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Kylie Minogue's medical history. Kylie Minogue: “Overcoming breast cancer is an absolutely real challenge. Kylie Minogue: breast cancer

Breast cancer- a terrible diagnosis, and yet it is one of the most common female cancer diseases. Unfortunately, doctors cannot yet guarantee to protect women from this disease. Just a few days ago, the bleak news appeared in the press that the famous I was faced with this disease and had to fight it. That is why today we decided to remember everyone famous women who had to face breast cancer and defeat it.

Singer Anastacia, 47 years old

Anastasia encountered terrible disease in January 2003. Then the singer went to consult a doctor to slightly reduce her breast size. Anastasia made this decision because of problems with her back, but the singer was diagnosed with breast cancer on a mammogram. Measures were taken immediately - surgery and radiotherapy, the results of which were successful. However, in March 2013, Anastacia was again given a terrible diagnosis. Despite the fact that the tumor was not malignant, the singer decided to take extreme measures and completely remove her breasts in order to save herself from the risk. Since 2003, Anastacia has headed her own foundation, the Anastacia Fund, which helps young women fight breast cancer.

Singer Kylie Minogue, 47 years old

Australian beauty Kylie Minogue A terrible disease struck in 2005. In an interview, the singer admitted: “When the doctor diagnosed breast cancer, the ground went out from under my feet.” It was difficult for both the singer herself and her fans to believe this. Kylie had to undergo chemotherapy and surgery. According to the singer, this greatly influenced her life. Minogue completely abandoned bad habits in all areas of life, and six months later she managed to appear on stage as beautiful and bright as before.

British TV presenter Sharon Osbourne, 63 years old

Wife of a British rock musician Ozzy Osbourne She also became a victim of cancer. In 2002, Sharon was diagnosed with colon cancer, which she barely managed to overcome. But in 2012, Osborne was discovered to have a gene BRCA1(breast cancer gene), as a result of which Sharon underwent surgery to remove her breast due to the high risk of receiving a terrible diagnosis again.

Singer Laima Vaikule, 61 years old

Favorite of the Russian public Laime Vaikule I first had to deal with this terrible disease in 1991. Then the doctors made a discouraging verdict, equating the chances of success of the operation to 20%. However, the singer, with the strength of her character and faith in better things, proved the opposite and coped with the disease. In an interview, she said more than once that it was her inner spirit and unshakable faith that helped her cope with the disease and not give up.

Writer and TV presenter Daria Dontsova, 63 years old

This story is more like a miracle, because Dontsova found out about her illness when the cancer was already last stage. Even the doctors did not believe that the writer would be cured. During treatment, Daria had to undergo 18 surgeries, several sessions of radiation and chemotherapy. Despite the horror of her situation, Dontsova was able to do the seemingly impossible. She was cured and became an example of how it is possible to overcome a terrible disease even in such a situation. Today Daria is official ambassador programs "Together against breast cancer".

Actress Jane Fonda, 78 years old

From a popular Hollywood actress Jane Fonda Breast cancer was discovered at age 72. The tumor was found to be early stage, which, of course, simplified the treatment. The operation was successful.

Singer Sheryl Crow, 54 years old

Sheryl Crow I had to face a terrible disease twice. In 2003, the owner "Grammy" She was diagnosed with breast cancer, which she successfully treated. However, eight years later, Crowe was given a new diagnosis - a “brain tumor”, which the singer is still struggling with to this day.

Actress Cynthia Nixon, 49 years old

Star of a popular TV series "Sex and the City" She also became a victim of cancer. The actress’s grandmother and mother both suffered from breast cancer at one time, so, according to Cynthia, she was prepared for this disease. The actress was in no hurry to make a statement in the press, but it was difficult to hide the traces of chemotherapy. But most importantly, she managed to overcome cancer.

In 2013, the sex symbol of our time - Angelina Jolie– openly stated that she had a preventative double mastectomy. The actress explained this action by a genetic predisposition to breast cancer, which was equal to 87%. In order to avoid a terrible disease, the actress took radical steps and urges all women not to be afraid of preventive measures. Let us remember that due to cancer, Jolie lost the two main women in her life: her mother and aunt.

