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Maternity capital for treatment. Maternity capital for treatment is questionable Maternity capital for mother’s surgery

Since 2016, owners of maternity capital have been able to spend funds for another purpose, namely the process of introducing a disabled child to the living conditions of society. State support for this area is guaranteed by the amendment dated November 28, 2015, introduced into Law No. 348-FZ, which approves maternity capital as a means of state support for families with children.

Matkapital can pay for the needs of any child in the family, regardless of whose birth or adoption gave the parents a certificate. To quickly adapt a child with disabilities to society, the certificate can be used immediately after receipt, without waiting until the child reaches three years of age.

The process of spending funds is prescribed in. You can find a list of what the Russian state can compensate for using maternal capital funds.

Basic terms

To begin with, let us explain the very terms of social adaptation and integration.

Social adaptation is the adaptation of the individual to the living conditions of the surrounding society. It is much more difficult for a child with disabilities to become a full-fledged part of society than for an ordinary child, because he has to overcome various difficulties in almost all spheres of life: everyday life, education, work, etc. For social adaptation, such a child needs assistance, such as technical (vehicles), as well as psychological.

Such adaptation leads to the child’s social integration, when the people around him accept him as a full-fledged member of society.

Maternity capital funds can provide significant support for the socialization of a child recognized as disabled.

What can you buy with maternity capital?

An individual rehabilitation and habilitation program (IPRA) is issued to a disabled child for a year or two, in some cases until adulthood. It includes both free and paid services. The latter can be paid for with a certificate for maternal capital.

What can a parent purchase with maternity capital for his sick child?

  • Technical tools (ramp paths replacing stairs, motorized wheelchairs, motorized beds, blood testing tools).
  • Aids to help the child move (various types of lifts).
  • Equipment for personal development (Braille displays for the visually impaired, stands for reading books and working at a computer, reading and writing machines).
  • Sporting goods for development motor activity(treadmills with speech output, bicycles for children suffering from cerebral palsy, exercise equipment that activates movements, etc.).
  • Means to facilitate sanitary and hygienic procedures (specialized bathtubs, seats for shower cabins, specialized pieces of furniture).
  • Communication tools with speech output, special keyboards, headphones, electronic organizers, chronometers.
  • Help from a secretary-reader.
  • Tools to help maintain and develop memory.

The process of obtaining government support funds

With the help of maternity capital, you can return only the amount that has already been spent on receiving services and goods aimed at the socialization of a disabled child.

How to get my money back?

  1. At the clinic where the child is assigned, it is necessary to take a referral for an MSE (medical and social examination).
  2. Having received a referral, you can go to a medical and social examination institution, where the child’s disability and its causes will be determined, the necessary types of assistance will be prescribed, and the child’s IPRA will be developed.
  3. Important when purchasing specialized goods for children with disabilities or receiving paid services for socialization, keep all receipts and receipts. At the time of purchasing a product or receiving a service, the IPRA must be valid, otherwise the state will not reimburse the expenses incurred.
  4. After making a purchase, you need to contact your local social security department, leaving a statement about the need to confirm the availability of the goods. Within five days, a social security worker must come to check whether you really purchased a certain item, and also issue a certificate of its availability. This act is written in two copies, one of which the employee takes with him, the second remains with the applicant.
  5. Next, you need to contact the local Pension Fund department with a statement about the need to receive compensation for the costs of the purchased service or product.
  6. The application must be reviewed within a month, and if the decision is positive, within two months the Russian Pension Fund transfers money to the applicant’s account.

Documents for the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

To spend funds on the adaptation of a disabled child into society, you must contact the branch of the Pension Fund or the MFC, taking with you the following documents:

  • IPRA, containing the child’s individual data and a list of measures that will help him become an active part of society (except for those that are provided free of charge);
  • passport;
  • documents that can confirm the purchase of goods or receipt of services (receipt, service agreement, warranty or operational documentation for the purchased item);
  • an act of checking the availability of the purchased goods (the act must also contain information about the owner of the certificate for maternal capital);
  • bank details of the applicant (for transferring compensation to the card).

