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How to brush your teeth with dental floss - technique and proper brushing. How and why to use dental floss and floss

Many people do not perceive floss as a serious means of oral hygiene. They do not believe that it can protect against serious illnesses, and buying it is just a waste of money.

Why do you need dental floss, or in other words, floss, and why do dentists so strongly recommend its use?

What does dental floss do?

This remedy is not new at all; the appearance of dental floss happened more than two centuries ago, thanks to an American dentist. The first waxed silk floss proposed for oral hygiene was unaffordable ordinary people, but the wealthy did not immediately appreciate this device.

Production on an industrial scale began with the invention of nylon at the beginning of the last century. Today, dental floss is a must-have item in any pharmacy - it is a necessary tool for healthy teeth and cleaning.


You are taught to use a toothbrush regularly in the morning and evening. early age. Brushing your teeth is necessary to remove plaque buildup. The natural biological process, when teeth are covered with a thin film, is fraught with a real threat. The appearance of a number of oral diseases is triggered by the accumulation of plaque on the teeth, which can be felt if you run your tongue over the enamel.

Its formation is caused by active reproduction and growth harmful microorganisms. Nutrient medium for pathogenic bacteria tiny food particles become.

Successfully cleans the visible surface of the dentition Toothbrush, but in the interdental space it is useless. Stuck food becomes a source of bacterial activity and the formation of caries.

In this case, on help will come Dental floss, it will cope with a task that a brush and toothpick could not do - it will easily clean the most inaccessible places before or after brushing your teeth.

Proper Use

To prevent flossing from causing harm, you should know how to do it correctly.

  • Gum disease – periodontitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis;
  • Presence of crowns and bridges - abstain or use extremely carefully;
  • Carious formations.

Rules and technique of application:

  • You cannot brush several teeth with the used section of the floss, otherwise the teeth will exchange bacteria rather than get rid of them;
  • Do not injure the gums - this can cause bleeding and infection;
  • Do not use in children under 6-8 years of age, after which you can begin introducing it under adult supervision;
  • Tear off the thread to the required length so that it is held firmly and does not fall out; it should be wound around the middle or index fingers of the hands and pressed with the pads of the thumbs.
  • From the beginning to the end of the process, the floss is gradually rewound from the finger right hand on the left finger (vice versa for left-handers);
  • The thread is placed between the teeth up to the gums and with pressure on the surface of the tooth is led up, this manipulation is carried out in each interdental space;
  • Remove used floss from finger and throw away.

To effectively clean with dental floss, you also need to choose the right one. If you look at the samples that manufacturers offer, you can get confused. The flosses currently developed differ not only in the composition from which they are made, but also in the shape, size and presence of impregnation.

How to choose the right dental floss

Synthetic and naturala thread– a variety of materials are used.

Synthetic threads are coarser, but their strength is higher. Made from nylon and nylon.

Waxed and unwaxeda thread– the presence of wax, which covers the surface of the floss, increases the smoothness of sliding between the teeth.

In the inexperienced hands of beginners, unwaxed floss can cause injury and cause bleeding gums. This floss has the qualities of an abrasive and does a better job of removing plaque.

Waxed floss for beginners will be the most suitable option; the thread will not disintegrate into fibers during cleaning and will not get stuck.

Flat and round form sections– chosen taking into account the distance between the teeth.

The flat section is suitable for those with tightly adjacent teeth. It is difficult for dental floss to pass between such teeth; taking this feature into account, a flat shape is used.

The round section is chosen for teeth with a fairly wide gap. A lot of plaque accumulates in such teeth, and it is possible to remove it efficiently and create the necessary adhesion with a round shape.

Presence of impregnation– manufacturers strive to bring to ideal characteristics your thread samples. They are endowed with properties that can disinfect, strengthen and freshen breath.

Chlorhexidine is impregnated for disinfection, sodium fluoride is used to enrich the enamel and strengthen it, flavorings significantly freshen breath and help cope with unpleasant smell from mouth.

Developed special types dental floss, which are suitable for people with installed dentures or braces. They are different from ordinary threads, and have different structure, suitable for specific use.

Sequence of thread and brush

Dentists do not have clear recommendations regarding the sequence of using dental floss and a toothbrush. The compact packaging and ease of use allow you to always have floss with you. It is easier for them to brush their teeth and it is easier for them to find a convenient place for the manipulation.

You should remove biofilm and food particles with dental floss after each snack, rather than waiting until the evening when you have the opportunity to brush your teeth with a brush and toothpaste.

