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Who suits round glasses? Fashion hit: round sunglasses (Lennons, Tishades)

Ultra-fashionable " cat eye“doesn’t suit everyone, round quiet shades even more so. We tell you how to avoid getting into trouble and choose the frames of sunglasses or corrective glasses that are ideal for your face type.

There are seven types of face shapes. We explain how they differ from each other, and what “framework” suits them best. Just approach this issue responsibly (and closely to the mirror) and forever forget about the problem of choosing the perfect frame. Our recommendations are suitable for both sunglasses and corrective glasses.

Round face

Jackie Chan

Jacqueline Kennedy

This type of face is distinguished by a wide forehead, a “non-protruding” chin and plump cheeks. The length and width of the oval are proportional, as if the circle was drawn using a compass. Usually, owners of this type of face dream of reducing their roundness a little and adding more geometry to their face. Glasses without curved elements will help you achieve an “angular” effect: rectangular frames or the legendary wayfarers will do. At the same time, it is important that the glasses are not square - they should be much narrower in width than in length (otherwise you will achieve the same effect as if you were wearing round Lenons - you will emphasize your cheeks and chin even more). Oversized glasses are also not exactly your option: they will cover most of your face and create an incorrect geometry.

Suitable: rectangular and trapezoidal, cat's eye, aviators, wayfarers.

Unsuitable: round and oversized frames.

Square face

Johnny Depp

Olivia Wilde

Those with angular facial features need to pay attention to models that will visually soften sharp cheekbones, a strongly prominent jawline and a wide forehead. These options include round and oval frames, as well as “cat’s eyes” - they will visually round out the lines. In this case, oversized models are also shown. Feel free to choose the most unusual of them, like a pentagon or with applications that go beyond the outline of the frame ─ all the geometry will only work to your advantage.

Suitable:"cat's eye", round, oval.

Unsuitable: square and rectangular.

Oval face

Justin Timberlake

Princess Diana

You are very lucky: this type is distinguished by balanced shapes and proportions ─ a not very wide forehead, a high noble line of cheekbones, a narrow chin and, thanks to all of the above, an open look. Almost any shape option will suit such a face, but when choosing, you will need to pay attention to the width of the frame: it must fit like a glove, otherwise the glasses will constantly fall off. Round glasses will add femininity and softness, angular options will add brutality and toughness. In any case, everyone will be complementary to an oval face. The only note: glasses that are too massive “for half the face” can kill all the charm ─ be careful with them.

Suitable: cat eye, round, square, aviators and wayfarers.

Unsuitable: oversized frames are too large.

Heart shaped face

Brad Pitt

Rachel Harris

The main features of such a face are a wide, prominent forehead, high cheekbones and a sharp chin. Your task is to balance out the slight disproportion by making the “bottom” of the face heavier and removing accents from the “top”. The most ideal form of glasses for such a face is aviators (thin metal frame and lens angles directed away from the face will look extremely advantageous). Wayfarers are also suitable, which will similarly emphasize angularity, but at the same time slightly soften and balance the shape of the face (try it if you are in love with your cheekbones).

Suitable: round and oval glasses, cat eyes, aviators and wayfarers.

Unsuitable: square and rectangular.

Triangular face

Ryan Reynolds

Lady Gaga

This face shape (also called pear-shaped) is characterized by a sharp, prominent jawline and a slightly widened forehead. In general, she is very attractive, it’s just that few people know how to love, appreciate and highlight her. The main rule when choosing glasses for a triangular face is to give preference to models with a lighter “bottom”, that is, those that will be more “active” on top (this can apply to both shape and color accents or patterns). Glasses with upturned corners, like a cat eye, are definitely suitable. Try experimenting with oversized models, but only round shapes ─ too geometric and with sharp corners will make you look old.

Suitable:"cat's eye", aviators, oversized.

Unsuitable: square.

