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How to care for metal-ceramic crowns. Caring for metal-ceramic teeth - how to care for dentures at home? Metal-ceramic teeth care

Today, dentistry has developed so much that tooth decay is no longer a problem - metal-ceramic prosthetics can save them. Thanks to this method, not only the chewing function of the jaw is restored, but also the aesthetic component is corrected oral cavity. Metal-ceramic prosthetics has its own Advantages and disadvantages.

Among the advantagesthis type of prosthetics:

To distinguish modern metal-ceramic prostheses from own teeth outwardly practically impossible;

Metal-ceramic prosthetics can be carried out both for an individual tooth and for a missing dentition;

Metal-ceramic teeth are not as strongly exposed to microorganisms as their own and they do not create a favorable environment for their spread;

With careful care, metal-ceramic dentures last up to fifteen years.

Disadvantages of metal-ceramic dental prosthetics:

Ceramics are harder than natural teeth, which negatively affects the wear of teeth located on the opposite part of the jaw - this process is significantly accelerated;

In order to install a metal-ceramic tooth or bridge, it is necessary to grind the living tissues of healthy teeth;

When the gum line recedes, a visible part of the metal frame appears, which is not covered by porcelain coating;

-With a significant load on metal-ceramic prostheses, the porcelain surface can chip.

Metal-ceramic prosthetics is contraindicated for children under 16 years of age - the reason for this physiological feature teeth, due to which the walls of the teeth, which are still fragile at this age, may not withstand the load that accompanies their establishment, and this leads to their destruction. Also, prosthetics can cause damage to the pulp in adults, since their walls are thin even in adulthood. The consequence of dental prosthetics can be increased excitability masticatory muscles and jaw displacement. Before you install metal-ceramic teeth, mandatory orthopedic prevention and treatment is necessary, which also implies periodontal prevention measures.

Today, dental crowns made of metal-ceramics are the most popular all over the world, the reason for which is their high strength, reliability and aesthetics. Such dentures do not darken over time, do not change color, do not wear off, and are not subject to the formation of plaque.

Caring for metal-ceramic dentures

Despite the qualities described above, such prostheses require very careful care, which will increase their service life. It is worth noting that such teeth are highly durable, have an absolutely smooth surface, to which absolutely no plaque or food debris sticks. But this does not mean that it is worth caring for such teeth less carefully than natural ones. Especially if not the entire oral cavity is prosthetic, but only some teeth. In this case, maximum care must be provided to the teeth that border the crowns.

Care for metal-ceramic teeth should be the same as for other teeth. Despite their durability, deposits from coloring drinks and cigarettes can change their color. Therefore, they also need regular care. This is a mandatory cleaning with a toothbrush and toothpaste, using suitable toothpastes and correct circular movements (which should sweep away food debris and plaque). After eating, you must rinse your mouth thoroughly. For the jaw, which is entirely made up of dentures, no more basic care is required. But additional ones are needed cleaning measures foreign bodies from under prosthetic teeth, as well as gum care provided by an irrigator. It is he who will clean the oral cavity in the event that a foreign body (for example, food debris) gets stuck between ordinary teeth and a metal-ceramic crown.

You don’t have to worry too much about choosing toothpaste and a brush - the brush can be ordinary, but it’s better to choose a toothpaste that has a low degree of abrasiveness and is more effective for the gums. But if you also have your own teeth, then the choice of toothpaste and brush must be made based on them. Neither fluorine, nor calcium, nor the herbs contained in the paste have any effect on the dentures themselves. The dentures themselves only require mandatory rinsing after each meal.

When brushing teeth and metal-ceramic crowns, the brush movements should be vertical, directed from the gums to the edges of the artificial teeth. Special attention We pay attention to thorough cleaning of the interdental spaces - we use the above-mentioned oral irrigator for this. The irrigator will effectively remove all residues in the interdental spaces, provide proper cleaning to the teeth, and provide hydromassage to the gums, which will improve their blood circulation (and, accordingly, their condition). The irrigator should be used at least 2-3 times a week - this will be enough to maintain natural teeth in proper condition and provide them with a preventive effect against many dental diseases.

Although dental bridges do not require special care, it is necessary to ensure thorough cleaning of the rinsing channel - this is the space between the bridge and the gum. This procedure is also provided by an irrigator. If this is not done, over time, it will appear in the oral cavity. bad smell, the reason for which will be the rotting of the food accumulated there. Use the SoWash irrigator and its hydro-interdental attachment for these purposes (combination regular brush and a brush to achieve maximum cleaning effect).

