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Delirium tremens - main symptoms and treatment methods. Treatment of delirium tremens at home

Delirium tremens

Greetings to all friends and readers on medical blog! In all countries of the world, alcoholism ranks first in terms of quantity deaths and family breakdown. Is it even worth talking about how many diseases arise from alcohol abuse? Everyone knows this very well, but ardent alcoholics do not listen to the sad statistics and continue to drink until their death. Let's talk to you, friends, about delirium tremens - acute form alcoholism.

What is delirium tremens?

● Delirium tremens is an acute psychosis that poses a great danger both to the patient himself and to the people around him. The development of delirium tremens is noted in the binge stage against the background of pronounced withdrawal symptoms. It can start at sudden cessation drinking alcohol. Delirium tremens most often develops in patients who have previously had a severe infection or skull injury.

● The appearance of delirium tremens (delirium) is usually preceded by a stage of certain precursors. The patient sees disturbing dreams with hallucinations or nightmares. The disease often begins in the evening, at night or early in the morning. The main symptom of delirium tremens is a disorder of consciousness. The patient has no orientation in environment, he is disoriented in time and space, sometimes he can even confuse his first and last name. Real reality changes to hallucinations wearing bright visual character.

● The nature of the hallucinations is fantastic and frightening: patients see creepy monsters, devils, and many small moving insects that do not exist in reality. Visual hallucinations are usually accompanied by tactile and auditory ones. Non-existent images are mixed with reality, they are intertwined into one terrifying tangle that drives the patient into a frenzy. He perceives everything he sees as reality, he is overwhelmed by fear, strives to hide and run away, and sometimes attacks his “enemies.” Imaginary monsters constantly pursue him, threaten him, make terrible faces at him.

● Although not for long, sometimes it is possible to come into contact with the patient, bringing him closer to reality. In patients with delirium tremens, severe tremors of the fingers and hands are detected, body temperature often rises and excessive sweating. Acute psychosis usually lasts several days with gradual (lytic) or rapid (critical) recovery. pathological condition. After which the patient falls asleep for a long time, after which all previous phenomena disappear completely.

Conservative treatment of delirium tremens

● If delirium tremens is not treated, in 5-10% the patient may die due to the addition of lobar or cardiac arrest. Patients with acute psychosis are placed in a special hospital - mental asylum. He is prescribed various sedatives and sleeping pills, conditions are created for him so that he cannot harm himself or those around him. Today, E.A.’s prescription is considered an effective drug. Popova:

- luminal (phenobarbital) - 2-3 tablets;

— medical alcohol 96⁰ — 10-20 ml;

– distilled water – 100 ml.

Mix all ingredients and give to the patient in one dose. If you don’t have phenobarbital on hand, you can replace it with some similar sleeping pill good quality.

Treatment of delirium tremens with folk remedies

Infuse one lovage root on high-quality vodka for seven days mixed with two leaves of bay laurel ( bay leaf). Filter and give to the green snake lover to drink several times. After taking this remedy, he will have an aversion to alcohol for a long time.

Relieves cravings for vodka and wine with centaury-based tincture And . Chop and mix the herbs, taken in equal parts by weight; Infuse two tablespoons of the mixture in 200 ml of high-quality vodka for one week. The tincture is designed for one dose, with 3-4 such sessions.

Old effective recipe from alcoholism and delirium tremens. You will need to sprinkle dry birch firewood with sugar, light it, then extinguish it. Invite the patient to breathe this smoke. Then give him a whole glass of vodka. Please note that this will be the last glass of alcohol he drinks. This was proven by village healers and sorcerers.

Ancient doctors treated hypochondria and mental illness hellebore herb infusion– take ⅓ glass three times a day.

● Scientists in many countries claim that cravings for alcohol are associated with a lack of potassium in the body. Therefore, as remedy for delirium tremens has been suggested, which is good source potassium I bring to your attention a technique with elements of delirium tremens, used abroad:

- the patient is given 6 teaspoons of honey, after 20 minutes - the same amount, and after 20 minutes another 6; within one hour the patient should receive 18 teaspoons of honey;

- After two hours, continue treatment: give the hedgehog three times 6 teaspoons of honey every 20 minutes, after which the patient can sleep until the morning. In the morning, if desired, he is allowed to get a hangover, but he needs to be given 3 doses of 6 teaspoons every 20 minutes, then let him have breakfast, and for dessert - another 4 teaspoons. honey;

● Medicinal collection. 1 part centaury, 1 part thyme and 1 part wormwood. Pour 200 ml of boiling water into 3 tablespoons of the mixture for 2 hours, filter and feed the patient 3-4 times a day, one tablespoon.