Oblong face

Katy Perry

The oblong shape differs from the oval shape by being more elongated vertically. Such faces are shown all “horizontal” models ─ those that focus on the width of the face, and not on its length (for example, the same tishades). Glasses of unusual shapes will look interesting: traditionally they shorten faces, but in this case, on the contrary, it will be beneficial. You can try glasses shaped like hearts or flowers, which are beloved by music festival fans. But if you dare to bet on something even more original, it’s an honor and honor.

Suitable:"cat's eye", round.

Unsuitable: narrow and rectangular.

Diamond face

Domenico Dolce

Cate Blanchett

This face shape is often compared to a diamond. What distinguishes it is that it is the most wide part located along the cheekbones, the forehead is quite massive, and the chin is sharp and narrow. In this case, the main task with the help of glasses is to achieve proportionality between the bottom and top of the face. Choose glasses that soften your cheekbones and add weight to your lower face, such as aviators or wayfarers. Oversized glasses will also be appropriate if you choose them wisely: such models should protrude no more than a couple of centimeters beyond the oval line, and be more elongated in shape than round.

Suitable: aviators, wayfarers, oversized.

Unsuitable: round.

Photo: Getty Images, press service archives

Long gone are the days when round glasses were associated with nerds and completely unfashionable people. Nowadays, glasses are, in principle, a trendy accessory, not to mention how very popular round frames have become. You can find out who suits round glasses from this article.

Often, round glasses help hide some flaws or features in appearance. Everyone knows that if you have ideal proportions and an oval face, good hair and in general there are no obvious flaws in your appearance, then round glasses will definitely suit you. What should those who, because of their complexes, doubt whether they should wear round glasses? The list below will help you decide.

Oval face and round glasses

Whoever suits round glasses without a doubt is those with an oval face shape. There is no need for comments here; if you have an oval face, you can safely buy glasses of any shape, including round ones, and not be afraid that you will look ridiculous.

suits girls with oval faces

ideal for oval face shape

look great with an oval face

Long face with a sharp chin and round glasses

An elongated face with a sharp chin - with this appearance, round glasses will hide overly elongated facial features. Glasses with dark lenses will look good. A striking example can serve as the shocking Lady Gaga.

suit girls with long faces and pointed chins

suitable for long faces

Square face and round glasses

Square face - in this case, the round shape of the frame will soften the facial features without making it visually wider. Tishades in this case will be an ideal option. A role model can be the sophisticated and elegant Keira Knightley, who, despite all the fragility of her image, has a square face shape with wide cheekbones.

suit girls with square faces

Rectangular face and round glasses

A rectangular face is not ideal, but sex symbol Angelina Jolie has exactly this face shape. She prefers to wear large and sunglasses, which fits well with her image. Therefore, round glasses with frames and dark glass are perfect for you if you also have a rectangular face.

suitable for rectangular shape faces

Triangular face and round glasses

A triangular or heart-shaped face is a face shape in which the face gradually tapers towards the chin. Victoria Beckham is considered a prominent representative of this type; glasses are often found in her images various forms, including round ones.

suit girls with triangular face shape

Who exactly doesn't suit round glasses?

To dot the T's, you need to immediately understand whether round glasses suit you, no matter how fashionable it may be. After all, what is the point of fashion that makes you ugly? There are the following types of appearance for which it is necessary to abandon round glasses and find a more suitable form of glasses or even choose a different accessory for your image.

Round face and round glasses

A round face - it was so, it is so and it will always be so that the shape of glasses should not repeat the shape of the face, there are no exceptions to the rule, no matter what hipsters and stereotype-breakers try to impose on us. Give preference to square-shaped glasses; they will look no less fashionable.

Massive chin and round glasses

A massive chin and/or jaw cannot be hidden with round glasses; on the contrary, you will only make your face look heavier. But don’t be discouraged; to correct and balance the lower and upper parts of your face, give preference to equally fashionable and popular Aviator or kitten glasses.

Small stature and round glasses

Many things are contraindicated for short people. Unfortunately, round glasses can look ridiculous on petite girls and women. But if you wear high heels, then this accessory can successfully complement the look.

