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Fasting and fasting - what's the difference? A simple transition to prana-eating: experience, reviews and videos Who are prana-eaters?

This is what happens to some people even now. Read and watch a video about a simple transition to prana nutrition: experience and reviews.

This phenomenon in the Eastern tradition is called bigu, in Christianity - fasting, and in modern New Age - breatharianism, sun-eating and prana-eating. In simple words, this condition is ordinary starvation, in which a person exists mainly due to his internal resources.

Question: How much does it change? human body when entering the Bigu state?

Answer: With prolonged refusal of food, a person’s metabolism slows down significantly and the life expectancy of cells throughout the body increases. Changes affect even the very basis of life—human hereditary information. This happens because the activity of our genetic code is constantly changing.

Throughout life cycle In cells, various genes are either activated or inhibited. At the same time, scientists identify six main factors that directly influence the pattern of activity of our genes: food ( !!! ), diet ( !!! ), physical activity, stress level, bad habits and ecology. Therefore, a temporary refusal to eat food even affects our genetic status.

Question: How to properly adapt your body to Big?

Answer: There is such a thing as adaptive stress. One of the reasons that can activate the adaptive stress mechanism in the body is a sharp restriction of calories coming from food or complete starvation. What's remarkable about the body's response to this stress is that it can have beneficial consequences for the body.

When the final result of adaptation is the acquisition of useful skills and abilities by a person. However, with the wrong approach, such stress can also have Negative influence, that is, call pathological changes in the human body or even lead to his death. Therefore, in order to correctly adapt your body to Big, you need to know that adaptive reaction is divided into four phases:

I - excitation phase, II - adaptation phase, III - exhaustion phase, IV - recovery phase

How to switch to prana diet video

The means to achieve the goal when adapting to Big is eustress (positive stimulation stress), in which the exhaustion phase must be dosed. Without understanding this point, a person guided by the principle - the longer the period of fasting, the better, risks turning his adaptive stress into so-called distress ( pathological process, which does more harm than good for the body).

Adaptation to Big is impossible in short time, it should be smooth and gradual. Therefore, it is necessary to approach periods of fasting or being on a low-calorie diet without fanaticism, and also be sure to give the body periods of rest ( IV phase), in which he can restore his resources and consolidate his achievements.

Question: What happens if a person decides to completely give up any food?
Answer: At complete refusal Physical activity gradually fades away from food in any living organism. The starving person becomes sedentary as his body begins to progress muscle atrophy. In this mode, sooner or later, the body inevitably comes to critical exhaustion. And ultimately, a person will have to choose between leaving the physical body and returning to food.

Are any of the candidates for “pranoeaters” ready to voluntarily choose a premature departure from this world? Personally, I doubt it. And although this choice is a purely personal matter, it is necessary that people understand what they are doing and what prospects await them.

Remember, as long as there are enough storage tissues in the human body, he can, through volitional efforts, ignore the body’s signals about the need for additional replenishment. However, this cannot last forever! Anyone experiencing Bigu should understand that although they are able to significantly slow down their body's metabolism, there is a limit to this process.

A kind of red line beyond which normal functioning all body systems is impossible. Therefore, when Bigu reaches a certain stage of exhaustion, there is a need to replenish lost body weight with the help of regular high-calorie food.

Moreover, one should pay attention Special attention on what the body of a starving person does this very quickly and efficiently. This happens because his exhausted body has a low metabolic rate, and all unused food calories are stored to the maximum in storage tissues.

Transition to prana nutrition personal experience

The transition to prana nutrition and personal experience

Question: How long can a person live with complete abstinence from solid and liquid food?

Answer: In order to understand how long a person can live on the internal resources of his body, you need to calculate how many calories will be provided by 40-50% of his body weight, which are lost during fasting. In a state of hunger, the body first uses up its fat reserves.