Recipe for village peasants in Rus'. Place a few green bugs in a glass of vodka, which have unpleasant smell(found on raspberry bushes), leave for 2-3 days and give it to the patient to drink, without explaining to him anything about the composition of the drink.

Decoction of ram herb, club moss. Pour a glass of boiling water over two tablespoons of chopped dry herbs and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes, filter after an hour. We give the patient ⅓-½ glass two or three times a day. With this treatment, medical supervision is necessary to avoid undesirable consequences.

Clinical observations noted that frequent use for food sour apples helps cure alcoholism and delirium tremens.

Take care of yourself from delirium tremens, God bless you!

Long-term use alcoholic drinks poisons the entire body and ends with the person beginning to experience visual or auditory hallucinations. This condition is popularly called delirium tremens, and in the professional sphere - delirium tremens.

Doctors say that it is useless to treat such a problem at home, but many people think otherwise and try to get a person out of delirium tremens on their own. Every person should know exactly how to treat delirium tremens at home and whether it is possible, because no one is immune from problems of this nature.

Doctors categorically do not recommend treating delirium tremens at home. Because a person who is in a state of delirium tremens has the ability to experience sound and auditory hallucinations, therefore, he can be very dangerous to society. Doctors recommend that the relatives of the patient who has had the problem act according to standard scheme, namely as follows:

  • try not to sharply deny what the person says;
  • try not to let the alcoholic leave the home;
  • urgently call an ambulance medical care;
  • place the patient in a hospital and treat him there with medication.

Only in a hospital setting do they know how to treat delirium tremens correctly and have a large supply for this necessary medications. To bring a person out of this state, all toxic substances must be eliminated from his body, and only after that the brain will be able to work again at a normal pace.

It is also possible to get rid of delirium tremens at home, but it will be very difficult to cope with this kind of condition of a dependent person, and this should be taken into account. In the hospital they know what medications and in what quantities should be given to patients, but at home, the addict’s relatives may get confused and do some procedure not quite correctly.

How to understand that a person has delirium tremens

What's happened delirium tremens, the treatment of which is carried out mainly with medication, is known to almost everyone. But not every person will be able to recognize all its symptoms. It is worth noting the fact that before the onset of such an attack, emotional condition The patient's mood begins to change dramatically and sleep deteriorates. The patient no longer wants to drink alcohol and may experience chills. All this can only happen after a heavy binge. The main symptoms indicating the onset of alcoholic delirium include:


  • anxious state of a sick person;
  • the presence of visual and auditory hallucinations in an alcoholic;
  • a person can carry outright delirium, experience persecution mania;
  • the temperature rises and the heartbeat becomes faster;
  • the pulse quickens, the person may experience nausea;
  • the skin becomes very pale, almost unnatural, and it becomes difficult for a person to breathe.

If loved ones of a person who are confident in their abilities observe this particular condition, then they may not cause medical specialists. Treating delirium tremens at home can be done through the use of several methods, each of which should be looked at a little more closely. Elimination of delirium tremens after binge drinking should be done very carefully and this fact should be taken into account without fail.

What home treatment methods are most often used?

Treatment of delirium tremens at home is almost always carried out through the use of traditional medicine techniques, but there are also people who always have the necessary ones at hand medications. Most often, to eliminate the problem of the present nature, which lasts a couple of days, it is done by using the following means:

These remedies can be safely used at home to treat delirium tremens, but you should not expect a 100% result from them. Delirium tremens is the result of severe alcohol poisoning, and it is possible to qualitatively remove all toxins from the body only if patients are in stationary clinics. As a rule, most people end up in the hospital and only a small percentage of addicts undergo treatment at home.

Effective tincture based on bay leaf

Alcoholic delirium is well treated with homemade tinctures. If an addict has an attack of delirium, then relatives should give the person a tincture prepared according to the following recipe:

  • take one small lovage root and two large, dried bay leaves;
  • pour vodka over the herbs and leave for 7 days;
  • filter home remedy and give the dependent person 2 drops daily.