Types of round glasses

If all of the above does not apply to you, then you can continue to study the issue of round glasses. It would seem that there are simply glasses with round frames, and if such an accessory suits you, then you can simply buy or order it. But once you start searching, many variations of frames, glasses and their colors will appear. In order not to get confused when choosing the glasses you need, first you need to familiarize yourself with their varieties.

Tishaida's glasses

Tishade glasses are classic representatives of round glasses that have a very simple and thin frame, not overloaded with additional elements and bright colors. One of the founders of the fashion for such glasses was the famous Beatles musician John Lennon.

brown glasses Tishaids with thin frames without decoration

pale pink glasses with thin frames without decoration

Tishayda black glasses with metal frames

Round glasses with large frames

As a rule, the frames of such glasses are made entirely of plastic, but there are also options with metal, the price of which is much higher. Fans of glasses with massive frames include singer Rihanna, who, in principle, likes to complement many of her looks with the help of glasses different colors and forms. And all thanks to the fact that the star has an ideal oval shape faces.

red-brown with a large black frame on top

dark with wide frames and curly arms

cat eye style

Round glasses with colored lenses

When choosing round glasses, you can focus not on the frame, but on the color of the glass itself. The following lens options for round glasses are available:

  1. Black - serves to protect against bright sunny color, especially for sensitive eyes, and are also suitable for those who want to look like Basilio the Cat or Grigory Leps.
  2. Brown - unlike black lenses, they have more contrast and transmit a little more light.
  3. Green - are medicinal in nature, most often used for normalization intraocular pressure, prevention and treatment of glaucoma.
  4. Purple, blue, yellow and pink do not carry ophthalmological prerequisites, but serve only to create a certain image, for example, Ivan Okhlobystin often appears in public wearing quiet glasses with yellow lenses.
  5. Transparent - can be with or without diopters, which allows you to wear glasses, creating a more serious image, even if your vision is normal. This trick is often used by Ksenia Sobchak; among foreign stars, we can mention Emily Ratajkowski, who, despite her young age, looks very sexy in round glasses with thin frames and transparent lenses.

with brown lenses

with brown glasses

stylish brown glasses

red-brown glasses with wide frames on top

with dark purple lenses

with clear lenses without diopters

The conclusion suggests itself - a round face and a wide chin will not be able to harmonize with fashionable glasses round shape, so you will have to choose a different frame. If these 2 comments do not concern you, then feel free to choose any model of round glasses and enjoy your fashionable look.

Choosing a fashionable frame for glasses becomes a real challenge for many women. Often girls grab onto one or two trends chosen by the editors of their favorite magazine and persistently try to fit them into their image. If a trend fits, that’s good, but what to do if you can’t harmoniously introduce it into your image?

Some people give up and return to the old uniform, others stubbornly wear the wrong thing “because it’s fashionable.” So that you don't have to go to such unpleasant extremes, we decided to study everything fashion glasses 2017 years in one article!

So, here are the actual tricks that you can use when choosing regular glasses or sunglasses.


Let's start with the already familiar hits. Horn-rimmed glasses are still at the peak of popularity. You can choose the shape of classic raybens or more elongated options, with a raised corner, rounded or drops - the main thing is that they are in a massive frame, which will become the real “framework” of your image.

Of course, such an accent frame requires a careful approach to choosing the shape. Try everything on possible options. Sometimes a slight rounding of the shape dramatically changes the perception of the glasses. Don't rush into making a choice and give yourself time to think. We also do not recommend limiting yourself to a small mirror above the glasses stand. Give yourself the opportunity to look in a large mirror.

If the store management did not take care of this, do not cut off the labels and do not throw them away so that you can return the glasses within 14 days if you suddenly find a mismatch in shape in the large mirror at home.


Round glasses- the brightest . Supermodels and Hollywood stars constantly shine on their Instagrams wearing such glasses. Round glasses can be in thick accent frames or on thin metal arms, dark or transparent, neutral or very catchy - choose any options.

