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Dosage form Ventolin easy breathing: syrup. Inhalations with Ventolin for children Ventolin for inhalations influence on breathalyzer readings

Drugs for the treatment of obstructive diseases respiratory tract. Adrenergic agents for inhalation use. Selective beta2-adrenergic agonists. Salbutamol.

ATX code R03AC02

Pharmacological properties"type="checkbox">

Pharmacological properties



When using an aerosol from 10 to 20% dose taken reaches the lower respiratory tract, where it is adsorbed lung tissue and penetrates the blood vessels of the lungs, but is not metabolized here.

The remaining part remains in the delivery device or settles in the oropharynx with further ingestion of the drug.


Plasma protein binding is 10%.


When thresholds are reached by the circulatory system, salbutamol is metabolized through the hepatic mechanism and is excreted primarily in the urine as unchanged product and phenol sulfate.

Salbutamol is metabolized during the first passage through the liver and, due to the ingestion of small quantities during inhalation, in the intestinal wall; the main metabolite is an inactive sulfate conjugate, which is excreted in the urine.


T½ salbutamol at intravenous administration is 4-6 hours. Salbutamol is rapidly excreted in the urine as an inactive metabolite 4'-O-sulfate and unchanged substance; excreted in small quantities in feces. Most of Salbutamol taken is excreted from the body within 72 hours.


Ventolin® is a selective β2-adrenergic receptor agonist. IN therapeutic doses has an effect on β2-adrenergic receptors of the bronchial muscles.

Ventolin® has a short duration of action (4 to 6 hours) and a rapid onset of action (about 5 minutes from the moment of application).


Clinical studies conducted in children under 4 years of age have demonstrated a similar safety profile compared to older children, adolescents and adults.

Indications for use

As part of complex therapy:

To relieve and prevent the development of bronchospasm in patients with reversible airway obstruction (asthma, Chronical bronchitis, emphysema)

To relieve symptoms of an attack bronchial asthma or warning them before contact with a known trigger (allergen).

Bronchodilators should not be the only or main component of asthma therapy. If the patient has asthma

inhaled corticosteroids to achieve and maintain symptom control. Insufficient response to salbutamol therapy may be a signal for urgent medical intervention/therapy.

Directions for use and doses

Ventolin® in aerosol form is used only for inhalation by inhaling the aerosol through the mouth.

Adults and elderly people

An increased need for β2-agonists may indicate a worsening of asthma. In such cases, it is recommended to re-evaluate the therapy and consider the possibility of additional administration of GCS.

Due to the risk of adverse reactions if recommended doses are exceeded, the frequency of administration and doses used should be increased only as directed by a doctor.

Duration of actiondrug Ventolin®in most patientsamounts to4-6 hours

Individuals who have difficulty coordinating inhalation and release of medication from an inhaler may use Ventolin® using a spacer-type device.

For children younger age It is also better to use the drug Ventolin® through a spacer.

The need to take the drug should not exceed 4 times a day (800 mg). A sudden increase in the need for the drug indicates poorly controlled asthma or worsening of its course.

Cupping acute attack bronchospasm

Adults:from 100 mcg as a single, initial dose. If necessary, the dose can be increased to 200 mcg (2 inhalations)

Children: 100 mcg once. If necessary, the dose can be increased to 200 mcg.

Warning exercise-induced bronchospasm or allergic etiology

Adults: 200 mcg up to physical activity or expected contact with an allergen

Children: 100 mcg during physical activity or expected contact with an allergen, 10-15 minutes before exposure to these factors. If necessary, the dose can be increased to 200 mcg.

Long-term maintenance therapy I

Adults and children 100-200 mcg of the drug 4 times a day.

The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.

Instructions for using the inhaler

The effect of the drug may be weakened if the inhaler is cold. When the canister cools, it is recommended to remove it from the plastic case and warm it with your hands for a few minutes. The can cannot be disassembled, pierced or thrown into fire, even if it is empty.

Checking the functionality of the inhaler

Before using the inhaler for the first time, you must carefully remove the cap from the mouthpiece, shake the inhaler vigorously and spray two doses of the drug into the air to ensure that the device is working properly. If the inhaler has not been used for 5 days or more, it should be shaken well and two doses of the drug sprayed into the air to ensure that it is working properly.

Using an inhaler

1. Remove the protective cap from the inhaler mouthpiece. Check the inside and outside of the inhaler, including the mouthpiece, for cleanliness and dryness, and for any loose parts of the device.

2. Shake the inhaler vigorously to evenly mix the contents of the inhaler and to remove any loose parts from the surface of the device.

3. Place the inhaler vertically between the thumb and forefinger, placing thumb on the base, below the mouthpiece.

4. Exhale deeply (as far as possible). Then place the mouthpiece between your teeth (without biting it) and wrap your lips tightly around it.

5. Take a deep breath through your mouth. While continuing to take a deep breath, press top part inhaler.

6. Hold your breath, remove the inhaler from your mouth and put it away forefinger from the top of the inhaler. Continue to hold your breath as much as possible.

7. If you need to continue inhalation, you should wait approximately half a minute, holding the inhaler vertically, and then repeat steps 2 to 6.

8. After inhalation, carefully place the dust cap on the mouthpiece.


Take your time when performing the steps indicated in points 4, 5 and 6. It is important that the inhaler is pressed at the beginning of a calm, take a deep breath. To be sure that the inhalation is performed correctly, you must first control the method of taking the medicine in front of a mirror. A “haze” appearing from the inhaler, lips or nose during inhalation indicates an incorrect inhalation technique and it is necessary to practice using the inhaler again, starting from point 2.

If your doctor has given you any other recommendations for using the drug, follow your doctor's recommendations. Tell your doctor about any difficulties you have with taking the drug.

Cleaning the inhaler

The inhaler should be cleaned at least once a week.

1. Remove the metal container from the plastic body of the inhaler and remove the mouthpiece cover.

2. Rinse the sprayer with warm running water.

3. Dry the sprayer thoroughly inside and out.

4. Place the container and mouthpiece cover back into place.


Side effects"type="checkbox">

Side effects

Very often (>1/10), often (>1/100,<1/10), нечасто (>1/1,000, <1/100), редко (>1/10,000, <1/1,000), очень редко (<1/10,000).


