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How to teach a puppy the Fu command? Useful tricks on how to teach a dog commands How to teach a command you can’t fu


When your puppy reaches 4 months of age, start teaching him the "Fu" command. This team should be introduced to, but the learned behavior should be consolidated both at home and on walks.

Stock up on treats in advance so that you can provide in time positive reinforcement the action you want. Small, tasty pieces of food should be used as treats to prevent the puppy from quickly eating the treat.

Put a piece of meat or a favorite toy in front of the puppy and give the command "Fu" in a strict voice. Do not let the dog take the food or object. To do this, when you try to grab the forbidden mouth, say “Fu” again strictly and lightly hit the dog’s muzzle with a folded newspaper.

In no case do not beat the dog with your hand, but only with something in your hand. Calculate the strength of the slap based on the breed and size of the dog. A Chihuahua puppy will only need a strict voice with the team, and for the “bear cub” Alabai, you will have to invest in an additional tightly rolled newspaper.

As soon as the puppy stops trying to take the desired object or food, actively praise him and give him a piece of treat for encouragement. repeat this procedure training 3-4 times a day.

At the same time, on street walks, keep a close eye on the puppy. When he tries to take something from the ground into his mouth, strictly give the “Fu” command and make a short but noticeable jerk of the leash. Of course, until the puppy has fully studied the team, his walking should take place only on a leash.

For one walk, do not give more than 2-3 forbidding commands, otherwise the dog will stop perceiving them. Intervals between commands should be on the order of 10-20 minutes, depending on the puppy's stress resistance. If there are no irritants for the dog in the walking area, discreetly toss pieces of food (irritant) during training on the ground in front of the dog.

Don't allow the skill to be formed when the dog, despite the given command, still does the forbidden action. Control your dog with a leash. When you follow her command, immediately positively reinforce her with a treat. It is important that no more than 3-4 seconds elapse between the executed command and the reinforcement of the dog.

The “Fu” command is considered learned if, from the very first presentation, your dog immediately stops the unwanted action. Maintain the learned skill by regularly giving the dog the “Fu” command in different situations.

The owner of the dog must teach his pet the "No" command. This is necessary so that at any time you can stop the animal from undesirable actions. For example, pick up food on the street, gnaw on furniture or other objects. Especially unquestioning execution of the “No” command is important when your dog is aggressive towards others.


Start learning with one month old or since the appearance of the puppy in the house. If you see him chewing on his shoes or trying to do something forbidden, like climbing on the couch, then say "No" and give him a light slap. But do not hurt the puppy, otherwise he will grow up shy.

So that your puppy can fulfill basic requests, obey, and you can curb his activity, you need to train him from childhood. Then he will be able not only to overcome the barrier or bring a stick, but to serve or walk not on a leash, but on his own. How to teach a dog commands at home, and how to quickly teach basic requirements, you ask. But this is quite real, it is enough to get a little advice from experienced dog handlers, watch training videos and clearly follow the rules that we will mention below.

Why does a dog need to know commands?

It is necessary to train commands in order for the pet to exist normally with other animals and people, especially for and. Although without education they can grow up no less aggressive and uncontrollable. Training is also necessary in order to correct behavior, to eradicate bad habits, develop the natural instincts of the animal.

Can an adult dog be trained? It is possible, but much more difficult, so it is better to start classes from the age of six months, although they are held in game form. The process will go much faster, as puppies are more active and love to learn new things.

But before starting classes, you need to consider the following points:

  • the nature and habits of the pet;
  • set priorities;
  • do not retreat from classes, make them permanent;
  • praise and encourage the puppy, make the exercises more interesting;
  • distinguish between work and play moments.

It is also important to take into account the fact that exercises do not need to be arranged after lunch or dinner, but training should be carried out only on an empty stomach.

Basic commands

What commands do you need to learn?

Basic commands:

  • near;
  • lie;
  • sit;
  • give paw;
  • it is forbidden;
  • stranger;
  • stand;
  • bring;
  • walk.

These exercises will be needed in order to develop mobility, agility and quick wits and obedience.

But commands such as spin, barrier, somersault, die, search and bring are considered quite complex, not all dogs perform them, and only at a more mature age. For this, the pet must be encouraged with food and repeated classes constantly.

