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Prophetic dreams - fact or fiction? Prophetic dreams. Is it possible to control your future?

A prophetic dream is when a person manages to see in a dream a situation that, after some time, happens to him in real life.

Pseudo-prophetic dreams

Current situation. In a dream, a girl sees a flock of pigeons flying past her window. Opens a dream book offering interpretation prophetic dreams: “A flock of flying pigeons dreams of a quarrel and loss of personal happiness.” An upset girl meets a young man in the evening and remains silent. The guy tries to find out what is wrong with his beloved, constantly asks questions that remain unanswered, asks again, gets accused of being meticulous, and in the end a quarrel actually occurs. And the girl thinks: “Well, that’s exactly what it said in the dream book.”
Is this a prophetic dream? No, this is a coincidence that a person programs himself, consciously creates a situation in which the meanings of the symbols seen in a dream are updated.

Twin dreams.

A phenomenon that often occurs in creative people or among scientists who devote all their time to solving one problem.
It is well known that D. Mendeleev periodic table I just dreamed it in every detail.
The case with the chemist showed that in the situation there was a logically constructed video picture with the rest of the day, which was transmitted from day to day, where they appeared chemical elements and data about them, which required somehow defining them in a diagram - all this one fine day (night) gave its result and appeared in the form of a table. Surely, in the waking state, the obstacle was fatigue, distraction by something extraneous. In a relaxed state, when the interference was removed, the brain gave a logical ending to the research. The brain worked like a universal psychoanalyst!

Prophetic dreams.

When a situation in a dream is completely repeated in real life.
In 1741, Mikhail Lomonosov had a terrible dream. The body of his father, washed up on an island in the White Sea. Upon arrival in St. Petersburg, Mikhail learns from his brother that there has been no news of his father for four months. He, as usual, went fishing and disappeared. He knew the island that Lomonosov saw in his dream - he and his father had been there during his childhood. Mikhail sends a letter to the local fishing team with detailed description, where you need to look for the body of a missing father, and in fact, fishermen find it.

Or, the president dreamed The White house, a coffin standing under a white cover and an address to the guard, from which Lincoln learned that they were burying the President, who was killed in the theater. 10 days later there was a terrorist attack in the theater, as a result of which the United States actually lost its president.

How to understand that a dream is prophetic?

Often it is possible to understand that a literal prophetic dream is only possible in the future. If people could immediately after sleep determine that the dream was prophetic, many events in life could be prevented or influenced. But symbolic prophetic dreams, if desired, can be interpreted. Dream books and interpretation systems have been created for this purpose.

If, say, you dreamed that you broke a plate, and you broke it in reality, this does not mean at all that the dream was prophetic. Perhaps this is a coincidence or you were too focused on the events of the dream and literally brought them to life.

But if you dream about the future, and it involves our friends, loved ones, many symbols and dubious things that we do not understand, then it is better to check such a dream. It may turn out to be prophetic.

Who sees prophetic dreams?

Research has shown that some people experience prophetic dreams. Scientists have been able to identify a category of people who have such prophetic dreams more often than others.

According to published statistics, 80% of prophetic dreams are gloomy. Most of them foreshadow the death of loved ones, the murder of world leaders, and disasters. Less often, such dreams are dedicated to joyful events - weddings and career advancement.

Experiments have shown what to see prophetic dreams Only some people can - they are usually very sensitive and have such a fine emotional attunement that they are able to see future events in their dreams.

The probability of seeing a prophetic dream is approximately 1:22,000, The Daily Mail reports.


Before you believe in a dream, do not forget to remember all its details. It happens that in a dream, say, an animal we saw seems important to us, but in reality, for example, a house played the main role here.

It is also important to understand that the interpretation of prophetic dreams is appropriate only when they are not related to events, objects and people that concern you. If you ate too much before going to bed, or the room was very hot, and as a result you had nightmares all night, this is quite natural, and there is nothing wrong with it. real life will not happen. If you drank alcohol in the evening, your dreams may turn out even more colorful, but they will have nothing to do with your future. Dreams can also be influenced by a person’s well-being. Prophetic dreams occur in healthy condition and at normal conditions. They are often not connected to the present. And when waking up, a person cannot build any logical chains that would lead to their fulfillment.

Let's say you have learned to receive dreams on order on certain topics, or you had an unusual dream and you wondered: what dreams are prophetic, how to distinguish them from ordinary dreams? Many of the dreams can carry meaning. Moreover, the meaning of one vision may be opposite to another. At this moment, the question of defining a prophetic dream may arise. The problem is that there is no clear definition of it without a confirmed fact. It seems like I saw something, it later came true - that means a prophetic dream. How can you understand in advance that it is prophetic and act on the basis of such information?