Tremor, headache



Irritation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx


Muscle cramps


Hypokalemia (therapy with β2-agonists may lead to severe hypokalemia)

Peripheral vasodilation

Very rarely

Hypersensitivity reactions including urticaria, angioedema, bronchospasm, hypotension, collapse

Paradoxical bronchospasm

Lactic acidosis (in patients receiving salbutamol by intravenous injection and nebulizer to treat exacerbations of asthma)


Arrhythmia, including atrial fibrillation, supraventricular tachycardia and extrasystole


Cardiac ischemia


Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug

Premature birth

Threatened abortion

Children under 4 years old

Forms of release of salbumol not intended for intravenous administration should not be used to terminate premature labor and threatened miscarriage.

Drug interactions

Ventolin® is not contraindicated in patients receiving monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs).

special instructions

Patients should use the inhaler correctly, pressing down on the inhaler valve as they inhale to ensure optimal delivery of the drug to the lungs. Patients should be warned that during inhalation they may experience a different taste compared to the previous inhaler.

Bronchodilators should not be the only or main component of the treatment of unstable or severe bronchial asthma. Severe asthma requires regular medical evaluation, including testing of lung function, as patients are at risk of severe attacks and even death. For these patients, clinicians should consider using the maximum recommended dose of inhaled corticosteroids and/or oral corticosteroid therapy.

Severe asthma exacerbations should be treated as usual.

When using sympathomimetics, including salbutamol, symptoms from the cardiovascular system may occur. Post-marketing studies and published literature have reported rare cases of coronary heart disease associated with salbutamol. Patients with underlying severe heart disease (eg, coronary artery disease, arrhythmia, or severe heart failure) who are receiving salbutamol should be warned to seek medical attention if they experience chest pain or other symptoms of worsening heart disease. Care should be taken to evaluate symptoms such as shortness of breath and chest pain, as these may be related to respiratory or cardiovascular diseases.

Treatment of asthma is usually done in stages, with the patient's response monitored clinically and with pulmonary function tests.

The dosage or frequency of use should only be increased on the advice of a physician. An increased need for β2-agonists with a short duration of action may indicate worsening asthma control. In such cases, you should contact your doctor and review the patient's treatment plan if treatment with a short-acting bronchodilator becomes less effective or if more inhalations than usual become necessary. In this situation, the patient's condition should be assessed and the need for enhanced anti-inflammatory therapy (eg, higher doses of inhaled corticosteroids or a course of oral corticosteroids) considered.

The drug should be used with caution in patients with thyrotoxicosis.

Therapy with b2-adrenergic receptor agonists, especially when administered parenterally or via nebulizer, can lead to hypokalemia. Particular caution is recommended when treating severe attacks of bronchial asthma, since in these cases hypokalemia may be exacerbated by the simultaneous use of xanthine derivatives, glucocorticosteroids, diuretics, and also due to hypoxia. In such situations, it is necessary to monitor the level of potassium in the blood serum.

As is the case with the use of other inhaled drugs, the development of paradoxical bronchospasm with a direct increase in shortness of breath after dosing is possible. If paradoxical bronchospasm occurs, immediate relief is required using an alternative drug or a fast-acting inhaled bronchodilator from a different pharmacological group. You should immediately stop treatment with this form of Ventolin®, assess the patient's condition and, if necessary, prescribe other fast-acting bronchodilators for further use.

If the effect of the usual dose of Ventolin® becomes less effective or shorter lasting (the effect of the drug should last at least 3 hours), the patient should consult a doctor.


There is no data on the effect of the drug on fertility in humans. The drug does not have a negative effect on the fertility of animals.

Pregnancy and lactation

The use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation is justified only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus/infant. Salbutamol is likely excreted in breast milk and should be used with caution in breastfeeding women.

Some studies have revealed polydactyly and cleft palate in children and disorders of the cardiovascular system when mothers took drugs during pregnancy, including salbutamol (an unambiguous causal connection between their occurrence and the use of the drug has not been established), and therefore the degree of risk estimated at 2-3%. Experimental studies revealed the presence of a teratogenic effect of salbutamol: in mice with subcutaneous administration (doses 11.5-115 times higher than the maximum recommended in humans for inhalation administration), the development of a “cleft palate” was noted; in rabbits when administered orally (doses 2315 times higher than the maximum for inhalation administration) – non-fusion of the skull bones.

Features of the effect of the drug on the ability to drive a vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms

No data.


Symptoms: Most symptoms of salbutamol overdose are transient adverse reactions of beta-agonists. The most common signs and symptoms of salbutamol overdose are short-term effects pharmacologically mediated by beta-agonists, such as tachycardia, tremor, hyperactivity, and metabolic effects including hypokalemia. In case of overdose, hypokalemia may develop, and therefore monitoring of potassium levels in the blood serum is necessary.

When using high therapeutic doses and overdose with short-acting beta-agonists, the development of lactic acidosis was detected.

Treatment: the use of large doses of salbutamol can cause hypokalemia, therefore, if overdose is suspected, serum potassium levels should be monitored. Monitoring of lactate levels and the subsequent development of metabolic acidosis (especially in the presence or worsening of tachypnea despite relief of bronchospasm, such as wheezing) is necessary.

Release form and packaging

Aerosol for inhalation, dosed, 100 mcg/dose, 200 doses.

200 doses are placed in an aluminum container equipped with a dosing valve, a spray nozzle and a protective cap. 1 cylinder, along with instructions for medical use in the state and Russian languages, is placed in a cardboard pack.

23, rue Lavoisier, 27091 EVREUX Cedex 9

Inhalation is the process of delivering a drug into the body by inhaling it. This therapeutic method is used for pathologies of the bronchopulmonary system. Against the background of bronchial asthma, for example, inhalation helps eliminate an attack of suffocation. The undoubted advantage of this type of treatment is that during the procedure a local effect is carried out. At the same time, no harm is caused to other organs. For many bronchopulmonary pathologies, inhalation exposure is considered the most appropriate and effective. In addition, there are many drugs that are not absorbed by other methods of administration. Hormonal inhalation agents only in this form have a local effect, which significantly increases the effectiveness of therapy.