Don't go to extremes and switch to floss, reducing the number of times you use toothpaste and brush. No matter how effective floss is, it will not completely replace conventional oral hygiene products and remains additional help to preserve the health and beauty of teeth.

From it you will learn how to properly clean your mouth with dental floss, when to use it, before or after brushing, and what dental floss does and why it is needed.

If you have any questions or want to add something, leave your comments below.

1. Types of floss

Probably everyone has encountered the problem of stuck food. And even a toothpick is not able to cope with this problem. To penetrate hard-to-reach places, including the gingival zone, a universal means such as floss has been invented. But how to properly brush your teeth with dental floss?

To remove food stuck between the chewing surfaces, there is an impregnated and unimpregnated thread. It is thin and can penetrate into different spaces. Flossing can be done in narrow or wide spaces.

2. How to select and when to use dental floss before or after brushing your teeth

There are different types for this:

  • For a free distance between chewing surfaces, a round cross-section of thread is suitable.
  • In the case of very densely spaced teeth, a type of flat thread is used.

With a disproportionately large gap

For this, bulk material is used. It increases in volume due to swelling. And this happens at the moment of contact with moisture.

Any of the options eliminates food residues.

This means that there is no chance for bacteria to develop and accumulate further. How to floss is shown below.

Rules for using floss

Wrap a piece of floss around the finger of your left and right hand to secure it, carefully penetrate into the space between the solid elements. Before you floss your teeth, you need to determine the sensitivity of your gums. If they react strongly, then do the procedure at night, if the gums are healthy, then you can do it after each meal, if necessary.

Dentists advise doing this 2 times a day.

Today there are a lot of dental care products and oral cavity, they are sold in stores and pharmacies and are available to anyone. However, some of them, if used incorrectly, can cause harm to health, therefore, each device must be used with caution. Special attention and care is required to brush your teeth), doctors have developed instructions on how to use dental floss correctly.

Dental floss is designed to be responsible for dental hygiene

What is dental floss

This is a device for use in cases where a toothbrush or toothpick does not help. It easily penetrates into the interdental spaces and removes food debris in places where other means cannot penetrate. Dental floss is another name for floss for cleaning teeth; they are divided into several types.

Types of floss

According to the sectional shape:

  • flat - their variety is often called dental tape;
  • round - standard type.

By composition:

  • unwaxed;
  • covered with wax.

According to the presence of additional impregnation:

By application:

  • for home use;
  • for the work of dentists - their use is possible only in a dental office.

Which one to choose

Flossing your teeth - not so much simple procedure as it may seem. The choice of floss type depends on many parameters. Flat tapes and threads cover a larger area, round ones cover a smaller area, therefore, the width and type depend on the size of the spaces between the teeth and the purpose of the impact. The dimensions and thickness of the dental floss are indicated on the packaging.

Waxed floss glides better and penetrates the gaps between teeth faster, they are strong, and the fibers are more resistant to wear. However, the quality of cleaning is worse than that of unwaxed counterparts. Many people complain that these devices often leave bits of wax between their teeth, so they should not be used if the teeth are too tightly connected.

Unwaxed threads lose fiber integrity faster, but they are better at removing plaque and stuck food pieces. A person can determine the level of quality by the characteristic squeak of the floss. If there is one, the enamel is clean.

Flosses with drugs help prevent the formation of caries.

Dental options are distinguished by additional devices that help unwind the required amount of thread and cut it. Doctors use it during examinations and for polishing fillings and tooth surfaces after stone removal.
If you don’t know exactly how to use such devices correctly, you shouldn’t experiment with them yourself.

How to floss

Correctly brushing your teeth with dental floss is not such an easy task; if used improperly, there is a high risk of injury to your gums. You should not apply too much force; if blood comes from the gums, the procedure must be stopped immediately. Dentists even provide education sessions to their patients.


    We unwind the floss to a length of at least 40 cm, since this is required by hygiene rules - to clean each area you will need a clean piece of thread. This is enough for complete cleansing mouth

    We wind the thread in two turns on middle finger right hand, while the index finger should remain free. We measure 8-10 cm and wrap the rest of the floss around the finger of the left hand.

    Carefully insert the floss into the interdental spaces up to the gums, press it to the tooth and move it up and down 6-7 times. We repeat the same with the remaining teeth. Dentists say that brushing your teeth with dental floss
    you have to start with the upper jaw.

