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Is it possible to spend maternity capital on the treatment of a child? How to use maternity capital for the treatment and rehabilitation of a disabled child. Rules for using maternity capital: for the treatment of a child, mother’s teeth

Since 2016, owners of maternity capital have been able to spend funds for another purpose, namely the process of introducing a disabled child to the living conditions of society. State support for this area is guaranteed by the amendment dated November 28, 2015, introduced into Law No. 348-FZ, which approves maternity capital as a means of state support for families with children.

Matkapital can pay for the needs of any child in the family, regardless of whose birth or adoption gave the parents a certificate. To quickly adapt to society for a child with disabilities The certificate can be used immediately after receipt, without waiting until the child reaches three years of age.

The process of spending funds is prescribed in. You can find a list of what the Russian state can compensate for using maternal capital funds.

Basic terms

To begin with, let us explain the very terms of social adaptation and integration.

Social adaptation is the adaptation of the individual to the living conditions of the surrounding society. It is much more difficult for a child with disabilities to become a full-fledged part of society than for an ordinary child, because he has to overcome various difficulties in almost all spheres of life: everyday life, education, work, etc. For social adaptation, such a child needs assistance, such as technical (vehicles), as well as psychological.

Such adaptation leads to the child’s social integration, when the people around him accept him as a full-fledged member of society.

Maternity capital funds can provide significant support for the socialization of a child recognized as disabled.

What can you buy with maternity capital?

An individual rehabilitation and habilitation program (IPRA) is issued to a disabled child for a year or two, in some cases until adulthood. It includes both free and paid services. The latter can be paid for with a certificate for maternal capital.

What can a parent purchase with maternity capital for his sick child?

  • Technical tools (ramp paths replacing stairs, motorized wheelchairs, motorized beds, blood testing tools).
  • Aids to help the child move (various types of lifts).
  • Equipment for personal development (Braille displays for the visually impaired, stands for reading books and working at a computer, reading and writing machines).
  • Sporting goods for development motor activity (Treadmills with speech output, bicycles for children suffering from cerebral palsy, exercise equipment that activates movements, etc.).
  • Means to facilitate sanitary and hygienic procedures (specialized bathtubs, seats for shower cabins, specialized pieces of furniture).
  • Communication tools with speech output, special keyboards, headphones, electronic organizers, chronometers.
  • Help from a secretary-reader.
  • Tools to help maintain and develop memory.

The process of obtaining government support funds

With the help of maternity capital, you can return only the amount that has already been spent on receiving services and goods aimed at the socialization of a disabled child.

How to get my money back?

  1. At the clinic where the child is assigned, it is necessary to take a referral for an MSE (medical and social examination).
  2. Having received a referral, you can go to a medical and social examination institution, where the child’s disability and its causes will be determined, the necessary types of assistance will be prescribed, and the child’s IPRA will be developed.
  3. It is important when purchasing specialized goods for children with disabilities or receiving paid socialization services to save all receipts and checks. At the time of purchasing a product or receiving a service, the IPRA must be valid, otherwise the state will not reimburse the expenses incurred.
  4. After making a purchase, you need to contact your local social security department, leaving a statement about the need to confirm the availability of the goods. Within five days, a social security worker must come to check whether you really purchased a certain item, and also issue a certificate of its availability. This act is written in two copies, one of which the employee takes with him, the second remains with the applicant.
  5. Next, you need to contact the local Pension Fund department with a statement about the need to receive compensation for the costs of the purchased service or product.
  6. The application must be reviewed within a month, and if the decision is positive, within two months the Russian Pension Fund transfers money to the applicant’s account.

Documents for the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

To spend funds on the adaptation of a disabled child into society, you must contact the branch of the Pension Fund or the MFC, taking with you the following papers:

  • IPRA, containing the child’s individual data and a list of measures that will help him become active part societies (except those provided free of charge);
  • passport;
  • documents that can confirm the purchase of goods or receipt of services (receipt, service agreement, warranty or operational documentation for the purchased item);
  • an act of checking the availability of the purchased goods (the act must also contain information about the owner of the certificate for maternal capital);
  • bank details of the applicant (for transferring compensation to the card).

It is also possible to apply through a representative, who, in addition to all of the above, will need his passport and a power of attorney confirming his authority.

Is it possible to pay for a child’s treatment with maternity capital?

Federal maternity capital funds cannot be used for the treatment of a child, that is, it is impossible to pay for the services provided to him medical care, return the money from those purchased for him medicines or other goods that are provided to him free of charge.

