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The first year of a baby’s life is a special time for his parents, filled with endless tenderness and a huge number of reasons for concern.

The period when a child is teething inevitably causes a lot of trouble for children and the adults around them.

Parents, especially if they have their first child, are concerned about how to understand that their baby is teething and how to help him.

The first signs of the process are determined several weeks or a month before the teeth appear.

When children are teething, the symptoms are:

  • increased salivation;
  • itching - the child constantly tries to bite something;
  • on the gums – swelling and hyperemia;
  • sleep becomes restless;
  • tearfulness increases;
  • appetite decreases.

Excessive salivation and a desire to bite objects already appear in a four-month-old baby. Passing a tooth through bone tissue and gum definitely causes a lot of pain and discomfort. The anxiety and moodiness that appears at this time are justified.

The listed symptoms of teething appear in children with varying intensity. Some babies do not experience much discomfort. But there are not many of them. Most people need help at this stage.

Additional symptoms Teething in children under one year of age:

  • body temperature rises;
  • lethargy, cough, runny nose appears;
  • indigestion - vomiting, constipation, diarrhea;
  • Manifestations of diathesis and rash intensify.

It seems that this initial stage colds, the baby gets sick.

An increase in temperature in combination with a cough and runny nose, as well as indigestion, requires increased attention. At this time, it is important to correctly assess the baby’s condition, recognize the problem, and check whether the child is really teething or whether this is a sign of illness. Parents need to be attentive and understand when to see a doctor.

The release of mucus (snot) in the nose will help you identify teething. Externally it is liquid and transparent. This type of runny nose goes away on its own after a few days. No treatment required. But if the child is worried severe runny nose, and the color of the mucus is cloudy white or greenish, you need to consult a doctor.

Read also:

Number of baby teeth in children of different ages


The cause of coughing is increased salivation. Lying on his back, the child coughs more severely and cannot sleep at night. This cough goes away quickly.

Wet, painful cough, persisting longer than 2-3 days, accompanied by shortness of breath and sputum production - a signal for immediate appeal to the pediatrician.


High body temperature (above 38°C) should always be alarming. There is no point in self-medication, so if the temperature rises, show the child to the pediatrician: the condition may indicate that the baby is sick.


When teething, the stool is liquid, which is caused by an abundance of saliva. But it should not be intense (more than 5 times a day) and contain mucus or blood.


It is relatively rare, but is also associated with increased salivation.

The combination of vomiting, diarrhea and high fever requires consultation with a doctor.

External signs

Look carefully at the baby's mouth: swollen, reddened gums at the site of the future tooth indicate its imminent appearance.

Parents want to know how long the teething process will take. On average, a tooth erupts from 2 to 7 days. If this drags on for several weeks, consult a doctor.

First visit to the dentist infant should take place before the age of one year.

Timing of baby teeth eruption

Aware of the difficulties that arise during teething, parents eagerly await the appearance of the first tooth.

Experts do not install certain deadlines eruption of baby teeth. The process is influenced by:

  • heredity;
  • quality of food and water;
  • climatic conditions.

As a rule, the lower central incisors erupt first, then the upper central incisors. The lateral incisors appear behind them. A one-year-old baby can have 8 teeth. It would seem that now the first fang should come out. But the turn of the third teeth comes after the first molars appear. The most problematic chewing organs are the canines, especially the upper ones, which are also called “eye” because they are connected to the facial nerve.

The appearance of all 20 baby teeth, on average, ends by the baby’s third birthday. Temporary fluctuations in one direction or another are the norm: each child develops at his own rhythm.

How to help your child

What can you do to help when your baby is teething?

Read also:

Nerves in baby teeth: myth or reality?

Gum massage

Gently massaging helps reduce pain and itching in the gums. You can do it with your finger, wrapping it with a piece of bandage (soaked in cooled boiled water): gently, without pressure, do not rub.

Massage is also done with a special toothbrush. They are made from soft silicone. Brushes with delicate silicone bristles effectively massage the gums while cleansing the oral cavity. Ribbed ones are intended for cleaning the first teeth, but not for massage. A silicone brush is used to clean the teeth of a child up to one and a half years old, and then purchase a brush that is appropriate for his age.

Teether toys

Special teething toys. They are made of rubber or silicone. Some of them are filled with liquid. If you keep the teether in the refrigerator, biting such a cool toy will help your baby relieve pain.

Medicines for teething in children

You can resort to pharmaceuticals, intended to facilitate teething, apply ointment.

Kamistad. A gel with analgesic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and antiseptic properties. It is made on the basis of lidocaine and chamomile extract. Intended for children from 3 months.

Dentinox. Available in the form of a gel or solution. It will help soothe gums and relieve inflammation. Safe if swallowed.

