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Antiseptic agent "Aseptolin": composition and scope of application. Aseptolin plus - official instructions for use


Tradename: Aseptolin plus


Dosage form:

solution for external use.


glyceritan 70/90 ml, glycerol (glycerin) 0.01 ml, plant extract “Relic” II (lingonberry extract) 0.03 g, purified water

Description. Transparent or slightly opalescent liquid from light red to dark red color with a weak specific odor.

Pharmacological group. Antiseptic

ATX code. D08AX.

Pharmacological properties.
When applied externally (or cutaneously) due to glyceritan, it has antiseptic effect. Active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Antiseptic activity increases with increasing glyceritan concentration.

Indications for use.
Used as an antiseptic and disinfectant including for processing surgical field, injection sites

Individual intolerance.

Side effect.
Allergic reactions, skin burns, redness and soreness of the skin at the site of contact.
When used externally, it is partially absorbed through the skin and can have a resorptive general toxic effect (CNS depression).

Method of administration and dose.
Externally, lubricate areas of the skin. When treating the injection field, the skin is wiped twice with a sterile gauze swab soaked in the solution.

Special instructions.
Use for external use only. Do not apply to wounds or mucous membranes. Avoid contact with eyes. When used externally, it is partially absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes, which must be taken into account when using it in children.

Release form.
Solution for external use 70%, 90%.
25 ml, 50 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml in light-protective glass bottles along with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard pack, or bottles with an equal number of instructions for use are placed in a group package.

Storage conditions.
In a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding +25 °C.

Best before date.
2 years. Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies.
Available without a prescription.

Manufacturing company
CJSC "Pharmaceutical Plant"
123007, Moscow, Khoroshevskoye sh., 33/1, building 14.

The active component of the drug is considered an antiseptic. The antiseptic effect is realized by disrupting the flow of biochemical processes in microbial cells due to inhibition of the activity of certain enzyme systems. This creates unfavorable conditions for the development and reproduction of microorganisms. The drug can also exhibit disinfectant properties. The substance can provoke the rapid death of microorganisms, causing denaturation of microbial cell proteins. The activity of the drug depends on the concentration active substance.

Indications for use

Aseptolin is used for:
- antiseptic treatment surgical field, injection site;
- disinfection of the surgical field and injection site.

Mode of application

Aseptolin is used externally. To have an effect, the drug must be applied with a tampon, bandage, or gauze. First, the solution is poured onto a cloth or cotton wool and the required area of ​​skin is treated. It is recommended to treat the surgical field and injection site twice.

Side effects

The use of Aseptolin may be accompanied by:
- dermatological skin reactions;
- skin hyperemia;
- numbness of the skin;
- skin burns;
- toxic effects on the central nervous system (if it enters the systemic circulation);
- painful sensations at the application site.


The drug Aseptolin is not used for:
- skin damage (due to the risk of irritating effects of the drug and penetration of glyceritan into the bloodstream);
- burns;
- hypersensitivity to the active component;
- frostbite;
- indications in children:
- skin rashes;
- skin neoplasms;
- sensitive skin.


During experimental studies it was found that active ingredient medications Aseptolin may have embryotoxic effects. Prescribing the medication during pregnancy is possible if precautions are taken and used in accordance with the instructions.

Interaction with other drugs

It is better to avoid the simultaneous use of other external agents with Aseptolin in order to avoid unpredictable changes in the effect of the agents used.


There were no cases of overdose with severe symptoms. If the medicine is used not according to the instructions, undesirable symptoms may appear as a result of creating a significant concentration of glyceritan in the blood. Treatment appropriate to the symptoms that appear is indicated.

Release form

Aseptolin is available in the form of a solution for external use. The packaging is as follows:
- 0.5 l of solution/polyethylene canister;
- 25 ml solution/glass bottle/packaging;
- 25 ml solution/glass bottle;
- 50 ml/glass bottle/packaging;
- 50 ml/glass bottle;
- 100 ml/glass bottle/packaging;
- 100 ml/glass bottle;
- 0.25 l/glass bottle/packaging;
- 0.25 l/glass bottle;
- 1 liter of solution/polyethylene canister;
- 5 liters of solution/polyethylene canister;
- 10 liters of solution/polyethylene canister;
- 20 liters of solution/polyethylene canister.