The full list of services provided free of charge to children with disabilities is regulated. What does this list include?

  • Measures for the rehabilitation of the child, including medications.
  • Recovery therapy.
  • Treatment in a sanatorium.
  • Surgery aimed at replacing or restoring a diseased organ.
  • Services for simultaneous speech transmission for the deaf using fingers and hands (sign language interpretation).
  • Technical aids (voice aids, crutches, wheelchairs, orthoses, orthopedic shoes, glasses for vision correction, handrails, prostheses, diapers, guide dogs, Hearing Aids, special clothing, devices for listening to audiobooks, etc.).
  • Services for updating and repairing technical equipment.

All of the above cannot be paid for with maternity capital only because the state is obliged to provide every child recognized as disabled with this equipment and services free of charge. However, this often does not happen, and at the federal and regional levels the issue of new changes to the law on the intended purpose of maternal (family) capital is raised again and again.

Regional maternity capital for the treatment of a child

There are a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation where the government has introduced regional maternity capital (RMK) payments, which can be received at the birth of a third child and subsequent children. Each region sets its own RMC amounts and rules for their disposal. Some regions provide the opportunity to pay for a child’s treatment using RMK funds.

  • In the Republic of Sakha, a certificate for RMK can pay for high-tech medical care, medical rehabilitation of a child, as well as treatment in sanatoriums in Russia.
  • In the Oryol region, parents can pay for the treatment of a disabled child with regional maternity capital.
  • In the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Voronezh Region, you can also pay for medical care using a regional maternity capital certificate.

The authorities of some regions provide the opportunity to pay for the purchase of technical rehabilitation equipment with regional maternity capital ( Krasnoyarsk region, Leningrad region, Perm region), others - payment for sanatorium-resort treatment of a child (Krasnoyarsk region, Tomsk region, St. Petersburg, Buryatia, Perm region, Tula region). In Komi, once a year a large family can receive 25 thousand rubles (from RMK funds) for a trip to a sanatorium.

The government of each region independently determines the size of the RMC, as well as all the nuances of obtaining it. In some areas, to obtain a certificate, you must have permanent registration in a given entity for at least a year; in others, a family must be recognized as low-income. All these nuances need to be learned separately from the social protection authorities.


Unfortunately, the Russian state does not yet provide the holder of a certificate for maternity capital with the opportunity to send it to the treatment of a child, unless this treatment is included in the paid services required for a small disabled person under the IPRA. However, with the help of a certificate, you can help a child with a disability settle into society more quickly.

Some regions of the country still give their citizens the opportunity to receive local maternity capital (however, this right extends to large families and subject to a number of conditions), which can be paid medical services or sanatorium-resort treatment for children.

On January 1, 2016, new state support funds were introduced as part of the maternity capital program - the money can be spent for social adaptation and integration into society of children with disabilities.

Many parents still do not understand what this area includes and whether it meets the real needs of families with disabled children. From the text of Federal Law No. 348-FZ of November 28, 2015, which amends Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006, it follows that:

  1. From January 1, 2016, state support funds can be used to purchase goods and services for social adaptation and integration of disabled children into society.
  2. These services and goods that can be purchased with maternity capital in relation to a particular child must be provided for individual rehabilitation or adaptation program(IPR, IPRA).
  3. You cannot use maternity capital for rehabilitation goods and measures, medical services from Federal list rehabilitation activities, technical means of rehabilitation and services (according to Article 10 of Law No. 181-FZ of November 24, 1995).
  4. State aid funds can be spent up to 3 years from the moment the right to maternity capital appeared for any child from family, natural or adopted.
  5. The family will have to pay for the purchase yourself goods and services for a disabled child, and then receive maternity capital funds from the Pension Fund of Russia in the form of compensation for expenses incurred.

The law raised many questions, because the real needs of families with disabled children to the fullest extent are not taken into account. Thus, this direction of use of maternal capital is necessary improve.

In particular, parents note that it would be much more logical to allow money to be spent on treating children and improving their mobility.

What is the difference between rehabilitation and habilitation for disabled children?

The birth of a child with any developmental disabilities is a real grief for the family. To determine the extent of the lesion and the possibility of acquiring skills that can make this child a member of social society, a very careful examination is required. In such situations, they say that the child needs habilitation.

