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Braun Oral-B electric toothbrush: reviews. Review of modern toothbrushes - ionic, electric

Man has always cared about the cleanliness and health of his teeth, as evidenced by the long and fascinating history of the toothbrush.

Archaeologists have found processed sticks with one end built up and the other soaked in the tombs of Egypt. The first tip, like a tip, was used to remove food debris in the mouth, and the second was chewed to remove plaque.

In Rus', during the time of Ivan the Terrible, boyars after meals used chopsticks with bristles attached to the tip. These sticks were called “tooth brooms.”

To create modern means hygiene took centuries. The date of invention of the modern mouth cleanser is considered to be June 28, 1498 in China. A small tuft of the toughest wild boar bristles was attached to a handle made of bone or bamboo. It came to Europe in the 17th century and initially became an outcast. For Europeans, using such an instrument was considered indecent.

But in the mid-17th century, the French dentist Pierre Fauchard published his works entitled “Treatise on Teeth,” with the help of which the toothbrush became one of the most important tools for maintaining personal hygiene and maintaining health. oral cavity.

Why is it important to choose the right brush?


They produce high frequency vibration waves (ultrasound), causing the bristles to vibrate at a high frequency.

These waves separate accumulated plaque, and the bristles clean it off, including in hard-to-reach areas under the gum. At the same time they provide therapeutic effect on the gums, restore enamel, reduce the risk of stone formation.

The advantage of this is that it can be used when the oral cavity is sore, if regular cleaning is painful, as well as when wearing implants, braces, if there is a need to limit the force of impact.

Their use is limited to 3 times in 7 days; they are contraindicated for use by people with cardiovascular diseases, blood diseases, epilepsy, oral cancer and pregnant women.

Degrees of hardness and types of bristles

The degree of stiffness determines the fiber diameter. Larger diameter means greater rigidity and vice versa.

Hardness levels

According to the degree of severity, mouth cleansers are:

  1. Very soft (Sensitive) . Suitable for anyone with diseases of the hard tissues of teeth and gums. This type of disease includes periodontitis with tooth mobility of degrees 1 and 2, with undeveloped or damaged enamel, or in its absence. A recommendation from a dentist is required before purchasing.
  2. Soft. Recommended for pregnant and lactating women, bleeding gums or illness diabetes mellitus. Needs knowledge of proper and gentle cleaning.
  3. Medium hardness (Medium). Recommended for use with a healthy oral cavity. This is the most popular type and is used by most people.
  4. Hard. Suitable for people with strong stains (coffee or cigarettes). They can only be used if the enamel is strong and the teeth are healthy.
  5. Extra-Hard. This type is used when cleaning complete removable dentures, as well as fixed bridges and braces.

Types of stubble

  1. Absence median canal. This fiber is smooth, has no porosity, and does not delaminate. On the other hand, it cannot be kept under hot water, what can be done with natural things.
  2. Artificial fibers cause less injury and clean better. Their tips are rounded and polished, which is not possible with natural fibers, which flake when used.
  3. Microbiological purity of fibers, as well as the possibility of disinfection.

For people with allergies to synthetics, brushes are created that use only natural materials.

Features of the brush field

The bristles are collected in bunches and distributed over the working surface in a certain way. Of these, the following options are distinguished:

  1. Single-level. It is safe for gums and suitable for cleaning smooth and occlusal surfaces of teeth.
  2. Two-level. Intended for effective cleansing contact surfaces of teeth and plaque removal. Suitable when using braces.
  3. Three-level. Also designed for effective cleaning of teeth and braces.
  4. Multi-level. They have a specific pattern and have a brush field that allows you to clean the surface and spaces between the teeth.

Number of rows of bristles

Here the mouth cleaning tool is divided into:

  1. Four-row. There are 4 rows of bundles. The most popular and optimal location.
  2. Three-row. The bundles are arranged in 3 rows and are sold for both adults and children.
  3. They are a thin neck, at the end of which there is only one bunch. They are used in the presence of orthopedic and orthodontic structures.
  4. Small-beamed. They have seven beams, where 6 are located in a circle, and 1 beam is in the center. They are also used for cleaning with the presence of orthodontic structures, with crowded teeth, when wearing metal ceramics or implants.
  5. Double-row "Sulkus" type. They have a narrow head, and on their surface there are two rows of tufts of bristles. It is used as an auxiliary tool in the presence of certain structures.

How to choose a brush?

The choice depends entirely on the condition and parameters of your oral cavity, namely:

  • various gum diseases;
  • presence of stone;
  • curvature of teeth and the distance between them;
  • the presence of structures, fillings, braces.