And finally, a few general advice. Metal-ceramic crowns, like natural teeth, do not like hot food and drinks, or very cold ones, as this can cause cracking of the artificial enamel. This also applies to contrast when eating - alternating hot and cold foods or drinks.

Well, in general - Caring for teeth made of metal-ceramics cannot be called difficult. It just has to be thorough and regular.

Prosthetics is one of the most popular types of restoration of lost teeth. Metal-ceramics have great strength, durability and general availability. Having decided on such a procedure, you need to know whether it is possible to whiten metal-ceramic teeth and how to care for them.

What are metal-ceramic crowns?

The first stage of prosthetics is the manufacture of a metal base from cobalt, chromium or nickel. In some cases, more expensive compounds are used (gold, platinum), which makes the structure even more durable. Then ceramics is applied to the made base in several layers. This work is performed using casts made individually, which ensures maximum resemblance to the patient’s teeth in their color and shape.

Metal-ceramic crowns are so strong that they are used not only for making bridges, but also for individual teeth. Due to their high strength, such crowns are not afraid of even heavy chewing loads.

Metal ceramics are durable and resistant to wear, but despite this, their service life is limited. Connections made of cobalt and chromium can last for about 10-12 years, and a structure made of gold or platinum will last at least 15 years.

How to care for dentures

It should be understood that the service life of metal-ceramic prostheses will directly depend on proper care after them. Therefore, before whitening your metal-ceramic teeth, it is important to make sure that this procedure will not harm your dentures.

How to clean metal ceramics

Daily care of dentures requires special and careful treatment. After all, in the process improper care they may lose their shade. To avoid having to whiten metal-ceramic teeth, you need to follow simple rules. After every meal, it is important to rinse your mouth. You can also clean the denture using the following devices:

  1. A toothbrush, preferably with soft bristles or medium hardness.
  2. Floss, or dental floss. It will clean the interdental spaces.
  3. Using a wooden stick, sharpened on both sides (toothpick), the remaining food is removed from the surface of the teeth.
  4. Interdental brush. Clears the spaces between teeth of remaining food.
  5. Irrigator. This device will help you do hygienic cleaning procedures for the oral cavity yourself. Its job is to supply a stream of water under the required pressure, which allows you to remove plaque from your teeth and clean the interdental spaces. Flushing with an irrigator also provides effective massage gums

Timely completion hygiene procedures will prevent plaque formation and discoloration of crowns. Such preventive procedures protect against the development of caries and gum disease.

Cleaning methods

An important point is not only what the dentures are cleaned with, but also how it happens. To avoid the need to whiten metal-ceramic teeth later, it is important to properly care for them.

Necessary attention is paid to the choice of brush for dental hygiene. It is primarily determined by the condition of the gums and your own sensations. When cleaning, you need to move the brush from top to bottom.

Important to know: if there is a large number of crowns or bridge, a paste should be selected with a low content of abrasive particles. Herbal ingredients for gum care (propolis or medicinal herbs) must be present.

A toothbrush is not able to clean the interdental space, so you should use dental floss, pipe cleaners or toothpicks. After this, you need to rinse your mouth with water. You can also use an irrigator. It is not necessary to use it every day, 2-3 times a week will be enough.

If there is a bridge structure, it is necessary to clean the space between the gum and the artificial tooth (wash channel). If you do not carry out this procedure, after a while an unpleasant odor may appear from your mouth. You can do the rinsing using an irrigator, but if you don’t have one, a medical syringe will do, from which you first need to remove the needle.

Removable dentures must be removed at night. After thorough cleaning, they are stored in a special container with a liquid intended for this purpose or in a dried state.

Professional methods

Doctors suggest different ways teeth whitening. One of them is application to dentures. special enamels, paints and varnishes. This procedure has some disadvantages:

  • The effect is temporary; after brushing with a toothbrush, all imperfections will appear again.
  • A high fluorine content in coloring enamels can cause darkening of dentures and even their destruction.
  • High price procedures.

Some experts believe that it is impossible to whiten metal-ceramic dentures, because... Whitening agents only affect natural enamel. Therefore, before dentures, it is recommended to whiten your teeth in advance so that the dentist has the opportunity to correctly select the shade of future dentures.

Care artificial prostheses involves regular cleaning by the dentist for the purpose of prevention and removal of hard plaque. Most effective method– electrosonic cleaning of crowns. If you have more natural teeth than artificial teeth, you can also use ultrasonic cleaning.

Whitening is also done using veneers. These are thin plates that are installed on the front surface of the teeth. They are practically not felt in the mouth and are matched to the color of the artificial structure. High cost is their most significant drawback.