To summarize, I would like to once again express my admiration for the masculinity of these women! After all, their example proves that it is possible to cope with this terrible disease, which is what we wish for supermodel Janice Dickinson.

Professionally, Australian singer Kylie Minogue can be an example for every aspiring artist. She was able to achieve popularity as a schoolgirl back in the 80s, when no one knew about the Internet. Kylie became the star of the series Neighbors, one of the longest running in television history.

Then Kylie decided to try herself as a singer, and luck smiled at her again. The 19-year-old girl with the song “I Should Be So Lucky” took first place first in the British charts, and then in the song charts of other countries.

Now we know Minogue’s hits such as “Can’t Get You Out Of My Head”, “In Your Eyes”, “All The Lovers” and many others.

But what the celebrity could not succeed in was building family happiness. A successful career and a job she loved always saved her from loneliness. Even when Kylie broke up with her next boyfriend.

And when Kylie Minogue’s relationship with her Galavant co-star Joshua Sass began to approach the wedding, fans were happy that everything would finally be fine with the Australian star. However, things did not go further than the engagement.

Being 19 years younger than Kylie, loving Joshua skillfully used her fame and money for his own purposes. The couple did not live together for even two years. Joshua fell in love with his partner in the new TV series “Tomorrow Doesn’t Come” and left the Australian. The singer had a hard time with the breakup.

“I think my nerves have lost me. I felt terrible. I was shaking and I didn’t want anything. My psyche refused to accept reality. I wanted this condition to pass quickly. I know that I easily lose my composure, but over time I quickly come to my senses.”

To really come to her senses, Kylie went to Thailand and after a week's rest, she found peace of mind. However, she considered her publicity to be the main reason for the breakup. After all, all the tabloids in the world wrote about Joshua’s betrayal.

Kylie Minogue's regret is not so much that all her former lovers inevitably left her and married others. What upsets the woman most is that she doesn’t have children and probably never will.

“There is no doubt that it is interesting to be a mother. But I don't think I'll ever have children again. I can't even imagine being able to get pregnant. I hope that I will meet a man who will already have a child. Maybe I can become a good stepmother."- 49-year-old Kylie Minogue confesses.

Let us remember that back in 2005, the singer was diagnosed with breast cancer. Kylie underwent treatment at the best Australian medical institution, Cabrini Hospital, but within six months she appeared on the scene again. And soon she completely recovered.

It is amazing that such a successful and talented woman did not receive even a small piece of female happiness. But Kylie’s beauty even now drives thousands of men crazy.

Probably, her passion for her career and constant work on new projects did not leave the woman time for personal things. And who knows, maybe in a couple of years she will bitterly regret that in her youth she pursued success and fame more than happiness.

Although we want to believe that Kylie Minogue will still meet her love, and perhaps even experience it.

What do you think about Kylie Minogue? Do you admire her talent or regret the personal happiness she missed?

On January 20, the family of Zhanna Friske officially confirmed the information that the famous singer, TV presenter and actress had been diagnosed with cancer, thereby confirming recent rumors about a serious illness.

We wish Zhanna a recovery and, with hope for the best, suggest we remember the stories of those celebrities who once suffered from cancer, but were able to overcome this terrible disease.

(Total 17 photos)

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1. Angelina Jolie

The Hollywood diva underwent breast removal surgery in May 2013 to prevent the risk of developing breast cancer.

— Doctors decided that I have an 87% chance of developing breast cancer. As soon as I found out about this, I wanted to minimize the risk,” Jolie told the press.

She noted that her cancer is hereditary. The actress's mother died from this disease at the age of 56, after an almost 10-year battle with cancer.

2. Robert De Niro

The famous American actor faced a terrible disease in 2003 at the age of 60 - he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. De Niro, however, did not despair, especially since the doctors' forecasts were optimistic.

“The cancer was detected at an early stage, so doctors predict a full recovery,” the press secretary reassured the actor’s fans. Robert De Niro undergoes radical prostatectomy - most effective operation in the fight against his type of disease. The recovery was extremely fast, and after some time the doctors declared that De Niro was absolutely healthy.

The actor did not allow the disease to ruin his creative plans and almost immediately after treatment began filming the film “Hide and Seek.” Since then, he has managed to star in more than twenty films, including “Area of ​​Darkness,” “My Boyfriend is Psycho,” “Malavita” and “Downhole Revenge.”