The classic cleaning tool is suitable for most people: it has low price and high efficiency, which depends entirely on the ability to brush your teeth correctly. It is convenient to take it on any trip.

Hygienic ones are used mainly for processing orthopedic structures. They have low efficiency and are rarely used for other purposes.

Therapeutic and prophylactic ones are suitable for people with weak gums who need ease of use and massage (stimulation) of the gums.

Special-purpose products are intended for auxiliary cleaning of the oral cavity, which are also used for malocclusions, periodontal diseases or the presence of structures.

Choosing an electric brush is no different from choosing a regular one, except for new parameters: head movement and operating speed. They can be used no more than twice a week.

Working surface

It is recommended to choose a hygiene product that has a long working surface, because it covers several teeth at once. Its head should be round so as not to injure the oral mucosa. If it has a soft and rough back side, then it will clean not only the teeth and interdental spaces, but also the oral mucosa.


You need to make sure that the bristles of the toothbrush are evenly trimmed and straight. Otherwise, its origin may be unknown, and the tool itself may be unsafe for use.

Children and those suffering from periodontal disease will benefit from soft bristles that will not damage the gums. Too much bad cleaning teeth can lead to plaque deposits. Hard bristles are suitable for people with a healthy oral cavity. But you shouldn’t use such a brush too hard, as you can damage the enamel. Dentists recommend choosing medium hardness, which combines safety and good cleaning.


The bristles can have different colors, disappearing as they wear out. This gives a signal that it is time to change the hygiene product.

Rules for care and replacement

If you don't want to turn your brush into storage pathogenic bacteria, for storage it is necessary to use individual glasses or separators, since the brushes of different people must be separated if they are nearby. Germs spread quickly when touched, especially when the owner of one of the brushes is ill. Contact of adult hygiene products with children's hygiene products is not allowed.

Darkness, moisture and cool temperature are the most optimal environment for bacteria to live. The bathroom fits this description. According to research, teeth cleaning products stored in such an environment retain up to 50% of the herpes virus for one week. At the same time, when stored within a radius of 2 meters to the toilet, new bacteria appear on the bristles after each flush of water, since water particles along with bacteria spread in the air, after which they settle on nearby objects.

The brush should be used in well-lit, dry places. It cannot be kept in a case, as it does not dry well. This option is only acceptable for travel, and if you have to take it with you on a trip, you need to let it dry before putting it in the case.

According to research, clear bristles have half as much bacteria as colored bristles. Boiling for 15 minutes will soften the toothbrush and kill bacteria, but will cut its lifespan in half. To reduce the amount of bacteria, you can rinse with an antibacterial mouthwash.

Artificial bristles are best stored: to do this, they are dipped in a glass with a soap solution. Before use, the bristles are rinsed well under high pressure water. Instead of using a solution, you can rub them on a bar of soap after use.

Oral products every 3 months. After three months, it wears out a lot and removes plaque much worse, and the bristles are damaged and only reach the most visible areas.

The hygiene product must be replaced after an illness (cold, flu, sore throat). Bacteria accumulate on the bristles, which can lead to re-infection.


To summarize, there are several key rules when choosing a brush:

  • dentists strongly recommend using artificial bristles;
  • For most patients, medium firmness is best;
  • a four-row brush, if necessary, can be combined with any special-purpose tool, depending on the situation;
  • It is better not to use hygiene products that are too small or large sizes, since the efficiency of the cleaning process decreases;
  • brushes with a complex brush field shape are recommended;
  • cleaning products with a flexible neck are the most rational to use.

A beautiful, open smile traditionally creates a positive impression of a person. It is also an indicator of cleanliness, concern for one’s own health and hygiene, which has always been and will be considered a sign of good manners. We have been accustomed to brushing our teeth the classic way since childhood, but progress does not stand still. Electric toothbrushes are becoming increasingly popular today, making oral care more effective and comfortable.

So, let's look at the best electric toothbrushes most popular in 2017-2018, each of which deserves to be taken worthy place among your things, chosen meticulously and scrupulously.

What types of electric brushes are there?

By cleaning method

  • Mechanical. They clean on the same principle as hand varieties, but the number and optimal direction of movements provide much better results;
  • Sound. Their peculiarity is the presence of a built-in generator that converts electrical impulses into sound waves. Under the influence of the latter, the bristles are set in motion, and plaque and dirt are better separated from the tooth enamel. At the same time, a gentle massage of the gums is provided;
  • Ultrasonic. Such brushes emit an inaudible human ear sound stream with a frequency of 1.6-1.8 MHz, penetrating into all hard-to-reach places, which also has bactericidal properties.