Device types

Special models of inhalers are used to treat asthma. The procedures take 5-10 minutes. The maximum break between inhalations is 4 hours. In the initial stages of attacks, therapy is performed more actively. The most common models of inhalers include metered dose devices. They are presented in the form of cans with a plastic casing and valve. When pressed, a valve opens, from which a “cloud” of medication is released. Quite a lot of drugs are produced today in this form (aerosol cans): “Salbutamol”, “Beclazon”, “Berotek”, “Ventolin” and others. There are also inhalers in which the release of the drug is carried out by the inhalation made by the patient. Devices are also produced in which the medication is present in powder form. Inhalation in this case is also carried out through inhalation. The drug penetrates directly into the bronchi. Next, let's look at one of the most common medications - Ventolin. Instructions and reviews will also be given in the article.

General information

The instructions describe the drug "Ventolin" for inhalation as a selective beta-2-adrenergic receptor agonist. Upon exposure, there is a slight effect on beta-1 adrenergic receptors in the myocardium. It may also not be observed at all. The product "Ventolin Nebula" (instructions for use will be described below) has the same spectrum of action.

Description of action

The drug "Ventolin" for inhalation (the instructions contain such information) has a pronounced bronchodilator effect, relieves or prevents the occurrence of bronchospasm, reducing resistance in the respiratory tract. Under the influence of the medication, the vital capacity of the lungs increases. When using the drug, there is an increase in mucolytic clearance (against the background of chronic bronchitis up to 36%), stimulation of mucus production, and activation of the functions of the ciliated epithelium. Recommended therapeutic dosages do not have a negative effect on cardiovascular activity and do not provoke an increase in blood pressure. Compared to other drugs in this group, it has a lesser positive ino- and chronotropic effect. The drug "Ventolin" provokes dilation of the coronary arteries. In addition, the medication has some metabolic effects. In particular, against the background of its use, there is a decrease in plasma potassium concentration, lipolytic and hyperglycemic (especially in patients with bronchial asthma) effects, and an increased risk of acidosis. The drug affects the release of insulin and glycogenolysis. The drug "Ventolin" begins to act quite quickly. The therapeutic effect is observed after just five minutes. The maximum result is observed after 30-90 minutes. The effect of using the medication lasts 4-6 hours.


The active ingredient of the drug is salbutamol. After administration by inhalation, 10-20% of the dose of the component reaches the lower part of the respiratory tract. The remaining volume remains in the inhaler or is retained in the oropharynx and then swallowed. The fraction deposited in the respiratory tract is absorbed into the blood and lung tissues without being metabolized in the lungs. The ingested part of the drug is absorbed from the digestive system, then undergoes active metabolism. After the first passage through the liver, an inactive breakdown product is formed. Salbutamol binds to plasma protein compounds by 10%. Excretion occurs in the form of an inactive product and unchanged through the kidneys. A certain amount of the drug is excreted in the feces. Most of the dosage is eliminated within 72 hours.


The instructions for use recommend the drug "Ventolin" for bronchial asthma. In particular, the medication is indicated for stopping attacks, including against the background of exacerbation of severe pathology, and preventing their occurrence when exposed to an allergen or physical stress. The instructions for the drug "Ventolin" allow it to be used as one of the components of long-term maintenance therapy for bronchial asthma. Indications also include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, accompanied by reversible obstructive processes. The remedy is indicated for chronic bronchitis. The instructions for use recommend the drug "Ventolin Nebula" for the same pathologies.

Release form

Many parents are interested in whether there are instructions for children for the drug "Ventolin" (syrup). It should be noted that the product is available in two forms. There is a liquid form of the drug "Ventolin" (syrup). The instructions describe it as a solution. It is not used parenterally or orally. The drug is also available in the form of a dosed aerosol. It is allowed to use steam devices when treating with Ventolin. The syrup instructions for children of primary preschool age recommend diluting it. The product should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.

General instructions

"Ventolin" is intended for spraying only. An increased need for beta-2 adrenergic receptor agonists may indicate signs of worsening asthma. In this situation, the treatment regimen should be re-evaluated while simultaneously considering the advisability of prescribing combined treatment with glucocorticosteroids. Since an overdose of Ventolin (the instructions confirm this information) poses a risk of developing serious side effects, the frequency of use and dose can be increased only on the recommendation of a specialist. For patients who have difficulty synchronizing inhalation while using a pressurized aerosol can, a spacer may be used. The instructions for children under 5 years of age included with Ventolin Nebula recommend administering the medication using a pediatric spacer device with a face mask.


To relieve an attack, the instructions recommend Ventolin in a dose of 100-200 mcg for adults, 100 mcg for younger patients. If necessary, the doctor can double the amount of the drug. The instructions recommend using Ventolin no more than four times a day. To prevent attacks of bronchospasm caused by physical stress or the action of an allergen, adults are prescribed 200 mcg for 10 or 15 minutes. before the expected impact. The instructions describing the drug "Ventolin" for children set the dose to be two times lower - 100 mcg. If necessary, the amount of medication or frequency may be increased. For long-term maintenance therapy, it is prescribed to adults and children 4 times a day. up to 200 mcg.

Rules for using the can

If the inhaler has not been used at all or for a long period (a week or more), remove the cap from the mouthpiece by slightly squeezing it from the sides. Shake the can and spray 2 times into the air, making sure the device is working properly. The inhaler is held in a vertical position between the thumb and forefinger. The bottom should be oriented upwards. The thumb is placed under the mouthpiece on the base. Before pressing, exhale through the mouth. The mouthpiece is wrapped around the lips without squeezing it with the teeth. Inhaling deeply through your mouth, simultaneously press the upper area of ​​the canister, releasing the inhalation dose. Next, hold your breath for a couple of seconds, remove the mouthpiece and exhale slowly. The second dose is released after half an hour. To do this, repeat the manipulations described above. After use, close the mouthpiece tightly with the cap.

special instructions

When performing inhalation, do not rush. Inhalation begins as slowly as possible before directly pressing the valve of the can. It is recommended to try it in front of a mirror the first few times. If “fog” is visible from the corners of the mouth or from the upper part of the device, the procedure is repeated. If the specialist has given other instructions, then you must follow them. If you experience difficulties using the inhaler, you should consult your doctor.

