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Online test for intellectual age. How to find out your psychological age

It is known that women age a little slower than men, which is why they live five to six years longer. But gender is not the only thing that influences a person’s biological age and condition. Habitat and climatic conditions, nationality and genetic predisposition are “responsible” for this. Gerontologists determine the degree of aging using medical research. Psychology uses its own techniques. And one of them is special psychological tests for age. They determine not only the position of the age bar, but also the level brain activitymain criterion the person's real age.

Scientists say that old age occurs only with a person’s “permission”: when he “gave the go-ahead” to his body for muscle weakness, joint immobility and Bad mood. Have you allowed your brain to grow old? Have you retained your youthful energy? Has your perception remained as fresh? How young are you at heart? To find out, you need to take a test for psychological age. We have collected the most large collection such questionnaires. They can all be completed online and completely free.

Tests for internal age

Is it difficult for you to surprise? Do you feel experienced and wise in life, and the feeling of emotional maturity is just off the charts? Check if this is true. Tests for internal age are designed to determine the real state of affairs. It is possible that a person’s development is actually far ahead of his biological age, and it also happens that the reason for the sensations lies in the state of health: physical or mental. Take your inner age tests and don’t let yourself grow old before your time!

Biological age tests

Another type of age test is questionnaires that determine the biological age of the subject. Are you familiar with the situation when a young girl complains about sudden change weather, while her ninety-year-old girlfriend is excitedly skiing down the nearest hill? This is exactly the case when a person’s biological age does not correspond to the numbers in the passport. It won’t take much time to determine it - psychologists have long developed the exact forms of short surveys. Only the most truthful of them were included in our collection. Find out your real age!

On the way to maturity you lost best qualities youth? Have responsibility and practicality overshadowed the feeling of causeless happiness and joy? Cheerfulness and optimism are no longer your thing? If you answered Yes to all the questions, you should think about it. This test will help determine not only your psychological age, but also your main problems. premature aging.

This unique test will determine the age of your subconscious and tell you how old your inner self is. To avoid a false negative result, you need to answer quickly, without thinking.

Have you ever met people who, even in old age, radiated youthful optimism and a thirst for life? Communication with them always lifts your spirits and makes you look at yourself differently and the world. Next to them you feel much older. Why is this happening? The fact is that your psychological age turns out to be greater than that of such people.

What does psychological age influence?

This affects your health. After all, old age comes when it is allowed to. Reaction speed, muscle tone and joint performance are directly related to a person’s state of mind. The numbers in your passport only indicate the number of complete circles you and the Earth have made around the Sun. The main thing for a full happy life of a person is the balance of his biological and psychological age. The determination test will show you how much your state of mind and physical sensations match.

Test for psychological age online

Try taking a psychological age test. The results obtained will help you determine the state of your worldview. Perhaps they will make some people think and make adjustments to their lifestyle.

You have to choose an answer to 10 questions. Do it honestly, don't deceive yourself. If the number of points you receive matches the number in your passport or is slightly higher, you are fine. For those over 30, a lower score on the “my psychological age” test indicates their good state of mind, new opportunities and freedom from stereotypes.

Those whose psychological age, according to the results of an online test, are significantly ahead of their biological age should think about it. They need to understand the reason for rapid aging.

If you want to change your psychological age, try looking at this channel.

My psychological age - test

  1. You are in a hurry and see a minibus approaching the stop. Your actions:

a) I’ll run towards her (1);

b) I will go as quickly as possible to make it in time (2);

c) I’ll go faster (3);

d) I will not change the speed of movement (4);

e) I’ll check if there’s another minibus following her and decide what to do (5).

  1. Your attitude towards fashion:

a) I strive to correspond to her in everything (1);

b) I choose what I like (2);

c) I don’t accept new unusual outfits (3);

d) I don’t accept today’s fashion (4);

e) sometimes I take it, sometimes I don’t (5).

  1. Do you have a day off. What is most pleasant for you:

a) sit with friends (1);

b) while away the day watching TV (2);

d) solve crossword puzzles (4);

e) no definite preferences (5).

  1. You see that a blatant injustice is happening. Your actions:

a) I will begin to restore justice in ways known to me (1);

b) will provide assistance to the victim (2);

c) I will restore the truth by legal means (3);

d) I will walk as I walked, condemning what is happening to myself (4);

e) I will intervene in the situation without taking sides (5).

  1. Contemporary music for you:

a) delights (1);

b) makes you remember the teenage complex, which simply not everyone “got over” (2);

c) forces you to actively protest (3);

d) annoying with excessive noise (4);

e) does not touch, but you admit that everyone may have their own tastes (5).

  1. You are in the company of friends. It is important for you:

a) take the opportunity to show your skills (1);

b) show your importance (2);

c) maintain the necessary decorum (3);

d) sit quietly, unnoticeably (4);

e) comply with the standards of conduct in this company (5).

  1. Do you prefer to work:

a) with a certain amount of risk and unexpected turns (1);

b) non-monotonic (2);

c) where you will demonstrate your knowledge and experience (3);

d) light (4);

e) different, according to mood (5).