By power source

  • Rechargeable. To ensure autonomous operation, a built-in battery is used; the kit includes a special charging base with a connection to a 220 V network. The most practical and convenient option, but the price also increases.
  • Battery operated. Removable batteries are used and must be replaced after discharge. These varieties are usually the most inexpensive.

The first toothbrushes appeared a long time ago. Ancient people took plant twigs, separated them into fibers, and used this device to clean their teeth. Since those times, there has been a colossal evolution of dental hygiene devices, and such a brush became the prototype of modern ones.

Which toothbrush is the best? There is no definite answer to this question, because all people are different, each with their own characteristics and problems of the oral cavity. But knowing the basic types and principles that a brush must comply with, it’s easy to choose the right one.

Types of toothbrushes:

  1. Standard toothbrush– a classic device for oral hygiene, which consists of a handle and a head with bristles attached to it. They come in different sizes, for adults and children. The main selection criterion is the stiffness of the pile. If there are no problems with your teeth and gums, choose medium-hard bristles - they clean your teeth well, without injuring them, but also without leaving behind plaque.
  2. Electric toothbrush– such a battery-powered device has firmly settled on the bathroom shelves of those who love comfort and high-quality teeth cleaning. The main difference between such a device and a classic brush is the reduced size of the working part, usually round in shape. In this case, the head makes not only reciprocating movements, but also circular and vibrating ones. This allows you to remove contamination from all corners of the oral cavity.
  3. Ionic toothbrush– outwardly, such a device resembles a regular brush, however, the ionization function is activated using batteries. These can be small batteries or even batteries powered by the sun. The operating principle is based on a titanium dioxide rod located inside the brush. It has a negative charge, and when it comes into contact with hydrogen cations, microbial plaque is attracted and the acidic effects of bacteria are inactivated.
  4. Ultrasonic toothbrush– refers to a type of electric brush. During operation, this hygiene product generates ultrasound, which helps eliminate not only soft deposits, but also prevents the formation of tartar. In addition, an ultrasonic brush is a good prevention of periodontal diseases due to its healing effect on the gums.

Which toothbrush should you choose?

To choose the best toothbrush for daily use, you need to pay attention to some nuances:

  1. The material of the bristles is important. There are brushes with natural and artificial bristles. According to dentists, natural brushes, due to the accumulation of water in the bristles, are a breeding ground for bacteria, so choose products with artificial bristles.
  2. The head size of a brush that is suitable for an adult is 25-30 mm. A working part that is too small does not clean the surface well enough, and its bulky dimensions do not allow for a good treatment of the side areas and the area of ​​the chewing teeth.
  3. The handle of a good toothbrush should be comfortable. A handle that is too thin, flexible or bulky will lead to rapid fatigue of the muscles of the hand and fingers.
  4. Study the labels on the packaging. Look at the indication of the degree of rigidity based on the dentist’s recommendations, choose the one that is right for you. With absence serious problems in the oral cavity, purchase a brush with medium-hard bristles.
  5. The end of each bristle should be rounded to avoid damage. tooth enamel and do not injure soft tissues.

The best toothbrush according to dentists

The best toothbrush, according to dentists, is the one that you use regularly and remember to change promptly. Doctors do not have a specific favorite among individual dental devices. It doesn't matter what brand is on the handle. The main thing is that the toothbrush meets the requirements listed above and is suitable for your specific case.

A product can be very expensive, have a great name, a famous manufacturer, and be good in all respects. But if a person suffering from loose teeth and increased bleeding of the gums chooses a toothbrush that is designed for an absolutely healthy oral cavity, then it cannot be called the best for this particular patient, even if it occupies a leading position in the rating.

Rating of the best toothbrushes

Dental health starts with choosing a good toothbrush.

The dental market offers a large number of different companies, both well-known and new. The rating of the best toothbrushes is:

  • Splat Ionic Brush– the device is activated when wet fingers touch the handle. The brush changes the polarity of the teeth and attracts negatively charged particles of bacterial plaque to the bristles.
  • Pro Gold Edition by R.O.C.Smanual brush, which has not only a stylish appearance, but also unique bristles that have smooth tips thanks to the triple polishing system.
  • Colgate toothbrush– a well-known company has released a product whose bristles are impregnated with pine phytoncides, which improves gum health and influences pathogenic microflora.
  • Lacalut White– has unique Tynex bristles, which gently and without damaging the enamel removes pigmented plaque. On the sides of the head there are microtwister bristles that gently brighten the surface of the teeth.