Cleaning the device

It should be performed at least once a week. The metal can is removed from the plastic case and the mouthpiece cover is removed. Removable elements are washed under running water (warm). The housing and cover must be dry on all sides before reassembly. Do not overheat the canister or immerse it in water.

The drug "Ventolin Nebula": instructions, reviews

The medication is used using a special device - a nebulizer. It is a device equipped with a mask and a tube (endotracheal or T-shaped). If there is a risk of hypoventilation caused by hypoxia, the air inhaled by the patient may be enriched with O2 (oxygen). The instructions for children attached to the drug "Ventolin Nebula" allow for the dilution of a solution of 0.9% sodium chloride solution if prolonged administration of the drug is necessary. However, as a rule, the medication is used undiluted. The remaining solution in the nebulizer chamber must be removed (discarded) after use.

Since many devices of a similar type operate in conditions of constant air flow, there is a possibility of the sprayed drug entering the air. In connection with this circumstance, the instructions recommend using Ventolin Nebula in spacious, well-ventilated rooms. This requirement must be strictly observed in hospital settings, especially where several patients may be using the devices at the same time. As experts note, the use of a nebulizer significantly increases the effectiveness of the drug. The device is convenient and easy to use. It is perfect for treating the youngest patients and does not require special skills or adult assistance during the procedure. As practice shows, children themselves, in most cases, happily agree to such treatment. The therapy does not cause discomfort or other unpleasant or painful sensations to patients.

Dosage schedule when using a nebulizer

For patients over 1.5 years of age, the initial volume of the administered Ventolin Nebula drug is 2.5 mg. If necessary, the dose can be increased (on the recommendation of a specialist) to 5 mg. When treating severe obstructive processes for adults, up to 40 mg/day can be prescribed. In this case, therapy is carried out in a hospital setting under close supervision.

Side effects

There are a number of negative consequences that may occur during treatment. The instructions warn about them. "Ventolin" can provoke headache, collapse, bronchospasm, angioedema. Side effects also include hyperactivity, tachycardia, tremor, and hypokalemia. During treatment with Ventolin Nebula for inhalation (the instructions warn about this), irritation of the mucous membranes of the pharynx and mouth may occur. During therapy, the development of muscle cramps, paradoxical bronchospasm, atrial fibrillation, extrasystole and supraventricular tachycardia is likely. Peripheral vasodilation was also noted among the negative consequences. It should be noted that patients rarely report any side effects. As a rule, people who have undergone treatment speak positively about the medication and its effectiveness.


The drug is not prescribed for the management of premature birth or threatened abortion. Ventolin is not recommended for children under 2 years of age. Contraindications include high sensitivity to the components. The medication "Ventolin Nebula" is not recommended for children under 1.5 years of age.

Pregnancy and lactation

A medication is prescribed only when the expected benefit outweighs the expected negative impact. In practice, rare cases of developmental defects have been described, including the formation of a “cleft palate” and disturbances in the formation of limbs when using the drug in the prenatal period. In a number of these situations, expectant mothers took concomitant medications. There is no data on the ability of the active component of the drug to penetrate into milk and have a negative effect on the health of the newborn.

additional information

Treatment of bronchial asthma is carried out in stages. At the same time, control over the clinical response of the body and lung function must be ensured. During treatment, bronchodilators should not be the only treatment. The sudden onset of progression of bronchial asthma can be extremely life-threatening for the patient. In these cases, the issue of additional use of corticosteroids or increasing the dosage of Ventolin is considered. In patients at risk, daily monitoring should be performed, assessing peak expiratory flow. Particular caution is required if you are predisposed to severe asthma attacks. In these cases, hypokalemia may increase due to hypoxia, as well as when taken in combination with diuretics, corticosteroids and other medications. If there is no effect from inhalation for at least three hours, you should consult a doctor. There is no data on the effect of the drug on the speed of psychomotor reaction.

Interaction with other means

The instructions for use do not recommend the drug "Ventolin" together with non-selective beta-adrenergic receptor blockers, for example with the drug "Propranolol". There are no contraindications to treatment with salbutamol during concomitant therapy with MAO inhibitors. In patients suffering from thyrotoxicosis, the drug Ventolin can increase tachycardia and the activity of central nervous system stimulants. Theophylline and other xanthines may increase the risk of developing tachyarrhythmia. With the simultaneous use of Ventolin with anticholinergic medications, an increase in intraocular pressure is likely. When taking diuretics and glucocorticosteroids, the hypokalemic effect of salbutamol is enhanced. Analogues of the drug in structure include such medications as “Salmo”, “Saltos”, “Aloprol”, “Volmax”, “Astalin”. Drugs with a similar therapeutic effect: Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone, Betamethasone, Ambroxol, ACC and others.

To combat symptoms such as bronchospasm, medications are used that can relax the muscles of the bronchial tree and thereby make breathing easier. One of them is Ventolin. Is this drug approved for children, when and how is it used in childhood?

Release form

Ventolin is produced in the form of a metered aerosol used for inhalation. It is represented by an aluminum cylinder, which has a plastic dispensing device and a protective cap. Inside this inhaler there is a white suspension. One can of medication contains 200 doses of the active substance.

There is another form of release of the drug, represented by a solution for inhalation. It is called Ventolin Nebula because the medication is placed in polyethylene ampoules called nebulas. Each ampoule contains 2.5 ml of solution with a concentration of the active ingredient of 1 mg/1 ml.

The difference between Ventolin and Ventolin Nebula is that the nebula solution is administered into the patient's airways using a nebulizer. If necessary, saline solution is added to the dosage of Ventolin prescribed by the doctor, and then the patient must breathe the drug through a nebulizer for about 10 minutes. In some cases, it is not necessary to dilute the drug, and inhalation lasts up to 5 minutes.