As you know, the average middle-aged man with a sedentary lifestyle has a fat percentage of total body weight of 20%, due to the hormone estrogen in women it is 5% higher. So, a man of average build weighing 70 kg contains about 14 kg of fat in his body, and a woman has 17.5 kg. When using these resources, each kilogram of fat provides the body with about 9000 kcal.

Let's calculate the total amount of energy that the body can extract from its fat reserves. For a man, 95% of his body fat would be approximately 120 000 kcal
For a woman, 95% of her body fat would be about 150 000 kcal

We know that the usual healthy person on average, about two to three thousand kilocalories per day are required. Men may have a little more, and women a little less. If for average level energy consumption of an adapted Bigu with an extremely low metabolic rate, we will CONDITIONALLY accept 1000 kcal per day, then a man’s body can use the reserve of body fat for its survival for - 120 days, and the woman’s body – 150 days.

But in addition to the consumption of fat reserves during fasting, decay also begins. intercellular substance connective tissue, as well as atrophy internal organs and skeletal muscles: the weight of the heart and brain decreases by 3-4%, skeletal muscles - by 30%, liver by 50%.

Since the average person’s muscles alone weigh about 28 kg, the total mass of tissue that is subject to partial breakdown during fasting is at least 30 kg. At the same time, the body receives the energy it needs, which allows you to extend the fasting period by about another month.

In total, we get that with a fixed basal metabolic rate of 1000 kcal/day, a person adapted to hunger, when performing certain bowel cleansing procedures, can go for up to six months without food.

Pranoedia simple transition reviews and experience

Here we considered the general case of COMPLETE fasting, using the example of a person weighing 70 kg and of average constitution. But since different people different body composition (body weight and percentage of body fat), then possible timing their existence without food will also be different. For example, Hira Ratan Manek had a documented period of complete abstinence from food of 411 days.

Question: But in our society there are so many people who declare that they do not eat at all, which means that the possibility of life without food is possible! Or is there some kind of catch hidden here?

Answer: Despite the fact that the vast majority of so-called “pranoeaters”, “sun eaters” and “breatharians” claim that they do not need food, they all eat something from time to time. Although they assure others that they do this solely to satisfy the desire to “feel the taste.” They also allow themselves to drink, in addition to water, drinks containing nutrients - sweet teas, coffee, juices, etc.

Simply the idea of ​​complete freedom from food is a good seller. A kind of well-promoted brand that gives various greedy “gurus” the opportunity to earn decent money from their seminars and printed materials.

After all, every famous promoter of non-eating has his own image and reputation based on some theory of life without food, and for some even the prosperity of their business depends on it.

Because of this kind of material dependence, none of the popular “nothing eaters” dares to admit the impossibility of living on complete starvation for long periods, measured in years and decades.

Of course, the very existence of people who promote reasonable fasting and abstinence from food is good and necessary for modern society case. But the truth must be above all, and therefore it is necessary to distinguish where in this society of “non-eating” there is truth, and where there are fantasies and lies. And the most important thing is to distinguish among them those who live for the benefit of others, from those who seek fame or profit.

Margarita from Ufa. Experience of transition to prana nutrition

Is prana-eating so incredible? Do you need to be a yogi who has gone through long initiations to do this? Or is this just a way of eating that is accessible to every person?

A young girl Margarita from Ufa shares her experience of life on prana.

A little bit about yourself
Age. Perhaps I will remain silent here, since people will have thoughts that will make them not believe in themselves.
Practitioner experience. 6th month. The last thing I ate was definitely adequate food)) It was a piece of apple.

What is prana?
I am not a scientist and therefore I can say exactly what prana is, but I have my own opinion and I do not claim to be the truth. I know for sure that prana is everywhere, it is everywhere. But mostly it's in the air. This is what sets everything in motion! Prana...the essence, the essence of any movement! It has no taste)

What is your transition experience? How long did it take?
At first I was a raw foodist, then a raw foodist, then there was a month of little food, then for 5 months I ate a piece of fruit once a month, then I forgot about food and so on for the 6th month. I drink water.