Toothbrush for those who wear braces

What toothbrush is needed for a patient whose teeth have a braces system installed in order to better clean the surface of the enamel and the clasps attached to it? At first glance, it may seem that a regular hygiene product will do.

In fact, the orthodontic design makes it very difficult to brush your teeth, and it also serves as a place for food debris and soft plaque to accumulate. With regular, poor-quality cleansing, gradual demineralization of the enamel occurs. After removing braces, a person can expect an unpleasant surprise - all the front surfaces of the teeth are painted with white chalky stains.

For complete cleansing when straightening teeth, you will need:

  • mono-beam brush;
  • V-shaped brush;
  • special brushes for cleaning braces.

A brush with a recess has a special arrangement of bristles on the head. When viewing it from the end, you can notice that in the central part of the villi there is more short length and seem to be beveled in the shape of the letter “V”, hence the name of this product. This design helps to simultaneously clean both teeth and installed braces.

A mono-tuft brush is a product with a long handle, on the working part of which there is only one bristly tuft. In this case, the head is located perpendicular to the body. The brush allows you to clean the areas between the clasps, and also easily penetrates under the orthodontic arch and ligatures.

It is most convenient to use brushes to clean the space under the metal arc. Such devices are not sold in every pharmacy, so it is better to purchase them in a specialized store.

How to properly care for your toothbrush

Not only the quality of the toothbrush plays a big role, but also how its owner cares for it.

Rules for using and caring for a toothbrush:

  1. A toothbrush is an individual hygiene product. This means that the product should only be used by one person to prevent it from spreading infection.
  2. Follow storage rules. After use, rinse the brush thoroughly with water and place it vertically, head up, in a glass. According to the rules, each family member should have their own to avoid any overlap of microflora.
  3. Do not store the brush in a closed case, because it must be dry so that bacteria do not multiply. The device cannot dry completely in the case.
  4. Change the hygiene product as it wears out, but at least once every three months. This rule also applies to removable heads for electric brushes.
  5. If the villi are deformed, do not use the product - this can scratch the enamel and mucous membrane.
  6. Wash the brush with soap to remove any remaining toothpaste and plaque.

When choosing individual funds To care for your teeth and gums, it is better to consult a dentist. Based individual characteristics he will recommend suitable hygiene products. Knowing which toothbrush is best to brush your teeth is necessary for every person who closely monitors the health of not only the oral cavity, but also the entire body.

Useful video about toothbrushes

In order to simplify the process of choosing the best toothbrush purchased by an ordinary buyer, the Marka.guru portal has developed a rating based on numerous user reviews and thematic reviews of professionals. The Top included hygiene products representing different technical classes and price categories. Here you can get acquainted with electric brushes, the principle of operation of which is based on mechanical and ultrasonic action, and choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Brushing your teeth should only bring joy and not cause any discomfort during hygiene procedures. What to look for when choosing the best electric toothbrushes? First of all, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Construction type. All electric brushes are divided into three categories: mechanical, sonic and ultrasonic. The first type is the most common, it has a circular work area that is capable of circular and reciprocating movements. The second type works by reproducing audio frequency, driving the bristles. This allows you to clean hard-to-reach places in the oral cavity and protect the enamel from abrasion. The third option is a continuation of the development of the previous device, but has higher power and efficiency. The ultrasonic brush has increased speed vibration, which has a positive effect on the elimination of pathogenic microflora that appears on the teeth.
  • Type of stubble. Wide use received devices with medium and soft bristles. The first type is very flexible and penetrates well into the spaces between teeth, effectively removing plaque. The second type is indicated for people with gum disease and children with a delicate oral surface. As for the length of the bristles, everything is simple here - for children it is 20 - 25 mm, and for adults it can reach about 30 mm. The fiber bundles for the best electric toothbrushes are arranged in four rows.
  • Work Item Size. The dimensions of the brush head should range from 25 to 30 mm. These are the optimal sizes, thanks to which you can thoroughly clean the oral cavity and treat hard-to-reach areas of the outer teeth.

Mechanical models

Today, manufacturers of hygiene products offer a large number of mechanical brushes, the most popular among which are Oral-B models.


Oral-B Pro 7000 is the best electric toothbrush that protects the oral hygiene of the modern user. It is equipped with a wireless SmartGuide display, thanks to which the user has the ability to program a timer that can control the time optimal cleaning teeth. Reward for correct execution procedure is the appearance of stars and a smiley face on the screen.

A distinctive feature of the device is the presence in its design of such functions as daily cleaning, gum massage, polishing and enamel whitening.