Team "voice" especially useful for those dogs that are used for hunting, guarding the house or in the process of searching for people. But initially you need to take into account that some breeds will not be able to learn at all and make a loud bark, and Labradors and Shepherds learn the fastest.

  • tie the dog near the tree and step on the leash;
  • do not let your pet jump on you when he sees food;
  • ask to vote and show a yummy;
  • encourage the pet after the command;
  • repeat the exercise two or three times.

It is important not to encourage the animal if it barks and barks without command, otherwise the exercise will not be remembered correctly.


"down" command may also be useful in ordinary life, especially if you travel a lot with your pet or visit often. Training begins at three months, simultaneously with the “sit” command. If the command is correctly executed, give a treat, and if there is no reaction, press on the withers.

Easy, for this you need:

  • go to a quiet place, even outside. But there should be no dampness and snow on the ground;
  • press on the withers and back, saying "lie";
  • at this time, you need to show the yummy in the other hand at ground level;
  • after following the instructions, release the animal with the words to walk.

Remember that training can take up to a year, but it should take place without rudeness, gradually becoming more difficult. If at first the pet is trained at home, then after, on the street or in public place. And do not expect that the first time the dog will be able to lie on the ground for a long time.


How to teach your dog the "next" command almost everyone knows, but not everyone knows how to do it right. Training begins at six months, when the pet is already accustomed to walking on a leash. Note that the exercise is considered the most difficult and is remembered for a year.

It is important that the puppy is away from you. left side and walked beside you until you let him go for a walk.

You need to start training like this:

  • take the dog on a leash and bring it as close to you as possible;
  • say "near" and lead the pet near you for a few steps;
  • then let go and say "walk";
  • give a treat as a reward;
  • then call the puppy and repeat the exercise a few more times;
  • each time you need to loosen the tension on the leash and let the dog go free more and more.

It must be remembered that if the command is not followed, it is enough to pull the leash closer to you and repeat the exercise.


Fas Team is considered one of the most difficult and dangerous, but training should begin from three months of life, when the pet has weaned from the mother.

Remember that a pet spoiled by attention and affection may not follow your commands or do it with stubbornness. Therefore, try to pamper him less, and be more strict.

How to teach a dog the “face” command, we will describe below.

For this you need:

  • find a closed area on the street without people;
  • put on a protective suit;
  • find props in the form of sticks, tires, stuffed animals;
  • then tie the dog on a leash and sit next to it;
  • then tease the pet with the chosen object and speak face;
  • each time it will annoy more, and the dog will rush;
  • reward the dog with a treat after the command is completed.


Before describing how to teach a dog "sit" command, select a few important points. For example, learning begins with early childhood, from three to five months. To perform the exercises, use the method of encouragement and punishment - press on the sacrum when not doing it and give a treat when doing it.

The training scheme is as follows:

  • call your pet to you;
  • call him by name, say "sit" and press on the sacrum;
  • hold the dog in that position for a few seconds, and then give a treat;
  • complete the exercise with the words walk;
  • repeat the exercise every five to seven minutes.

give paw

How to teach a dog command "give paw" a dog handler can tell, but this is easy to teach at home. Then the pet, at your request, will give you its paw.

The exercise is carried out as follows:

  • sit the dog next to you;
  • call by name and say "give paw";
  • point to a paw and show a treat in your hand;
  • take the paw in your hands;
  • repeat the command several times and after execution, give the yummy.

Few people know, but you need to start training the team from six to eight months, and decorative rocks learn the worst.

How to teach your dog the fu and not commands

Team "fu" considered one of the most important, similar to command "no", because it makes the dog refuse your things or some items. It will be useful on the street, at a party or at home. How to teach a dog a command "ugh" And "it is forbidden"?

Simple enough:

  • show or give the pet a forbidden thing;
  • point to it or take it in your hand and say "fu, you can't";
  • pick up the item and repeat the command;
  • make sure that the pet gives the thing himself and does not take it without your permission;
  • give a treat as a reward.

Keep in mind that you need to start the exercise at the moment when the puppy has decided to perform an action, but has not yet done anything wrong. Talk to him only looking into his eyes.


