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Dream Interpretation meaning of dreams by numbers. Prophetic dreams, when prophetic dreams occur

A person sees many various dreams every night, although he doesn’t always remember them. The influence of night visions on daily life was noticed thousands of years ago, and various sleep experiments carried out today only confirm the significance of what a person sees at night. Deciphering this information is considered a difficult task, because in order to receive a complete and intelligible message received in dreams, you need not only to know how to interpret dreams by day of the week and day of the month, but also to take into account the influence of celestial bodies and the psycho-emotional state of a person.

How do you know that a dream will come true?

The probability of night visions turning into reality is calculated individually in each case. Nevertheless there is several signs of a prophetic dream A:

  • The dreamer remembers the dream in great detail;
  • Vision is clear, clear;
  • Events are never forgotten, a person constantly thinks about them.

Dreams come true by the dates of the month

According to numerological calculations, on some days during sleep you can get important information about future events, while in others what is seen means nothing. So, what should you expect from dreams seen on a certain date of the month?

Dreams by day of the week

  • Monday night

On this night, dreams speak about the internal characteristics of the dreamer, primarily about the current state of his psyche and the emotions he is experiencing. When interpreting what you see, you can identify the degree of a person’s workload, the presence of emotional turmoil and worries, and also find out the degree of nervousness.

Ideally, a dream seen from Sunday to Monday should be calm, clear and pleasant. Unclear, too bright and violent dreams are a signal that a person needs rest.

Dreams on this day are analytical in nature and usually do not predict the future.

  • Tuesday night

On this night, dreams reflect a person’s creative potential; they are bright and emotional. Dreamers advise turning pay attention to what you see at night, but, for the most part, emotions after sleep are considered more important. If a person feels uplifted, then he just needs to start something new in life, and this will definitely bring success. Otherwise, it is better to refrain from making changes in life.

Seen in a dream victory is a thing. The implementation of this plot takes approximately seven days. It should be borne in mind that the victory may be small, which a person simply will not notice.

  • Wednesday night

Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday are usually abrupt, multi-story and bright, making it difficult to find the main message in them. What is seen in dreams almost never comes true, or comes true in some small detail.

On this night you can receive a warning that is better to heed. It can concern both the dreamer himself and people very close to him. In any case, the dreamer is able to prevent undesirable course of events.

  • Thursday night

What was seen at this time has great importance for the dreamer: he can get an advice to resolve a problem that had been tormenting him for a long time, to find an unexpected way out of a situation that was tormenting him, or to understand how to avoid a quarrel.

  • Friday night

In Friday dreams highest value have plots related to personal life. They With read as prophetic, especially if the dream is remembered down to the smallest detail and does not leave the head for a long time.

The importance of what is seen on the night from Thursday to Friday is quite easily explained: at this time a person’s intuitive abilities become more acute, and during sleep he is open to the receipt of new information.

The mood remaining after sleep will help you understand what to expect in the near future: pleasant events or some difficulties.

  • Saturday night

What you see on Saturday night is important not only for the dreamer, but also for people who are in close relationships with him. Positive and exciting stories they talk about imminent fun in reality and about receiving many pleasant emotions.

  • Sunday night

If after a night a person remembers some detail from his dream, then it will most likely be reflected in his life on the same day. Emotional coloring events largely depend on the mood of the dreamer.

When is it necessary to turn to dream books?

Sometimes it happens that only one specific detail is remembered from the entire dream. It can be absolutely anything: a slippery eel, a red teapot, a flower, the sky, and so on. IN such a case It becomes extremely difficult to understand the vision, since it is unclear exactly how to correlate the remembered image with advice on interpreting dreams by the dates of the month and days of the week.

It is then that the dream book can help the dreamer. The transcripts of other people's dreams collected in it will be able to explain the incomprehensible images seen at night.

It should be borne in mind that from the many dream books it is necessary to choose the most suitable one for the dreamer. To determine the “compatibility” of a dream book and a person, it is recommended to conduct a small test. To do this, the dreamer needs to choose a dream book and read the interpretation of several images in it. If the information in the book does not cause rejection, the dream book is considered suitable.

In an article on the topic: "dream book on days of the week and dates of the month" - presented actual information on this issue for 2018.

find out the meanings of dreams

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The meaning of dreams by numbers and days of the week

The meaning of dreams by numbers

The interpretation of dreams depends not only on what exactly a person saw at night. The meaning of dreams can be determined by the numbers and days of the week. The information received will tell you about some events of the future and present, and it will also allow you to find solutions to existing problems.

The meaning of dreams by day and date

To understand whether the dream you saw should be taken seriously and what it could mean, you need to take into account what day of the week it happened:

  1. Monday. Dreams will tell you about your psychological and emotional state. Long dreams promise troubles, while short ones, on the contrary, promise pleasant events.
  2. Tuesday. Night vision with a disturbing plot warns of approaching quarrels and troubles. If the sleep was calm, then in the near future it will be possible to successfully solve any problems.
  3. Wednesday. Dreams are difficult to remember, but they contain important information about impending changes in life.
  4. Thursday. The night visions seen will be related to work and financial situation. The plot will tell you how to solve difficult situations.
  5. Friday. Dreams are prophetic, since it is on this day that a person’s intuition is most acute.
  6. Saturday. Dreams will help you choose the right way in life. The plot will allow you to understand the causes of problems and warn you about taking rash steps.
  7. Sunday. Good dreams are harbingers of positive changes in life. If the dream has a negative load, this is a warning of impending problems.

Before using the dream book, you need to find out the meaning of dreams by numbers, that is, on what day of the month the dream was seen. Thanks to this information, you can understand whether what you see will come true and when exactly it will happen. The meanings of dreams by numbers are presented in the table for convenience.

Dream Interpretation by Days of the Month

  • 1st day of the month - Dreams on this day come true exactly and portend good things.
  • 2nd day of the month - Dreams on this day are empty and meaningless.
  • 3rd day of the month - Dreams on this day are fair and quickly fulfilled.
  • 4th day of the month - Dreams on this day do not come true soon and foretell good things.
  • 5th day of the month – Dreams on this day good value, this dream is very accurate.
  • 6th day of the month - Dreams on this day come true after twelve days.
  • 7th day of the month - Dreams on this day are happy, but you should not talk about them.
  • 8th day of the month - Dreams on this day lead to the fulfillment of desires.
  • 9th day of the month - Dreams on this day come true and soon promise success.
  • 10th day of the month - Dreams on this day foreshadow some difficulties.
  • 11th day of the month - Dreams on this day come true and lead to joy.
  • 12th day of the month - Dreams on this day come true quickly and favorably.
  • 13th day of the month - Dreams on this day come true and lead to trouble.
  • 14th day of the month - Dreams on this day are unsuccessful, but do not relate to personal life.
  • 15th day of the month - Dreams on this day will come true soon and very happily.
  • 16th day of the month - Dreams on this day do not come true and have no meaning.
  • 17th day of the month - Dreams on this day promise success and come true within 20 days.
  • 18th day of the month - Dreams on this day lead to profit and new things.
  • 19th day of the month - Dreams on this day lead to family troubles.
  • 20th day of the month - Dreams on this day come true, but you should not tell them to anyone.
  • 21st day of the month - Dreams on this day come true and foreshadow the fulfillment of desires.
  • 22nd day of the month - Dreams on this day come true quickly and do not promise trouble.
  • 23rd day of the month - Dreams on this day will most definitely come true soon.
  • 24th day of the month - Dreams on this day are joyful and will soon come true.
  • 25th day of the month - Dreams on this day are full of lies and deception, and quickly come true.
  • 26th day of the month - Dreams on this day are full of pleasure and fun.
  • 27th day of the month - Dreams on this day are meaningless and have no meaning.
  • 28th day of the month - Dreams on this day come true within 30 days.
  • 29th day of the month - Dreams on this day do not come true, dreams are empty and mean nothing.
  • 30th day of the month - Dreams on this day are fantastic and do not always come true.
  • 31st day of the month - Dreams of love victories and pleasures come true within 15 days.

How to interpret the meanings of sleep by day of the week?

The world of dreams is full of mysteries for humans. Some pictures and scenes from life seem to you, but where do they appear in our heads? What do they mean? We have always been interested in finding out the meaning of our dreams, for this we read dream books and interpreters. It has already been proven that sleep values ​​by day of the week are very different from each other. If you dreamed about the same object in different days, then the meaning will necessarily be different.

Sleep from Sunday to Monday

Be sure to listen to your visions, they will tell you about your immediate concerns and affairs. The meaning of dreams differs by date and day of the week. Now more about dreams from Sunday to Monday. What emotions did you feel? Woke up with tears in your eyes? Did you feel offended? Get ready for a tough day. If you get up with a feeling of lightness and happiness, then this day promises to be cheerful and joyful. If you dreamed of ice, then this means stagnation in some area. Although dreams on Monday carry the meaning of some worries and troubles, you should not expect something terrible.