Technical details:

  • number of nozzles - 5 pcs;
  • functions of attachments - traditional cleaning, polishing and whitening of teeth;
  • maximum operating frequency - 48,000 pulse/min;
  • communication interface with a special application - Bluetooth 4.0;
  • set weight - 840 g.


  • good workmanship;
  • long period of operation without recharging;
  • convenient and easy to use;
  • wide functionality.


  • long battery charging time.

The cost of this hygiene product today is 12.99 thousand rubles.

Prices :


Genius 9000 is an innovative product from Oral-B. This model includes a set of attachments, a stand with holders and a travel case. It is able to connect to a smartphone via Bluetooth using the camera and microphone of the device. To sync your brush with the Oral-B app, you must have one. mobile phone based on Android or iOS.

In order to achieve better effect for oral care, use the proprietary utility and make its simple settings. This will help in automatic mode identify problem areas that need thorough cleaning.

Technical information:

  • number of nozzles - 4 pcs;
  • number of operating modes - 6;
  • noise level - 68 dB;
  • head abilities - pulsation and rotation;
  • number of backlight colors - 12.


  • convenient design;
  • good quality materials;
  • contactless charging method using a proprietary docking station;
  • presence of a travel case;
  • no problems with purchasing new attachments.


  • decent weight;
  • no additional display included;
  • high price.

The purchase of this device will cost 16.99 thousand rubles.

Prices :


Many consumers talk about high quality results and improvement general hygiene oral cavity that occurs after a short period of using a Vitality Precision Clean electric toothbrush. A high-quality device may have the required characteristics and not be an expensive premium device, as evidenced by this item, released back in 2012.

A special feature of this hygiene product is its design, based on Cleaning Action 2D technology, which allows for rotational and reciprocating movements of the cleaning head. The bristles with rounded edges ensure the safety of its use.

Technical data:

  • number of nozzles - 1 piece;
  • operating speed - 7600 rpm;
  • duration of work - 20 minutes;
  • charging time - 16 hours;
  • brush weight - 109 g.

Positive points:

  • there is an opportunity not only to brush your teeth, but also to massage your gums;
  • the brush has low paste consumption;
  • The device can be used by children aged 3 years and older;
  • The device has an attractive price.

Negative qualities:

  • one operating mode;
  • there is no charge level indicator;
  • expensive attachments.

The purchase of this device will cost 1.91 thousand rubles.

Prices :



Ultra-fine is electric brush, powered by sound waves. It is intended for cleaning teeth and gums that are highly sensitive. During operation, this hygiene product forms a large number of bubbles that penetrate into the spaces between the teeth and eliminate accumulations of harmful bacteria.

The specificity of the device lies in the fact that its head is equipped with ultra-thin bristles of various lengths, which allow you to efficiently remove food debris and plaque. The brush will help ensure the prevention of pathologies such as gingivitis and periodontitis.

Technical indicators:

  • number of nozzles - 1 piece;
  • bristle quality - soft pile;
  • pulsation speed - 7000 units/min;
  • operating time without recharging - 5 hours;
  • brush weight - 58 g.

  • high build quality;
  • low noise level;
  • good cleaning of teeth in hard-to-reach places;
  • soft bristles do not injure gums.

Negative properties:

  • The set does not include a stand or travel case;
  • no whitening attachment.

The price of this accessory varies from 1.39 to 2.4 thousand rubles.

Prices :


CS-262 is a toothbrush from CS Medica. It consists of a compartment for batteries, a handle and an attachment. The handle of the device contains a sound wave generator, during operation of which vibrations are transmitted to the bristles of the head. As a result of this, several thousand oscillatory movements are carried out per minute, which leads to the formation of fine foam that cleans the teeth from all sides.

To make the brush's operation feel more natural and comfortable, use the standard sound mode. In this case, it is necessary to slowly move the working head in a horizontal direction, carefully touching the teeth and gums with the bristles. As you get used to it, you can move on to super-fast operating mode.

Technical data

  • number of nozzles - 2 pcs;
  • standard pulsation frequency - 28000 units/min;
  • maximum pulsation frequency - 33000 units/min;
  • energy consumption level - 0.72 W;
  • device weight - 45 g.


  • compact dimensions;
  • a light weight;
  • attractive design;
  • long battery life.

Weak sides:

  • the device is somewhat noisy;
  • There is no interdental attachment.

You can purchase such a device for 1.14 – 1.89 thousand rubles.

Prices :


CleanCare+ HX3212/03 is a sonic teeth cleaning device that is equipped with Philips proprietary Sonicare technology. The brush is equipped with a special electromagnet that actuates the working head, causing the bristles to vibrate.