Team "Aport" can be trained quickly, although some breeds have difficulty. The exercise implies that the puppy returns the thing that the owner threw, then the dog sits next to him and waits for further instructions. Training begins from the eighth month of life, after the commands “sit and beside”. How to teach a dog the “fetch” command, we will consider together:

  • find a stick or bone;
  • show it to the dog, tease a little;
  • throw a thing and say fetch;
  • let the animal run after the thing and return it to you;
  • praise and give a treat;
  • repeat the exercises three to five times.


This command must be taught to both an adult and a small pet. Although there are two types, when the dog lies down in its place in the house or near the specified object. How to teach a dog command "place"? Simple enough, all you need to do is lure the puppy with a treat or point your finger there, saying “place”. Upon completion, the dog is encouraged. And in order for the dog to stay in place longer, throw his favorite toy there.

It is also important that when returning from a place without a command, you need to return the pet there, pointing your finger there, saying in a menacing voice.


Before deciding how to train a dog team "foreign", we determine that it is important for many pets, as it notifies that in front of them Unknown person with bad intentions. Then the dog should give a voice, growl or go to the side.

For training you need:

  • find an assistant who will attack you;
  • then look at the animal and repeat the command "stranger";
  • repeat this for five to seven minutes;
  • after the pet approaches you and starts to growl or bark, praise.


"Stand" command you need to teach from the age of seven to nine months, after mastering the basic exercises. For training, a contrasting method of reward and punishment is used. The command is necessary in order for the animal to obey you while bathing, combing or doctor's examination. How do you teach your dog the "stand" command?

Learning together:

  • bring your pet to you;
  • push him under his stomach so that he gets up and listens to you;
  • as a reward, give a treat;
  • if the dog lies down, lift it by the coat;
  • combine command with words "walk".


Bring command has much in common with "fetch", but in this case it is not necessary to throw a thing.

To complete the exercise you will have to:

  • sit the pet next to you;
  • point to a thing and say bring;
  • if necessary, come up and hold the thing in your hands;
  • show a yummy, sit down and repeat the instruction again;
  • after completion, encourage.


The search command especially important for hunting and guard dogs, bloodhounds. She is taught from a year of life, after the exercises "fetch, sit, alien and fu."

The training is carried out as follows:

  • take a certain thing;
  • let the dog sniff it;
  • hide a thing;
  • give a command "search", repeat several times;
  • if the dog chooses the wrong thing, say "ugh", and repeat "seek well";
  • after finding, repeat the exercise and praise the animal.

Interestingly, you need to start learning by looking for a thing with your smell, then complicate it and force someone else to look for a thing.


"serve" command also called "bunny", and it is easier for small pets to perform it. Because it will be more difficult for the big ones to keep the body with a straight back.

It is not difficult to train, for this:

  • invite a puppy to you;
  • pick up a tasty treat;
  • raise your hand with the treat above the dog's head and say "serve";
  • after the pet lifts its front paws off the floor, reward it;
  • each time, force yourself to rise higher and hold the position longer.


Education command "wait" implies that the pet will remain motionless until you allow it to leave. Training begins at nine months, using a contrast method with rewards and punishments.

The training is carried out as follows:

  • call your pet;
  • seat him or lay him down by pressing on the sacrum;
  • Tell "wait" and hold with your hand;
  • show a treat
  • after a couple of minutes, give the treat and say "walk";
  • repeat the exercise several times.

Few people know, but team training begins at home, and only after a couple of months of classes, you can transfer classes to a noisy street.


Team "walk" most necessary for pets used in the security or detective service. Most often used after the execution of other commands, as a reward. For training, it is enough to pat the animal on the back, let go and say "walk".


Education team "somersault" not difficult, if the puppy already knows how to lie on his back, the exercise is very similar to "die" command.

To perform it is necessary:

  • put the dog on its back;
  • show a treat, give it a sniff;
  • hold a yummy along the ridge;
  • do not let the dog get up;
  • it is important that the dog follows the food and smoothly turns on its side;
  • and this is repeated several times.

start exercise "die" possible from any age, even from adult dog. To do this, it is enough to fill up the pet on its back or give it the appropriate command, take a treat in your hand and let it smell. After that, hold your hand with food to the side, further along the ridge. When the animal falls on its side, give the reward.