Of course, at a certain moment the right home remedy may not refuse at hand, which means delirium tremens will remain. The duration of this condition is several days, which means that in order to solve the problem it is necessary to find another way.

Uses of Wormwood and Yarrow

People try to discourage alcoholics from drinking alcoholic beverages with the help of Wormwood, because this herb is very bitter. Many experimenters do this quite well if they use the following recipe:

  • take a sufficient amount of Wormwood herb, as well as Yarrow;
  • pour vodka over the medicinal raw materials and leave in a dark place for 10 days to infuse;
  • give to the patient not only during delirium tremens, but also when symptoms of alcoholism are present.

If a person has delirium tremens, then such a remedy helps to quickly bring him to his senses and bring him out of such a state.

Herbal tea against delirium tremens

Herbal treatment is useful for delirium delirium, as well as for alcoholism. Treatment can be accomplished by using herbal collection, which contains the following herbs:

You need to brew tea with 200 milliliters of water. This tea practically brings the alcoholic back to life and quickly allows him to recover from the state of alcoholic delirium.

Many experts argue that cravings for alcoholic beverages are associated with a lack of potassium. Very often it is recommended for the treatment of delirium tremens natural honey, which is a good source of potassium. Use of honey: the patient should be given 6 tsp. honey, after 20 minutes - the same amount, and after 20 minutes another 6 tablespoons. So, within one hour the patient should receive 18 teaspoons of honey. Wait 2 hours. Give the alcoholic 3 times 6 tsp. honey every 20 minutes, after which the patient can sleep until the morning. In the morning you need to give 3 more doses of 6 teaspoons every 20 minutes. If you follow these instructions, the patient will no longer want to drink alcohol.

Taking pharmaceutical tablets

Phenobarbital or Luminal tablets are used to relieve a person from delirium tremens. You need to take the tablets, mix them with medical alcohol and distilled water. If you give this mixture to a patient to drink, he will quickly come to his senses. It will not be possible to completely overcome alcoholism in this way, but it is quite possible to quickly recover from alcoholic delirium.

Alcohol and distilled water

Many people are firmly convinced that delirium tremens can be overcome with the help of pharmaceutical alcohol. If you give 30 grams medical alcohol to a person who is at the stage of delirium tremens, this can return him to feeling. Of course, this does not guarantee that binge drinking will not happen again, but it can save you in a critical situation. Distilled water is used together with alcohol and tablets, because only then home method treatment will be effective. If the problem lasts longer long time, then it is better to place the patient in a hospital, since specialists have already dealt with the disease.

Many people treat delirium tremens syndrome at home. At the same time, very often a person is offered to drink alcohol, although it is given in minimal doses. To treat delirium tremens at home, people need to know the following facts:

  • if the patient has become too aggressive, no home treatment will help him;
  • when using traditional medicine recipes, all dosages should be clearly taken into account;
  • do not use any questionable medications;
  • think about further hospitalization of the patient in order to remove all toxins from his body.

Everyone should know what to do at home, but one should not neglect the competent assistance of qualified doctors.

Treatment of delirium tremens in a hospital

Treating delirium tremens at home will be quite difficult. If a person is not sure that he will be able to do this at home, then it is worth calling the hospital and still spending several days in a hospital setting. Only in this way will it be possible to solve the problem as quickly as possible and insure yourself against many complications. Of course, to stop drinking completely alcoholic drinks, a person will need a lot of time and great willpower, but also drug treatment at the same time it also means a lot.

At home, qualitatively, you can only get rid of the vivid symptoms of delirium tremens, but it is still better to treat the consequences of alcoholism in a hospital setting. Under the supervision of medical specialists, the patient will be given all the necessary medications. Here we should not forget that an alcoholic will require competent psychological rehabilitation. This type of rehabilitation is also actively practiced in specialized medical institutions.

Treating delirium tremens at home is not advisable, but many people do not want to send their loved ones to the hospital. If home treatment methods are already used, then they should be used very carefully. Dealing with a patient suffering from delirium tremens is very difficult, so it is best to leave this task to qualified medical professionals.