It is also possible to apply through a representative, who, in addition to all of the above, will need his passport and a power of attorney confirming his authority.

Is it possible to pay for a child’s treatment with maternity capital?

Federal maternity capital funds cannot be used for the treatment of a child, that is, it is impossible to pay for the services provided to him medical care, return the money from those purchased for him medicines or other goods that are provided to him free of charge.

The full list of services provided free of charge to children with disabilities is regulated. What does this list include?

  • Measures for the rehabilitation of the child, including medications.
  • Recovery therapy.
  • Treatment in a sanatorium.
  • Surgery aimed at replacing or restoring a diseased organ.
  • Services for simultaneous speech transmission for the deaf using fingers and hands (sign language interpretation).
  • Technical aids (voice aids, crutches, wheelchairs, orthoses, orthopedic shoes, glasses for vision correction, handrails, prostheses, diapers, guide dogs, Hearing Aids, special clothing, devices for listening to audiobooks, etc.).
  • Upgrade and Repair Services technical means.

All of the above cannot be paid for with maternity capital only because the state is obliged to provide every child recognized as disabled with this equipment and services free of charge. However, this often does not happen, and at the federal and regional levels the issue of new changes to the law on the intended purpose of maternal (family) capital is raised again and again.

Regional maternity capital for the treatment of a child

There are a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation where the government has introduced regional maternity capital (RMK) payments, which can be received at the birth of a third child and subsequent children. Each region sets its own RMC amounts and rules for their disposal. Some regions provide the opportunity to pay for a child’s treatment using RMK funds.

  • In the Republic of Sakha, a certificate for RMK can be used to pay for high-tech medical care, medical rehabilitation child, as well as treatment in Russian sanatoriums.
  • In the Oryol region, parents can pay for the treatment of a disabled child with regional maternity capital.
  • In the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Voronezh Region, you can also pay for medical care using a regional maternity capital certificate.

The authorities of some regions provide the opportunity to pay for the purchase of technical rehabilitation equipment with regional maternity capital ( Krasnoyarsk region, Leningrad region, Perm region), others - payment for sanatorium-resort treatment of a child (Krasnoyarsk region, Tomsk region, St. Petersburg, Buryatia, Perm region, Tula region). In Komi, once a year a large family can receive 25 thousand rubles (from RMK funds) for a trip to a sanatorium.

The government of each region independently determines the size of the RMC, as well as all the nuances of obtaining it. In some areas, to obtain a certificate, you must have permanent registration in a given entity for at least a year; in others, a family must be recognized as low-income. All these nuances need to be learned separately from the social protection authorities.


Unfortunately, the Russian state does not yet provide the holder of a certificate for maternity capital with the opportunity to send it to the treatment of a child, unless this treatment is included in the paid services required for a small disabled person under the IPRA. However, with the help of a certificate, you can help a child with a disability settle into society more quickly.

Some regions of the country still give their citizens the opportunity to receive local maternity capital (however, this right extends to large families and subject to a number of conditions), which can be used to pay for medical services or sanatorium-resort recovery children.

Is it currently possible to use or mothers? If we're talking about on federal maternity capital, the law does not currently provide for such a possibility. However, in a number of regions, regional maternity capital is paid, which is allowed to be used for medical services.

At the federal level

Currently, the legislator has established that a family can use federal maternity capital only in three main areas. This is the acquisition and construction of housing different ways(for example, a mortgage or direct sale), children's education (for example, paying for college), and pension provision mother of the child.

All these options are intended as long-term “strategic” investments of the family in the child’s future, so the legislator is reluctant to allow maternal capital to be spent on immediate needs. This is caused by the fear that the maternity capital may simply be “eaten away.”

On the other hand, strengthening a child’s health is also a contribution to his future. After all, a situation is possible in which, due to poor health the child will not live to enter university because the family does not have enough money for treatment.

Attempts were made in the State Duma to change the situation. For example, in February 2013, several deputies proposed allowing federal maternity capital to be spent on high-tech treatment, also for the treatment and rehabilitation of a disabled child. This initiative was supported by a number of regional branches of the Russian Pension Fund (PFR).

However, unfortunately, it is not yet possible to use federal maternity capital funds for the treatment of a child.

