any discomfort. All this time it is better to stroke him, talk in a gentle and calm voice.
  • Hold your pet's paw carefully, but very confidently (not to be confused with force), so that if he decides to suddenly break out, you do not cut the pad with the tool.

IMPORTANT! Watch how hard you hold your paw while cutting the claws, because if the cat jerks it hard, you may accidentally injure him.

Useful video

Video on how to properly trim a cat's claws:

If you accidentally cut the living part of the claw or the skin on the pad, then the main thing here is not to panic. If there is a small amount of blood coming out, just gently treat the bleeding claw or wound with hydrogen peroxide and calm the offended pet.

If, without keeping an eye on your pet, he jerks unsuccessfully and the bleeding from the wound is abnormally strong, immediately cover the cut with a clean piece of tissue and take the cat to the veterinarian.

What to do if your cat resists

If your cat won’t let you cut her nails, you can try to accustom her to this procedure gradually, the main thing is to be patient.

Try a few simple tricks:

  • If the cat's patience does not last long - start small. To begin with: cut two claws and release the pet, not forgetting to praise. Then cut off more, and increase the number of toes until you have processed all the paws.
  • Wait until the cat has no desire to resist, when she has eaten and becomes sleepy.
  • Try cutting your claws while the cat is sleeping.
  • If your cat becomes stressed due to the procedure, you can try giving him sedatives for natural herbs, for example - “Cat Bayun”.
  • If you catch a kitten in a playful mood, you should postpone claw trimming until the kitten becomes less agitated.

We hope that our article will help you develop an effective strategy for trimming your pet's nails. If your cat won’t let you get close to her manicure with scissors or has an aggressive character, then we advise you to read our article about (which are harmless to the pet’s body and have become a solution for responsible owners). Share with us and our readers in the comments: what tricks do you practice when trimming your cats’ claws?

On each finger of a cat, as everyone knows, there is one claw - a folding-folding knife-dagger, which is very necessary for cats for:

  • correct paw position when walking,
  • as a means of support when jumping,
  • for stretching the spine and general exercise,
  • for digging,
  • to retain prey,
  • for climbing trees,
  • for clawing special marks on your own territory,
  • as a means of defense against another predator,
  • to protect offspring

It is difficult to count all the functions of cat claws!

Once in human housing, a cat - a free and independent nature - continues to behave in the same way as it would do if living in an impenetrable jungle: climbs, jumps, digs and buries, scratches and bites, claws expensive furniture, clothes and carpets. For you, these are valuable things; for a cat, these are objects, something like tree trunks, successfully “planted” in this territory. Major conflicts and protracted wars sometimes arise between cats and the owners of valuable things, with varying odds. There are cases when cats, exhausted by constant pressure on their psyche, attack their owners. And it’s really bad when small children act as “whipping boys”!

What to do in such cases? Fortunately, many people manage to “tame the beast” primarily within themselves and calmly, using the human mind and patience, teach the obstinate animal to “spoil” its scratching post, and not tear wallpaper, sofas and human hands to shreds.

A scratching post is the best option to avoid conflicts, especially since by choosing the right one, you will also strengthen your animal’s grateful affection.

A cat or cat can handle its own claws using a scratching post; however, it would be a good idea to trim the very tips of the sharp claws with a nail clipper once every two weeks.

We’ll look at how to properly trim a cat’s claws a little later; now we’ll focus on the question: “Why and is it necessary to trim a cat’s or kitten’s claws?”

When is it necessary to shorten a cat's claws?

First of all, let's look at the structure of the cat's finger.

And this is how a cat extends and retracts its claws:

If the claw does not retract completely, it interferes with the cat's walking by clinging to fabric or lint, and, of course, it should be cut off so that the cat does not injure itself by accidentally tearing off the claw.

The same problem can happen to the fifth (dewclaw) toe, which the cat does not rely on when walking, because it is located directly above the ball of the paw. But the claw on the 5th finger still grows and can cause injury. It should also be shortened.

Some breeders, if the animal does not have an impeccable career as a show star, without pity and painlessly remove the dewclaw along with the claw at the very beginning infancy so that not even a scar remains.

Sometimes a kitten or even an adult well-bred animal, while playing, releases its claws and scratches painfully, not wanting to harm the owner. Here, a healthy cutting off of the horny part of the claw will also not be superfluous.