Treatment of delirium tremens and removal of toxins from the body is quite lengthy, but the result is worth it. A couple of days before delirium tremens, you can notice certain symptoms in an alcoholic, with which you can prevent such a condition or prepare for it. All the necessary means for therapy should always be at hand, but no one knows whether it will be possible to force the patient to take the drugs. That is why it is better to solve such problems in the hospital, rather than try to do something about it yourself. Treatment must be carried out as correctly as possible, because only then can you get the desired result.

Alcoholic delirium, or as people say “delirium tremens”, “squirrel”, is an acute post-alcohol psychosis that occurs on the second to fourth day after alcohol withdrawal. As a rule, delirium tremens occurs in alcoholics at the second and third stages of addiction; less often it can occur in people who do not suffer from chronic alcoholism due to long-term use alcohol in large doses. Especially if the patient was at risk due to recent infectious diseases. A typical one lasts two to five days on average. It can end critically, that is, abruptly, or gradually (lytically). After which the person falls asleep and can sleep for several days.

General clinical manifestations of alcoholic psychosis

The symptoms that can be observed in a person during an attack are very characteristic. And it’s difficult to confuse them with something else. These include psychotic symptoms, motor, autonomic, and somatic.

Common signs include the following:

  • Tremor of the limbs, elevated temperature bodies and arterial pressure, increased heart rate, excessive sweating.
  • Hyperexcitability, fussiness, chaotic movements may be observed.
  • Insomnia preceded by bad sleep interrupted sleep, nightmares.
  • Disorientation in time and place.

The most characteristic psychotic symptoms are, of course, hallucinations. A person first develops visual illusion perception, after some time auditory and tactile illusions appear.

This condition has an extremely negative impact on human health. To get out of it, the patient needs medical care in the hospital. It is extremely difficult to get rid of delirium tremens at home. And only in mild forms can it go away on its own.

How dangerous is fever for humans?

The consequences of delirium tremens after binge drinking are negative. Alcoholic psychosis is very debilitating for the body, which is already greatly weakened due to prolonged use of alcohol and lack of adequate nutrition. The brain (intoxication or swelling), liver, and cardiovascular system may suffer. If you don't provide it on time necessary help, death may occur from brain collapse, liver failure, pneumonia. Sometimes in an attack the patient may commit suicide.

This condition harms not only the patient. In hallucinatory delirium, he can show aggression towards his relatives, thereby causing them physical or psychological trauma.

What to do if you have a seizure at home: first aid

If an attack occurs at home, you should immediately call an ambulance. But while they are waiting for her, the patient should be given the necessary help at home.

  • The person should be put to bed, if necessary, you can even tie him up; This will help prevent injury to yourself or others.
  • You can apply ice to the forehead, if the body temperature is significantly elevated, give antipyretic tablets.
  • Give the patient to drink as much as possible, since delirium tremens can lead to dehydration.
  • If necessary, stabilize blood pressure.
  • If possible, give sedatives or sleeping pills. If such drugs are not available, then sedatives can be given herbal teas or fees.
  • A patient in an attack should not be left alone; you need to be close to him in order to constantly monitor his condition.
  • To get rid of hyperexcitation, you can try to establish trusting contact with the patient, talk quietly, show him your care and support.

If you see an attack starting and you don't know what to do such a case, you must immediately seek qualified help.

Diagnostics, drug therapy in hospital

Self-treatment of alcoholic delirium at home is ineffective or ineffective for various reasons.

  • Firstly, many drugs are not available for free sale.
  • Secondly, without the necessary knowledge, certain medications can cause further more harm health. At home, it is difficult to calm a patient in an attack of psychosis, and to help him get out of this state; it is difficult to normalize sleep, restore electrolyte balance, and prevent irreversible processes in the brain. None folk remedies It is impossible to completely cure fever and eliminate its consequences.
  • Thirdly, the treatment of delirium tremens is a whole range of measures aimed at relieving its psychotic and somatic symptoms and for the restoration of the entire body.

Treatment at home is possible if the patient is under the supervision of a qualified specialist.

Before prescribing treatment, a diagnosis is carried out. This is a general examination and collection of the patient's medical history. Based on these data and depending on how and in what form the attack occurs, appropriate treatment with medications is prescribed.