Kalgel. Gel, the main component is lidocaine. Pain relief. Designed for children from 5 months. An allergic reaction may occur.

Holisal. Analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic gel. May cause a short-term burning sensation.

Homeopathic medicines

Dantinorm baby. An anesthetic solution that can reduce the severity of digestive upset.

Dentokind. Available in the form of tablets, soluble in water. Relieves infants from teething symptoms, including nasal congestion, diarrhea and hyperthermia.

Medicines will help the child. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions for use.

But these remedies appeared quite recently, and teething has always caused children to suffer. Parents tried to make this unpleasant process easier.

Folk remedies

The best way to reduce pain, both before and today, is mother’s finger, gently massaging the swollen gum.

Herbal soothing teas (chamomile, valerian or lemon balm) are useful for both the child and the mother.

Bread crusts or crackers with their sharp edges can injure the gums, so it is not advisable to give them to a child. Also, be careful of crumbs.

Using cold

You can massage the gums with a piece of ice wrapped in a cloth, or give your child a cooled terry cloth to chew on.

Some parents do not know how to understand that their child is teething. Meanwhile, sometimes this is very important, because children have complications associated with this process.

This article describes how to alleviate his condition during this period.

You can never predict exactly when a child will get his first teeth. It depends on the genetic predisposition and type of nutrition of children. This is influenced by disease, climate and gender (girls develop teeth earlier).

Young parents are sometimes lost and don’t know how to understand that teething is happening.

Usually the lower incisors appear first and then the upper incisors. Most often this happens.

However, there are also cases when teeth of a different type begin to emerge first. This is not scary and is completely normal. About a year later, 4 more incisors erupt; the canine grows when children turn two years old.

On average, a child of one and a half years already has his first baby teeth. Most often, children around seven months already have their first tooth, but for some it happens differently.

There is no need to worry if after the seventh month there are still no teeth - each person’s body is individual.

However, in some cases you should be a little concerned about their late appearance. For example, if a child’s first tooth appears two or more months later than the average period.

Perhaps this is a consequence of a violation metabolic processes in the body or problems with the intestines.

You should be concerned if the first tooth appears much earlier (2-3 months). Most often, this indicates disturbances in the endocrine system.

Sometimes it happens that a child is already born with teeth. This is quite a rare case. Then the teeth are simply removed to make feeding convenient.

One way or another, if there are certain violations, you need to show the child to a doctor so that he can determine the exact cause. If you fix problems in early childhood, then you can avoid complications in the future.

It happens that a baby who is already a year old does not have teeth. Then you need to visit pediatric dentist. Typically, children experience redness and swelling of the gums.

In this case, the doctor will massage to stimulate teething. IN in rare cases Adentia is diagnosed - the absence of tooth germs.

Symptoms of the appearance of the first teeth

Parents usually realize teething is happening when their children start screaming a lot and become very restless.

You should know that the appearance of teeth in a baby may be accompanied by intense salivation, redness and swelling of the gums.

At the same time, the baby begins to crave something to chew on. Usually toys, pacifiers, etc. are used.

You can also tell that a child is teething by decreased appetite, vomiting and tearfulness. In addition, the baby may cough, and sometimes there is a runny nose and stool problems. In some cases, diathesis is possible.

Sometimes a certain symptom is observed before a particular type of tooth appears. For example, when the fangs grow, the child may cough, and when the incisors appeared, he had problems with stool.

Strong painful sensations are explained by the fact that the tooth must pass through the bone and mucous membrane of the gums.

However, this or that symptom in some cases may indicate a completely different reason - this may be infection or something else.

Such signs may well be due to some other disease, since children often get sick at this time.

One of these signs is a cough. It may indicate both the appearance of a tooth and the presence of an infectious disease.

But here you can find differences that will help you correctly understand certain symptoms.

The cough during teething is light and not severe. This is explained by the fact that excess saliva accumulates in the throat. It usually goes away on its own in 2-3 days and does not require treatment.

However, a child may cough in another way - very strongly, with sputum production. Then, most likely, it is a developing disease.

Sometimes children can grow a tooth and develop a disease at the same time. This is explained by the fact that sore gum got infected from toys or food. Then you need to call a doctor.

Even while teeth are growing, a runny nose may begin. This happens because when a tooth begins to erupt, mucus accumulates in the nose.

It should be transparent and liquid, then this is absolutely normal. But if the snot is yellow or green color, then this indicates an infection. If a runny nose is caused by teething, it goes away in a couple of days.

As many people know, heatnormal sign. This is explained defensive reaction body to inflammation of soft tissues.

If the temperature is 37.5, then this is normal, but if it is higher and lasts a long time, then you need to contact a therapist.

Stool disorders - normal symptom for teething. As a rule, diarrhea is not very severe and goes away in 2-3 days.