Fortunately, there are absolutely simple principles determining the possibility of a dream to carry prophetic information. Not to say that they are completely accurate, but they can accurately weed out the most implausible dreams.

So what are prophetic dreams?

Let's start with the fact that you can determine the probability of a dream coming true in the future or present using simple logic. If there is a question about whether a dream is prophetic, then you should immediately weed out dreams where there are some contradictions or the solutions put forward in them simply cannot exist in principle. All you need to do is clearly understand how likely the option seen in a dream is in relation to everyday life. In other words, you should simply superimpose the option you see onto reality and evaluate the possibility. Nothing more effective than this method will allow you to weed out the wrong options. It would seem that it is obvious and is there any point in talking about it? But practice shows that people sometimes inadequately evaluate controlled dreams and can recognize absolutely each of them as prophetic, despite the most glaring inconsistencies not only with reality, but also with common sense in addition.

Sometimes it may happen that the desired answer in a dream may appear in a completely unexpected place, not at all typical for the topic. This is also worth paying attention to. However, it is a verified and substantiated fact: a dream most often produces real and verified information in an adequate topic of the situation. In an example, it looks like this: the answer about the future of your career growth should not appear in the setting of the fairy-tale world of Alice in Wonderland - instead, everything should happen in an environment as close to reality as possible. What are the reasons for this behavior of the sleep space? Sleep driven unconscious functions of the mind, like man himself, are very susceptible to a peculiar mood: if reality, then in everything, if a fairy tale, then from and to. It turns out that it is very difficult to expect realistic calculations from the subconscious when it comes to fantastic events, where exactly the opposite is true, although not always

If you are trying to see or have seen a prophetic dream that concerns relationships between people, then under no circumstances should you interpret events not related to them in the prophetic dream directly on them. This may be the result of your bias in relation to the entire dream, followed by a serious mistake. In other words, if you want to know about a specific person, then he should not be symbolized by anything other than his double in your dream.

Which dreams are prophetic is often difficult to determine. The main thing is to remain prudent and not rush to trust every dream. It’s even better to look not at dreams, but at reality, realizing in it not the destined, but the desired.

Some call the dream world a parallel reality, others claim that this is the work of our subconscious. Be that as it may, some dreams actually carry useful information. And it’s always interesting to find out what kind of information we received, and whether the dream can come true.

Even the most inveterate skeptics admit that sometimes they experience déjà vu. If such a situation never happened in reality, then it could only be a dream. What was it? Apparently a prophetic dream. Only sometimes it is immediately erased from memory, since we do not attach importance to it. And we remember much later, when night vision materializes.

On our website you can find out on what days dreams come true, how to decipher them, and whether they should be taken seriously. We hope that this information will be helpful. You can use our dream books completely free of charge; you do not need to register. Bookmark our site to always have it at hand, and you can find out the meaning of your night visions at any time!

Why do dreams come true?

The nature of dreams has not yet been studied. However, scientists focusing on esoteric topics argue that our brain “projects” reality in a dream, which can then materialize. The famous futurist John Dunn has a theory of prophetic dreams. In it, he interprets dreams as journeys through multidimensional space into the future. Do you want to visit where dreams come true? This is quite real - just learn to use your unconscious “I” - understand it and decipher dreams. This is exactly how psychologists explain why dreams come true. And they have plenty of authoritative evidence.

Dreams can be considered as a program. The essence will become clearer if we draw a parallel with the prophecies of gypsies and clairvoyants. Very often their predictions come true. For example, a gypsy says that a person has been “damaged” and needs to be removed. If a gullible client does not agree, then he begins to wither before our eyes. After a while, he comes to this “witch,” she removes the evil eye and a miracle happens - the man gets better!

Do you think this is the gift of clairvoyance and some kind of magical powers? No, this is the most common gypsy hypnosis. The pseudo-fortune teller only programmed the person, and he did everything else on his own - he instilled illness in himself, attracted troubles and misfortunes.

The same thing happens with dreams - it largely depends on us whether what we see will come true. In a dream, you can get an answer to a question that has been tormenting you for a long time, however, to implement it you will still need to make an effort.

It would also be useful to find out when dreams come true according to the dates, days of the week and the lunar calendar. This information can be of great benefit.