Are transitions different for men and women?
I don’t know, since I’m a woman and I don’t know how men transition. But I feel that there is no difference, it’s all just in my head, I need to treat everything more simply!

The most important thing is where to start?
)))))) Funny. Start with a raw food diet. If you become a specific raw foodist, then this is already great, since you can count the real raw foodists on one hand. I’m already silent about prana nutrition. You become a raw foodist, then it’s all in the bag.

Path. What after the prana diet?
I can’t tell you what’s next, since I’m still only a pranoeater who also drinks water. I have no experience with the next stage of nutrition, so I'm giving up here.

Meaning. What is all this for? What is your philosophy, religion, concept? The purpose of life?
For what? Yes, it's very simple. Now ask yourself the question: why am I here on Earth, what have I lost here? In general, a person comes here to earth in order to: 1) evolve and 2) maintain harmony! Neither one nor the other really works)) This type nutrition evolves me and thereby enables me to harmonize the world)

The goal of life is self-realization through the work of a lifetime)

How long do you sleep? Do you do meditation?
I sleep...in different ways, on average 5-6 hours, I sleep when I want. Meditation...it is dynamic, but there are moments when you are covered from head to toe)

Body. How does your body feel? Is weight lost during transition? How do you bear it? physical exercise? Toilet theme.
The body... complete control over it, I know what it consists of and I feel how the processes take place in it, the body is my tool with which I create. No weight is lost. Loads, I can bear them) Toilet...I go to small places because I drink water, but not to big ones.

Practice. Transition mechanism and main points personal experience. Exercises and techniques for transition?
Listen, there is no transition mechanism, there is no transition method! Nonsense))) The main thing is to RELAX and LEARN, first of all, to TRUST life, and you still can’t trust it, how can you even talk about not eating)))) Many cannot become a raw foodist completely, because they do not trust nature itself!, They think they don’t have enough vitamins or something else! Become raw foodists, only after that the transition is possible!

Have you met pranaeaters in real life?
No, I haven’t met)

Video interview with Margarita

Pranoea or suneating- human ability long time go without food and water, feeding on the all-pervasive prana energy (vitality). It is believed that sunlight is main source of prana.

Synonyms for prana-eating are breatharianism- from the English "breath" (breath) and bigu- in Chinese "without food."

Apart from various semi-mythical references to hermits, saints, enlightened ones, yogis, etc., who reached a state where their life could be sustained without consumption physical food , phenomenon prana diet until recently almost never met.

But for last decades the sun has become obvious fact, despite the fact that it is completely official science denies. Some of the sun-eaters (and according to various estimates there are only such people on Earth) about 8 thousand), connect the development of prana-eating with transition of the Earth to a new energy state— along with the planet, spiritual and physical abilities of people.

Eat several paths How can you gain the opportunity to live without physical nutrition? One of them is related to receiving solar energy, by staring for sunset or dawn Sun. When applying this practice, it is recommended to combine it with walking barefoot on the ground. Such replenishment by the sun has become quite widespread in India, there it is connected with yogic practices. It is believed that sun eating gives a person physical and spiritual health, relieves diseases. Gradually, over six months of classes, there is a noticeable loss of appetite: in the future the body can switch completely on prana nutrition instead of physical nutrition. The most famous representative specified path is Hindu Hira Ratan Manek, which gives detailed instructions how to gradually switch to sun eating. Another famous Indian pranaeater is Solar Yogi Umasankar.

Among other ways of refusing physical food, there is the so-called alchemical method. It is described as using special chemical substances , which increase energy person and gradually allow him go without food. This method is the most dangerous of all and available only to masters. However, there is no reliable information O effectiveness alchemical method.

The closest and most understandable to modern man there are two, largely intersecting, ways of transitioning to prana nutrition: through mindful eating And fruitarianism.

