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Why does a dog eat stones: we answer in detail and give advice. Why a dog chews its paws: reasons and whether you need to worry Home remedies can use garlic or lemon

What to do if your shepherd bites? First of all, calm down. The reasons for this behavior should be examined. Depending on the age of the shepherd, the methods of its re-education also change. In addition, the reasons are different in each case. aggressive behavior, without understanding which, it is simply impossible to start training. It is worth being patient and consistently training the dog and correcting its behavior. To do this, it is necessary to set the boundaries of what is permitted and adhere to them: feed the shepherd after everyone else, do not allow it to sleep on the beds and enter the kitchen or bedroom without permission, the dog must enter the door after the person. The owner's nervous behavior and punishment of the shepherd can only aggravate the situation and cause an aggressive response. Here's how you can stop your shepherd from biting.

The puppy bites. Most likely, the shepherd puppy is just bored and wants to play. The puppy's teeth are cutting and itching. You can calm the baby by pressing him to the floor or lifting him by the scruff of the neck. You can redirect his attention by offering to play with a toy. A sharp “fu” call, similar to a growl, will also help distract him. It is necessary to develop a positive reflex by giving your shepherd a treat every time he behaves correctly. You should be consistent and unwavering in your demands, and the shepherd will quickly learn what they want from it. If the puppy is too aggressive and no methods work, you can contact a veterinarian and have the shepherd spayed at about 6 to 12 months. IN as a last resort, it’s worth thinking about how to make an enclosure for a shepherd.

A teenager bites. This means that the shepherd did not receive proper upbringing as a puppy and is trying to become the “leader” in the family. In this situation, it is necessary to become the “leader of the pack” (see paragraph 1). All aggression should be nipped in the bud with a sharp guttural “fu”, similar to a roar. Doing the exercise will help " eye contact“daily: holding the shepherd by the withers, you need to look into her eyes from top to bottom until she looks away. The shepherd dog should not have his own toys - the “leader” should give the dog a toy and take it away immediately after playing. Before feeding, you should sit the dog down and, holding it by the collar, place the bowl in front of it. You can allow your shepherd to eat only after a few seconds/minutes. This teaches restraint, obedience and shows the dog’s place in the family. If training does not help, you should think about how to make a doghouse for a shepherd and keep it in the yard.

The shepherd bites out of fear. To correct the behavior of such a dog, patience, consistency and following simple rules are extremely important. Having found out what the dog is afraid of, you should gradually show it that it is not scary. The Shepherd needs more walks and communication. During training, the dog cannot be forced to do anything. You can only create the necessary situations. If a shepherd bites people out of fear, you need to show it that people are kind. While walking, when meeting friends, you should approach them, say hello, talk to them in a quiet, calm voice, ask them to treat the dog with something tasty, without making sudden movements - the shepherd dog will quickly understand that strangers are not scary. Shepherds that bite out of fear are dogs with a diseased nervous system. Don't neglect professional help a veterinarian who at one time helped a shepherd dog during illness or explained how to install the ears of a shepherd dog.

The Shepherd bites due to a highly developed sense of protection, dominance or chasing prey. It is necessary to stop all attempts to bite or catch up and bite with a menacing “fu”, distracting with a game or a treat. You should show the dog who is the “leader” in the family (see paragraph 1 and paragraph 2), as well as who owns all the “leader’s” things, including the house, car, garden, toys…. It is necessary to train the dog to stop and return when required. It will be good to teach your shepherd to fetch. Then it’s worth complicating the task - stopping and returning the dog halfway through the fetch. As soon as a dog will do, you need to praise her and treat her with a treat. It is advisable to teach a shepherd dog to run for fetch only with permission, and not immediately when it is abandoned. If the dog is brought in for protection, it is necessary to complete a course in protective guard service. You can also contact a veterinarian to find out how to treat your shepherd in this situation.

Shepherd bites children. In this case, it is necessary to show the shepherd that the children in the family - the “pack” - are at a level higher than the dog. Children should be taught to behave like “leaders of the pack”; they can be allowed to feed the shepherd. It is strictly forbidden to shout at children or punish them in the presence of a shepherd, otherwise the dog will do the same to children. If the children are still small, it is not advisable to allow them to play with the dog, especially in games such as tugging rags, towels, etc. In the pack, the “leader” becomes the most strong puppy, constantly winning games. Therefore, children should always win in games with dogs. It is extremely important to prevent and stop all attempts by the shepherd to bite children, and not leave them alone. It’s worth thinking about how to make a doghouse for a shepherd and place the dog in the yard if the shepherd poses a threat to children.

The shepherd bites other dogs. The shepherd dog should be taught calm behavior. It is necessary to walk the shepherd dog on a leash more often among other dogs, stopping any aggression with a menacing “ugh” and a sharp tug of the leash, and praising the indifference or good nature of the shepherd dog. It is important to learn to recognize when your dog is about to attack and quickly distract his attention with praise, a toy, or a game. As soon as the shepherd dog begins to show aggression, you need to call her by name, call her to you and give her her most favorite treat, which under no circumstances should you give to the dog in other situations. You must be patient. Everything will work out. In any case, you can always figure out how to make an enclosure for a shepherd in order to constantly keep it under control.

