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How to properly dry a cat after bathing. How to wash a cat? A few rules for proper blow drying

Shampoos for humans and cats differ in their acid-base balance. In order to properly wash your cat's fur, it is recommended to buy special cat shampoos. They can be found in stores or veterinary pharmacies.

After bathing with shampoo, you need to rinse with conditioner. He has more acidic environment and it neutralizes the effect of shampoo, restores the acid-base balance, envelops each hair as if with a protective barrier, prevents excess moisture from evaporating from wool and skin, and creates antistatic protection. At the same time, the wool is very easy to comb and style. Conditioner and shampoo must be of the same series and manufacturer!

If you are preparing for an exhibition, it is better to choose a texturizing shampoo or corrective color. The conditioner is also of your choice, depending on the type of animal’s fur. If you want volume - protein, so that it fits more - vegetable.

It is recommended to dilute shampoo and conditioner in water before bathing - this will enhance their properties. Never use the “2 in 1” series - conditioner and shampoo, because you won’t buy this for yourself - because they do not give the same effect as separately.

Let's go wash the cat

1. We dilute shampoo and conditioner in bowls or bottles. We turn on the shower, set the water temperature to about 38 degrees, and leave it on. Place dry towels nearby. In the room we prepare a hairdryer, combs, lotions.
2. We gently take her in our arms and carefully place her in the bathroom. Rinse with water and wet it thoroughly. Apply shampoo with gentle movements and rinse. Lather for the second time for about 3-4 minutes and rinse. Don't forget about the tummy, groin and muzzle. The first time the dirt is washed off, the second time the fur and skin are deeply cleaned.
3. We wash the muzzle with water and cotton wool. You can use a sponge. If you use shampoos, use tear-free shampoo. I personally wash with water.
4. Rinse with pre-diluted conditioner
5. After rinsing off the conditioner, we squeeze the cat out with our hands - all the excess water we can and wrap it in a towel. If you think that cat fur needs additional nutrition then do not wash off the conditioner completely.
6. We begin to dry and comb our kitty.

We dry it as follows: the hairdryer should not be too hot, the cat’s body temperature is slightly higher than that of a human, but you still don’t need to scorch the fur. We dry it on all sides, constantly moving the hairdryer, but don’t dry it completely - it will dry on its own, the main thing is that there are no drafts. You don’t have to dry the cat - if it’s hot (summer) or sit it next to a heater, but she will find where to go to dry herself. Since bathing is stressful, and any stress affects the cat, it is better not to touch the cat for a while so that it comes to its senses and its normal self returns.

How to properly blow dry a cat.

Many people mistakenly believe that cats cannot stand the noise of hair dryers. This is not so - they are afraid of some thing that makes noise, twitches and showers them with hot air! How can this be avoided? It turns out to be very simple! It is best to purchase a silent hair dryer model. We fix the hairdryer on the table with a book, tape or something else, the main thing is that it is motionless. We turn it on, bring the cat from below, place it on the desired side, and comb it, dry it and twist it on the side we consider necessary.

Bathing cats in pictures:

How to wash someone who absolutely does not want to wash? For example, a cat that is used to not only walking on its own, but also showing its character at any time, regardless of personality and authority? Gradually accustoming, try to find mutual language, so that the animal understands the need for such important procedures.

The main thing is that water does not get into the cat’s ears, eyes and mouth. And it is also necessary to dilute detergent water, since almost all of them are produced in high concentrations.

After washing, an equally important and responsible procedure follows - drying the animal.

A wet and disheveled pet should be thoroughly dried with a towel. Then you need to use a comb to tidy up the fur. You need to stroke it with a comb against the growth of the fur until it becomes dry, or for as long as the animal allows you.

How to dry a cat correctly? Let's try to answer this question. After thoroughly rinsing the shampoo with water, the wool should be wrung out by hand. First under the belly, and then from the paws.

Drafts are contraindicated for animals, and it is necessary to start drying from the head if we're talking about about drying with a towel, but do not rub the wool too much (this will harm its condition). Next, after drying with a towel, you need to comb the already semi-dry fur, against the growth, centimeter by centimeter, because wet fur is very seriously damaged.