The patient must remain in the ward intensive care drug treatment or psychiatric hospital under round-the-clock supervision.

Drug therapy should be primarily aimed at stopping the manifestations of psychosis and helping to quickly get out of this state. The following methods and means are accepted:

  • Psychotropics and antipsychotics that help relieve agitation, muscle spasms and others mental symptoms.
  • Anticonvulsants and sedatives.
  • Therapy aimed at hydration and detoxification of the body; in this case, vitamins B and C are prescribed in large doses, intravenous infusion of glucose, hemosorption, and an isotonic solution may be prescribed.
  • Drugs that support heart function and normalize metabolism.
  • Prevention of cerebral edema, which is quite often negative consequence Delirium tremens is carried out using a Lasix solution.

Emergency treatment to help relieve the symptoms of an attack lasts about a day on average. But if an atypical situation arises, the relief of psychosis can last up to 10 days.

After all symptoms have been relieved, the patient needs qualified assistance aimed at restoration nervous system and the whole body as a whole, as well as for treatment chronic alcoholism. If this is not done, an attack with high probability will happen again. Delirium tremens is completely curable if complete failure from alcohol.

Treatment and prevention of alcoholic psychosis at home

It is not always possible to get quick and qualified medical care. Therefore, many are wondering how to treat delirium tremens if an attack occurs at home. Treatment traditional methods ineffective in this case. But it helps in providing first aid for alcoholic psychosis.

Under the supervision of a narcologist at home, you can:

  • stabilize body temperature;
  • organize drinking plenty of fluids, droppers with vitamins and glucose;
  • give the patient a drink saline solutions to replenish electrolytes and other mineral elements;
  • provide antibacterial therapy if pneumonia is suspected;
  • relieve mental symptoms and overcome insomnia with the help of powerful sedatives and hypnotics.

If you don’t have to wait for medical help, then you can help get out of this condition using Dr. Popov’s method. To do this, you need to mix the following ingredients and give the person to drink in one go:

  • 2-3 tablets of sleeping pills (luminal, phenobarbital);
  • 10-15 g of medical alcohol;
  • 100 g of water.

At mild form For delirium tremens, folk remedies that can be used at home are effective for stopping and treating an attack:

  • tinctures of lovage root and bay leaf;
  • herbal tinctures of centaury and wormwood;
  • medicinal mixtures based on wormwood, centaury and thyme.

“How to avoid delirium tremens?” - This question is often asked by the patient’s relatives. But this is impossible if the patient does not stop drinking alcohol in the future. Otherwise, relapses cannot be avoided. Only treatment for chronic alcoholism can prevent the next attack of delirium.

Alcohol psychosis is a debilitating and life-threatening state. But timely medical intervention or qualified home care can overcome it without significant harm. brain activity and health in general.

Delirium delirium is a severe form of psychosis. WITH Latin language the term translates as “insanity.” The disease is characterized by hallucinations and disorders of consciousness. among the people this phenomenon called delirium tremens. The consequences of such psychosis can be very serious and dangerous, so people who have an alcoholic in their family need to know how to treat delirium at home and in a hospital.

The main cause of delirium tremens is alcohol. As a rule, an attack occurs in experienced addicts. The impetus for its occurrence can be a sudden cessation of binge drinking. This usually occurs between the second and fourth days. If the patient has previously had such cases, fever may well occur during the binge itself.

It happens that alcoholic psychosis also appears in people who are not addicted. This happens due to the use of very large quantity alcohol. Often the reason alcoholic psychosis becomes an infectious disease or head injury. Attacks usually occur in people over 40 years of age. They occur equally in both men and women.

How does delirium tremens develop?

Delirium tremens never occurs suddenly. Its development goes through certain stages. Knowing about this condition, the attack can be stopped.

There are three stages in the development of delirium tremens:

  • Korsakoff psychosis;
  • rave;
  • severe alcoholic delirium.

Hallucinations do not occur in Korsakoff psychosis. The patient experiences anxiety, something oppresses him, appears causeless fear, sleep is disturbed, nightmares occur. Main symptom at this stage there are memory lapses. A person forgets what happened a few minutes ago, while he can clearly remember events ten years ago.

