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Rules for storing dog food. Where and how to store dry cat food Storing toxic dog food

When choosing food for their dog, many people choose ready-made food. Good dry food contains vitamins and minerals that are essential for your dog's health. But if food is stored incorrectly, it can become dangerous: lead to poisoning of the animal. Even avid dog lovers sometimes may not understand that they themselves have made a mistake. So how to properly store food?

  • The simplest and most understandable rule for everyone is to keep food closed.

This product often attracts rodents and insects that carry infections. Even a bug can accidentally get into the packaging and lay eggs there, which will subsequently cause healthy food harmful. If there has never been a single insect in your house, food still needs to be covered - it can also spoil from ordinary long-term contact with air.

As for canned goods, they should not sit open outside the refrigerator for more than four hours. Ideally, your pet should eat the canned food right away.

  • Best before date

Everything here is for people. Despite the fact that dogs have quite strong bodies, expired food will not do them any good. After the expiration of the period of use, vitamins and minerals lose useful and nutritional properties, which means the dog will eat ordinary tasteless crackers.

This is just one of the rules that, as it turns out, many people do not know about. Storing food in a container is very convenient and practical, but you need to do it wisely. Experts say that food should be placed in the container together with the original package.

This is important so that the product does not lose its smell. It will be much more pleasant for the dog to eat aromatic food. In addition, the container absorbs additional fats from the food - but the dogs must absorb them. Factory packaging has special paper that preserves the product. And, in the end, you won’t have to wash the container.

    You can't store food on the balcony

Because of elevated temperature or humidity, alas, some convenient places for storing supplies are no longer available. For example, a balcony or a garage. Such problems do not arise with small packages, but those who buy huge bags at once have at least once encountered this issue. Experts advise finding a dry and cool place in your apartment so that all the vitamins are preserved. The food should be kept closed, and preferably in a place where the dog cannot get into, in order to avoid gluttonous forays.

  • You should always wash your dog's bowl

We never eat from dirty plates, and neither should dogs. This is basic hygiene. Veterinarians say that the bowl should be washed after every meal. hot water with dishwashing detergent. If there is food left in the bowl, it should not be mixed with new food.

Follow these simple rules - then food intake will be both healthy and safe for your pet!

Of course, you can save a lot of money by buying a large pack of food. But when choosing a large pack, find out how to store it correctly in order to save useful material.

You can view the range and types of dog food at. Many manufacturers recommend storing food for up to six months in open form, but in fact there will be little benefit in such nutrition. And the taste will spoil, to say the least.

Some need to be carefully studied important conditions storage of this product, to avoid this.

Rules for storing dry dog ​​food Arden:

  • When you buy several large packs of dry food at once, it is not recommended to open everything at once, since the animal does not require a variety dry food daily.
  • Once you have opened the box of food, it is recommended that you pour it into a tightly sealed container with a lid. The diet that remains in the pack is responsibly and tightly sealed so that oxygen and moisture do not penetrate inside it. Since it is in relation to increased humidity that bacteria and microorganisms multiply well. As for humidity, in the storage room it should not exceed seventy%. The edges of a slightly open bag of food must be tightly sealed with staples or tape. Be sure to remove the packaging with the product ration away from the rays of the sun, somewhere in a dark place.
  • It is necessary to store a dry product under certain temperature conditions. In the room where it is stored, temperatures exceeding 20 degrees are strictly prohibited. at humidity up to 70%. Be careful not to expose the diet directly to the sun.
  • It is forbidden to mix the remains of old food and new food in the container where the spilled ration is stored. After this, as soon as the next food is eaten, the container is washed with cleaning solution and then dried thoroughly. After all these steps have been completed, you can pour next part food for safety.
  • If you decide to buy loose Arden Grange dog food, then pay attention to the area where it is sold. It is wise not to buy food from market stalls, since temperature conditions are absolutely not taken into account there. It makes more sense if it is a stationary pet store, where all safety conditions are maintained, where air conditioning works in hot weather, and heating is available in cold weather and there is no high humidity. Once you decide to purchase food online, make sure that the store has its own pet store in an offline format. As a result, you will choose truly high-quality and excellent food for your dog.

By following all these simple storage principles, you will present your beloved pet with a wonderful and healthy food, which he will like and will contain all the components necessary for health in the right quantity.

When choosing food for their dog, many owners opt for ready-made food. In feed High Quality balanced nutrients, as well as vitamins and minerals. However, if food is stored improperly, this food can become dangerous. So, today we’ll talk about how to properly store food.

Keep the food covered

This rule is obvious and lies on the surface. Dry food often attracts rodents, as well as insects that are carriers of infections. Even a small bug that has crawled into a bag of food can lay eggs there and make this food harmful and even poisonous.

Even if there are no insects in your home, food should still be kept covered, since food can spoil from simple contact with air.

If we're talking about About canned goods, they can be left open outside the refrigerator for no more than 4 hours. Ideally, your pet should eat the offered lunch right away.

Shelf life of feed

In this matter, it is also necessary to be vigilant and attentive. Even a strong dog’s body can react to expired food in the most unpleasant way. IN best case scenario, such food simply will not be useful, because vitamins and minerals lose useful substances when they come into contact with air.

Storing feed in a container

Storing food in a container is very convenient, but there are tricks here that the dog owner needs to know about. Firstly, the food must be placed in the container along with the factory bag. This must be done so that the food does not lose its smell. Eating aromatic food is much more pleasant for a dog. In addition, if you pour food into a container without additional package, then the fat from the food will be absorbed by the same container, although it is intended for your pet. Factory packages are equipped with special paper that allows you to preserve the product longer.