3. Christina Applegate

Actress Christine Applegate, best known for her role as the daughter of the Bundy family in the TV series Married with Children, not only beat breast cancer, which she was diagnosed with in 2008, but also gave birth to her first child after treatment.

The disease was diagnosed at an early stage. The actress chose the most radical method treatment, because of which she had to have both breasts removed, but this deprived her of many problems and also 100% prevented the possibility of relapse. The removal operation was successful, after which plastic surgeons Christina's breasts were restored.

4. Kylie Minogue

The Australian singer was touring Europe when she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005 at the age of 36. The star immediately postponed her tour to undergo surgery and chemotherapy. At the same time, loyal fans who bought tickets to the Australian concerts decided to support their idol and did not return the counterfeit stamps after hearing the sad news.

“When the doctor told me the diagnosis, the ground went out from under my feet. It seemed that I had already died,” the singer recalls. However, Kylie Minogue found the strength to fight, she had surgery to remove the tumor, and she underwent an eight-month course of chemotherapy. Fortunately, the disease receded, and since then the singer and actress, while continuing to delight fans with her performances, has also been organizing campaigns aimed at educating women about diagnosing and combating cancer. “With the current level of development of medicine, it is possible to overcome breast cancer. The main thing is to detect it in time,” Minogue is convinced.

5. Yuri Nikolaev

The Russian TV presenter battled colon cancer for several years. When doctors told him in 2007 terrible disease, in his words, “the world seemed to have turned black.” However, this was only a moment of weakness. Yuri Nikolaev managed to gather his will into a fist and not fall into despair. He preferred a specialized center in Moscow to foreign oncology clinics, where he underwent more than one operation and underwent a full course of treatment. As a deeply religious person, Nikolaev is convinced: “It is only thanks to God that I am alive and no longer need doctors.” Now the presenter is involved in several television programs at once, such as “Property of the Republic” and “In Our Time.”

6. Anastacia

The American singer knows firsthand about the fight against cancer: twice she heard the fatal phrase “You have cancer” from doctors. This happened for the first time in 2003, when the star was 34 years old.

“I’ve never been as scared as I was that time,” she said about the day the doctor told her about a malignant tumor discovered in the mammary gland. Anastacia underwent surgery and had to agree to have part of one of her mammary glands removed. The disease subsided, but returned in early 2013. Having canceled all performances, the singer began treatment again, and six months later her fans rejoiced again - Anastasia did not allow the disease to break her for the second time. “Never let cancer take you, fight to the last,” the singer addressed all those who also faced a terrible illness.

Today, Anastacia is known not only as a singer and songwriter, but also as the founder of a foundation that bears her name and is dedicated to educating young women about cancer detection and treatment.

7. Hugh Jackman

In November 2013, the American actor announced that doctors diagnosed him with skin cancer - basal cell carcinoma. At the urging of his wife, Deborah, he saw a doctor to examine the skin on his nose, which resulted in a diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma.

“Please don't be stupid like me. Be sure to get checked,” Jackman wrote. He also advised everyone to use sunscreen.

The form of cancer diagnosed in the actor is the most common malignant tumor in humans. It differs from other types in rare metastasis, but is capable of extensive local growth.

8. Daria Dontsova

The popular writer managed to defeat breast cancer, despite the fact that the disease was discovered when it had already reached the final, fourth stage. As Dontsova said in one of her interviews, when in 1998 she turned to an oncologist, he told her bluntly: “You have three months left to live.”

“I didn’t feel any fear of death. But I have three children, an elderly mother, I have dogs, a cat - it’s simply impossible to die,” the writer recalls the terrible event with her characteristic sense of humor. The woman endured the most difficult treatment - courses of chemotherapy and a number of complex operations - steadfastly, without complaining about her fate. Moreover, it was during the period of endless procedures that she first began to write. At first, just to not go crazy, then - because I realized that this is exactly what I want to do in life.

Having completely defeated the disease, Dontsova now does not avoid talking about cancer, but, on the contrary, talks about this ordeal, giving hope for recovery to cancer patients: “You can feel sorry for yourself for the first two hours, then wipe your snot and understand that this is not the end. I'll have to get treatment. Cancer is curable."