Theories of prophetic dreams

Prophetic dreams are also different. Existing theories, divide them into:

  • conscious;

  • travel in time and space, access to other worlds and parallel universes;

  • work of the subconscious;

  • prophetic and so on.

All theories boil down to the fact that at night we don’t just look at pictures that were previously imprinted in our memory, but we are in a different reality. For example, there is a theory about the subconscious world that we visit during dreams. That is, at this time we use the capabilities of our brain and energy that we do not use in normal times. For example, we all know that Mendeleev made his famous discovery in a dream. He worked long and hard to systematize the classification of chemical elements, but was unable to complete the work. And only in a dream did Mendeleev manage to solve a difficult problem! When he woke up, he simply wrote down what he saw.

There are other similar examples. Niels Bohr also saw a planetary model of the atom in a dream. True, it was not as clear as Mendeleev’s, but there was enough information for the scientist to make greatest discovery century.

Friedrich August Kekule said that he also saw the molecular structure in a dream. And Otto Levi, thanks to a dream, created the theory of impulse transmission.

It is impossible to turn a blind eye to such facts - these are not coincidences, but evidence that at night we can solve mysteries that we cannot solve in real life. Our capabilities are much greater than you can imagine. And we don’t use even a third of them. Therefore, it is worth at least trying to lift the veil of the secrets of dreams. We hope that our site can help you with this.

Do dreams always come true?

No, not always and not any. Often we just see a kaleidoscope of some pictures that are practically not remembered, since they do not contain any familiar things or events. It also depends on the days of the week. So even if, for example, you dreamed of something bad after the weekend, don’t rush to worry. First you need to find out whether dreams come true on Monday. And they are almost never prophetic.

Remembering everything by days and dates, of course, is unrealistic. To find out whether dreams come true today, the easiest way is to open our website and check the day of the week and the lunar calendar. For example, you want to find out whether a dream will come true from Sunday to Monday. Open the section with descriptions of the days of the week and find the information you need.

Do daytime dreams come true?

Many people rarely dream at night. And during the day, sleep is more sensitive, and what you see is remembered better. Therefore, the question often arises: do dreams that occur during the day come true? They usually don't carry any useful information and are never prophetic. And if day dreams come true, then only partially. Therefore, you can ignore them special attention.

What dreams come true?

How do you know if a dream will come true? To begin with, analyze your dream and try to remember the most significant moments. If you managed to find bright key images, then the dream most likely carries some kind of omen. In this case, you should open the dream book and see when dreams come true.

On our website you will find all the information on the days of the week and the lunar calendar. You can also see the numbers when dreams come true.

If your dream is filled with vivid images, then it’s worth deciphering it - this will help you look behind the veil of the future and prepare for important events. But it also happens that dreams that seemed prophetic and prophetic do not come true. Don't be upset! Remember that our thoughts and desires are material. Therefore, in any case, try to be positive.

On what days of the week do dreams come true?

People have been monitoring their dreams for centuries, recording them and analyzing them. Then there were no such opportunities as there are now. These folk signs were inherited from our ancestors. For example, the days of the week when dreams come true are systematic observations of many generations. They may not work one hundred percent, but there is a high probability of our dreams materializing on certain days of the week.

Will the dream come true from Monday to Tuesday?

The probability is very low. In your dreams, your obvious and secret desires and dreams are most likely reflected. Pay attention to them - perhaps you should admit something to yourself and then your secret aspirations will really become a reality.

Will the dream come true from Tuesday to Wednesday?

From Tuesday to Wednesday we most often see fuzzy dreams. There are no vivid emotions in them, they do not stick in memory. Such dreams do not carry deep meaning and do not affect our destiny. Perhaps some of them will partially come true, but this will not happen soon.

Will the dream come true from Wednesday to Thursday?

In the middle of the work week, dreams are most often associated not with personal life, but with career, social activities, business and material well-being. They are quite eloquent and are highly likely to come true. If you think that you have received some kind of sign, start taking action. Perhaps this will help you become successful soon.

Will a dream come true from Thursday to Friday?

Yes, it is on these days that prophetic dreams occur. They may not contain bright events, but there are deep feelings and emotions. Such paintings are a reflection of your inner world. Look at yourself from the outside and try to better understand those around you. You have the power to change the situation if you want to.

Will the dream come true from Friday to Saturday?

Before the weekend, we see prophetic dreams that concern us personally and those closest to us. Try to find answers to your questions in them. They can tell you how to solve a problem or help you get out of an unpleasant situation. But remember, a dream can only come true if you take part in simulating the situation and do not let everything take its course.