You can whiten your teeth at home. To remove plaque on the surface of the tooth, use various ways and means:

  1. Pencils are a gentle whitening method that is easy to use. Using a brush or felt-tip pen, the product is applied to the dentures. It is convenient to use it as a temporary way to lighten enamel.
  2. Soluble tablets. Effective cleaning of metal-ceramic structures can be carried out using this product. The tablet simply dissolves in water, and the prosthesis is lowered into this solution for 15-20 minutes. The method provides not only cleaning from plaque, but also antibacterial protection.

Metal ceramics can also be bleached folk remedies, the most effective of them is baking soda. In order to prepare the mixture, you will need the following ingredients:

  • baking soda – 1 tsp;
  • milk – 1 tsp;
  • white of one egg.

All ingredients are mixed. The product is applied to toothbrush in small quantities. Then you need to gently rub the enamel of the dentures.

It is important to know: soda has an irritating effect on the gums and with frequent use, the enamel can become thinner. Therefore, this tool should be used in exceptional cases.

Oil has a gentle effect tea tree, with the help of which the color of the enamel is restored. In addition to tea tree oil, you can use olive oil or natural pastes from strawberries, apples or pears.

Precautionary measures

Besides proper cleaning prostheses, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

  1. Do not chew nut shells or any other hard food; this may result in chips and scratches of the enamel of the crowns.
  2. Food that is too cold or too hot will harm the integrity of the dentures, especially if eaten at the same time. This threatens the formation of yellow plaque.
  3. Coloring food products, black coffee and strong tea should be limited in consumption. These substances provoke darkening of the enamel.
  4. When chips and cracks of crowns form, pain you must consult a doctor immediately.

To keep the original appearance metal-ceramic prostheses, it is necessary to properly and promptly care for them. In addition to daily cleaning, it is important to take precautions. Only in this case will artificial teeth last the entire period provided for such structures.

And bridges (fixed structures) are the most popular type of prosthetics. Patients choose metal-ceramic dentures because of their strength, durability and reliability. The products can withstand high loads, have good aesthetic characteristics, and practically no plaque accumulates on their surface. To extend the life of products and protect yourself from inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, it is necessary to understand the issue of how to care for teeth made of metal ceramics.

Hygiene features

Products made of metal ceramics do not require any special care, since they are durable, their surface is so smooth that they do not accumulate plaque. Care for metal-ceramic teeth must be organized in the same way as for natural teeth, the main thing is to do it regularly and efficiently.

You can clean metal-ceramic teeth with a regular brush.

Metal ceramics do not require a special diet, but you should not test its strength (opening bottles with your teeth, gnawing bones, etc.). Due to such experiments, the ceramic layer may chip, after which it will be necessary to

It is also necessary to remember that there is a living tooth under the crown. It is important to prevent food from getting under the crown. Yes, this is possible even with modern technologies, which make it possible to produce dentures that fit perfectly to the ground tooth and gum.

Expert opinion. Dentist Ovchinnikov P.Yu.: “The gums are very pliable, so when chewing food, pieces of it can easily push away the mucous membrane and get stuck between the gum and the denture. Over time, inflammation, swelling, and soreness will occur. For this reason, a small distance is specially left between the gum and the crown - a rinsing space. This gap allows the usual rinsing to clear out food that is stuck there.”

Despite the fact that metal-ceramic teeth do not require special care, they must be cleaned daily and thoroughly, this is the only way to be sure of a long service life of the prosthesis without unpleasant surprises. Simple but effective recommendations for denture care:

If possible, buy an irrigator. This is a special device that high pressure creates a thin stream of water that washes away plaque and food debris from the most inaccessible areas. The irrigator also provides effective massage of the gums, cleanses the tongue and mucous membranes.

Well deserved. They are durable, reliable and comfortable to use. The smooth surface of the products copes well with plaque. Beautiful snow-white smile which does not lose its tonal freshness over time is a huge plus.

But everything needs care, even such durable technological designs. To the delight of metal-ceramic wearers, cleaning dental crowns of this type does not cause difficulties. It differs from caring for real teeth and also requires regularity. However, there are no difficulties, and no specific manipulations are required.

Cleaning cermets

Metal-ceramic crowns should be cleaned using the following recommendations:

  • cleaning is performed with a regular toothbrush from the gums to the edges with vertical movements, trying to treat the space between the teeth as thoroughly as possible; It is recommended to choose a paste taking into account the needs of the gums rather than the teeth, since dental chemistry does not have a noticeable effect on metal-ceramics; It is best to use a herbal paste;
  • the use of paste is complemented by cleaning the teeth with floss - it is necessary to make movements in all possible directions;
  • After cleaning the dental crowns, rinse your mouth with water and a special product recommended by a specialist.