    We remove the thread from the gap and wind the used part onto the right finger, further cleaning the gaps until the material runs out.

Many patients ask dental technicians a reasonable question: how often can you use dental floss? Doctors recommend carrying out the procedure after every meal. However there is key condition– if your gums and teeth are healthy! Otherwise, it is better not to partake until the oral cavity is completely in order.

Caring parents who monitor the hygiene of their children ask dentists whether it is possible to use dental floss kids, and at what age is it better to start.

As studies have shown, children can use their first floss from the age of 7 or 8, but even at this age not all of them can correctly calculate the force of pressure. Doctors advise accustoming a child to such devices no earlier than 8-9 years.

As you know, children are restless people, it is difficult for them to endure such a painstaking and time-consuming procedure, therefore, in the first stages it is not necessary to brush all their teeth. It is enough to free large gaps from foreign components. Then, every day you can gradually increase the time and increase the area of ​​cleansing.

Dental floss will help you maintain oral hygiene

Myths and realities

  1. The device can get rid of bad smell from mouth. This is partially true; if the “orange” is the result of stuck food particles or plaque, there is a chance to remove it. However, bad breath can cause serious illnesses that no amount of floss will help.
  2. Long-term use wears away the enamel. The structure of the floss is no thicker than the bristles of a standard toothbrush, this is a myth, you can use it without fear.
  3. Can only be used once a day in the evening. When used correctly, there are no injuries, even when cleaning ten times a day.

Flossing, brushing, or visiting the dentist to remove plaque is everyone's business. However, when healthy condition teeth and gums, doctors recommend not to give up this convenient device and advise you to carry it with you to guests, cafes and restaurants, where you can go to the restroom and carry out preventative cleaning. This will help avoid problems with teeth and gums in the future.

It is necessary to start taking care of oral health not when a person has already encountered serious dental diseases, – you need to learn hygiene from childhood. Daily brushing of teeth is a must, but caring procedures do not end there.

To protect gums and tooth enamel from reproduction pathogenic microflora, you should use a special thread from time to time. However, you cannot do this at random, so it is important to know how to use floss correctly so as not to harm your own health.

Features and stages of floss application

So, how to use dental floss correctly so as not to accidentally damage your gums or enamel? To avoid troubles, carry out the procedure step by step. Floss must be used in accordance with the following algorithm actions:

  1. Take 45-50 cm of thread, wind it in several layers around the middle fingers.
  2. Take the floss large and index fingers both hands so that its length is about 2.5 (maximum 5) cm between the teeth being processed. Pull it tightly so that it easily fits into the space between two teeth without damaging your gums.
  3. With a gentle movement, slowly, move the floss up and down the surface of the tooth enamel, then carefully work the gum line under the tooth (the most a large number of pathogens).
  4. To avoid hurting your gums, use your fingers in a circular motion while flossing.
  5. Repeat all these manipulations for each tooth.

If this is your first time using such a hygiene product, then you need to remember three simple but important rules:

  • it is necessary to unwind a clean thread for each tooth - you cannot use the same piece to avoid the spread of infection throughout the oral cavity;
  • make sure that all teeth have been treated; if necessary, you can develop your own cleaning regimen with a certain sequence;
  • Don't neglect brushing the back of the tooth.

If you have difficulty operating the floss or you cannot hold it correctly, use a special device - a flosser. It can be purchased at a pharmacy or store. But if even this does not help, talk to your dentist, who may recommend another means to completely cleanse your teeth of plaque and microbes (for example, an interdental brush).

Types of dental floss

Flosses have their own classification according to the following parameters:

  • the type of material from which the thread is made;
  • cross section.

So, according to the material, dental floss can be:

  • silk;
  • acetate;
  • nylon;
  • nylon.

Flosses are also divided into:

  • waxed;
  • unwaxed.

Waxed threads are impregnated with wax, due to which they penetrate even the most inaccessible areas between the teeth. By using unwaxed floss you can achieve more effective cleansing gums and teeth from bacteria.

According to the classification by cross section, dental floss is:

  • round;
  • flat;
  • voluminous, which swell upon contact with saliva;
  • tape, designed for people with wide interdental spaces (like round floss).

Flosses can be impregnated with various substances: menthol, extracts medicinal plants etc. For caries, it is recommended to use hygiene products with fluoride, which also cope well with tartar.

The choice of the type of dental floss is often made by the dentist. He also makes the decision to use floss with fluoride. If you want to freshen your breath along with cleansing your teeth, then floss with menthol will be the best option.