Storage conditions

Storage temperature antiseptic solution- up to 25 degrees Celsius. The shelf life of the medicine is 2 years. Medicine should be stored in a place that protects the bottle from heat and direct sun rays. The drug should be kept away from children.

Aseptolin is antiseptic drug, intended for disinfecting the skin before performing surgical intervention, as well as for some other purposes. I draw your attention to the fact that this product is intended exclusively for external use. Attempts to use it, to put it mildly, for purposes other than its intended purpose can, and in most cases will lead to, extremely negative consequences. So, let's start our conversation about Aseptolin, its application, its composition, instructions for use.

Aseptolin - instructions for use:

Composition of the drug and release form

The only active component of this pharmaceutical product is glyceritan - a substance that can have a pronounced antiseptic effect, but this is only front side medals. The reason for such high popularity among the masses of the population loyal to alcohol lies in the ability of this chemical compound to have an effect similar to the influence of ethyl alcohol.

I will also give a list of other substances that make up Aseptolin: purified water, tannin, sugar-containing compounds, starch-containing components. As you can see, there is not a single hint of ethyl alcohol content.

It is produced in bottles with a capacity of 250 ml to a liter. It is sold without a doctor's prescription, and as it turns out, not only in pharmacies, but also in ordinary bus stops.

pharmachologic effect drug

As I already mentioned, glyceritan has a detrimental effect on many microorganisms, both gram-positive and gram-negative. The mechanism of this effect is associated with blocking internal oxidative processes occurring inside any living organism.

It is quite obvious that after its use, the vast majority of representatives of the microscopic world die, and medical personnel it becomes possible to carry out invasive manipulations, be it a simple injection or surgery.

Indications for use

The drug Aseptolin can be used as an external antiseptic to treat the skin before surgery or before a routine injection. There are no other indications.

Contraindications for use

Aseptolin is contraindicated only in the presence of individual intolerance, most often expressed in the appearance of a rash or redness at the site of contact of the medication with the skin.

It is not used if there is damage to the skin, since in this case it is impossible to avoid irritating effects, as well as the entry of the chemical reagent into the systemic bloodstream.

The percentage of penetration of glyceritan into the skin is minimal, therefore the systemic effect, if, of course, we talk about correct use funds are practically non-existent. True, there is some data on the ability to be absorbed from the surface of the skin and have an embryotoxic effect. Therefore, during pregnancy, as well as during lactation, the use of Aseptolin is undesirable.

Application and dosage

Aseptolin is applied to skin in the area of ​​intended impact using a sterile wipe. As a rule, a double application is recommended, after which the skin will be prepared for manipulation.

Side effects

When used correctly side effects practically never occur. True, in some cases a rash may appear, chemical burns, redness, as well as slight pain at the site of contact of Aseptolin with the skin. In this case, further use should be discontinued and replaced with the usual one. medical alcohol.

Improper use

As you know, for many decades, the governments of many countries have been waging an unequal battle against alcoholism among the population. Any measures, one way or another, aimed at combating the “green serpent” are at least ineffective, and in some cases even carry reverse effect.

Recently pleasant unprecedented restrictive measures in modern history Russia, like nothing else, emphasizes the ineffectiveness of solutions as old as the world. The history of the Soviet state was replete with such events, and as always there was one result - “They didn’t fight alcoholism, and somehow things turned out badly with the men.” Yes, only the current Russian government has its own opinion on everything.

By the way, the idea of ​​​​using alcohol-free substances to obtain a similar state is not so new. Even in the Soviet Union, some libation lovers used specially diluted BF glue or, in common parlance, “Boris Fedorovich” to get intoxicated. Many of them laid down their heads in this nervous battle.

It is predicted that the lack of high-quality and affordable alcoholic drinks will always lead to the same result, no matter from which side these restrictions are approached. Those who suffer will always look for a way out of this situation and in most cases, they will find it.

Internal use of Aseptolin, like, in fact, any other similar drug, even in small doses, entails very serious consequences, including toxic liver damage followed by cirrhosis, acute renal failure, rapidly developing encephalopathy, glandular damage internal secretion, eye damage and so on. Regular use This drug, if not used for its intended purpose, is guaranteed to make a person completely disabled, and this is in the best case.


It is difficult to say unequivocally what measures should be aimed at combating alcoholism in the population, but one thing should be stated with certainty: the current prohibitive measures are completely ineffective. Only a mentally inadequate person can commit the same actions, expecting to see different results. Alas, the actions of our authorities are completely consistent with the rule.