Will the dream come true from Saturday to Sunday?

Yes, dreams on Sunday come true with a high degree of probability, and in the very near future. The dream may come true on the same day or next week. Analyze it, try to select the brightest and most significant moments. Then decipher the message using the information provided on our website.

Do dreams come true on Sunday?

From Sunday to Monday, our subconscious most often shows us the past at night, that is, what happened to us in last days. They certainly cannot be called prophetic. Therefore, you shouldn’t take them seriously - watch them as a pleasant movie and forget about them.

When do dreams come true according to the lunar calendar?

The lunar calendar affects all life on earth. Gardeners have long been planting plants and harvesting according to it, hairdressers recommend cutting hair in phases. Our well-being, mood and disposition of spirit are largely connected with the Moon. This planet also influences our dreams, especially on impressionable people who react sharply to the slightest changes in the surrounding space.

Lunar energy changes according to certain phases. Therefore, it is always useful to know whether a dream will come true according to the lunar calendar. On the waxing Moon, dreams are usually more vivid and realistic. They can be executed with a larger share probability than on a decreasing one. And the closer the full moon, the stronger this dependence becomes. It is on the full moon that you can see a prophetic dream that carries very important information.

Also on our website you can find out when dreams come true, what numbers lunar calendar favorable and which are not. For example, the 18th day of the moon is very favorable and happy. Dreams seen the night before usually bring good news and come true.

The 20th day of the moon is also considered good. But you should not pay special attention to dreams during this period - they are empty and meaningless.

Dreams on the 12th, 13th and 17th days can be prophetic. Moreover, you won’t have to wait long for the events you see. The days themselves cannot be called too favorable, but, as a rule, one cannot expect big troubles from them.

The 27th, 28th and 30th lunar days are favorable in all respects. Your night visions will come true and bring you good changes, prosperity and pleasant surprises.

When do dreams come true? For how long?

Some dreams come true quickly, for example, during the day, while others will have to wait to come true.

Therefore, it is impossible to indicate exact dates. Folk signs they say that dreams on Thursday come true quite quickly. But Wednesday dreams do not always come true and not right away.

If you want to know exactly by date how long it takes for dreams to come true, open the section on our website with a detailed description.

Significant days and annual cycle

There are many unusual days in the year, to which people have long attributed some mythical properties. For example, many are wary of Friday if it falls on the 13th. But for dreams this is the best favorable moment- dreams for Friday the 13th come true with a high degree of probability!

It is also worth paying attention to your night dreams on the eve of major church holidays, such as Trinity, Epiphany, Easter, Christmas, Savior. They are often prophetic and fulfilled quite accurately.

The most likely time is the Holy Week, which begins with Christmas and ends with Epiphany. It’s not for nothing that fortune-telling has always been timed to coincide with Christmastide. During this period, you can with a high degree of probability find out the truth about your fate. Remember that this time is also suitable for spiritual cleansing. So try to do good to others, and it will definitely come back to you a hundredfold.

How to recognize a prophetic dream?

We have already described on what dates dreams come true. But they didn’t say how to recognize a prophetic dream, and what it could even be like. Prophetic dreams are divided into two types: symbolic and literal. Symbolic ones can sometimes be very difficult to understand, since the information contained in them can be encrypted and confusing. They will not contain answers to questions or realistic, understandable pictures, but all the images seen will be vivid and memorable. You may experience strong emotions and overreact to something. You can interpret such pictures using our website. Moreover, you need to look for clues not only in dream books, but in the dream interpretation section. This is not difficult to do.

With literal prophetic dreams everything is much simpler. In them we usually see a real picture, which is repeated exactly or with minor changes in a short time. If you suddenly wake up during such a dream, you will not immediately be able to understand whether you were dreaming or whether everything happened to you in reality.

People with the gift of providence sometimes dream of saints, acquaintances or relatives who are very far away, or dead. Such visions usually carry deep meaning and warn of something important. But they should not be considered fatal either - you have received a sign, and it is up to you whether you can use the information to your advantage.

There are visions that are false. For example, if you are very overtired, you are very worried about some issue, and you are nervous, then the subconscious simply does not turn off, but projects scraps of thoughts, fears, and desires to you. So don't rush to take everything literally. Trust your intuition and follow it.

How to use the days when dreams come true?

Now you know when dreams are prophetic and when they come true. And you can use it! For example, people have long been guessing their wishes in this way. If you repeat your question many times in the evening, you may well get an answer to it.