Sometimes you can notice “strange” behavior of a dog - it chews out fur. Most often she does this in the tail area. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon, so it is better to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible and undergo tests and scrapings. Let's take a closer look at the reasons why a dog chews its fur and what to do in such a situation.


From right established cause The quality of treatment will also depend.

No. 1 The first thing you should think about in a situation where a dog chews its fur is. It is by fighting them that the animal causes damage to its teeth and itself. Wherein .

No. 2 The second reason may be an allergic reaction, which results in severe itching. This could be a reaction to anything:

  • food,
  • flea saliva or bites,
  • artificial material for new bedding, etc.

In this case, the dog may chew out the hair in different places who have been most exposed to the allergen.

No. 3 If the dog chews only the area near the tail, this may indicate contamination or.

If the reason that your dog bites off whole clumps of fur is due to an allergy, you must first eliminate the allergen. If it is flea saliva or bites, you need to do a complete flea cleaning, not only of the dog, but of all his belongings and the place where he lives. If the cause of the allergy is New Product food, you need to exclude it from the diet and transfer the animal to an anti-allergenic diet. Some dry food manufacturers have.

If any objects appear in the dog: new bedding, toys, a bowl, they need to be removed from the animal and the state of its health should be monitored for some time. If the itching is severe, you will have to give the animal hormonal drugs, which should only be prescribed by a veterinarian. They can be in the form of injections or tablets. You can have it in your first aid kit human medicine triamsinolone, which is given at the rate of one tablet per 20 kg of dog weight.

If you cannot independently identify the allergen, you must in any case put the animal on a strict diet and have it thoroughly examined by a veterinarian. If the cause of the dog biting is inflammation of the paraanal glands, then it is better to consult a veterinarian to clean them. Although the owner can learn to do this on his own and periodically help his pet.

Some dogs do this sometimes, others all the time, but all do it. All dogs chew inedible things. They can make a big mess in the apartment, ruin valuable things and swallow dangerous objects. A dog does not distinguish between the cost of an old sneaker and dress shoes; an expensive sofa can be even tastier than a stick from the street. What makes them chew on everything?

There are several reasons why dogs chew things.

Medical problems

What to do?

It is necessary to take a stool test to exclude helminthic infestation. WITH for preventive purposes anthelmintic drugs should be given at least once every 3-4 months.

Rabies. This is especially dangerous viral disease in which dogs swallow and chew stones, sticks and rags. This behavior is part of a whole complex of dysfunctions of the central nervous system(aggression, paralysis, etc.). In addition to eating inedible objects, a dog usually has other signs of rabies.

Behavior problems

The dog is for a long time alone, they don't walk with her much, she doesn't get enough physical activity and communication. Out of boredom and lack of communication, the dog begins to chew on the owner's things. This behavior occurs especially often in hunting dogs, service breeds and dogs with an excitable nervous system.

What to do?

Dobermans, hounds, greyhounds, shepherds, schnauzers, terriers, huskies and many others need to walk at least 4 hours a day, run actively, play with the owner, follow commands and not feel abandoned and forgotten.

The dog chews things to get your attention.

If the dog lacks your communication, he may try to get it in this way. When she starts gnawing on your favorite shoe, you pay attention to her, try to take it away, get angry with her. Dogs often perceive this as a game and try to repeat it again and again.

What to do?

Pay more attention to your dog. Let her have her favorite toys (not your things), which you will jokingly “take” from each other.

Why is it dangerous?

Not all objects in the house or on the street can be chewed without harm to health. In the home, electrical wires (electric shock), plastic bags, foam rubber and mattress fillings (if swallowed, they can cause danger) pose particular dangers.

You shouldn’t scold your dog for trashing the house if you came home from work in the evening and the dog started it during the day. From the dog’s point of view it will look like this: I’m glad that the owner came, and he punished me for this. The dog will not connect a previous action (torn carpet, for example) and your anger. Strict "Ugh!" will have an effect if you caught your pet at the “crime scene”. As soon as your dog stops chewing on the item, praise him and offer him a toy in return.

- Hello. Help with advice. I don't know what to do. Dog, German Shepherd, young, just over a year old.She just tortured us. Behaves anxiously. He chases his tail all the time, growls and whines. He even tries to bite him. It's immediately obvious that this is not a game. The animal is worried about something, but we cannot understand what. There is no way to show it to the veterinarian, but I feel sorry for the dog. I have no idea what to do.

Ilya Luzin, Penza region

Really, anxiety dogs when they are without visible reasons They gnaw their tails, as noted by owners quite often. And if playing with a tail is for a puppy - normal behavior, then for older dogs this can serve as the first alarm bell. Moreover, if the dog whines and chews its tail, as if it is bothering it.

An increased number of fleas can be detected upon examination: their “favorite” places are the area near the tail, the dog’s stomach (in these areas the skin is thinnest) and the scruff of the neck (where the dog cannot reach fleas).

Trauma may also be the cause. Maybe you recently pinched your dog's tail, the pain makes him angry and tries to “defend” himself from the tail that is causing him pain? In this case, it makes sense to take an x-ray of the tail.

Another one possible reason– itching resulting from improper feeding. Low-quality, cheap food can cause a similar reaction in some dogs. It can also occur as a result of mixing dry food with homemade food.

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