Mindful Eating is extremely powerful tool allowing individually adjust physical nutrition body, in accordance with its actual needs, and not social habits, stereotypes and fears. The practitioner should maximally focus on your feelings, record them, notice all the nuances. It starts with realizing what it represents to a person hunger what kind of food is he really wants, How taste changes and a feeling of fullness in progress smelling food, chewing it for a long time. This is a kind of journey within yourself, as a result of which you can find harmony in nutrition, refuse from unnecessary and harmful. It is important that along this path each person will go as far as he can. intended: someone just give up meat and fast food, and someone will reach prana-eating. Don't force it process, it is important to understand that everyone has their own purpose and their own path.

In this regard, very Jericho Sunfire's experience is interesting, who started with fruitarianism, and after 10 years switched to prana-eating. This is an ordinary person living in the UK, who suddenly realized that poor quality dead food kills and torments him. Breaking Habits your body, returning many times To to the usual way nutrition, he still managed switch to fruitarianism(eating only fruits). Without stopping in his development, after some time he was able practice prana nutrition. The entire path of transformation took more than 10 years. Sunfire notes the following fundamental points:

  • More difficult gave him everything first step, he conquered the next steps without experiencing pain or serious discomfort.
  • Important trust your intuition, to your feelings.
  • Pranoeding is not for everyone. Jericho himself considers himself a messenger from other worlds who lives on Earth.

It should be noted that prana-eating is still only in its beginning of its development: few people believe Given the capabilities of the human body, even fewer people try to practice it. But gradually energy state our planet is changing, revealing previously unseen prospects for human development. In parallel appears more and more experience prana-eating, methods are being improved and developed transition to life without food. Probably, in future humanity will step into new stage development by learning eat sunlight . Now it is impossible to imagine what this will be like new world sun eaters, but, of course, it is worth welcoming all initiatives that contribute to its speedy onset.

Pranoedia is a lifestyle in which a person completely refuses to eat. Life energy– prana – he draws from the air, as well as from, from, from the cosmos and from himself.

Many people confuse prana-eating with therapeutic fasting. Meanwhile, these are two completely different concepts. Therapeutic fasting is a forced measure. Its goal is healing from any illness or loss extra pounds. With prana nutrition the situation is different. Pranoedia is a style, a way of life. This is a voluntary and, most importantly, conscious refusal to eat.

Six arguments in favor of eating food

  1. Pranoedists believe that food– a source of disease, toxins and addiction. Even while eating healthy food, the person is still sick. And many diseases can be overcome with the help of fasting. Food addiction is of the same nature as drug addiction. Therefore, refusing to eat or changing eating habits may be accompanied unpleasant symptoms according to the type of drug withdrawal.
  2. No need for cooking time. No more thinking about renovating your kitchen or buying a new refrigerator or stove.
  3. The body spends a lot of energy digesting food. By switching to prana-eating, this energy can be spent on knowing yourself, on expanding the boundaries of consciousness to previously unprecedented limits. A person develops new abilities and talents. You can see and feel what was inaccessible with your previous lifestyle. You can learn to fully control your body. You can go indefinitely and gain complete freedom.
  4. The body works without failures when eating food, the body is pure and perfect, like that of a baby.
  5. Pranoeders forget about diseases, have a clear mind and recover quickly even after significant physical exertion.
  6. Pranoedia is a clean and healthy Earth. No food means no garbage in the form of plastic or cellophane food packaging.

Prune diet, sun eaters, raw foodists, fruit eaters, life without food, fruitarians, fasting, healing!

How to switch to prana nutrition

Everyone becomes a prana-eater in different ways. Some people come to this gradually: vegetarianism, mono-eating, little-eating, eating once a month and that’s it. Some people prefer to act decisively and immediately. The main thing is not to be afraid that the body will stop working normally. When the consciousness adapts to life without food, the body will not depend on food, its quantity and time of consumption.

There are two ways to switch to prana nutrition: natural (gradual) and instant.