Exercise "barrier" must be performed after a year of life, and then your pet will learn to overcome obstacles. It is important that the first height is no more than 45 cm, even for large breed.

The training is carried out as follows:

  • find a small horizontal bar, obstacle or rope;
  • stand on the other side and show the puppy a treat;
  • beckon him and call to you;
  • after the dog jumps over, give a reward.

Not everyone knows, but even a hoop, a living barrier made of a person, can be used for training. But each time the load should increase, putting several barriers in a row.

spin around

Exercise "turn around" it looks like a somersault, because the technique is the same. In this case, you need to lay the puppy on its back, show a treat, run your hand along the ridge. After the dog falls on its side and rolls over, repeat the manipulation. When the dog has made several turns, give the reward.


Train "snake" it will be easy if the puppy already knows how to perform "eight". The exercise itself implies that the owner goes forward, and the dog passes between his legs.

The training method is as follows:

  • say "close" and seat the pet near the left leg;
  • show yummy;
  • take a step forward and show the food to the dog;
  • wait for the dog to take a step;
  • then take a step with the other foot and again show the food;
  • after the first five steps and following the commands, give the reward.

It is important that you do not move quickly and give food not in one step, but in full fulfillment of the conditions of the exercise.

High five

Exercise "high five" suitable for large and small breeds, the bottom line is that the pet brings both paws to your hands on command.

It's easy to do this:

  • show yummy;
  • raise your hands and bring them to the animal;
  • say "high five" and wait for a reaction;
  • after completing, give the food.

For the first time, it is enough for the dog to simply bring his paw to your palms..

Team Fu! It is rightly considered a universal tool for controlling the behavior of a dog. tactics to prevent possible consequences, which often happen in the process of pet disobedience. Team training is carried out with early age, so it makes sense to consider the technique of working with a puppy. It is also not uncommon to have to issue a command adult. Let's talk about everything in order.

Why train a dog to command "Fu!"

There are many unforeseen circumstances that put the dog and its owner in danger.

  1. In most cases, untrained dogs have an unpleasant habit of barking in the apartment at the slightest rustle. If the puppy is still small, the neighbors will not knock on the door with exclamations of discontent. However, in the case of a healthy individual, you may have difficulty with people living nearby. To calm the restless pet, just say "Fu!".
  2. It is known that in big cities public utilities poison yard dogs, thereby clearing the streets of rabies-sick pets. If your four-legged friend does not know the “Fu!” command, he can pick up a delicacy stuffed with rat poison. The events that will develop further are obvious.
  3. Dogs are loyal and loving animals. When a pet sits alone at home all day, upon the return of the owner from work, he involuntarily begins to ask for his hands. If we talk about dogs of large breeds, such an act will not please any owner. By saying the command "Fu!", you will save yourself from behavior of this kind. The same applies to animals that, during a walk, ask for hands, leaning on the owner with dirty paws.
  4. Dogs sense people and show aggression at the sight of a drunk or smoking person and noisy children. You may not notice bared teeth and other manifestations of character, and the pet will already attack a pedestrian passing by. To protect yourself from law enforcement agencies, and the dog from euthanasia, you need to say "Fu!" menacing voice.

Teaching a puppy the command "Fu!"

  1. Work with puppies begins when the pets reach the age of three months. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure ahead of time, just like punishing a pet for dirty tricks.
  2. On this stage your main task is to keep the puppy's psyche at the proper level, you can not expose your pet to stress. Therefore, proceed to start learning the command "Give!".
  3. Let's take an example. You went for a walk with the animal, the puppy picked up the forbidden muck from the floor. Squat down, stretch your open palm forward, say "Give it back!" or "Give it!".
  4. If the puppy does not attempt to place an object picked up from the ground on his hand, carefully open his mouth, take the contents from him. Instead, give your puppy a treat.
  5. Gradually replace "Give!" to "Fu!" Say the command in a strict voice, always in the same key. Thus, from early childhood, you teach your pet to obedience.
  6. It is important to remember forever that when teaching the “Fu!” treats are not allowed. As a rule, forbidden actions are not encouraged, the puppy must understand this.
  7. When the pet is 4 months old, start using irritants. While walking on a leash attached to the collar, lightly pull the puppy if he shows disobedience. Say "Fu!" at the same time.

