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The main methods of washing a wound, the best way to treat it. Wound treatment products - how to treat wounds

Any careless handling of sharp objects can lead to deep cuts, and you can cut yourself either with a knife or simply on the sharp corner of an object. Regardless of the cause of a deep cut, it will be painful and bleed heavily, so the injured person may require immediate appeal for medical help. If you or someone near you gets cut, the first step is to assess the severity of the wound and then treat it accordingly.


Wound assessment

    Examine the wound. If you can see fat, muscle, or bone in the cut, or if the cut is very wide and has jagged edges, you may need stitches. If you have any doubts when assessing the condition of a wound, it is best to consult a doctor or nurse.

    Prepare a serious wound for a trip to the emergency room. If you believe that your wound requires emergency medical attention, then you need to take a number of preparatory steps before traveling to the emergency room. Rinse the wound quickly to remove dirt and debris. Then apply a clean cloth or bandage to the cut and continue applying pressure all the way to the emergency room.

    Do not try to clean or compress the wound with household products. Do not remove any objects from the wound that cannot be washed away with water. If glass or other debris is stuck in the wound, you can apply more harm than good. Also, do not try to stitch or glue the edges of the wound yourself, as ordinary household products are not intended for this purpose and may cause the wound to become infected and/or prolong the recovery period after injury. Do not use medical alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and iodine to cleanse the wound, as this can slow down its healing.

    Get to the emergency room in a safe manner. If possible, do not drive yourself as it can be dangerous. If you are alone and your wound is bleeding heavily, you need to call ambulance.

    Treatment of a not very deep cut

    1. Clean the wound. Wash it thoroughly with soap and water for 5-10 minutes. To do this you will need clean water and any kind of soap. Research has shown that when cleaning a cut, it makes little difference whether you use an antibacterial solution like hydrogen peroxide or an antibacterial soap.

      Apply pressure to the wound to stop bleeding. Once the wound is clean, apply pressure to the wound for 15 minutes with a clean cloth or gauze pad. You can also slow down bleeding by raising the injured area above the level of the heart.

      Bandage the wound. Apply a thin layer of antibiotic ointment to the cut and cover it with a bandage. Keep the wound clean by changing the dressing 1-2 times daily until it heals.

      Watch for signs of wound infection. If you develop symptoms of infection, contact your traumatologist. These include redness around the wound, suppuration of the wound, increased pain or fever.

    Treating a Serious Deep Cut

      Call an ambulance yourself or with someone's help. At deep cuts It is very important to call an ambulance as soon as possible. If you and the wounded person have no one to help you until the medical staff arrives, then while waiting for the ambulance you should try to take control on your own. profuse bleeding.

      If you are helping someone who is injured, wear gloves. You need to create a barrier between your skin and the wounded person's blood. Latex gloves will protect you from transmitting any diseases through the blood of the victim.

      Check the severity of the wound and the condition of the victim. Don't forget to check your breathing and pulse. If possible, ask the person to lie down or sit down so they don't tense up and try to relax.

      • Examine the wound. If the wound is hidden by clothing, carefully cut it off.
    1. Assess the degree of danger to life. If from a wound on the leg or arm there's a lot going on bleeding, ask the victim to elevate the injured limb. Keep it in this position until the bleeding stops.

      • Shock can also be life-threatening. If the victim is in shock, try to warm him up and help him relax as much as possible.
      • Do not attempt to remove an object (such as a piece of glass) from a wound unless you have received appropriate training; removing an item may increase bleeding if the item itself is currently blocking it.
    2. Apply a bandage to the deep cut. Cover the wound with a bandage made of clean, lint-free material. The bandage should apply pressure directly to the wound.

      • If you don't have bandages on hand, a compression bandage can be made from clothing, fabric, rags, etc. If you have a bandage, you should wrap it tightly around the wound. At the same time, you should not tighten the bandage too tightly; you should still be able to slip two fingers under it.
    3. If the first bandage becomes saturated with blood, apply a second bandage over the first. Do not attempt to remove the first bandage as this will disturb the wound.

      • Do not remove the first bandage. This will keep the blood clots that are starting to coagulate in place, which will prevent increased bleeding from the wound.
    4. Monitor the victim's breathing and pulse. Encourage the wounded person until the ambulance arrives (at severe cases) or until bleeding stops (in less severe cases). You should call an ambulance if the cut is serious and/or you are unable to stop the wound from bleeding.

      Get further medical care. For example, if the cut was deep or dirty, you may need a tetanus shot. Tetanus is serious bacterial infection, causing paralysis and death if left untreated. In most cases people do preventive vaccinations against tetanus every few years.

In everyday life there is always quite high probability receiving various injuries– abrasions, punctures, cuts. Housewives receive such injuries much more often - in the kitchen from the sharp edge of a can of canned food, from a knife, a piece of glass, etc. Men can get injured in their garages, and then, with hope in their eyes and a sense of pride, they raise their finger to the keepers of the home so that they take pity on them and provide first aid. medical care. In this article we will tell you in detail how to wash a wound and what to do to make it heal faster. Of course, this only applies to those wounds that do not require stitches or a visit at all medical institution.