Matkapital for treatment in the regions

In addition to the federal payment for the birth of a second child, regional maternity capital programs are now operating in seventy regions. These payments are financed from regional budgets and are intended for families in which a third child was born.

In several of these regions, local maternity capital is allowed to be used to provide medical care to a child. These include the following regions:

Voronezh region;
Kaliningrad region ;
Magadan Region ;
Murmansk region ;
Rostov region;
Tomsk region;
Tula region;
Ulyanovsk region;

Moreover, in some regions (for example, in the Kaliningrad region), the payment can also be used for treatment of the child’s mother. In March 2013, a deputy of the legislative assembly of the northern capital made a proposal to allow the use of regional maternity capital in St. Petersburg. Arguing in defense of her initiative, the deputy said, in particular: “Why should a mother save money, for example, for a future pension, if the child’s life is at risk?”

It is possible that in the future similar changes will be introduced in the laws of other Russian regions.

Last modified: November 2017

In the State Duma, in the first reading, they considered a draft law, as a result of which another additional direction for spending maternity capital could arise - this is treatment and further rehabilitation children with disabilities. The authors who wrote this bill are guided by the fact that parents of a sick child cannot receive free medical care from state funds in a timely manner.
Draft law - “Amendments to the federal law"ABOUT additional measures state support for families with children" (in a specific case, the direction of maternal (family) capital for treatment and possibly rehabilitation of a child who is disabled)" appeared quite a long time ago, back in 2009. It was submitted for consideration by deputy Alexander Lomakin-Rumyantsev and Elena Vtorygina (at that time she was a State Duma deputy).
The need for such a legislative solution complex issue is explained by the appearance of requests from a large number of parents of children with disabilities. They were faced with the problem of rehabilitation and treatment of children: long queues for receiving quotas, lack of a sufficient number of rehabilitation and treatment centers and, as a consequence, the impossibility of completing a rehabilitation course in them, etc. This situation delays long time the possibility of obtaining such necessary qualified assistance, and for many children it remains inaccessible, as stated in the explanatory note to the draft law. Many parents of disabled children note in their appeals that they want to use funds from maternity capital primarily for rehabilitation and treatment.
This bill has been under consideration in the State Duma for two years now. Major changes were made to it more than once, and it was repeatedly sent for revision. The question of the relevance of the problem has arisen many times. Its presence is also confirmed by the All-Russian Society of Disabled People. Tamara Zolottseva, assistant to the chairman of this society, said that parents of children with disabilities are constantly faced with the lack of quotas in rehabilitation centers and medical sanatoriums, of which there are already not enough in the country.

Use maternity capital for treatment?

Maternity capital appeared in Russia in 2007. To date, about three million certificates have been issued for receiving such funds. These cash can be spent on limited needs, such as the savings portion labor pension, improving living conditions and in the future the child’s education.
The expansion of areas for spending maternity capital has been discussed more than once. In particular, there were proposals to allow funds to be spent on the purchase of new domestic cars. However, it was noted that directing maternity capital to a car is not a way to solve the most important family problems.
According to the Pension Fund, the most popular way to invest maternity capital is to pay for housing loans. With its help, mortgage loans worth more than 170 billion rubles have already been repaid.
A new direction for spending may become relevant, according to experts, for more than 200 thousand families who have the right to use maternity capital, said Alexander Lomakin-Rumyantsev. This is approximately a third of the number of disabled children in the country. At the end of 2010, according to the Ministry of Health in Russia, there were 544 thousand children with disabilities.
The cost of medical care for disabled children starts from approximately 100-140 thousand rubles, Tamara Zolotseva clarified. But getting this help is not always possible due to various problems.
However, such an important bill, which would make it possible to allocate maternal capital funds for the rehabilitation and treatment of children, was not given any progress.

The draft law was rejected, although about 90% of the regions that sent reviews were in favor of adopting it, since the problem really exists,” said Lomakin-Rumyantsev. Not much earlier, the Russian government also gave a negative answer. The document, dated February 9, 2001, signed by Sergei Ivanov, states that in accordance with the law, the provision of qualified assistance to disabled people should be provided free of charge. And this means that directing maternity capital funds for treatment, which means the adoption of such a bill does not make sense.

