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What is NSG in newborns? Rules for conducting brain NSG in newborns and infants, interpretation of ultrasound results, norms and deviations. What abnormalities can neurosonography detect?

) of a newborn is a hardware examination of the brain using an ultrasound machine. It is used for early diagnosis possible violations in brain function and detection of pathological changes nervous system. Pathologies of this kind are the result of improper management of labor or occur during an unfavorable course of pregnancy.

Features of the nervous system of newborns

Some features are noted in the structure of the nervous system of a newborn. Thus, after birth, more than 25% of the neurons in the brain are developed. Moreover, by six months, approximately 66% of the total number begin to actively function, and at 12 months, 90% of all brain cells are actively functioning. As you can see, the brain develops most actively in infancy, up to about 3 months.

Also, the baby’s skull cannot yet be called whole and solid. cranium, due to the presence between the bones of the so-called. Their sizes are constantly recorded by measuring during NSG.

When is NSG performed?

Indications for NSG can be very diverse. However, most often this study prescribed for suspected:

  • bleeding;
  • tumors;
  • developmental defects;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • inflammatory processes.

Also, if any kind of situation arises that may be the cause of the development of pathology, ultrasound of the NSG in newborns is performed for diagnostic purposes. Advantage this method is that with its help it is possible to identify even small, insignificant damage, which in the future can affect the functioning of the brain.

How is NSG performed?

NSG of the brain of a newborn child is a fairly simple procedure, before which no preparation is required. At the same time, the examination process itself is no different from ultrasound, the only thing is that the examined organ is the head. NSG in newborns, as well as in children under one year of age, is usually performed through open fontanelles. For older children, such research is carried out exclusively through temporal bone and it is called TKDG.

Study safety

As a result of numerous studies, irrefutable evidence has been obtained that NSG is an absolutely safe procedure for the baby. Before her appearance, such small crumbs of detail computed tomography, which is carried out exclusively under general anesthesia.

The duration of such a study rarely exceeds 15 minutes, and the result is ready immediately. The study itself can be carried out more than once without harm to the child, which allows you to monitor the pathology over time.

Decoding the results

The interpretation of the NSG performed on a newborn is carried out exclusively by the doctor. In this case, all the developmental features of a particular child are taken into account, as well as how the birth took place, whether there were any complications, etc. Therefore, the results may differ and what will be considered normal for one baby may indicate the presence of pathological process. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about any norms when carrying out Newborn NSG, since the data obtained during the study must be taken into account in conjunction with the results of other studies.

Thus, NSG does not require preliminary preparation of the baby and, as a rule, is prescribed by a doctor in case of pronounced or hidden signs of neurological pathology. Mom should not worry when prescribing this examination - it is absolutely painless and does not have a negative impact on the baby.

Often parents are offered to have their child undergo neurosonography - NSG. Doctors recommend doing an ultrasound scan of the brain at one, three and six months. This study is absolutely safe and will not cause any harm to the child. If there are any deviations from the norm, repeat tests may be performed as often as recommended by your pediatrician.

NSG or neurosonography This is an ultrasound method - Ultrasound of a child's brain in newborns and young children through the large fontanelle using special sensors. And the gel with which the sensor is lubricated consists of a water base and serves to ensure that there is no air gap between the sensor and the surface of the body.

NSG is used to identify an assessment of the state of the child’s brain, to identify pathological abnormalities that may occur during pregnancy and childbirth.

If your baby was born on time, there were no problems during childbirth and everything went well in the first days of the child’s life, then it is advisable to do the following at 1-1.5 months:

  1. Ultrasound of the child’s brain - neurosonography
  2. Ultrasound hip joints
  3. Ultrasound abdominal cavity, kidneys and pelvis
  4. Ultrasound of the child’s heart (echocardiography)

All of the above ultrasound examinations of children under one year of age are screening, that is, they are performed on all children without exception. Parents themselves can contact the center for a comprehensive ultrasound diagnostic.

It is at 1-1.5 months that deviations that are not visible in the first days of life can be noticed and identified. As already noted, ultrasonography absolutely harmless, therefore the number and frequency of ultrasound is not limited. In the future, if you have already done complete ultrasound of the child's brain and no pathology was identified, then there is no need to examine him prophylactically more than once a year.

Special indications for ultrasound of the child’s brain

These are cases when holding Nerosonography absolutely necessary.