Delirium is also not delirium tremens. At this stage, the alcoholic becomes morbidly suspicious and jealous. He can cause scandals and be aggressive. The patient is very excited, he cannot stay in one place, he constantly says something. He begins to tremble in his arms and legs, and sleep completely disappears.

The third stage of psychosis is the peak of delirium delirium. Usually it occurs after a binge, in the period from 2 to 4 days, when the patient stopped drinking. This stage can last up to 7 days. As a rule, symptoms worsen in the evening, severe symptoms diseases appear at night. In the morning the psychosis subsides.

There are several severe forms delirium:

  • professional;

  • mumbling.

Very often, in a state of psychosis, alcoholics imitate their appearance work activity. They make characteristic movements and make corresponding sounds. For example, the driver pretends to be turning the steering wheel and imitates the hum of a car.

The second form of delirium is much more dangerous. He is called a mussizer. In this state, the patient mutters incomprehensible phrases and smoothes, feels and wipes something invisible.

The last stage often ends fatal. Treatment at home in this case may not give any result.

Symptoms of delirium tremens

The main signs of alcoholic psychosis are hallucinations. They can be: visual, auditory and tactile.

First, the patient has illusions. He can mistake a hanging coat for a person, and a shadow from a closet for a dangerous animal. Hallucinations, as a rule, are based on the real fears of the drunkard. He may imagine that he is being attacked by robbers, a ghost, etc. Very often, during delirium tremens, people see mice, rats, devils, and spiders weaving webs. There are cases when the patient is not the hero of his hallucinations, he perceives them as a movie.

Visual hallucinations are always accompanied by auditory ones. An alcoholic hears the hissing of snakes, the squeaking of rodents, cries for help, sounds characteristic of disasters and natural disasters.

Secondary signs of delirium tremens are:

  • changes in movements
  • incoherent and incomprehensible speech;

  • loss in space and time.

The movements become abrupt and fully correspond to what an alcoholic imagines. He can brush something off himself, wave his arms, take a fighting stance, hide under the bed. A person may want to run away somewhere.

Speech is usually incoherent, the patient utters short phrases taken from dialogues with imaginary interlocutors.

An alcoholic in a state of psychosis cannot determine where he is, recognize his loved ones, say what time it is or name the date. There is complete disorientation in time and place.

Why is delirium tremens dangerous?

Alcohol psychosis is not just a mental disorder, it is, first of all, swipe throughout the body. The patient's temperature rises, it can reach 40 degrees. At the same time, blood pressure increases and the pulse quickens, which can lead to a stroke or heart attack. It is very important to relieve these symptoms in time to avoid dangerous consequences.

The body becomes dehydrated. The patient alternates between fever and chills, and the skin becomes pale.

If you take a blood test at this time, its result will indicate high level ESR and leukocytes – in progress severe inflammation. Acidosis occurs. This is the name for a condition in which acid-base balance. Serious disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system may occur.

During delirium tremens, the liver becomes very enlarged, causing the whites of the eyes to turn yellow.

How to deal with a person who has delirium tremens

Alcoholic delirium is a very serious mental disorder; its treatment at home begins with correct behavior loved ones. People who are close to the patient must clearly understand that he can be dangerous both to himself and to others. Competent actions of loved ones can prevent trouble.

Experts recommend not raising your voice to a person in a state of delirium tremens. You need to talk to him very quietly and slowly, the tone should be calm and friendly. It is better to choose a neutral topic of conversation; you can remind them of something pleasant. You should not enter into an argument with him, this can cause aggression. You should move smoothly, as sudden movements can be perceived as a threat. The fact is that during alcoholic delirium, a person most often sees scenes of an attack on him. It seems to him that someone is following him and wants to kill him. The main characters of his hallucinations are usually close people.

It is necessary to remove all piercing, cutting objects, breakable utensils and tablets from access areas. Windows and balcony doors must be locked to prevent suicide attempts.

The patient must be put to bed. If a person behaves violently, he should be tied up. In this case, you should not think about humanity. This is done for the safety of the alcohol addict himself.

How to treat delirium tremens at home

First aid to a person who has delirium tremens should be provided by those who are nearby. Most often this is his wife/husband, mother, father or children.

First, the patient needs to be kept cool and drink plenty of fluids. If possible, it should be placed under a cold stream of water, or a wet towel should be placed on the forehead. This measure is to prevent body overheating.