Trimming the claws of cats planning to visit the house of the father of future offspring is strictly necessary 2-3 days before the visit. This procedure will not harm the grooms either.

Some "artificial" breeds, such as Persians or hairless cats, have problems with overgrown claws constantly. For many, this pathology is so expressed in the curling of the nail plate downwards and the growing of the claw into soft fabrics paws.

A similar pathology can also occur in old cats, in which, in parallel with deformation of the bones and tendons of the skeleton, both the claws themselves and their normal height and location inside the paw. In addition to regular use of vitamins B and D, older cats and female cats also need to regularly inspect and trim the overgrown tips of their claws.

It is also necessary to monitor the condition of the claws of tiny suckling kittens. Excessively sharp claws cause injury delicate skin around the nipple when the baby massages the mother’s belly, stimulating the flow of milk. A cat may refuse to feed “sharp-footed” kittens, which cause her constant pain. Kittens' claws must be trimmed very carefully so as not to damage the translucent pink-red body of the living claw - literally by 1mm, but a kitten's claws must be trimmed.

Often, the claws of seemingly healthy cats can become separated and cause them discomfort. It could be " seasonal molting", and may indicate a number of specific deficiencies in feeding or diseases. It is necessary to show such a cat to the doctor in order to exclude any troubles, and the claws will have to be trimmed.

By the way, it is the veterinarian who will give you the first master class lessons on how to trim a cat’s claws correctly, if you have not done this before.

If you go to a clinic or groomer to trim your pet’s hair, then claw trimming for cats and cats will be done automatically - this is included in the mandatory grooming program, just like ear cleaning.

You can perform all these simple procedures yourself at home; you just need a little practice. And before practice, as usual, you should study the theory.

Which nail clipper to choose

This sharpened instrument can be of three types:

  • In the form of nail clippers with blades converging precisely and tightly along the entire inner line. When bringing the jaws of the blades together, a small force is enough so that the claw caught between them is cut evenly and accurately.

The slightest chips on the inner jaws of the blades, their skew or misalignment are unacceptable! The result of such flaws is either a painful injury due to damage to the soft living part of the claw itself, or “loosening” of the nail plate.

  • In the form of a miniature invention by Dr. Guillotin - when a sharp freely moving blade “falls” along fixed guides, without changing the angle of inclination, in one plane. The cut after the “gelotinka” remains perfectly smooth, because pressure on nail plate distributed as evenly as possible.

As for chips or underbites, everything that applies to the blades of the wire cutters also applies to the blade of the “gelotinka” knife.

  • In appearance, the nail clipper-scissors resembles the small scissors that children use preschool age They cut out simple patterns from colored paper, only even smaller. The only difference is in the blades, on each of which the cat’s nail clipper has neat rounded cut-outs for “laying in” the claw. Children's scissors do not have such sharply sharpened holes-recesses.

Human manicure tools, as well as construction nippers, even the most small size, and even more so, children’s scissors should not touch a cat’s claws! The design of nail clippers is designed specifically for animal claws, unlike other human tools.

What part of the claw can be cut off?

There's a bit of anatomy here again. This is what a cat's claw looks like:

The figure clearly shows 3 main zones:

  1. Dark pink - pulp, saturated with many blood vessels, and therefore called “living tissue of the claw”;
  2. The horny part that protects the pulp, like a transparent cap placed on it;
  3. The growing stratum corneum, which most often has a translucent creamy white color and is called “dead part of the claw”

It is this dead tissue (part) that needs to be removed.

How to properly trim claws so that the process does not cause complications? We retreat from the horny border of the living claw by 2-3 mm and boldly bite off the remaining tissue exactly along a straight horizontal line to the plane of the paw pad. Like this:

Trimming cats' claws at home should take place in a calm environment, without traumatizing either your psyche or the cat's psyche. The growth of horny tissue on animal claws is a constant process, which means that the process of cutting off excess growth is no less constant. If you manage to touch blood vessels(fraught with bleeding) and cause pain to the cat, then rest assured that next time you will have to fight to trim the cat’s claws and involve outside help. Usually, the procedure for trimming claws does not cause much trouble, you just need to follow some rules.