If you start with the head, then it is better to leave the rest of the body wrapped in a towel (this will make you calmer and the cat will be fixed). You will have to change more than one towel, so prepare everything in advance. If an animal is trembling, then it does not do so out of fear, but because it is really cold, so do not let it go from the warmth.

Is it possible to blow dry a cat? More likely yes than no, but only if the animal is accustomed to this. At first they will be very unnerved by the noise, but some quickly get used to this inconvenience and even experience special pleasure. When treating wool with a hairdryer, you can secure the cat, for example, in a carrier or a fairly comfortable basket.

The faster you complete the entire procedure, the less stress and risk of catching a cold your animal will have. For long-haired breeds, be sure to use a comb, always brushing against the grain.

Start blow-drying from the head and neck of the animal, continuing to dry the chest, front paws, back and stomach, hind legs, tail. You can use a special antistatic agent. The most important thing is not to rush, in this case you can only harm the animal and seriously damage the animal, as well as injure the skin.

Washed and wrapped in a towel. By the way, it will be very good if it turns out to be warm - from a radiator or from a heated towel rail.

“The basis of grooming is health,” says Natalya. — No cosmetics will help a cat look good if he doesn’t feel well. With grooming we can only emphasize natural beauty animal. Clean the skin and fur, show the cat as it would be in natural conditions. After all, our houses and apartments are unnatural conditions for a cat’s life, and it’s no secret that animals that have the opportunity to go outside and walk in an enclosure look much better than those locked within four walls.”

Dust, static electricity, central heating - all this has a negative effect on wool. Therefore, grooming and washing are necessary for cats. And not only for those who exhibit. After all, it’s nice when he walks around the house beautiful cat- and the cat itself will feel better when its fur and skin are clean and well-groomed. Therefore, regular bathing - depending on the condition of the coat, once every six months or three to four months - is recommended for everyone, including pets.

On the other hand, if cat hair quickly loses its well-groomed appearance, despite the most correct and thorough washing - this is a signal to check its health.

Meanwhile, Rusya, after sitting in a towel, was again placed on the grooming table to continue the master class.

Before blow-drying your cat, comb the fur everywhere - along the body, on the paws, on the chest and armpits, on the tail and in the groin.

Sometimes tangles form during washing - the hair that falls out gets tangled. Before the main drying, they must be disassembled and combed. The “drop” tangle cutter does this better than others: the sharp end is used to pry up the tangle and the blade is used to cut it, if necessary, repeatedly. The remaining tangles can be easily combed out with a comb.

If we are talking about exhibition grooming, then we cannot do without a hairdryer. But not all cats take it calmly. Therefore, when turning on the hair dryer, keep it as far away from the cat as possible, pointing it towards reverse side. And keep the cat. Gradually bring the hair dryer closer and monitor the reaction.

An important part of being a groomer is the right balance of confidence and caution. Agree on good behavior You can do it with any cat - but just in case, look for a place where you can throw the hairdryer without consequences if the client breaks out.

There are several ways to dry a cat. For example, on the table. Hold the cat with one hand, a comb in the other, and a hairdryer in the third. Perhaps, with the development of human society, a new race will arise - three-armed groomers... but who knows, there are still many cases in life when a third hand would be very useful? In the meantime, we have to use various tricks.

But if you have an assistant, then the work is much easier and more convenient. The groomer places the cat on his lap, and the assistant holds the hairdryer.

Sometimes you have to put a towel collar around the cat’s neck because the client already has a plan in his head to immediately run away. First, we press the cat with our hand, and, again talking confidently with him, we begin to comb.

We start drying with pants.

Since pants tend to curl, we press the wool against the body and release it from under the hand in small strands, pulling it out under a hairdryer.

Depending on the length of the cat’s fur, we use the comb differently. If you need to raise the hair, then we work against the growth; if you visually lengthen it, then we direct the main movements according to the growth of the hair: one towards you, two away from you. In this case, the hair dryer blows against the grain. The assistant guides the hair dryer following the comb in an even motion—there is no need to turn the nozzle to the sides.