In due time, the pension fund is ready to implement the initiative of the deputies, says the official representative of the fund, Stanislav Degtyarev. "Pension Fund Russian Federation I’m always ready to help large families, and if this bill is adopted, the Pension Fund of Russia will implement it in the same way as everyone else,” reports Degtyarev. If the project is legally adopted, then the All-Russian Society of Disabled People fears that the availability of free medical care and rehabilitation courses will be in big question.

The regions took into account this problem families and included in local Laws on regional maternity capital the opportunity to refer him for treatment, for example. We can also add that Russian citizens who need high-tech treatment face problems in obtaining free medical care. At the end of last year, quotas in the amount of 260.9 thousand people were allocated to pay for expensive operations, and in the amount of 37.69 billion rubles. But already in May of this year, patients began to be denied medical care of this nature. They were asked to stand in line for the operation, regardless of the fact that it was urgent, or to pay for such care themselves. Later, the amount of funding and quotas was increased. The State allocated an additional 2.5 billion rubles for 20 thousand operations.

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Few people know that regional maternity capital funds are allowed to be used for dental services. Moreover, dental treatment can be done not only for the child, but also for his closest relatives - parents, siblings. This opportunity allows you to save family budget, because the cost of prosthetics, implantation and other complex procedures may be too high. Let's take a closer look at the features of using maternity capital for dental treatment.

What can you spend maternity capital funds on?

Federal maternity capital is issued at the birth of the second child, regional - for the third or subsequent children. Currently, federal subsidies can only be spent on:

  • improving the family's living conditions;
  • formation of a funded pension for mother;
  • child's education;
  • social adaptation of a disabled child.

IMPORTANT! Federal maternity capital cannot be used to treat the mother or children.

Regional program is determined by local legislation, so its conditions vary depending on the subject of the Federation. In some regions, including the Khabarovsk Territory, maternity capital can be used not only to expand housing and educate a child, but also to pay medical services for the whole family - children and parents. We are talking about any paid services related to diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation, and they can be obtained both in municipal and private clinics that have the appropriate license. Thus, for Khabarovsk residents, dental treatment at the expense of maternal capital is acceptable.

Dental treatment with regional subsidies

In 2019, the amount of regional maternity capital in the Khabarovsk Territory is 250,000 rubles. Legislation allows you to use these funds freely, so a family can even spend the entire amount on dental services. This is good news for those who are unable to pay from their wallet for expensive dental treatment and prosthetic procedures. True, you will have to be patient.

To use maternity capital for teeth, you need to choose the right dentistry. Despite the fact that by law you can spend the subsidy at any certified clinic, in fact not everyone accepts it. For medical institution It may be unprofitable to wait for payment under the contract within two months, which is how long it takes for the social security authority to consider the application and to transfer funds to the legal entity’s account.

The Estetica Scientific and Clinical Center for Aesthetic Dentistry provides services that can be paid for, among other things, from regional maternity capital funds. You just need to make an appointment: our specialists will conduct a thorough diagnosis, draw up a treatment plan and help you collect all the documents necessary to receive a family subsidy. It will take a minimum of effort on your part to undergo quality treatment without paying for it from the family budget.

Required list of documents for the use of regional maternity capital funds

If you plan to spend maternity capital on dental treatment for your mother, father or children, you need to provide the following documents to the social security authority at your place of registration.

  • Original letter of guarantee, confirming the right to receive regional maternity capital.
  • Passport of the holder of the letter of guarantee with registration in the Khabarovsk Territory. Most often this is the mother, but if she died or was deprived of parental rights, the owner may be the father (adoptive parent) and even the child himself.
  • Documents confirming identity and authority legal representative child.
  • Birth or adoption certificate of the child, if he is the one who will use mat capital for dental treatment.
  • An agreement for the provision of paid medical services, indicating its cost and terms of payment.
IMPORTANT: a family subsidy in the Khabarovsk Territory is awarded after the birth (adoption) of a third or subsequent children. It can be used only after the child reaches two years of age.