This is explained by the fact that due to the abundance of saliva, the intestines push the contents more strongly due to increased peristalsis.

However, if the stool does not return to normal for a long time, and has blood in it, then you should urgently consult a doctor.

One of the reasons may be a dangerous infectious disease. In this case, there is no need to allow the child’s body to become dehydrated.

Sometimes people don't know how to recognize and correctly identify teething symptoms. But if you look carefully at the signs and behavior of a child, you can recognize them quite quickly.

What to do?

First you need to behave correctly with him. During this period it is better not to allow stress conditions, because the baby feels everything.

You should take your child in your arms more often, you can sing him a lullaby or give him his favorite toys. It is also advisable not to swear or quarrel in front of him.

During this period, you can feed children unscheduled, as this will only worsen their general condition.

In addition, at this time the child wants the mother's breast more often than usual. You should comply with his request - this will calm the child and make him less irritable.

Even at this time, children really love to chew something, because they experience desire scratch your gums.

You can buy your child special teethers that will help him cope with discomfort.

However, not all children like them; many of them prefer their old rubber mouse or something else.

Then you need to carefully ensure that the child does not put dirty objects in his mouth, and it is better to disinfect all his toys.

Otherwise in oral cavity infection may occur. In addition, you need to select his things and choose those that do not have sharp corners and soft material.

Contrary to common misconception, you should not give him a spoon, as it can scratch his gums.

Quite often at this time the child annoys everyone with his screams, including his parents.

The fact is that the baby experiences very severe pain, which can be mitigated. There are a number of drugs that can do this.

For example, Kamistad gel can help. It can relieve inflammation and disinfect the child’s oral cavity. It contains chamomile extract and lidocaine.

Another gel, Dentinox will reduce inflammatory process and eliminates bacteria. However, an allergy may appear to it, which manifests itself in a slight burning sensation.

Kalgel can also help. This is a lidocaine gel that can relieve pain, but not very severe. It can only be taken by children after 5 months. You may be allergic to it.

However, gels do not always help. Since the child has a fever, Paracetamol is more suitable for him.

This remedy will not only relieve fever, but will also help the baby fall asleep faster. But you need to remember that this medicine should not be given for more than three days.

Panadol in the form of suppositories or suspension, which contains paracetamol, can also help. If the baby is very small, then candles are more suitable.

Nurofen for children helps well; it contains ibuprofen. This tool relieves pain well and quickly.

It should be remembered that children should not be given Aspirin, because it is a very toxic drug that can cause harm. children's body. The same applies to Analgin.

If your baby has a very bad runny nose, you can give him Nazivin for children or Aqualor.

You just need to remember that a large number of mucus is abnormal for normal teething, so you should definitely show your baby to the doctor.

If children experience severe redness of the throat, then you can use Tantum Verde or Miramistin spray.

Just before purchasing and using, you must first consult with your doctor - the drugs must be suitable for age and composition.

In this case, children are also taken to a therapist so that he can determine the cause of a severe runny nose.

If observed severe upset Gastrointestinal tract, then you can give Smecta.

Parents need to understand that the child should be shown to a doctor, and in no case should they self-medicate.

Young mothers know: “if the baby is less than six months old and he cries, most likely it’s colic, if he’s older, it’s teething.” Indeed, at a certain age, parents, acquaintances, and even complete strangers are inclined to attribute any crying or malaise of the child to the “difficult” process of the appearance of the first teeth. How to understand that teeth are being cut, and something else is bothering your baby?

When should you expect your first baby teeth to appear?

The main factor determining the timing of teething in a child is heredity. If parents have teeth early (or vice versa - late), then there is a high chance that their baby will also get teeth around the same period. In addition to the genetic factor, the mother’s diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding, diseases of the mother and child, features of pregnancy and even childbirth, as well as ecology and climate (it is believed that in hotter regions children develop teeth earlier than children) also have an influence. little northerners).

On average, teething begins between 5-6 and 8 months of life. If your child is 9 months or older and still has no teeth, consult a specialist - although such cases are often normal.

How to understand that teeth are being cut?

There is no need to worry in advance that the child will suffer greatly during the appearance of baby teeth. Many children do not feel any discomfort at all, and the teeth in the mouth are determined “after the fact” - yesterday there was nothing, but today a sharp corner sticks out!

But there are many children whose first teeth do not cut so easily. Regular signs of teething in babies:

  • change in behavior - whims "out of the blue", crying
  • the child may refuse to eat, and if he is breastfeeding- on the contrary, apply much more often
  • the baby does not sleep well at night (sometimes during the day too), often wakes up, whines
  • the child literally puts everything he can reach into his mouth, and there is profuse salivation
  • for some time before teeth appear, the child may have a runny nose, cough and even diarrhea

Another fairly common “dental symptom” is an increase in body temperature. Usually these are small numbers, up to 37 - 37.5 degrees. If the thermometer shows 38 or higher, then most likely the teeth have nothing to do with it, the child has caught an infection, call a doctor!