A special feature of CleanCare+ is the presence of two internal timers: Smartimer and Quadpacer. The first device stops the brush after 2 minutes. The second module interrupts the vibrations of the bristles after 30 seconds, which are dedicated to cleaning each quadrant (quarter) of the oral cavity.

Technical specifications:

  • number of nozzles - 1 piece;
  • nozzle type - Plaque Control with medium hard bristles;
  • pulsation speed - 31000 units/min;
  • operating time without recharging - 10 hours;
  • voltage used is 110 - 220 V.


  • ease of use;
  • gentle cleansing of tooth enamel;
  • plaque removal is three times more effective than with a regular brush;
  • wear-resistant nozzles.


  • high cost of nozzles;
  • no additional operating modes.

The purchase of this device will cost 2.65 thousand rubles.

Prices :



The rating of toothbrushes that operate from ultrasonic waves opens with the AU300D electric device from the Japanese company Asahi Irica. This product effectively eliminates bacterial plaque and destroys chains of insoluble compounds formed on the teeth. And this is facilitated by three types of attachments: soft, hard and massage.

A distinctive feature of this brush is the presence of two operating modes: vibration and ultrasonic. Switching functions is carried out using a button with LED backlight.

Technical components:

  • energy consumption level - 0.80 W;
  • voltage used - 200 – 240 V;
  • ultrasound frequency - 1.6 MHz;
  • weight - 100 g;
  • Dimensions: HxWxD - 23.0x2.9x3.4 cm.


  • ergonomic design;
  • long battery life;
  • presence of a timer;
  • the presence of several functional attachments.


  • high price;
  • weak attachment of attachments.

An AU300D toothbrush today costs about 9.75 – 10.00 thousand rubles.

Prices :


Donfeel HSD-008 is a set of hygiene products, which includes elements such as a handle, nozzles, a USB cord and Charger. All components are placed in a durable plastic box. The device has the following functions: classical cleaning, as well as whitening and gum massage.

A special feature of the kit is a stationary docking station, which is equipped with ultraviolet lamp, used to disinfect nozzles. The device can accommodate up to four nozzles, which are installed in special cells.


  • number of nozzles - 2 pcs;
  • types of attachments - classic and interdental;
  • power consumption - 5 W;
  • pulsation frequency - 42000 units/min;
  • Ultrasound frequency - 48 KHz.

Positive points:

  • high-quality plastic products;
  • convenient docking station for recharging;
  • thoughtful box for storing the kit;
  • good technical support.


  • rapid wear of nozzles;
  • problems with replacing the battery;
  • short charger cable.

The cost of HSD-008 is 4.99 thousand rubles.

Prices :

Models for children


CS-562 Junior is the best toothbrush from CS Medica. Many Russian dentists recommend using it for children aged five years and older. The device does not contain unnecessary functions and is available in two colors: yellow and green. It is powered by standard batteries. The brush head has an elongated shape and is used for traditional types of attachments.

An important point is the presence of LED backlighting and functions automatic shutdown. A built-in timer with a sound signal allows you to devote the required amount of time to brushing each quadrant of the oral cavity.

Technical components:

  • number of nozzles - 2 pcs;
  • pulsation frequency - 16000 units/min;
  • power consumption - 0.14 W;
  • battery type - 1xAAA;
  • weight - 27 g.


  • multi-colored lighting;
  • nice bright design;
  • light weight;
  • good bristles with a soft structure;
  • rubberized handle;
  • acceptable cost.


  • rapid wear of the nozzle;
  • fragile body.

Those wishing to purchase this device will be pleasantly surprised by the price, which today is about 890 rubles.

Prices :


Hapica Kids falls into the category of the best electric brushes for children. The device is powered by AA batteries and has a minimum amount of functionality and is intended for young users aged 3 to 10 years. The product has soft bristles that allow it to be gentle on your child's teeth and gums. The materials used in the manufacture of the Hapica brush meet all the requirements of Japanese JIS 6 standards. They have excellent tightness and are absolutely safe for children.

Technical specifications:

  • oscillation frequency - 7000 units/min;
  • duration of continuous operation - 5 hours;
  • noise level - 47 dB;
  • types of colors - pink, blue and yellow;
  • weight indicator - 58 g.

Positive characteristics:

  • high-quality removal of dental plaque;
  • compact dimensions;
  • ease of use;
  • the product fits comfortably in a child's hand;
  • the best combination of price and quality.