  • Habilitation - a complex of various therapeutic and pedagogical measures aimed at treating pathological conditions those who do not have the skills and experience of living in society children early age , which without the participation of teachers and doctors can lead to loss of the opportunity to study, work and benefit society.
  • Rehabilitation- also a whole range of activities that should result in to restore any abilities previously lost due to illness or injury. That is, a person was previously a full-fledged member of society, but due to a traumatic factor he lost his ability to work. Its restoration is rehabilitation.

Thus, rehabilitation and habilitation have much in common and are aimed at helping patients acquire abilities and skills that will allow them in the future to become full-fledged members of society, study, work and serve themselves.

Social rehabilitation program for disabled people

Individual program of rehabilitation and habilitation (IPRA)- a document developed by medical and social examination bodies (MSE) and including a set of rehabilitation measures that takes into account individual characteristics disabled child.

According to the new law, maternity capital can be used for goods and activities approved by the child’s IPRA. That is, you need to first complete this document in accordance with the rules for conducting ITU, and then an extract from the IPRA is sent to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation within 3 days from the date of signing the program.

Today there is a single form of this document in force, which was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 528n dated July 31, 2015. In accordance with it, the Individual Rehabilitation and Habilitation Program contains the following data:

  • about the child’s abilities (for movement, orientation, learning, behavior control, etc.);
  • about the necessary rehabilitation and habilitation activities:
    • medical (prosthetics, reconstructive surgery, spa treatment);
    • psychological and pedagogical;
    • social;
    • physical education;
  • about the predicted results of habilitation and rehabilitation measures;
  • about the necessary services and technical means of rehabilitation (TSR) at the expense of:
    • local budget, funds from various organizations or personal money of parents
    • federal budget;
  • types of assistance to overcome social barriers;
  • other information in accordance with the approved form of this document.

List of goods for integration into society

The approved list of goods for the rehabilitation and integration of children into society includes:

  1. Technical means:
    • ramps;
    • vertical conveyors (platforms and elevators);
    • special motorized chairs and beds.
  2. Adaptations for mobility and development:
    • devices for writing the Braille alphabet for visually impaired children;
    • means of lifting and moving the child;
    • aids, stands (for books, computer).
  3. Special sports equipment:
    • exercise bikes for children with cerebral palsy;
    • treadmills with speech output;
    • other equipment for the blind and people with other disabilities.
  4. Communication means:
    • tablets, phones, laptops with voice output;
    • headphones, keyboards;
    • clock with various indicators and signals;
    • electronic organizers.
  5. Sanitary and hygienic equipment:
    • bath and shower chairs;
    • folding bathtubs, portable;
    • bath aids;
    • instruments for measuring climatic parameters.

List of services for the rehabilitation of disabled children

At the stage of public discussions, the list of services for the social adaptation of disabled children, for which the use of maternal capital was proposed, included:

  1. Payment rehabilitation activities:
    • services of a psychologist, speech therapist, nurse, teachers, reader;
    • alternative therapy (ippo-, feline-, canis- and dolphin-therapy);
    • payment for creative activities.
  2. Payment for creation services sensory rooms with special equipment to stimulate the senses (lights, sound and tactile devices) and create a feeling of safety.

In the final version, this entire list was reduced to one item: "Reader-secretary services". There is no mention of creative activities, speech therapist services or hippotherapy in Order No. 831-r approved by the Government of April 30, 2016.

Also in the list of services didn't turn on initially measures for surgical or medicinal medical treatment. It is believed that in Russia this is the prerogative of free medicine. But very often there are not enough quotas for operations for many disabled children. For the same reason, items on the services of a psychologist or speech therapist could have been dropped from the original list by themselves - the country’s leadership believes that you can also go to them for free.

How to use maternity capital for funds or services for the rehabilitation of a child

The procedure for allocating family capital to help children with disabilities is regulated by special Government Decree No. 380 dated April 30, 2016.

After the adoption of new amendments to the law on maternity capital there are more questions left than answers. Intentions to expand the use of maternal capital in such an important area as the rehabilitation of disabled children turned out to be very limited on the part of the state with all kinds of delays.

The adopted law on the use of maternity capital funds for goods and services for disabled children didn't find a proper response from the citizens of our country due to the length of the preparatory process in a matter that does not tolerate delay.

Parents involved in raising disabled children, in essence, cannot take full advantage of state support money:

  • the treatment that many children need to recover is not included in the final version of the adopted amendments;
  • the need to pay for goods and services for rehabilitation falls on their shoulders, and the state only compensates for funds already spent for goods or services purchased by the family independently.