Using floss to clean children's teeth

How to use dental floss to remove plaque from young children's teeth? First of all, you need to choose the right floss, otherwise there will be no benefit from its use.

So, if a child has sparse teeth, then it is recommended to use round dental floss to thoroughly clean them. If the teeth are pressed tightly against each other, use flat devices. The same criteria are used to choose floss for teeth and for adults.

When choosing such a product for a child, you must also focus on what purpose it should have. For example, there are therapeutic and prophylactic flosses impregnated with sodium fluoride, which carefully remove plaque without harm to the child’s health or the risk of damage to the enamel.

At what age can a child use dental floss?

Babies whose teeth have just erupted should not use this remedy hygiene. They simply will not know how to use floss, and for parents, intervention in the child’s oral cavity is extremely undesirable due to the high risk of gum damage.

Studies have shown that even schoolchildren aged 7-8 years are not yet able to brush their teeth with a special floss, but parents are allowed to do this instead. If we are talking about independent use floss, then the manipulation can be performed on children over 8 years old.

During the first hygienic procedures carried out using thread, one of the parents must be present. You need to start with the two front teeth, gradually moving further. This will make it easier for the child to get used to the new hygiene procedure. The first few times, parents should show by example how to use the device so that the child does not accidentally cut his gums.

You shouldn’t force your child to floss their teeth just because “it’s necessary.” Wait until he himself is ready for this, and only then begin the procedures.

The technique of performing the manipulation is the same for children and adults. Only the length of the thread used can vary. So, for children it will be enough to cut off 35-40 cm of floss. The main thing is that it is convenient for the child to operate it.

How often can you floss?

There is no consensus on when exactly such a hygiene product should be used - before or after brushing your teeth. Dentists also have not agreed on how often to floss.

Some believe that it should be used after every meal, others believe that it is enough to treat your teeth only before bed after preliminary brushing with a paste.

So, if the thread is impregnated with fluorine, then it is better not to abuse it. It is enough to apply it once a day. Regular floss can be used after every meal by both adults and children.

It is not at all necessary to clean tooth enamel with this hygiene product every day - this can be done once every 2-3 days, especially if a person’s gums are prone to frequent bleeding. The main thing is that the procedure is carried out according to the above algorithm. Then you can forget about dental health problems for a long time.

Useful video on how to use dental floss

Proper oral hygiene is a prerequisite for healthy teeth and gums. A common ritual for every person is morning and evening brushing with toothpaste. But this is not enough. Efficient and complete removal Plaque and food debris are problematic without the use of dental floss.

In this article:


Caries prevention is possible by brushing your teeth twice a day. The reproduction of bacteria is stopped, since they cannot live on a clean surface. However, the brush only copes with the internal and external areas. Meanwhile, food particles get stuck in the spaces between the teeth, where the bristles of the brush cannot penetrate.

As a result: pathogenic bacteria develop vigorous activity as food decomposes. The prerequisites for the formation of caries are created. The next stage is the appearance of carious cavities.

Use a thread to clean hard-to-reach areas. It is important to floss with a broken bite and with teeth located close to each other. It is partially possible to sanitize the cavities between the surface of the tooth and the gum - pockets. They are formed during periodontitis, and if you don’t take care of them, you can lose a tooth.


Flosses differ in the processing method:

  • waxed;
  • not waxed.

In the first case, the thread is covered with a thin layer of wax. This promotes easy sliding and unhindered removal of deposits.

The “tool” is made from:

  • silks;
  • nylon;
  • nylon;
  • acetate.

Natural silk is rare. It was originally used when floss first appeared. Today, mostly artificial options are presented on pharmacy shelves.

The threads are made according to the shape:

  • flat;
  • round;
  • tape

Dr. Zubastik advises purchasing the first ones for people with tightly spaced teeth, the second and third ones for those with wide gaps.

The floss subtype with the prefix “super” is intended for those who wear braces. This design consists of several parts. But we'll talk about it a little later.

Not waxed threads can be used by those who have experience in cleaning the interdental space with floss. It is believed that they cope better with this task.

Waxed ones are convenient for beginners. The thread does not get stuck anywhere, glides freely, and does not split. There is no risk that a piece of it will remain between the teeth.

To increase the effect, flosses are impregnated with therapeutic and prophylactic drugs. This:

  • sodium fluoride (prevention of caries);
  • chlorhexidine (disinfection);
  • menthol (breath freshens).