Trimming the cat's claws correctly

Place the cat on your lap or next to you. While stroking the cat, go down to his paws and gently massage them, from time to time pressing on the fingers themselves, as if checking whether the claw comes out easily. Continuing to stroke and massage the paw with one hand, take the nail clipper in the other hand and, the next time you expose the claw, with a quick (but not impetuous!) movement, bite off the overgrown sharp tip below the cone-shaped extension by 2-3 mm.

Usually vascular bundles in the pulp are clearly visible in the light, and cutting off the underlying part is not difficult, but if you are not sure, turn the foot so that the light passes through the claw or arm yourself with a magnifying glass.

Be careful with your back legs! The claws on the hind paws of all cats are shorter than on the front paws, with the only exception being the scratching claws. But, in principle, you don’t have to cut the claws on the hind paws - the cat clings only with its front paws. Hind legs They do not take part in hunting or ritual clawing of territories.

If the cat is worried, calm him down with stroking and a gentle voice, wait until he returns to a good mood, and continue to trim claw after claw, not forgetting to stroke and calm the pet.

Problems may arise with particularly cautious (fearful) animals or with aggressive ones. It is unlikely that it will be possible to trim all 18 claws at once. Even the front 10 can be a big stumbling block.

An extreme case is a special bag where you can pull out one paw at a time for trimming while the cat is all inside this soft device, but this is unlikely to make the cat favorably disposed towards you in the future.

You can also call a specialist to your home, who will temporarily calm the cat with sleep medications and quickly perform all the necessary procedures. But it’s still worth trying to “come to a consensus” with the help of treats.

Consensus will consist of the principle: “You - for me, I - for you!” Let's say your cat loves cheese. Cut the cheese into small pieces and treat the kitty to one of the pieces. Once your cat is interested in cooperation, spread the next piece on a saucer and invite her to lick the cheese while you carefully cut off the claw. For an attempt to bite you or hit you with its paw, the cheese must be removed from under the cat's nose. For every trimmed claw, you get a bonus whole piece of cheese.

The cat will very quickly understand that it is required that the cheese is always under its nose! But be extremely careful with the claw clipper and don’t forget to thank Kisun for her patience - give her all the remaining cheese at once!

IN foreign countries Discussions about the usefulness of cat claws periodically flare up. Some veterinarians convince breeders that these horny formations are unnecessary and offer surgery to completely destroy the claws. Fortunately, this barbaric custom has not taken root in our country; our owners are afraid of harming their pets and often wonder whether they trim their cat’s claws at all.

Do cats need to have their claws trimmed?

To the question “is it possible to trim claws” the answer can only be affirmative. There are many arguments in favor of this action:

  • overgrown claws interfere with playing and running quickly;
  • they can become firmly stuck in bulky carpets, thick curtains and can be completely pulled out of the predator’s clutches when trying to free themselves;
  • there is a risk that an unattended fifth claw (located only on the front paws) will grow into the skin - it can only be removed through a painful operation.

Therefore, trimming should be done from the first months of a cat’s life.

Do cats themselves take care of their claws?

Furry predators have been watching their claws since birth: licking, gnawing, sharpening on all kinds of objects. From appearance and the length of the claws depends on your pet’s readiness to hunt - too long or blunt claws will not allow you to catch and hold prey. Paradoxically, stray cats and those to whom their owners pay little attention find themselves in an advantageous position. A free lifestyle with unlimited climbing of fences and trees helps to maintain the “weapons of struggle” in proper condition. Domestic cats, walking under strict supervision, cannot cope with claws on their own; they need help from their owners.

How often is the procedure performed?

Cats' claws grow from at different speeds, depending on nutrition, health and activity pet. Therefore, some have to shorten them every two weeks, and others every three or four. General rule This is: the claws are trimmed as they grow. It is believed that it is better to perform circumcision at least once a month.

How to tell when it's time to trim your nails

It is easy to recognize that the claws have grown by many signs:

  • They knock when a cat walks on a bare, unmade floor.
  • They get tangled in fleecy carpets and fluffy blankets.
  • They leave scratches on furniture and on the skin of the owners.
  • Prevents the pet from moving quickly.

How to trim a cat's claws

If you have never performed this procedure and are afraid to start, seek help from experienced friends for the first time or take your pet to the veterinarian. This absolutely painless action for your pet should become a habit.

What to prepare for the procedure

It's good if you buy for furry friend your own scissors - trimmer. Choose a high-quality tool with a sharp blade - trimming with dull scissors leads to delamination of the claws.