Of course, you should understand that round glasses are not suitable for everyone. If you don't find a suitable shape in the store, you don't have to compromise with your own taste. You won't wear glasses that don't make you feel beautiful.

Don't waste money on a useless purchase that will gather dust on the shelf. Some trends are tamed only through long, painstaking selection, while others are not tamed at all. This is not a reason to be upset, because we have selected so many different options, among which you will definitely find your ideal trend!


By analogy with clothing, oversized glasses are gradually becoming fashionable. Deliberately large lenses will add a touch of tender youth and fashionable “infancy” to your image. With large glasses, any girl instantly loses several years. It's all about associations: such an image instantly makes us remember how funny and touching a child looks when he tries on his mother's or father's glasses.

In this case, of course, you need to understand that the size of the glasses must be appropriate. The term “oversized” refers solely to the size of the lenses. The arms should not be too wide. Check how comfortably the glasses fit on your nose and ears, and make sure you don't have to constantly adjust them.


There is no need to talk long about drop glasses, or aviators, because this shape has already become iconic! And 2017 gives us the opportunity to rediscover aviator glasses. If you don't already have these glasses, now is the time to buy your first pair. Consider the size of the lenses and how rounded the frame appears when viewed from above. It is these factors that change perceptions. Their variations will help you find glasses to suit your face.

For the first item in the collection, classic black or brown lenses in a metal frame are perfect. If you are expanding your arsenal, you can stop at more unusual options: clear or bright lenses, transparent plastic frames, etc.

Elegant metal

Thin metal frames received a new fashionable birth in 2017! Now such glasses are associated not only with the most traditional, classic images. Thin metal frames of any shape will fit perfectly into trendy looks: with sneakers, bomber jackets and metallic fabrics.

In this case, of course, it is best to choose large glasses with current shapes. But even the usual rectangular, oval or half-glasses can become a wonderful “trick” of your image.

Combined colors

Whatever techniques you prefer, we recommend paying attention to color combinations. You can choose frames that combine contrasting or similar shades, or opt for glasses with gradient lenses. In any case, it will look very trendy! Just carefully study how the glasses look on your face. Combining colors can either improve visual perception or ruin the entire look.

And, of course, you should choose more carefully for combination glasses. So this option is most suitable for those who already have a neutral alternative.


In general, various futuristic shapes and materials, complex combinations and unusual solutions in choosing glasses are welcome this year. If you haven't been able to decide on a bold experiment for a long time, now is the time!

In addition, glasses manufacturers are ready to provide so many unusual shapes that you will certainly be able to choose your own. IN suitable glasses, no matter how colorful and super futuristic they are, you'll look like a fashion expert rather than an urban freak. Previously, there was such a risk, so many could not afford to be original for years.

Happy shopping and stylish looks. Be yourself!

The history of glasses with completely round frames, often called “John Lennon-style glasses,” goes back several decades. The fashion for them began at the beginning of the 20th century, then disappeared and reappeared in the 60s along with the surge in hippie popularity. In the 1980s, quiet shades transformed from sleek, thin wire frames to chunky plastic glasses. They were given a new lease of life by fashion designer shows and a widespread passion for steampunk.

Today's round glasses can be made from various materials (metal, plastic) and glasses (both with diopters and protection from exposure sunlight and radiation from PC monitors).

Buying quiet shades, despite their popularity, should be very careful, since they may not suit every face type and not every suit. Despite their apparent simplicity and elegance, round glasses are not compatible with a business suit. They are best worn with “hippy” outfits: knitted sweaters, custom designer items, black leather biker jackets, skirts and dresses in a modern boho style. Suitable accessories for this style are large ethnic jewelry, a watch on a chain in the “steampunk” style, a large number of jewelry made of genuine leather (bracelets, strings for pendants, etc.). Tishades go well with hats, in particular small-brimmed felt hats and fashionable straw hats.