The natural way. At natural way First, the most harmful and heavy foods are removed from the diet: smoked meats, sausages, chips, sausage, fried foods. Then eliminated boiled food: porridge, mashed potatoes, vegetables. There is also a ban on baking. Next is the turn for dairy and sweets. So, the diet remained nuts, fruits, fish, vegetables, herbs and lean meat. And now you need to completely stop cooking food. The only culinary processing of food now is washing and cutting. That's all!

Instant way. Often people become paranoid after some significant event in life. One day a person wakes up and realizes that he can do just fine without food. Moreover, the body begins to reject food. And the joy that previously arose at the mere memory of, is replaced by disgust. This often happens to people who have reached certain heights in spiritual development.

A special meal schedule can help you transition to a prana diet. You just need to reduce their number. If a person, for example, ate five times a day, then gradually he needs to switch to four meals a day, then to three meals a day, and so on, until he develops the habit of eating once a day. Then you can learn to eat once every two days, then once every three days. Gradually, the need for food will arise less and less. And here the most important thing is not to increase the usual portion on meal days. You also need to chew very long and slowly so that the food has time to be well moistened with saliva and enters the stomach in the form of a soft, mushy mass. Gradually, you can train yourself to eat once a week or even once a month.

And one moment. Experienced prana-eaters advise beginners who are just preparing to give up food to retire. For this purpose, a quiet place where a person cannot study is best suited commonplace and communicate with friends and loved ones.

The secret of prana-eating

Who needs to postpone the transition to prana nutrition?

Those who have health problems should not switch to prana food, as in this case they may start serious complications. It’s better to get cured first, and then start living without food.

What to remember when starting life without food:

  1. Conscious and voluntary refusal from food may at first be accompanied by not very pleasant symptoms. The most basic of them are dizziness, constant feeling weakness, irritability, nausea, deterioration of hair and skin condition, vomiting. This state of affairs is quite natural, because we live in a different reality. For some, these manifestations are more pronounced, for others they occur almost unnoticed. In any case, they all pass quickly, so do not despair and give up hope for a new, more perfect life.
  2. A new way of life may not find understanding even among your closest and dearest people. Sometimes this even leads to a complete rupture. People are always suspicious of someone who stands out too much from the crowd.
  3. There are situations when in his consciousness a person is already ready to start life without food, but his physical body is not. We can talk about this if weakness persists for a long time, depression rapidly drops in weight, or depression persists. In this situation, you need to immediately start eating, otherwise complete exhaustion will occur. It will be possible to return to prana nutrition again when the body has fully recovered.

Starting a life without food requires a lot of thought.

And soberly assess your readiness for such an important step. You need to have a clear understanding of all the consequences. In order to become a prana-eater, you must first change your consciousness and grow spiritually. Pranoedia will bring benefits and joy only when there is a clear understanding that it is no longer possible to live any other way.

Treatment with hunger. Adequate nutrition 2017 Zamaleeva G. A.

Are there limits to human capabilities? If so, then life without food does not go beyond these boundaries.

Not everyone believes in the very possibility of prana-eating. I don’t quite understand what people base their reasoning on when they claim that life without food is impossible? Now that prana-eaters have ceased to be a myth and live among us, not believing in their existence is the same as not believing in the existence of Bill Gates on the grounds that you do not know him personally!

Pranoeaters, in a sense, are more real than Bill Gates, since you can easily meet them by attending an event with their participation (for example, the Pranoeaters Congress).

First International Congress according to Pranoedia:

There is no point in theoretical discussions about the possibility or impossibility of eating food when there are people for whom life without food is everyday life. Of course, you can not believe these people, seeing them as simply scammers. Maybe there really are deceivers among them - how should I know? But let's look at interviews with several prana-eaters, completely different people from each other, who claim that they have not eaten any food for the past few years. They talk about their experience of living without food and how they came to eating food:

Pranoed Genesis Sunfire - My LIFE without FOOD.
Genesis Sunfire is hard to name an ordinary person. He is quite extraordinary both in appearance and in his worldview and way of life. Watch an interview with this unusual and controversial person - his strongest energy (you can call it charisma) is transmitted even through video.