  • prematurity
  • large newborn
  • multiple pregnancy
  • the presence of abnormalities in the neurological status, which were noted by the pediatrician or the parents themselves. For example: sleep disturbance, unmotivated restlessness of the baby, facial asymmetry, impaired swallowing, sucking, persistent regurgitation, etc.
  • disturbance in the rate of increase in head circumference in a child
  • inflammatory diseases brain (meningitis, encephalitis)
  • traumatic brain injuries, including during childbirth (cephalohematoma), asymmetry of the baby’s head
  • hypoxic-ischemic lesions (conditions when the child’s brain lacked oxygen); this state can occur with any, even minor, disturbances in a woman’s condition during pregnancy (threat of miscarriage, past illnesses, toxicosis)
  • seizures and other disturbances of consciousness
  • the baby has any other developmental defects

Ultrasound of a child's brain(NSG) does not require special training. However, parents must be prepared to answer the doctor’s question about the exact height and weight of the child - this is necessary to calculate the size of the organ and clarify the norms. It is also the parents’ task to calm the child down and explain that no one will hurt him, he just needs to lie quietly. And it is quite possible to examine infants during sleep. For research, you can take with you a pacifier or a bottle with your baby’s favorite drink, or a new interesting toy. These calming factors can significantly reduce a child's stress from contact with strangers, make the doctor’s work easier and thereby reduce the time you spend on the examination.

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Ultrasound of the brain (neurosonography) is recommended for all children under one year of age, without exception. Informative, safe ultrasound examination allows you to detect pathologies and malformations in the very early age, and begin their correction in a timely manner.

Ultrasound of the child's brain (USB) is a universal, highly informative and at the same time simple method of examination. This procedure often prescribed to young children to diagnose congenital and acquired pathologies of the nervous system. Ultrasound examination in newborns is facilitated by the presence of natural bony openings in their skulls, closed only connective tissue- fontanelles. Using ultrasound, a specialist examines the structures of the brain, determining their size, correct structure and symmetry. Ultrasound also allows you to detect various neoplasms, signs of inflammation and other pathologies.

Indications for the study

Starting from the 1st month after birth, neurosonography is performed on all children several times up to a year, even if there are no complaints. At an older age, the child’s fontanelle becomes overgrown bone tissue, and ultrasound becomes uninformative. More often ultrasound examination brain is required in the following cases:

  • childbirth ahead of schedule, i.e. before the 37th week;
  • low weight at birth;
  • presence of signs of intrauterine hypoxia during the mother’s pregnancy;
  • clinical symptoms pathologies of the nervous system;
  • the presence of a genetic predisposition to brain diseases;
  • suspicion of inflammation of brain structures and membranes;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • mental retardation.

NSG of the brain of newborns can be prescribed in case of complicated births and if birth trauma is suspected.

What parameters are determined during ultrasound examination?

During an ultrasound examination, a specialist examines the child’s brain and compares the information received with normal indicators. All data about the study is entered into a special form, and based on the diagnostic results, a conclusion is given about the absence or presence of pathologies. As a rule, during the ultrasound procedure of the child’s brain, the following parameters are determined:

  • symmetry of brain structure;
  • homogeneity of structure;
  • area and size of the ventricles;
  • the condition of large blood vessels supplying the brain;
  • area of ​​the subarachnoid space;
  • clarity of the contours of convolutions and grooves;
  • the presence of fluid in the ventricles of the brain and its quantity.

With the conclusion of an ultrasound specialist, the child is usually sent for a consultation with a neurologist, who, if necessary, prescribes treatment or additional examination.

What can be diagnosed during an ultrasound?

Using an ultrasound of a child’s brain, the presence of the following pathologies can be determined:

  • disturbance of the contours of the ventricles (observed with hemorrhages, various tumors, cysts and other brain tumors);
  • increased volume of the ventricles (with hydrocephalus, rickets);
  • intracranial hemorrhages (often found in premature infants in the first weeks of life);
  • ischemia of brain structures (develops as a result of fetal hypoxia, occurs in premature infants and can lead to death nerve cells);
  • meningitis (inflammation of the soft membrane of the brain as a result of intrauterine or acquired infection after birth, with ultrasound signs of thickening or deformation choroid);
  • encephalitis (inflammation of the brain substance, which can lead to the death of large areas of nerve cells and the formation of cysts);
  • aneurysm of blood vessels supplying the brain (very dangerous pathology, since in case of a sudden rupture blood vessel hemorrhage occurs in the brain matter, intracranial hematomas with compression of the brain are formed);
  • cysts (cavity formations that have a capsule and are filled with liquid contents).