When finalizing regulatory documents on the disposal of maternal capital in this direction, this measure will benefit thousands of disabled children throughout the country. This is especially true in conditions where the family does not have the opportunity to apply the state certificate in other areas.

Procedure for reimbursement of expenses for the purchase of goods and services

Money from maternal (family) capital is transferred in non-cash form to the bank account of the certificate holder who independently purchased goods or services provided for by the IPRA for a disabled child. Those. You can spend maternity capital on the social adaptation of a child with disabilities only in the form of compensation for expenses incurred.

This means that parents will have to pay for it yourself purchase of a special chair, sports or communication equipment, or purchase other goods or services in the amount of up to 453026 rubles(partially or completely). And only after that wait for a decision from the Pension Fund on compensation for expenses incurred.

This attitude towards families with disabled children can hardly be considered fair:

  • quite often such families are low-income, because one of the parents needs to provide continuous care for the child, that is, not work;
  • You shouldn’t count on consumer loans in this economic situation - if the loan is approved, the family will overpay significant interest, because on the procedures that are necessary for the transfer of funds by the Pension Fund, takes several months.

List of documents provided to the Pension Fund for the implementation of the certificate

The owner of the certificate or his legal representative, along with the usual application for the disposal of maternity capital funds, must submit the following to the Pension Fund office: package of documents:

  • passport certificate holder (or legal representative);
  • extract from IPRA, which indicates the individual characteristics of the child, necessary measures and rehabilitation facilities (excluding services and activities financed from the federal budget);
  • documents that confirm purchase and payment goods or services received as part of the child’s integration and adaptation (invoices, checks, contracts for the provision of paid services, warranty documentation for purchased goods);
  • availability check report purchased goods, issued by social services authorities, which contains:
    • information about the owner of the family capital certificate;
    • name of the purchased product;
    • confirmation of compliance of the purchased goods with the list approved by the Government and the IRA of a disabled child.
  • power of attorney, confirming the authority of the legal representative (if the certificate holder applies through a trusted person).
  • account details at the bank to transfer funds.

In case of a positive decision by the Pension Fund of Russia, the money is transferred to the certificate holder’s bank account within two months after the relevant decision is made.

Proposed directions for managing maternity capital funds for the needs of disabled children

Proposals from the public and parents to allow families with disabled children to use maternity capital were made from the very beginning of the maternity capital program, i.e. since 2007.

More often were offered the following measures to expand the purposes of using maternal (family) capital:

  • - transporting a disabled child to necessary medical procedures is quite a difficult task for a family without a car; it is very difficult for residents of rural areas to transport such children to medical and educational organizations.
  • Treatment of disabled children- if treatment is necessary to save life, and free medicine does not justify itself.

It was also proposed to provide maternity capital in an increased size for families with disabled children, so that it can be paid for entirely without additional payments.

Maternal capital is government support aimed at increasing the birth rate. Every person who has adopted a second and subsequent child or given birth can take advantage of this offer. To do this he must come to Pension Fund Russia and write a statement in the established form.

Citizens can receive a family certificate in 2017 Russian Federation who have a second and subsequent child in the family. You can use such a program only once in your life. In other cases, additional financial support from the state is also provided in the form of regional payments. They are regulated by current legal acts.

As mentioned earlier, the right to receive maternity capital is only available for the birth of a second child. To do this, a person goes to the Pension Fund and writes an application, providing a complete package of documents. The law stipulates the possibility of receiving mat capital for parents who have adopted a child.

That is, a person can spend money on:

  • acquisition of real estate, including mortgages and targeted loans;
  • accumulation of the mother's future pension;
  • child education;
  • treatment of a disabled child.

Treatment using maternity capital is also available. Payment for treatment with maternity capital is made on the basis of an agreement for the provision of paid services.


On the Internet you can often find questions regarding maternity capital. In particular:

  1. Which one? Since maternity capital is not indexed, it will not change. Will amount to 453,026 rubles.
  2. ? Cash out cash impossible. In 2016, such an opportunity was provided within the range of 25,000 rubles, but now there is no such practice;
  3. ? To do this, you need to come to a credit institution, provide a complete package of documents, select the necessary real estate, visit the Pension Fund and receive a certificate of sending funds to cover the loan;
  4. Does it exist ? A one-time payment is possible if used for the intended purpose. If we talk about cashing out, there is no such practice now.