The main ingredient of Ventolin is salbutamol, represented by micronized salbutamol sulfate. Its quantity is such that the patient receives 100 mcg of salbumol from one dose. The only additional component of the medicine is the propellant, due to which the active substance is pushed out of the container under pressure. This compound is tetrafluoroethane.

Operating principle

Salbutamol in Ventolin has a bronchodilator effect, since this component is able to activate beta2-adrenergic receptors. By binding to this type of receptor in the smooth muscles of the bronchi, it causes them to relax, resulting in the dilation of the bronchi for about 4-6 hours. In this case, the effect of using the inhaler occurs within five minutes after inhaling salbutamol.

In addition to dilation of the bronchi, Ventolin promotes:

  • Reducing resistance in the respiratory tract.
  • Increasing the vital capacity of the lungs.
  • Increased mucociliary clearance.
  • Activation of ciliated epithelium in the bronchi.
  • Stimulates mucus production.

Since the drug selectively affects beta-2 receptors, its therapeutic doses do not increase blood pressure and do not adversely affect the functioning of the heart. At the same time, the use of an inhaler can slightly increase the frequency and strength of myocardial contractions, as well as dilate the coronary arteries. The drug also has some metabolic effects, for example, an increased risk of acidosis and hyperglycemia, and a decrease in potassium levels in the blood.


Ventolin is most often prescribed for bronchial asthma., since such a medicine helps both prevent bronchospasm and stop this symptom when it has already arisen. This medication can be one of the drugs used for long-term maintenance treatment of patients with bronchial asthma.

In addition, inhalations with Ventolin are used for other chronic pathologies in which there is reversible obstruction of the respiratory tract, for example, chronic bronchitis or emphysema.

Sometimes pediatricians prescribe this medication for laryngitis, however, many experts believe that this disease and its complications (false croup) should not be treated with bronchodilators, since they act on the bronchi and are ineffective for inflammation of the larynx.

At what age is it allowed to take

There are no age restrictions for the use of Ventolin in children in the instructions for the inhaler. If there are indications for such a medication, it can be used in a child of any age, but only after consultation with a doctor. In this case, the drug is prescribed to children under 2 years of age very rarely and for a short course.


The medication should not be used if the child is hypersensitive to salbutamol or the propellant. Children who have:

  • Heart defects;
  • Myocarditis;
  • Tachyarrhythmia;
  • Thyrotoxicosis;
  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Diabetes mellitus (especially with decompensation);
  • Glaucoma;
  • Pheochromocytoma.

Side effects

The use of Ventolin can provoke:

  • The appearance of headaches;
  • Irritation of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • The appearance of tremor.

In rare cases, the medication causes allergies(eg, urticaria or angioedema), hypokalemia, hyperactivity, irregular heartbeat, peripheral vasodilation, or muscle cramps. Some patients may have a paradoxical reaction to inhalation of the drug, in which bronchospasm intensifies.

Instructions for use

Ventolin is used exclusively for inhalation, during which the medicine is inhaled through the mouth. For young children, the medication is administered using a special device (called a spacer), which has a face mask. When the inhaler is used for the first time or the last use of the medicine was more than five days ago, it is recommended to remove the cap, shake the can and spray the medicine into the air 2 times.

For inhalation you need:

  1. Remove the cap.
  2. Check all parts of the can and mouthpiece to ensure there are no foreign objects.
  3. Shake the inhaler (this will mix the contents evenly).
  4. Holding the balloon vertically with the bottom up, invite the child to exhale as much as possible.
  5. Place the mouthpiece in the small patient's mouth and tell the child to cover it with his lips, but not touch it with his teeth.
  6. While taking a deep breath, press on the top of the can so that one dose of the medicine enters the respiratory tract.
  7. Tell your child to hold his breath.
  8. Remove the mouthpiece from your mouth.
  9. If another dose is required, repeat all steps after 30 seconds.
  10. Close the tip with a cap.


  • A single dose for bronchospasm is 100 mcg of salbutamol, that is, one dose of Ventolin. If required, the single dosage can be doubled, and the maximum frequency of use of the medicine per day is 4 times.
  • If Ventolin is used to prevent bronchospasm, the drug should be inhaled 10-15 minutes before physical activity or the influence of another provoking factor. Usually one dose is sufficient, that is, 100 mcg of salbutamol, but if necessary, it can be increased to 200 mcg of the active compound.
  • If the medication is prescribed as part of maintenance treatment, then inhalation is carried out 4 times a day, and the dosage per application will be 100-200 mcg of the active ingredient.
  • If inhalations are carried out while simultaneously treating thyrotoxicosis, salbutamol increases the risk of tachycardia and stimulating effects on the central nervous system.
  • When used with xanthines, the likelihood of tachyarrhythmia increases.
  • If Ventolin is used together with anticholinergic drugs, it will increase intraocular pressure.
  • When used simultaneously with glucocorticoid drugs (for example, if Ventolin and Pulmicort are prescribed together) or diuretics, the risk of hypokalemia increases.
  • Terms of sale

    To purchase Ventolin at a pharmacy, you must show a prescription from a doctor. The average price of one inhaler is 130-150 rubles.

    Storage Features

    You should keep the can at home at room temperature (up to +30 degrees), hiding it in a dark place where children will not find the drug. The medicine should not be frozen. The shelf life of Ventolin is 2 years. If the date marked on the package has passed, the inhaler should not be used in children.

    Obstruction or narrowing of the airways is a fairly common phenomenon, especially in children, so one of the most popular drugs used in such situations is Ventolin nebulas for inhalation. It has many advantages and rarely provokes the development of side effects.

    Therefore, it is often used not only to treat school-age children, but also children over two years old, as well as a special category of patients - pregnant women. What is it and what features does it have?

    Description of the drug

    The medicine is produced by the British company GlaxoSmithKline. It is available from pharmacies with a prescription.

    The drug is a clear solution for oral or inhalation use, which can be completely clear or pale yellow.
    Ventolin nebula in the photo:

    It is widely used to treat a large number of respiratory diseases, as it is one of the selective β-2-adrenergic receptor antagonists.