Pranoed Dmitry Lapshinov - 2 years without food.
Dmitry, unlike Genesis, looks quite ordinary - a nice guy, completely adequate and realized in society. I came to prana nutrition through energy practices (for example, Qigong), which I began to practice to increase achievements in sports (more precisely, in martial arts). Then he lost interest in sports competitions and gradually came to pranaedia (life without food). Unlike Genesis, Dmitry uses water.

Should we believe people who claim that they do not eat anything? Maybe some can be trusted, but some can’t. But there are too many such people to deny the possibility of prana-eating. They are accessible, you can look at them not only on the Internet, but also communicate with them “live” by going to some seminar or convention.

Perhaps the question should be posed differently: not “is prana-eating possible”, but “what prevents people from believing in the possibility of prana-eating”? After all, if we do not yet understand a phenomenon (in this case, life without food) this is not a reason to turn a blind eye to the facts and refuse to acknowledge the existence of this phenomenon. But this is completely different, separate topic, not relevant to this article...

PRANOEAD - what do pranaeaters eat?

Unfortunately, scientific research on the topic of prana nutrition has not been and is not being carried out. This is understandable - Scientific research someone must finance, that is, they must be beneficial to someone. What can you earn from eating food? How to sell air or cosmic energy?

Therefore, you will have to understand for yourself the theories that explain the phenomenon of life without food. Let's listen to what the prana-eaters themselves say about this? What do they eat, in their own opinion?

It would seem a strange question. The answer follows from the name - prana, that is, energy. But not everyone agrees with this. Olga Podorovskaya (a prana-eater with many years of experience, presenter of seminars on the transition to prana-eating) claims that prana-eaters eat, like all other “eating” people, amino acids, vitamins, etc.

How is this possible, since prana-eaters don’t eat anything? Olga believes that the body of pranoeaters receives food from those living in it beneficial bacteria, through the intestines.

There is logic in this. We all get a piece nutrients not directly (from the food we eat), but from symbiotic bacteria living in our intestines, which process the food we eat and produce substances useful to us - this is symbiosis.

With any change in diet, the intestinal microflora changes. Those bacteria that survive are those that receive food suitable for themselves. To the question “what do bacteria feed on in the body of a pranaeater?” Olga answers vaguely. But that's okay. We ourselves know that these microorganisms easily adapt to various, including extreme, conditions. Bacteria are divided into those that need organic food, and those that can feed on CO2 and do without organic compounds at all.

The mystery of prana-eating has been revealed - an interview with Olga Podorovskaya:

It turns out that pranoeaters do not feed on prana at all, but on ordinary biological food produced for them by microorganisms living in the intestines?

Alas, everything is not so simple. Yes, bacteria are capable of producing amino acids and some vitamins (such as B vitamins, including vitamin B12). But who said that these are the same bacteria that feed on CO2? And what about minerals? Bacteria cannot produce minerals, but our body needs them. And the bacteria themselves need minerals to produce some vitamins...

One can, of course, assume that the microorganisms in the intestines of the prana-eater evolve and begin to convert nitrogen into iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, silicon... But these turn out to be some kind of alchemists, not bacteria. I don’t know about you, but I believe in such bacteria less than in any mystical explanation of the phenomenon of prana-eating.

Thus, an attempt to rationally explain life without food looks logical only at first glance, but, upon closer examination, “comes apart at the seams.”

It's even a pity. It was a beautiful theory. But the truth is more expensive!

If we assume that symbiotic microorganisms supply some of the nutrients to pranaeaters, bacteria cannot fully provide the needs of the human body under any circumstances.