All alcohol breakdown products must be removed from the body. To do this, the alcoholic must be given a drink. Activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight, as well as a diuretic. Can you suggest sedative collection to relieve stress and anxiety. It is necessary to give antipyretic and painkillers.

The Popov method can be very effective at home. Its essence lies in the fact that a person is invited to drink a mixture. It includes:

  • 100 grams of distilled water;
  • 3 tablets of Luminal;

  • 15 grams of medical alcohol.

This mixture will relieve the patient mental stress, and have a sedative effect, since the drug Luminal is a hypnotic and anticonvulsant.

After measures taken, need to call ambulance, since complications after home therapy can be very difficult. The patient, at a minimum, must be treated in a hospital and the organs damaged by alcohol must be restored.

Treatment of delirium tremens with folk methods

One of the most safe methods getting rid of alcoholic psychosis can be ethnoscience. You should start with a bay leaf. It is necessary to pour vodka into seven leaves and the root of this plant. The mixture is infused for 7 days. The drink will help bring the patient out of binge drinking, and will also cause an aversion to alcohol.

There is another very old recipe. Ancient healers relieved delirium tremens with the help of birch logs. Fresh firewood was sprinkled with sugar and set on fire, then the patient was allowed to breathe over it, after which he was offered a glass of vodka. This is how the sorcerers ended their binge drinking.

Also in ancient Rome started to fight any mental disorders using hellebore tincture. This herb has an analgesic effect. The tincture should be used at a dose of 30-40 ml per day.

Many scientists associate alcoholism with a lack of calcium, so, according to them, delirium tremens can be cured with honey. The essence of the method is that an alcoholic needs to eat 18 teaspoons of honey within the first two hours. The interval between doses is 20 minutes. Then a break is taken for 2 hours and the pattern is repeated. The next day the patient should take 16 spoons of honey. An interval of 20 minutes is maintained. This method has a calming and cleansing effect, and also nourishes the body with calcium.

Getting rid of delirium tremens in a hospital

No matter how hard the patient’s relatives try, it is impossible to provide full assistance for delirium tremens on their own. In addition, the consequences of treatment at home are irreversible.

The alcoholic is isolated and placed in a hospital, where the first thing they do is inject a solution of sodium hydroxybutyrate or Sibazon. He is prescribed a course of sedatives and sleeping pills.

As soon as the patient calms down, cleansing therapy begins. Within a week, alcohol breakdown products will be removed from the alcoholic’s body. The patient is injected with glucose and other drugs to stabilize water balance and improving metabolism, antidepressants are prescribed.

Prevention of the recurrence of delirium tremens is liberation from alcohol addiction. Modern medicine has a large arsenal of methods to combat drunkenness. The most effective is coding by injection. This procedure gives quick and very powerful results. The solution blocks the work of special enzymes that break down alcohol into human body. After the injection, it becomes impossible for a person to drink, even small dose alcohol leads to a strong deterioration in health. Breathing problems begin, pain appears throughout the body, and trembling is noted in the limbs.

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Many people are better known as delirium tremens. It is characterized by the fact that the alcoholic falls into a violent state, may lose consciousness, and begin to experience hallucinations.

During delirium, speech impairment is observed, the patient begins to talk, and the coordination of his movements is impaired. It is almost impossible to get out of this condition on your own without complications; it is also impossible to treat fever at home. Required professional help specialist Correct treatment alcoholic delirium is possible only in the conditions of a psychiatric department of a hospital or a special drug treatment clinic.

Delirium tremens - what characterizes this disease? These are the following signs:

  1. Before the attack itself, the desire for alcohol decreases and may even disappear.
  2. There is a change in mood, excitement abruptly gives way to calm and detachment.
  3. Severe trembling of the arms and legs begins, and it is difficult for the patient to keep his head in one position.
  4. Insomnia is tormented, the patient experiences a feeling of fear.
  5. Auditory hallucinations begin, for example, the patient hears birds singing. The patient sees various visual images, bright spots.

Symptoms of fever

What to do if you have delirium tremens? It is necessary to take into account that the patient usually begins to experience auditory and visual hallucinations. They may be of a different nature, but one thing remains unchanged - the patient becomes dangerous both for himself and for others. It seems to him that everyone is attacking him and makes attempts to retaliate.