Don't store food on the balcony

Balcony or garage, of course comfortable spot for storing supplies, especially if feed is purchased in large quantities. But due to increased temperature and humidity, these storage areas will have to be excluded. Find a cool, dry place in your apartment so that the vitamins are better preserved. Keep the food closed and in a place where your pet cannot make a gluttonous foray.

Clean dishes for the dog

Make sure your pet has a clean food bowl. After all, you don’t eat from dirty plates. The bowl should be washed after each time your pet eats. Wash thoroughly, in hot water, using dishwashing detergent is acceptable. If there is still food in your pet's bowl, do not mix it with new food to prevent poisoning of the animal.

The question of where and how to store dry food worries many. Every owner wants to feed their pet quality food that has everything they need. We recommend keeping food in a cool, dark place. Special attention It is worth paying attention to tightness. If the packaging is equipped with a zip fastener, you can store the granules directly in the original bag. If there is no fastener, use a clothespin, or purchase a special tank made of inert material, such as plastic. Compliance with these simple rules will help maintain the nutritional properties of the food and its attractiveness to the animal.

The expiration date (EX) is indicated on the back of the package at the top in the format: day, month, year - it is advisable to use the food before this point. After this date, subject to the right conditions After storage, the product remains safe for consumption, but some indicators of the guaranteed analysis may not correspond to those stated, for example, vitamins.

How long can dry food be stored?

The shelf life from the moment the food is produced and packaged at the factory is 18 months. Greatest influence Temperature and humidity may shorten this period. For example, long-term storage at temperatures above 10-20℃ increases the oxidation of feed, which reduces shelf life.

How long can opened dry food be stored?

Most dog owners prefer to buy for their pets ready-made feed: provide the animal homemade food more difficult, and with the current rhythm of life to buy fresh products and daily cooking and often there is not enough time for yourself. Usually, the owner of the animal pays main attention to the quality of canned food or dry croquettes. However, the duration and storage conditions of food are no less important than its composition - improper storage or exceeding the expiration date can lead to food spoilage or contamination, and, as a result, to problems with the dog’s health.

What determines shelf life?

The inscription on the packaging of the food “Best before” means the date after which it will not contain the substances declared in its composition. In some cases, the manufacturer indicates the date of manufacture and expiration date. To extend the period of preservation of the quality of products in the feed industry, natural or artificial preservatives are used - substances that inhibit the activity of microorganisms and slow down oxidation processes.

Natural preservatives include:

  • lemon acid;
  • vitamins E (tocopherol) and C ( ascorbic acid);
  • herbal extracts with antioxidant effects.

Artificial preservatives are chemical compounds:

  • Propyl gallate (E310) is an ester of gallic acid and propyl alcohol;
  • Ethoxyquin (santoquin) is a synthetic antioxidant;
  • Propylene glycol (E12520) is a preservative and has bactericidal properties;
  • Salicylic acid(BHA) - antioxidant;
  • Ionol (butylated hydroxytoluene, BHT) is a representative of the group of phenolic antioxidants.

Good to know! Artificial preservatives are less safe, but more effective than natural ones. Therefore, the shelf life of feed that contains synthetic preservatives is usually longer.

Standard shelf life for dry and wet food

Unopened packages of dog food can be stored at room temperature until the expiration date indicated on the can or pouch. Only canned food should be placed in the refrigerator if the packaging indicates a storage temperature below 10°C. Dry food should not be stored in areas with high humidity (for example, in the bathroom), as, despite the sealed packaging, they can absorb moisture and become moldy.

Terms of use various types food concentrates for pets are determined by the technical regulations “On requirements for feed and feed additives” registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. The shelf life is assessed special laboratories biological safety of veterinary drugs.

Research includes:

  • control analyzes of the composition of food concentrate samples placed in storage;
  • application accelerated methods aging of products using exposure to temperature, oxygen, UV rays;
  • application of mathematical modeling methods.

Canned food for dogs packaged in metal cans, as a rule, have a shelf life of 2-3 years. Placed in sealed doypacks, flowpacks, pouch bags or sachets are stored for no more than 2 years. Dry granules or croquettes are good to eat for a year.

How to store open food

Often the portion of food in a single package is too large for one feeding, so you need to know how to store open canned food or dry food. The main threats to food once it has been opened are oxygen, light, moisture and heat. They lead to the oxidation of fats, the destruction of vitamins, and even to the rotting of the products included in the feed.

By standard rules, wet food is placed in the dog's bowl in such an amount that the animal can eat it at one time, unused leftover canned food should be placed in the refrigerator (not in the freezer!). At room temperature they can be kept for no more than 4 hours, in the refrigerator - up to a day (some manufacturers indicate a use period of 3 days). The best option storage container is a tightly closed container made of glass or food-grade plastic.

Attention! Before giving your animal canned food that has been stored in the refrigerator, it should be warmed to room temperature. Cold food should not be given to pets!

After opening the branded packaging, dry food can be given to animals for 4-5 weeks; for some types of croquettes, in the manufacture of which synthetic preservatives were used, it is up to 10 weeks. This period is usually indicated on the packaging. The contents of the package should be stored in a tightly closed container, this will protect the concentrate from moisture, oxygen and light. It is best to use special containers for this purpose, and it is advisable to place the food there together with the original packaging.