    In other words

    It acts directly on a special group of nerve endings (receptors) of the bronchial muscles and helps to relax it, expand the lumen of the airways and increase the volume of inhaled air.

    Ventolin is also used for coughs, especially for dry coughs, since it can stimulate the functioning of the bronchial glands and

    Therefore, a cough is often observed after Ventolin, since the increased amount of mucus irritates the receptors, as a result of which it begins to be removed from the bronchi.

    At the same time, many patients are concerned with the question “Is Ventolin hormonal or not?” People's fears are justified, but unfounded, since it is not one of the products containing any hormones.

    The instructions recommend using the product as a solution for inhalation therapy. After the procedure, no more than 10–20% of the injected volume reaches the bronchi and lungs, while the remainder of the fine aerosol particles settles on the surface of the mucous membranes of the oral and nasal cavities.

    After which it is swallowed, absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, transformed in the liver and excreted by the kidneys, as well as in small amounts with feces.

    The particles that penetrate into the lower parts of the respiratory organs and exert their pharmacological effect there are absorbed into the bloodstream unchanged, destroyed in the liver and excreted by the kidneys. The positive effect appears literally after 5 minutes and lasts up to 6 hours.

    Release forms, composition and packaging

    The medicine is packaged in opaque plastic ampoules, each of which contains 2.5 milliliters of medicine and is packaged in a separate aluminum bag. One box contains 10, 20 or 40 bags.

    The active ingredient is salbutamol, contained in each ampoule of 2.5 milligrams, that is, 1 mg/1 ml. The following are used as auxiliary components:

    • sodium chloride;
    • diluted sulfuric acid;
    • water.

    Price: how much does it cost?

    The cost of an inhalation aerosol is from 150 rubles. The solution in nebulas costs 295 rubles.

    Indications for use

    What is Ventolin - people with bronchial asthma are well aware, since it belongs to the group anti-asthmatic drugs.
    Source: website It is also widely used in the fight against respiratory diseases, for which obstruction is typical, in particular:

    • any forms of obstructive bronchitis;
    • COPD;
    • pulmonary emphysema, etc.

    Ventolin is also widely used for bronchitis of any origin, laryngitis, etc.


    The instructions for use do not recommend administering Ventolin for inhalation to children under two years of age.

    • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    • endocrine pathologies, including thyrotoxicosis and diabetes mellitus;
    • glaucoma;
    • serious disorders of the liver and kidneys;
    • epilepsy, etc.

    Side effects of the drug

    The drug Ventolin nebula for inhalation can provoke the occurrence of:

    • hyperkalemia;
    • paradoxical bronchospasm, causing increased suffocation;
    • ketoacidosis due to increased blood sugar levels, which is dangerous for people with diabetes;
    • lactic acidosis when taking large doses, which manifests itself as suffocation against the background of increased ventilation (often mistakenly considered a sign of ineffective treatment);
    • headaches;
    • tachycardia.

    Blood tests are performed to identify any possible side effects. Thus, with hyperkalemia, excessive potassium content is detected in the blood serum, with ketoacidosis - glucose, etc.

    In case of increased suffocation, you should take the medication in an alternative dosage form, for example, take Ventolin aerosol.


    Sometimes, especially with an overdose, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system are observed, for example, tremor (shaking) of the limbs appears.

    In such situations, you should limit your interaction with mechanisms that require increased concentration, including refraining from driving a car.

    Instructions. Method and dosage for adults

    For asthma, the medicine is taken according to a special step-by-step program. The effectiveness of therapy is constantly monitored by performing specific pulmonary function tests and assessing the patient’s clinical condition.

    If the patient is forced to take the medication more often than prescribed, and there is a need to review the prescribed course.

    The progression of obstruction is a life-threatening condition, so it may raise the question of using local corticosteroids - modern safe hormonal sprays.

    Thus, the reasons for urgently contacting a doctor are:

    1. reducing the duration of relief after an inhalation therapy session;
    2. decrease in the severity of the therapeutic effect after administration of the recommended dose.

    Attention! It is unacceptable to increase the dosage or frequency of taking the medicine without permission!

    Adults are advised to administer the contents of one ampoule 4 times a day. If necessary, the therapeutic dose can be increased to 5 mg per manipulation.

    It is extremely rare for severe obstruction to increase the daily dose to 40 mg. But the use of such large dosages is carried out exclusively in a hospital setting under the supervision of doctors.

    Inhalation therapy sessions are carried out as follows:

    Ventilate the room well and leave the window open. Prepare the inhaler and open the nebula package, shake it.

    Holding the bottom of the ampoule with one hand, and the other - at the top, turn it and open it.

    Pour all its contents into the device chamber.

    Completely assemble the apparatus put on a face mask or install a mouthpiece. It is better for adults to use a special mouthpiece attachment, as this ensures maximum penetration of the active ingredients to the destination. For children and elderly people who are not able to fully control the breathing process, a face mask is more suitable.

    The duration of the procedure is determined separately by the doctor. In the absence of special instructions, it is carried out until the formation of aerosol stops, which is approximately 10 minutes.

    Clean the components of the device from any remaining liquid.

    The manipulation should be performed no earlier than an hour after eating or smoking. After it, you should not eat, talk, go outside or smoke for an hour and a half.

    Also, the medication can be taken orally, one or two pieces three times a day. Sometimes the dose is increased to 8 milligrams with four doses.

    How many days to inhale with Ventolin in a nebulizer is determined individually based on the severity of the existing pathology.

    How to dilute Ventolin for a nebulizer: instructions

    It is often practiced to administer an undiluted solution. However, if long procedures (more than 10 minutes) are required, it may be necessary to prepare a diluted solution.

    The contents of the ampoule must be properly diluted with saline solution. The doctor determines the ratio of saline solution and Ventolin for each patient personally.

    Traditionally, the solution is prepared by introducing Ventolin into the nebulizer in the prescribed amount and bringing the volume of liquid in the device chamber to 2–2.5 ml. Sometimes only 0.5 ml is used, which should be diluted with a large volume of saline solution.