If there bridge, you need to very carefully wash the rinsing channel - the space between the gum and the artificial tooth. Food gets under a metal-ceramic crown only in the event of poor-quality work by the dentist. And it can easily get into the gap between the gum and tooth.

As a result of gum pliability and the penetration of pieces of food under it, the tissue becomes inflamed. It will no longer be possible to remove the foreign fragment without the intervention of a doctor. The symptoms will be discomfort and even pain plus bad breath.

In order to prevent such incidents, when installing crowns, a flushing channel must be made. It makes it easier to remove food. To clean the gap, use miniature brushes, brushes, the same dental floss, and toothpicks.

Despite smooth surface crowns, over time plaque forms on them. They help fight it special means. If the case is advanced, you need to contact a dentist who will perform professional whitening of the products.

In addition to regular proper cleaning metal-ceramic structures, it is necessary to follow the rules for using crowns. Otherwise, despite the mastery of a toothbrush and mouthwash, the products will quickly become unusable.

Cleaning of metal-ceramic crowns should be supplemented with:

  • ignoring the desire to chew hard objects with your teeth, such as nuts in the shell or a bottle cap; this does not benefit real teeth, and such actions bring outright harm to metal-ceramics;
  • compliance temperature regime during meals - you should not eat or drink either too hot or too cold foods; Moreover, it is forbidden to test crowns with thermal contrast - for example, eating ice cream and drinking hot tea;
  • maintaining oral hygiene - using metal ceramics, it is not recommended to abuse coffee and tea, and even more so, smoking; otherwise, an unaesthetic plaque quickly appears on the products, which has to be removed in the dentist’s office;
  • regular – at least twice a year – examination by a specialist; only a doctor can determine that the structures are being used properly.

Removable structures must be removed according to the dentist’s instructions - for example, placed in a container with a special liquid at night.

At a certain point, we face the problem of restoring damaged or lost teeth. Therefore, you should seriously approach the issue of choosing the material for the prosthesis (metal, ceramics, plastic), and the prosthetic technique.

Of course, metal-ceramic dental crowns are one of the most common types of prosthetics around the world.

Advantages of metal-ceramic teeth:

  • strength;
  • reliability;
  • aesthetics;
  • do not darken over time;
  • do not change colors;
  • do not wash off;
  • formation of dental plaque is excluded;
  • hypoallergenic.

What is metal ceramics

Metal ceramics are orthopedic structures, which are presented in the form of crowns and bridges. They are made by spraying, as well as casting the ceramic itself onto a metal frame. The metal base, which follows the natural shape of the teeth, is enveloped in a thin layer of ceramic.

Metal-ceramics are often used for prosthetics of chewing teeth, where function is more important than aesthetics. However, the entire bridge is often made of metal-ceramic.

Strength of cermets

Today, single and bridge metal-ceramic dentures are mainly used on teeth that are subject to significant chewing load.

Metal-ceramic crowns are durable and can withstand any hard food. However, there is no point in experimenting. The recommendations of many dentists state the high, but still not infinite, strength of such crowns,

Service life of cermets

The biggest misconception of patients is metal-ceramic crown will last a person's entire life and does not require replacement. But even its time of use is limited.

A metal-ceramic denture made of ordinary metal will last, on average, 10 to 12 years. A frame made using a gold-platinum alloy can last 15 years, and possibly more.

Taking into account the fact that a tooth or bridge is made strictly according to individual impressions, the patient must, during operation, follow the recommendations for caring for the structure.

How to care for metal-ceramic teeth

Maintaining daily hygiene after installing one tooth, several, or an entire bridge is absolutely identical to the standard procedure. Caring for such teeth involves brushing them morning and evening, and also, preferably, after regular meals.

Rules for cleaning metal-ceramic teeth:

  • a soft brush that does not harm the gums;
  • sweep away food debris with a brush, directing it from the gums to the cutting edge;
  • complete the care with dental floss (floss);
  • treat with an irrigator - should not be avoided similar procedure. The irrigator replaces the use of thread when the prosthesis (bridge) may break or fall out. The pressure of the jet coming out of the irrigator washes away plaque and all, even invisible, food remnants. In addition, such cleaning has a beneficial effect on the gums - it activates their blood circulation;
  • gum massage – carried out within seven minutes after complete cleaning of the teeth. But if you have gum inflammation, you can’t do this.

If you experience unpleasant pain in your teeth under metal-ceramics while brushing, you should definitely inform your dentist about it. This may indicate signs of secondary caries. Or perhaps the carious cavity was not treated thoroughly enough.

You also need to remember that timely replacement of teeth and metal-ceramic structures will help avoid unplanned and unforeseen problems (chipping and falling out crowns).