Dreams from Monday to Tuesday

Interpret the meaning of sleep correctly, by day of the week. Tuesday is different in that it warns of future conflicts. These days you will see very vivid pictures that reveal your full essence and potential. This good way see yourself from the outside. If your sleep is calm, then behave confidently during the day and do not expect conflicts. When you experience a storm of emotions, this is a clear signal to act. Don't stand still, show initiative and leadership qualities.

Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday

During this period we are under the auspices of the planet Mercury, now it’s worth looking into the dream book, the meaning of dreams by day of the week makes a big difference. If you dreamed of a bright picture on Wednesday, then this speaks of new impressions and pleasant meetings. If you don’t remember what you dreamed about that night, then this means that you will lose sight of something and forget. Please note that dreams are prophetic.

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday

What do these signs promise us? Be sure to interpret the meaning of sleep by day of the week. Thursday is different in that it does not carry information about a person’s personal life, but suggests the right direction in life. Thanks to such dreams, a person can make the right decision, which will bring considerable profit.

Dreams from Thursday to Friday

They are called prophetic. On this day we are under the influence of Venus. Now beautiful sensual pictures come to our minds that will help us deal with our personal lives; we perceive everything at the level of feelings.

Dreams from Friday to Saturday

Listen to your feelings. Correct interpretation This dream will help not only you, but also close people and relatives. Be careful, be sure to remember the details, look at the sleep values ​​by day of the week. Saturday is a predictor of your fate, the near future.

Dreams from Saturday to Sunday

Pay attention to the people you dreamed about and the general mood. If the dream is light and pleasant, then all the participants in this picture illuminate your life path, otherwise, it means the opposite. On this day you are given good opportunity deal with those people who are in your immediate environment.

What do dreams mean based on the dates of the month and days of the week?

at the Women's Club!

The interpretation of dreams may not always be unambiguous depending on the images seen. Often the same dream, seen on different days of the week and month, can have different meaning and the chances of fulfillment, and in the case of high chances, the predictions come true in different terms. How to interpret dreams by the dates of the month - numerologists have been solving this problem for years and found the answer to this question.

When can you see prophetic dreams, and when will the dream turn out to be “empty” - that is, simply a reflection of our daytime impressions that the brain is trying to “sort out” in order to assimilate the information received? The answer to this question will be revealed by the “magic of numbers”.

Astrologers and many other predictors who use the number series in their practice are confident that numbers are able to tell which dreams are worth paying attention to, and which ones you can simply forget and not try to waste time deciphering them.

True, as with every rule, there are exceptions here too. For example, if you have a dream warning about health problems more than once or twice - regardless of the dates on the calendar - you should heed it and run to the doctor.

In other cases, you can ask questions:

  • Do dreams come true on this or that day of the month?
  • How soon can they come true? prophetic dreams?
  • Will the day of the week affect the “come true” of predictions from dreams?

Let's figure out when "talking" dreams occur and how soon they can come true.

From one to thirty-one

There are dates when dreams will be prophetic and they will warn about good things. On other dates, the meaning of dreams will also be literal, but negative. And on certain dates of the month we simply dream of “funny pictures.”

1 - good dreams come true, negativity calls for paying attention to the situation in the family.

2 - I dream of “empty” visions, not pleasant dreams do not carry negativity.

3 - you can see prophetic visions, their fulfillment will be either very fast or very long.

4 - effective warnings of impending troubles may appear.

5 - will have a clear dream important and quick “salesability”.

6 - pleasant visions come true quickly, negative ones take a long time, you can have time to correct events.

7 - I usually have “trick” visions.

8 - good dream promises pleasant events, bad dream says it's time to get to work.

9 - only colorful visions are important, they should be interpreted in terms of a career, they are fulfilled quickly.

10 - tips about obstacles in business, their implementation period is 10-14 days.

11 - a dream can only come true within three days.

12 - “fantasy” visions are dreamed, their fulfillment is not in danger.

13 - dreams of love and travel, there is a high probability of their fulfillment.

14 - positive dreams - almost prophetic, can come true with precision, negative ones - they will tell you about everything except love.

15 - night of “empty” dreams.

16 - health tips, executed quickly.

17 - prophetic dreams about success in work or social life, their “shelf life” is 20 days.

18 - pleasant visions, realized in terms of money and property.

19 - tips on what problems to pay attention to in the family circle, the deadline is long, there is time for “maneuver”.

20 - a dream comes true, but only if you don’t tell anyone about it.

21 - visions of achieving the desired results are fulfilled.

22 - you should pay attention only to favorable signs for the professional sphere.

23 - I often dream of warnings about problems.

24 - only favorable dreams come true - within 10–14 days.

25 - a dream this night often foreshadows deception, but it is very difficult to understand where it will be.

26 - visions of the little joys of life come true.

27 - bodily dreams or completely dummies.

28 - the visions of this night are not prophetic, but they speak about your state of mind.

30 - only visions of achievements can come true, the rest is empty.

31 - you can see tips on how to improve your financial situation.

Execution algorithm

It is clear that the given calendar for the “come true” of dreams is not the ultimate truth, but with its help you can discard most visions that do not require solving. A “talking” dream can appear on an “empty” day, but this will depend on your personal characteristics. And for sure, relying on intuition, you will not miss a vision that is of great importance to you.

But you can understand which dates are worth paying attention to if you dreamed of something memorable on these days. Often we do not remember dreams - this is how our brain “filters” information so that its excess does not interfere with it. normal operation. But even when we have prophetic dreams, they may not come true right away.

When, on what days can you dream of those visions that are worth paying attention to? Special attention? To summarize the above, you can see that the nights of the 1st, 6th, 8th, 20th, 30th and 31st days of the month can bring dreams that speak of well-being, a possible increase in well-being or luck. Very often these dreams come true within a fairly short time.

A dream on the night of the 2nd, 5th, 9th, 15th, 18th, 22nd or 24th days of the month promises the favor of fortune if the dreamer has patience and keeps his mouth shut . There is absolutely no need to share signs of your luck, and in this case you can enjoy good profits in the near future.

When you have fantastic dreams on the 3rd, 10th, 13th, 17th, 19th, 26th, 27th or 28th nights of the month, do not rush to assume that they are prophetic. Behind the beautiful wrapper of night dreams there may be no content at all for real embodiment. Consider yourself watching a free colorful movie.

But you should pay special attention to dreams on the 14th, 25th and 29th. They warn of difficulties that may arise in the financial sector. And, as a rule, they don’t have too much fast period embodiment, so you can have time to take action to level out problems.

Happiness and good luck, as a rule, are promised by dreams that occur on the nights of the 4th, 7th, 11th, 12th and 23rd days of the month. When can such vision-promises come true? As a rule, this takes quite a long time.

Over the next thirty days, predictions from dreams that occurred on the nights of the 16th or 21st days of the month may come true. But only if the images in your dreams were bright, colorful and memorable.

Calendar grid

It is also important how dreams are distributed by day of the week. If you combine the data from the dream book, the “dream calendar” and the days of the week, you can tell whether you are having prophetic dreams or not.

On Monday night, dreams speak about the psychological and emotional state. The greater the tension of daytime life, the more strange and confusing the night visions will be. Even if these dreams come true, mostly some small details will be fulfilled; these dreams should not be given much importance.

On Tuesday night, dreams reflect mainly the creative capabilities of the sleeper. Dreams are very vivid and emotional, they should be analyzed carefully: pleasant visions indicate that you can take on new endeavors, negative emotions after sleep they signal that it is better to hold off on new projects. If you saw yourself as a winner in your night dreams, within 10 days you will be able to win in reality in an area that is important to you, but there is no point in waiting for the omen to come true later.

On Wednesday night, as a rule, we dream of very active visions, in the plot weaves of which it is very easy to get confused. There is almost zero probability that all the signs from the dream will come true, but some part of them, some piece of the plot, has a chance of coming true.

On Thursday, as the interpretation of dreams by day of the week says, they see each other significant images and stories. On this night, while resting, you can find a solution to the problem and answer key questions. Tips regarding money and relationships are especially significant.

“Friday Dream” is mostly addressed to those for whom personal experiences are more important than their careers. Dreams - both good and bad - have a high probability of coming true with great accuracy.

On Saturday night, a dream can come true if it carries positive emotions. As a rule, this night promises events not only for the sleeper himself, but also for his immediate environment.

Visions for Sunday are “dreams before noon”, in the sense that their period of incarnation is very short. More often on Sundays, good dreams come true.

And the most main advice

  • Dreams by day of the week and month, according to the lunar calendar.

    Sleep by day of the week.

    On Monday, the dream will come true for those born on this day.

    On Tuesday - the dream may come true in 7-10 days.

    On Wednesday - a dream predicts.

    On Thursday - the dream will not come true.

    On Friday - the dream predicts.

    On Saturday - a dream comes true, but not always.

    On Sunday - a dream you had on this (today) day, do not tell anyone. If your child tells you his dream, keep it secret from everyone.

    Dream by day of the month.

    1st number - The dream predicts mild family or personal troubles.

    2nd - Dreams are coming true soon and literally.

    3rd number - Not fulfilled soon and partially.

    Number 4 - Warning dreams.

    5th - The fulfillment of the dream can begin on the same day.

    6th number - Joyful dreams; even if I had a dream that night nightmare, he is a “shifter” - everything will be the other way around and all will be well.

    Number 7 - Deceptive dream.

    Number 8 - Dreams of pleasure and fun.

    Number 9 - Meaningless, chaotic, you can not attach importance to them.

    10th - They promise some difficulties; come true within 20 days.

    11th - Difficult-to-fulfill dreams.

    12th - Fantastic, means unforeseen events

    13th - Dreams of pleasure and love success come true within two weeks.

    14th - They are fulfilled accurately and foreshadow good things.

    15th - Serene dreams have an empty meaning.

    16th - Quickly fulfilled and true dreams.

    17th - Comes true within a year.

    18th - Dream of good meaning.

    19th - Comes true in three years.

    20th - Happy dream, it is better to keep it secret.

    21st - Foretells the fulfillment of desires.

    22nd - Success is promised soon.

    23rd - It comes true, but they predict trouble.

    24th - Comes true within 11 days - to joy.

    25th - Safely and quickly fulfilled.

    26th - Shows difficulties.

    27th - Favorable and quickly fulfilled dream.

    28th - An empty dream, it has no meaning.

    29th - Resting sleep.

    30th - Dreams promise success and come true within a month.

    31st - Dreams predicting profit and renewal.

    Dream according to the day of the lunar calendar.

    1st lunar day - a dream, as a rule, does not come true if you dream about something unpleasant. Good dreams can come true.

    2nd lunar day - dreams are empty, not serious, meaningless 3rd lunar day - dreams are special, come true quickly.

    4th lunar day - The dream is significant, it carries warnings. Often concerns karmic issues - about causes and consequences in our lives.

    5th lunar day - dreams of this day often show the state of health. Good sign If you cry in a dream, this indicates cleansing and recovery.

    6th lunar day - dreams come true, but only if on this day you were calm and balanced, did not lose your temper, did not get irritated and did not swear. In this case, dreams will provide important information.

    7th lunar day - be careful, the dreams of this day are prophetic, important and prophetic. They will come true very soon. Most often, they are favorable, but you cannot tell anyone about them.

    8th lunar day - prophetic dreams. Often associated with a cherished desire, or indicate true purpose, so be attentive to such dreams.

    9th lunar day - dreams that foretell success come true. But I often have bad dreams and nightmares; you shouldn’t believe them, and bad things won’t come true.

    The 10th lunar day is the complete opposite of the previous day. Negative dreams come true, but positive dreams do not.

    11th lunar day - dreams do not come true.

    12 lunar day - important - dreams are highly likely to come true and offer help. Take advantage of this dream.

    13th lunar day - significant dreams. They can show new important information about long-standing problems.

    14th lunar day - dreams are difficult, all sorts of misfortunes occur in them. But most often they don’t come true, so don’t be upset.

    15th lunar day - prophetic dreams, especially on the growing and fast Moon and pointing to something positive. They talk about what needs to be decided first. You need to be able to solve them.

    16th lunar day - dreams are often healing, bringing relief from tension. Often irrelevant.

    The 17th lunar day is a significant dream. Shows the current state of affairs. If it’s good, everything is fine, if not, it will show our dissatisfaction, lack of inner freedom.

    18th lunar day - Dreams often show a problem that bothers us, and how to solve it, or recover if there is an illness.

    19th lunar day - dreams are frightening, but have little meaning. Don't pay too much attention to them.

    20 lunar day - special dreams. You can see a dream upon request. Before you fall asleep, ask a question and prepare to see the answer in your dream. If the question is serious, there is a high probability that the answer will come to you in a dream. Dreams of this day come true quickly.

    21st lunar day - dreams are often pleasant, but have little relation to reality and, as a rule, do not come true.

    22nd lunar day - dreams come true. The 22nd lunar day is a day of wisdom, intuition, and tips. In dreams you can see the future or insights. Very helpful information might dream.

    23rd lunar day - dreams are confused, chaotic, they come true the other way around.

    24 lunar day - dreams are often pleasant, joyful and prophetic. They show how fulfilled we are. If you have a bad dream, it means that we are not satisfied with our achievements and, especially, sexual fulfillment.

    25th lunar day - dreams do not come true, although it is possible that in the near future they will try to deceive you. If you had a bad dream, pray in the morning and say 3 times: “Where the night goes, the dream goes.” Before noon, open the tap with cold water, tell her your dream and imagine how he goes down the drain with the water, the water will carry him away.

    26 lunar day - Dreams tell us who we really are, or rather, how we see ourselves. Therefore, it is worth listening to them and drawing conclusions. I have unusual dreams on this day. Often improves mood.

    27th lunar day - dreams come true. They are often confusing and confusing. But they carry intuitive insights and reveal the true essence of people and situations.

    28 lunar day - dreams are prophetic and carry clues. They portend obstacles and difficulties in business. It is believed that one can “cancel” them by losing money, thus making a sacrifice as compensation.

    29th lunar day - dreams do not come true, they are heavy, joyless, frightening.

    30th lunar day - prophetic dreams of the 30th lunar day. Fantastic, but true in their essence, they have a rational meaning.

    Sleep according to the phase of the moon.

    The new moon is a time of rebirth. During this time, we have dreams about things that we think about too much. If there are a lot of emotions during the full moon, then there are thoughts during the new moon. New moon dreams reflect the deepest currents of our inner Self. In this calm depth, dreams prepare the ground in our soul to sow the necessary seeds in the following days.

    Growing moon - in the dreams of the growing moon, on the contrary, something new appears that will soon happen in our lives. It is in them that we see what exactly and how best to start, in which areas changes are required. Such dreams are called filling dreams. Their plots can be very diverse - from simple everyday stories to the most fantastic. But no matter how strange these dreams may seem to us, very soon they can come true. Dreams under the waxing Moon call to the future; these are what are called “prophetic dreams.”

    Full moon - we see the most unusual dreams during the full moon. Everything that was previously dormant wakes up and acquires a bright color. All nature at this time is filled to the brim with energy, the water in the rivers reaches maximum level. We feel overwhelmed with emotions that sometimes we can’t even cope with. This is worth paying attention to: dreams indicate those moments in which we show excessive emotionality. What if you don’t have to worry and spend so much? mental strength for something that cannot be changed anyway? You should listen to your dreams and behave calmly.

    Waning moon - dreams during the waning moon show what will leave our lives, will become unnecessary, uninteresting. It turns out that if we see a terrible and unpleasant dream during the waning Moon, then, oddly enough, this is for good. Such a dream means that there will be fewer troubles in your life, and then - the end unpleasant feelings and emotions. That is why dreams of the waning moon are called cleansing. It is a pity that favorable events dreamed of on the waning moon, in real life won't happen. And yet, these dreams are good because in them we see what exactly we don’t need in our lives, and they foreshadow situations or changes in worldview that will get rid of this.

    • I'm in a cafe with my friend, I'm talking. that I only have a thousand. but you need two for an abortion. She takes a wad of money out of her bag and gives it to me. (what kind of money, that is, which country I don’t know, some kind of unfamiliar money) I promise her that now after the doctor’s appointment, let’s go to me, you know that I have money, I will return it to you right away.

      The gynecologist explains to me that I should not feel guilty about having an abortion, since it is a bad, black seed. He shows me, like a film, enlarged cells through a microscope, but I don’t see black, only gray-white.

      And again another picture, I’m sitting at the table at home, next to me is a black man. I tell him that I need to see a doctor and a Polish woman. He promises to take me there, I ask him to wait outside, he just left and my husband and my lover come in. (I would like to note that neither the apartment nor the people in my dream are familiar to me. I don’t recognize anyone in the dream, no one except my friend from the cafe) The three of us are sitting, the husband on the left, the lover on the right. We sit and listen via wiretap to what I say at the gynecologist’s appointment. Nobody knew about my pregnancy, I’m worried that I wouldn’t say anything unnecessary. And then I hear me telling the gynecologist that the child is not my husband’s.

      I don’t know how this happens, it’s a dream. It turns out that two actions occur simultaneously. I am in the room as both a husband and a lover, and at the same time I am at an appointment with a gynecologist, but I don’t see myself at the doctor, I only hear through the wiretap what they are talking about.

      My husband reacted very calmly to what he heard, and my lover began to persuade me to leave the child. I am indignant, I say that he did not want to live with me with two children. he was comfortable with married woman, and now he wants to take me with three. What will you sing when you won't sleep for a week because of... infant. It is very difficult. When I gave birth to my first, I was 18 years old (in fact, I was older), then I could cope more easily with sleepless nights, but what will happen now?

      The lover is very young, handsome, thin (my type).

      He didn't let me see the doctor.

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      Please help me interpret the dream!

      Today (on the night of February 10-11) I dreamed that it was summer. My mother, sister, and I were getting ready to go somewhere, and we already had to get dressed. Then I put on a beautiful sky-blue dress (which I didn’t have in my wardrobe), but it was short for me (just above the knee, which is short for me). I said that I would go in it. But my mother told me to wear shorts. I didn’t agree, my mother and I argued, but I won the argument. Then my sister and I started looking for other dresses. They found a green dress with some kind of pattern (the pattern reminded me of my red dress for ballroom dance performances, this is my favorite dress), I looked at it and said that I wouldn’t wear it. But my sister forced me. I put it on and I liked it. True, the dress was knee-length (which by my standards is quite short). Then I nevertheless climbed into another closet, where there was a green dress with polka dots (I also wore it to the performance). I didn’t have time to put it on; I woke up.

      The strangest thing is that this dream was not like the others... I seemed to understand that I was dreaming, and during this dream I commented on it, for example: “Hmm, it’s strange why I can’t remember that my mother has a floor-length dress that I can wear , since it’s short?” Or something like this: “why did I want to wear a dress and not shorts, I hate dresses???” and so on throughout the entire dream...

      Also, the dream seemed to be “clarified” at the end. This is comparable to when you closed eyes provides light, only the windows in my room were curtained...

      Well, the last strange thing is that if I have dresses, they are very short (20 centimeters above the knee). I only have the time to wear a school dress.

      Thank you in advance!

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      Please answer, I had a dream as if I had made peace with my ex and we were walking after school on a bomb, this is a yard, and that means I’m going down the mountain and I see an old car, broken down as if it had been in an accident, so I went down and passed this car and then I turned around half sideways and looked and there was a family standing there, mom, dad, and I don’t remember my son, so I screamed and ran along with my ex-exchange, we almost reached my house, there was only one road left and we went out onto the road and there are perfumes everywhere dead people They walk around and everyone is looking at us, well, I didn’t start screaming, I just walked past and that’s it! And then I come the next day to this yard and this car is still standing there, I walk up to it and this family appears. I look at them and I’m afraid, then they told me “don’t be afraid” and called me to their place, I went up to them and a formation formed around us an old house very old and I saw rooms and ordinary people, and also the ghosts of dead people, but I saw these ghosts alone and I met that family and constantly went to see them, and then I somehow entered some hall and saw a small cave and my grandmother was sitting there, but she was dead (and my grandmother died even before this dream from cancer) and something was going on, I persistently approached her and asked “where is my card” and I had no idea what kind of card it was and we They started quarreling (my grandmother and I always quarreled) and I still took some card from her and went home, then the next day I came to this yard and this car was not there and I was very scared, I woke up from this dream three times! I’m all... please tell me what this could mean!?

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      Hello. Help me solve the dream. I had a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday in the morning.

      I dreamed: ex-husband came to visit, we walk around the store and buy something. My parents appear in a dream, I give them some kind of item so that they buy it, I go and choose seeds for planting, I collected some seeds, I go and take some candies, I pick up some candies and I understand that my ex-husband doesn’t eat such things, I take a bag and apply also other candies that he eats. (this whole part of the dream is over, I didn’t see that I bought it all) next part: I leave my house, and my ex-husband is standing with the woman with whom he now lives, as if they were signing their names, her friend looks at me and says, “I can’t do that” and gives me a wedding ring and a gold earring, my ex says to his chosen one I can’t live with you, when she’s next to her, she leaves him and wants to come into our house, I say, but I won’t let you live, I go up to her, extend my hand and seem to take away her engagement ring and second earring.

      She and I go into the house, I put the gold on the table, and she starts to undress and tells me, “I thought you could help me with him,” I say, “I have nothing to do,” she says, when we were sleeping, we didn’t kiss on the lips, “I I say “he won’t kiss someone he doesn’t love.” And so we lie with him and I tell her “look” and we start kissing.

      And I woke up.

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      I often have a recurring dream. Not quite repetitive, but with variations, in the same, in reality, unfamiliar place, everything happens. I am riding on a beautiful horse (bay). The horse is large, well-fed, clean. Obedient. I even know his nickname: “Genius” (I’ve never met a horse with such a nickname). I drive up to the train platform and try to get into the vestibule with my horse. But there are a lot of people there. I get off the horse and try to get back in with him. But it doesn't work. Then I lead the horse along the nearby lawn. The horse shook its head, the bridle was torn and remained in my hands. The horse ran away and is grazing in the distance. I try to catch him, but he runs away. I know that the horse is tame and I’ll catch it anyway, it’s just a matter of time. But he is already far away, he is not visible. then a group of riders arrived - like a training group - girls, teenagers, I asked if they had seen my horse. They answer that no. I walk with this bridle. I went to some a private house, knocked to ask if they had seen the horse. It turns out my former classmate - I haven’t seen him for many years. There was no special friendship with him. He answers that he hasn’t seen it. He didn’t invite me into the house, and I didn’t want to go in. It’s evening, we need to spend the night somewhere. I'm looking for a hotel. I found it, seemingly inexpensive, near the station. But before she had time to go in there, she woke up. So what can all this mean? I’ve dreamed about something like this before, with variations.

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      introduction. My lover works at school as a laboratory assistant. He is 24 years old, dating a girl in 11th grade, and I love him, I’m in 9th grade. At first we talked, then we stopped. But we see each other every day and lock eyes.

      My dream began with how our history lesson was going on at school. But somehow my lover taught the lesson. I sat in front of him. And he said that we are writing test. I took out a piece of paper and a gadget to look up answers to questions from the Internet. He saw and came up to me, but I didn’t notice him. He stood behind me, leaned over, and quietly whispered for me to put the gadget away. I removed it. Then he gently took my hands and said, “Let’s go.” He took me in the other direction so that he could see if I was cheating. I looked at him with cunning, and he smiled. I sat down next to my friend and discussed him, and he looked at me affectionately. He walked around me. to see if I was copying. Then I found the answers to the questions in my notebook and copied them. And so my dream ended. I can’t describe my feelings, they were divine, but unfortunately the dream ended. Then I found the answers to the questions in my notebook and copied them. And so my dream ended. I can’t describe my feelings, they were divine, but unfortunately the dream ended.

      Help me interpret the dream. I had a dream on 11/04/16.

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      I see a dream. I am in the house (as if it were mine) and suddenly a fire starts on the first floor of the house. The first floor is a fireplace and other utility rooms. The fire began to come from below and therefore, under me, the floorboards of the second floor began to ignite. Tongues of flame began to break through the floor cracks and engulf them on both sides. Before my eyes, the floorboards began to smolder from the fire. I was afraid that I would now fall into the fire on the 1st floor, but however, I see that men are walking there, whom I know very well in life - this is my sister-in-law’s husband and my husband. I shouted to them to turn on the water in the hose for me to extinguish the fire. The water from the hose came out in a very thin stream, but on the 1st floor these men put out the fire and thus it was easier for me to extinguish the flame next to me. Then for some reason I decided to go outside and see a lot of water at the exit... What should I do? Suddenly I see my first husband, who, at my request, extended his hand to me and helped me get out of the water. The water was clean. After that, I find myself in my house, and I see myself sleeping, when suddenly strong peals of explosions thundered (in my dream it seemed like New Year’s fireworks), that I even woke up for a moment because I was covering my ears from the roar in my sleep! I had a dream in New Year's Eve, I went to bed absolutely sober. Why such a dream?


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      I somehow dreamed the main part of the dream (the second time I dreamed); In general, I dreamed of a pink and green baguette, the blue guy gave me a dress and a laptop; then dad was lying on the bed (under the blanket) on the computer; I went to the house of a girl who was doing a ritual and wanted to bring evil into the world (I was not alone); when she left, I took important things for the ritual (which I wanted to leave and then changed my mind), while I was going down, I picked up the coins (5 ruble coins, there were 3-4 of them), I came out of the entrance and saw the guy who was dead with me ( a blonde girl with a short haircut who performed the ritual and killed him) and at the same time bewitched a 3-year-old girl; I walked carefully so that they wouldn’t feel the things for the ritual in my bag; I ended up at the market and started explaining the situation to my friends and this girl came, she gave them a lot of sausage sticks (I know that they are poisoned) and I tell them not to eat them (in general, I explain everything and we run from her to the toilet (we hide in the stalls to she didn’t find out what we were going to do); then suddenly there was a bed in the toilet room, so we lay down, plugged in the headphones and the girl to whom I explained the situation listened to the story (and meanwhile the bewitched girl tried to see what we were doing (it didn’t work))

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      On January 6-7, Monday, I dreamed that we were celebrating the New Year at school. They assigned the case. I went downstairs and saw the inscription, I didn’t read it myself, I just heard from others that it was written about suicide. I didn’t pay attention to this and talked with my classmates. I had two New Year's bags in my hands. One is mine, and the other is Nastya. Then, I went up to the third floor and saw more of my friends. Without understanding what they were talking about, I left. And suddenly the news reaches me that my classmate was taken to the hospital. The atmosphere became a little tense. It was as if I had entered a world of thoughts about murder. When it became a little easier, about 10 minutes later, I was standing at the second floor window. A seventh grade student walked past me and, speaking about our class, one girl said: “Damn, I feel so sorry for their class.” I asked them questions, but they ignored me. I dodged our class going downstairs. After following them, I ended up in the gym. I saw my mother there and was perplexed. I stood up and listened. This flashed through my ears: “Let’s sympathize with the 6b class whose classmate Danel died of a stroke.” Deathly silence sad faces, this is where my dream ended. Tell me, what is this for?? I don't communicate with this classmate.

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      Good morning. Help me please. On Sunday morning, May 13, I had a dream. Look: It was a sunny day. I was with my sisters. (But I don’t know them in real life). One sister is about 25, and the other is about 11. We left the entrance. And they sat down on a bench. My two sisters were wearing white T-shirts and I had a black one. There was a woman walking on the other side of the road. She was blonde. My sister, who is 25, asked her to hide from this woman. The thing is, she had a white T-shirt and she didn't want this woman to see it. She didn’t seem to convey mourning, it seems to me. After that the woman left. My sister did not sleep. We were also sitting. But suddenly this woman comes up to my sister (it was on the other side of the road) and she hit her in the face. My sister was in a panic. And then this woman pointed to another woman. Her hair was brown, tied in a ponytail. She started to run away. My sister wanted to catch up with her, but it turned out that this woman (who has brown hair) suddenly fell and tripped herself. And I stood there and started laughing. And I turn around, and my uncle is sitting on the bench (he’s alive in real life) and he also started laughing. That's all. I don’t understand anything that this dream could mean.

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      I had a dream: I’m in a huge house, with large glass windows, like shop windows, I enter the house from the back entrance and on the threshold I see two men of African appearance, one of the bottom comes up to me and starts holding me, wringing my hands, and the second is standing near the door, I start screaming, and he asks me for forgiveness and lets me go... and they leave, after a while I find myself in the garden, in which vampires begin to attack me, but they cannot bite me, I fight them, run away, they are watching me , a lot of them. I run after my son to my husband’s sister, and while I’m going there they are all nearby, watching me... they came into the house with me, I start climbing the stairs to the second floor and they... I start yelling at them not to go and My sister-in-law (my husband’s sister) comes out to my cry and says that I need to give them blood from my finger... and as soon as she pierces my finger, I feel injections from the syringe all over my body... and they are all so happy, some just drank the blood, some I poured the glass like some kind of cocktail... after that I barely made it to the room with my boy, took him and wanted to run away, but there was one vampire guy on the way, and I offered him a deal so that he would take me away from them and I would be with him until I'll die...

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      In the not-too-distant past, there was a lover with whom we parted on bad terms. I dreamed that he gave birth to a girl, emotions were such that I had never experienced in the present... the feeling of endless love and joy, neediness and some kind of personal completion were very real. In real life, I haven’t given birth yet, so the happiness of motherhood came out of nowhere in the dream. In the dream, the girls were still separated from their father, but this did not interfere with the joy, it was so good that he had a child... When I took my daughter in my arms, I saw that she had only one eye - the girl was born a “Cyclops”. Immediately comes the understanding of her doom, her helplessness, and how happy she was, to the extent, even much more, she became the most unhappy. In my sleep I sobbed avidly. I woke up from my own moans, almost screams... Maybe, from the outside it’s clearer, emotions don’t make this dream very clear. Maybe the fact that our paths diverged is for the better, is this what the dream says? That our relationship is “fruitless” in terms of the future... Please tell me.

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      But from October 25th to October 26th I had a dream, please wash it, I can take it apart, I had a dream about a zombie apocalypse.

      In short, it all started with the fact that I was at school, then the teachers, we all said that we went out quietly into the street, after that they all went out, all the teachers. They told everyone to return home and as soon as they got home they called the teachers, well, I came home, called the teachers and it turns out the teacher answered, but there was a different voice, like a zombie, and then I realized that something was wrong here and And I went to the school to check what happened there, the teachers evacuated us. I asked why we were still here, I said that something was wrong with the teacher to whom I I called, he had some kind of hair and an incomprehensible speech and manner. And then I heard something that looked like a zombie, I saw it and it turns out that zombies were approaching us at school, there were my friends, one two boys, three girls, two teachers, one man and another another guy, I don’t know where he came from, I don’t even know him in reality, there’s no such thing at school. What does this mean?

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      Please help me, I’m very interested in this dream. I get out of bed at night, I calmly approach a passerby, open the door, I see a ghost, a girl in white clothes, and she was constantly screaming. I close the door and lie down and think to check if I’m the only one who sees her, so I send my mother, she opens the door and closes it. And she said that it was the neighboring apartment that was cursed. Then she sits down at the computer; from a passerby, a ghost turns into a demon and a demon/devil with horns and a tail jumps out in the form of a boy in modern clothes, arrogantly measuring me with his eyes, I don’t feel anything hostile, it feels like he’s taking me for his own. The next picture is “this impudent creature “lives in my apartment in the guise of a baby, so to speak “temporarily”. The demon seems very familiar to me and I even feel melancholy (I don’t know why) and is not at all suitable for the role of a demon. He is silent almost all the time and is very sad, although sometimes he jokes very cruelly and at the same time funny.

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      • Not clean. Go to church

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        I recently had a dream (December 7, Thursday) But... in my opinion, it was a strange nap (I rarely sleep at lunchtime... and then suddenly I plopped down on the bed)

        I dreamed that I was walking in some building... I still can’t understand whether it was a school or not. And I met students from the 11th grade from our school in casual clothes.

        The strange thing is that I don’t even know them in real life (we just crossed paths at school), but in the dream we talked quite calmly, which is not typical for me, because I always feel tension when I talk with people I don’t know well.

        I don’t remember what we talked about, but for some reason a phrase stood out from the conversation and was ingrained in my brain: “Your face is not very good.”

        Why did they highlight this phrase?

        What did they mean by this?

        What's "not very"? And why did they have serious faces?

        I also remember that the walls in the building were green.

        It seems... that's all I remember.

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        I have a very strange dream... could you decipher it? Thank you in advance.

        So... I didn’t see the dream from the beginning. I'm sitting at home, watching TV... there is no one but me. After some time, I look out the window... and there, next to the car, lies my mother... no longer alive. I couldn’t leave the apartment, even though I tried. When I approached the door last time and tried to open it... I succeeded, I went out into the corridor. My friends were there, and another friend stood behind me (I don’t know how he got there). He sat down on the windowsill... I hugged him and began to cry, everyone left... only he remained. We went home, I started dialing the police... but as soon as they answered the call, my mother was taken away by an old green car... like a Volga... and the numbers were strange.. 4 big numbers and 3 small ones. I tell them what happened... and when I saw the car driving away... and my mother wasn’t there, I started screaming hysterically that someone was taking her away... and I woke up covered in sweat

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        I dreamed that I came to the house (we have 2 houses in the same yard) (I came during the day, it was light) of my late grandfather to buy groceries, I went into the house, and there my grandfather was sitting in a chair, and in the dream I knew that he had died, I was very scared, and my grandfather said to me, “Hello, what took you so long?” I screamed in fear, “Ahhh,” and ran to my house, and he followed me... I ran out into the street, and it was night! The grandfather shouts after him, “Where are you going?!” then my mother came out and stopped my grandfather in the yard, gave him porridge and told him “go eat, it will be good” and he turned around and went home...


        And he died from lung cancer, and we go to him last day They walked around, and when they were delayed he said, “What took you so long?”


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        Please help, I had a dream from May 27 to 28, that is, from Friday to Saturday, I dreamed that I was meeting a guy who is older than me, and at the same time I understand that I have my favorite person in real life, then I have to save him from somewhere, in the end I find myself in the ocean, precisely in the ocean, I see at the bottom all kinds of gold, chests, golden statues, and suddenly I begin to choke, as I begin to realize that this is a dream and that I cannot not breathe for so long, I begin to rise to the surface, but it doesn’t work out for me, then I understand that I need to wake up, if I don’t wake up, then I won’t survive, in the end I woke up, and it was very difficult for me to breathe!

        I understand that it seems like some kind of nonsense, but if someone had something similar or knows that this happened to me, please answer, I will be very grateful!

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        I had a dream: some man takes me with him to heaven, I understand that he is a saint, but at the same time he looks completely ordinary, he asks me to raise my hands up, but I can’t immediately raise both hands, we fly quickly and in the end I was able to raise my second hand, we arrived, I look at everything that’s happening from above, I’m not scared at all, I’m having a calm dialogue with the man. Then I got worried and started asking the man: how can I get back? to which he answered me: that I died... I was overwhelmed with the feeling that I didn’t have time to do so much... it was very creepy, and then I remembered that I have a daughter... and now how will the child live without me, I tried to ask my mother about it for her to take care of my baby... that's when I woke up. Tell me why you have such a dream?


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        I just dreamed that my sister (one mother, different fathers) writes to me, supposedly she feels very bad and wants to come to me, I don’t refuse her, I’m interested in what happened, she answers in the chat that she no longer has the strength to be at home, her father constantly pulls her to bed. I panic, I suddenly see her sitting in my apartment and admitting that how I left home (due to the fact that my stepfather molested me, and my mother pretended not to notice anything, when I complained to her, she promised to figure it out, but didn’t even raise this kind of question), he began to touch her more often, go into the room at night and look and touch while she was sleeping (this happened to me all the time), and then completely, when my mother was not at home, something happened incest Why did I dream about this? (my heart is still pounding)


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        Hello. I had a dream from October 25-26. From Thursday to Friday. That my husband left me. And his relative began to look after me. Call for marriage. He came and helped. And I’m pregnant, and when my child’s 1st birthday came, my husband’s relatives came and my husband came. It's like he's back. And that boyfriend was. He was very upset, he pierced his palm and I saw the lines of fate and that there was a little blood on them. I reassured him that everything would be fine. And he was happy. Then I went out to all the guests and they advised me to be with that boyfriend. But don't talk about pregnancy. I said that it is not good to lie. And I woke up. (In fact, the child will have a birthday this weekend and I’m pregnant) so it’s all true. But what suitor? What is this dream for? I think I thought everything was fine in our marriage.

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        I had a dream on the 28th (Sunday)

        I dreamed that I was arguing with my loved ones, and then going to bed. I understand that there is no cat nearby and I go to look for it. I go out into the corridor, and there the door is wide open. And sitting right next to the door was my cat, someone else’s white kitten, a cat and another cat (I don’t remember the color). I stand next to them and try to scream to my mother, but I can’t scream. I just can not. Feeling as if hoarse. And experienced great fear. I looked back, and there was a woman standing outside the door. But I went to my parents’ room and told my mother, a voice, strangely enough, appeared. Then she went to the cat herself. I stamped my foot and all the cats ran away, even my cat. But I still found him, he was scared, which is why as soon as I picked him up, he clung to me. Here. Please explain why

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        I saw in a dream a new large (multi-story) house in which they allegedly gave my daughter apartment No. 14! and I can’t find this room for a long time, and when I found it, a terrible renovation was done there - the wallpaper was pasted in places and there were tiles on the ceiling (ceiling), but it was as if glue had spilled on it and debris had stuck to it! I was indignant that they did this - that it would be better not to do it at all, we would have covered everything ourselves)) and then I see in this house there are many beds - and the place where our beds should be is the ground - and in the middle there is water - there is a big hole - and I need To cover it with something, I came across potato tops, I lift it and there are potatoes - big, clean, clean! I harvest the potatoes - it’s a pity to throw them away so beautiful and big, and I throw the tops into this hole, and then I don’t remember ((

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        Hello! I dreamed that there was a glass of water on the table and two women at the table. There was some kind of summer house. I don’t remember exactly, but I think I drank water from a glass and felt healing power. Whatever I touched, be it earth or a flower, everything blossomed. I was so happy. When I felt that the energy was running out, I again went to the glass and charged myself with the energy of this water. I seem to have cured one of the women who were in that house. I specifically approached withered flowers and revived them, touched the dry earth and then the earth blossomed. After my actions, everything around me became bright, sunny and warm.

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        Good afternoon. I dreamed that there was a large, one-year-old, already so old (15-17 years old), red and white cow standing. She stands with her back to me, her muzzle is not visible, but her huge udder is visible, she just needs to be milked, and her ass is so dirty, completely covered in poop. My father sits nearby on a small stool and waits while I milk her. I didn’t see how the cow was milked, but then two or three buckets of milk appeared from somewhere. I pour milk from one bucket into another (one bucket stands on the ground, and I raised the other high and pour it).

        The dream occurred from Tuesday to Wednesday. I can’t understand it at all, please help. I rarely remember dreams in such detail, but this one I woke up at 4 and until the morning - I remember everything.

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        • I dreamed that I had lost my car keys, I don’t know where they came from, but other keys appeared in my hands, better quality and of a new type, I even pressed the remote control to open the car, I saw a lot of cars, but I didn’t expect to wake up without seeing

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          I dreamed that my parents and I got snakes, for some reason we kept them in ordinary bags. And I liked them, but I was afraid of them at the same time. As you understand, the snake was at home. And I asked dad to drag the snake into the hall, mom said that I should learn to drag them myself. Afterwards, I forgot about the snakes’ reaction and hit the snake. She was leopard-skin color and with big cats, poisonous. (this was evident from the fact that poison was flowing from her fangs) and she carefully climbed out of the bag and immediately rushed at me. I ran to my parents’ bedroom and hid on the bed from the snake, but it climbed in, I ran outside without slippers. And the parents just watched what was happening. What is this for? Tell. (I am 11)

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          Today in a dream I saw that I and people I don’t know (but they know me) are leaving some event, after that two guys are arguing, and the one who is guilty does something and runs away and at that moment I help the other guy catch him( but I feel for the one who ran away family connection), but he runs away, although his shirt and jacket or jacket (I don’t remember) remain in my hands, he looked at me with a bad look. And I think to myself, at least we’ll prove that it’s his, we’ll give it to the police. And suddenly I feel that someone is sticking a knife from behind several times, I understand who it is. And I die (but his clothes are in my hands). And my other friends begin to look for him... Then the dream ends...

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          Today I had a dream a strange dream. I stopped by an old house (but in the dream I was surrounded by many close people), and it seemed to live there devilry, but almost no one believed me and they were preparing for a housewarming party. I remember I didn’t let the raven into the house; he tried to climb through the window, sticking his beak through. I managed to push him out. But then strange spiders appeared (or some other insects, they didn’t have 8 legs) large sizes with palm and green color. I frantically ran away from them. There were also scenes of evil spirits trying to flood our house. If it’s important from the dream, I still remember very well a very strange and old TV, it looked like it had a ball inside, it worked. Explain the dream please.

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          • I had a dream during the day

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            Hello, an unpleasant impression from a dream, I would like to understand it correctly

            I fell asleep during the day on Monday and woke up at night, it was already closer to Tuesday. I dream that I live in the catacombs, there are whole shelves of cupcakes, I walk through them with my child (in reality there are no children), eat these cupcakes, then while for some reason I was changing into a black baggy swimsuit, my child was stolen from me, and I see When he feels bad, he burps. Then in these catacombs some kind of pipe burst and everything began to flood, I started running to find the child and save both of them, but it was not crowned with success, I woke up wondering where I was, the dream was quite realistic

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            Help, on the 4th, from Saturday to Sunday, I dreamed of a boy whom I really, really like, but he hasn’t wanted to talk to me or even get to know me for a year now. In the dream, he still looked at me intently with an offensive gaze, somehow with contempt. We were under water (seemingly transparent) and he was running out of air, he was almost suffocating, and with the help of some magic bullshit (I’m 15) I gave him air, despite his denials. Literally by force, without asking... He was silent for a long time, but then he still quietly said “thank you” and still looked touchingly and intently into my eyes

            What does it mean?

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            Today I had a dream about spiders. I thought this was reality.

            I was standing near the refrigerator and there were two spiders on it. One is small, black, and the other is the size of a children's slipper. but he was not furry, but ordinary. The legs were thin, and the butt was big (Well... I don’t know how to describe it, to be honest). So, then I took a wet wipe and somehow killed little spider. After which, I threw this napkin on big spider, because of which he fell and ran under the table, and I crushed him with my foot. And I woke up after I lifted my leg.

            I can’t understand what this dream is about. Help me please(

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            Hello. I just had a dream. January 31, 2016 on Sunday. I came to the jewelry workshop to melt down mine wedding ring. I take it off my finger and give it to the master. The master applied a little reagent to the ring, causing the one-spot on it to become bright and shiny. But the master began to say something incomprehensible, from which I understand that he does not want to do this work. So, the work was not done and the dream ended. Please, could you help me figure out the meaning of this dream. Thank you very much in advance. Regards, Tatiana. (If it matters, I'm married)

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            I dreamed that in a dream I understood that the house was about to collapse. I grab my son and we run away. I push him in front of me so that he can run away. Something hit me on the head from this falling house. But it doesn't hurt me. We managed to escape. And then we look like our house has collapsed. But I tell my son, no son, there is our house and point to another house. And there the light is on in the window and I point there. Everything is fine and calm. Then I woke up. What could this dream mean? He dreamed from Thursday to Friday from February 25 to 26


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            I dreamed that the fascists had captured Kuban since the Second World War. In a dream, I was in the village of Vostochny (not far from the city of Yeisk). I took out the grass. Afterwards, I decided to throw this grass and follow the Germans, but they noticed me and wanted to kill me, but in a strange way, not by shooting, but by running over me in a truck. Then I moved to the village of Novoshcherbinovskaya. To my home in the garden. And there were fascists there, but they didn’t touch me. I wanted to communicate with them, but something was stopping me. The Nazis stood in the place that I had dreamed about more than 3 times before. What does this dream mean?

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            Today I had a dream that made me very worried. Like mine young man a son appeared from another woman. That the child in the dream was beautiful, cheerful, about a year old, and my young man held him in his arms all the time, played with him. I don’t remember his mother in the dream, but I understood that my man would live with the child’s mother and son. I was very worried. Because in reality, I love my man, but now we are on the verge of losing money, he went to live with his parents, who hate me and are against our life together.

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            Lately, I often have dreams about dead people and I begin to help them so that they turn and leave the place to which they are attached. I don’t know these people and the places I go to. Today, July 17, Tuesday, I had a dream about a little girl about 10 years old who was a ghost, I saw her dark essence and tried to cheer and console her. It didn’t seem to work out very well, but she smiled. And after that I woke up. Tell me, is it normal to have such dreams very often, where do I help them?

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            I had a dream from Friday to Saturday, from the 24th to the 25th, but since I went to bed late at 4 am, is this considered morning? I dreamed of a guy who is now courting me, we agreed to meet, and we both live in Bogoroditsk, but we meet in St. Petersburg, my friend is taking me in her car to shopping mall, there we crossed eyes by chance, as it were, and then we were already at my house in Bogoroditsk, me and my friend in the house, and he and his friend help my parents and say that he likes me. What does this dream mean?

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            I had a dream. I'm sitting in the physics room during a chemistry lesson with the whole class. They gave us a task based on the video they showed us (I don’t remember the small dialect). The teacher called one of the best students to check and everything was correct. Having written not much, the chemist took the pieces of paper from me and dug up half of what I had written. The realization came to me that I had missed this video lesson in computer science and I felt so sad that I started crying in front of everyone without paying any attention to them.


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            I had a dream from Thursday to Friday (November 16-17). I dreamed of a guy whom I saw once a year ago, around the same period as the dream. I didn’t think about this guy, I didn’t even come across him anywhere, but I suddenly dreamed about him unexpectedly. I dreamed that we were meeting and in the dream he said that he loved me and that he would choose the name for our son. all the action took place on the bank of the river, where the water was clear and the bottom was visible. Why would you dream of such a thing if you don’t even know the guy personally?

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            From 24.03. to 25.03 (from Thursday to Friday) I dreamed that I came to visit an old classmate with whom we do not communicate. I came to her house. Her father sat me down at the table and began to treat me to either rolls or sushi, I don’t know. It’s as if I just don’t eat them and don’t like them, her father tells me eat it, it’s delicious, I started to take a bite and how the fish moved in such long rings, I quickly took a bite and chewed, chewed and watched as it moved in my hands, it’s a living thing speaking fish, delicious?? And I woke up))) what is this? For what?))


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            Hello. Please help me interpret the dream (I feel that this is important). In the dream, I was helping a friend choose a wedding dress. For some reason, she bought a bright red dress just for a child of about 4 years old. I tried to persuade her not to take it, she said that this was what she meant I dreamed and bought it. For some reason I got angry. She told me to pick something for myself so as not to get angry. For some reason I chose a white dress embroidered with silver thread and even bought it without trying it on. Sleeping from Tuesday to Wednesday with the waxing moon .

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            Hello, help me interpret the dream, I had a dream about Julia Wang who predicted to me that everything would be fine in love, that changes would happen, that I would find Good work and there are problems they can be resolved the best way about my daughter she said that she would always be with me and everything would be fine, she wondered and asked something on the water but I don’t know what exactly with candle wax and she asked something and they showed her the word YES but I don’t remember what and what question he asked about his life she told me


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            I dreamed that somewhere high in the mountains (in fact, the landscape was incredibly beautiful), I and someone... (I didn’t see who it was in the dream) carried out the crucifixion of some small creature that looked like a person (but it wasn’t Human!). At the same time, I watched this action more than took part in it, however, I gave advice on how to do it correctly... I had a dream on the night of February 28, 2017. Help me interpret the dream, because somehow I don’t feel at ease...

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            From Mon. on Tue. (from 2 to 3) of February I dreamed of my grandfather, 29 was 40 days. It happened in the house where he lived in the kitchen! White light came through the windows, but the kitchen was gloomy and empty. There were more people present, when grandfather appeared, everything in the circle stopped, people became dark, motionless silhouettes. Grandfather came up to me and took me right hand my pectoral cross looked at him, looked up at me and said, “We’ll meet you soon, Lyosha!” He didn't say my name.

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            I dreamed on October 4, from Tuesday to Wednesday, that my daughter-in-law, who has four children (girls from 2 to 7 years old), went to have an abortion, but when I came to the hospital to visit her, it turned out that she had given birth to a child, a girl, and was lying with her together and breastfeeds her, says: she changed her mind about having an abortion, decided to give birth. She called her the second one, because... she already has a daughter named Ekaterina. What is this dream for, does it have any meaning and what does it possibly warn about?

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            Hello! Help interpret the dream! I dreamed about it at lunchtime. I went out into the yard, a dog was walking, I told her to go away, she seemed to run away, but she attacked, and so on several times. She ended up biting my hand and holding me. I grabbed her by the mouth with my other hand and, as if tearing her in half, I pulled her out into the street outside the yard, where her owners were. I told them, throwing the dog away from me, that if I saw it again, I would tear it apart and they wouldn’t have a dog. And the dog ran away from me whining!

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            Today I dreamed that my ex, with whom we still sleep, and I want our relationship back. The fact that in a dream he proposed to me in the rain, I was very happy, then we went forward, I dropped my white T-shirt and it was covered in dirt, then his Friends came to meet us with one of them in real life, we are not very good friends to a friend. And they came to meet us and I told that friend, now you will officially tolerate me.

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            The second time I had a dream about my husband’s socks, they were wet and dirty and I don’t know why in both dreams I threw them into the sink, but the second time my daughter’s socks were also present with his socks. In the first dream, I ran away in the crowd and, going up the stairs, bumped into my toes, and in today’s dream I was already going down the clear steps and again ran into my toes, and there were more of them. A very strange dream, what could he have had on the night of January 6, 2017?

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            hello) I dreamed that I was sitting in an apartment and heard some conversations from the street, looked out the window and saw how there was a crowd ordinary people 2 policemen (a woman and a man) approach. and then suddenly a woman from the police is hit with a bottle, which breaks, he falls, after which she is finished off with two more bottles. male police officer tries to escape. I'm trying to call an ambulance and the police, but for some reason I can't do it. help interpret the dream

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    Man has been trying to understand his dreams since ancient times. It was believed that in dreams, good or bad omens come to us in the form of information that warns us against various negative events in our lives, giving certain clues in a dream. Today, dream interpretation is given very little importance compared to former times. In earlier times, people were much more superstitious. In ancient times, the interpretation of dreams was a favorite activity of fortune tellers.

    There are people who have the ability to see prophetic dreams. And there are very few people who could correctly interpret to us our dream, in which the main meaning of the dream is hidden.

    During sleep, incredible events, adventures, novels can happen, you can experience a variety of feelings: love, hatred, a feeling of freedom, fear, flight, and even that you are going crazy, and at the same time you will not doubt in the reality of what is happening.

    Our dreams in most cases reflect the events of our past, and sometimes become guides to our future.

    Miller's Dream Book - Interpretation of Dreams

    Dreams and days of the week

    Monday - dreams come true for those people born on this day. For other people, there is also a high probability that the dream will come true.

    Tuesday – dreams come true within 10 days. If during this time it is not fulfilled, then it will never be fulfilled.

    Wednesday – dreams are partially fulfilled on this day.

    Thursday - almost any dream comes true.

    Friday - on this day only love dreams come true.

    Saturday - on this day only those dreams that you saw in the morning come true.

    Sunday - only positive dreams are fulfilled, if there is negativity in the dream - it is partially fulfilled.

    Dreaming by day of the month

    1st day of the month. A dream seen this night foretells joy.

    2nd day of the month. The dream seen that night is empty.

    3rd day of the month. The dream seen that night is empty.

    4th day of the month. A dream seen on this night is usually favorable for a person.

    5th day of the month. A dream seen that night is most often very, very doubtful.

    6th day of the month. The dream seen that night must be kept secret.

    7th day of the month. A dream seen on this night usually comes true.

    8th day of the month. A dream seen this night is usually very accurate, pay attention to it.

    9th day of the month. A dream seen that night will come true, but with a time delay.

    10th day of the month. The dream seen that night is empty.

    11th day of the month. The dream seen this night will come true.

    12th day of the month. The dream seen that night will come true, and very soon.

    13th day of the month. The dream seen that night will come true, and very soon.

    14th day of the month. A dream seen that night is most often very, very doubtful.

    15th day of the month. A dream seen that night may come true, or maybe not.

    16th day of the month. The dream seen this night is true and will most often come true if the dream does not show you past events.

    17th day of the month. A dream seen this night will come true within three days.

    18th day of the month. The dream seen this night will come true.

    19th day of the month. The dream seen that night is empty.

    20th day of the month. The dream seen that night is empty.

    21st day of the month. The dream seen that night is empty.

    22nd day of the month. The dream seen this night will come true.

    23rd day of the month. The dream seen that night is empty.

    24th day of the month. The dream seen that night is empty.

    25th day of the month. A dream seen on this night usually comes true.

    26th day of the month. The dream seen this night will come true.

    27th day of the month. The dream seen this night will come true.

    28th day of the month. A dream seen that night will come true, but with a time delay.

    29th day of the month. A dream seen this night will come true within three days.

    30th day of the month. The dream on this day will come true, and very soon.

    31st day of the month.

    Some people believe that dreams we see before dawn come true in a few days, and dreams we see after dawn come true the next day.

    Dreams that we see during the waning moon

    Dreams during this period are called cleansing dreams. They show us that an unpleasant event in our life will not happen, which we see in a dream. But if you see a good dream, it means that this good event will not happen in our lives.

    Dreams we see when the moon is waxing

    Dreams during this period are called filling dreams. They point us to events that will happen to us in the future. The dreams that we see during the waxing Moon are “prophetic”.

    Dreams we see on a full moon

    Dreams during this period are the most unusual and can be very emotional. They show us where we are being overly emotional.

    Dreams we see on a new moon

    The dreams that we see during this period reflect our thoughts, i.e. something we think about a lot.

    Dreams by lunar day

    1 lunar day. Prosperous dream, fair.

    2 lunar days. The dream will soon come true, with pleasant consequences.

    3 lunar days. The dream means nothing.

    4 lunar days. The dream will not come true.

    5 lunar day. The dream will come true exactly.

    6 lunar day. A dream that is not fair.

    7 lunar day. A dream that will come true, but not soon.

    8 lunar day. The dream portends danger.

    9 lunar day. A dream that indicates trouble.

    10 lunar day. A dream that will soon come true.

    11th lunar day. A dream that will manifest itself on the 3rd day.

    12 lunar day. A dream that will come true on the 7th day.

    13th lunar day. The dream will come true exactly.

    14 lunar day. The dream will come true.

    15 lunar day. The dream will come true soon.

    16 lunar day. A dream that will soon come true.

    17th lunar day. A dream that will come true on the 19th day.

    18 lunar day. A dream that will come true on the 20th day.

    19th lunar day. A dream that is fair and will come true on the 8th day.

    20 lunar day. Prosperous sleep.

    21 lunar days. The dream will come true exactly.

    22 lunar day. The dream will not come true.

    23 lunar day. The dream will not come true.

    24 lunar days. A dream that will come true on the 12th day.

    25 lunar day. The dream will not come true.

    26 lunar day. The dream will come true within 24 days.

    27 lunar day. The dream will not come true, but there is some truth in it.

    28 lunar day. The dream will not come true.

    29 lunar day. The dream will come true within 24 days.

    30 lunar day. The dream will not come true.

    1 number- dreams of the first are prophetic. These dreams are mostly favorable. If you had an unpleasant dream, it means that you may have problems in your family circle. You need to be prepared to solve these problems. 2nd number- the dreams of this day essentially mean nothing, so don’t pay attention to them. 3rd number- astrologers agree that these dreams tend to come true, but these dreams can come true either very quickly or after a long time. 4th number- dreams on the fourth are warning, they can tell you about upcoming troubles that will happen soon. You need to analyze this dream and try to correct your mistakes. 5th number- these dreams very often come true, and are usually very accurate. The information that comes to you in a dream is essentially true; there is no need to look for any decoding. 6th number- on this day people most often see positive dreams that come true very quickly. If you had a dream in which you are in trouble, you can influence their outcome, since such dreams will come true over a very long period of time. 7th number- such a dream promises you deception, from which you will draw hasty conclusions. Don’t tell anyone the dream you had on the 7th. 8th number- I had a positive dream, wait for your wishes to come true, and interesting moments in life. If a dream negative character, the upcoming fun will turn out to be a bad consequence. 9th number- If you had an uninteresting, boring dream, it means nothing, but if the dream was expressive and vivid, you will soon have success in society and at work. 10th- dreams of this day tend to come true quickly, within two weeks. Dreams on the 10th symbolize upcoming difficulties and adversity. 11th- if within three days the dream has not come true, then there is no point in waiting, it will no longer come true. 12th- the dream of this day does not come true, but on this day there is a high probability that you will have a fabulous and unreal dream in a positive way. 13th- a dream on the 13th is associated with love and joy. He predicts good luck on the love front, and perhaps you will soon go on a trip. It is also possible that you will meet your soulmate. 14th- dreams of this day from high probability will come true, and they predict good things. A dream that has become not very pleasant for you foreshadows troubles either at work, or in your personal life, or in the domestic sphere. 15th- a dream that means nothing, but on this day you have good and pleasant dreams. 16th- dreams of today come true very quickly and accurately, but they need to be deciphered correctly. 17th- this is a very good dream that predicts success in any area of ​​your life. Within twenty days this dream will come true. 18th- dreams do not fully come true, but by their nature they are very kind and good dreams. If you had a dream related to in cash, expect big profits and new acquisitions. 19th- a dream on this day is associated with troubles in the family circle, be careful in your statements. If you want, you can correct the situation by changing relationships with loved ones for the better, because dreams come true in a very long time. 20th- dreams are true and often come true, but it is preferable not to talk about them until they come true. If you tell someone the dream, most likely it will not come true. 21st- the dream you had on this day is very truthful and reliable, it reflects your aspirations for at this stage life, if the dream was pleasant to you, soon you will be able to accomplish everything that you have planned. 22nd- if you experience fear and troubles, you don’t have to worry about them, because only dreams about the good flow of things at work, in your career or in social life will come true. 23rd- dreams of this day almost always come true, but these dreams tell of future troubles. Of course, what you dreamed will not come true exactly, but it is in the context in which you saw it in your dream that minor problems and troubles will arise. 24th- dreams symbolizing joy. Quickly fulfilled in fourteen days, there is a one hundred percent guarantee that the dream carries favorable signs. 25th- it’s better for you to forget the dream of this day, perhaps it contains a small amount of truth, but it is very difficult to interpret correctly; you can get confused and make mistakes. 26th- a dream brings goodness and joy. The dream of this day comes true quickly. The meaning of the dream is that you will achieve success and get vivid emotions from entertainment. 27th- dreams on this day are dreamed in the context of small events, these dreams come true quickly, but it does not carry any special events or incidents in the near future. 28th- a dream you had on this day will not come true, but in essence it is not empty, what you dreamed on this day affects your past, it is a processing and revaluation of what has already happened to you. This dream does not retell or affect your future in any way. 29th- the dream of this day is meaningless and does not carry any information. Most often, these dreams are not realistic in nature. 30th- dreams divorced from reality. If you dreamed of any achievement or victory, it means that most likely you will not be able to fulfill one of your most cherished desires. Forget everything else that is not related to desires (such a dream does not carry any meaning). 31st- Very good dream, perhaps in a dream you will see fresh ideas that will later help you earn a lot of money. The dream is more favorable in terms of finances and profits, but it will come true only if you interpret it correctly.