The American actor underwent chemotherapy in 2010 because he was diagnosed with malignant tumor on the tongue. At that time she was the size of Walnut, but was subsequently successfully cured. However real danger he was still threatened - in the form of amputation of his tongue and lower jaw.

Already in January 2011, the actor announced that he had defeated cancer and was feeling great. “The tumor has disappeared. I eat like a pig. “Finally, I can eat whatever I want,” Douglas commented on his “cure.”

The American actor, famous for the TV series “Dexter,” was also diagnosed with cancer.

In January 2010, the actor's representative confirmed that he was undergoing treatment for Hodgkin's lymphoma. Because of this, the continuation of filming the series was a big question. Treatment for the disease ended in remission, and a few months later it became known that Hall was completely healthy.

The Russian journalist and TV presenter began the fight against cancer in 1993. Then, during an examination in one of the US clinics, doctors literally stunned him with terrible news. “It felt like I flew into a brick wall at full speed,” the famous TV presenter later said in an interview with a correspondent for the Sobesednik newspaper about that day. However, experts assured Posner that this diagnosis was not fatal, especially since the disease was identified at an early stage. According to the TV presenter himself, he did not undergo chemotherapy; doctors insisted on an early operation to remove the malignant tumor.

“When I left the hospital, my strength left me for some time. Then I somehow managed to tune in,” says Posner. A big role in the fight against the disease was played by the support of family and friends, who never stopped believing in his recovery for a minute and at the same time treated him as if nothing terrible had happened in his life. Eventually the cancer subsided.

20 years have passed since then, Vladimir Pozner regularly undergoes medical examinations and encourages others to follow his example. In 2013, he became an ambassador for the international program “Together Against Cancer”.

12. Sharon Osbourne

The wife of famous rock musician Ozzy Osbourne, Sharon Osbourne, had her mammary glands removed in 2012 as a preventive measure. Some time before this, Osbourne had colon cancer, and doctors warned Sharon Osbourne about the possible onset of the disease, which is why she agreed to a double mastectomy.

The British singer underwent cancer surgery in July 2000. thyroid gland. A few months later, in January 2001, he declared that he was completely cured.

Then Rod looked at the disease as a sign, and dedicated the song to Canadian runner Terry Fox, who, having lost his leg due to cancer at the age of 19, ran across the country a few years later with a prosthesis to raise funds for cancer research.

In 2005, the famous singer suffered complex operation in Germany for tumor removal. However surgical intervention led to a sharp weakening of the immune system, the formation of a blood clot in the lungs, inflammation of the lungs and inflammation of the tissue in the kidneys. In 2009, Kobzon was re-operated. The artist continues treatment to this day.

The performer of the role of Miranda in the series “Sex and the City” fell ill with breast cancer in 2002. She did not want to create a fuss and told reporters about her illness only a few years after her recovery. She later played in a theater production of Margaret Edson's play "Wit" as poetry teacher Vivian Bearing, a cancer patient. For this role, the actress shaved her head.

The strongest cyclist on the planet, seven-time winner of the Tour de France, a living legend, also became a victim of cancer. Armstrong was diagnosed with advanced testicular cancer with multiple metastases throughout all organs in 1996. However, the strong-willed athlete did not give up and agreed to a risky method of treatment with possible side effect. There was practically no chance of survival, but he won. The cyclist created the Lance Armstrong Foundation to help cancer patients and decided to promote the fight against this disease by riding a bike again.

17. Laima Vaikule

Famous Russian singer faced the disease in 1991: in America, doctors diagnosed her with breast cancer. However, there was not much chance that she would survive.

In a media interview, she said that the illness turned her life upside down, made her think about many things and look at familiar things and relationships differently. “Only after experiencing what happened to me, I began to look at life differently,” said Laima. After treatment, the singer decided to return to the stage as quickly as possible. She began to pay more attention to her family and friends.

In early February 2017, Hugh Jackman posted a photo on his Instagram showing him with a bandage on his nose, and explained that he continues to struggle with basal cell carcinoma. In his address to fans, the actor noted that thanks to regular examinations and excellent doctors, treatment was started on time and now “everything is fine.” He also emphasized that with the bandage his nose does not look as scary as without it. Jackman was first diagnosed with the disease in 2013 and has been treated several times since then.

Here are some more stories about famous people who encountered oncological diseases, started the fight and won this battle.

Ben Stiller: Prostate Cancer

The Night at the Museum star spoke to the press about his diagnosis in October 2016. The actor was diagnosed with prostate cancer in the summer of 2014, and in September he underwent surgery to remove the tumor.

Stiller said that the tumor was discovered after receiving the results of a test to determine the concentration of prostatic specific antigen(PSA). This test has been used for a long time as a screening test to determine increased risk the occurrence of prostate cancer. Now it is for mass screening - this is due to both a high proportion of false positives positive results, and with an increase in the frequency of overdiagnosis - the detection of non-aggressive tumors that require only observation, but not surgical treatment.

The actor explained that the tumor was detected at an early stage and was completely removed during surgery. He is confident that if the cancer had been discovered later, the treatment would not have been as effective. Doctors expect the “Stiller effect” to occur – an increase in the frequency of operations caused by positive PSA test results.

Marie Fredriksson: brain cancer

A brain tumor was discovered in the lead singer of the Swedish band Roxette in September 2002, when Marie unexpectedly lost consciousness and, falling, hit her head on the sink.

Further examinations revealed that the tumor was malignant, but doctors decided to remove it. After the operation, the singer was prescribed a course of radiation and chemotherapy. Doctors did not rule out fatal outcome– during the treatment, Marie became blind in her right eye, her right part The body was partially paralyzed, and in addition she experienced difficulties with reading, counting and writing.

The treatment continued for three years: in October 2005, Fredriksson announced the completion of therapy and her victory over cancer. The singer began to appear in public again and, since 2009, even resumed concert performances as part of the group.

Despite this, in April 2016, the singer announced the cancellation of the tour dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of Roxette, and also announced that her “concert life is over.” This decision was due to the recommendations of the doctors who observed Marie.

Michael Douglas: tongue cancer

In 2010, news spread around the world that doctors diagnosed the American actor with stage 4 throat cancer. Douglas himself later reported that he actually suffered from tongue cancer: doctors discovered a tumor the size of a walnut at the base of his tongue. The doctors' forecasts were not favorable, and the treatment they prescribed turned out to be quite difficult, since the actor had to undergo chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Doctors did not rule out the possibility that they would have to perform a complex operation, during which they would have to remove part of the lower jaw. In this case, his acting career would have had to be ended, but, fortunately, doctors managed to do without surgery. The treatment helped cope with the tumor - a year after the therapy, Douglas declared victory over cancer.

Speaking about the consequences of treatment, he said that his tongue became less sensitive. Now he can eat in peace spicy food, but red wine no longer seems as tasty as before. "This is not the most serious problem. I just drink beer now,” explains the actor.

Kylie Minogue: breast cancer

The Australian singer was 36 when doctors diagnosed her with breast cancer. Kylie has repeatedly said that the cancer was not detected immediately: the singer underwent an examination, as a result of which the doctors did not find anything. The tumor was discovered during a follow-up examination a few weeks later, when Kylie herself felt a lump in her breast.

A biopsy confirmed the malignancy of the tumor, the singer was prescribed surgery and severe chemotherapy treatment. The therapy turned out to be effective - the singer has been living without cancer for more than 10 years, returned to the stage and continues to delight fans with her creativity.

In a recent interview, Kylie said that it was because of the tumor and subsequent treatment that she lost the opportunity to have children. “I often think about what my child would be like, would I give birth to a boy or a girl? What could I give him?” she added.

Listing the stories of women who were not diagnosed with a tumor or were diagnosed incorrectly, the singer encourages patients not to be afraid to seek a second opinion. “If you have any doubts, go back and get checked again,” she says.

Breast cancer is one of the most pressing problems in the world modern world. In Russia alone, more than 54,000 women receive this terrible diagnosis and, unfortunately, 40 percent of them have the disease at late stage. That is why large-scale charity events and dinners are held in our country and around the world, the organizers of which want to draw the attention of the female half of the population to health and the importance of early detection of the problem.