To do this, you can choose any days when dreams come true. For example, on the eve of the big church holiday make a wish and ask for an answer to it. Before going to bed, you can read a prayer to Nicholas the Pleasant, since it is not for nothing that he is called the Wonderworker - he can help us in any matter and brings good luck.

If no holiday is expected in the near future, then simply choose the most suitable day of the week. For example, as we said earlier, a dream comes true from Wednesday to Thursday, and it is usually associated with money issues and work. If you are interested in something related to your career or business, you should make a wish on Wednesday evening.

And if you want to know something on a personal or family issue, you are worried about love affairs or you passionately want to get married, make a wish on Thursday evening. Your fortune telling can answer all questions.

Do the dreams that children have come true?

Sometimes children tell very realistic dreams, and parents do not know how to react to this. On the Internet you can find information that young children often see prophetic dreams. However, Sigmund Freud's theory refutes this claim. Freud wrote that children's dreams are only a visualization of their desires, and quite obvious and plausible. For example, if you bought candy for the children during the day, and some child didn’t get enough of it, or he just really wants more sweets, then with a high degree of probability he will dream about the treats.

So you shouldn’t take babies’ dreams seriously, but you should listen to them. In this way, you can find out about your child’s innermost dreams and even use the information, for example, by giving him for a holiday exactly what he wants to have, but does not directly tell you about it.

What to do if dreams come true?

Have you found out that dreams come true today, but you wouldn’t want that at all? Or do many of your dreams turn out to be prophetic? No need to worry about this. Perhaps you are a lucky person who has the gift of providence. You just need to learn to use your capabilities and manage reality.

Remember that a dream is just a sign, a warning. There is no need to view it as fate. You have received the information and now you can use it. If you think about the bad, you will simply attract trouble by simulating the situation in reality. Try to put yourself in a good mood. Do you think something bad is going to happen? Be careful, try to prevent trouble. And if in your dream there was good sign, then, on the contrary, try to think about it and imagine how it will happen soon in reality. And then the stars will definitely align, and your dreams will turn into reality.

Scientific evidence or fantastic theories?

For many centuries people have followed lunar cycle, remembered their dreams and tried to decipher them. Much of this information was later written down. This is how the dream books appeared, which we still use today.

But so far no one has been able to unravel and scientifically substantiate the world of night dreams. The fact is that human brain little has been studied; we still have only a vague idea about the subconscious. Of course, there are many theories, but one can only guess which one is closer to the truth. Are there parallel worlds? Is it possible to travel in time and enter the astral plane? If we find out the answers to these questions, then, quite possibly, we will get closer to solving dreams.

In the meantime, you can check in our dream book whether the dream will come true, whether you should believe in it or not. But you need to treat this information with a dose of healthy skepticism. Read our dream book, listen to your intuition and draw conclusions. It may well be that the dream will come true if you make an effort, that is, listen to your intuition and signs, and also try to act in reality in such a way that what you have already seen in a dream becomes a reality.

Experiments have shown that a person can go without sleep for about 115 hours. After this, the subjects certainly fell asleep, despite all attempts to wake them up (even to the point of giving them electric shocks).

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

What prophetic dreams are signs of a prophetic dream

To put it simply, prophetic dreams are dreams that foretell (from where common root"things") future events. That is, a person sees in a dream what will actually happen in the near future. On the other hand, every night we dream at least 3-4 dreams, how can we understand which dreams are prophetic?

Signs of a prophetic dream

Basic hallmark prophetic dream - unusual brightness and memorable details. It was as if you actually saw the event in reality. Actually, that's how it is. After all, what is a prophetic dream? This is a real event that is somewhat delayed in reality and will happen in the future.

Second sign- the reality of events occurring in a dream. That is, if you see in a dream how the Martians flew to Earth, and all this in bright colors, you should not at all count on such a dream coming true. Most likely, you watched something from science fiction films, scientific programs, or read a thematic book, against the background of which your brain generated an alternative reality. But if they are present in a dream real characters and events occur that may well take place in life, then the dream may well turn out to be prophetic. Provided that the first sign is present - brightness and memorability.

Third sign- your attitude towards sleep, the emotions that arise after waking up. Usually a person intuitively understands that a dream is prophetic and will come true sooner or later. It is remembered for a long time, and you will be able to reproduce the picture you saw even after many years.

Fourth sign- logical completeness of the dream. That is, this is a fragment that has a beginning and a logical conclusion. Prophetic dreams never end in the middle; they leave behind a feeling of completeness and integrity of the picture.