Round glasses in the style of John Lennon add intelligence and even some bohemianism to the image, which is why they are often worn by artists, actors and other representatives of the creative elite. However, when creating an image in this style, it is very important to stop in time: too many details in the wardrobe, chosen to match the quiet shades, can give a comic effect, because hippies have gone out of fashion for quite a long time.

Don't forget that it's best to choose glasses based on your face. Tishades, being rather large glasses, are not very suitable for people with a round type (here, on the contrary, rectangular glasses are needed, visually elongating the face). The round shape looks very good on an oval or oblong face, masking elongated features. Tishades visually mask a heavy chin and can “smooth out” a big nose with a hump.

Tishades look especially stylish and elegant on tall, slender girls - this is exactly what designers use, including glasses as an accessory at fashion shows.

Body type also influences how people perceive tishades. Due to their unusual nature, round glasses on a short person can be perceived as “clown-like”, especially if they are glasses with a polarizing filter. Because glasses of this type are issued in different sizes, then you don't have to worry about them being too big or small. When choosing quiet shades, you should also focus on the material of manufacture: thick plastic suits girls better, giving it a light feel.

John Lennon, Grigory Leps, Ivan Okhlobystin, Ozzy Osbourne... What unites these characters? A very stylish accessory - Tishaida glasses. They are distinguished by the perfectly round shape of the lenses, often enclosed in a laconic frame. They look great on men and women, but require careful selection of the image to avoid comedy.

Who suits round Tishaida glasses?

Accessories serve fashionistas with the most important service - they complement the image favorably, focusing attention on the necessary areas. All this is about the quiet shades. Whatever they are called! “Lennons”, since the lead singer of the Beatles was the first to bring the accessory to the fashionable Olympus, “bicycles”, “a la the cat Basilio”... However, they are not suitable for everyone. First, let's figure out who is suitable for round glasses.

  1. Those with long faces can safely wear them.
  2. This shape can soften a square chin, a long nose and a massive lower jaw.
  3. Girls with a round face in Lennons will look comical.

Round glasses

This form is considered the most ancient. Just remember the famous pince-nez. Today, round sunglasses can be very diverse: with or without frames, mirrored and colored, small and “”. The only thing that remains unchanged is the ideal circle of lenses, which are made of glass or plastic. The frame can be metal, nylon or plastic. If you decide to strictly follow fashion and be sure to choose “bicycles” for yourself, then it will not be a bad idea to understand their diversity.

Tisheyda mirrored glasses

Mirror optics are a very extravagant element of the image. Initially, such glasses were worn by pilots. They reflect the sun's rays well, so you can safely wear quiet glasses for outdoor hikes. They will go perfectly with shorts, jeans, and light dresses. You can choose colored mirror lenses, and then your image will sparkle with bright colors even more. You just have to choose carefully right size optics. Large round glasses look more universal, while a small shape will be out of place on a long face.

Round steampunk glasses

This is the most shocking variety of tishades. In general, the steampunk style is known for its futurism and emphasis on mechanics. These glasses with round lenses are more like the small binoculars with rubber bands that would be worn by starship pilots in the future. This model is not common, but is found at fashion shows. Accessories in the steampunk style are loved by extremely extraordinary, creative individuals, such as. If you don’t find the model you need in stores, you can make it yourself. This will require your imagination, materials and a man’s hand.

Round rimless glasses

Tishades without frames always look very natural. The face becomes more open, the features practically do not change, so this model will not be able to correct the oval of the face, nose or chin. With such an accessory, lightness immediately appears in your look. Considering the retro nature of this shape, feel free to combine it with elements of hippie style clothing: long flowing skirts and tops. If you are going to correct a rectangular or square face using the Lennons, then don’t hesitate to choose Sunglasses with a round frame.

Round glasses with clear lenses

Transparent round glasses are rightfully associated with the intelligentsia. If your task is to create the image of a “nerd,” then transparent “bicycles” will come to your aid. This accessory can not only be fashionable, but also bring certain benefits to its owner. For example, correcting vision. And if you apply a special anti-reflective coating to the round lenses, then you can safely work at the computer or drive a car in them. You can combine transparent tisheyda glasses with formal blouses and dresses, “diluting” the image is light scarf or beret.