The fact that the wound needs to be disinfected and washed is, in general, no secret to anyone, but only a few do it correctly. Many home “healers” wash burns with peroxide, fill wounds with iodine and do other stupid things. In fact, each antiseptic has its own purpose, let’s try to understand this issue in detail.

What is it intended for?

This tool used for disinfection of non-bleeding superficial wounds, as well as for the treatment of wound edges, skin for burns and other purulent inflammations.


In the form iodine grid This medicine is excellent for muscle inflammation - neuralgia and myositis, having an excellent absorbable and long-lasting disinfecting effect.


In people with fair skin and hair are often allergic to iodine. This remedy is contraindicated for acne, hyperfunction thyroid gland, skin ulcers. Iodine is good for stopping bleeding, but not for washing wounds. If iodine gets into a deep wound, a brown mark may remain in this place.

What is it intended for?

Zelenka perfectly disinfects the skin during various purulent inflammations - furunculosis, pyoderma, etc.


When treating wound edges, it provides a long-lasting disinfecting effect.


It does not stop bleeding and cannot be used to wash wounds. If it gets into a deep wound, it can leave a green mark forever.

Hydrogen peroxide

What is it intended for?

Peroxide is used to wash and disinfect any wounds, including deep ones, rinse oral cavity for sore throat and stomatitis, douche for various gynecological diseases and is used to stop bleeding.


Excellent blood clotting, preventing bleeding.


The disinfection effect is short-lived and weak compared to other means.


What is it intended for?

Alcohol kills all germs in non-bleeding superficial wounds.


Being a powerful antiseptic, alcohol effectively relieves swelling due to mastitis, panaritium and other subcutaneous inflammation, has an excellent absorbing effect.


Alcohol can cause burns, so it is not suitable for washing wounds and is not used to stop bleeding.


What is it intended for?

Chlorhexidine is used to treat any wounds or burns.


Has a strong long-lasting disinfection effect. Effective even on pathogens venereal diseases, therefore it can be used for the prevention of chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, ureoplasmosis, etc., by washing the genitals with it and instilling it into urethra.


May cause itching and dry skin, dermatitis in the area of ​​application. This product does not have a hemostatic effect.

So, let's summarize. You can lubricate a normal abrasion with brilliant green, alcohol, chlorhexidine or iodine of your choice. A wound that is bleeding must first be washed with hydrogen peroxide, then its edges should be lubricated with brilliant green or iodine or washed with chlorhexidine. After washing, apply dry sterile bandage from bandage and cotton wool. For boils and burns, lubricate the skin on the sore spot with brilliant green, chlorhexidine or iodine, then apply a sterile bandage.

If you are injured, you need to clean the damaged area of ​​skin as soon as possible and take care not to get into the wound. They can cause infections, contamination and other serious illnesses. In our article we will talk about how to disinfect a wound at home.

Human skin is very important organ. She performs a kind of function barrier that prevents bacteria and germs from entering the body. If the skin is damaged as a result physical impact, harmful microorganisms can easily penetrate the wound and multiply. This can cause it to spread throughout the body.

How to disinfect a wound?

  • Before starting to treat the wound, wash your hands thoroughly with soap
  • Boil water and disinfect all the tools that will be needed to treat the wound: tweezers, nail scissors, etc.
  • Wear rubber gloves to avoid touching the open wound bare hands. Don't forget about this, otherwise you may get an infection.
  • If the wound is not very deep, simply wash it with soap and water. To do this, buy special antibacterial soap.
  • If the wound is deep, you need to resort to another method of disinfection. To do this, you will need Chlorhexidine or another antibacterial agent.
  • If you don't have it on hand disinfectant and there is no opportunity to purchase it, and treatment is needed as soon as possible, you can prepare the medicine at home. Just boil water and add a little salt to it.
  • Remember that alcohol and brilliant green should be applied to the area around the wound. If such a product gets into open wound, this may cause tissue damage and disrupt natural process healing.
  • If the wound is heavily soiled (for example, with sand or grass), use tweezers to clean it. Then rinse and disinfect.

What to do next?

  • After the affected area of ​​skin has been thoroughly washed, it is time to apply an anti-inflammatory agent (antiseptic). It will dry the wound and help restore damaged tissue. If you do not do this in time, the wound will not heal for a long time and will fester.
  • Doctors recommend keeping the wound closed until it heals. To do this, apply gauze or other soft hypoallergenic cloth to the washed wound to protect the damaged area of ​​skin.
  • Change the bandage every day. This will give you the opportunity to regularly check the condition of the wound and determine whether it needs moisture or needs to be dried out.

This simple method will help heal, disinfect the wound and protect the body from

Any wound, even the smallest one, requires mandatory treatment, which begins with primary processing damage with solutions to prevent infection of the injury. At the same time, it is important that the treatment is constantly adjusted, not only depending on the location of the wound and its etiology, but also on the course of the processes of restoration of injured tissue and the characteristics of healing.