Since 1993, October has been recognized worldwide as Breast Cancer Awareness Month by the World Health Organization. In honor of this, HELLO.RU collected the stories of Kylie Minogue, Cynthia Nixon, Anastasia, Jane Fonda, Maggie Smith, Katie Base, Martina Navratilova, Daria Dontsova, Laima Vaikule and many others who were once given a terrible diagnosis, but managed to overcome the disease . Read their stories and don't forget to visit your mammologist every year.

Australian singer Kylie Minogue was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005. At that time, the artist was traveling around different countries as part of a world tour, and the news of the disease took her by surprise. Kylie had to cancel all planned concerts and go to the hospital. Fans supported their idol as best they could: everyone who bought tickets to her concerts either decided not to give them back, or transferred the returned amounts to Australian breast cancer funds.

Minogue underwent surgery, underwent chemotherapy and, fortunately, beat the disease. Kylie was later voted the most inspiring celebrity breast cancer survivor in a British poll. In an interview with the English magazine Glamor, the singer admitted: “When you suddenly lose everything, and now you have to try to get your eyelashes back, get your beautiful hair...it's just amazing. It is difficult to convey everything that I have understood thanks to this illness. One thing I can say is that there have been powerful psychological and emotional changes."

In the series "Sex and the City", if you remember, breast cancer is discovered in the heroine Samantha Jones played by Kim Cattrall, but in real life Another project participant, Cynthia Nixon, encountered this problem. At first, she wanted to hide this fact of her biography, but later, after undergoing chemotherapy, she began to openly talk about her illness and go out completely bald, without covering herself with a wig. The actress tried to convey to all women the importance of regular check-ups, because if doctors had not noticed her tumor at an early stage, the world could have said goodbye to Cynthia Nixon.

The mother of singer Kelly Osbourne, the wife of the “great and terrible” Ozzy Osbourne, as well as TV presenter and writer Sharon Osbourne, had to deal with colon cancer. ABOUT terrible diagnosis she found out while filming the next episode of the reality show “Keeping Up with the Osbournes.” The news greatly influenced the entire star family: if Sharon was not going to give up so easily, then her family fell into depression, and her son even wanted to commit suicide.

The cancer was finally defeated, but in 2012 a new threat appeared - a tumor of the mammary glands. To prevent the situation from happening again, Sharon decided to have a double mastectomy. British HELLO! she admitted: "As soon as I found out I had the breast cancer gene, I thought, 'The odds are definitely not in my favor.' I'd had cancer before and I didn't want to do it again. I decided to just end it." That’s why I had a double mastectomy.”

The star of the films "If Your Mother-in-Law is a Monster" and "The Chase" and fitness guru Jane Fonda faced the problem of breast cancer in 2010. During a routine medical examination, it was discovered that the 72-year-old celebrity had non-invasive breast cancer. This is the most favorable prognosis, so Jane had to undergo only surgery without undergoing chemotherapy and long-term treatment. Later on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Fonda spoke about her struggle:

“I think it was a great experience - what I had to go through, but I survived and continue to live. A few years ago, doctors discovered I had breast cancer, and then I realized that life was sending me the most difficult test, and I I often boasted that I was not afraid of death. And this is actually true. I got closer to God, became part of a huge family of women who went the same way and were able to successfully overcome the disease. It was even interesting, as if you were going on an exciting journey. I "I knew: it was either me or me. I hoped for a successful outcome, but at the same time death did not frighten me."

The singer of the hits Everything Burn and Sick and Tired Anastacia is perhaps one of the bravest singers of our time. She was diagnosed with breast cancer twice: first in 2003 and then in February 2013. Having learned about the disease for the first time, she decisively told the media that she would not allow the tumor to break and defeat her. She said it and did it. After a course of treatment, she truly regained her health and recorded the album Anastacia, which received platinum status.

In 2013, due to the diagnosis, she was forced to cancel her European tour. This time, Anastacia had to undergo not only radiation therapy, but also a double mastectomy. In an interview, she admitted: “Early detection of the tumor saved my life twice. I will continue to fight and sing, no matter what it costs me.”