Prepare the following things:

  1. trimmer (or wire cutters);
  2. towel;
  3. pieces of treats;
  4. hydrogen peroxide (or hemostatic pencil, potassium permanganate) - just in case.

Immediately before trimming, thoroughly treat the cutters with alcohol - it is easy to introduce an infection into the cat’s body.

How to set up a cat

Be gentle with the predator, talk calmly - the cat should not be afraid. If you doubt that you can cope alone, involve one of your relatives in the procedure.

How to properly hold a pet

Place the cat on your lap and hug it tightly to you. If she desperately resists, wrap her in a towel (that's why you prepared it).

How to trim claws

  1. Squeeze the pad lightly with your thumb and index fingers- the claw will be born.
  2. Look at it carefully - you will see blood vessels in the lower part.
  3. Trim the claw 2-3 mm above this danger zone.
  4. Hold the trimmer perpendicular to the nail.
  5. Circumcision must be quick, otherwise the claw may break off.
  6. Treat the claws on the front legs one at a time, then on the back legs.
  7. If the cat is nervous, shorten the claws more than one day, spread the process over two or three days.

Here one girl took a video good instructions about getting a haircut:

I hope this will be useful to you, it’s not in vain that our experts wrote the article for you. Try it and everything will work out for you.

You can find out that your furry or not so pet has grown claws if she starts clinging to interior items with them, leaving puffs on upholstered furniture, waking you up at night by diligently scratching something in your bedroom, or simply leaving scratches on your skin. Yard cats practically do not encounter this problem, since they move a lot in space and wear down their claws. natural conditions. What should indoor cats do? Is it possible to trim their nails and how to do it correctly? We tried to give comprehensive answers to all these questions in this article.

Is it possible to trim a cat's claws?. Nail trimming domestic cat- This necessary procedure to maintain health and wellness animal. Here is a list of reasons why you should trim your nails.
  1. Long claws can cling to home furnishings and, when the cat tries to free itself, damage it, tear it, or completely tear out the claw.
  2. Long, sharp claws will quickly damage objects and furniture that your pet usually plays with, and also become a serious weapon if the cat somehow does not like other living creatures in your home.
  3. Claws are made of a special substance called keratin, which continually grows. Human nails are also made of it, which we regularly trim ourselves.
  4. It is imperative to trim the claws on the so-called dewclaws (fifth) toes of the front paws. They do not wear out on their own in cats and can grow in a circle and cut into the pad of the paw, causing pain to the cat.
  5. Even if your cat is accustomed to a scratching post, when she scratches, her claws do not grind down but, on the contrary, become sharper.
  6. This is much more humane than onychectomy, an operation to complete removal claws of a cat under anesthesia, which inflicts irreparable harm cat's health Due to the nature of the operation, part of the phalanx is removed from each finger, which will reduce the animal’s support area, force it to learn to walk again, increase the load on the musculoskeletal system, and can lead to the cat feeling inferior and turning into a fearful, withdrawn and unreasonably aggressive animal.
Therefore, it is necessary to accustom an animal to trimming its claws with early age. Breeders monitor this and, when handing over their pet to you, should give their recommendations on how to properly trim a cat’s claws. If for some reason they didn’t do this, or you were so fascinated by your purchase that you forgot these tips, then don’t despair. There is nothing complicated in this procedure.

How to properly trim a cat's claws.
You need to prepare a little for this procedure. You will need:

  • tweezers, or special nail clippers (trimmers);
  • cotton pads and tonic to remove dirt from the claws, if there is any;
  • something tasty to appease;
  • towel;
  • hemostatic agent.
Most cats and kittens do not like the procedure of cutting their claws. Everyone's temperament and character are different and in accordance with them they will react to your manipulations. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out this procedure together, so that one person fixes the tail on his lap, and the other works with tweezers. The most violent ones can be wrapped in a towel or small blanket, leaving a pair of treated paws free.
You need to make sure there is sufficient lighting, which will allow you to clearly see where the pink pulp passes in the claw and not damage it during the cutting process.

The frequency of repetition of subsequent cuts varies individually, but on average is 3-4 weeks.
Be sure to praise your cat at the end of the whole procedure, that she was able to endure the unpleasant procedure with honor.