Cysts can be of several types:

Choroid plexus cyst is a relatively common anomaly that develops even before the baby is born. In most cases, the formation resolves on its own and does not require any treatment.

Subependymal cysts are usually a consequence of previous oxygen deprivation of the brain. Such cystic cavities can negatively affect the development of the child, often provoke seizures and may cause epileptic seizures. To monitor the dynamics of the process of NSG of the brain, newborns with this pathology are prescribed several times during the first year.

A cerebrospinal fluid or arachnoid cyst is usually the result of inflammatory process or traumatic injury brain. It can increase in size and compress neighboring brain structures, which leads to serious neurological disorders. If an arachnoid (cerebrospinal fluid) cyst is present, surgical treatment may be required.

Another serious pathology that can be detected using neurosonography is a tumor. The malignancy and benignity of an intracranial tumor are of relative importance, because in any case the tumor leads to compression (mechanical compression) of the brain and disruption of its functions.

Benefits of brain examination using NSG

NSG has many advantages:

  • high information content;
  • relative cheapness;
  • accessibility, painlessness and safety of the procedure (ultrasound of the child’s brain can be performed several times in a row without fear of undesirable consequences);
  • quick results;
  • the ability to control the dynamics of the disease (if present).

Probably the only disadvantage of neurosonography is the impossibility of performing it in children after one year.

How is the procedure performed?

No preparation is required to conduct the study. The specialist applies a little gel to the scalp in the area of ​​the large fontanel. This is necessary to eliminate the layer of air between the surface of the skin and the sensor, which allows better visualization of brain structures. Through the sensor, the information is sent to the monitor, where the doctor records the necessary data.

Where to do NSG?

To conduct an ultrasound of the child’s brain, you just need to call our clinic’s one-stop help line. Preamble's highly qualified specialists have many years of experience practical experience and use the most modern equipment for their work. All this guarantees high accuracy of the information obtained during the study, which is then carefully deciphered by our doctors. Registration is made at a time convenient for you. The clinics are located close to your home, so you don’t have to travel long by public transport.

A newborn baby is often referred for various studies if he exhibits symptoms of pathologies. NSG of the brain of newborns stands for neurosonography. This is an ultrasound examination that is used to determine the condition of the brain of newborn children. Most often, NSG is understood as conducting a study of the main organ through the fontanelle, although this is too narrow a concept of neurosonography. During ultrasound sonography, the doctor can assess the condition spinal cord, soft tissues of the head, as well as the spine.

NSG of the brain of newborns is one of the methods of ultrasonography. There are four of them in total, and the difference in conduction lies only in where the device’s sensor is directed.

If the study occurs through the fontanelle, then this is neurosonography. When examining through the temporal and parietal bones of the skull, transcanal ultrasonography is performed. USG is also performed through existing defects in bone tissue. There is also combined study, which combines the technique of conducting ultrasound sonography through the fontanelle and canals. But newborn children undergo neurosonography to examine the brain, sometimes combining it with transchannel ultrasound sonography.

How and when is neurosonography performed?

What is NSG? This is one of the most safe ways diagnostics of brain pathologies in newborn children, which is very informative and easy to implement.

It is important to note that the study is possible for both an awake baby and a sleeping one. NSG takes no more than ten minutes to complete. However, for a successful examination, it is important that the child's head remains still. This is often difficult to achieve, but it is the only difficulty with ultrasound sonography.

The doctor conducts NSG as follows: gel for ultrasound sonography is applied to the area of ​​the fontanel and the child’s brain is examined using a sensor. It takes ten minutes just to get an image from different planes. To do this, the doctor changes both the observation area and the tilt of the sensor.

Neurosonography makes sense only if the fontanel is still soft. It should be borne in mind that in newborn children it closes completely by 12-18 months of life, but with each month after birth it becomes harder and tightens more tightly. This means that the doctor will no longer be able to look at all areas of the brain of interest. That's why best time for the study - the first months of life immediately after birth, when the bones of the skull are still very soft.

In what cases should neurosonography be performed? In fact, it is advisable to conduct the study on all categories of newborn children, as it allows us to identify hidden brain pathologies. And the sooner a specific diagnosis is made immediately after birth, the greater the likelihood of curing the child. Many brain diseases are asymptomatic and may not affect the baby for several years after birth. And if they are not identified immediately with the help special methods, brain changes will be irreversible once symptoms appear.