Then there are 2 options left:

The first option for explaining prana-eating is that the prana-eater’s body ceases to need many substances that, as we know, are necessary for ordinary to the human body. That is, the physiology changes and the prana-eater ceases to be an ordinary person in the biological sense.
The second option for explaining prana-eating is that the prano-eater acquires the ability to synthesize the missing substances independently in his body, without the help of bacteria, which, obviously, are not capable of this. Again, we get a creature with a physiology different from the usual “homo sapiens”.
Pranoedist Dmitry Lapshinov offers another theory to explain pranaedia. This theory states that the improvement of the physical body is directly related to the food we eat. That is, the physical body really changes, and is not limited to changes in the intestinal microflora. We came to the same conclusion through the logical reasoning described above.

There is a two-way relationship between spiritual development and nutrition.

“In accordance with the level of evolutionary development, a person’s nutrition also changes. For example, Buddha was content with one grain of rice a day. Ramaling, having transformed his etheric body, ceased to need food. And vice versa. By changing our diet, we contribute to our spiritual development.”
Dmitry Lapshinov, "The Sound of Silence"

This theory explains the phenomenon of prana-eating much better.

Dmitry, in his book “The Sound of Silence” talks a lot about different frequencies of vibrations. This, of course, is not his personal invention. I have already talked about the different vibrational frequencies of food and how increasing the vibrational frequency affects us in the article “High-Frequency Nutrition,” so I will not repeat it.

PRANOEAD - how to become a pranaeater?

One of the most famous prana eaters, Jasmukhin (Ellen Greve, born in Australia in 1957), is notorious for the fact that some people who followed her recommendations for switching to prana diets simply died. Like in the old story about a horse that was almost used to doing without food, but didn’t have time to fully get used to it because it died.

And it's not funny at all! The transition to prana-eating is a truly dangerous experiment, which, even under the guidance of an experienced prana-eater, can end sadly.

If you read my articles, you know that I am against dangerous experiments on my body and sudden changes in nutrition, unless there are special reasons for this. There is a big difference between water fasting, even long fasting, and the transition to prana-eating. Fasting is not fasting! We must understand this very well. Fasting is just (if the expression “just” is applicable here) a way to cleanse, heal and rejuvenate the body, often even to recover from “incurable” diseases.

But all these effects are achieved mainly due to the destruction of old, diseased, defective cells that the body feeds on during fasting, and replacing them with healthy ones. At a certain point, the body gives a clear signal that it is time to break the fast! This signal is expressed by clear symptoms, one of which is a sharp “switching on” of the feeling of hunger, which had previously been “switched off” during the fasting process. And such a signal cannot be ignored!

“Ignoring” signals and continuing fasting can not only cause irreparable harm health, but also lead to fatal outcome. I don’t want to scare anyone, but I just want to very clearly convey this warning to my readers: continuing fasting after the body’s internal resources have been exhausted does not lead to a transition to prana-eating, but to the destruction of health and can even lead to death.

The transition to prana-eating is radically different from fasting. An organism on a prana diet does not at all feed on its own fat reserves and diseased cells, which will sooner or later run out, even if a person initially has significant “internal reserves.” Pranoeaters have other sources of nutrition, as we have already discussed above.

Nowadays many courses and seminars are offered on the transition to prana nutrition. The topic of life without food is gradually gaining popularity, despite the skepticism of most people about the very possibility of life without food. It is possible that in a couple of years they will stop looking at prana-eaters as unique, and will stop suspecting them that, in fact, they, like the famous hero of 12 chairs, Vasisualiy Lokhankin, make their way to the refrigerator under the cover of darkness and overeat and pretend to be starving during the day :-)

Then it will be possible to talk about how to switch to prana nutrition correctly and safely. In the meantime, “correct and safe” are not the words that can be applied to such a risky experiment.

It would seem that switching to veganism is a proven thing. And then many make mistakes that have a detrimental effect on their health, and even return to an omnivorous lifestyle. Not to mention switching to a raw food diet.