Maternity capital for child treatment

Maternity capital - for many, this has become the only opportunity to purchase real estate or financial support from the state. Almost every second family has already used this method. Only those citizens who have decided to have a second child are provided with such assistance and only if used for the intended purpose.

All goals are specified in the current Federal Law. That is, the money is used only to improve the life of the baby, especially if he is sick. That is, all mothers have the right to count on fair state assistance for treatment. But this bill contains several nuances in this case.

The current bill introduced the federal law several amendments that relate specifically to maternity capital. But many innovations have made it possible to somewhat understand the current situation:

  • state support for citizens has been extended until 2018;
  • the payment will no longer be indexed;
  • Since the beginning of 2016, it has been possible to receive money for the social adaptation of disabled people.

Many citizens still do not understand the innovation and how much young parents need it. After all, as Vladimir Putin said, maternity capital and its directions must meet the needs of adults. Among the innovations we can highlight the following:

  1. funds are used to purchase services and goods for the social adaptation of a disabled child;
  2. services and goods purchased with these funds must be included in the list of individual programs for a disabled child;
  3. prohibition on spending money on medical services, goods and rehabilitation, which are prescribed in Art. 10 Federal Law No. 181;
  4. spending of funds is possible at any time, regardless of the assignment of status and three years of age;
  5. the money is transferred to the parents after the funds have been spent. That is, parents initially pay for treatment, and only then receive compensation;
  6. When submitting an application, you must provide a full package of documents, including an inspection report from the social authority.

Maternity capital for dental treatment

One of the areas of maternity capital is the cost of treatment. But treatment varies and therefore this fact needs to be clarified. Maternity capital cannot be used to treat the mother. Such a bill this moment considered, but no changes in legislative act not currently provided.

That is, you can pay for rehabilitation and compensate for the treatment of only the baby in accordance with Federal Law No. 256. Monetary compensation is also not provided for the treatment of the mother’s teeth, although there was an initiative of this kind.

Maternity capital for the treatment of a disabled child

In 2016, several amendments to the current Federal Law were adopted:

  • extension of maternity capital until 2018;
  • Another area that every family can count on is the social adaptation and integration of a disabled child.

Statistics show that 10,800 parents own maternity capital with such special children. That is why they simply need funds in this direction. The declared amount that will be allocated for the rehabilitation of the child is 6.4 billion rubles.

Rehabilitation refers to the implementation of various programs and activities that can restore the health and impaired functions of a child. If this is adaptation, then this is the formation of the missing ability and opportunity to later life. That is, it is a household play activity, preparation for self-care.

All these concepts are directly related to social adaptation– creation and restoration of connections with life. That is, this is a special complex, the main task of which is to overcome various difficulties and isolation.

There are a number of other activities that are designed to rehabilitate such children. All of them are guaranteed by current legislation at the federal level. And they are provided free of charge. For example, it could be a sanatorium for rehabilitation, treatment and prosthetics. It is also possible to provide medications and equipment.

In this case, it is impossible to use funds from maternity capital. Free services and goods are approved by State Order No. 2347-r dated December 30, 2005:

  • recovery and treatment, medications, prosthetics, orthotics;
  • provision of means - for care, hygiene, orientation, prostheses, means for education and communication;
  • rehabilitation services in the form of equipment repair, dog maintenance and sign language interpretation.

Such services are provided completely free of charge. It is impossible to donate equipment or sell it. If parents purchased equipment on their own, they can receive compensation from the state.

Maternity capital for mother's treatment

Currently there is important question, which addresses the issue of obtaining effective treatment for the mother. After all, often medical services are only provided on a paid basis. Moreover, you need to pay for rehabilitation after the procedures and actions performed.

The reason lies not only in this, but also in the fact that many parents cannot afford the services medical workers. Often you have to undergo treatment in a city other than your own.

The problem cannot be solved even with various benefits and regional relaxations. And even free medicine often does not solve the issue of treating the mother, since it is carried out in the order of priority.

But at the moment the bill is under consideration by the government. But in fact, it has not yet been accepted. Therefore, to treat the mother, you can only use regional remedies or your own.

Maternity capital for mother's dental treatment

As such, there is no use of maternity capital for dental treatment of the mother. Perhaps they will only adopt such an amendment to the current Federal Law. For now, everything remains in doubt.

Literally in previous year It was possible to cash out 25,000 rubles, but young parents lost this opportunity too. Therefore, all that remains is to wait for amendments to the current legislation.