    If the doctor prescribes the administration of an undiluted solution, then how to do the procedure should be clarified with him. Perhaps the patient will be prescribed 4 ampoules in one session.

    Instructions for children

    When coughing, the child is prescribed inhalation with Ventolin or taking the drug orally. The dosage depends on the severity of the disease and the age of the patient.

    Children are often additionally prescribed oxygen therapy, which involves increasing the amount of inhaled oxygen by saturating the air with it.

    This is necessary to prevent the development of transient hypoxemia, that is, a decrease in the level of oxygen in the blood.

    Children from 2 to 12 years old

    At such an early age, it is better to give preference to other forms, although sometimes an exception is made.

    Traditionally, treatment begins with 2.5 ml of the drug per session of inhalation therapy; occasionally, in severe situations, the dose is increased to 5 ml. The liquid is diluted with sterile saline solution.

    Sessions can be performed up to 4 times a day, but usually two are enough. There must be an interval of at least 30 minutes between them.

    Since young children do not always understand how to breathe correctly, this will make it easier for them to inhale the aerosol and increase the effectiveness of treatment.

    For internal use:

    • from 2 to 6 years – 1–2 mg three times a day;/li>
    • from 6 years – 2 mg three times a day.

    Children over 12 years old

    For teenagers, the dosage is identical to adults. The procedure is carried out in a similar way.

    Ventolin inhalation during pregnancy

    Ventolin in nebulas is prescribed to pregnant women only when the predicted benefit outweighs the possible risk to the fetus developing in the womb.

    There is no evidence of a teratogenic effect of the drug, although according to some reports, some women who took a number of other drugs gave birth to children with cleft palates and limb deformities.

    During lactation, the use of the medication is not indicated, since its active substance passes into breast milk. Its effect on the infant's body is unknown.


    Taking too large amounts increases the risk of hyperkalemia and lactic acidosis. It is also possible that:

    • tremors, mainly of the hands;
    • increased heart rate;
    • hyperactivity.

    Interaction with other drugs

    The medicine should not be used simultaneously with:
    • MAO inhibitors (Nialamide, Iproniazid, Tranylcypromine, Phenelzine, Selegin, Befol, Moclobemide, etc.);
    • non-selective β-blockers (Propranolol, Anaprilin, Sotalol, Timolol, Nadolol, Vistagan, Korgard, Inderal, Arutimol, etc.);
    • theophylline.

    It is prescribed with great caution against the background of the use of large doses of a number of sympathomimetics (vasoconstrictor drops such as Naphthyzin, Galazolin, Nazik, Nazivin, Rinazolin, Otrivin, Nazol, Noxprey, etc.).

    This is due to the fact that the joint use of sympathomimetics, which includes salbutamol, in particular, in the presence of pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

    The medicine is also prescribed with caution to patients taking ipratropium bromide. If it accidentally gets into the eyes during inhalation administration, there is a risk of angle-closure glaucoma, so patients must be warned to be careful when performing the manipulation.


    Together they help to quickly eliminate inflammation and obstruction, speed up recovery, facilitate coughing, and also relieve serious attacks of bronchial asthma.

    Ventolin is especially often prescribed together with Pulmicort for inhalation for children; the dosage in each situation is determined specifically for each child.

    But they should be administered separately, leaving at least half an hour between procedures.

    In less severe cases, the doctor usually chooses one thing. This depends on the patient’s condition and the nature of the pathology.


    The most popular and affordable analogue of Ventolin in nebulas is Salbutamol metered-dose aerosol. Nevertheless, complete analogues in terms of active substance and release form are Ventilor and Salamon Steri-Neb.

    Other analogues produced in the form of a classic pocket inhaler include:

    • Salbuvent;
    • Aloprol;
    • Volmax;
    • Salgim;
    • Astalin;
    • Saltos, etc.

    Storage conditions and periods

    The medication is stored in a place dark from light and out of reach of children at temperatures up to 30°C. The shelf life is 3 years from the date of production.

    After opening the individual aluminum packaging, nebula can be stored for no longer than 3 months.




    Ventolin is a selective β2-adrenergic agonist.
    In therapeutic doses, it affects β2-adrenergic receptors of the bronchi, providing a bronchodilator effect.
    The effect on myocardial β1-adrenergic receptors is minimal or completely absent. Ventolin suppresses the release of leukotrienes, histamine, prostaglandin, and other biologically active substances from mast cells.
    Suppresses bronchial reactivity (early and late), increases the vital capacity of the lungs, reduces resistance in the respiratory tract, activates the functions of the ciliated epithelium, increases mucociliary clearance, increases mucus secretion, and has a pronounced bronchodilator effect. Also prevents allergen-induced bronchospasm.
    Ventolin is used to prevent or relieve bronchospasm.
    The drug affects the secretion of insulin and glycogenolysis, reduces the concentration of potassium in the blood plasma, has a hyperglycemic and lipolytic effect, and can cause acidosis.
    In therapeutic doses, Ventolin has no negative effect on the cardiovascular system and does not cause an increase in blood pressure.
    Causes expansion of the coronary arteries, has a positive chronotropic and inotropic effect.

    Ten to twenty percent of the administered dose of Ventolin during inhalation reaches the lower respiratory tract.
    The rest of the drug settles in the delivery device or nasopharynx. The dose of the drug that reaches the lower respiratory tract enters the systemic circulation and is not metabolized in the lungs.
    The drug binds to plasma proteins by 10%.
    Ventolin begins to act four to five minutes after inhalation, the duration of action is four to six hours.
    The drug, which enters the systemic circulation, is metabolized in the liver and excreted in the urine unchanged and in the form of a phenol sulfate compound.
    Part of the drug that enters the gastrointestinal tract from the nasopharynx is absorbed and metabolized in the liver into a phenol sulfate compound and then excreted by the kidneys.
    About ninety percent of the drug is excreted in the urine, four percent in the bile.
    Most of Ventolin is eliminated from the body within 72 hours.
    The drug penetrates the placental barrier.

    Indications for

    For bronchial asthma: prevention and relief of bronchospasm, as a component in the complex treatment of bronchial asthma (including status asthmaticus).
    For preventive purposes used immediately before contact with an allergen or before physical activity.
    Ventolin is also used for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which is accompanied by reversible bronchial obstruction.