We continue to dry the body. We leave the tail for later. If the tail is dried first, then the cat has the opportunity to waste all your efforts, well, you understand where: let’s say he wants to hold the tail between his wet paws or lay it on his wet side.

If the cat does not allow us to turn itself belly up, there is always the opportunity to tighten the skin and dry the belly while the cat lies on its side. It's the same with inner surface paw

The tail is dried with a slicker, moving against the grain, in a spiral from base to tip. Of course, you can try to dry first one side of the tail, then the other - but it is possible that we will get an asymmetrical tail or some areas will not be covered.

I always thought that a slicker was useless for grooming cats. Maybe with the exception of the Persians. Because I have only seen the completely amateurish use of this tool in the hands of owners of a wide variety of animals, with different lengths and different quality of fur. Then I saw its use on dogs, namely Bichons. However, I couldn’t even think that this tool would also be useful for cats. And for the tail, the main advantage of the slicker is used - it works with the entire surface, capturing and guiding the hair. The main thing is to avoid chaotic movements, otherwise the fur may become tangled. How to distinguish a garbage slicker, which you can’t even approach a cat with, from a professional tool is in the third part of the summary.

Don't forget about the tip of the tail. The cat must be beautiful throughout its entire length!

It is most convenient to comb furry heels with a small comb, which is sold in pet stores for combing out fleas. I don’t know how many fleas it can comb out - they jump faster - but it works on areas with short hair “excellently”.

Then we start drying the collar

and belly. These areas take a long time to dry, and the direction of wool growth is different. But since this is our suspension and decorative hair, we need to dry it thoroughly, stretching it and not letting it curl.

How do you know if an area of ​​fur is dry? Firstly, by eye, and secondly, by the movement of the comb. The comb passes through dry wool easily and unhindered, but slows down on wet wool. Well-dried and combed fur on hand should resemble the look of a Russian field when the wind blows across it.

Follow the assistant! It is known that you can endlessly look at three things: how the fire burns, how the water flows and how the cat’s fur moves under the hairdryer. The assistant can go into a trance and switch off! It happens that even a cat falls asleep under a hairdryer - but he can.

If the cat stubbornly does not want to dry it with a hairdryer, then the same drying and combing technology is used, only we will have to periodically catch the cat and comb it, breaking the damp strands. If you let the cat dry completely on its own, then its curly pants and strands of fur will become fixed - and this is not at all what we need. Really, it’s easier to reconcile a cat with a hairdryer!

Natalia works in an apron. Grooming is an energy-consuming and sweaty job, and the apron serves not so much to protect the groomer from the cat, but rather the other way around - to prevent moisture from the body of a rotten person from spoiling the result of the work.

After the cat is dried, we put it on the table and critically look at the result of our labors. We remember the Maine Coon breed standard and bring the coat in line with it using styling products.

While the wool is still slightly damp, you can rub a drop of liquid silk in your hands Pet Silk and apply it to the cat's coat - the hair is not yet completely closed and will accept this product. We will get a smooth, shiny top coat, which is what we need.

With the help of a texturizer and a hairdryer, we can style the wool in the direction we need: to emphasize the collar or, conversely, to smooth it. Unfortunately, it is difficult to describe this in words - such subtleties are transmitted from hand to hand or through video. In any case, try to use a minimum of products and not overload the wool.

If some area was dried incorrectly - for example, somewhere you forgot to “stretch” your pants and curls formed, just moisten the wool with water and dry it again.

In the next article - final stage grooming: pre-show touches, error correction, coat and color correction, as well as tools.

Despite the fact that a cat is a clean animal and cleans its fur on its own, sometimes the pet still needs to take a bath. This happens after a walk on a rainy day - when the entire skin and paws become dirty and wet. In general, the cat needs to be washed regularly - about once a month. If this is not done at all, over time the wool may begin to emit an unpleasant odor.

To begin with, I would like to note that all cats are afraid of water and frantically try to get out of the bath when they are placed there. When planning to bathe a cat, be prepared for resistance on his part, especially if this is the first time. No cat would be happy to go into the water to enjoy a bath.