Tishaida's little glasses

Round sunglasses look a little frivolous thanks to the famous animated character - Basilio the cat. On the other hand, thanks to John Lennon, this accessory can add drama to your look. Such quiet shades are chosen by brave girls who want to highlight their personality and are ready for the surprised looks of passers-by. You can combine this model with everyday clothes: shorts, overalls or sundresses. Be sure to complement the look with a hat and statement beads. The extravagant bow is ready. Rest assured, you will definitely not get lost in the crowd.

Round retro glasses

Domestic and overseas film stars of the 60s-70s often preferred them to other models. The peculiarity of “Lennons” in retro style is a massive plain or variegated plastic frame, large lenses in soothing colors: black or brown. “Bicycles” with white or leopard print frames look very fashionable. Round retro sunglasses go well with a sheath dress and a silk scarf tied on the head in the style of Audrey Hepburn. And don't forget about bright lipstick, a small bag and shoes high heels- the image of the temptress is ready.

Fashionable round sunglasses

Accessory in the style of a soloist The Beatles John Lennon has been gaining popularity for several seasons in a row. Many famous couturiers include this model in their collections. The price of women's ties in stores varies from $4 to $600. Both quality and manufacturers vary. If you're preparing for a themed party, then inexpensive glasses will be just the thing. Well, if you want to use them for their intended purpose, as eye protection from sun rays, then it would not be a bad idea to purchase a more expensive model. Let's look at some collections of famous fashion houses.

Chloe round glasses

Traditionally, the Chloe collection is characterized by simplicity and elegance. The accessories of this brand are devoid of unnecessary pretentiousness and pomp. Chloe's round glasses feature sleek frames, double rings and thin metal threads, as well as a subtle color palette. This accessory is suitable for both business and romantic looks. In addition, high-quality materials make these quiet shades real guardians of your excellent vision and smooth skin. Excellent quality and brand recognition dictate its high price, which ranges from $182 to $268.

Chanel round glasses

Almost every fashionista dreams of having an authentic Chanel accessory in her arsenal. Round sunglasses are a great option for this purchase. From collection to collection, the world-famous brand offers its fans a wide selection of eyeglasses. You can choose both classic round models and those decorated with rhinestones, leather, pearls and chains woven into the frame. You will have to spend a lot of money on such a stylish and high-quality accessory. The stores will offer you “bicycles” costing from $236 to $547.

Miu Miu round glasses

The Miu Miu brand belongs to the granddaughter of the founder of the Prada brand. Having inherited a great sense of style, Miuccia Prada creates impeccably fashionable, rebellious collections of clothing and accessories. And she gave a place of honor to quiet glasses in her line. The collection contains both corrective and image sun protection models. The brand's round glasses amaze with the designer's imagination - bright prints, unusual “tattered” frames, bright lenses. This accessory is for girls who are 100% confident in their attractiveness. The price of such “Lennons” is quite high - about $341.

A girl in round glasses always attracts everyone's attention. The stores offer a huge variety of frames, lenses and decor, making this model almost universal. Still, Lennons are a complex accessory. Round lenses dictate certain parameters of the face and hairstyle. The similarity with famous characters can highlight the image favorably, or it can bring it to the point of absurdity. Price for glasses for women tishaida varies greatly. If you need this accessory for a themed party, you can save money. When choosing glasses for vision, buy a high-quality model.

The answer to the question of what to wear with round glasses will be given by the situation for which you are choosing an image:

  1. “Bicycles” go well with many styles, but not all. The exception is sports and military style.
  2. For work or school, you can afford a blouse, a pencil skirt, transparent tie-dyes, and your hair tied up in a bun.
  3. For a walk, dress “a la a hippie girl”: a flowy dress, a leather jacket, wavy hair and dark Lennons.
  4. For a futuristic themed party, go for a steampunk look.
  5. Don’t be afraid to experiment, because fashionable frames for eyeglasses are very conventional.