If the question of how to treat delirium tremens is not resolved, the patient can not only harm others, but also kill. In this state, he does not realize what he is doing.

Intoxication of the body with alcohol breakdown products causes damage to the nervous system, which causes disturbances in movements, facial expressions, and speech. Movements become chaotic and the patient cannot move independently.

Delirium tremens, the symptoms of which are very characteristic, is often determined by behavior: the patient tries to commit suicide, he speaks loudly and incoherently, and often attempts to attack others. His facial expressions are also disturbed; grimaces are observed, caused by the fact that the patient begins to imagine an attack. The alcoholic believes that he is being bitten, pinched, and begins to brush off the invisible enemy.

A state of disorientation is one of the main signs when deciding what a fever is. The patient at this time does not realize where he is, his coordination is greatly impaired. Increased aggressiveness is often observed at this time. If this is the characteristic symptom, then you need to try to calm the patient as much as possible and not disturb him. After this, you should call a doctor.

Severe form of the disease

A severe form of alcoholic psychosis can have 2 stages:

How does the condition change during fever?

How is delirium tremens treated? You must first determine what changes are occurring in the body. The following is usually observed:

  1. Acidosis occurs and body temperature rises rapidly.
  2. When blood pressure rises, it causes heart palpitations and severe headaches.
  3. The level of nitrogen in the blood rises, and the body becomes severely dehydrated.
  4. ESR increases, leukocytosis begins to be observed.
  5. The size of the liver increases, this occurs characteristic feature jaundice, like yellowing of the whites of the eyes.
  6. The patient is constantly in bed or in a reclining state, when he can no longer move independently.
  7. The skin becomes pale, even white, hence the name delirium tremens, although the face may become very red.
  8. Sweating and chills alternate, and the sweat has a characteristic “aroma” reminiscent of long-unwashed feet.
  9. The limbs and muscles begin to tremble; many people also call this disease trembling delirium.

In addition to the above complications, delirium tremens can cause other diseases. This applies to infectious and inflammatory processes, strong and serious injuries due to falls. The patient loses control of himself and attempts at suicide are possible. , which is diagnosed during acute alcoholic psychosis, can be dangerous not only for the patient, but also for others. This condition requires urgent treatment.

Treatment under the supervision of a doctor

It is difficult to cure delirium tremens, it all depends on the degree of the disease, how ready the patient is to part with this on his own bad habit. Intoxication will not bring any benefit here, since the alcoholic, after feeling much better, can immediately return to his old ways.

The duration of this state takes approximately 2-5 days, but especially severe cases this can last up to 2-3 weeks, and this is already dangerous. It will be very difficult to answer the question of how to cure in this case. This problem occurs because long drinking bout and the state of fever is accompanied side diseases, infections, injuries and others. In addition, the state acute psychosis only makes the situation worse.

When delirium tremens is observed, for example, in a husband, you should not feel sorry for the alcoholic under any circumstances; urgent hospitalization is required. The patient is placed in a specialized drug treatment clinic or in a psychiatric department. Carrying out ordinary intoxication at home is unacceptable. But the help of the resuscitation team can be very necessary, since often the patient is not aware of his own condition, and it can be extremely bad.

Treatment for delirium tremens requires timely treatment. Assigned first drug therapy. Resuscitation measures are required when the form is severe and the patient’s life is at risk. If treatment is not started for a long time, death may occur; in severe cases of fever, the organs of the body begin to gradually fail.

Delirium tremens, which is treated various methods, usually with timely measures retreats quickly. For complete recovery, you need to ensure complete rest, good sleep. Only deep and long sleep along with cleansing the body can help bring the patient back to normal.

Treatment with folk remedies, as many mistakenly begin to do, is not used; at this stage, only drug therapy is necessary.

When a patient comes to his senses after acute psychosis, he feels weakened, lethargic, overwhelmed, general state depressed. The patient remembers the period that was occupied by delirium poorly.

Only fragmentary memories can remain in memory. I remember hallucinations and nightmares, but real events are not so vividly reconstructed. What is needed is not so much therapy as sedative and strengthening drugs. At this stage, you can already use folk remedies; there are a lot of recipes, but before you start taking them, you need to consult with your doctor.