Fifth sign - high quality the picture they saw, as movie buffs would say. A prophetic dream is usually colorful, with clear images and many memorable details.

Is it possible to prevent a prophetic dream from coming true?

The answer to this question is more negative than positive. But this raises the question of whether you really saw a prophetic dream. Let's say, if you dreamed that you were falling from a high mountain, this does not necessarily mean that the dream was prophetic, and you can avoid danger if you never leave the plain in life. Falling from a mountain in a dream is usually a symbolic warning of some kind of failure in life, financial or career collapse, and not real threat die while climbing a mountain peak.

However, everything is in your hands. If the events that you saw in a dream are not very desirable for you, take various measures to prevent them, and the chances that they will not happen in life, and the dream will develop from the category of “prophetic” into ordinary ones, will increase sharply.

Interpretation depending on the day and hour:

Do you want to know whether your dream will come true today, how accurate is its interpretation on a given day of the week or month? Select the desired date and find out whether you should trust what you saw in your dream.

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How a person manages to look into the future in a dream is not known for certain. But the fact remains: such dreams exist. Everyone dreams of them from time to time. Sometimes they are in the form of images, sometimes they directly indicate upcoming events, which happens less often and is more often characteristic of chosen people.

Do prophetic dreams exist?

Dreams can be prophetic. Millions of people around the world face this. But the prophetic dreams of famous people have gone down in history.

Abraham Lincoln's Prophetic Dream

For example, Abraham Lincoln had a dream 10 days before his tragic death that he was following a strange sound in the theater. He sees a large hall, a coffin in the middle of the hall, a guard of honor. He asks the guards who is in the coffin? And they answer him that it is the president, he was killed. Indeed, Lincoln was assassinated in the theater.

Prophetic dream of Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte often had prophetic dreams. At the beginning of his military career, he dreamed of a beautiful, but tear-stained woman in disheveled clothes. She cried and begged him for something. Napoleon tried to console her. When leaving, the woman left him a ring. Napoleon correctly interpreted the dream: the woman is France, and the ring is a sign of autocracy and power. The commander had another prophetic dream after meeting with the Russian Tsar Alexander. It was a terrible dream in which a bear was tearing him apart. Subsequently, Napoleon was defeated by the Russian army.

Adolf Hitler's prophetic dream

In 1917, Adolf Schicklgruber, a corporal in the Bavarian army, had a dream that he was killed in a trench by an explosion. Having woken up, he crawled out of the trench like a sleepwalker and wandered away from this place. Minutes later, he was thrown aside by the blast wave. Having come to his senses, he returned to the trench and saw that all the soldiers had died. Two decades later, Adolf, who survived thanks to a prophetic dream, destroyed millions of lives in Europe and Russia, going down in history under the name of Adolf Hitler.

Prophetic dreams of other famous people

There is a version that the great Beethoven, who wrote the Moonlight Sonata, heard music in a dream during a time of great love and passion. And getting up in the middle of the night, he began to transform what he heard into notes.

Dmitry Mendeleev, the great chemist, saw in a dream how the chemical elements formed into the periodic table.

Sergei Korolev, as a child, found himself in a dream inside a rocket that he built himself.

American mechanic Elias Howe, having seen a dream about aborigines dancing with spears, understood how to make a sewing machine with a double stitch - the hole for the thread should be at the bottom of the needle point.

Why do we have prophetic dreams?

Many scientists around the world have tried to explain prophetic dreams. Sigmund Freud, a scientist of the last century, wrote in his work that especially sensitive people whose brains are constantly working have prophetic dreams. And at night, when extraneous thoughts do not interfere, the brain produces the result of a logically constructed chain in the form of a prophetic dream.

John Beslow, professor of medicine, expressed a hypothesis about the material nature of biofields. That is, everything in the world is interconnected, special people manages to connect to the World Consciousness and get answers to questions. Academician Leonid Prishchepa also confirmed this hypothesis, adding that all matter and energy of the universe are related by the general law of electromagnetic motion.

And if so, then theoretically any person can connect to the World Mind. We just need to know how this happens and how to make this process natural and not random.

When do prophetic dreams occur?

Prophetic dreams can happen any day. But they can be distinguished from meaningless dreams by the fact that prophetic dreams are memorable and vivid dreams. “Empty” dreams are confusing and incomprehensible.

It is believed that during the holiday week, prophetic dreams occur most often, since the line between worlds becomes thinner, and our departed relatives want to convey to us the information that, in their opinion, is important for us.

Dream theme: