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Flosses for teeth and braces: which dental floss is better, waxed or unwaxed, types and how to use it correctly. Correct use of dental floss before and after brushing

Regular brushing of teeth - a hygienic procedure that everyone has become accustomed to since childhood. However, is using a toothbrush really enough to good cleansing? Dentists say that not all places are available for it. Therefore, they recommend using dental floss in addition to traditional brushing with a brush and toothpaste.

Floss - silk floss designed to clean spaces between teeth. The use of thread is mandatory, because it is in these areas that accumulates greatest number various bacteria. Many people floss incorrectly, which can damage the gum tissue. Having considered following tips, it will be easy to understand how to properly brush your teeth with dental floss. And also learn how to clean your teeth as effectively as possible, preserve them for many years, prevent diseases and improve general hygiene mouth

Technique for effective brushing with dental floss

There are several types dental floss for brushing teeth, which range from waxed to scented.

  1. To prevent dirt and bacteria from getting into your mouth, you should wash your hands before flossing.
  2. Unwind about 45-55 cm of thread, you need a fairly long piece, you only need clean thread when brushing each tooth.
  3. Wind the thread around the middle fingers of both hands so that there is a distance of 5-6 cm between them. Do not use the index finger; it will be free to control the thread.
  4. Insert floss between teeth. Everything needs to be done slowly and carefully so as not to damage the gums. This is done in a zigzag motion until the gum line is reached.
  5. Pull the floss into a “C” shape and gently rub it between the teeth. Move from the gum line to the top of the tooth. Repeat the movement on both sides of the teeth and pull out the thread.
  6. Wrap more floss around your finger to use the clean part of the floss for the next distance between teeth.
  7. Clean the last teeth in the same way, but it will take a little longer. You need to open your mouth wider, which will be a little uncomfortable. But leave back teeth Uncleaned cannot be, since that is where the most contaminants are found.

If this is the first time in your life, your gums may bleed, but don't worry. After a few uses of floss, your gum health will improve and this will stop. However, if this is not the case and you feel pain when brushing, you should contact your dentist.

  • See also -

Dental floss with plastic holder

There are reasons why not everyone wants to use dental floss because it takes a lot of time, but you can try using a floss on a plastic holder - it will be much more convenient.

Using this type of thread is quite simple. The holder is shaped like a "Y" or "F" which works the same but at a different angle. They have a piece of floss attached tightly to the ends of the holder, making it easier to slide between the teeth. They can reach the back of the teeth more easily and comfortably.

Regarding the frequency of use, dentists' opinions differ. Some argue that this should be done after every meal. Others believe that once a day is enough. Most likely, each, taking into account his own individual characteristics, you must determine for yourself how many times you need to floss to keep your teeth clean and healthy.

Proper flossing - video

This article will tell you about the benefits of flossing your mouth and how to use dental floss.

What is dental floss - floss, disposable dental floss, what does it look like: photo

Dental floss is necessary to clean teeth where no brush can do. It is able to penetrate into any cracks and spaces between the teeth, taking out all the leftover food. Floss is another medical name for dental floss.

Flosses are divided into the following types:

  • With waxed thread(it’s easier for them to penetrate any hard-to-reach place, but the nick breaks easily and quickly during cleaning).
  • With unwaxed thread(gives weak friction force)
  • With synthetic thread(characterized by elasticity and strength)
  • With silk thread(has high strength and rarely breaks).

IMPORTANT: Any floss thread is impregnated with a special substance that makes it easier to glide over tooth enamel.

In pharmacies, as well as stores with household and cosmetics You can purchase the following types of dental floss:

  • Round dental floss (ideal for cleaning those teeth that have wide spaces and large crevices).
  • Flat dental floss(suitable for cleaning those teeth where the space between them is too narrow).
  • Tape dental floss(differ in that they are able to swell upon contact with saliva).
  • Bulk dental floss(suitable for gentle brushing, especially if there are wide gaps between the teeth).

Modern manufacturers often impregnate floss with some kind of aromatic or medicinal composition. Most often it is fluoride (to strengthen enamel), menthol (for a fresh smell) and others. Regular use of floss (both during brushing and after eating) can prevent the occurrence of many diseases of the teeth and gums.

Flossing is also a type of dental floss. It is intended for cleaning only the interdental space. It looks quite primitive - a handle with a stretched piece of thread. The most popular type of floss is ribbon. It looks like a small box with a lid containing a spool of 50-meter thread.

Why should you floss? Contraindications to using dental floss

It is important to know when you should absolutely not use thread:

  • If you have periodontal disease(this way you can spread the infection from a diseased tooth to a healthy one).
  • If there is a carious cavity(so as not to break off part of the tooth affected by caries).
  • If your gums bleed a lot(so as not to aggravate the disease and provoke inflammation).
  • If there are orthopedic and metal structures in the mouth(you can only use “superfloss”).
  • For small children(so as not to injure the delicate baby gums).

Dental floss is a necessity for every person. After any meal, tiny particles of food remain between the teeth. If you do not remove them (and a regular brush cannot do this), you can cause them to begin to rot and spoil your teeth, as well as inflame your gums.

How to properly brush your teeth with dental floss: instructions, advice from dentists

  • Take the floss box and open the lid
  • Unwind the required amount of thread (some people prefer a short piece of 2 cm, others 8-10 cm).
  • Each box should have a special metal hook that cuts the thread and therefore you do not need to look for scissors and other tools.
  • Wind the thread around the middle and index fingers of your middle hand.
  • Place the floss between your teeth and begin to move it back and forth, pushing out any remaining food.
  • You can also wrap a thread around the tooth and use both ends on the front part of the jaw to clean the space behind the tooth and on the sides.
  • Throw away the floss you used to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth thoroughly. clean water, medical liquid or herbal decoction.

Video: “Proper flossing”

How to floss correctly: before or after brushing your teeth?

It is recommended to use dental floss exactly the same number of times as you eat. Of course, not everyone is able to follow such recommendations, but if you can do it 1-2 times (morning and evening), that will be enough. It is advisable to floss your teeth before brushing, since bristles and toothpaste can penetrate into those spaces where you have already removed food debris.

Dental floss: how often to use?

It is good to use dental floss regularly, but not often, so as not to injure the delicate gums and cause bleeding. Optimal quantity once a day - during morning and evening brushing of teeth.

Can dental floss damage a tooth or gum?

You can damage the oral cavity with floss only in the following cases:

  • Predisposition of gums to bleeding
  • Inflammatory processes of the gums
  • If there is extensive caries (the tooth may break off)
  • If you have a filling in your mouth (especially an old one), it can be destroyed.

Video: “The benefits of dental floss. How to use dental floss?”

Each of us from the very beginning early childhood Parents teach children to brush their teeth at least twice a day, which helps get rid of plaque. In addition, you need to rinse your mouth after eating to remove food residues and prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

However, it turns out that such oral care is not enough to maintain the health of our teeth, because there are still places that a toothbrush simply cannot get into. It's about about hard-to-reach places such as interdental spaces, which can be cleaned with dental floss. Which is better and how to use this device correctly?


Why do you need dental floss, or floss, and how to use it? Floss is a very simple device that is used to clean the most inaccessible surfaces of teeth, that is, the lateral surfaces or interdental spaces, from plaque.

Using the device requires some skill, because one wrong movement can damage your gums. However, there is nothing complicated here; after a few training sessions, all movements will be performed automatically and you will no longer be afraid to use dental floss.

There are a wide variety of types of this device, which allows you to choose the tool that is most suitable for you.

Most often, the device is sold in the form of a roll, packaged in a small container. The material used for the production of this device is silk and cheaper materials such as nylon and nylon. Some manufacturers of these products coat the threads with special wax. This waxed dental floss does not flake, glides well and easily penetrates into the interdental spaces.

Also on sale you can find cleaning devices impregnated with menthol to give fresh breath, fluoride to keep teeth white, and so on...


You need to choose taking into account the shape of your teeth and the size of the distance between them. Depending on the value of these parameters, you can choose a device of the desired shape and structure, namely:

  • tape,
  • round,
  • flat,
  • swelling.

Dentists recommend using this tool after every meal, however, this is not always possible. After all, it is quite difficult for us to imagine an office worker busy brushing his teeth after a lunch snack or a bus driver doing a similar activity while standing at a bus stop. Therefore, such cleaning must be done at least once a day in the evening.


Your dentist will be the best person to tell you how to use dental floss; however, you can also get this information from the instructions that came with the dental floss. First, you need to remove it from the container and cut it off using a special knife installed on the lid of the container. As for the length of the thread, for a comfortable and effective cleaning on average, 40-45 centimeters is enough.

After this, you need to wind one end of the thread around the index finger of one hand, for example, the left, 2-3 turns so that it holds well. Next, the second end is wound around the index finger of the second hand (right) until there remains a free segment between the fingers of 3-5 centimeters. If you are uncomfortable performing the procedure with your fingers, you can use a special holder for dental floss.

It is this section of the floss that is carefully lowered between the teeth, moving slightly back and forth and down. After cleaning the contact surfaces of the teeth, the thread must be removed, the used section should be wound around the left index finger, and a clean piece of thread wound with right hand, clean the next interdental space, and so on. The used thread is not reused under any circumstances.

It is very important to know how to use dental floss correctly, since if you use this cleaning tool incorrectly or carelessly, you can injure your gums and cause infection.

Sometimes too rough or simply incorrect use of dental floss leads to various unpleasant consequences, such as injuries to the gum nipples, thinning of tooth enamel and even tooth fracture.

There are often cases when during the procedure you suddenly realize that dental floss is stuck between the teeth. What to do? You can try to push it out of the interdental space using another thread that has a smaller diameter. You can ask one of your relatives to very carefully cut the stuck thread with scissors as close to the teeth as possible and then try to free it from the interdental space.

If you still cannot cope with the problem on your own, then the best, and most importantly safe, option would be to go to the dentist. In a clinical setting, a qualified doctor can easily remove stuck dental floss. The harm from such manipulation will be negated.


Selecting the right cleaning device is just as important as following the cleaning technique. As mentioned above, threads are divided into nylon and Teflon. Nylons are produced waxed and unwaxed. Which dental floss is better, waxed or unwaxed – this is the question most often asked to dentists. It is impossible to answer this unequivocally, since everyone has different sensitivity of teeth and gums, so each person needs to choose it based on the individual characteristics of their own body.

Waxed nylon threads, like Teflon threads, glide easily and do not fray; they are thinner, so they are better used for cleaning closely spaced teeth.

Unwaxed nylon thread has a rougher surface and splits during the procedure, but it removes plaque much better. Best used for cleaning wide spaces between teeth.

If you already know how to brush your teeth with dental floss and decide to this procedure for the first time, then for your “debut” it is best to choose a flat waxed one, since it penetrates into the spaces between the teeth more easily than others.

During the first few days of flossing, your gums may bleed slightly. If, subject to careful brushing of your teeth, bleeding does not go away after a week from the start of the procedures, you must definitely visit a dentist.

Video about comprehensive oral care:

Good hygiene is important for healthy gums and teeth. oral cavity. However, brushing alone is often not enough. It is necessary to remove food debris from the interdental spaces.

With ineffective oral hygiene, plaque forms after each meal, which leads to caries. In addition, it is not always possible to brush your teeth immediately after eating. The modern rhythm of life simply does not allow this. For example, at work. In this case, it is advisable to use a special floss to clean your teeth. Another name for this device is floss. Doctors advise using it several times a day, as well as additionally cleaning the space between the teeth before bed, after the usual brushing. Why do you need dental floss? It prevents the growth of bacteria in the mouth during sleep. This hygiene aid can be very helpful, but before purchasing the right floss, you should learn how to use dental floss correctly.

Today there is a wide range of these dental products. Appearance different flosses are widely presented in the gallery of our website. You can choose the one that suits you by studying the video and photos. Dental floss, depending on the material of manufacture, can be natural or artificial. The first types of products are made from silk, and the second are based on non-natural, but no less durable materials: acetate, nylon or nylon.

Floss is effective additional means oral hygiene

When choosing this hygiene product, there is no clear answer to the question of which dental floss is better. The fact is that the bite, shape and condition of teeth are different for all people. Therefore, when purchasing floss, it is better to consult a dentist. Your doctor will individually select one or another type of hygiene accessories.

By shape, there are flat, ribbon and round flosses. Using flat devices, it is convenient to clean the narrow spaces between teeth. Round ones are used for large gaps between the teeth, and strip flosses are prescribed for cosmetic defects position of the incisors (diastema) or with significant gaps between other teeth (trema). Understand this large quantities dental devices is, at first glance, a difficult task. However, today many people understand how necessary floss is sometimes. How to choose and how to use this product correctly is worth studying in detail.

They also produce voluminous products that, in contact with saliva in the oral cavity, become larger and fluff up. This makes it possible to thoroughly clean the space between the teeth without damaging the soft gum tissue.

Some models of cleaning threads are impregnated with wax. This allows the floss to easily glide between your teeth to clean them.

Appearance of waxed dental floss

Dentists prescribe such waxed products to people who are using such hygiene products for the first time. Wax-coated models are much more convenient to use. They make brushing your teeth comfortable. However, unwaxed floss provides better removal of food debris from the mouth and is better at removing plaque. Such threads are separated into fibers and clean the entire surface of the enamel.

There are also threads with and without impregnation. Today flosses saturated with sodium fluoride are produced. They not only perform a hygiene function, but are also an excellent means of caries prevention. These types of floss strengthen the enamel in the part of the tooth surface that is difficult to reach with a brush. Menthol products freshen breath, and threads with chlorhexidine effectively disinfect.

Antibacterial floss

In this case, you can additionally use therapeutic and prophylactic compositions, covering the dental floss with them yourself before the procedure.

There are dental floss designed for independent use at home and those that are used only in dental clinics under the supervision of a doctor.

Contraindications to flossing

It should be remembered that self-medication and even simply the wrong selection of hygiene products can play a cruel joke on you. There are a number dental diseases, in which the use of floss may be dangerous. The main contraindications include:

  1. Bleeding gums due to periodontal disease. With frequent intensive use of floss, wounds may appear on the gums and an inflammatory process may develop.
  2. Caries. Having cavities in one or more teeth while flossing can also be dangerous. When carrying out the procedure for cleaning interdental spaces, there is a possibility that a piece of the tooth may break off.
  3. Crowns or bridges. If you have orthodontic microprostheses in your mouth, dentists recommend using a special superfloss dental floss. This device combines the functions different types dental floss.

Features of application

For those who are getting floss for the first time, it is useful to know how to properly brush your teeth with dental floss. This device is produced in special packages complete with a small cutter.

Dental floss packaging

Before you floss your teeth, you should make sure you have cut off enough floss. The piece of product that was used to clean one gap cannot be used for other areas. You need to take another piece of thread wound around your fingers.

Floss technique

It is important to choose the right dental floss. First of all, it must be strong and not tear when it is pulled out of the gap between the teeth. Sometimes this happens if there are chips or irregularities on the enamel surface.

Using floss for baby hygiene

Children can be trusted to brush their teeth with floss on their own no earlier than 9–10 years of age. At the same time, acquaintance with this oral hygiene product can be carried out much earlier.

It is very important to teach your child to brush his teeth correctly.

To avoid damage to the gums, the procedure should be carried out under parental supervision. It’s better if mom or dad themselves show the child how to use dental floss for the first time. Photos and detailed instructions floss applications can be found on our website.

It is very important to learn how to use floss correctly, since incorrect use of this dental instrument can lead to gum injury. During the procedure, you should not make unnecessary efforts. If your gums begin to bleed during brushing, you should immediately stop the procedure and rinse your mouth with warm water. saline solution. You can resume cleaning only after the bleeding has stopped.

If your gums are injured, it is important to consult a dentist immediately.

If you are sure that you need dental floss, a special step-by-step technique will tell you how to use it correctly:

  1. Need to prepare a piece of floss 40 cm long. This piece of thread should be enough for effective cleansing interdental spaces. Remember to use a clean portion of the floss for each area.
  2. Twice wrap it with thread middle finger right hand. The index finger remains free. This makes the procedure more convenient.
  3. Then left hand you need to wrap the floss so that the piece of thread in the center was 8–10 cm.
  4. It is recommended to start cleaning from the teeth upper jaw. Need to insert the thread into the spaces between the molars and carefully guide it all the way to the gums. In this case, you cannot put in significant effort.
  5. Should apply the floss to the enamel and run the thread from top to bottom several times. Then you should repeat these steps with the remaining teeth.
  6. After you need pull out the dental floss and wrap the used piece of floss around the finger of your right hand.Insert a clean piece of the product into another interdental space and repeat the procedure.

This sequence of actions will help you properly clean your mouth when using floss for the first time.

The process of brushing teeth with floss

By following these simple recommendations, you can effectively clean the space between your teeth. If you doubt the correctness of carrying out such an exercise yourself hygiene procedure, consult your dentist. The dentist will help you choose suitable look floss and explain how to use such a tool correctly so as not to injure the gingival nipple.

Frequency of flossing

How many times a day should you floss? Normally, this should be done after every meal. If you did not have the opportunity to floss during the day, you need to thoroughly clean your mouth in the evening before going to bed.

For effective hygiene oral cavity, you need to use dental floss regularly

Ideally, you should brush your teeth with a regular brush, then complete the procedure with floss, and then use a mouthwash or herbal balm.

Advantages and disadvantages of use

There is an opinion among dentists that the use of dental floss can be harmful to the health of teeth and gums. Despite the many positive feedback Regarding the use of this hygiene product, some doctors claim that flossing can lead to damage to the structure of the teeth.

Everyone knows that healthy teeth and gums are very important for the condition of the human body as a whole. Therefore, you should understand how necessary dental floss is in daily oral hygiene. The benefits or harms of such hygiene products require detailed consideration.

What are the benefits of flossing?

If there is no inflammation of the gums, you can safely use dental floss to clean the interdental space and remove plaque. The use of this product will protect the oral cavity from the growth of bacteria and will be an excellent prevention of dental diseases.

Using floss makes it easy to get rid of food debris stuck between teeth and along the edges of the gums where a toothbrush cannot do it.

The main purpose of dental floss is to remove pieces of food stuck between teeth and eliminate bacteria.

Floss allows you to remove food particles stuck between your teeth.

Disadvantages of dental floss

As various studies show, sometimes the use of floss for oral hygiene causes inflammatory processes. As a rule, improper use of dental floss leads to injuries and microscopic scratches of soft tissue. Gums with wounds and damage become vulnerable to the spread of infection. Sometimes this can even lead to tooth loss.

If blood appears while using floss, you should consult a dentist. Periodontitis may be dangerous disease and requires immediate treatment

Do not forget that dental floss is only auxiliary oral hygiene. It cannot completely replace toothbrush. Traditional brushing combined with flossing will help effectively clean your teeth and gums, keeping them healthy.

If you carry out the procedure according to all the rules and follow the recommendations of your doctor, you can forget about caries and gum disease for a long time. Correct prevention and hygiene will give you a dazzling smile.

Floss is an effective additional means of oral hygiene. Appearance of waxed dental floss. Antibacterial floss. Packaging of dental floss.

Our mothers teach us to brush our teeth in the morning from early childhood, but not everyone practices oral hygiene before bed, let alone using dental floss. It’s much more common to take a toothpick and try to clean your teeth with it after every meal. Aesthetics and culture of health consist of many little things. Dental floss, also known as floss, is becoming increasingly popular among people trying to minimize dental problems.

What is dental floss used for?

Just don’t think that you can use a piece of ordinary sewing thread as dental floss. Modern science does not stand still, one of her latest inventions is dental floss, which is called floss and is intended for the hygiene of molars. It is this that will help get rid of the main pathology - caries, which affects more than half of adults and many children.

With a toothbrush you can only clean external surfaces tooth, but she is not able to get to the interdental area. The teeth touch each other very tightly, so no bristles, no matter how thin they are, can thoroughly clean and remove food debris from the internal contacting surfaces. And food that gets stuck between the teeth not only creates bad smell in the mouth, but also, when rotting, forms an excellent environment for harmful microorganisms.

Types of dental floss

Dental floss has many varieties, each person can choose the most suitable option, it all depends on the width of the distance between the teeth, the presence of dentures, tactile sensations and simply personal preferences. Prevention of caries does not depend at all on what thread you use, the main thing is to use it. How flosses are divided:

  1. Dental floss can be round, intended for those with wide gaps between teeth, or flat, for people with very close contact between adjacent teeth.
  2. The impregnating composition of the thread may contain therapeutic or prophylactic substances - fluoride or chlorhexidine. Sometimes components are added that create a pleasant aroma to give the cleaning procedure aesthetic pleasure.
  3. There are flosses waxed and unwaxed. The first ones are smoother, glide between teeth more easily, and are suitable for beginners to gradually learn how to use floss without damaging the gums. Non-waxed ones clean the spaces between teeth more intensively and more effectively remove plaque and harmful bacteria. Gradually you need to move from waxed to such threads.
  4. The main material for dental floss is natural silk or synthetic fibers such as nylon or Teflon. Everything natural is better, but silk thread wears out and breaks faster. Synthetic threads are more expensive, but they last longer. Nylon flosses remain the most popular due to the price-quality ratio.

How often to floss

Dental floss can be used as needed, but experts recommend flossing every day before bed or at least twice a week. Only with its help can you effectively get rid of plaque.

Opinions differ on what to do first, brush your teeth first and then floss, or vice versa. Some believe that floss can introduce bacteria under the gums, others think that flossing makes it easier to perform final dental hygiene. Everyone agrees on one thing - the use of floss is very useful.

Remember! Before using dental floss, be sure to wash your hands. Don't buy floss for yourself without talking to your dentist, especially if you have braces or dentures.

How to use dental floss correctly

To effectively clean plaque from your teeth and prevent germs from getting under your gums, you need to use dental floss correctly. Check out important rules, which will help you avoid caries and periodontal disease. Perform the procedures in the following order:

  1. Prepare 40-50 cm of floss by unwinding the required length from the spool, wind the thread around your middle fingers so that 5-10 cm of thread forms between them, with which you will brush your teeth.
  2. Holding the dental floss tightly with a large and index fingers hands, move it carefully up and down between two teeth, repeating these movements several times. Gradually move from one tooth to another, while moving the floss to a clean area.
  3. Then you can wrap the floss around the base of one tooth so that it goes just under the gum. When cleaning the tooth, you can perform circular movements. Do not use any sudden force, otherwise you may injure the soft gum tissue. This requires special care and slowness.
  4. Remember to use clean sections of the floss for each new tooth, otherwise you will spread bacteria between healthy and not-so-clean teeth.
  5. You need to remove dental floss from the space between your teeth using smooth movements forward and backward. Naturally, you won’t be able to do without a mirror at first.
  6. Don't worry that you won't be able to learn how to floss, just start and you'll get the hang of it quickly. Further procedures will be performed automatically.
  7. Never use a used thread a second time, otherwise the whole cleansing process will be completely meaningless.
  8. After finishing flossing, it would be a good idea to brush your teeth with a toothbrush; you can use a mouthwash for additional disinfection.

Contraindications for using dental floss

Some medical observations show that sometimes improper use of dental floss can lead to inflammatory diseases oral cavity, and sometimes unexpected tooth loss. All this happens for only one reason - non-compliance with the technique of flossing teeth. Constantly touching the gums with floss leads to them becoming sensitive and disrupting soft fabric, then infections easily penetrate into the accessible environment.

Be careful that your gums do not bleed after flossing, as this may be a consequence of periodontal disease. In this case, you must immediately contact your dentist. The use of floss is also not recommended for large carious lesions with the appearance of cavities. In such a situation, the thread can only aggravate the picture, causing additional destruction.

If you understand everything perfectly, don’t wait and don’t hesitate, take care of the condition of your teeth. The cleaning procedure using dental floss is not complicated and quite effective. After all snow-white smile is not only an element of a charming image, but also an indicator good health person.

Video: how to use dental floss