How to prepare to wash your cat

Before swimming, prepare all the items that may be useful to you during the process. As a soap, you need to use special shampoos for cats. Regular human shampoos will not work because their composition can damage the cat's soft fur and make it coarse. In addition, human shampoo has a powerful fragrance that for a long time remains on the hair or in the fur. If the cat smells something foreign long time- this will affect its sense of smell, the animal may lose its sense of smell. Therefore it is better to buy from veterinary pharmacy special shampoo, but not for dogs, namely for cats. Some manufacturers add special components to the shampoo that protect the animal's fur from insects.

Many people wonder how to bathe a cat - in a basin or in an open bath. In fact, the cat experiences much more fear in large volumes - in a spacious, smooth bathtub, where there is nothing to grab onto with its claws. Therefore, it is best to bathe a cat in a basin. Plus, if you have an acrylic bathtub, your pet may scratch and damage the surface.

So fill two basins warm water. The water should be really warm and even a little cool. remember, that hot water– this is one of the main factors that can scare your pet. Pour a little water into one basin, 5-10 cm, to lower the animal into it. There is no need to draw a lot of water so as not to stress the cat. The second basin (or bucket) should be completely filled with water, from there we will draw water using a mug. Do not wash your cat under direct streams of water from the shower. A shower head that hisses, makes noise and produces jets of water with pressure can be perceived by a cat as Living being- enemy.

When bathing a cat, it is best to wear long sleeves to prevent the animal from scratching. Be sure to prepare an old towel, or better yet several. Leave the shampoo open on the edge of the bath to make it easier to use. Remove everything unnecessary from the sides of the bath - shampoos, soaps, razors, hair balms, washcloths. In the process, the cat may knock over the cleaning supplies.

  1. If you have the opportunity to call an assistant, do so. It’s much easier to wash a cat together – one holds it, the other washes it.
  2. After you have poured some water into one basin, it is best to lower a small towel there in advance. This is done so that the cat can cling to something and feel more comfortable than on a smooth surface.
  3. Place the cat in a bowl of water. Give him a few seconds to get comfortable. Calm the animal down in every possible way with gentle words and calm intonation. He must understand that the current situation is not a punishment.
  4. After this, carefully begin to water it with your hand - first the paws, then the body.
  5. Do not wash your animal's hair under any circumstances! Water can get into his ears, which is very dangerous for cats. Some owners argue that cotton swabs should be placed in the cat's ears during bathing. But we don’t advise you to do this, because, firstly, you can insert too much small piece cotton wool, which will simply “go” inside. Then you cannot do without the help of a veterinarian. And secondly, the cat has stressful situation, and cotton wool in the ears will worsen the situation.
  6. When the animal's fur is damp, you can apply a little shampoo to your palm and lather the cat. Thoroughly wash the animal's paws, belly, back, and tail with your hands. You need to touch the head very carefully - lightly run a soapy hand over the fur and ears, and then wipe it with a clean hand to remove the soap.
  7. After this, use a mug to pour warm water over the cat and rinse off all the soap. If necessary, the cat can be washed twice.
  8. After your pet is clean, you need to run the edge of your palm over its fur to get the water out. Then wrap it in a towel and remove it from the bath.

After you take the animal out into the wild, you need to thoroughly walk over it with dry towels. Change towels several times to absorb as much moisture as possible from your pet's fur.

There is a lot of debate about whether you should blow dry your pet's fur. Actually, it depends on the situation. If it’s summer outside and the sun is scorching hot, why expose the animal to additional stress and scare it with a buzzing and scary hair dryer? However, if it is cold outside, you need to dry the animal with a hairdryer so that the cat does not freeze and catch a cold. Some long-haired breeds require careful drying at any time of the year, e.g. Persian cats. If such a pet is not dried, its undercoat may remain wet, which leads to unpleasant smell And possible cold animal.

After the cat is dry, it should be combed. This is the final stage of the grandiose water procedure.

If your pet has a bad temper and he won’t let himself be bathed, you can use a special bag that is sold at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy. It is put on the animal like a bag, fixing it on the neck and leaving only the head outside. If this does not help you, take the cat to a special hairdresser for animals. Specialists know exactly how to clean your cat's fur with less nervous shock.