Has neurosonography for children and special indications to be carried out. The study is prescribed for all premature babies and those who have experienced an anhydrous period during labor. Children born with the help of NSG must undergo NSG caesarean section, and those who received a birth injury, as well as if the birth was pathological.

If during pregnancy the doctor diagnosed a pathology of the fetal brain using ultrasound equipment, then neurosonography should subsequently either confirm or refute it.

The doctor performs NSG if there is a suspicion of hydrocephalus or intrauterine infection, trisomy and cerebral palsy, for pathologies associated with hypoxia, for any defect of the internal organs, for suspected hemorrhage or improper circulation inside the head.
If the Apgar score is less than 7/7, then the child will also be referred for ultrasound sonography. For symptoms such as frequent regurgitation or developmental delay, it is also better to have the brain examined for pathologies.

The method, based on ultrasound examination of the brain through the fontanelle, is completely safe and has no contraindications, therefore it is often used all over the world for children starting from the first month of life.

NSG of the brain of newborns: decoding

The ultrasonic method Brain research is very informative, because during the procedure the doctor can completely examine all areas of the brain, study their size and assess the condition of the organ tissues. With the help of NSG, it is possible to diagnose pathologies of the brain of children, the presence of fluid, assess the quality of blood circulation, determine whether there has been hemorrhage, and identify a tumor inside the main organ. The doctor will indicate many parameters in the results of the study. The protocol will display: the symmetry of the organ structures, the clarity of visualization of the convolutions, the presence of fluid in the interhemispheric fissure, the characteristics of the cerebral ventricles, the falciform process, the tentorium of the cerebellum, blood vessels, and the presence of neoplasms.

The results of an ultrasound examination of the newborn’s brain will also contain information about the size of the ventricles, subarachnoid space, interhemispheric fissure and other brain structures.

The development of the organ and its image on the screen during ultrasound depend on the age of the child, because the brain of a newborn develops very quickly and changes every month. But some parameters must be constant. The doctor should ideally not find asymmetry of structures, hemorrhage, tissue thickening, large quantity liquids inside.

What can neurosonography of the brain of newborns reveal?

Of course, recently born children should not have pathologies. But in fact, many children are already born with organ diseases that were formed inside the womb under the influence of various factors or were inherited.

There is a list of the most common pathologies that NSG of the newborn brain helps to identify.

Hypertension syndrome indicates that there is increased pressure in the skull, and there are many reasons for this. But the most serious of them are associated with the appearance of a tumor or hemorrhage. Hypertension syndrome is dangerous because when it exists, any hemisphere can shift and lead to serious disorders.

Hydrocephalus is diagnosed by a doctor when neurosonography reveals enlarged ventricles. This indicates that liquid has accumulated in them. This is facilitated by the impossibility of its outflow from the ventricles or excessive production. Most often this is due to infections inside the womb, or birth injuries. Hydrocephalus occurs in medical practice quite often in premature and full-term infants. Fortunately, it can also be determined by external signs.

A child suffering from hydrocephalus will have a large head. The disease affects the general condition of the child, causing psychomotor development.

In the case where neurosonography reveals foci of hemorrhage, the child should be immediately hospitalized.

Cysts can form in the brain of newborn babies. They are small bubbles with liquid that are located in the cerebrospinal fluid area. Usually they do not threaten the child and disappear completely over time.

But an arachnoid cyst does not disappear over time. It is formed by the cells of the arachnoid membrane. Contributes to this intrauterine infection. Such a cyst can be found in any brain section. The danger is that as it grows, it gradually begins to compress nearby tissues.

In addition to arachnoid cysts, subependymal cysts may be present in the brain of newborn children. Most often they are caused by hypoxia, that is, lack of oxygen. Cysts can also appear due to hemorrhage. The appearance of cysts is asymptomatic, but, as in the case of arachnoid cysts, these formations can grow and compress brain structures.

Using neurosonography, the doctor can identify foci of ischemia, that is, identify areas damaged by hypoxia. While still in the womb, the baby may not receive enough oxygen. This seriously affects its development and requires treatment and medical supervision. Ischemia has three degrees of severity.

The first degree is characterized by either depression of the nervous system or excitement. At timely treatment a child who suffered from hypoxia before birth does not pose a threat to his health. The second degree is characterized similar symptoms, to which convulsions are added. The third degree of ischemia is such that it can only be cured in intensive care conditions. In children suffering from hypoxia to this extent, hearing, vision, and speech are often impaired. Such a child almost never recovers completely.

What is NSG? Currently, neurosonography is one of the most available methods, with which you can find out the state of the brain of newborn children both in terms of cost and ease of implementation.
Even though it is not included in mandatory studies for children under one year old, it is better to do it in the first months of the baby’s life or immediately after birth.

Neurosonography of the brain allows you to accurately, safely and painlessly identify pathologies in newborns at the first stage of development.

Neurosonography of the brain of newborns is a procedure associated with the examination of the brain. This examination replaced the MRI, which was carried out earlier.

This is due to a huge number of contraindications for MRI:

  • Having allergies.
  • Pituitary gland diseases.
  • Early pregnancy.
  • Presence of pacemakers and other implants.

That is why doctors tried not to prescribe MRI for babies and older children. Over time, an alternative to MRI was found: neurosonography.

Thanks to this procedure you can explore:

  • Spine.
  • Spinal cord.
  • Skull bones.
  • Scalp.

Thanks to neurosonography, it is possible to identify blood supply disorders, tumors or hernias, spinal injuries, as well as head injuries, and inflammation.

Neurosonography is of 3 types:

Why is ultrasound performed on newborns and infants?

As a rule, childbirth is a rather complex and traumatic process. It is not uncommon for a child to suffer a brain injury during childbirth. It is impossible to determine this injury without special equipment.

These injuries can subsequently seriously affect the mental and physiological development of the child. Early examination and identification of injury will help to begin treatment on time and avoid serious consequences.

Ultrasound can detect the following pathologies:

  • tumors;
  • hemorrhage;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • hydrocephalus.

How often can neurosonography be done on an infant?

Neurosonography of the brain of newborns is a safe procedure. The examination is carried out painlessly, within a few minutes. At the same time, it gives a complete picture of the baby’s brain structures.

As a result, the examination can be carried out without restrictions on the number of procedures. Whether the test should be used and how often it should be done is decided by either the attending physician or the pediatrician. In practice, to determine the health status of a child, once a week is enough.

What does neurosonography of a baby show?

Using neurosonography, you can get comprehensive information about the state of the child’s brain.

This examination can show:

  • Infant brain damage.
  • Presence of a cyst or tumor.
  • Clear reflection of convolutions.
  • Density of the ventricles of the brain and their size.
  • The content of fluid that is located between the cerebral hemispheres.
  • A general picture of brain development.

Indications for ultrasound for infants of different ages

Ultrasound is recommended for absolutely all children. Parents have the right to refuse an examination, but it is best not to do this, because it is impossible to confidently say without a full examination that the child does not have any pathologies and is completely healthy.

There are a number of “direct” indications for performing an ultrasound of a child’s brain.

Neurosonography is required if:

  • The child was born premature.
  • There is a possibility of chromosomal abnormalities.
  • Long lasting oxygen starvation child.
  • The birth occurred with complications (for example: incorrect position fetus, trauma during childbirth).
  • A score of 7 or less according to the Algar scale (the Algar scale is a rapid scoring system general condition baby).
  • The fontanel either sinks or, on the contrary, protrudes.

From birth to 2 months

For babies under 2 months of age, neurosonography is performed in the following cases:

In these cases, it is also possible to hospitalize the child and mother during the examination.

From 2 months to six months

There are cases when no pathologies were detected during neurosonography. And after 2-3 months the picture changes dramatically. This is due to the fact that not all pathologies manifest themselves in the first 2 months after the birth of a child.

For older children and up to six months, examination may be prescribed for the following reasons:

At the end of the examination, the doctor prescribes special measures to improve the child’s condition, and measures are also taken to bring the child’s brain function to the required state.

Are there any contraindications to the study?

There are no contraindications to the study as such. This is explained by the fact that there are no dangerous drugs not used during examination. The procedure is painless and without any harm to the child’s health.

With rare exceptions, doctors may refuse to perform neurosonography. For example, a child does not behave calmly during the procedure or a large area of ​​the scalp or neck is damaged.

This procedure can be carried out repeatedly until the fontanel is completely overgrown.

Neurosonography is carried out until the child’s fontanelle closes. As a rule, this period is from birth to 12 months. Next, the procedure is carried out using the transcranial ultrasound method.

Brain defects in infants available with neurosonography

Neurosonography of the brain of newborns is a method thanks to which it is possible to identify almost everything pathological changes in the brain, in its vascular bed and in the ventricular system.

Most often, during examination, the following defects are found in infants:

In addition to neurosonography, may be prescribed additional examinations(for example, examination by a neurologist).

Preparing the baby for the procedure

There are no special measures when preparing a baby for neurosonography.