    Mode of application:

    Ventolin Nebula.
    The drug is not intended for injection.
    It is administered by inhalation using a nebulizer with a mask, endotracheal or T-tube.
    With hypoventilation, there may be a risk of hypoxia, then the inhaled air can be enriched with oxygen.
    Ventolin Nebula is used without dilution, but if long-term inhalation is necessary (more than ten minutes), the drug can be diluted with a sterile 0.9% sodium chloride solution.

    The drug should be used in well-ventilated areas, since part of the drug enters the environment during inhalation.
    This is especially important in a hospital setting, where nebulizers can be used by several patients at the same time.
    The initial dose of Ventolin for inhalation using a nebulizer is 2.5 milligrams, but if necessary, can be increased to five milligrams.
    Inhalations can be carried out up to four times a day.
    In a hospital setting, with severe airway obstruction, the dose for adult patients can be increased to 40 mg/day.
    The clinical effectiveness of Ventolin in children under eighteen months of age by nebulizer administration has not been studied.

    Ventolin Evohaler.
    Intended for use in children over two years of age and in adults.
    Patients who have difficulty coordinating the nebulization of the inhaler and inhalation should use a spacer.
    The Bebihaler device has been developed for young children.
    Prevention of bronchospasm attacks that are associated with physical activity or exposure to an allergen: two hundred mcg (two inhalations) ten to fifteen minutes before the action of the provoking factor.
    Children. Relief of an attack of bronchospasm: one hundred to two hundred mcg (one or two inhalations).
    Prevention of bronchospasm attacks that are associated with physical activity or exposure to an allergen: one hundred to two hundred micrograms (one or two inhalations) ten to fifteen minutes before the action of the provoking factor.
    Long-term maintenance therapy: up to two hundred mcg (two inhalations) up to four times a day.

    Side effects:

    Possible hypersensitivity reactions:
    - angioedema;
    - bronchospasm;
    - urticaria;
    - hypotension up to collapse.
    When using the drug, a decrease in the level of potassium in the blood plasma is possible.
    Headache, tremors, increased excitability and hyperactivity may also occur.

    From the cardiovascular system tachycardia often occurs, sometimes cardiac arrhythmia occurs: supraventricular tachycardia, extrasystole, atrial fibrillation. Ventolin may cause peripheral vasodilation.
    When using Ventolin may happen paradoxical bronchospasm, with a significant increase in shortness of breath after inhalation.
    In such cases, the drug is discontinued, and alternative treatment methods are selected for the patient.
    When inhaling Ventolin, irritation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx was sometimes observed. The drug can cause muscle cramps.


    Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug;
    - use of the drug in children under one and a half years of age.
    Carefully used in patients with:
    - chronic heart failure;
    - arterial hypertension;
    - thyrotoxicosis;
    - tachyarrhythmias, pheochromocytoma;
    - during pregnancy and lactation.

    When treating bronchial asthma, Ventolin should not be the only or main component of therapy.
    An increasing need for the use of short-acting β2-agonists to control the symptoms of bronchial asthma indicates the progression of the disease.
    This condition poses a threat to the patient’s life, so the treatment plan must be revised; the issue of increasing the dose of glucocorticosteroids is being decided.
    In such patients, maximum expiratory flow is monitored daily.
    Decide on increasing the dose Only a doctor can take Ventolin, since taking large doses of the drug can lead to adverse effects.
    Patients must be taught how to properly use an inhalation aerosol or nebulizer; the effectiveness of treatment depends on this.
    Do not allow the aerosol or inhalation solution to come into contact with the eyes..
    When using a nebulizer, synchronization of inhalation with inhalation is not required, therefore Ventolin Nebula is preferable for use in children and elderly patients.

    other medicinal
    by other means:

    Ventolin and non-selective beta blockers (propranolol) should not be used simultaneously.
    In case of thyrotoxicosis, it increases tachycardia.
    It also enhances the effect of drugs that stimulate the central nervous system.
    Increases the likelihood of developing arrhythmia while taking cardiac glycosides.
    Ventolin is not contraindicated in patients taking MAO inhibitors.
    Theophylline and other xanthines when taken together with Ventolin increase the likelihood of tachyarrhythmias.
    When taken together with inhalational anesthetics and levodopa, ventricular arrhythmias may occur.
    Intraocular pressure may increase when taking Ventolin together with anticholinergic drugs.
    Glucocorticosteroids and diuretics may increase hypokalemia caused by the use of Ventolin.


    During pregnancy, the drug is prescribed only when when the benefit to the mother outweighs any potential risk to the fetus.
    There have been no strictly controlled clinical studies examining the teratogenicity of Ventolin.
    There is evidence of the birth of children with polydactyly in those mothers who used Ventolin during pregnancy, but a clear relationship between the occurrence of pathology and taking the drug has not been established.
    The drug can be used during pregnancy, since the risk of placental hypoxemia for the fetus against the background of uncontrolled bronchial asthma in the mother far exceeds the potential risk from taking the drug.
    However, Ventolin should be used with caution, since its use can cause hyperglycemia and tachycardia in the mother and fetus, as well as weakness of labor, low blood pressure and pulmonary edema. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.
    Do not freeze.
    Shelf life - two years.
    Do not use after expiration date.
    Ventolin Nebula Store in original packaging at temperatures below 30°C.
    After opening the aluminum foil, store the nebulas for no more than three months in a place protected from light at a temperature of no more than 30°C.
    Unused Ventolin solution that remains in the nebulizer cannot be stored; it should be thrown away.
    Shelf life - three years.
    Do not use the drug after the expiration date indicated on the package.

    Ventolin Evohaler aerosol for inhalation dosed contains in one dose:
    - active ingredient: salbutamol - 100 mcg;
    - excipients: spray gas HFA 134a.

    Ventolin Nebula solution for inhalation 2.5 ml contains:
    - active ingredient: salbutamol - 2.5 mg;
    - excipients: sodium chloride, purified water, diluted sulfuric acid.