How long can the temperature last during teething? is also determined by heredity and the characteristics of the child’s body. But usually this symptom goes away in 2-3 days.

Just before teeth appear, you can see swelling, “looseness” of the gums, and even a thin white stripe inside the child’s gums—the future tooth. At the moment of teething, a little blood may come out, you should not be afraid of this.

It is also considered normal for a dark lump (subcutaneous hemorrhage) to appear on the gum; if it does not interfere or hurt, you can simply observe it, but if you are concerned about its appearance, then you should consult a doctor.

If the appearance of baby teeth causes too much inconvenience to the baby, you can.

What do we know about the order of teething in babies?

Your child's first teeth will most likely be the lower central incisors. They appear for about 6 months, one after another.

Then at 6-8 months. The upper central teeth are erupting.

The third are the upper and lower lateral incisors (9-13 months), the upper and lower lateral molars (13-18 months), and only after them - the canines (16-22 months). The process of eruption of baby teeth ends with the appearance of a couple more of the outermost molars - above and below.

By the age of two, the process of the appearance of baby teeth is usually completed - there will be a total of 20 of them. Teething order in babies rarely as clear as in medical textbook- this is considered individual feature body.

Teeth cutting

Determining that your baby has started teething is not at all difficult. There are certain signs, the manifestation of which indicates the beginning of teething. This process is strictly individual and manifests itself differently in all children. Some babies may have all the signs of teething, while others may have only a few, or even none at all.

But the main thing during this difficult period for the child is attention from the mother, who should try to surround him with love, affection and ensure order and cleanliness in the house. Since when teething, babies begin to chew on everything, including their fist, it is very important that all things and toys with which it is surrounded are clean. To prevent the child from catching intestinal infection, you should do wet cleaning daily.

Teething is a natural physiological process. Every child goes through it. Sometimes there are cases when teething is accompanied by severe pain and mothers simply don’t know what to do and how to help their baby. Fever and diarrhea are also sometimes attributed to teeth. But how exactly can you determine that your baby has started teething?

There are symptoms that can help determine the beginning of this process. Below are the main signs of teething.

1. Salivation, which is accompanied throughout the entire process of teething. At this time, the child constantly puts the first things that come to hand into his mouth and often grinds his fist in his mouth. Therefore, it is very important that he has only clean toys and teethers around him so that he can scratch his gums and relieve the pain.

2. Swelling or inflammation of the gums accompanied by pain. It is very difficult for a child at such moments. You can help him by doing cold compress. For example, you can take a piece of ice and massage your gum with it. Pharmacies also sell special gels that have an analgesic effect.

3. Whims and mood swings. When teething takes a long time and this process is accompanied by pain, the child becomes very capricious. At such moments, the mother of the baby needs to be patient and understanding. You can distract your child by showing him loud toys or something interesting. But you need to choose toys so that they do not overstimulate or irritate the child with strong sounds.

4. Bad dream accompanied by diarrhea and fever. Sometimes symptoms of infection may appear.

5. Nasal discharge. When the upper incisors erupt, you may experience nasal discharge, which should not be colored or sticky.

The process of teething is very painful, so every mother tries to do everything possible to somehow ease it and help her baby. There are special toys for this - teethers. In addition to them, you can also use medications. This includes a special gel, and in case of fever - an antipyretic. If your body temperature exceeds thirty-eight and a half degrees, you can use an antipyretic candle. But for this, you must first consult a doctor.

Gum massage helps a lot. To do this, massage the gums at the site of the tooth eruption with your finger. Accordingly, hand hygiene should be observed, and if necessary, the finger can be wrapped in a clean bandage. You need to massage gently, without causing pain to the baby. You cannot press on the gum. You can lightly scratch your baby's gums.

Give your child a special teether. It would be much better if it were cool. In contact with the gum, the cool teether will slightly soothe the pain and reduce inflammation. There are also special gel rings. They are designed to be chilled in the refrigerator. But, under no circumstances put them in the freezer! It is advisable to have a couple of such rings. When the child uses one ring, the second one will be waiting for him in the refrigerator.

You can give your child a cool apple or carrot. The child will slowly chew and bite it. Brown bread crackers are also ideal for this purpose.

Will help reduce pain special drugs, which include “Kalgel” or “Dentinox - N”. They soothe, relieve itching and pain and have an anesthetic effect. Only use these drugs strictly as prescribed by your doctor.

Try to treat your baby with double the care and affection and don’t get angry when the baby is naughty, refuses to eat, or has a fever. Your understanding and love can help him overcome such a difficult period in his life.