Video: how to wash a cat if he doesn’t like water

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Every owner of a cat is certainly faced with the question, especially if the animal was brought in from the street, is it necessary to bathe the cat, is it safe and how to do it? Therefore, today on the Koshechka.ru website we will talk to you about the following topic: “ how to wash a cat?

Do cats need water treatments?

To begin with, it is worth noting that nature initially took care of our smaller brothers, rewarding them with everything necessary to keep themselves clean. Cats regularly lick themselves to keep themselves clean. They are helped in this by a rough tongue, which, thanks to its stiff bristles, perfectly combs and cleans every hair of the cat’s coat. But such a tongue cannot always cope with very strong pollutants (soot, various oils). In such a situation, your pet needs help. The only thing is that before bathing you need to know everything about how to wash a cat so as not to harm it.

The main thing is not to get carried away with water treatments.

Depending on the age, length of the coat and some other individual indicators, a schedule for bathing the cat is roughly drawn up. For example, a long-haired cat can be bathed once every few months, while a short-haired cat can be bathed no more than twice a year. The only exceptions are those cases when the animal is very dirty and is not able to clean itself.

It is worth noting that these figures apply to ordinary domestic cats. After all, those animals that participate in various exhibitions and shows regularly bathe, because they need constant care for their appearance.

How to wash a cat

The first thing you should do is choose a shampoo for your cat. This is important and necessary condition. After all, the wrong shampoo can harm the skin and ruin the animal’s fur.

Remember! Under no circumstances should you wash your pet with your own soap or shampoo. Acid-base balance Cats and humans are different, so none of your remedies will work.

Cat shampoos are available in powder (dry), liquid and spray form. Dry shampoo is suitable for more frequent use, and copes with its responsibilities no worse than its liquid representatives. So, having decided what you can use to wash your cat, let’s proceed to the procedure itself.

  • It is advisable not to feed the animal a couple of hours before bathing. This will help avoid unnecessary consequences. And after bathing, you can calmly please her with some treat, which will contribute to the formation the right associations, and will help the cat calm down after water treatments.
  • Try not to let your cat see your preparations: don’t go into the bathroom with her, turn on the water and bang the bowl. Cats have a good sense of smell. She might just hide when she notices your preparations.
  • Before washing your cat, take your pet in your arms, stroke it, and talk to it in a gentle voice. This will calm the cat a little and distract him for a while.
  • Make sure the bath is not too cold before you wash your cat. These animals are very sensitive to temperature changes and can easily catch a cold, even from a small draft. The room temperature must be at least 22 degrees Celsius.
  • It is better to collect water in advance, as cats are very frightened by the sound of water. Prepare two basins. In one you will wash your cat with shampoo, and in the other you will rinse and wash off the foam with clean water.
  • The water temperature should be approximately 40 degrees. This is very important if you don't know how to properly wash your cat.
  • You can also bathe a cat in a bathtub or sink, having first covered the bottom with cloth so that the animal’s paws do not slip.
  • During the process, you do not need to make sudden movements or words, but rather speak gently so as not to add excitement to the already shocked cat.
  • Be careful not to get water or foam into the animal's ears and mouth. After all, this is not only unpleasant for the animal, but can also cause inflammatory process in the delicate, sensitive ears of a cat.
  • You can wash off the foam either in a basin of water or with a shower hose, but only with low water pressure.

How to properly dry a cat after bathing

Before bathing, prepare several towels: one in the bath, one in the room. After bathing, you need to wrap your cat in a dry towel. It will be good if it is a large thick towel. After all, after bathing, the animal is stressed and can behave very aggressively: scratching and struggling. After your pet has calmed down a little, take her to the room and start wiping her with a dry towel.

It’s not enough to know how to wash a cat—you need to dry it properly!

Make sure there is no draft in the room. The drying process usually takes several hours, but you can speed it up by using a hair dryer. Although in most cases, animals are very afraid of buzzing sounds and immediately hide. Therefore, if the cat is very nervous, then it is better to let it dry on its own, helping and wiping it with dry towels.

Maria Bruslik - especially for the site Koshechka.ru - a site for those in love... with themselves!