Negative points:

  • the kit contains only one nozzle;
  • no wear indicator;
  • case missing.

The product is located in the price range from 1.44 to 2.59 thousand rubles.

Prices :


If the buyer has set himself the goal of purchasing the most the best brush to brush your teeth and not spend a large amount of money, then for this he has all the necessary information posted in the thematic rating. Here you can choose a top product that will appeal not only to adult users, but also to the little members of their families. All devices are equipped with mechanical or ultrasonic modules that allow hygiene procedures with maximum efficiency and comfort.

Orthodontic structures increase the number of hard-to-clean places on the enamel where bacteria quickly accumulate.

They are the ones who cause the development of caries and other consequences due to poor cleansing. After installing braces, the requirements for oral hygiene become more stringent.

Hygiene during orthodontic treatment

Even without additional structures in the mouth, it is difficult to remove microscopic food debris and accumulated bacteria in some places, for example, from the side surfaces of teeth that are at the junction. Once braces are installed, this process becomes even more complicated.

This occurs due to the fact that areas of enamel are tightly closed by orthodontic devices. Therefore, even if the patient carefully and correctly cleans the enamel using conventional means, these places remain inaccessible.

If you do not take care of your braces, then there is an accumulation of food debris and bacteria that actively multiply in this environment. The process contributes to the rapid development of caries.

Especially for such patients, orthodontists, together with hygienists, have developed brushes that allow you to clean teeth in hard-to-reach places and not injure the gums with increased pressure and careless movements.

Features of special care products

The bristles on brushes for orthodontic hygiene are located in a special way. It does not form a continuous surface, like conventional devices.

The central row has the shortest length, the two rows behind it are slightly longer, and the last ones are normal. This configuration of pile rows forms V-shaped bristles.

At correct movements the central row cleans the clasps of the braces, and the next longer tufts clean the rest of the surface, including difficult areas. It's difficult to get the same effect when using regular brushes.

In addition, the material from which the pile is made is soft. This allows you to achieve the necessary efficiency without harming the entire bracket system and its components.

Features of choice - requirements

In addition to design features, brushes must meet some general requirements:

  • Do not use products that have lint natural origin , as this reduces the life of the device and can even make it dangerous. In such material, bacteria and microorganisms are able to multiply quickly. Therefore, the pile is only synthetic.
  • The size of the head should not exceed certain values. For adults this value is 25–30, and for children – 20 mm. Head bigger size will not be able to penetrate to all necessary areas, which reduces the quality of cleaning. At the same time, it is possible to reduce the size of the head, which will make hygiene procedures more comfortable.

Manual options

The devices differ in hardness, which is the main characteristic for all toothbrushes without exception. Usually during orthodontic treatment Only ultra-soft, soft and medium hardness are used.

There are several main types of toothbrushes for braces:

Special V-shaped

Photo: V-shaped toothbrush Curaprox CS 5460 Ortho for cleaning braces

This type has already been described in detail. It is only worth adding that it is the main one from the entire range of hygiene products and devices for caring for teeth when wearing braces.

Vitis Orthodontic

In addition to the V-shaped arrangement of the pile, it has a special power protrusion in the upper part. It consists of elongated bristles, which allows you to further increase the quality of cleaning.

In addition to location, villi have different hardness. This makes it possible to combine two types of actions - removing deposits and caring for gums and sensitive areas around the gums.

An additional advantage is the presence of brushes with heads different sizes, among which “access” is suitable for children.

The average cost is about 250 rubles.

Principle of use

  • Using sweeping movements, treat all sides of the teeth (incisal, lingual, vestibular);
  • clean the locks from the gums to the edge of the tooth;
  • process the arc in a horizontal direction left and right, placing brushes in the recess.


The head of this brush is small and round. The cleaning fibers are arranged so that together they form one bundle.

The bristles, in addition to their location, have another feature. They are longer than regular brushes.

This allows you to penetrate under the clasps of the braces, where most of the deposits accumulate.

An entire article is devoted to the description.

Miradent I-Prox

Mono-beam brush. In addition to the main one, it has three more attachments stored in the handle.

The special pointed shape of the beam allows you to significantly increase the permeability of the villi. This is facilitated by the ability to clean from two angles.

The cost fluctuates around 350–370 rubles.

How to clean properly

  • first clean your teeth, holding the brush at a right angle to them and making sweeping movements from the gums to the cutting part;
  • treat the locks in a circular motion, positioning the brush perpendicularly;
  • arcs are subject to similar manipulations.


This brush is shaped like a brush
. Here the villi are attached to a thin wire and arranged in a spiral. As they approach the top, their length decreases. The shape of such brushes can be cylindrical or conical.