  1. Your level of forethought:

a) take on any undertaking without thinking (1);

b) you prefer to start doing, and leave the reasoning for later (2);

c) do not begin implementation until you find out all the consequences (3);

d) choose only guaranteed successful cases (4);

e) the choice of cases depends on the situation (5).

  1. Degree of trust:

a) only some (1);

b) many (2);

c) I don’t trust many people (3);

d) no one (4);

e) it all depends on the circumstances (5).

  1. Your mood:

a) most often I am an optimist (1);

b) I am often an optimist (2);

c) I am often a pessimist (3);

d) I am usually a pessimist (4);

e) in different ways, depending on the circumstances (5).

If, as a result of the test, you have identified any psychological pressures, problems, etc., we recommend that you contact a specialist, for example, a psychologist-hypnologist

Each of us has repeatedly noticed that people who have the same passport age sometimes do not at all look like their peers.

One at the age of 40-45 already looks almost old, and the other at 60 is young, energetic and full of life.

Scientists gerontologists, in addition to calendar age, usually take into account the biological age of a person, which shows the degree of aging of the body and its individual organs and systems. And very often the indicators of these criteria do not coincide. A person can be healthy and full of energy at 70 years old, and sometimes even at 20 he is overcome by illness and early aging occurs.

As a result of long-term observations, scientists have concluded that women age more slowly than men and live 6-8 years longer, and this may be explained by the fact that men age a little faster.

Biological age also depends on the place of residence and climatic conditions. The peoples of the south (Abkhazians, Georgians, Karakalpaks) have less calendar calendar. The closer to the north, the closer the biological age is to the calendar age, and sometimes even significantly exceeds it (especially among the Nenets, Chukchi, Eskimos, and Buryats).

The state of our health depends not on the number of years we have lived, but on the degree of preservation of the body. It is this factor that determines a person’s biological age.

There is no absolute system for measuring biological age. But there are many methods for determining biological age, but many of them require special equipment.
However, you can take a number of tests at home that show how worn out our body is - they provide an assessment of the condition of the body and its real biological age.

The results of such a study make it possible to understand what age group corresponds to the body of a specific person.

1. Spinal flexibility

This test allows you to determine the condition of the ligaments and tendons of the spine.

While standing, lean forward, you can bend your knees. Where did you reach with your palms?

  • Place your palms on the floor - your ligaments are 20 years old;
  • Touched the floor only with your fingers, not with your palms - 30 years;
  • Reached palms to ankles - 40 years;
  • Put your palms below your knees - 50 years;
  • Touched knees - 60 years;
  • Didn't reach the knees - 70 and older.

Another way is to count the number of forward bends you can do in a minute.

  • More than 50 movements correspond to the age of 20 years;
  • A 30-year-old bends over 35 to 49 times per minute,
  • from 30 to 34 times - 40 year old,
  • from 25 to 29 - a 50-year-old person.
  • Ages over 60 years old correspond to no more than 24 bends per minute.

The spine protects the spinal cord from damage. Spinal column as a single anatomical and physiological structure, it is held in place by ligaments and muscles. IN spinal cord there are many centers of vegetative nervous system from which the spinal nerves depart, through the channels of which complex reflex functions are carried out.
Deterioration of the flexibility and mobility of the spine can lead to disruption of the efficiency of neuro-regulatory processes and deterioration of the functioning of some organs and systems of the human body.

2. Reaction speed

To carry out the test, you will have to resort to the services of an assistant. Ask a friend or relative to take a 50 cm long ruler and hold it vertically at the end corresponding to the zero mark.

You should place your hand 10 cm below the other end of the ruler.

The assistant should suddenly let go of the ruler, and you should catch it at the moment of falling, holding it between the large and index fingers.

The reaction speed is measured by the divisions on which your fingers are located. In this case, the age correspondence table looks like this:

  • 20 cm - 20 years;
  • 25 cm - 30 years;
  • 35 cm - 40 years;
  • 45 cm - 60 years.

This test allows you to determine the time of a simple motor reaction and the duration of the nervous excitement. The time of this reflex is an important indicator functional state nerve centers person.

3. Condition of the vestibular apparatus

You will need help from someone at home.
Take off your shoes, close your eyes, stand on one leg, rest your other foot on the shin of your supporting leg.

The assistant marks on the clock how long you can stand like this.

  • 30 seconds or more - you are 20 years old;
  • 25 seconds - 30 years;
  • 20 seconds - 40 years;
  • 15 seconds - 50 years;
  • 10 seconds or less - 60 years.
  • You cannot stand at all - 70 and older.

4. Lung health and condition

The safety of the lungs can be determined by the distance from which a person can blow out a burning candle.

  • 1 meter - your lungs are 20 years old;
  • 80-90 cm - 30 years;
  • 70-80 cm - 40 years;
  • 60-70 cm - 50 years;
  • 50-60 cm - 60 years;
  • Less than 50 cm - 70 years and older.