  1. Pet training begins on the street, using a regular leash. Choose a place where there will be scraps of food or pigeons. Try to train your dog on a quiet route away from large cluster children.
  2. Cynologists use special tactics to train their wards. Specialists lay out sausages or frankfurters on the chosen route in advance, then go for a walk with the dog and begin manipulations. If you wish, you can follow their advice by asking your partner to lay out the food unnoticed by the pet.
  3. In the process of training an adult, it is recommended to change routes from frequent periodicity so that the dog does not enter the “comfort zone”. At the initial stage, the Fu! is worked out without the participation of relatives (that is, other dogs) and people.
  4. After choosing a route, start training. Go for a walk with your pet at a slow pace. Take your time, the speed should be minimal. Thus, both you and the pet will respond in time to the changed situation.
  5. When the pet feels the sausage and heads towards it, exclaim “Fu!” in a menacing voice while pulling on the leash. Watch the force of the jerk so as not to damage the animal's neck. Do not stop in the process of issuing a command. It is important that the dog only slows down for a second, and then follows you.
  6. After a minute of walking, begin to slowly stop. Tell the dog to sit or give a paw, treat your pet with a treat. Such a move will relax the animal, since the dog's body has previously experienced stress (pulling the leash). It is important to remember: for the execution of the command "Fu!" food is not provided.
  7. For one walk, you can give a maximum of 5 “Fu!” commands. Large quantity will tire the animal too much and suppress its fighting spirit. Observe the interval between orders, it should not be less than a quarter of an hour. Give commands in a strict tone, do not squeal, do not hit the pet.
  8. At first, you can’t “bark” at the ward. To get your way, use a leash. You can scream only after the absolute assimilation of the command and only in those cases when the dog does something “out of the ordinary” out of the ordinary.
  9. In the process of teaching the animal the team "Fu!" stick to the rule that you do not slow down the pet, but flatly forbid him to perform any action.
  10. For example, you forbade your pet to sniff a bench while walking. He looked at you with the eyes of a "cat from Shrek", you took pity, took the order back. Such manipulations are unacceptable! Continue walking, if you really want to, allow the dog to sniff the next bench, but not the one that was banned.
  11. Learn to give the order "Fu!" in a situation that requires the use of this particular command. If the pet pulls on the leash, say "Near!", But in no case "Fu!". When the animal plays with children's toys, say "Give!".
  12. Some dog owners are faced with the problem when their four-legged friend does not react in any way to jerks on the leash. In the case of large breeds, use a special metal collar with spikes or a microcurrent harness.
  13. Dogs of all other breeds can say "Fu!" and lightly hit the croup with a newspaper. As practice shows, tactics always work perfectly.
  14. The main thing is to follow the sequence: “Fu!” - a jerk of the leash - a slap with a newspaper. If the pet obediently responds to your voice, there is no need to pull his leash, just like punishing him with a newspaper.
  15. When the pet successfully learns the command for a walk in a quiet place, complicate the training. Choose a route with the presence of other dogs, people, birds, etc. Skill honing occurs in a similar way. When the pet will unquestioningly respond to the voice, he has learned the command.
  16. Now lengthen the leash to train the animal to follow orders at a certain distance. Bring the action to automatism, only then start training without a leash. The last manipulations begin again in a calm environment, after which the task gradually becomes more difficult.
  17. It is important to understand that training is easier at a short distance. The dog understands that in case of an oversight, he will receive a newspaper on the rump or neck. If you have a goal - to teach your pet the command "Fu!" from a distance of more than 10 meters, you have to try very hard.

Do not forget to take breaks in the process of training, do not pull the leash unnecessarily. Speak the command at the moment the prohibited actions are performed, and not after they have been performed. Consolidate the result with more difficult tasks, do not beat the dog.