Dosage form

Transparent or slightly opalescent liquid from colorless to light yellow, with a faint odor.


Glyceritan 90 ml; glycerol 0.01 ml; purified water up to 100 ml.


At local application Due to glyceritan, Aseptolin has an antiseptic effect similar to ethanol (denatures the proteins of microorganisms). Active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and viruses. Antiseptic activity increases with increasing glyceritan concentration.

Side effects

Allergic reactions, skin burns, redness and soreness of the skin at the site of contact.

When used externally, it is partially absorbed through the skin and can have a resorptive general toxic effect (CNS depression).

Selling Features

Available without a prescription

Special conditions

Use for external use only. Do not apply to wounds or mucous membranes. Avoid contact with eyes. When applied externally, it is partially absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes, which must be taken into account when using it in children.


Used for streptoderma to limit inflammatory process; for treating the hands of medical personnel, the surgical field and as a locally irritating drug.



pharmachologic effect

The active component is considered an antiseptic. The antiseptic effect is realized by disrupting the flow of biochemical processes in microbial cells due to inhibition of the activity of certain enzyme systems. This creates unfavorable conditions for the development and reproduction of microorganisms. The drug can also exhibit disinfectant properties. The substance can provoke the rapid death of microorganisms, causing denaturation of microbial cell proteins. The activity of the drug depends on the concentration of the active substance.

Indications for use

Aseptolin is used for:
— antiseptic treatment of the surgical field, injection site;
— disinfecting treatment of the surgical field and injection site.

Mode of application

Aseptolin is used externally. To have an effect, the drug must be applied with a tampon, bandage, or gauze. First, the solution is poured onto a cloth or cotton wool and the required area of ​​skin is treated. It is recommended to treat the surgical field and injection site twice.

Side effects

The use of Aseptolin may be accompanied by:
- dermatological skin reactions;
- skin hyperemia;
- numbness of the skin;
- skin burns;
- toxic effects on the central nervous system (if it enters the systemic circulation);
- painful sensations at the application site.


The drug Aseptolin is not used for:
- skin damage (due to the risk of irritating effects of the drug and penetration of glyceritan into the bloodstream);
- burns;
- hypersensitivity to the active component;
- frostbite;
- indications in children:
- skin rashes;
— skin neoplasms;
- sensitive skin.


During experimental studies, it was found that the active component of the drug Aseptolin can have embryotoxic effects. Prescribing the medication during pregnancy is possible if precautions are taken and used in accordance with the instructions.

Interaction with other drugs

It is better to avoid the simultaneous use of other external agents with Aseptolin in order to avoid unpredictable changes in the effect of the agents used.


There were no cases of overdose with severe symptoms. If the medicine is used not according to the instructions, undesirable symptoms may appear as a result of creating a significant concentration of glyceritan in the blood. Treatment appropriate to the symptoms that appear is indicated.

Release form

Aseptolin is available in the form of a solution for external use. The packaging is as follows:
— 0.5 l of solution/polyethylene canister;
— 25 ml solution/glass bottle/packaging;
— 25 ml of solution/glass bottle;
— 50 ml/glass bottle/packaging;
— 50 ml/glass bottle;
— 100 ml/glass bottle/packaging;
— 100 ml/glass bottle;
— 0.25 l/glass bottle/packaging;
— 0.25 l/glass bottle;
— 1 liter of solution/polyethylene canister;
— 5 liters of solution/polyethylene canister;
— 10 liters of solution/polyethylene canister;
— 20 liters of solution/polyethylene canister.

Storage conditions

The storage temperature of the antiseptic solution is up to 25 degrees Celsius. The shelf life of the medicine is 2 years. The medicine should be stored in a place that protects the bottle from heat and direct sunlight. The drug should be kept away from children.


100 ml of Aseptolin solution contains 90 ml of glyceritan. Glyceritan is a mixture of tannin, sugar-containing components, starch-containing raw materials and prepared water.

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

Other specified preventive measures(Z29.8)



When applied to the skin of children, the drug can be absorbed into the systemic bloodstream due to the structural features of the children's epidermis. The absorption of the drug increases when applied to the mucous membranes. Use in children should occur only on small areas of the body to prevent the creation of significant concentrations of the drug in the blood.
Aseptolin should not be applied to wound surfaces or mucous membranes. In case of contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, rinse the eyes with running water.