You should choose a floss only after consulting a doctor, because when choosing it on your own, you may not take into account the peculiarities of the condition of your teeth and gums, as a result of which you will cause harm to your health instead of benefit.

We use it correctly

There are 2 approaches to flossing teeth:

  1. Before carrying out the usual hygiene procedure using a brush and paste.
  2. After morning or evening cleansing is completed.

The first approach is closer to American dentists. They advise cleaning hard-to-reach areas before picking up a brush and starting the usual procedure.

Regardless of what order you follow, the following rules are mandatory:

  1. Wash your hands.
  2. Cut a piece of floss 30-40 cm long.
  3. Take it so that part is wound around the middle finger of your right hand, and squeeze part between the thumb, index and middle fingers of your left hand.
  4. Place the strip behind the tooth, trying to grab it, and move it up and down.
  5. Start with the upper jaw.

Remember: you cannot use one piece 2 times! If there is food or bacteria left on it, it can be transferred to the adjacent tooth. Inflammation will arise, and you will end up with what you were running away from: caries.

What if I have braces?

Regular oral care with floss is required.

Braces become a source of infection if they are not cared for properly. Complete cleaning with a brush is not possible. The smallest particles - food debris and harmful bacteria - are located in the places of fastening.

To avoid this, make it a rule to keep dental floss in the bathroom and regularly do “spring cleaning.”

You will need waxed floss - they will not touch the elements of the system. Second, more reliable way– buy super floss. The difference is this: superfloss is made of three materials. There are:

  • hard fiber;
  • sponge fiber;
  • synthetic thread.

The principle of use is the same as for a regular one, only the result is achieved faster.

Finally, superfloss

Examples of superfloss: Miradent or Oral-B. With braces in place, if you're just starting to master the art of flossing, also try Sensodyne Floss or Lacalut.

Crowns are not an obstacle

Many people are wary of advice to use floss if part of the teeth are covered with crowns. This fear is unfounded: such teeth also require careful care. The material that is placed between the crown and living tissue dissolves over time. Bacteria and plaque accumulate in these places. It must be cleaned off, because otherwise inflammation of the adjacent soft tissues is possible. This is fraught with the development of periodontitis.

We brush in the same way as usual, without distinguishing between “live” teeth and those covered with a crown. It is especially important to observe this rule in relation to metal ceramics. It is convenient to use superfloss.

  • the mucous membrane is delicate and easy to injure;
  • not all milk teeth were replaced by permanent ones;
  • The child’s movements can be sudden, which sometimes causes bleeding gums and inflammation.

After reaching the age of 12, and with the approval of the dentist, a teenager can floss their teeth. The first session should be conducted under parental supervision.

Toothbrush or floss

The natural question is: why do I need floss if I always brush my teeth twice a day? modern brush, whose manufacturer promises that it provides penetration into “the most difficult to reach places”?

Despite the improved shape of the brush, it is not able to achieve the degree of cleaning that the thread provides. The villi do not penetrate into the gaps between the teeth. This means that part of the plaque remains untouched.

At the same time, the brush is safer: if you hygiene procedures 2-4 times a day, it is impossible to cause injury. Floss should not be used more than once a day.

Floss does not clean the front and back surface. Therefore, these hygiene items are not interchangeable. They complement each other.

special instructions

Like any therapeutic and prophylactic method, the process of flossing teeth has contraindications. Avoid this oral care method if you have:

  • caries has been diagnosed and not yet healed (pieces of teeth affected by microbes break off);
  • gums bleed;
  • many crowns, bridges and implants have been installed.

The last case is a relative contraindication. Doctors allow and even recommend dental floss, but only after a thorough examination of the oral cavity. Old crowns and bridges are replaced and approval is given for the purchase of floss.

Strips or threads - universal remedy to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Therefore, use them along with a brush. But follow your dentist's recommendations. So, let me remind you:

  1. Brush your teeth carefully! Excessive force can cause wounds and microtrauma to the gums.
  2. If you do touch your gums and see blood, stop the procedure and rinse your mouth with salty water. warm water. Do not floss until the tissue is completely healed.
  3. Once a day is enough. Don't go overboard with your desire for cleanliness.
  4. Get your children used to flossing and tell them in advance about the benefits of the hygiene product.
  5. If there are contraindications, visit your dentist for advice. You may be allowed to buy floss after treatment.

Useful video:

Don't forget the main thing: Oral care should be regular! Only then will it guarantee the absence of pathologies. Take care of your teeth and gums, and they will remain healthy until old age.