Video: how to teach a puppy a team is impossible

A special bond must be established between the owner and the dog. It is achieved through commands. If your dog does basic commands for dogs at your request, be sure - mutual language found between you. And one of the most important is the “fu” command. Why? There are several reasons for this:

  • if your pet decides to eat a dead frog or someone's fallen sandwich, you can stop him;
  • if the animal wants to sleep on your couch, is going to lick your friend or stands on the table with its paws, the “fu” or “no” commands will also work.

By the way, cynologists advise accustoming an animal to the words “no”. The fact is that if the dog will protect you from a criminal or a petty bully, he may step back if he hears “fu” from an outsider. The “no” command is less common. How to train a dog on your own? Let's talk about it.

How to teach a puppy the Fu command?

Before you is a small bundle of energy that needs to try everything on the tooth. How to teach a puppy the “fu” command and when can I start training? Education begins to be engaged from 3 months of age. As soon as the dog starts doing something forbidden, divert his attention to something else. But before that, say the cherished cry. So that he does not gnaw on slippers. you can beckon him with a piece of treat (but do not give it away) or ... lightly hit him with a newspaper. In this case, the “fu” command for the puppy will quickly become clear.

But what if the four-legged naughty refuses to understand you? How to teach a puppy the “no” command in this case? There is nothing left but to approach him and prevent unwanted action. Saying the command, you can lightly slap the animal in the croup area. In no case do not apply force - you should just let the dog know who is in charge here, but not hurt her. And keep in mind: you need to pronounce the command clearly looking the pet in the eyes.

Try to conduct training in a calm environment: in the silence of your home or on a deserted alley. Otherwise, the dog will not understand you: your voice interferes with the scream of the TV or the noise of passing cars.

Team Not allowed: the process and subtleties of learning

When is it appropriate to teach the “fu” command? If your pet came to you as an adult, is it possible to raise him in your own way? The answer is categorical: yes! Moreover: training is practically no different from training a puppy. So: how to teach the “fu” command to an adult dog:

  • once the dog does something forbidden, give a command in a low and strict tone;
  • look the dog in the eyes;
  • to make the “no” command clearer for the dog, put a collar and leash on it. Pull the animal while calling.

Remember that the ban must be permanent. If you decide that the pet should not sleep on the couch, then do not make him any concessions. If he is not allowed to take food from strangers, then this should be an unquestioning rule. Otherwise, the dog will not learn to understand you. If one day you close your eyes to the wrong behavior, the dog simply will not understand why he should obey you the next time. Be patient and persistent: go to the end. Only then will your efforts be justified.

How to train a dog to the Fu command?

How to understand that the command is mastered? The dog is not trying to sneak up on what you just told her not to do. How to train a dog to command “fu” for sure? Immediately after the “no” call, give a command that the animal already knows. It can be “to me”, “sit”, “next to”. So you divert his attention from unwanted actions. Over time, the auxiliary team can and even should be abandoned.

You see that the pet understands what you want from him, saying “no”. Do you think you have achieved good results? Then fasten them. Now you can reward the animal with a treat when it completes the task. It is important not to “miss” the moment: a treat is given immediately after the command is executed. After that, the training is suspended. so the dog realizes what it was rewarded for.

Any dog ​​is best trained when still a puppy, as at this age she is more receptive to commands. From the very first day, as soon as you have acquired a puppy, you should immediately start raising him.

However, if you do not pay due attention to your pet, then he can acquire a mass bad habits, and in the future such habits are practically not corrected. Let's consider the forbidding command "Fu!".

Raising a puppy requires ingenuity, especially in the case of breeds with an independent and cautious disposition (for example, the now popular huskies). The difficulties of training are especially felt during the development of prohibitive commands - even the slightest violence or punishment, incomprehensible to the dog, instantly rolls back all the work to zero. The dog may stop approaching, cautiously carry out already worked out commands, or completely close up and bend the line: “I don’t understand anything, the owner is crazy.”

  1. Let's say your four-legged friend is unhappy with something and barks very loudly in the apartment. At first, while your pet is small, it may look like a cute prank, but with age, his voice will get stronger and the neighbors are unlikely to like it, and the dog can bark for hours. Therefore, as soon as the puppy barks, it is necessary to give the command “Fu!”, You can with a slap with a newspaper.
  2. Or imagine that you come to your home, and your pet meets you from the doorway and immediately jumps on you with all four paws at the same time, moreover, the dog is already old and, in addition, of a large breed. Agree, there is little pleasure in this. Thus, the pet should be weaned from such cases in puppy age, using the command "Fu!".