Angelina Jolie, fortunately, did not have to fight the tumor, but due to the high risks, the actress was still forced to undergo a double mastectomy. She did not hide this fact from the press and fans, releasing an official statement:

"I'm writing about this because I want to let other women know that making the decision to have a mastectomy was a very difficult decision. But it's something that makes me feel really happy now. My risk of developing breast cancer has dropped from 87 percent to 5 percent. Now I tell my children that they don't have to worry about losing me to this disease."

Less than two weeks after this post was published, Angelina's aunt died of breast cancer. And in 2007, the actress’s mother died from an ovarian tumor.

Kathy Bates, like Anastacia, is a two-time heroine. The actress of the films "Titanic" and "Midnight in Paris" had to first meet with cancerous tumor ovaries, and a little later, ten years later, with breast cancer. To defeat the disease again, Katie was forced to undergo a double mastectomy (surgery to remove the mammary gland - editor's note).

"Luckily, I didn't have to undergo radiation or chemotherapy. My family calls me Kat because I always land on my feet. This time was no exception," Bates told People magazine. A little later, after the operation, she also published a short post on Twitter, written with the actress’s usual sense of humor: “I don’t miss my breasts, but I really miss my TV series Harry’s Law.”

Oscar-winning actress Maggie Smith, best known for her role as Professor Minerva McGonagall in the Harry Potter films, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008. She learned about the terrible diagnosis before the filming of “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” began. Maggie had to undergo chemotherapy, and for this, the producers of the film even created a special schedule for her. Due to treatment, Smith lost all her hair, so in this film she appears before the viewer in a wig.

Fighting cancer was not easy. Maggie suffered from constant headaches and nausea, but even though bad feeling she couldn't refuse work. At that time she said: “This illness completely unsettled me, all my vital resources were depleted. I don’t know if I will ever return to the stage. I think I have lost confidence in myself as a theater actress. Filming “, of course, are also tiring, but psychologically it’s easier to cope with them.”

However, later the situation improved: Maggie coped with the disease and bad thoughts not a trace remained.

The famous writer Daria Dontsova learned about the diagnosis when the cancer was already at the last stage. The doctor did not support her optimism and said that she had three months to live. Not more. Of course, if he knew Daria’s fighting character and her love of life, he would not rush to conclusions. Three children, an elderly mother, a husband, dogs and cats - death categorically did not fit into her plans. 18 operations, several sessions of radiation and chemotherapy, a mastectomy... Dontsova managed not only to defeat the disease, but also to discover her talent as a writer.

"Feel sorry for yourself for the first two hours, then wipe your snot and realize that this is not the end. You will have to be treated. Cancer can be treated. By at least, treatment prolongs life. Just because you have been given a diagnosis does not mean that you will go to the crematorium tomorrow. We need to stop crying. Think about what is keeping you here? Someone's children, someone's husband, someone's girlfriend, someone's dog. We put ourselves in the grave and pull ourselves out of there,” Daria tells Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

Of course, this was not easy to do. A little later, Laima admitted in an interview: “Don’t believe that dying is not scary. It’s scary! And I went through it! They say that we are born and die alone. And I came to the conclusion that it’s easier to die when you believe.”

At the beginning of 2010, Czechoslovakian and American tennis player, world racket (1978-1987), 18-time Grand Slam winner Martina Navratilova was diagnosed with breast cancer. Although the disease was detected at an early stage, it was still difficult, so the athlete had to make a lot of effort to win - now not on the court, where she was one of the best, but over her body. Navratilova underwent surgery, after which she began to recover.

Later in an interview, she admitted: “I didn’t have a mammogram for four years. I let everything take its course. Busy is busy, but that’s no excuse. I stayed in good shape and ate right, but it happened to me too. Another year and I had There would be big trouble."

The famous American vocalist, guitarist, songwriter and winner of 9 Grammy awards, Sheryl Crow, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006. At that time she was 44 years old. Thanks to early detection illness, she had to undergo “only” a minor operation and seven weeks radiation therapy. After defeating the terrible disease, Cheryl admitted that she was very inspired by the examples of other women. In addition, the singer received strong support from her friends and family.

Today, Sheryl Crow is doing a lot to spread awareness about early tumor detection. In 2010, the singer founded a personalized center, which became part of the Pink Lotus Breast Center, which, in turn, was created by her surgeon. In June 2012, Crow was diagnosed with benign tumor brain.