There is also a test that determines biological age by breathing frequency. To do this, you need to count how many cycles consisting of take a deep breath and you can exhale completely in a minute. The age requirements are:

  • 20 years - 40-45 cycles;
  • 30 years - 35-39 cycles;
  • 40 years - 30-34 cycles;
  • 50 years - 20-29 cycles;
  • 60 years - 15-19 cycles.

5. Preservation of joints

Place both hands behind your back: one from below, the other over your shoulder.

Try to connect your fingers at the level of your shoulder blades. What happened?

  • Easily clasp your fingers into a “lock” - your joints are 20 years old;
  • Fingers touched, but they couldn’t clasp - 30 years;
  • Palms close, but fingers not touching - 40 years;
  • Palms behind the back, but quite far from each other - 50 years;
  • They barely put their palms behind their backs - 60 years;
  • Can't put both hands behind my back - 70 years old.

6. Determine muscle strength

Lie on a hard surface on your back, bend your knees and do the following exercise: raise your shoulders and shoulder blades. The lower back remains pressed. Place your hands behind your head or cross your chest.

How many times have you managed to do this?

  • 40 times - judging by the strength, you are 20 years old;
  • 35 times - 30 years;
  • 28 times - 40 years;
  • 23 times - 50 years;
  • 15 times - 60 years.
  • Less than 12 times - over 65 years old.

7. Monitoring heart rate before and after physical activity

Count your pulse. Then squat 30 times at a fast pace.
Take your pulse again.

By the degree of increase in heart rate you can judge your biological age:

If your heart rate increases by:

  • 0—10 units—age corresponds to 20 years;
  • 10-20 units - age corresponds to 30 years;
  • 20-30 units - age corresponds to 40 years;
  • 30-40 units - age corresponds to 50 years;
  • more than 40 units or the person was not able to complete the exercise at all - age corresponds to 60 years and older.

The pulse can be measured by palpating the carotid or radial artery. Palpation of the radial artery is carried out by pressing the index and middle finger of one hand on inner side wrists another.

The carotid artery is found by placing the index finger on the neck in the middle of the line connecting lower jaw and the middle of the collarbone.

The number of heart beats per minute is determined (counting the number of beats in 60 seconds).

8. Condition of the skin and peripheral vessels

Grab an area of ​​skin on the back of your hand with your thumb and forefinger, squeeze for 5 seconds and release. A white spot will appear on the skin.

Note the time it takes for it to disappear.

  • Up to 5 seconds - your skin is 20 years old;
  • 6-8 seconds - 30 years;
  • 9-12 seconds - 40 years;
  • 13-15 seconds - 50 years;
  • 16-19 seconds - 60 years.
  • More than 19 seconds - 70 and older.

9. Condition of the central nervous system

This test requires little preparation. Ask your assistant to draw a sign on a piece of paper consisting of five lines, with five cells in each, and write numbers from 1 to 25 in the cells, arranging them randomly.

Then take a pencil and try to quickly, without distraction, touch the cells sequentially in ascending order of numbers (from the first to the twenty-fifth).

  • If your age is 20 years old, this should take no more than 35 seconds.
  • A thirty-year-old person will show a result of 36 to 40 seconds,
  • A 40-year-old will do it in 41-50 seconds,
  • A 50 year old will spend about 60 seconds.

You can also use a simple flash game:

By the way, you can easily train your memory with such simple toys:

10. Libido

For male body There is a direct dependence of the frequency of sexual contacts on biological age:

  • at 20 years old this figure is 6-7 times a week,
  • at 30 years old - 5-6 times,
  • for 40-year-olds - 3-4 times,
  • a man aged 50 years or more is able to experience and successfully implement sexual desire no more than 2 times a week.

To find out the final result, you need to find the arithmetic mean of the measured parameters: add up all your results and divide by 10. This figure will be your biological age.

A person’s calendar and biological age may not coincide.
It happens that biological age is less than calendar age, and this indicates slow aging and a longer life expectancy can be predicted.
If these ages are equal, then a normal physiological process occurs in the human body.
If the biological age is greater than the calendar age, then this may be a sign of premature aging, which is caused by chronic diseases.
There are other factors that accelerate the aging process - these are psycho-emotional stress, neurosis, syndrome chronic fatigue, vitamin deficiency.

There are other tests to determine whether your calendar age matches your biological age. These tables indicate some of them.

This is interesting

Taking a closer look at those who look younger, one can note that they, for the most part, are incorrigible optimists and lead healthy image life, spend a lot of time in nature, it’s pleasant to communicate with them. They prefer natural methods of treatment in case of illness, but this rarely happens to them... the list goes on.

For example, famous Paul Bragg at 80, he looked like he was 60, surfed, fasted, ran, and led a very active image life.
Or Tibetan monks- they know the secrets of longevity and look much younger than their earthly years.

In the photo below is 67-year-old Gao Mingyuan. He began his studies at the age of 60, when he retired.

After many years of working at the factory, by the age of 60, everything hurt, especially his legs and back. He did stretching exercises for 7-8 hours a day. Now he is 67 years old, and he has forgotten about his illnesses and does not go to doctors at all. Answering the question about what makes him happy, without hesitation, he names several things: order, many friends, good mood and love for people.
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