Principles of teaching a puppy the Fu command

When walking with a puppy, try to observe him more, because at this age dogs love to pick up everything that is badly lying on the ground. For example: sharp bones, or other food waste that can lead the animal to lethal outcome. Therefore, as soon as you notice that he picked up something, immediately forbid him and do not forget to use the “Fu!” command.

However, if you first used such a command and then forgot, then your pet may not understand you how to proceed in the future. In many dogs, teeth begin to change from the age of 3 months, and this is where serious monitoring is necessary. Since the puppy will gnaw on everything, from clothes to furniture. Therefore, as soon as the four-legged friend starts to gnaw something, you should immediately say the command “Fu!” Using a slap.

Try to provide a puppy that he can chew with complete impunity. With age, the dog will get into the habit of chewing only what you give him. If outsiders or acquaintances approached the puppy on the street, then the pet should treat them without anger and fear, showing only calmness.

Prevent your dog from running up to strangers or chasing children by issuing a forbidding command using a twig. Remember that teaching a puppy to commands should be extremely careful, without using strong physical influences because if you scare him or hurt him physical pain, then the dog may develop fear and lose interest in training.

How to teach the team "fu" - so important and necessary, especially in the city - a dog with a complex character?

There is a method that takes time but will work with any dog. It may look a little strange, but for some breeds it is almost the only possible variant. When training a puppy, you need to act in stages. You will be using two hands, so at first it is better to rehearse to work out coordination - beginners usually do not go very smoothly.

1. The owner takes a small piece of treat in his hand (it is convenient to use a liver cut into thin strips, it is easy for a puppy to bite off a little of it). Standing in front of the puppy, bring a hand with a treat to your chin (or neck).

2. In a rough, low voice, but not loudly, say "FU!" and lower the hand with the treat (stop it somewhere 5-10 cm from the dog's nose). The dog is trying to take a treat - push it away with your free hand, repeating a rude "Fu". Push off not strongly, but confidently, do not hit, do not push away, but simply push the muzzle persistently. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times from the beginning (chin-fu-offered a treat-pushed away).

3. In a high, thin voice, sing "Eat!" to the dog. (all complexes away, you just need to squeak) and offer, stopping him 5-10 cm, as before. The dog will most likely hesitate - you used to push it. Repeat "Eat!", but do not give the dog a treat - let him take it herself.

By repeating these steps for several days, you will clearly train your dog to take on the command "eat" and wait on the command "fu". Gradually remove the squeak and leave only "fu" - and the dog will stop taking what the command refers to.

How to teach a puppy the command "Fu!": 2 options

In parallel with such a study, when training a puppy, it is necessary to do the same, but in two more versions:

  1. placing a treat on the edge of the table (it is better in those places where the dog steals from, if it has such a habit);
  2. dropping a treat on the floor with the command “fu!” and the subsequent call of the dog (so that during the approach the dog had to walk past the dropped treat).

The next stage of raising a puppy is the transfer of all the action to the street. For these purposes, a crust of bread dipped in butter or something else tasty and fragrant is well suited as a treat. Walking with the dog, quietly “drop” the humpback and then “find” it (that is, call the dog and show, they say, look what you found, but at the same time say your low “fu!”).

And now - a comment-explanation to the method. Why do you need to speak in bass and squeak? The dog does not hear and does not understand your words, it pays attention only to the pitch of the voice. They say low - you can not, high - you can. What are the features of this technique? In it "fu!" - it's not impossible, it's "wait." The dog is given to understand that the treat is yours, you will get it, but a little later, you just have to wait. That is why there should be no competition in learning the "fu" command.

If there are other dogs in the house, remove them from the room. Do not remove your hand with a treat, do not pull it away (this will wake up the prey instinct), namely, push the dog away. This method is one of the most effective. It allows you to teach your dog the fu command without using violence.

In addition, there are dogs (and such a large percentage among huskies) that easily eat lemons, chili peppers, and even gnaw packages of anti-gadines. Therefore, teach them the command "fu" traditional methods difficult.

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