Such devices are intended for cleaning interdental spaces. Access to these areas is always difficult, and the majority of popular brace systems have an arch, which further complicates the cleaning process. Using an interdental brush, you can remove plaque that forms on both sides of the braces.

Review of all models of dental brushes: price, types, manufacturers and much more.


  • insert the brush into the interdental space, positioning it perpendicularly. Clean the lateral surfaces of the teeth and periodontal pockets with gentle movements;
  • When the teeth are processed, proceed to braces. First you need to deal with the arc, then the locks. Insert the brush between the element and the tooth, and then rotate.

Braces cleaning kit

Pharmacies sell sets of three items: a V-shaped brush, a dental brush and a monotuft brush. Products are released different manufacturers, for example, there is a review of the President braces care kit.

Buying a set of brushes for braces right away is affordable, because... When purchasing each item separately, the cost will be almost 30% more. The average price of a set is 600 rubles.

Electric models and attachments

Doctors' opinions on the use of electric brushes for braces are divided - some are positive, others are negative. The contradiction occurs because the fastening of orthodontic devices is not designed for mechanical impact and there is a possibility that the braces will break.

Electric toothbrushes make a large number of movements in a short time. Moreover, they can be not only rotational, but also pulsating.

There are electric devices on sale equipped with ultrasonic emitters, which help remove plaque, but also affect the adhesive for braces. That is why when choosing such a hygiene product you need to take into account some features:

  • Presence of pressure regulators.
  • Adjusting the speed of movements.
  • Availability of special cleaning modes.
  • Built-in timer (usual time - 2 minutes).

All this makes it possible and even in many cases desirable to use an electric brush rather than a regular manual brush. The most popular company producing such products is the world famous Oral-B.

There is also positive reviews about using the Panasonic EW-DS 11 K 520 electric device.

Oral-B Ortho (Oral Bi Ortho)

It was developed by the company's experts specifically for those patients undergoing orthodontic treatment. At the same time, it is suitable for high-quality dental hygiene on which not only braces are installed, but also other types of orthodontic structures.

Characteristics that are advantages:

  • The pile is located in a special way and resembles the letter V. This makes it possible to reduce the amount of effort required to clean the enamel around braces and the orthodontic appliances themselves.
  • The head has a rounded shape, similar to an oval. This allows you to place shorter bristles in the central part.
  • Soft long bristles located around the perimeter make it possible to clean not only the surface of the enamel, but also massage and cleanse the gums. This is necessary to improve hygiene and blood supply to soft tissues, which increases the natural protection of teeth.
  • The neck is long and narrow. It provides much better access to distant areas of the dentition.

You can buy such an orthodontic attachment for cleaning braces at a price of 240 to 300 rubles.

In addition to the well-deserved Oral-B Ortho, there are a number of other products that are worthy of mention.

Oral-B OD-17

Set of nozzles special edition OD-17, which includes three various types. They are suitable for use on all Oral-B electric brushes.

Designed for cleaning various orthodontic structures including braces. The set contains two soft tips designed for enamel and gums and one Power Tip. It is shaped like a monobeam, so it is used for cleaning braces of any type.

The cost of the set is about 630–680 rubles.

Oral-B Triumph Professional Care

An electric brush with a power pressure regulator, it acts on the braces in such a way as to prevent them from breaking, but at the same time clean well.

The device makes circular sweeping and pulsating movements, has 5 modes and 7 attachments, including Oral-B Ortho.

You can buy such a model for 6,500 rubles.

Braun Oral B Professional Care

A simple model with one mode and 1 nozzle, you need to buy a special one.

The electric brush has a built-in pressure sensor on the tooth, which is important for cleaning braces.

Panasonic EW-DS 11K 520

An electric brush that effectively cleans enamel and installed orthodontic structures. She has rectangular shape miniature heads.

The bristles are made from a specially developed material. They make only pulsating movements at a speed of 16 thousand per minute. This protects orthodontic structures during high efficiency apparatus.

The average price is about 950–1000 rubles.

When using any hygiene products to care for braces, you should be careful and follow the cleaning technique.

How to properly brush teeth with braces is shown in the following video:

Consequences of poor care of orthodontic structures

Braces collect food debris and plaque; if you don’t buy a special brush, at least one, then poor cleaning of the elements will lead to the following consequences:

  • breakage of structural elements when cleaning with a regular brush, their replacement will require additional costs, which are equal to the cost of a V-shaped, monotuft brush or brush;
  • Colgate 360° electric toothbrush - quality oral care