In this section you will learn how to properly treat an open wound and what you can apply to the damaged area. You will also find answers to questions such as how to disinfect abrasions and scratches at home, how to properly treat deep and post-operative wounds.

Rules for treating wounds

When treating any wound, regardless of its location and origin, it is important to follow a number of certain rules.

An open wound is treated by following the following recommendations:

How to treat an open wound

During the initial treatment of a wound, as well as during all subsequent treatments carried out when changing dressings, antibiotic drugs are not used, even those that have sufficient wide range the action being taken.

In most cases antibiotic drugs eliminate various types bacteria, but after all, the wounded area, in addition to them, could also get fungi, as well as viruses and others pathogenic microorganisms, against which antibiotics will be powerless.

To treat wounds, you should use special antiseptic solutions that can destroy almost all types of pathogenic microflora, including the dangerous tuberculosis bacillus.

Of course, antiseptics do not accelerate the healing process, do not stimulate tissue regeneration, their goal is to destroy microbes, which significantly slow down and complicate all these processes, taking them away from tissues useful elements and oxygen for its own development.

But it is important to remember that if antiseptics are used incorrectly, the healing process can be significantly slowed down. At each stage of regeneration of damaged tissues, it is recommended to use suitable products.

What to apply to an open wound to make it heal faster? You will learn about healing in detail in a separate article. Also for healing deep damaged areas skin, special medical glue is used, in particular.

Most often when treating wounds they use:

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Treatment of abrasions and scratches

Such damage forms on the skin in cases where there is an impact on any hard surface or blunt object.

Often abrasions and various scratches occur as a result of a fall. As a result, the top layer of the epidermis is usually removed and the the smallest vessels, which causes pinpoint bleeding. Such damage also requires mandatory treatment to prevent infection and the development of the inflammatory process.

First of all, the abrasion must be thoroughly washed with running water and soap (laundry or regular baby soap). This treatment allows not only to eliminate contamination, but also to destroy many pathogenic microorganisms.

After washing, the abrasion should be treated antiseptic solution . To do this, you need to moisten a gauze swab in hydrogen peroxide and gently wet the surface of the damage. After this, you can take a cotton pad, soak it in Chlorhexidine solution and apply it to the abrasion, securing it with pieces of plaster. This bandage should be left on for about an hour.

Next, the surface of the injury needs to be dried a little in the air, after which you can sprinkle the injury, for example, with Boneacin, or any other, and apply a dry sterile bandage. When a crust (scab) forms on the surface of the abrasion, the bandage is removed and left in the air.

Treatment of deep wounds

Upon receipt deep wound, for example, a cut, it is not recommended to immediately try to stop the bleeding. The blood coming out of the wound washes out any contaminants that have gotten inside, which helps clean the wound cavity.

It is important to treat the wound with antiseptics, remembering that the use of alcohol is not recommended, as it causes necrosis of damaged tissue. Pouring hydrogen peroxide onto such injuries is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to embolism.

To properly treat an injury, you should soak a cotton pad or gauze swab in peroxide and gently blot the surface of the wound and the skin around it.

After this, apply a sterile bandage using a sterile gauze cloth attached with a bandage or plaster. The bandage must be changed the next day or as it becomes saturated with blood.

It is not advisable to apply the ointment immediately after receiving a wound. Most of these drugs are recommended for use only when granulation processes have already begun at the wound site or suppuration with active inflammation has appeared. It is popular in the treatment of purulent wounds.

If immediately upon receiving a wound there is serious danger infection of damaged tissue, for example in cases where a wound has been inflicted rusty nail, a piece of rusty iron, glass located in the ground, and in other similar situations, then in order to avoid complications after treating the wound with antiseptics, you should immediately apply antibacterial ointment. Best in similar cases use ointment, which is water-based and, when heated on the surface of the body, easily penetrates into the very depths of the wound cavity, killing pathogenic microflora.

If the wound is deep and narrow (from a nail), it is permissible to inject ointment heated to body temperature from a syringe directly into the wound cavity.

You may find information such as an algorithm or (PHO) wounds useful - you will also find information about this detailed information in the relevant articles.

When to go to the doctor

It is important to correctly assess the extent of the injury received. Of course, minor abrasions, scratches and cuts can be treated independently at home, using the right means and carrying out the necessary treatments in a timely manner.

If you have minor injuries, you should consult a doctor only if the wound, despite all treatments, begins to inflammatory process, and suppuration appeared.

Cuts should be given special attention special attention. It is important to remember that only shallow cuts, the length of which does not exceed 2 cm, can be treated independently without contacting a doctor.

When you get a cut larger size After the initial treatment, you should immediately consult a doctor, as sutures may be required.

If you receive serious or large wounds, you should contact a doctor immediately, and it is important to provide the victim with proper first aid before the ambulance arrives.