The most important thing is that the child eats and is not thirsty before the procedure - this will avoid whims during the examination.

If the child falls asleep, there is no need to wake him up. The baby will move less, and the procedure will go much faster.

For the procedure, you should take a diaper on which you can lay the baby. Do not apply ointments or creams before neurosonography. This will worsen the contact of the device’s sensor with the surface of the head, which will not allow obtaining the most accurate results.

Ultrasound process

Neurosonography of the brain of newborns is most often done through the baby’s fontanel. This area is located between the frontal and parietal bone. In addition to the anterior fontanel, ultrasound can be done through a special occipital foramen of the child’s head and small lateral temporal fontanelles.

The neurosonography device is no different from a conventional ultrasound machine. It includes:

  • Sensor. With its help, all manipulations during the examination are carried out. There are two types of sensors:
  1. Sensor with purity up to 6 MHz. This type of sensor is used for children under 2 months of age.
  2. Sensor with 2 MHz purity. This type of sensor is used for older children.

Before the procedure, the child is placed on the couch, having first laid a diaper on it. During the procedure, the mother has the right to be present and hold the child’s head if necessary. A special gel is applied to the sensor, after which the doctor moves it over the child’s head. At this time, the impulses that the device receives are displayed on the screen in the form of a moving picture.

During an ultrasound, the doctor turns his attention to the cerebral ventricles, the cavities of the transparent septum, and the cisterns. Inspecting the tank for a doctor is very great importance. This is due to the fact that her condition shows developmental disorders posterior fossa skulls

The study lasts no more than 10 minutes. At the end of the examination, the child’s head should be gently wiped with a cloth to remove any remaining cream. The results of neurosonography will be ready after a few minutes.

Explanation of research indicators, table of norms

Neurosonography of the brain has certain data that is deciphered based on specific indicators and parameters. Standard indicators, which should be obtained after examining healthy newborns and older children, are prescribed in a special table of norms.

It is this that the sonologist will focus on when preparing the results of the study.

Externally, this table looks like this:

The object in question. Normal for a newborn. The norm for a child aged 1 to 3 months. Normal for a child aged 6 months.
Large tank44,9 (+/-4,5) No more than 6 mm.82,1 (+/-12,7)
Lateral ventriclesFront: 1.5 mm (+/-0.5 mm).

Occipital: maximum 1.5 cm.

Front: no more than 2 mm.

Occipital: no more than 1.5 cm.

64,7 (+/-12,8)
3rd stomach4.5 mm (+/-0.5 mm)No more than 5 mm.4,8 (+/-1,2)
Subarachnoid spaceNo more than 3 mm.No more than 2 mm
Brain Cloak29,4 (+/-5,7) 40,1 (+/-2,5) 46,2 (+/-6,4)

Small deviations from the indicators in this table should not frighten the child’s parents. Often, small deviations are due to device errors.

In addition to the above data, the doctor must indicate the symmetrical or asymmetrical shape of the brain tissue.

If there are no deviations from the norms, then, as a rule, the furrows and gyri will be shown very clearly on the screen of the device.

In cases where everything is fine with the ventricles of the brain and there are no abnormalities, the sonologist must make a note that the ventricles are homogeneous and do not have any inclusions. If in the results, when describing the ventricles, the term “flakes” is written, this means that an area of ​​hemorrhage has been found.

At good condition, the gap between the hemispheres should not be filled with any liquid. And the blood vessels of the brain should have a homogeneous structure.

The shape of the tentorium of the cerebellum in the absence of any abnormalities can be of two types:

In addition, in conclusion, neurosonography is used next norm for a healthy child:

  • The size of the body of the cerebral ventricle should be from 2 mm to 4 mm.
  • The size of the gap between the cerebral hemispheres is 2 mm.

When drawing up a conclusion, the doctor pays attention to all aspects of the birth of the child’s mother, namely:

  • Baby's weight after birth.
  • Duration of labor.
  • What injuries were sustained during childbirth?
  • How was the birth, were there any complications?
  • Did the child have oxygen deprivation?

What to do if deviations are identified?

If any abnormalities were identified during the examination, you must immediately contact a neurologist. It will be very good if this doctor is the one who performs the procedure.

Neurosonography of the brain allows the neurologist to determine whether the child needs treatment right now or can be limited to observation. Situations arise when newborns are prescribed a repeat examination in order to eliminate all possible errors.

Article format: Mila Friedan

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About neurosonography of the brain in children: